The Signal, 1896-10-8, Page 22
'IDN: Plc 1 f:t 441'1 1
• OCT. 8, t $1'16,
• /EPLOVE'S Ilea' 1 .tl
Why de 1 love yea. sweoshalft a as t ;
la .Dote, 1 imams .y p • A
Leve same le me e• et
l!aever saw huh way.."1111 1-11111i
mem -
- ..
Hie gentle footstep's saaroely premed
The patbwev to my heart
oily saw hi it .landing there,
Aad knew Mee peen. depart.
How oma I tell what brougb' him when
I knew no, how he ciente'
I ealy kmw mad towed before
The magic of his name.
8o malty are more beautiful !
Alt, well, perohanoe'us troe--
8. hammy ere mush het time. Awe ;
Sweet, no nee, elm it yon
11'alJtA newelis.
H AD done my work for the day
• d • Ala my scene wt to ser tt. the front
woe tied slimy - he enol nre.z, frotn ti•
w Et.ry was Fiat done hervestil.', and
it e • oa nem 1 was med:teiia . Wet •t been
em queer for several days, t..k r.. .n,i
r.., ret little. anti wandeno'.•"ant ..t it
me icer u000mlort.ble to his mind. When
Ezry gotta back on his unties and taik, 1
know right al there's nome trouble, and a•
1 sot there the tears would mime te my
eye 1n .pits of me.
Wbat ailed Flory ! to all the 40 years we'd
been mored 1 Dever seen him so absorbed
and a000mfortable, except the 'rioter he
was converted dune' the protracted amnia'
held in the Methodist meeting house.
We loved each other dearly, even though
we'd been mated sigh onto 40 years.
As I wee eav+u, 1 set then shmkin' of
Eery. All the hat- was mowed and the
grain gathered, tet the same look kept to
that beloved brow and pained my heart to
five. 1 thought of the years we'd spent to
gether, happy years, too, though I don't
pretend to sat there was no ,louds and
storms. for that matter, for the best of mea
are tryin some times. I hadn't set there
long betore F.•ry came up out of the cellar
wipite his mouth oft hie sleeve i never
oould break him of that and est ab the
front steps. Ezry la temperance, but woo
dertully feed of buttermilk in hot weather,
and I always keep at in the cellar, as it is
awl there
'• Hav all in!" 1 at lest asked.
•' Ilse, end a roman' good crop it is, too ;
hay'il be high the year " Ezry said this
with so much life that 1 looked over my
glimmer to see if I'd heard nvht, hut there
he sot, weerin' the same look.
" Ley, 1 wish 1 had the paper." he said,
atter another long pease.
"'Well, v'ou'll have time to spare to go to
tbe village and get the mail lettere supper,'
I said calmly, though inward 1 was all com-
motion to think of Ezry wanton' the papers
He never reads more than the headings.
" All very well." he snapped cut sudden,
" I suppose you think me and the horstes
never get tired 1 tell you, Ley, them
bonen has worked hard this summer and I
Intend to gire'nm • rest.'
"I didn't know that they've done more
than mime this summer," i answered.
" lion t make no difference what you
know , Ire made up my mond to give them
• rest. J. runnel' on errands and for the
mail as tell. on them and 1 kin make things
easter, sod will " Here Ei.ry stopped ami
I knew I was expected to speak.
•• Wef1,•' 1 said, inquiringly.
" I'll have a byaickl• ."
" A what i nearly dropped my glmsses
in aattmi.`itneot
' Don't he • fool. Lee,- he returned,
tartly, " I said 1 A get a bvedckle."
" Ezry Hopkins." I said, putting on so
solemn a ooanteaaooe as a prayin' band
leader, " a Mao of your veairs!"
" I don't see why. Everybody has 'eni
and 1 ain't so obi you need nag about it
every time you come clear me." With that
he was gone.
If Erry hes one tender spot it's he age.
He is forever tryrn to be young, makui .Il
sorts of fools of himeelt. But his age had
not been mentioned between 0s moos last
winter, when he insisted on leanin' to
skate, end in that unsuspected moment I'd
spilled all the fat in the fire again I laid
down the bowie' I'd token upas Erry came
on the perch. R. does hate to see wimmin
folks sittin' around with folded arms, He
mays it looks shiftless, and 1 think 50, too.
