The Signal, 1896-10-8, Page 4Ihtx�nxz, w rotst.esaso THE SIGNAL: GODZRICH ONT.. TH ITRSDAY. OCT. 8, 1898. that occasion. But we may say that journals with a brand new coat ot party whitewash shouldn't squirt 1 mud. The whitewash might Ret di. 'VICRY THURSDAY MORNINGhotorrd. St �. ■estt.Y(WMT Maes et rummest= -4 awl IR Samba"west Gadgetsk, Octans rersa. et .aa••vtpas.n, s One twos'n, In ede ace.. three months. Mx Use year, Leak et V..er 1.6.0%01.. i s I It TGvr Leel to a standing rwr••tpt of the date to we •-b you are paid up. seer' that It is not albs d to WI Int* arrow. W n a chums of address la desired. bozo tee r d and the sew .Adrn.a ehonld be given. retinae. tale. U tel sad other mem' ad veirtWOHOWIStS. ate 110 for first Ing•-• •• n, and t mete per line for • or earb nbeegneut nannies, Mcesered b7 e e t.v+ reel areas. 1'1111ae ecardsot Nx Ilars and ander $i par y - •r edvertlmssente of Lost, Pone tr.red P settees Vsoant. Situations toed sad P ••Ines• Chance, Wantett ezeesdleg 1 se nonpareil, it per m•.•,+n, Houses on M.:e aid Farm. on tale. sot 90 $ lue•e, ft n r fir, m • • v-'. per sub • • "i nt month. aero•• n' • to proportion ' spaced 10' tee. the Dbiretor A,, A Ie to r ;•,.•lthe pecnuI.ry benefit of 007 ledl- .11!-I, 1 or company, to be considered as ace vs-tl.em.nt sad cb..rved ser •.•1'••vly, Local notices in nonpareil type one oast word, no notices less than $s. Local notices is ordinary reading type two cents per word. No notion for less t� Silo. Notices for i,b,urcbou .04 other religious end benevolent lake utiooa half rate. Subscriber who hie to newly, Pus Sweet. r•eularly by mall. w1U c otter a favor by an quasi • trih u. ot the ot .t si early an date ae PnItllalter'e J. C. L. Touxel, of Goderlch, baa been .p pointed Locai Travelling Agent for the town •nips ofooderleb.Colborne. A.hfeld and Ws warmth. Local postntasbnoverfill' district are olio empowered to reo. re subscriptions to rite -nee AL A11 communications mi..' be addressed to U Mo01e. (CUDDY, Trz SI NLL, re:seems Oall lb Ciedurteb Oat t ODSRICN, THUMSDAT. OCT. S. 1tN,, SNAP SNOTS. —The Mail has been dieting on TARTK so much of late that it is be- coming terribly bilious. —C(uEfou wasn't long in Lettting the Governwent to make a much. needed appropriation for the Goderich harbor of refuge. --The Tory politicians who, when backed by a majority at Ottawa, look- ed like giant., have now dwindled to ,pigmies, when sitting in the cold shades of Opposition. —The next great excitement will be the wrestle for the district posi- tions in the county council. Nearly all the old members think they should be in the new conclave. --Our esteemed Tory contempor- aries, chief of which ie The Hamilton Spectator, ane still in full cry after the Governor-General. if they had their own way the poor man would not Wal- lowed to live—in Canada. —That Liberal Government at Ot- tawa, which was alleged by our good Conservative friend,' to be so very weak a few months ago, has every ap- pearance of being very strongly en- trenched at the pr. -sent time. FosTdt and the TuPPRItti are on the outside to a very great extent. The Hon. WALTER Ht'tPHRtza MONTAOC■ seemo to have basil de_ prive(1 of voice and bereft cf jaw power since the 23rd of Jane. Pre- vious to that date the way his orotund 'voice rattled and banged over Ontario was enough to wake the echoes and cause chasms to yawn. —M. C. CA IKRox, M P. for West Huron, is home from his duties at Ot- tawa, and is as keen and chirpy as of yore. Ile out in good work during his stay at the Capital, anti his hosts of friends in Huron are proud of the part he took in the parliamentary ex- ercises. --A. W. Walser, the professional jawsmith and lip -loyalist who attend- ed the Tory convention at Smith's Hill, prior to the last election, is now helping the eagle to scream on the other side of the hne. Instead of hurrahing for the (`Id "se he now shooting for "OM (story. It's bread and cheese and beer that Aleck is after. -- The tare of neglected children is • question that ought to conte born' to the hearts of all right thinking peo- ple. in every- community this subject should be taken up,and we are pleased todrsw attention to the communication of Mr. Hume fon this line in another column. While.