HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-10-1, Page 44
i t d �' SUN 41, f;d'F)P Rl("H• ONT.. THi' 148DA Y. OCT. 1, 18M.
flu $inal,
tt etta renes
aT S. /tYILLM71if
Oen et Public.le s -s awl l0. Norte .sews
Ooderish. °dude.
Torre et ewttseripstor t
(lee matte is adverse .... .......S if
teIli entha ,. f,,, .... dy
Unyear, rw -- 1 le
Lack M Toes taupe.
Yew Iabr% 1s • standing reoelpt of tae date
t. whit' you .r. p.M ftp• nee that It is not
allows 'o tell Into served.
Vele . • eh•sae of address Is desired, botr
Hie re wad the sew address .hnn%A b• gives.
veretel.i goer.
1 sad o•'rr te.wdul wA vet atr'u,.b'S. tt
rr 1 • tow de t !.erten.w, hi t pen's per to n
r Met subsequent Isenrtton. Measured b
• sr urea male.
Be tem cards of ski liata sad nods' 1/3 per
A vsrttsem•ets of Lost. Prom • rayed
tilt utmost vacant. R'tue,has n•ed and
Re mile Chasese tv nateA seeteeda(
Hs a neap•rwq. t nor mo- • m.
11 mess on i e o•,d Parc,. on a ••s eget
e ' el I It n• a. SI h r Icor m„n'' ah-. p -•r AM
• ^• month. iw.'w.'r o' •. In pr' '.,ems
An) .,.risk nota -e. rhooeter, or which ill to
n.m to the pe••nelary betted* of •nr 1045
vldu. 1 or company, to he ooesetero4 as ad
vereirreimm$ and cherwM •r• -..rot n✓y,
LO al notices in nonpareil type one cent
word, no notices ter Zhao lye.
Loral nodose Is ordinary reading type two
cents per word. No notice for Ism than tib.
!Coffees for churches and other religious and
benevolent institutions haft rate.
Onbacriher who tell to rocMe' Toa ilinn•L
rtrml*rt) b, mall wilt c .refer a favor by •c-
nrr'.rnu us of the Not at s early •n dater
Di *ft.ie,
seed .(.b..,1e ..rlt.' s u ssI to .Yt. HSS TOPCOTA WEEK
pert ss eyposs tie l;eseru•toet. If th'
people rod • meg to support tee •iurern
meat that !nom hos to aspires ul if h•
deer • .1., . • . ti. r.,.ers who sew.. him cher•
Velli tutu tun, dome 1.-‘1, time he appos"
nef,•re therm Hie .eras.• e., lie (;OvefL
meat t. o01 . priests N..eesrb, et .. • palm.
duty. sod be has no riglit to divert that ser
vice Lo tutthe.tuu his private •..•Is. It h•.
ne..n .e.1 ••h.l chs' public nth r u • pubs
tru..• rod ..o mw should be .Ilow.d t•
make • privet map ou• of it.
SNAP 501J1S.
-The majority of oyer 500 in Flaw
Horne h.s sbru.k b -ism sore.
P.J Tee .a',the alleged I evincible,
it tether • very lecke man or ,,e b •a a pipe
• 110. oo `boil.., 1..rd.
-Thr reception. given to the Gov-
eruor and the 1200014. of .{• infuse 1..t
I tNerY wee esertfslt. ,t no. I .udrttoa'bad.
Partekrre Vries,
J. C. L. Tomei, of (:oderlch, hes been •p
pointed Ltx-al Trn
velllne Agent for the ,ow.
wee of ooder'oli. Colborne. Ashfield and Ws.
Local postmasters over the district are she
evpowerod to res ve subscriptions to rue
9 in•L
All communications mt.., be addressed to
Li Meal. WI-Id/Y.
Tres Rugal,
Telephone Collie. Gederlcb. Out
H')DOttcn. HUReDAY. OLT. J. egg;
out of ottice to become a vigorous apostle of
E blue ruin. The Hon. Gtol:•:L K. F ssyse,
f r enemas, is now talking ruin of the
blues tin'.
--lf .t. L. (;naw, h..Lrc been a
kerther of hr. brother, .►•cul ( rhe timers,
meet hare se pouted him K.gl"irsr r -f
=h.• Tory newspapers have at
last dswov.red tb.t 1. t r al tat + policy On the
Manitoba whool question *ill sot he one o'
-- 1t looks in this county as if it was
• government of t;tr..u%, by Gutsier, sod for
Gn:.ov Tae other chaps don't appear to
be to ,t
if the C.P.F.. station telegraphers
keep on melte that compluy will costume
to do • ceoh bastes.• .t the old stand.