Well, 1 laid down my work carefully and
my eyes wandered aft., him se he strid off
toward the baro 1 knew what every stride
meant. When Ezry seta hie mind it a sat,
and I, or any one ohm for tbat metter,might
as well try to move the rooky mountains.
1 said no more about rhe matter, and for
'most a week Ezry went around glum as an
oyster. i knew bei was plain to talk the
matter with me. Why, he never bought a
new rooster without talkie' it over. Pever-
el of the young people In our place have
bysiokl.. and I knew for • long while F.zry
admired them, hut he seemed to like the le -
male wheels beat, eo t had no serious
thoughts on the matter. As 1 said he was
'newt wild to talk it over and get theme d•
vim ; and who Dao see their dearest in
trouble and not help them nut, even 11 they
are foolish ! !lo I gradually grew more
Well, the whole upshot of it was, in two
week* Ezry bad lou wheel. When be
brought it from the depot is the wagon.
with another bundle, his fee was radiant
with joy, and i felt in my tonal to repent of
all the mean things 1 said and acted.
Eery brought the wheel no the poroh for
me to see, The other bundle he tett out
somewhere- i kinder wondered what was
in it, but then I thought of all the took
advertised with it anti the pump alone
would make a bundle as large as that, if it
wereet uo bigger than 001 cistern pump is
the kltohen.
It was pretty. 1 couldn't help admirin'
its shame wheels and bright trod trtmmm'
and me and Err) both liked the little lunch
hos fastened on so hand', though feather
of us opened it, Well, tory, he .used jolt
lik. • boy. It made in. feel twenty years
ho00ger to see him so happy. Every .vee•
e'd ride or try to ride it, while 1 washed
the supper dunes, est the bread to rtee mad
doss the hundred sedans thlalge that o•ly
the boneewtf• knows of. 1 don't keep stn
help. Ezry is r•ttia oldish end W to keep
two men, so he iso rest a little Aurin• the
day, aid we can't a1oed more help, M rya
Aad it's true, too, so 1 do the beet I oaa.
la about iwe week• Eery meld go very
w.11 ton level groused so long as he didn't
have to tura out far aeythia.g sodden. Mt
Me hedges rode a the read yet. How �Q
times my heart raised to my mamta, as wIq
dish aswl smw.l le kaad, 1 weeded hem
earthen& serous the %halyard, lo•kia like •
defib wfedmtll ls • high dais. 1104 sever
saw mycosis get off • by.iokls t1.Ml I saw
Mas. 1 said " I wnsYe'/ west t• get eft es
seNml." Re said Obey all did that way.
60111 i essl4's 0..p my Mart dews every
Wee he'd arson Ue bask yard sad got Dila
Ons owns*, • yang weddmr. lira. Veg,e
aehlhher of meta (we hero her *Ms she
wee s AU) who weds. Magi' se Mow I♦ry
itae • wheel, mime dews he AU with hl.
III' -Aiwa' hew the po•ag Mae M tai.
to Peri time mud Katy rods bsaaulally.
And wheal me her get edf ter ekes! 1
eoIioed ase Saes es d►ffer.ot from 01*, I
spoke •4 him ely ly about N, be ttr►d, 1►•'0!
Rare tare 001 1e Ih• wages boom • lois
time and 11 .Mee Vail set no the po100 with
tic weitire. A yeast daady leokk•' feller
satee oat .fort a whits, .Ire...t jest like
thea caw chap+ dram, old 1 efts woodenu
o let he was un ein' to the hortm tor, whoa
I re entailed E. p'* red tette under I be
•ore •'.p. 1 knew tease all erten that
,lu l.e ; hut I jast shut any m• u'h tigb•. I
I w .ul fo't have had the gal know how I felt
111 Aril, so 1 .het it tight and smiled.
tee y 1 ekid f•.ol.h enough. H. maid '
not arr-o hoe het no •teitiht and de le't
lass wee to d.. with 1,1. ^lit, {kat ►M
down letu. hog knee p.nt.. fire. Vain
messed dehlheme mad w+o' • , h m to get es
hie 'Mewl right al and r.•te •'uund the
Lard. We rem vim . p'• a n• you'll Had
in Rook wood If 1 1. ., ,, t m y.. 11. lQ5g
e• .111 is level 1..r ;..ns. I. rale en«• a -d than
• little dope lead• to t' a 1 could
see the gentle sow. ..hewing their Duda,
while the wan milk. -I the Gama' white
m 10 into the 0110111 roll•, and u.00ld Mar
10' ••Id hens cluokine to the obioke .o go a
be • A 1 was memo ma pee•etsl.
