The Signal, 1896-10-1, Page 8THE SIGNAL : 3ODLRICH, ONT. THURSDAY OCT. 1, 1896. Without Apology to thus who believe in doting i,utfiness in every wa1 but on an equal footing with their fellows. NO DISCOUNTS APPLIED FOR ! NO TICKETS TO PUNCH - FOR OCTOBER - THE BASIS OF OPERATIONS, $1000. - l pyouu.r__Ca i. Cheeks, and when they auiuuft to ;10.00, cou►c, and ,hare in THE CRAND CIFT DISTRIBUTION ccroaEfx. Tour choice of 10 doz. hlack awl Colored Kid Gloves, guar- anteed value., 73e. to X1.00 a•pair. A hair to a customer buying 910-O0 worth of Goods Murine Octoi»s. i% yd _Print, guaranteed value, SOe. to is1.00. Choice of 30 patten.. ( dKtib` t tteCtx, t'tc., guaranteed ••t 2.1 Skirt Lengths Drew G'lo'bs, Tweed calue frotu 90e. 1•. 91.23 each. Cashmere Gloves, Black, White and Colored. Choice of :3 pairs, guarinteed •vglue. 7:w Choice of Pink, Firs!, ('..4 r-, Light and Dirk Grey Men's _L1n- .ierwear-choice of Snit 1, i tae,, doing I:u,ines• to the amount of $10.00 during iktoiser. Choice of Ya Ladle- 14ous••., guaranteed valor, 81.00 to 1:11.25 free to purchasers of :110.00 worth t!,i- month. MISS DaHL'S D N TIJ1 An order on Miss I)ilx.N;ii f.,r one prettily -trimmed Hat, made to your order, guaranteed value X1.25. Purchasei6 of $5 00 WDrth of Goods during Octob- er, will receive the same generous treatment as last month. R. B. SMITH C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. t, I fir t bo C11114- cdiNvE [1E'f. et if rasa leLPE. Tyaaa. Maine. cad hearse., Bade Mum Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Torrance tie pari er and ere wilt ?.Shah guideline real torr hale. Drowned in Sparrow Lake. ■r terrain.* Mae a Mase (Nlege Sendeat sad HI. Illie ase .1 the .heel Popular Ladles la rreodsrsrk-A rrwal.aag Carter a as abort The tiMow■.d ria Was a !sea .f the IAN rrec Terrance. Toronto, Sept. "R. -A despatch from Oravenhurst un Saturday w!d of the drowning in Sparrow Lake of i. )3. Qt➢rrance, Prestyterlap student at Kit - couple wife. left Kllwotthy on Friday about Boon In a sailing canoe to visit,at Mr. Clipshanl'•, across Sparrow flake. They hid not sour far from the shore Rtes a sudden squill ..n.0 up and the fano.• spas d Iwtlfi,a•lug drywu,d as Jr serlbed- The canoe w•: toured nett mom lag rl•.ile down near the shore. As soon as the fatality wa reported i larrt, parties were formal, and early I•ri l day n.mniag the body of Mr. Torrence was found ul..ut hfly yards front the short. N•liag ..n the sorter.. of the lake. -t • MRs Trtltlt•hcire ia)g, rouso. Se•erm Held*.•, Oat.. Sept. 1, . -The body of Mn. Torrance, the wife of ace, Mr. Torraece. Presbyterian Incumbent of Npar saw Late. was Nand at to o'elot•k this evening. Mr. Torrane,• and wife left lir. tllsnktin'a aware Friday at 11..l a.m., 1n • sa.oe, to visit Mr. 11. r ••lltbakens. The seam eoutaloed • nail, which was .o doubt the cease of tbe acrldent toe grids; evesisg •boot 5 o'ehet a..11, on. noticed • came bottom 11p wards, •ud on examine ties It was Ideutl*ed as the property of Mr. Torraiw.. Os detente; the body of Mr. Torreon. was found *bunt hall a mile bots where 1l Is Nought the accident oc esrrod. •ed the eaareh continued op to 12 o•t•lov t last alight. to he resumed this morning end eoouuued until darkness for, std • bait. 1t wan &gelded le matinee the march Monday 'accruing. when Mr. Will lam fiord n1 Rliworthy. to use hl■ nes words. said eemething seemed to urge him to try m�aala. He pnrnred • light •tel. anotnp*vied by a. Sanders and ft Ander- , em. romateaeed .loreblug. They mo•.d •InnR ctn.. to shore, and had not bean • seen kl%g more that 1S minutes whets they foiled eke bodyof Mrs- Titrne. The hire wort • caro.