•o much is being said shout rescuing the perishing young heathen, thn perishing young (lria tians nearer home should sot he for gotten. —The Stratford Nereid lectures Ting Hine AL on oonaiat.nay. Wel, that i. rieh, Doming from The Harald, which in oily ooasietertt in its in- oeoui.tmuey. Take its position era the Remedial bill,for Instaltoe , het that is a Mrs spot with The Hera d, teed we sr s't harrow its fe.liug. by farther te its " J ung, Jim Clew so The Toronto World is out flat forted for the gold standard, but, t' would not surprise us if, one of the.• days, it changed its tune to praise the white metal. We have seen Thr World make a far bigger flop. ADOIT VIAL LOCAL NEWS• Tus ]longi. CLAsa —The 'oedemas eoe to homing at the model school hare oto wearied teachtnv the cease., . fat mite by the ooupbytiw journeynua to the we, schools. AN OLD RxsIU.aT. -.1..1. Hell, who eon, tweety tears nom owned Tus 'l O AL, Woo in tows the week, sad ae might he capes' •'•1 visited our ewo•tim for •• ',het over ole tl mea iT WAS A Danz No:in.—Leel evenina, oto •000ao1 .t the work oe the mesad•..' system cow going ou, 'beetroot Iiwbi. wen O .1 burning .nd ill.• night beteg weenies•, it was somewhat ditkostt to find one's way 00 the beck streets. HAgt IT THANKSGIVING $gavtcxie —Th.- Rev. ThrRev. M. Turnbull will preach at St. Peter'. Samwerhill, at 11 A r. ; at Middleton, 3 e. is , and at kolmesvifle at 7 e. m , w Sui. day next. A Iti..r.l offertory is looked fon. as aid of church funds, at each cantos. Scot rn., Co.. IIT. —Tomorrow (FrtdA% eventorl, the Hume Hloyole Club will give s Smoking Concert to the Club's mmmodt..0 routine on Wear -at. As this will be the bre• of this kind of entertainment and se an u1t oeheot pr.wrem has been prepared, we ar• sure that the motel smoker will be a •u• nese. A''t-Ai. DIvetgla. — TI • trustees ot Kurth at Methodist dough, •• suited by the ladies of the 0ongregetro have decided to give a Dinner on linat•- gtviar i)ay, and an eotertainemot in the sooting, at which Kev nr faits, of To mato, will give en addrer. Rev. 1)r Briggs, of Toronto, will preach at teeth ser- vices on the Sabbath previous to Theuk-- giving Day. Do Vor K sow Til.!—The latest postal laws are such that newspaper publishers ear arrest any one for fraud who takes the menet and refugee to pay for it. Coder tholes" ti • man who allows his subscription to ro' Moog unpaid for some time, thee orders o discontinued, or order. the postmaster t, mark it " refuted , ' and have • postal oar sect notdying the publisher. lays htmmlf liable to arrest and tine, acme as for the1L MT. PITTate.. —The new St, Pear's tit Nurtb-.t., though not as large or as imp*. leo. es eta namesake at Home, is aevertbel-o a tine budding, at being large enough for i•. coorregatron, substantially built, erected on en •xoelieot lot, and of nest arobitecrura dee:go. With the exoeptioo of the spire.. whiob are Dow beteg slated, and the patttog in of doors and windows the outside is tin when, ao that the •tyle and finish of the ow, edifice mu be seen .o4 admired by all. Thr plastering is nearly complete sad the car pouters are nearing the end, so that in a tee weeks we shall hear when the opening mrr- monise will take place. ()Refrain. —The remains of lir. Robert Manb.11 Elliott, whose death 000urred about 3 o clock yst•rday af.eraoon, wilt be taken to (:oderloh, Oaten*, for bunt. Rrwl services wall be held at the late hour of i vie deceased oo the west aide at 7 o'clock tonight, Rev. Mr. Narare*.of6uiatta,. A. 9 30 W. T. Elliott, • brother, will leave fo the east with the body. Dr. Elliott aa. � bora in Goderich, Outwit; thirty -seen � years ago lend was therefore in the eery midst of what should have been a heeithfu Ids and prosperous and successful pr dee eionti °steer He early had • great pre dilectton for book• end soon aotrotred . r.