The Signal, 1896-10-1, Page 7THE ST(;NAT, • (;(11111:RICH. ONT. THURSDAY OCT. 1, 1891.
your child
You note the difference in
children. Some have nears
every ailment, even with
the best of care. Others far
more exposed pass through
unharmed. Weak children
will have continuous colds
in winter, poor digestion in
summer. -whey are witti-
out power to resist disease,
they have no reserve
strength. Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil, with 'hypo-
phosphites, is cod-liver oil
partly digested and adapted
to the weaker digestions of
Itlli fi sow. 4btr1► Oma few ar/�tap
A boy will steed and hold • Into
From earl mora UU late at sight,
Aid never tin at all.
But, oh ! it gives him bitter pais
To stand aad hold his mother's skein
The while she winds the baa
A man will walk • more of miles
Upon the b•rdeat kited of Woo
About a illi•rd table.
Rut, ob ' at dearly takes his life
To duan errand for hu wife
litw..o the house sod stable.
girl will gladly at and play
WVtto grewf a dame Anile all day,
And sail it today fun
Rut, oh : it makes her sick and weer
To wad i14 b.hv half -en -hour,
Altbourh it's only .roe.
A woman will -hut neve- mtae !
My wife 1' steadiest close hothead.
A•d reading o'er my shoulder.
Some other tire. Psrhep. 1 may
Take op the theme of woman's way.
W los• I am feeling bolder.
(.t l K: h:, I cannot. i feel giddy
Poor Aunt Mary was white to the lips,
and i es. it would never do to orate her,
snit tome wee Mort, tom
" No, mens o•anot. Get out yoickSy "
'• 1 don't bks to spoil tour pleasure. I
think 1 will try. It U not for very long."
" N , 1 won't have it "
•' Rut ,..0 have en wished to so I sup
poen ' --doubtfully -•• you would sot go
" Yee. vee, I will Quick "
And, none ton neon. i succeeded is get-
ting her oat. As i did so, • man sprees nn
to the oar.
I was •n taken up with 'Deakin, cheery
word. to peer Anne Vary, who looked dis-
tinctly better alraelly for beteg on terra
firms, sad h wads, good • byes to leer, tMt
I did not cocoa my fellow.pease.Rur-the
only nor-- far mme time.
W• were in the (;rest Wheel at Earl's
Court. 1 but often wteherl to make the as-
cent, and today had prevailed on Meat
Mary to aooempany me. She bad always
bees nver.isdslreat to my whrms,and !Joke
all spoilt people have slway* been ready to
avail mese f of her indu'gence, and to tax
It to the 1111 ; but I really bad so idea that
title Wheel peeress, woe soots s terror to her
or 1 hops 1 should not have been m persiet-
I was enj'ring the delightfal seosot to
the hill, as 1, absorbed in looking out at
the huge city Ivieg for beneath, i bad not
ones glance i toward, my fellow traveller.
I was startled to 6sd myself addressed
by him.
" Pardon sol, bot 1 think we are old ac
e nsiat5.Dea. "
1 Idoked and reoogaiz.d-tboogh with
didiioslty-my old frissd Cecil Fsrqushar-
the last parses in the world 1 wanted to
meet ! He amid I had bees lovers, bat we
n no more. Five yew ago be Md left ate
to tske up ea appointment in the Far Eat.
1 had nearly Aeolian my heart over the part
tee, sol had w•rttre% piteous letters �,ery
mail His letters get fewer and oonler (I
don't believe the best seam can remember an
• tweet woeful& fee lam); and I pride amid
eager, had ..greeted tb., if b. fin looser
caret for ins, it wonid be better to break
our eag•g•ment at odea By return mail
came • letter,soemisdate( is ney soggestiea ;
sod for the past three years 1 had been ea,
dsvoring to persuade myself that I didn't
oars Not with uniform semen.
My only fosliag, however. m recognizing
him now was eare•ssaktr maw-
" i think, Mr. Farquhar. that It woe very
•, i..ttoaabls tease to thrust yeomslf epee
me to this ey."
" God heavens ! Do you eapposs i did
it on purpose ! This interim! 'machine was
!v.'. off No time for °hole& However, it
1e not ter *Mg.**
"H +long !"[asked
" 1 b.liew the olroait is ossepiseed in
shout tweet" ntestee, and I .hold think
clearly hall teat time bee .taped already.
