HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-10-1, Page 6THE SIGNAL: CODER1C11, ONT., THITKSDA1', OCT. 1. I$!'6 LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Brunchitt! CUUD BY 'NINO AYER'S Cpl toraj A PAEACNEA'S EXPERIENCE. 'Three months ago. 1 took a vio- lent ialent conk which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis, 1 put in'v'It under Medical treattneet, and at the end of two months was uo Is it, r. 1 found it very difficult to preach, and Concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The first 'bottle felts, me great relief ; the second, which i am now taking, let* relieved me almost entirelt-of all urpleatent tyreptoma. and 1 feel Imre that ope or two brit. ties more will effect a permanent Cum T. r all to l• i.tt'rx suffering brain thr'rlt trate :. f r..r•.•mteendAver's Chem!. Peet • •r: '."--E. M. EnA'r.r-Y. P. R. I'• ' ^re err. Am. T:tpL rttbilCif ! t, PPtersbtlr :. �•A, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 00LD MEDAL Al :HE WORLD'S FAIR. AflF LEADS ALL LINEA SARSAPARILLAS. COMM ENT. Paper tomo. Many undertekers are now using cheap oothns premed out of pulp paper. When po:iah.d acid stained such cutting loos; almost as well as them ot wood. They last longer than outline of wood or metal .tilt the) DAD be hermetuoally sealed better than those of wood. tLeras Ludo. steal The I-nivereity of Chicago has received en en.iownmett, the richest perhaps ever made to the Siete of Illinois. Mrs. Brad- ley, tit I'eors•,h•s i.eetuwed .l1 her Win enee fortune, eettm.ted at more then 42,200,000, upon a school to tis_ built in Poona. Active work has cummesc.d. The tieilaleed seal.. The cabin decks of the steamship North- land ret the great Northern line line end, r water to the slip where she waa lead up .t Duluth. It ia suspected that the see -cock* were opened be, wine ons, probably • du- oberged employe. l he steamer cost $.00, 000 and was the finest on the lakes The ruin of tbe interior decorations will make the low considerable. The .ntens'a thenal, A Telegram from Constantinople to Bot- ha says that the Sultan vows that no Chili too shall live in his empire if • British or any other tient of warships attempts to form its way- through the Dardanelles. Ev- erything is in radi•.ss, the telegram my.. to .tart a general mnseacre the moment the bombardment of the fort. begin.. Th. Sul- tan is owed bl fears of assassination and dethronement. 11 Reveille'. 4L11114. " My litt!e daughter, three and a half years old. suffered throe years with Kc Mini Her little body wen covered with the itching rash, and doctors did no good Four boxes of Chain's (hutment bare entirely cured and saved our child. Hsu skin is ,fear and not a sign of nosh 1. to be seen." Andrew Alton, Hart/and, N. B. Mr. Alton is 'me of the thousands benefitted by this unfatlio*oure for piles and skin diseases. Sestttate trt.beresee. Rsidesta of (Abrader and Newfoundland are writing to the Government and the newspapers respecting the destitution pas vatltnu on throes oosa a owing to the failure of the fisheries. The writers unite to de- elering that hundreds of persons must per. ish from starvation, unless ostensive raid measures are in•agerated soon. They so- licit the .siatanos of the British ('abiset. to whose restriotive laws in favor of Frisch fishermen and against ib. residents most of the dsstitutioa i. doe. r 11�.4111.41Nlp►d►410►1110.s 'Wm. Radam Microbe Killer .... Chronic Diseases, Constipation, Eczema, Female Complaints, All At.eppeer b.fnr« Roo Microlie Kill. nt-ll.n 1'1' Tilt ilYbTE) That's mfr ,.Atlee to everyone. He home rrtedlolae on earth than '..111 Roux KILLER for 'notifying the toned ton lag up the merr„ Ind building rep the health. heed he Homier. RMMM MIP,ROB[ NIIIER Ines, ire.bN- A deepatob from Madrid ,tat'I, that