Rz v w.., •- , he t woman'
1.• .d the who• -1 for him, 1 .w.' ll tell by his
•• unt.aa0oe. ,4b. .,eve hien a ItttIe start
and off he Seat straight toward his pet
Ald•ruey. who stood pau•otly Min' milked.
He'd raised the heifer and she knew him
well, but she hod tenor even • bysiokler be-
fore. With • toss and • snort away she
hounded, uptettie' man and pail, end Eery
reached the apo• j.i*' as .he left, His
wheel ran into the hired man. kiok•d up
rod over he went, heart first foto the cow
reined. eplashir' and bollerio' ilk• mad.
tett hurried to the yard, but when we
got there Ezry was listen' for Ma whitecap.
The wheel wasn't hurt .i all, and the hired
m+o-well, 1 won int tell the words M
Wain n0 moron 1 .1 tell what Ezry sod. We
didn't stay there long.
The next day the man left. Ezry wants
tome bis wheel, as be dont have tins now
to ode it, mid he 11 sell tbe Ali/easy cheap,
too. He boa 1.0 muck stock for the pleas
he m•ya I csa see through it ail, Int I'm
ono Fled to have him with no beetle Meese
to icy • word.
Wants nitwit Rider. and tar Peelle N
knew Mist Ne tem Cereal et Dodd'•
kid..• rlua.
Ti vTO, (Spscul) flat. 5 -People ewat-
a11y, who take au interest in cyoling, as
well as amateurs and professional, every
where, will remember a name feather ,n
o p le ug ',venire. -Lots. H. Itowmell, who
resides at 573 King Street, Emit, tweet,.
Bicycle rider. will be eepec'olly
10 learn that hu reappearance this season
in good form is due to his entire recovery
from *emus kidney trouble which had for a
long time been interfering with his work.
He desires all hie friends as well as the pub -
lie to aoow that his recovery temente .Bee
to mini three bases of Ladd's Kidney Pllk.
The Omen meg tee Court.
The queen, looking very well, hes been
taking her cattouiary daily drives in the
neighborhood of Redmond
''here will be no Braemar gathering th*
year, Truth learns, as the t,,ueen hes for-
bidden the function in aon..,laeooe of the
death of Prince Henry of Kattemberg, ss
the usual parades and marches of the egreg-
ious l almnnl and !toff " iieghlanders hill
not take piece, It the late Sir James Mac
keuzie had lived for a veer or two longer we
• beuld no doubt, have heard by this time
• u:: i :Inamui. k " Highlaoderse
During the absence of the Queen from
Wtndeur the Pestle a being thoroughly
renovated, and the Waterloo ohamber is 1@
possession of painters and decorators.
The Ditchesa of Ede had magnificent
epnrt fishing in the 1).. on Friday test. Her
Koval 0150005. went out in the afternoon,
end in a tew hours landed twelve tlne,olosa.
run salmon. their weights varying from 13
lb. to 0,10. each The follawtng afternoon
she killed tour tine fish, .calls& between 10
Ib and 81b. eash, and no Monday six more.
weerhinr from 9 b. to sib. each. The doeb
em has caught ••1/2 the fly thirty-four sal
mon 10 nine ON • r awe' Oohing.
■snare'. reteee.
7 o the diro•rniou ear Natant hes many
votary. She has a message to the sweet
tome of the brook es It rashes down use
hillside in ocean's moody comes, now rip-
pling with gee Asa oadeooe upoo the golden
winds, anon in deep boisterous voice as she
le hm the beach with foam. Theo the voice
of the trees which the bingeing elude bear
to our van, of outshone and shade. of hell
and vajlep, of bird end A,were But alae
uomes In pain, too, the vows of the oohing.
•tinging cora .peake impressively, hut, Put -
nam's I'eisless Caro Extractor removes the
worst corn to twenty four boars, painlessly
mad without leerier sore spots.