Yon need sot fear that 1 shall intrnie my-
self any further es year modest"
" it nertainly demo woe emseesss•-y s
.anew our •"
" As you ohms "
1 hewed, and he retired to the bulbar ear-
ner of the oar. where he oak steadily leek-
iag oat of the mer.
i thawed towards kiln. Yea, he had al-
terwd, bat for the hetes,. He woe broader
sad browner, sod that silk beard w •
diatoms improvement. Really, e. y, thesgb,this
had ao Mows* fee me --he .wee sedans to
mast 1remand my study sf the view. We
seseadisa sew. How slowly we
1 um maw ! W. ss.reely seemed ssomast
as my wish ; It meet hah
madly tee ass.rdtag to M tw
we had sashay hem half en her. ma tha
whale journey only leek tweet, taheese. I
mw • treat mosey heeds derma est :rose the
various comm. sad K seemed as If as -
• , wee folk
We heti snimhsadly Moped. I would
gquuhhar Mwomb M Coen Far-
ade am
PaiLisIIs wail kegler 11•.k.d towarde
1 was
s e of the eNsslle wls-
ea. Slid chased
luu pallies rather odd N. sodas was
Shall I speak f Thar egad esrhdty had •
hurd heads wall polio Itwo la .i. tot gsMe b very mash Mak gas said*
that rrmeft bask gleams ..sol 111111
Raw ha t haft M .moria•. I maul
Ieats* hie words but the vetoes wed 5.x
Meet 1 meat know Is ie •h•eletely 4..
hum sot to tell me. must
Aare goon arrows with the awhinerv--par
h .pe we were is dame.* I moat know
1' •d. is well sigh easy" -heel 1 g•. deer
►.. h • el•1e of Use owners
Mr. Fugal/tar f•
tae deos sot hear, roof thrush hhs..f
bother of the mads.. to ',ems to whet
Os man in the oar '•'•r• t► le .yin,•,
I mode toy ..r. to I -v-s, sad r.•ob •
wird er two " Can't eney...aoh/ne - grew
fear -Aware '
Pride is laid low.
I pall his coat
H. turas round .t last, rite a look of as
triol •erprtsa.
1 400't oars
" T.Il m. 1 must knew ! What he.
heppe..d ''
" They cannot stove tele Wass' ! 9••m.
• h tag has tome wrong with the Manes ! I•
may be some noses before they woo..d to
woos/ it right.'
I peewee i Inok very .oared, for he s.v.
.l.te.t kssdly -
" 1 dont think the im asy danger
!nenntMIMO. "
„ Het bow awful for us to be imprimnee
her !'
A Blpe leek of anger rams tats lots
i ssgselnser it, years ego
"I have teid yea that 1 shill mot ann.%
you ; het to tasks assareaos doubly ante, 1
will go and leave you to yourself."
" You oanaot ; we are ie the topmost
oar; the reek would he sorseoue."
" I'll obese* it. 1 am ,tresR, stud bay. •
reed and • steady head : mad if oh.
worst ootnee there is no me left to moo "
He opens the door and prepares to stop
OS to the iron (teamwork of the liege
At the sight of the mac whom 1 had se
truly loved is my girlhood sobjeotiag himself
to tins awful risk. everlyreetige of the peso•
lent pride that had dominated nom moment
before vanished. 1 .sly saw my lover et
former days --the only mac who had ever
really stirred my heart --in chaser.
1 leant forward, holding out imploring
bonds to him.
He bad already began to deco sd. I ben.
forward .ad tried to reach him.
Hi. lett arm is stretched upward,gra.p'h,
•he girders above him.
What i•. tha' gleam of gold 1 see sit hi.
wrist ' Ail ! I reongn;ze it. My boatel"
that he took from me years yo and hoe
soldered o his own tram A mist et teen
dims my eyes i lean farther forward
tar.tohing my arms towards hits.
"Stay. (-*ail, for my sake !'
How did it happen' I ooula sever qoi'•
tell. 1 missed my footing. For s second
my brain reeled ; and then i find my .1'
firmly clatoped in hie right sem, while with
his left sad with toot and home be clings
•' Mode.' Madre " he says hnaeely.