There will be no "tnukthere,
Ourine the pact week the Hon.
s;a., F. l.erce has *wen endeavori.g to
play the first fiddle to the llppceittne or
char.. What's the molter with the old
--It •loesn't take long for a Tory
Important Events In Few Words
For Busy Reader's
the Maw vers. rape.nt.et ttksellWs
MMted sag roe Base rstasy sad
aeraestve aba4' ear tae Seeder* of
Oew raper- A seer mser'e najammant
• r'aragespbed la/arwsalsem
A man who registered as H. Nanta,
New York, was tonne dyad la his bed
at the Queen's Hotel, Totoato. Up to
a late hour he had not been Ii; 'rned.
The circumstances surrounding his
death point to suicide.
r'U/.1111e t eatt»1(i1a.
Mr. John Boyd has declined the no:a-
1natJon of Governor el New Yotk on
the L/emocr.tLe ticket
It is stated In Berlin 'hut an Agree-
ment has been reached bet'%ern the
Russian and German Government to
bang about an internee, o,.vl agreruo.,t
to deal atilt Anarchist pi ss and peit-
THE Milk Bite sit D.
Serious bush Ates e•,rr••uod•'d For,
N'titian'. and for a time the existence
of the town was threatened.
Mrs. T. Phillips of Kingston returned
to her burning house t•, look for a lady
boarder and was uvercotne by smoke,
and found dead by th m• firemen. All the
other occupm is of fur h,u,le ...: load.
N.4Tt'*AL PHENortE! a.
A grist storm plvyed havoc uIt',
shipping on the west co -tat of EnglenJ
.•n Friday.
The storm that;our -1 such has..•
In England on Friday was very general
throughout the cantina .e of Euroµ
Terrific gales prevailed on Thursday
night In the British Channel, and tele-
graphic communication thrift nceut
Great Britain and the working ut the
cable were seriously ,nterfei...l with.
The new Bishop of Qu'Appelle
enthroned at St. Peters pro -Cathed
n the diocese.
TO herr ,once p.etpIP talk one wou
imagine that 11 is the date of the I.00
I:overnment to furnish fat r,t}axe to t
members of the Legislature u'd ex-membe
when vacancies arise.
Tet: SI.. AL has beard member.nd lain
titters talk that way, and the expression has
bees frequently used, when reference h..
been Heade to some patriot who had has
gru.l t•oded to him while be still held a
co.atitueoc,, "11h, be nes been a long IMO
member and • faithful supporter of the 1;ov-
erumeot. indeed, end for this he mu,
receive a further solatium in addition to hi'
.twined alloweace, and mileage, plus rail-
way passes and the privilege of placing his
relatives in positions at the publto expense.
Do sot the individuals who assert that
members of the Local House have special
claims know that these member., to the
majority of mise, are well pelt for their
terrines ehlie the House to in ses,too'
Don't they know th.t in th
preterit Leg:sIo ure there ate not tea mem
Mer who could earn R300 a menthe and the
o large mei.nty u( the remaining member
would be well pail at ten dollar a week for
the work they do during the ten months 0
the year that are not taken up in Parlia
meotary session : is ,t not a well-known
tact that thee- in always an anxiety oo the
part of the member to get the party nomina-
tion and that, if •o etTort were made to take
the nomination from him, he would fight
that etTort to the hitter end, and deem as an
enemy anyone who would attempt to pooh
on hit preserve`
All thea, thio,,, are well-known. and yet
Local me mbar and even Cabinet !dimmers
talk as if the feelings of Legul•tive member
only should be oonsulteld when an appoint-
ment is to he made, and claim that if • sit
ting member wishes to relinquish bas seat
he eboald have the v.'•ncv : or if he be
n ot inclined to accept at the time, or party
erigeocv requires that be must ranee* to
hold hu seat, thenal he chooses to nominate
his brother, or his eater, his cousin or hia
aunt to act as • holdover until he may re-
sign, either one of these has the prefer
epos against all comer simply because he,
.he or it happens to be the brother, airier,
cousin or aunt of the sitting member.(
To this diotom Tits Siemer. takes excep-
tion. The vacancies don't below, to the
members, ner to the Ministers, for that
matter, but to the party is=power, in the
beelines where the vaoaboie. 000nr. The
peonies' should not be Veen to the mem-
bers, who, as we have previousle stated,
n ine timer out of ten ore mon than well
paid tor the work they do in the Leg aletive
halts, not should they et, to the roisterer of
members, simply bream they are relatives.