It is not generally knows that tin clean-
ed with news p•perm will shine better limo
when cleaned with flannel.
Torr RN flesh 1s Agony.
"1 was troubled with blind itching
piles fir XI Hare ; was unable to work
and tore my flesh in agony. United
`'tatee and Canadian doctors failed to re-
lieve. Chale'. Ointment was s god.
rend. I am a better man than in 90
years, and ase able to work every day "
Phillip Wallace, blacksmith, Iroqueie,
I tit. Chase's (;hutment pot111111 piles,
eczema, end irritant dlae•wa. A11 drug-
gists, title. per box.
Seri.. South* Podding. seat two ounces
of fresh butter to • Dream, add to it six
0500.. of castor sneer and three imams of
five floor, two well -beaten ergs and a pia*
of milk, beating all the tame. Flavor
...rely with with vanilla enesaos. !'oar Sato .
grossed fanny pie -dish and bake in a quick
oven for half an -beat.
Rad steed eletlw• n them,
The ever slaving farmer's wife and her
delicate sister in itis city, suffer more
than they care to tell. Tke dark rings
rood the etre, heeekohes, di:einem, pal-
pitation or rheumatic twinges, betoken •
ran -down system. The blood is poor,
and ie • bar ti enjnymeat of life iloo11'a
Sarsaparilla nnrlfies ties blcol, strength-
ens end vitalizes the system, end speedily
restores the bloom of health to the
cheeks. It stares when all others fail.
• Nrwgge, pee.ryweHve. enol•\ NM in It
• 1.... b of the witted Th. las►gra-
canoe 01 Human itele,g riot -sty Lel.
dent Cres.. a ..- •r at Peet street.•
The .trangest, trust railavagan4
Must Incenipe:retumble, Mort dtatwib-
uog right et all 1n to err 111r,11 Ia.,m the
wrier •alter) u, fur cup• -la 1-134U.-•
duan w the .nure:h below. taaagl'.i4
in midatr, .. it ti 1luthina u..0.. Carie.
'vet, Ste ... , u.. chic ... Rio, coed lu
petapet tit a huge c*te.v. It
is lir thougtl roue aro it uls.we
Moil Med, out. re men e.U.4 1 1.'
t+, gland Mei.- tt elltuut that Wt of ..uu
bet a ren theta and the hidrothe
fall. aro, the umvltable• sttgut .ttsalaera
%%blah the etr..nt:rst brad feels OW
make .•u.• .I"uut for a ut,,m..ut IldletR-
er what is 1• -why the floor u.'1dw Ria,
---$.e-la r.a111) a ceUtng_ above. •a.•
whether on, es -nae of gravltatisa' U-
we inverted n, an ext raurdIne v drealtt.
At that dealunce human beings lo .w
no bigger than fibs, and the canopy
of the high altar might be an ordin-
ary table.
And thence, climbing up between
the douWr domes, one uta;- emerge
from tht atmoit terrible le re 1' ,'tit•
to foe open air. and suddenly see ,til
Roarer at ones feet, it'd W the Roman
mountains stretched out to south mite
east. In Perfect grace of outline, shoul-
der to shoulder, like shadowv women
Ding side by aide and holding bane..
And the broken symmetry of street,
and squares ranges below, cut by the
it In.11ne ribbon of the yellow Tiber; to
the right the low Aventine, with the
dark cypresses of the !.rot. Stant ceme-
tery beyond. and the Palatine, crest -
ad with trees and ruins the Plncb1n
on the !eft. with its high frar.iens an4
the ranee of foulage of the Villa Medici
behind it the lofty tower of the (so-
tto) In tie midst of the city. and the
sun clasping to Its heart •ef gold the
Jest •.td the unjust, the new and the
••1.1 niece, past and present, youth, age
and decay -generous as only the sun
ran he in this sotdfd. miserly world,
where bread is but another pante for
Mond. and a read of growing Dorn
means a pound of human flesh. 'MP
sun 1s the only good thing In nature
that always gives to man for nothing
hut the mere trouble of sitting In the
sunshine. and Rome without sunlight
to a vory grim and gloom.' town to-
day, says a writer in The Centuree
it is worth the effort of ellmbtng so
high. Four hundred feet In the air,
you look down on what ruled halt the
world by force tor ages. and on yr hat
rule. th.• other halt to -day by faith --
the rr "Meet center of cnnqueet and of
''i.,"rd and of religion which the
• '•rid tins ever seen. A thousand vol-
ume. have been written about it by a
theuaand wise men. A word Witt t' 11
Y • what 11 has beets -the heart of the•
world. Hither was drawn the world t
bleed by all the roads that lead ••
(tome. and hence, It was forced o, •
ecatn along the mighty arteries of the
rape/ire' road t.. he spilled In the Coe -
!erg' meatier -to redden the world with
the Roman name. Blond, blood. and
mete ;•lo.,d, that was- tele history ..1
IA Rome -the blend of brothels, the
tan.+d of foes. the blond of martyrs
without end. II flowed eind ebbed In
varying tide at the *111 of the just an 1
unjust, hut there was sewers more t
shed. and there were always more
Minds to titled 1t. And so tt may 1.