•• Int t;nd • .eke rtsr.s yourself ! ('line 'n
something ' 1 manor hold you like thi.
lest Tie all you know. '
" I will And 1 reit the seethes to th•
word by grasping the Iowrr part of the door
sill with both hand. '• Promise me you
will ant attgmot the descant "
"No, i will not. 1 .wear !"
He is still hoping me. ter my feet are be.
low It a sup We are in hideouts peril, but
one dare not realize it.
1 here on,.. saw to be thanktul that an
minus' mountaineering in Switzerland bee
arengtheeed rey here' and mule.
Somehow i regain the car in sat.',
Cecil is quickly beside me, and then. nh
Drowning igonn' nv. 1 fling reyeelt sobbing
into his arm. i• doses not seem to Welt*
him se strange, for 1 eim folded clues 'n hes
heart, and .onthed and fondled ss i used
to be in the old days before he left ms
" Madre. dear little 'girl, you have not
forgotten ms, after .11 "
"Neve►. never. though 1 tried so hard.
, 1 tried to when I beard you were food
of someone e1.. "
., i never was."
'• Why did you write as you did 7"
•' 1 thought you did not cars any 1001'?.'•
„ Ry the same mail I got • rarer trot•
my ooaei° mpg, von wore engaged to that
L.oky Irishman. Haloes "
'• Which cousin'
" Gertrude Grey."
•• Why, Cecil. she most have wanted to
part us. Yee, I always thought she oared
for you "
He fioehm, and says : " Was there nm
tru'h is the report boot Malone, Madge"'
•' Not • word, indeed : and indeed —
H. beads and biome my lips.
• Hedge -little sweetheart that need to
bye me -i was going to see Gertrad• thin
•rowing to eels her to take pity eo •
man in the Far East. Shall 1 go!"
He hs. to bead low for the answer, hat
ee " No," emphatic, though whispered, and
he is satisfied -
Everyone has head of the might eat le
the Great %l'heel.
Sinews hors ' A wearisome time tr.
moray, bet we had the story of five yew on
tell mole other, and plane to make for the
futures It was anon too loot. Godtrey's
band below, brought oloee to the Wheel to
relieve the oldie,. of the term ret imprison
mast. plays•• wild. sem' w.Its masie,
termed a fitting a000mpseineest to the .alk
in wbleh " Do you remember !" was ever on
ear lrpe.
The brave ter whe did limb the girders.
hrineiat, refreshment to the primmer,. arm
ed to take to the situation, mid offered w
kis...grstaletloas is the heartiest mann..
Istmgtaable. Cecil wad half Mahood to M
angry, but beppisees won the day, aid h.
r sed by r' you the sailor • stoat wildly
••ttray.g• s " baksheesh."
We seat • telegram re Assn Mary. wide.
eke sever got, for she AM sail Bs MOM& as I
had hoped aha she weed& but spat the
sight is the gardens close at the foot of the
inert merger.
When eh last the weed was o.essd op that
.11 was right, and we should enes_olave, it
emblem to es • embleof regret ; and the 4
Deet was all tee rapid.
Aust Mary woe oe the spot Mim•Mvelle,
fn0 of revers awed ooatmwr•M.a
' I shall sever forgive myself Mr set mese
iar. Thasy year speedier all these hese
slams ea that soma terrible wheel '"
" i was set alma. i met • friend. Yon
haee heard of Mr F aquhar, aunt!"
1110 had we having behaved very badly to
«! She pyo him • leek whish was quits
healthily vhim&
" i have set the , of his Niemen-
Mse. ' •
" We mad remedy that. Mrs. Earls," b.
..h plessoesky. " Maass it is ray Fend for
teas M be your mespeethi
Bre Moho M sea, fairly .
"Is'e all ewe. Adore Vary. Up Mere
tzesdlniwaid ems sseehsr better. Per-
10 medal dr Harpas she paew-
Qull IsaAa, and we •A re e* he break -
Jess eh the expose of tb Erre Osers a:
. proprieties.
masapseme ImMewed !f3 wen mete
of 1r.a wise had Mee *ebbed M their
wheel Oats* ems I pslad sale d to a de
mods. rear*.
two MOM* woes bit L the sedbanoe
• www,
w the very same Might der
The, laughed rad .14.41 lu Oats soothes %
In tae very selfsame way
And both wen purr reed Wamwst
As fantail Wakes of waw,
But user of [110u, u . sal lu the transmit
Twe children played lu the ss1Larae www.