ties. Blasco, tapta,a t•eseral of the Milieu. Island,, W telatte&pbed to the (iovetaeaest sates for further rooforosemots of tramps aad waesbsps W 98,11 the tssurnot►oS therm lees. Miaow declares that the rebels ars tumorous 10 several psusuemss. and 'bat they hate eight active oeoatine vessels. The government will mead 3,000 interims sad quaouues of munitions d wet. Th. public leer that the Goverastest underrate, the tmpor•anoe of the attempt to throw oft the spaoub rule It is said Grissom ars at the bottom of the trouble. and that the timate• auto arm) a ottioered by germane The Sew arelbead Ti. Si. Jamsi Gaaette hes proposed tb. Poco. of C.tt.d Suttee and 'tat) with greet Nntain far the settlement of the Armenian Qeesties. It says 11 great Britain, tee Petted stat., gad Italy promoted the Nolte° with • lost de- mand that certain oouditauos must be cons plied with mode of three days' tune it N burly probable that km Russian odvisers would intimate to Abdul Hamed that bi would have to yt.ld,•nd tt u not imperial, that the demand of the three powers would Presently become that of gaited hurope If Abdul Hooted was edvwd against he own wishes w strooyly that he refused to quid to them, so :\Delo Italian the.', .til such Assert an vessels se could arrive of time could force the Dardanelles and d►otati terms in to. Bosphorus. Tt.e men exist once of such w .Ilt.00e would prob.nly M sutbct.•nt It eoslace out merely the Sul. an but pereonr and powers of greater weight that tie atrocities must wow. The art tole oouolu...'e with the felbwwg state meat : "In the event of greater ceaseless tione instars the new dreilusd wtuld en . Hs tie to face them • It the ni.tersl sup port ot a fine navy, .hoes •dduwo to cute w. u' $ make no e,la.l to any passable coin - bin -thou, and would give us the moral sup pore et the gigantic civtlteed net iota • h,.• no other state would care to have smoog it. opi.neente. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. Canada *cored heavily to sports that year. t.aud.ur on the Thames became champion of the world for *cubing. • t:leneetrn won the half -rater trophy at New Voris. Archibald, of Toronto, won the Interne ttonal canoe rocs at Clayton. The Csaado won the International yacht raoe at Toledo. The Wion,peg oarsmen won the Amen can tour -oared ch•mptonship ram at Sans toga. The Canadians at Philadelphia won th. loteroatioo.l cricket u:atch. The Bigley teem won the Kolapore cup. The artillery team at Sbo.buryo.ss woo the •, u.e•-s pros. R H. Dickson woo the International gol' trophy .t Niagara. Mr. ferric, of Brussels, won the sham• pioashtp of the world to Caledoo.ac sports to `cot land. Now for the Derby sad the America's cap. CRISP AND CASUAL The l:ntish aristocracy includes 11 000 petaled'. Next )ear as the centeoni.i of the stove- pipe hat, which oame tato common use to 1797. A woman has for many years been the esrray.r of medble at the Koval Mint at Stockholm. Two long wool rams were sold for ttl.A35 apiece reocntic a' Lincolnshire, Eng., while • third brought $1,0$. New Zealand's legislative council has vot- ed to exclude the Chinese and all other Asi.tios from the colony. A despatch from Relgrede, Sergio, states that the Austrian oo't.ul was kidnapped by Bulgarian brigands. He u • creek and wealthy. A new German oilooy is to be established io the province of sesta Catarina, in south- ern Brazil, by several German lines of steamships. A French dootor has discovered a way of iajtating oouraee into a mac by meso of a syringe. The material he uses u • mixture of sea water and phones acid. Lady Henry Somermt and Mie Francis Willard, the well known tempsraoos seta: tors, have gone to Marseilles to mtntat r to oewdr Armenians arriving there. `Luce the beginning of the year no fewer then seventy -ole soldiers belonging to the earrison