• potation as • student, In 1878 he grade Med from .Linton college, boated an tI e Western part of Ontario, end in 1412 cost. plated the course at the Toronto School et Medicine. t viving the degrees of M. D. end ('. M :-tore baring upon the study of medicine, ..e aught .ohool for • period of three years and enjoyed • vary esvi.ble re- putation in that field of •otivity. Some time after bashing at Toronto he crossed the coma and •accred the Royal College ot Physicians lead Surgeon* at Edin- burgh, Mo :land, from which he alto grade sted with the very highest honors. i)egr•tee which he earned at that institution were I. R. C. P. aid M. L He pr.otioed about • veer in 1.be Old country before matinee fatltng health agreed to indite* him to retain to his native head. In 1886 be looted to Aberdeen, in the rt°IDity of which so many of his relatives bad proceeded him. The following year, however, he ser out on rx tennve travels fn• hie health, •ogsgmv It, the practice of mediolne and enr;ery at def. forint places where he chanced to be ane where his strength seemed adequate to the undertaktns. He thus spent six month, it, Denver, • year In Tse Verse. New Mexico, and one and • half years ie Se. Francisco Five yearn Leo he returned to Aberdeeo,bat re,naioe.i only about • year when he start- ed on his monad trip to Europe to isocline the renowned sp.oialiets of keseaad and Feces His own estimate of hie oouditien was coofirmed by these eminent authorities, and for year• he bar Dsdentood that so hD man power or agenev meld restore even partially his depleted physeal system Hi• last readeeos in Aberdeen was of about Biros years' duntioo, and until April Iwo he wag able to s000mpiish °occidenbl. work. Daring that Inca* his powers .o failed him that he took t• hie bed .nd,berr• ing brief periods was sever able to leave it. The da.eaged's relative is this imo+ediaN ssotrne were iia mother, Yrs. Mary F.II(dtt, and four brothers, William T , Dr J. W Jag. A. and Dee. T. His tremble was a gradual wasting sway et ebe.aroma system omuplicsted of snares with other dille.lties He was finely educated, had geed.s leve for medicine sad rhe prwetl.a, .ad se doubt would have reeked as seabed peepise le the protegees had his life heel spared- The fleai(ly mediates. when ah* services will b. bold tonight, is *ear tie earner of emend street awl Third avemes.—Aberdset, Reath Dakota, News. C.E.L.U. The fellewftg w the tepis ter the dif- forest Tessa p.yie s moieties white semi tiering most weak : North -et Methodist there\ ILL el C.R., Tr.say awing M f seeded/. lope fee Get 9, '• The row C\ehrnies at bona" Viesseia-ei Methodist sh.reh E L Friday MS Vesta Velma'. Towle ler Go risiisa lier and Mie Ill. Hale. Ease it RU - Ease Mere\ Y.r.fi.QE, evtss- Mg ae i etelsek. Tapia he to Owl se Mammas • by Mile Wary Sahli Yiasesrv, Milan. gtewrt AU w eeiially Invited tie Miss/ them membi s, widish me b.M ie the kimurilits. ew L&i hiker the ails.. masW M I e'eie.h. ?13493.g esszbege M ether se - shake s•s*etaMo OsTOPICS aPAw pl Important Events In row Words For Busy Roadora the teal W.rid . f•.ss•-tr.w ar+Nrb a.yitN earn YIN We Mandy sad Misrasetive reg. SW Ohs Sesame of awe raver -• assist IMLs's lealers.eM m ?.,w.Mas IaMsenal'-' TH$ DIAD. Mr. William Morris, the poet, de- signer and socialistic writer, la dead. Ho was di year. 01 alit Feces Anwar, otaa' At. rl'Rts•. The population of Kingston increased 110 during the year. The population of Hantlltun increased Cel during the year, &avoiding W the assessment r'etur'ns. aunt cilia. Mr. Charles Huebner, a well-to-do citizen of Windsor, committed suicide by hanging. The body of Alex. McKenzie. a Ham- ilton man. was found tet the bay. 1t 10 supposed be committed .ulclde. 1'U0. 1\tetJ9Tkles. t. e.K1-l1. C.P.R. telegraphers and train des- patchers have been on strike a week POW. A strike of the bituminous coal min- ers of the United States, ■ImUir to that of three years ago, is thought 10 De imminent. 