Kober should they he 'Nivea to the wheel -
horses of the parry who. by their work,h.ve
contributed towards the making of menthe,.,
and sometimes from mighty dory timber.
All this alk .bout the sacrifice of mem-
ber u the moot arros% rot. No man to
feted to be • member It the job doesn't
.wit him he as not compelled to keep it, bet
ran drop ost at the end of four year., ..d
there are always men anxious tow hem
drop out and willing to take his place.
l'edslly, the old ebaps deal drop est .moa
'bough lo snit the eager aspirants. Wt
h... in musd • runty when one member
Mang on for twasty.tbr s year., against all
toads of prodding by thew who ...wed kis
r0gaation ; and le the lame oonsty there
was wether old legislator she woslds,t
let .p after sweaty years, altb.tttgb
the pinata g•essaties seated le the wmre
way b w Nm pei.s.s.eel of the virtue
resigs.tisa. Ossveettms after ee.vesasa
he bobbed up seredy •.d let the ymag sees
knew that satiates was a vert.* ti.. they
Weald eslibiatiased he hose ea te the psi.
Met sad .eeelataww like the hark te •
Wee. 4.d the his at the •hiss le thee With
Shaw tad shays 1•111 early sled late ef the
eesflllw they hive stela by k.regbtg ea w
*air lobs aerie, .r Were y..a
ICS Owe all this sassseiwl talk sheet
Q.wireim.t. Woe its 4 speeW ehwNlew
W Islreiisel rhos urged. !1e pqy
he for the present erasion. If any one of them
--There is no law compelling itny
Tory member to pocket- the full Indemnity
considere he hien t earned the allowance b.1
need net take it.
--- For ;e uume lie•r of pwrliawent with -
oat a ma, 05 his constituents at hu
back, Nt.lt„Lots Fi.ioi, DArt,, M.P, of p
!',h -o'. Boole, has had • good deal to sae in ,
the past throe or four weeks.
The I'l,-nia College of the hierarchy
at Constantinople has declared Its right
to 4.s..,se the Sultan.
hblshop Langevin reached
Boniface on his return from Rome,
was given a ceremonious welcome.
M5'11t \ Res.
The trade situation In the United
States is practically unchanged.
A retail section of the Hamilton
Beard of Trade Is being formed,
The Richelieu 4 Ontario Navigation
CO. is having plane prepared for two
stew steel eteaJriers to add to their fleet.
With a slew to encouraging the silk
ndustry the Prince of Wales Is re-
urnthg to the fashion of the Georgian
eriud in .11k waistcoats.
cutlet: Avft ('kl MIN .%L..
Levi Gardner, a colored man of
oxidetock, was found dead In his hottp
on Saturday morning with a bullet
through his head. The widow and a
an named McComas have been placed
nder arrest.
County Treasurer George H. Morrl-
n. of Trov, hoe been arrested for
embezzling 1300.000 from the Renate-
er treasury, leaving the county about
1300 to meet current expenses.
The Hamilton Street Railway Co. Is
reducip/r wages.
The dm loyes of J. McPherson & CO..
amiltnlf. shoe manufacturers. haw
elided to accept a cut in wages to
enable the Arm to compete with Que-
bec manufacturers.
1dr. Francesca Antonio Gusloo, man-
ning director of Le Llgure Rrasll-
na, has laid a charge of criminal libel
irain.t Mr. Trolfe Berthtaum.•, pro-
rtetor and publisher of La Pretties, on
account of ('ertatn statements reeard-
g the emtgration of Canadians to
C A a c A t,T1 Ra.
Air. Byers. caretaker of a public
hoot at Stratford. died from an over -
,se of laudanum.
Mr. Hugo Reinhardt, w•h . was run
er by a dump car on the emir line
Hamilton last week. died from his
-At this distance from the seat of
war in East Huron. the impre..ioo forms oo
our mild that there are likely to be wigs ce u
the Rreea. to a letter published in Toe
Bruise's Post " Au East Huron Retorn.- to
sr" bites hie thumb at the powers that be la
-The only newspaper in Huron
that spoke favorably of the Registry al•
peintment died last week it could not
survive dive the wrench to e ouo.oleuoe, and
,, Tn' 'I etia.d Observer, published at Wrox• H
. e'er, stave up the ghost.