And ler .•klidr.0 both were fair,
But cue had curia, bnuhod smooth mad
The other tad tants. d hair ;
The children both gr• w up apses
As other cb ldrea pow,
But our of them Ile oil le the [.teased
Aud true la the street below.
Two middens wrought la the arltsam•
w. aV
Aad aur was steeled and loved ;
The utb.-r sew, ttre.ugh the curtains part.
The surld where her slater moved
Aud our was esdlb.g, a happy bride.
Tar other hare. carr and our.
ler one of Wim lived lu the terraced
Aud our In the street below
Tim wuswn_ W dae4 lu the 'aflame tatW�
eine had trader care,
The other ors left w dor slow.
Uu Lrr pullet all thin end ban ;
And uta lad .,any to wouru her lent`
tour the other few tear. would now.
For oue had lived lei the teres.wd Louse,
And one lu the street below.
If Jesus. who died for the rich rad quos.
lm, holy love.
Tuck loth the slaters lo els arose
duo tarried them above,
Theis as. tar dlrferrnee canl,brd quits.
!•'ur !m sour wouw know
Which ut them laved la the terraced Atte.•,
Aad which to for street below.
Locating Wens by the J. of a resale
Tawe Bramieh.
A man In Tallahassee sends to Uhill
Buffalo Express the following curkmgs
account of the use of a divining rod
"In boring a water well we use an
auger twelve inches in diameter, pull-
ing it out when full and extending
with rods as we go dual'. The man
who darn the Most of this work about
here was nrt.r my plantatlus, seven
miles from town, where he had put
down a well eighty Leet in a noun
lower place than 1 wanted mine, and
did not get a good well, as he told
the man he would not. lie came to
my place, cut a forked peach tree Iamb
and began walking about where 1
wanted the well. At last over went
the peach tree sprout, not far from
where 1 wanted the well. He crossed
the line where It turned, went a few
rude beyond and came back. When
he gut to the water line over t. went
"1 called the man to me, told him
to let the rod run through each hand
an Inch or two. told my foreman to
take hold of the end on his side with
has thumb and Anger and take his
other hand an.. squeeze his thumb and
finger around the end of the rod as
hmrtf as h.• could with both hands. I
did the same on the other end and we
started for the water line. I kept my
eye on the well man's hands to see
that he did not manipulate the rod
some way, which he did not. As soon
as we got to the water line the font
turned over as before. In spite of all
three cif us holding ft. At one end
the ..ark was wrung off and the small
end was twisted.
"We bored down about fifty-six feet
and found water. We went down to
aixty-Ave feet and could go no further
on account of so much water.
'The rod would not work 1n my
bands or those of my foreman, but in
the hands of his son, twelve or fifteen
Years of age, or in those of an old
negro who was there. it worked well.
"One mile west of tido place was
an old well forty to forty-five feet
deep and dry part of the Ume. The
rod would turn slowly over near It.
About 100 rods from the well the fork
turned quickly and there we bored
thirty fret and found plenty of water
all the time."
WIlllwa■ Is sliver Coln
The tmper1&l Russian mint at RL
Petersburg and the ateliers of the Hotel
des Monnales, as the Parts mint is
called, are both busy Just sow with
a huge task of turning gold and sliver
bullion Into coins stamped with the
effigy of the new Czar Nlchoiaa 1I. The
total value represented by this issue
of coin will be over .5750,000.000. The
gold Coins of this vast sum are being
struck at 8t. Petersburg, but taw con-
tract for minting the great quantity of
sliver pieces of small denominations
has fallen to France. This M the first
commlaslon of the sort that France
has received from the Ruselan Govern-
ment since UAL The metal which
serves for the fabrication of theme
new sliver pieces oomee from the
United states, says the . View York
The greatest numb• of mina struck
will be of the mination of 1
ruble, of about 00 ent, value. Upon
Its face fa the profile of the Czar, sur-
render' by the words In Russian char-
acters which mean "By the grace d
Geed. Nicholas 11., Emperor and Auto-
crat of all the Rosales." Upon the re -
e. rue n..• •tamp* d tht- Imperial arm,,
the .slur o! coinage.