t'eatn hereafter. for the name of Rom.-
imebag a heart -Minting ring. and cher'
her nlwaye ben as much blood gtdll••t
•-r the name* -of things as for the
.hints themselves.
Seimelating Raft wash Sashes. Take .f
Wadies of amtnsia hew dwashsa, timber,
al spo1 ons two dr•Mal@. Madero of rant-
barid*s four dreekme, sable sf resmary
fear Arsenate. mad N$B•ieat f••• -este M
eel se .yglit-••see betty Shake this haM-
wesh well mother Mime applying with a
mango every other Mika
T• remove the emealpated habit, the ea -
Iv mate weeement is a mersm el dyer's Plus.
fefswod ha • i xe4Ne die Mess •slier
esaharehe do same halm than seed. there-
tem 1keellewseogiorpolaham
es a family Asa. Amer's
Riad Tone Clear.
Most of the aliments which are com-
monly called '•bllloua" are caused by
rm much food of a rich nature, and
too much drink of a sweet or alco-
belle character, combined with far too
little exercise to the open air. The
liver attempts to get rid of the super-
fluous materials thrown Into the clr-
rulatIon, and, being overworked. re -
Mee and. gout, rheumatism, gravel.
doeperpala, headache and corlstlpativn
are the outward and visible signs of
Its Inaction In those who live too well
a sedentary lite, according W th e
i'.r*t ish Medical Journal.
The prescription of a bicycle and
the recommendation to uise it wlaely
and well works like a charm in su.h
cases, and In all the sympathetic ail-
nwi*ts which arise teem too much
"aced" In the system. It is Interesting
to note that cycling sometime has the
effee.t of thinning the obese and fat-
tening the thin, and this may partly
he explained by Murchison'* observa-
tions that excessive leanness, as weal
aro exreslve corpulence, is often caus-
e4 by inaction of the liver. and the
stimulus of regular exercise, meting
the functions of that organ right,
cauees the disappear -ante rd what was
only a symptom.
A (iaat Flame.
A new wrinkle in repair sheep outfit
Ong has been devised at the Illinol•
terttral Rallt' car shop.. where the
old paint Is expeditiously and cheaply
removed from passenger ears by an
unusually large weseollne carburetting
machlne, designed et these shops The
machine consists of a giterelne lane.
about three feet high dad two feet In
diameter, mounted upon a truck. The
air Is admitted from those cower. lime
of suitable length feed to as many
burners. The Droit of rcmovine the
paint from a car by mean, of the hand
tee -bee oritrinall) employed has Mei
reduced by this apparatus to about
one -fourth. -Philadelphia Record.
amens the numerous etecUue same •
sew prevalent la the United Stater I
kt the woe gives bdbw which arena 10
have the call tor popularity with the i
western followed of 'Thr 11uy Otne
No crow. of then.. you than behold
Oa 1•ber's brew; tic crows of gold
For those wbu 41g and drlvr alit mull,
1.10. slaves to Wartime waster. wild.
Lo, how h shlooa, for prvtbn.e gem
Net In the quern', grand dlad.t.•
No wonder that 1t bright appear•.
When made et labor'. *west acid 100155
In ntatul.•na nude of tuartdr d.e11
The wealthy and the proud. but tell
Who made the wealth turned thee to meth
It Out the crowd that bleeds and tells.