ot Met, have deserted from the German army and crowed the frontier. A French physician has obtained good results in dressing burst with milk. Com- presses are soaked with wilk ..d laid on the born, to be remind night and morning. A tingle glass eye oan rarely he wore more than a year without being polished, for the surface baoomas roughened by the ration of tee, etc., sad irritates the lids ea they rub over itIC:rn—=‘,:j2 +►„2 The knife of the guillotine is weighted with 120 pound. of lead, and requires jest three quarters of • wooed to tall from a blight of nine fest. It outs through fish and bone ma easily as it would out ohms* Verities," • Sbus!" Ocr D•ughten bliss" i Forage Nei l• teen " Bibb Si...es ...d 'theatre hats,- The Ledo brick $glees ." "Cabal bi.eet , n S.tut.tsy r.•rt►t,.' " Wordsworth and tb■ Lehe lii,b•.•f a'1 emir) „ Fur severe' u...ath• 1 e.. i,..'.1.4 w$Ib • pere..lest hummer . a M) I..rd, whim. baths es• oomlders. t. •see• gems. ant'I el e curved to me to uy Aye's ti.rr Vag.,. Bowe gable time Leith, the humor wee nested —T. T. Adana, Unieseal Yee.beet. Tuber sills, V.. A Frescb avast tisk. 'het by the seer 2000 • spiritual obs Miy will bee* hese die o,• red that Abeeld ,si'es'ta Ammo bottom nature. 1'bi, mdl be gust due Se oleo is r) u' home the heat et the 'mead rept Inv the 0441114.41 beat of tba globe. lin- ter the reign ot chemistry M. writs. we .re told, w 11 become e vnsi pleasu.e garde•, •n.1 the human rams will live ia threw sed plenty. '1'he iutle ton• of Nam., as Seale'. ho. Irm.ntue •l.pertn.ent, 180 etru.g as H. rite !.rt. Me. The watsrwoe he of the village ....must moldy of Inuit great tubs. •s4 tt is • be dot. of the women " drem.n to keep hese lull to ca * of tire. They steed la •.o continuous lines from the luta tothe lake, *hotel tbr.s bim It. away. one lien rl•e- ing the toil hutketa and the other wading . hen, iwok. t'ahlearame have hese r,o.tved aa.tre.e- tng time murder of Dr Reyah.rt, enbs oesry Tbalxi, aad tt.....duuta.•o ot his este, fro Me' I) it is "u._e ('.r.on, M It , .4 L.a- d .r . Vest. Tb• iota word reo teed from Mr Keynhart was dated at Kumt•unt, is Jape try The country was then is hoods of the rebels, whn were ravoging It. Mrs. Rmye. h art'. medical skill would canoe the rebel. to preserve be• 1.1•, av/a a elm. A G.ratleao who knew .othtog of music, bot was vireo to minting, one. heard • eal bgated organist, .ecru•'% deceased, play • p «c.• wt•tch took be fancy, and asked him, o en. they nooe.ion when be met the music •n, tea I.•►h,rm :r ,q,. n. T. a organ'.' ono f D.• ren,emher what it wa• n.' played, and 1'. gentlemen did not keno the n.me of the rot, p•.stt• a. The .sly rlu- he et old supply wee that the word. • sot somethn g like " 1\ bury, whis- ky, whisky, wht.ky ' After some experi- ments the were tuned oat to be Lord Mlorr•cuv'oa's gbe— Here to 0001 ,•rot and matey oell We rare: fay• at•d Limo dwell ittk it. rri.k it. fuck it, frith it. Violet Perna.. Millions of vclolets. "sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes," nestle at Grave and Nice under the gray shadow of the orange groves. yet 'tae 2041.000 pounds of this flower sacri- ficed every year to the flower preen are not sufficient for the toilet The perfumer is glad to fall hack on the intense violet odor of "Cassie, sweet to smell," for. sickly as !ts stent le when used alone, it gives the tndtspea- gable not to many bouquets, and 1s longer at alleles than the violet, the Menacme of acacia farneslana be- ing suece.aiv-e, while those of its bet- ter known floral ally are quickly over. There cannot be a greater contrast than that existing between the lowly tufts of the Parma violet and the tree fifteen feet high, with its Mem thick as a man's wrist and its branch- es six feet long. Yet the blo..otns have the same characteristic