The w, rkshots of the Hotel des Mon-
aales, where there coins are being
struck. are so egpilmed for theft
puriose that arid. front the money of". they n- 1: 1. bray cnn"ntrony
ezecuting orders faom other countries.
tech of the e'x fm-, ace !n wt. eh the
silver Is milted le capable of contain-
ing from 1.550 to Mu poundo of mood
The Machines for stamping the coins
ate remarkable Ing.nieus plruM if
meel•rntom. elvty pieces of money be-
ing st rusk by each of them a minute.
M ople shall be respected by the in-
vader', and that •11 pillage bar reviler
troops or their followers Wray ba
strictly forbidden,-Cinctnaat1 I••-
The V..e.l ker.
An egg added to the morals* MOO
of coffee makes a (noel sortie.
A mustard plaster with the wbft. et
egg will not leave • blister.
A raw egg taken immediately will
carry down a ash twine that mom*
ho got un from the throat
The white skin that Mom the she&
of an egg r a moeful application for •
Wblt. of act ego beaten with leaf
swear and teaos .show•• hess..eea
Take a trsap of4 mom treat hear.
A raw egg. w fib the yolk snbrnk.s,
tabes 1e a stems of wise, M be es ehl
rtir movaissee•ta
A (asst.. Arleta of In. A-v.1101y M These
Whet Weskit gamy ea. rwtasalea
theme of reetball Th. u.hrs■t kited
of kirks amid Thal, tel..
Kicking he one of the fine arta
l.otball. It rrqultes tunable' able *kill
which Is only to ler obtained by cu.' painstaking Inactive. Tor r.••
quirrrneata fur good kleklr•_; are cowl
1•ea0ed110110, a good rye, a good leg
e nd a good square tui shoe. There at•
ihree kinds of kia:)ts a punt, a place
end a drop of these, the most iii -
portent 1s the plana. There err tato
kinds of punts --u common vuot, ..hoe•.
In generally used, and a "twister," o
• floater." The latter. .:.:lch is not rt
much importance, 1- ..... ;,y druppin.t
'hr ball so that O. . ,.jet axb 0.1
be horizontal. or at r gn: angle. to the
tidy tend._ rest .ag r.. And away fruit.
Thr body).
g v j the ltuprtW I•,
the ball a little W .use side. As to the
t vnumrn punt, there &i•e two style,,
1 n.,.. a as straight kicking and round
kl. kaeg. Thr straight punt is mad:
by fa. -ung the direction In w hlch you
wish the bat to go. The kicker stand.
from twelve to fifteen yards back of
'hs lin. that 'v.v.hen .he punt is nude
Ours a line -tip. .ts the kicker rreelvea
the Lala, he should step track with the
right leg, and bring the body a little
At .1. and then he Is ready for the
swabg The kicker ought to Ire able
t.. nooke his kick without moving out
et his tricks, unless it is necessary to
&veld a forward who ham broken
tht•-u,;ti; then he should step to the
•.d,• The ball shou:d be adjustsl
r uickly, the lacings bring turned un.
or .gut. away from the point of cud-
tac1 of the ball with the foot. Thera•
air three methods In vogue for hold-
ing the ball for a straight-leg pul.t.
line way t. to place the right han 1
under the lower end, and fingers of
the 1, -ft gland on the upper end, lead-
ing the hall either vertically or dlagon-
elly, with upper end canting away
from the body. Second, hold the ba
by placing one hand ..n each nide, lac -
:nee up, the ends pointing to and frv*n
the body, the Inner ted being higher
than the outward one. the bail elan:-
.eg downward. The third Is Just the
ru•»rue of the second, the end near
10 the goody being lower than the outer.
The player should eh."oar the method
cf bolding the ball which Is most na-
:ural to ham, and in which he cam at-
tain the highewt efficiency.
Th.- round klek. or• side kick, r"
rometlmes called, 1s made by a round,
is stead of a straight, swing of the
log. The ball may b.- held in any of
the three ways, generally the first.
1. step or two ie taken to the kicking and forward. a kind of rivet
oblique, and the leg brought into con-
ta.ct with the ball In much tin.- same
11 ay as a man makes a swinging blow
wp!h his arm, the aim being; to get
:he weight of the body Into the drive.