'THE VIKA kat'1Rli. A Are and panic took plea* In the People's Palace Theatre iti Aberde' n. Forty persona were injured In the crush, four of them fatally. Seven or eight buildings In the busi- ness quarter of Ganaboque were burn- ed, and at one time the town was in great danger of destruction. 1'u1.1Tif'.- A Vienna correspondent telegraphs that the powers have agreed upon a pacific settlement of the eastern ques- tion which V honorable to all parties. Moreton Frowen, a leading bimetal- list of England, has arrived in New York. Discussing the monetary que.- tion, he expressed the belief that the united States was atr'.ng enough to adopt bimetallism, and that European countries would follow the example. KU'StNE*.. The statement presented at the meet- ing of the creditors of J. McPherson & Co., boons and shoese_ihowa a deficit of '164,000. - • The only notable feature in the re- ports from the New York commercial agencies is the marked increase in the number of Callum.* for the pant three months. The accepted explanation is that the majority of these are "polltl- cal" failures, but this explanation does not add anything to the commercial stability of the United States. CAINE A\ll (:911]11\,41.8. The Guelph Council has appointed a committee to effect a settlement with ex -Treasurer learvey. The Hamilton Hospital Committee is Investigating the accounts of the House of Refuge, Irregularities to the con- tracts for supplies being reported. The preliminary hearing of the charge of murdering his wife against Robert Carpenter of Onrlda, Ont., was held In Brantford. The prisoner was committed for trial YA 21-1 K Al. ''REN031E1A. A tenable storm, ranging in its high - set velocity between forty and eighty miles an hour, swept the United States last week. Georgia was visited by a cyclone whit h causal extensive lues of life and property. The City of Savannah suf- fered heavily. The loss or life by the great storm in the United States 1s much heavier than at Met reported. As the reports cense fx) from country districts the death rate swells into startling proportions. KAII.KOA11 KUNOKL1\e:.. ly..e sad little hopes an entertain- ed ar bis recovery. Mr. Thomas Irwin of Belleville and his eon William were drowned on their way to their fishing grounds in the hay Mrs. Walker of Oakdale was thrown out of a carriage while driving to Dresden, rind received Injuries f rum which she died. A powder magazine exploded at ttuluwayo. Five while men were kill- ed, as wire also scores of Kaffir*. who were camping near the mag•aine. Two freight trains collided on Wed- nesday night at Phaeton, Pa., and • large number of tramps. who were stealing a ride, were buried In the wreck and killed. It la reported from Victoria that the Brltteh cruiser W'tld Swan struck a submerged rock In Callao harbor while moving at full speed. Her fate Is not known. Pt'I11CLY Pp:Itaa1\.t1.. The Czar and Czarina left Balmoral for Prance. Emperor William shut an ecormow stag at Rominten. LI Hung Chang arrived at Tl.n- Tsln too Saturday morning. Lord Russell and hie party tolled froNew• York fur home on the steamerm Etruria. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain sailed from New York f.,r Liverpool ..n the steamer Germanic. A London despatch says the Duke of Argyle. father of the Marquis of I.urne. is dangerously ill. Miss Jean Iagrloe, the wall -known poet and novelise who is seventy-six Years of rigs. Is dangt•ruualy Ill Cardinal Satolli, the retiring vdset .1,9, -cal,' to the United Stat -s, is ax- I•.rted in Rune ab'.ut October 1:. Mr, Duncan K.ppen has le'.•n ap- p•.,rt• i postmaster In the Town of I'•-rth in place of the late ..Ir mortis-. •'sgn+. It is probable that Mr. Shannon. Postmaster at Kingston, will be au.•- •. tied in that t sition hy' Mr Alex- an•fer Gunn. el- M.P. Mr J ll. Barrie. the veotch move - 1••1 arrived arrived in N. w York on Saturday acid left for 'maws, where he will be li.