odor. Cassie, 100, the flower farmer's latest crop. forms a fitting introduction to the violet harvest. occurring aa the former does in N .vember and Decem- ber. While the purple shadow of the latter is not seen under the ollve 011 the beginning of February. . Both odor. are obtained by the character- istic enfieurage system, pure, in..rdor- oUs lard being placed .'n sheets of glass and covered with flower petals. Forty or fifty of the trays are then piled on one another till the lard la charged with their perfume. the flow - telt being changed from thirty to forty times before the pomade 1.4 con- sidered sumclent'y seente.i.—Chautbera' Tour nal. Adviow have beet received th.t the Anglo-E.yptian biose. who captured Doe - gala on S. pt 19, are preparing to push os te K akttoem PLANING MILL. tSTstt!SN(e tt51 llh1CII1IBS & IIh1ylls mAa v►•trrvNat+ SASH, DOOR and 3LTND Dauer. In all kb. et LUMBEH, LATH, sHI\GLES Lod bandy,* loatertal Of eeet•y d.. s'te'ts• Batt tat Wash Day For quick and essy work Fur cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Sirprks Is lot jjpflISEAp 50 Best for Ever,' UaY For every use about the house Surprise works bat and cheapest. les Ilse ranee. The Bicycle .HARDWARE. Season of 1896. School Furniture a S)acit1ty. TLm largest save paid foe • single sovel was rri0,000 1. Alpbosw Daudet for •'Nap - oho.'• published is 1884• 5100,000 was re mimed by Vieux Hugo for •' las Miser - abbe," which wen published h tee Mega - Mew _ represented Gina fined Temperance tees, and their ,lark B etted Boer, is impedes the greatisg of h- o.sos lately at l veeshirs. Mr Stargson of the Fisherman's Arms got kis iaeass re- n ewed. Germany ►.s • popaLati..f 61,771,000 and are employed se fellows : Agriculture. 18.`'02;000: metier tied manef.oteres, 20,- 963,000 : ' eemmeres, 6,000,000: dementia ,swiss, 900,000 ; and in the ewptey of stale *,A36,000. Aoeerding tea report d the adept ems - ratans on public emanate. it ,sots 16,8OOia fres and expemse to bseme • deka a tear - gale pays $5,640, se earl $.1186, a skin..► 51.000, • bares 116210, a hareem $2,00. and • twat 5486. If year eblld N peaty, fretlsl, troubled with ida.deler swellings, iefiasd *yeea sr aerie .e the head, fee., .r body, a eetw� d ♦ . Susosp•rifla a seeded to expel di hs.n tree toe blood. The mess ye. hee'1. M oake this mediae* the hither. Quagga Valeria w reigned Mager thea ..y .tar Brite megrim.. os the bird of a.pt.sbr N. had raved /w 8o )ease sadIl day., while [ IV. wen Wag he time purled, ism use lay. Rev 6014 •esd- vemry will be .d.b.sed .get year. "hmme alma we feed .1 sa.a eueg ... maWM Melee he the ser...e et the o.mbag 5uapays.ee d•y. An A.rt..pays. gl. 14. fW levees Mss ef ..bj.Nn eemeemed hr gee 11Trilby .1.411 W premium le )slii. , '• I. thee. Osbg -"`i too he ti A.r Ilipoods 1111 OadasViet is cod bis clsafoeida Scalp and Hair. Imes b IIW, fried eretylinti std nu in despair Idly Akvery best ilii/is p►wo TAR SOAP ills splendid for N11 4e and trPtlrs Onspas N tie islhea f sod fieskiesektiragAli. - 234 f elt s LANK INLET WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes AY these las 4 1.. se 1N ens Alen pageetra.s. WRITR FOR PRIOSS. •oi AbilLAIDS SY• ff..flassnlr Ien tonna TORONTO THE ONTARIO SEVER PiPE ca Are you In It t If )ou aro net, you oueht to he, for this seeenn te Kelm w ba • greater sumres for bfe, cling to Ooderich than any of 1t. prede- cessors. A iiliding Academy R. W. McKENZIE Still on tap with Lowest Prices and Seasonable Goode. Thorold Cemeilt Chum for the training or IA heeln.«o sad . W heelwomrn bis.