The glee leg gold sure l'gibrodueed
kV brain and brawn termer, ted
In tuff's retort. asd tbe•n. reclined
Prom it, lute the dollar shaped.
genie pride theas.Ivea of learning. bot
Forret toe swum*. forget the hut.
Purves that toll Its troll± transmutes
la waling :urn of tboughtler. brutes
Then tell me why deal matter tuay
Tbr llrlug Caul of labor sway.
.and tell we. too. ye methly. why
le bo0eet labor cruelty!
'0 hr ghoul)] the broa the awe of of which
Has .'nowned with gold the idle rt.0,
Itself be made, while joy It mourns,
To weer a crows of stinging thorns!
Enlisted In the merr.l matte
tit t:nbor'. right and hist.' Iowa.
We by the star* an•1 stripe* wow swear
That no .0^b crown our brows shalt west.
i1 by the name we holy hotd.
'1. wear aril Melt that rn.,. of 0144
In righteous nrath. how kludl.4 by -
The rings' Bryan battle cry.
eltteew to Cher.
'Charlie 1. a el:teen-to-one man."
said Ethel to Ma 41, @peaking of her
"i don't take any interest in poli-
tica." replied Mabel
'Oh, this tent poetics."
"What le 1t "'•
"He Is wlllhue to give me alxte•«n
klsese ter every one I give him."
ahrwl A.vlrN0.
"Oree$oes• What was that dre•adfil
emelt oe
"Wejl tit that old boom f 11 In and
Milted a man."
"My, 1 Sea wand i thought my
.winging .belt a Millest .ed preserves
had ghee way.'
Interesting Iseocrlpllon or How I1 Was
Matte and its Custuuu.
Many people doubtless know that
upon the accession of a now monarch
to the throne of England a new seal
is .truck and the old one 1s cut Into
four pieces and deponent In the Towtr
of London. In former times the frag-
ments of these great orals were die-
tributed among certain poor 9*1.1 u
of religious houses. When Her Ma -
Jr ety Quern Victoria ascended the
thn,ne of England, the late Ltenjamin
Wyon. R.A., the chief engraver of H,•r
Mae.•rty'e mint, designed the beautiful
work of the present great Seal of Eng-
land. The details of the design ar.':
obverse, an equestrian figure of the
Quern. attended by a page, Her Ma-
jesty wearing over a habit a flowing
and sumptuous robe, and a Dollar it
the order of the Garter. In her right
hand she bears the sceptre, and on her
bead is placed a regal tiara. The' at-
tendant page, with his bonnet In his
hand. Looks up to the Queen, who is
gracefully restraining the Impatient
charger, whh?t1 is richly decorated *iib
plumes and trappings. The legend
"Victoria Del Gratia 13rltannlarlum
P;egina, Fidel Detensor." to enlrray.d
In r; ,thlc letters, the spaces between
the words being }nee with heraldic
roams. The reverse s:. I, M the seal
showy the Queerr•.lally robed and
er•'wned, holdlne to her right hand
Ito sceptre. p.1.1 I:1 her left the or h,
-sated upon e throne beneath a retch •4
G•'thic cane. c: on each side is a lic-
hee of Justice and Religion: and In the
exergue the royal arms and crown,
the whole encircled by a wreath 01
border of oak and roses.
The real itself is a silver mould in
two part.,. technically called a pair of
dies. When an impression 11; to be
taken or rant, the parts are closed to
receive the melted wlw which is
poured through aa opening at the top
of the seas. As each imiiression 10 at-
tached to a document by a ribbon roe
e11p Of parchment, its ends are put
into the Real before the wax 1. poured
In. sn that when the hard impression
le taken from the die., the ribbon 01"
parchment la neatly affixed to It. The
imt•rr'gglnn M the WWI h *ix inches In
diameter and three -tow -he of an Inch
1n thickness. -Harpers Round Table.
Voris ran V«ealowa.
lifime of the rich ribbons show artis-
tic effects In the combination of navy.
n1.1..and deep e•rdlnal.
From the cheapest serge to t i e
handsotgtst of velvet black goods wilt
be worn this fall in heavy, medium
and transparent welghta.
Few black, close -fitting cloth jacket.
ire seen. They are gen••rally light fan
ector. Box sacques w111 grow in favor
as the season advances.