'1 he ball should be kicked at alum:
Atir..p kick is made ley letting the
ball fall from the hands, and kickin4
It at the very Instant it rises from the
laraund. If a dr..:. kick is made from
t. -hind the ru.hline, the kicker should
stand about fifteen yard. hack. Th..
f all should be held as In the first came.
,' the ends, or by the sides, as in for
socond case. The ball should i.,- direct-
ed towards he ground at Nei the
mete you desire, and then let fall na-
turaly from the hands. Th. exaei
spot upon which the ball should be
tooted will be .obtained by pra.•tio.-
Just below the stringing is a good
place, but here comer in again Ifs-•
angle at wh.o h the ball Is dropped.
De'n't punt your drop kicks. Let the
tall strike the ground first.-Harper's
Round Table.
\.ung N'll•t hart.
The of the foliage on the
trees, the high vegetation .,. (he cul-
tivated land, and the natural tendency
of young birds to keep qulc•t and still.
make the study of them a matter of
some difficulty. 1n the hedgoo.w's and
by the woodsid.•s ugfamllfar notes and
rails of birds are constantly heard -:bre
notes of young birds which eanno: b-'
identified owing to the thickiicss of
the foliage, and though in the large
woods the cry of the youtr.c sparrow
hawks and the flight of the pigeons
and woodpeckers betray their preser.e. ,
It is almost Impossible to w.tc1 them
or to ascertain their waif of procur-
ing food. Probably most or the larg.
!Merles are fed by the old birds atter
they leave the nest.
of game birds. young partridges are
the most self-reliant and young phea-
sante the least able to take care of
themselv,a m. Present writer has
never seen young quails, but as theme
coveys which are hatched in Englund
often number as many birds as the
quart usually lay eggs. It may be pre-
'umed that these• the smallest of .:I
the game birds. are not less active
and precocious than the young of the
partridge. The latter are almost as
active upon land as young wild ducks
aro upon the water. They run swiftly
end without heeltat inn, even among
thick ve'g,•tation. when they are no
bigger than a wren, and follow or
precede their mother through mowing
grass, hed=erows, or the sides of furse
break,' and comma. .?eking and catch-
ing insects all the while and neither
losing themselves nor betraying their
whereabouts by unnecessary noise or
excursions. -London Spectator.
ta.eeitpts•g s $p1A.r'. .Ighl,
Two investigators have publlsh"d in
Nature the results .1 their Investlga-
Uons extending over elgbt summer.,
as to tiltrotor, senore* and range of vis-
ion of midden. Twenty species were
experiimented with, the conclusions bi--
It.g that spiders w. their prey, r'onMat-
Ing a small insects. when it 1s mo-
fineler at the distant', 01 flee inches.
They see Inserts le motion at much
treater dietanoes, and thyme Me each
other distinctly up to at least twelve
r -mw Itemape.
"()n• oyster lays a million eggs."
"Thank heaves the eeean M so Beep
we don't -have to hear her made."
Bs• Isar the Spelt.
"This won't M" wdmlBrted Mat ten
entritedly. "there'. thalami at table
"Mover mind, ataw." shouted little
1.10.1., '1 Itla stat fur tem"
In test It 120 hogs en ase farm woo at
looked by cholera •ad were haled.
liar 1'halee sad Ledy Tapper will mho
brat• their golden wedding c Thursday.
(Mt. fl.
News from Japan staves that 2,000 people
have bees killed by • great storm to North-
ers Jape.
The Governor (. 1 has oommated the
w teow of basginr, owed on the boy
Kearney for the murder of an aged lama, to
• life seetesce.
A dtepatob from Steens -ha says filet the
1'htoeee, is ceepic ...o with the Rumness
are prrpertag the docks and workshop at
Mort Arthur shad •tonne there vast yuasti•
ties of coat It ss thought t hese movements
'adulate a M arshes developemmt m Roasis.
A oorresposdeat to . Loudon Eng.,joura-
W ▪ I) is it that the tallest stories w al-
ways euppoeed to be Yankee yarns! My
own experience--and1 have travelled mese
most of the globe -is that Is the matter of
boasting Britisher, can knock the sputa off
eery motion under the sus. Then is ai
calm, judicial air about British boasting
that stamps it at mom. No usomeseary
flourish of words, but such . way of telling
mesomere that it of tea p.resadas people
that they are Jams.