• guetot of Lady Al.rrtb•en. Lord Aberdeen is new a chief of the :`macs tCil•c• ..f Six Nations, his t0 - tem awing the turtle• and his new name Del-To-Ronnh Tat -Fie. whleh. Teeing in- terpreted. signifies Ci.ar Sky. HID Excrllrn• y t isit. -1 the reserve last week and replied to an address on the fair grounds. \e'L s*I!'1i'te. The Prince of Wales' colt Persimmon has so .far won OHMS. The new Dental College at Toronto was formally opened last week. London sportsmen have organized the Thames Valley game preserve. 1t Is considered probable that Mr. Marcus Stone will succeed the late :fir John M111fas as president of the Royal Acadettty. The Astern -tun sloop Spray, which I sailed from Bosun in 1f19b. with Capt. Joshua Slocum as lit sole occupant, arrived at Newcastle, N.S.W.. Thurs- . It 1. rumored in London that Patrick J. Tynan. the alleged dynamiter. has 1 been released by the French Govern- tnent, and thatehe has started on his return to the t need States News from the Nile expedition con- firms the report that Dogmata is a most tettlle province. The new area properly adn:nistered could not only pay Its own way. but coSUabute hand- somely to the cost of its reconquest. The Canadian Pacific steamer Mani- toba, which was seized at Sault Ste. Marie by the United States deputy collector of tush ilia to satisfy unpaid Anes. has adjusted her differences with the mist ,ons authorities and cleared Miss Agnes, Slack. secretary of the World's W.('.T 1'., announced that the next convention of the World♦ W.C. T.U. would be held In Canada In October. 1297. 1t has not yet been de - John C. Bodo -wig and George W. Sided whether to hold the conven- Johnson, charged with having wrecked tion 1r* Toronto or Montreal. a nail train on the Chicago & brand The twenty -mile team road sacs for Trunk Railroad at Batter Creek, on. the Dunlop trophy, ridden at London July 16, U.N. during the A.R.!' _ strike, on Saturday, was won by the Royal by which the fireman was Instantly killed, and a number of persons were injured, were found guilty of conspir- acy In the United States Court at De- troit. Canadlan Bicycle Clubs tern of To- ronto, by a wide margin. ?{., ' won It twice in succession becomes their permanent Eight teams were enter The recently repo. The strike of C.P.R. operators is still In pr.grese. Fro -nt indi- cations it I'.uks an. the company would wain, as a num:.ee of operators who went out when the strike was ordered have made appllcatioas to be taken back. and in each case their re- quest has b'n granted. Those still out claim that the company will event- ually accede to their demands. 1'l rt1T9Ctt_/Ir PUMA L. It is stated that France has conclud- ed an agreement with Italy. Germany and Great Britain tor as exchange of political offenders A London newspaper reports that a earhgactory settlement of the Vene- suNa dispute between Great Britain and the United States has been reached. Sir William Harcourt Is expected to deliver a 'peach this week on the Turkish queetlon, In which he intends to declare a new and effective policy, which he thinks France will accept. Mr. Henry Asquith. Secretary of State for the Home Department In the late Liberal Government, speaking ore the Armenian question, said that such massacres In the dark ages would have led to a crusade. He urged coercion, but admitted that England could not employ force without the co -operatics of Russia. VOlt E 4 OF WAIL Capt. Weller and Lieut. Runnions of the Beeley team were banqueted at Cornwall. The Porte bas ordered the formation of a flotilla •'1 tett torpid.. brats ro defend the Darden. 