Sleeveless jackets are a rage in Paris
and are becoming popular here. Thee
ere finished with epaulets of lace and
Atoatic filo embroidery.
Velvet, satin, taffeta, moire, brocade,
chiffon. net, mtasellne, gauze, cheviot,
serge, Eudora,; mohair. broadcloth,
camel's-hair fabrics, and many other
fancy dress goods will be worn In
reUd and figured effects.
Her Mouth 1.111tr an V.lerhaat'•.
It Is said that a certain well-known
portrait painter has almost as great
a reputation for joking as for taking
excellent llkenessee. One evenine ne
was speaking of a beautiful young girl
eteeee portrait he had just finished:
'Her features are exquisitely molded.
I have heard." said a lady who ha 1
seen neither the portrait nor Its cella •
aril. "Byntlfnl forehead and eyes.'•
returned the artl,t, concisely, 'Mand-
an -re- nom. . fine chin hat mouth eke
an eMnhanr•." "Mouth Hite an «le-
p•hvnt'et" reboot! the lady 1 dismay.
What a terrible mnrfnrtun. Dn you
mean that it Is sol .norm. a and --
what do you mean," "Only t t it et
filled with superb ivory." return.'
1 rtlat. with his usual gravity. -Lon
Tit -Bits -
Illy the Persistent use et
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for gars with a
SOTS on my knee, which several
pllydciafls, who tri ated no', crlltni a
cancer, assuring that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
• last resort, 1 was i_tduead to try
Ayer'* Sarsapariiia, arid, after talk-
ing a niuuber of bottles. the soft
began to di.'lepear and my general
health impruy;. 1 persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en-
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic anti• blood -purifier. and, in-
deed. it seetns ns e r ugh I could not
keeQ house without it." -Mrs. S. A.
FIEj.Ds, Bltowfleld, la.
TM Only Wodis fair S
Ayer's Pills Re>1Nt/1asS the Urea
PA aJLY$I$Ctttg!-aWNRT •ThTti�f,
Nn Wages McMartin, n liadOoharw ea,
Oat.. •.sata that a.ratuai • "Som{.aay Urias- eara4
leer of Par-,• -.- .hirh r.nderwt saw.e4. of tee holy
et Mew.- -. I' there was aeataasm
a -.t ...r nr..'o..rinr the we n1 her hoes Reps
dmeteted her• tout t..•f.r taw ea ..1kmg around UMW
bet tritmds now kt • omen's '• 6.. otter Curr- pee
h+r 111 .mO haiy•,ne.. Boor,, w, July 10, 1010.
s.sw. J. w. mer sour Corley, Notary Puhus
11w•RN •TAT*PSIT or A soars.=
Lacer white, nine 'e•.n ol.t, who sed rvd w$
gnome Naos her tart+, w been •.turfy cared soil
her pascal sretem Audi up fly b0ekm.aa. "Coa•tway
(Nara' The abov. tar,t ere gives to & sworn tame►
stmt moat by her o -,floor. lin l:eorg• elute, is
tunem k, iteetiam. tete duet July >L Igth
w ... J. T. ooe.o, Notary I'uktic.
C*'im L N110111011. 13 11ar*borosgb al., Tosses
Oat., ..rad •; in of hlmod troubles. itbe.
eatha. tavola w: iner trout.• awl
w.. e01000
epptly dua M
tur,.ed aorta. loot hie Ws
•t 1 wee a eery sem Dau Hr Kdewys are now Y 1
health ao.dttas, eie appetite, dopy s.
,onettpeu.,e mewl: all tome was dine by
Sy '• " flooconay Con.' Be w.kas owes•
mlean.--i to u,• .to•e 100. Woe* J * thope aw
thelith JW fe. terra
Pump & ?annul 1111 Wukrs
o -on 1URICEI, ONT_
rrtrr oar* kW" t
A large stook of very choice Pewee, mann
faoture1 from selected Muskoka quartered
pine with hearts cat out.
These Pumps are maaufactureed in a member
4 Ryles to salt et er)body and every place
Very easy worming pumps for deep wells.
treacapped closed top pumps for school -
yards. mous. pumps. etc.