- m elpresslnn Tbe mouth and eyes were eland. a 1f In sleep, Kind bands tenderly carried the renins to the Mem of Mr. John Prssklia, whore the hod• of her husband lay. He tee wen the sena sleeping e•pr.•aolon. Tile Alin wan Me weer to be tocgotten. Mr. Terrane..* esu to hers preached • farewell memos to- day to the pronto of Sparrow hake. 1'n arrtskK M•rt.r of frsvenh,rat 1. In dart• of um remelts, sad will rNeey Bain front t;rssenbnrat to Tomato no 1 b early tr•lo Monday morning, *bleb Minn Qreegbaret et a aft •.m. v �- lir. J. P. Torrance was • nos of tie late Pref.Terrea.'.. pprinelp,i of W,rod•Inrk Bap- tist College. who'dl.d 11...111 15 years ago , leering this eon. • widow end two deuebter.. Mrs. Torr•t•.r ad oto stater nye it ',realist •t KG apslin•-•vent., t when the sea made bit home lobes 1a the eft Hie other steno married Mr. Mac- . l.ngh veal aSd weed emrehant of Last Tome** t Mr Tortoise* teetered Rona .aunt. es i • dl•Inity .44.4104 six yeses ago sod world t hare eradiated next ana. it. wee eyl. reedingly beilllaat la hie enure., havieg s. aired • ennotsnblp last spring. Be was •sive sa ly respected by els atudset• lied 1 tttientty ante. Bo wee Mot 1L years old C +n rim dews of wtdasm Is the new Cm: be had cheers fey his llfo's week. Foto inert age h. mauled Mia Aalw 611•11(••. • Wheel t•wi� .r Wondat4A said Miter nt •1 -Magee Degfas of that tensa. vim, Movie with his rather. eaeetns tie a large hansom ►'saisa•a at t►• pins newt time 1a that grace she M aloe a deur Mr. t1 limas'.* elf the gra of y. Beene, nossset Ower a nee was sea of Weedetas� ars o4 r=e,....., Wlr.., ••1d aM • her !s.► Meads at .vet Nev; Murk, Sept. y;. -Mr. Isaac N. Ford cablos from London to The Tri- bune: Tbe lions -street Investigation. while unfinished, indices to prove that the dynamite conspirators had no In tentloa of exposing thetnselv,s to dan- ger by handling their explosives. Tbe". expected to find some agent obliging enough to make nee of dynamite bombs, while they themselves remain ed ante In retirement drinking cock tails- 'The evidence Indicates that Bell was sent to Glasgow on a secret bunt for an amateur bomb -thrower, and that he failed to find one. He can be punished under the Explosives Act for his part In the conspiracy, but Kearney and Haines cannot be extradited un- der the treaty with the Netherlands. although they can be dealt with by the local courts for having dynamite mechanism in their possession. As for Tynan, there in not much sincerity In the British demand for his surrender on a charge of complicity In the Phoe- nix Park crimes. Prance will have to deal with him If there be any proof that he 1s concerned In a plot against the Cir but no �tisfactory evidence of this has been published!. Soclose was the watch kept by the detectives upon these garrulous and cons'ivlal conspiratory that the wonder Is that three of them should have been prematurely arrested abroad, where titans extradition was problematical The police were so well IBformed from the outset that a suspicion was ex- cited that on. of these braggart* was a treacherous Informer. The plot L chiefly Interesting as a study of alco- holisat- Mr. Frederic In his special cable to The Times on the same subject says: As I predicted fast week, the pretense that there was any