11... The Spenleh 4 ..vernment has order- ed slaty thousand rifles from a (1 risen msnufactuier, to be delivered In No- v'em bar. Lieut. A. le Swift of the stn Royale Rifles, i, ..o.c, is applying R.r th• puelt..n of adtiltant of the Maley team for 11187. In consequence of an attack made on a French party under command of Gen. °silent, a state of siege has been proclaimed In Madagascar. The I'aib Gaulols says that in view of the disturbed state of affairs In the !entad of Madagascar, tmalve, thou- sand troops w111 be despatched there after the fetes which are to be held Is boson of the Caw. The Brost Arrow, speaking of the vaae•ncy al, the Royal Military Col - leg., says ft has been decided -n flit lbw vacancy with an oMeer of the Royal Artillery In fall pay, who will be allowed to bold It for Ave years. cent, AI.TI ss. Pear eves were Jost by the tlomdr- � of the barge Osmate at Milwau- keeIgew sass wore lest from the Sri- ttetl cruiser Batellta us Dutch %Arbor lacing a severe Mania Mr. Maurice Kewmsay, a pt0seer of own, fell tress as apple tree rim h head. ti►iu8ieti se se el.sentlr ttat be is Milliplet*Iy pm- • rata of asbestus In North K• whirs a deposit 10eo feet thick - stated t0 ex- tend for miles. should prove of con- siderable and Increasing importance, In view of the non -conducting and non -Inflammable qualities of the mtn- eraL Numerous new finds of pre- cious metal ores are reported from widely parted districts of the province daily sad important communications are being made, with a view to a fur- ther Introduction of British capital into British Columbia mining. POLIT1E99—t•A 74 A DI AN. Parliament was prorogued on Mon- day at 3 o'clock. The members were in esesloa 47 days. A petition has been filed at Frederic- ton against the election of Hon. A. G. Blair. 1n Sunbury and Queen's Important changes have been,,rtrruude by order In Council In the grain stand- ards, and the Winnipeg Board of Trade are entering a vigorous protest. Mr.Jamea McKenzie of Burnside was nominated at Portage la Prairie by the Ldirerals of Lakeside to contest that constituency for the Manitoba Legislature. The Senate has passed a resolutlan restricting the use, of the restaurant to members of the Senate. This will prevent Commoners from getting drinks in the building. The writs for the bye -election In South F:aao'1 for the Legislature are In the hands of the sheriff. The no- ml.atlon is fled for October 13 and the election a week later. At a meeting of the Liberal -Con- servatives of North Wentworth, In Dundas, on Saturday, Mr. T. A. War- dell, Mayor of [Pandas, was selected .o the candidate of the party at the next provincial eleetlons A largely attended caucus of Con- servative members was held In Ot- tawa to discuss the question of • thorrogh reorganisation of the party. it was decided to elect an Executive to represent the whole Dominion. In the House of Commons Mr. Fisher explained an item of 110,000 to prfvlde iler cold storage for farm and dairy products. H1s' srhPme Includes the payment of WW1 bonuses to cream- er1Pa that would provide cold storage besides arrangements on railways and ocean steamers. The House of Commons sat on Sat- urday, and dleremad the fast Atlantis) service amongst other matters. Con- currence over the supply bill was read a second *ilei,, and the House ad- journed tin Monday. when there was • dlsrumelon upon the third reading of the supply 3411. Mr. Blair. Minister tet Ra(lwaye and Canals, says with r ter•etroe to the Trent Valley Canal that the Govern- ment had not recommended any sore money for the undert*lttag 21st had been contracted for by their ter..=e_1'50 sore, twosome he wanted to loll legs the whole work and decade for 'himself whether It should he proceeded wtta M W es should be abotedssal COfluICH BJII1&1IJ CEJTBE. JAMES ROBINSON. IATE intend to make our new Fall Stook ot Dry Goods move rapidly, that ie, if low prices have anything to do with it We want to have you know that we err squeezing prices flown to the vary lowest of oomprcmaion point, that it u ptwsible to give them. We point with pride to our prices. (lir new MANTLES and CAPES now in stock. We ask you to coo fere Quality, Style and Prices with any store in Goderich. New DRESS GOODS Again we lead in the Newest, most Stylish and the Tastiest Designs of the season. Manyr exclusive patterns. TWEED EFFECTS Again we ask comparison in Quality and )T hall and Winter Novelties, are overflowing with Style, Merit alai' 1tMsotioa. You ignore your rightful advantages if you omit to claim the advantages offered by the great Mitotic, Dress Goose and Lineu house of Goderich. JAS. ROBINSON, Oorner Weer. -sit and Square. THE HARBOR. To mites the skis Me ter res, work it TM •+r. i.. Audrey,left for Port Ailing:well with the hood. If yea task the skis i• very dry rub • Inch' vowelise ea t. the 0* ltisiy' heads before starting operms/ea Jet. Hays cod men unloaded the et. Aa. 5'.n. In pretty qu'ck time. The amasser Daisy is briegiev the legs sten. tree rlvr w tl. barber. 