*Tel 1k
$V55.1 PIMP% for spraying trees.
washing bugates. watetl55 gardens. ceris-
e -Wahine fires. etc.
upeclal attention gives to drawing water
'ram well a distance from pampa. Iron and
wood Melee: wood. iron wereelainetned or
Mess ea. linden : Drainage any bore;
*510 RILL s wood or cement • berg050,
aisles R1TU tree, ca•TY1aa 555551.0,
L ees rue • UMW oto.. etc,
agemet.siwweg INA4164/7 KAT.
tl y . ANN•I dL sntraRalliitlaa
are aril ago
SCRRs:7a sad *MINS
-alt 'Riede.
All Rork warr001sd. Ma orders promptly
amid uarefail, .turfed to.
Ask your Druggist fe
Market 1•s.. h. Qalekly.
One point 1s etssrly settled In the
sheep business, vise the advantage In
marketing at an early age. Lambs
have a 4.cidied advantage over roar -
lints both h ironing value and cost
of production. so that all mutton
should go to lnar'ket under present
ereldltkrle in the term of well -ripened
Iambs except such ea 1t may be nem-
aseary to hold longem for breading pur-
poses The lamb sells for nearly • dot -
lar • hundred more than the mature
sheep. and maks gain at about on« -
(00d leas waywrtse. This difference la
so marked that It la she ratee of eon-
. derable Qa.lectioa In lambs of ddt-
terent eta•--Celnsan's Rural World.
Aa rote eN0e ramose«,
"'They ray Dacey'e girl did rant re-
eeantse him when Ma railed the other
n'No Mo wore Ms *trete taea.°
Murray &
Par iihoilte4s I d. Test and NM&
The Signal
woo. more o•IM mpwasl stemma so Ss
Joh Mating fadLties. which W mum
pond outside the Sties for the pr'vtry�
mad es•outsoo of all d osa..
prat aagg. A parted ut this ma11NNe
meat say ewe* sun ettung yes siosi
be in need of, and to .w h case en
cit your ppaatruaage, feeling maddest
that our edlorte to please w►11 meet wee`
the approval of our patr+ua
iiott \\tads
This useful •sae is kept in the all
range of qquaities •ante a@ letter
heals. WluJe
aItm°. %%awlls
are not so generally used, they
an important place in ooaumercta
oorrenpoudence. See what we've
got under the above heads.
Lttttte cads
In this line we have a very large
stocn of fine writing papers salt
able for every class of basinews
represented in this locality, ours
prising laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unrule.d, 0s may bre required.
$ti.' iAttads
If the " pa -aa-you-go " plan was
the order of the try the demand
or account paper would not be
so great ; but there are some moo
who get so many dinners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is cue*
plate in this lino with four _sizes.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and Dents columna They come
* cheaper than bill beads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch hint 'round -
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the de naafi u d for
them we keep a large stock on
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stack, and
the prigs will range from 75c. to
52.00 per M. We handle Dom
mercial and legal size'sexclurively.
CommereWa\. hitt; O e_
has already been partially eosin
crated in some of the heads above.
There11, however, a vast amoaa
of wort under tide head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Ts'
Z InvVtta ::Ou%
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considorahle taste in seleo
tion sometimes, but we make it
au easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and bete
samples to be had. Call and ee
tom rata.%
of entertainmenta and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
weu\lar a
We aim to excel in all the differ
int kinds of work we turn oat,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy paper
suitable for all requirements.
Cwrds ww'0d `C t.ttl:ets
This head coves a large range of
work, !rem a bread or milk ticket
to a new calling card, from an or-
dinary *omission ticket to a teeny
bumneds mid or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
4 ostets
Our facilities for turning out this
claws of work are evidsnoed by the
fact that the great balk of it ie
done by as. This line abs iD
Dodstr s
which our three fast -running toe
pretg@es are able to tarn out in
surprisingly short time.
%IAt Vit.\N.0
belong to the pouter (eVartzneee
also, and we make a specialty of
them --promptness b0 ssr Woo
in this respect. A oe S d
will appear in Tilt Slaxaa bat al
charge when hills for mossooAFM
in the typographical o priming list
Dan be io tags estak
In an expeditions and .1i
scanner and
t.ets tliaa\t Ot SourO
'tt% r ttL$OOt'to&OOt •
We exteeed oar Wanks Sar past fav
OM and soheit a coetineence of lb'
T It'Cli 4,t Qtlik1•L4
94mosaIOR. �'