chance of extradit- ing Kearney sad Haines has been openly abandoned, and the (how of try- ta( to get Tynan has lapsed Into ernpty humbug- The two former may get harshly handled In Belgium it Hol- land hands them over, but so far as England sad Scotland Yard are con - oersted their sensational arrest. like Ty- nan's, was a mere piece of r.clame. All that Is substantial is the fact that Ivory will go into penal servitude, So far as can be seen Ivory's scoundrelly associates got his money, sett hiss to the post of danger, and then either they or some of their confederate ver- mln In America sold him to England. ?vena. Wtes foams areal Lona, London, Sept- 2 -A terrific north- east gale prevailed labs night la the Bristol Channel oft Cornwall and else- where along the coasts, doing a great lent of damage. Strrefal galling vas - era were driven ashore in the Bristol 'kennel and oft Cornwall. and the 4.learner Teutonic, from Live rpm� Sept. N. for New Tork, was delay 01 Queenstown tour hours, after which h. storm abated somewhat, and skis 'r......4e4 nes her voyage at 715 Woo* hla morning The barn's,* Agder and Bron iRs- burs were wrecked off Folkestone dim ng the night. The crews of both vas - 5.1s were awed. A lard* number of onsalln` weseiS were unable to rank* a sateMing a were themes ashore abisim attaa. Dower mil Tarsaatt a•s • One Sept.aileneer tow aers. a tb`ad 1r.Cinnensa" iosssle .i w; t sew 414.i' "tl mesa Minrat, In Illto Oats t1=1110Fga T. AC33:ESON' _ _ _ . . NEW FALL GQ2QS. W. ere ..w ready ee skew a lame and varied neseft- • meat .1 Dry Geode satiable 1« tie Fall traria LADIES' JACKETS at 5.00, 6.7 5, 7,50 and 9.00 YUE CAPES at $IO, $15, 820, anti )25 FUR COLLAR RUFFS s" -:.o. t?3, $J, and gt. FEATHER RUFFS 40e.. 75c., $1, and $1 50 Tl.e abort r.ry7r.sent* oNr Special BeurrrThe above are all New Ooo.is broom ins Ida,k or hma Prier i7.bu I received. Inspection invited JOHN T. ACHESON. lust • elealetsl Meeker. Si.1 TH, *tot. jiZ• J. M. M.'Ltoo, Goderioh, Deer Sir. -J Mak it i• my duty to write to you regard- ing egardIng my boy. Well, my boy wail shoat 21 mooth• old when i began to give him your �Scstem Renovator Improved, and your Pro- tein Resurgoni. 1 gave him the modiotse tor about Sys weeks, then he was cured,and today 1 nave as etroog, as bealthy, and a• good-looking o boy as you would wish to STOVES ., STOVES The hest and cheapest Storm and Furnaces are for sale at WOhSE[L +n mw, sow 3 years old. lie was vary trouble- some from tie tinge he wee horn. Cried meet all the um. end slept but very little •at: that mover sou1dl) , not until be bad taken your Medicine f.r • short tuna He need to go into 000vulstone 3 or 4 times a day from the tune be was i days old, mod Moo his head heron to grow large, taor•1es- iag 10 nee all the time until the medicine took offset. We v..u,tnt reedited aid from different doctors witbou• any benefit 'one only relieved him •• me,. Toe nice 01 the head began to dtminlh gradually as he was getting cured of the dropsy and of tby water in 'he head. No other medicine misused but yours only with the aforementioned re- sults. I trust other mother's will benefit ht my boy's ours The bottle of the Reno- vator 1 took myself hes doe. me a great deal of good. From my very boort and that of • grateful mother you will have my good washes wherever you may he as long ss you live. 1 roman )our true !rimed. Ma,. A•panw Sierra. Fall is at Hand • 1»• prepared to meet it wall a go.el fiat or Fur Cap when it comes. V.