'fee WO,. Weeders, sought shelter is [,oder ich harbor cm Tuesday. The crib fur the water work• u bei.g pat tow -lbw lewd. Lee's deck, mad whea ready" will dsewedtoits p'oeisthe lake. SCHOOL BOOKS 'fh• •'r. ('.e.Mm. w.g at twee af'•ck 21.01a.9, end after leadioa freight for (horetau Bay porta, left for Kincardine, mesa very geed striae of base were caught sa tits barber and the rams for their beim Share new must be because the logo agora ikam shelter. The .tee barge St. Andrew arrived pmt on Saturday evening from Port Wtl- ham 'vita 37.000 b.saels of wheat ler millers .long the (:.T. R l;n.. 00 TO YATES PAS AUCTION SALES - All parties setting their sale Mil. printed at Ude otos will have a tree aortae mamas is this list too w tbs Unmet miss. Wgocaspar Orr. 14--eotatuesaing at 1 e r o.Lot No. 10. Gen.. 6 Colborne, there wilt be sold a large .tock of horses, mule, sad term impiesenta Jobs Kees, Auction- eer. Os Tuesday (lot. 2Otb, oommesoiss at 1 ,t. r , there w111 be sold by)psblie .wiles es tot 12, con. 12, Lake roadColborse, . Sere amount of tiro stook and fares iseple-euts. Tuos. Gr9uay. Aaouo.e.r, MONDAY, Orr. 12 —There will be .cid oemm•.otag at 1. r. e. ea Lot 3 Lake mom Ashfledd, sear Port Albert, Me farm stock tied ■ee.a1. of Wm. Baxter. The emct ics- e•r has also received Mr. Baxter's intrse- r.o.s to sell the term at the same time John Knox, Auotioaow. It is said teat the Greeks propose to ap- peal to the ChrisYeas a Europe sad Amer- ica to .ubeartb. 150,000,000 i■ order te bay oat all ah. M ibamneedae land- holders in (:rets 10,000 Apple Barrels Por Sale - - At Lowest Market Prices Wholesale or Retail. MCEWAN'8 COOPERAGE, Saltford. Cannot Be Beat . . • • My Active and Grand Garland Cooking Stoves for wood My Good Cheer steel oven for til or wood. My Hustler takes 27 inch wood, No. 9 oven, only $12. The Happy Thought for coal : and the beat double beater Coal Stove for parlors is the Radiant Hama, and don't you for- get it. Three kinds al Coal Oil --wholesale See his 300 -page NI ap Scribbler It is a good one. Complete Stock of Sciool Supplies. JA>t[1$ T•T2L SPREAD THE NEWS There's a tine store in town That, we'll wager •• penny, When it comes to late styles, Can't be heaten by any. Co, carry the news To your fathers and mothers, And be sure you forget not Your maters and brothers. Tell ell your relations, Aunts uncles and cousin, Your neighbors and friends Bring them in by the doyens, I l l ' / l TIER FAIRS Stoves and Tinware are . . . At CATTLE BROS. Now le the time to enquire about Heating or Cook Stoves. Whe have them— all kinds and sizes at lowest possi- ble cost prices. Also leave your orders far repairing and setting up of Stove s. We handle the beast Canadian and American Coal Oil. CATTLE BRAS., Halniltoe W. Plumbers and Tinners and retail. — • G. N. DAVIS. SPEOIAL ENGAGEMMENT 1 Rtgks. 1 only 1. Monday - - Tuesday America • Representative Diet 8.ssdl.. Mr. 'DAN MCOARTHY sepperum by the sheemi*It Hale Soubrette, MISS LOU RIPLNY sad s etability, will pew • att sits ei best. bE icy with medal e sawed wase. wean. prop- erties. 801097 Er E8116. OCT. 12 Tar Met.e.seas O.medy-Drama b *me AMR " The Irish Greenhorn." TUESDAY EVEDIK, OCT. 13 NT goad swam* " The Pride of Wyo." ,►RIO[• - - - fK SS mgrs go east. wend Sew as Parisi 11600181" A Careful Buyer Mt i West its flea esret.fly. boo• 1i 09.10.. awl. stet*11er gtty hire film of a swiss fee Tam. Tea say rot mwusd /.�s.i4iw.i_,. 6 , �.wwi 11. ems isms sueasamesive•lags.w•e de, booaWul coeds asi wed foe M S Ik18 wllI as M. ye, M Nov seerV. pnmHAM MN TAW&