' A pretty colored Picture
for every 12 " Sunlight " or
every 6 " Lifebuoy " Soap
These Picture, are well
worth getting.
Lever Bros.,
tai 5511411.. Toronto.
1. T !',
always on hand.
The - est and only Scranton Coal in
thus market delivered at $;73.Q5 per
ton, with 50cts. per ton oil for Cash,
making it
All Uos1 weighed on the market
Reales, eo that you are sure of good
mea 'i re.
or unis 8 Harbor Quay.
Ada eratlo and substitution in !nod pre
dncte hare of late years become se grate as
evil, 1(eorernnlentseverywhere helve been
•e In the merriest( 01 anyalyeq to
Thera herr read and save the lives of the
rove of the mnst imnor'ant articles food
angoesttoably le RRkAI).
Por pure wholetaome Broad. It must be made
from Mali .ori Hop Yeast ; for this reason It
Is easily •oluhlc in the ,abash of the stomach
or. la other words, light of !Demotion.
Hnp and Malt Yeast is prononnoed by the
twee .n.lyste Is 1rnrlaed to he the pore aad
nesdulterwted yeast, and is used by the best
bakers la the nountr,.
Yon rata g l for one cent as much Read mal,
from Hop Yeast as yam oar for three ousts
Mow the praw.d yeasts which are forcing
themselves es OM what•, hat whlnh do mot
wed elenot rive the same sweet hemmed bread
MANFI'ORA PATENT FLOUR. prove an Is the newt
you b�desit itthat sac he
piellt#d of any ?met see the market. My
sag esperieses to the Raker bs0l.oes bas
proved these to be facts.
blood is sure to
do havoc some-
where. The only
PROMO is sound
kidneys, the only
Cali kidneylled
icine, the only
lads* is Dodd's
Kidney Pills,...,
Coal it Wood Yard
• The undersigned tags to inform
the public that he keeps us hand
all grades of
rlesolaPettsotauo $11, en to
Call and get prices
of wool.
Office and yard,
and see sample.
neer 9aelt. Ates. Rand.
P roprletor
\ •1 j`i
Is upon us, and the true ',porta-
portaman is beginning already to pre-
pare for the prince of sports.
When you want your outfit we
have everything you need in
GUNS and SHOT and
Machine ioa.i.-d Shelli always, on
hand, or loaded to your order on
the shortest notice. \ full line
of the best American Pow-
dery always on hand. fall and
see our Shot Guns, which for
quality and price .towns them all.
Take it always—Take• no other
Por Coughs and COId$
Gray's Red
Syrup 01 Spruce
at•d all Affections of the Luny.
lis swot you get OsatYaaytwp. 'etaOld CINTIO.
sestywheea Se& and pa a bottle=
? WATSON & CO.. Pomemeg1001111
Obtained, and all business In the U. 8. Patent
OSlee attended to at MODERATN RRRB,
Our °MMoe Vopposite the U.S. Pateat 01 -
dos, and w t nae obtain Patents la less time
han those •smote from WASHJNOTOly,
rise es to paeentability free of charge sad
wr maks N(J OHdk01 I7bLLJI44 t#'II Ob.
THIN PA Inky?.
Ws refer, here, to the Postmaster, the dot
it Money Order Div„ mad to officials of the
U. 8. Patent Ogle& For circular, &dries
terms and r torenoss to methal Bleats is yaer
awe State or County write to
r A •tow
r)e.eette P.eut '),Ito. W.ehtagtau,-D C.
asesesserte Okrpt.i ! Rioek,
wanahoturerof all triads of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Paula, Sheet Ira,
Works, etc., etc.,
:ad Dealer is ---
Engines, Mwhlsaery Costae. Ito.
All shots of Pipes •.d Pipe Fitting',
Steam and Water, Glebe Velma.
Ohs t V•Iveg impit+tsea, kjaeten aid 1a-
�•eesee vm Weed d at Lowest
r A lime of
Steel Water and Hy
• `+� sa see isa of homers mid ethers.
w•wrr.g Pelnpel♦ ttemeaed tw 16
A. IL 031*T!!ILL
I►1, P. 0. gay •, fiededeloOnt.
Wo 0ppees. S. T. IL thesis•. S•asoLt