• hays put in +task all the Latest styles. of Fall and Winter HATS which for quality and price tannin be equalled. In stock are numerous as- sortments of the latest in GLOVES, COLLARS. SHIRTS. HOSIERY, MITTS, CUFFS, CAPS, NECKWEAR. C. R. SHANE & Co The practical Steve and Furnace men. IThe reusble Hat and Furnishing Emporium READY!!1 Our new Stock of AUTUMN MILLINERY is now on display and when ever convenient to you, you are invited to call and examine it. We will have no special opening days MISSES YATES, The Square. Millinery MISS CAMERON is now showing a large assortment of the latest styles in Fall and Winter Hata. All goods are of the most fashionable design an.I manufacture, and the prigs are within the reach of all. MISS CAMERON, no matter how Bold or stormy the day is -be you man, *Tama or child- if rots have r,tu tilll and winter clouting interlined with Fibre Chamois This popular style and warmth giver so that every one can afford to enjoy the eomforting,.healthful • warmth it furnishes. -no extra �• J weight or bulk, only. s pliable ` ♦ stiffness and a cosy wa. nth of which the coldest winds or fiesst- fast Mfr cannot rob you. See that 1t is put in all ordered clothing. sad loot for the label which stows that a reedy4o-wear gamest his been Intartlnld with it. Yoe really can't afford to do without k. DRESS GOODS from 10 cent. to *1.00 a yard la the leading new designs and coloring* New Plaids at 10c, 20c, 3tk, 50c. New Merges front !Sc,:in Black, Blue, Brown and Green. A big line d Tweed Ettitctr- We wish to call special attention to our LINEN GOODS • direct from Belfast, Ireland. Tabling* at 25;. 30c, Km, 40e. and 45e. Table, Napkins, lbwela and Towelling@ at rock bot. win prices. A lot of Tweed froui a mill, 50 cents, worth 65e The best 5 tent, 6 cent, 7 vent and b tient Facto in town. ry Cotton ever OUR MANTLES are direct' from the waken;, and at prices that cannot tie beaus. AIts in Colonis and Black. Mantle Cloths in Beaver, Isi)<Nom Naps and Curls. Astrschans in Cream, Grey sad amok. A Zine of Ft.erlxal.rrra, 32 inches wide, rtig- nlar 10 asst (cods, for 8 coats. OUR CARPET§ still 'take the lead in this County. The laziest stook and best value. COLBORNE BROS. The Gaol Carpet Warehfwas of IME 1 oukt y. Undertaking Embalming and MR . and MRS. A. B. CORNELL obtained Diplomas for grain' efficiency at Professor Sullivan's Col- lege of Embalming. Toronto, Sept. 4th, 1696. S�''ECI i ZNTOTIC=_ A LONG FELT WANT SUPPLIED. Mrs. CORNELL will prepare bodies of females and children for interment without assistance or presence of the opposite sex. Respectful attention to all detail., It MY MOTTO -LESS STYLE and LOWER PRICES. PS. -I do not employ agents to solicit your patronage iof.,rt• you are dea.1. The only white hearse in town. Diplomas tray be seen in my show window on Hamilton -aft. A. B. CORNELL. Boots and Shoes Fall is here. We are prepared for it. Our Mock of Long Bojts are the best we ever had to show, and prices are right. It will pay you to inspect our stock and get prices on all of our linea. Come to us for the Latest Styles in Boots and Shoes. High grade goods and Low Prices are trade:winners with us. WM. SHARMAN Jr. N.B,-Sole agent for the Slater Shoe. WE INVITE you TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GASOLINE AND COAL -OIL STOVES Also let us mend one home for you to try for a week and if Too are not satisfied, to feel under no oh. ligation$ by turning. 11.1411.111111 its LEE.