• been eetaWlehe d us pedertcb. and the euove.s uta otter• ded it Iasi year wa'naets me la oontieutng :he work. Perfect .ogle- lsct Ion lettere re wens ble. A full lin• of fir.' else. Bioytloe fur b're. kverythlag in rte Repair Line Cp.t kept on t.an.t..nd nut.. but skilled ban is en. to) ed, J. YULE, Bicycle Livery maples a* Gu Re CONSTIPATION, G BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA,'* ICK HEADACI♦E LATE THE UV: ONE PILL AFTER EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. CE's CTS.Tuu I ODDS M.: ca. Fall 5. Announcement. New Good, and Best Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable West-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality, Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. at prices which t;auuut be beaten. go cheep as to surprise everybody. I sell the genuine Hudson Apple Pavers fie in the Market. Best American Powder kept in stock. Ask your ADruS�t �M daE• !lrWonsrfTonic and$ittleir si;i �Weak and ud, Kidney and Liver Troublas. e.•....ree.w w I. M. MasLLOO. 11111101111.1101. •NT. i YOUR PORTRAIT THE SIGNAL Makes a Most Liberal Offer to Subscribers. 1 Beautiful Three -Fourths Life Size Picture of Yourself. THE SIGNAL, in making this offer, claim, for it that it is the best it has ever made, and the public knows by this time that what Tar Swum. promises will be fulfilled. The offer is made to all new or present sub- acnbers who send us CASH IN ADVANCE for Yearly Sub- scriptions to Tux `f.:NAL, Si shown below : THE SIGNAL And YOUR PORTRA T (8-4 LIFE SIZE.) Oa e. - — Mailed or Expressed anywhere „tri tt_ in the Country for $1.50 'WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. 'The Kind of Picture We Copy From. ExcelSloi Fri U* ION 1T IT IS NO PiCKLE. You simply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, and lay the= away in a b.sbtet or box. .............. Ar DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY Alit CHEAP. Cell foe book giving too heformation, Tree ;t *harem TOR SALE 131 ALL DRUGGISTS. Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Comoetition. Tan OAIA.IAR nano *Ay1.waT 00, e g:L..aA■ dbymy stirs I i m�.saaerates etch Pule MI ties tt Is tms.e �bll.r... Ird.ylss sae 10 tb. lats..lt of In msew.e. H "11.7 safari wets wt0 laem cad d.a(sa tar= aoo....a. iso. 1111 11 lootL-- -s— OMNI* Portraits will lie copied from photographs. cabinets or tintypes. DO NOT SEND A DIM OR FADED PICTURE. All pictures copied Bust (head and ,thoulde s). Where picture contains more than one head a charge of 50 cents extra will be made for each additional head ordered, or 50 cents extra for a full figure portrait But one portrait to each subecriber. HOW TO ORDEzdi YOUR PORTRAIT. Enclose the picture you wish copied in an envelope and place your name and address on the back of the picture, with full instructions where to send it. Try to have as few changes as possible, as a portrait can be oopied much better with fewer changes. Your small portrait will be returned in as good condition as it is re- ceived. NO FRAMING CONDITIONS WE DO NOT JAKE PORTRAITS .RIEQIIIRING YOU TO BUY A FRAME The Portraits are made for to by artists of national reputation and who produce only the highest grade of work, GIIIRANTNS TO SUBSORIBBES. The portraits are the work of first-class artists. They are fully 3-4 life vise and are as natural and finely finished as Portraits sold for $''1 to $10. It is not inferior work because it is fres. It is trulX,�a work art. Bach portrait is finished by hand in Creyen mad 'AMA Ion . will not fade. sZND IN TOUR ORDSR QUICKLY. IT WILL I SOYli TI1tIt TO MAKE Ii PORTRAIT.TA In order to maniereBritt-class work it will take from two to THfoot weeks to deliver portraits, therefore do not delay placing your sabocrir tion and order with us. Parties desiring Frames will be furnished an Elegant Hardwood Frame direct flaw manufacturer for what pries you say, if handled ►t1 you. If by us we will send circulars to subscribers with prioss. NEVER BEFORE HAS ANY NEWSPAPER NADIA RUCH AO OFTI II TO ITS SUBSCR.IBICU. . THE SIGNAL,