-This country of ours hasn't gone
to the bow-wown
s since Laurier assumed of- a
t tics. se wee onofidently predicted by the ta
• Tupperitee Oa the contrary, the indica- a
Dons are for better times in every line of a
business. In
--The Ontario Government's ap
pototmeot of THn>,A. GIaaON's brother to
the gloomioo of Registrar, limply became. he
was Titou.t- rrtww'.4 brother, doesn t
seem to have ,., , le any votes for the Gov- ov
eminent over to East Huron. The people at
over there don't believe in t he hold over •p
poi. t mento
The Montreal Star referring to the
" busier" is 'manes* " letter of • Quebec ho
pnhttoi.s say*:
It las dangerous polioy-chip distribution Y
of public;patronage among local poliUoiwa. ; Vel
end when it has killed a tow more politics-
sub mom• keener public common mom rid
us of it altogether
John Maher. aged 25. supra, off a
even at f ohnurg and tell under the
heels, which paused over his head,
rushing it severely. He died ha:f an
ur afterwards.
Rev. J. B. Torrance, a brilliant Anal -
ear student of Knox Collet., and his
fe were drowned on Sparrow Lake.
uskoka, by the upsetting of their
canoe no Raturday.
POI . I T I ort_ I smug: a 1..
This has alw. ys been the oentebtioo of Ter.
SP'',.,and pertain. to Local as well a IM -
minion potties. What • nice kettle of fish It
there is in Huron in the mater of the
registry ofiios appointment, and all because
• member believes in the attain that " lura
bees is boat.....' No politician should be
allowed to traffic in publio patronage.
ansu$iaa Ege•.
it is not strange that some of the boding
Amerioan newspapws are 'westering how
it is possible to publish w large and .o ex-
pellent a paper as The Family Herald and
Weekly Ot.r of Moister' is for one dollar a
roar. It met be the enormous areulaion
of the Family Her.,d and Weekly Star that
enables its publishers to issue it at the.
Mice. Each issue of the Family Herald .ad
Weekly Star oowaiee ods hundred seal
twenty•.ight lull columns said by some
count what each subscriber to it tete is owe
year is /nisei to the cnetests of fifty beard
..Ismer, each volume herbs, two hendred
and fifty pate., sad pooh valuable 'natter.
too, Rvery 1(ai that goes faro the Fatuity
Herald and Weekly Star meat oast trireme.
for it publishers seem to not as N they
wnold have Done bet the beet. W. would
he afraid to estimate whet thdipebli.Asn of
,he Fatuity Sewall meet smutted each year
b eestaiat the high r.pn'.tios of their
paper. 11. treat .droaloMes MIM the story.
Alt parties g.stltsd ty.tr stile bilks printed at
this ore. wink.,, • fres sotto* ,..metes
is this 11et we le the time of elms.
W env Gene r Or -r. 14.--aakm«tdeg at 1
r w. ales Ne. 10, Ore. 6 ('elhorn., than
will be veld • Mage weak of hers.., cattle,
sad term hapaem.s.a Jake Ksere, Aeetso
Tranor Oat. 6. -Thee will be veld by
Nets° .sails at the dwatlis, see doer
sa•frh et the BOOM.h Erehsege, wmweeeti*.
et 1 r, r , • large sevvrtmest of int t...
red b,-heid eflkus& Thus (lesdry, we-
Mounds. O.•,. 14 -Thew epi he meld
°a,.+vsdy as 1. r... sr Lee 3 Lake rases
A*Wd. sear Pert Albert, the Airs week
end writs el Wes► 1esesr. The sesNL ..
er bas else essayed Yr. Dater', kttt 'sr -
Mw M erg the Ism se eke wise time
Jodie Raw. Are shames.
Prune Minleter Salisbury on Satur-
y went to BaitaoraJ to vlelr tete Ctta>•
I eyes are now turned thither. and
1s hoped the Interview will mark a
turning point In Great Britain'■ atti-
tude towards the powers.
ISr. Gladstone trade a powerful
speech at Liverpool on the Armenian
atroe$Tlea He urged that the British
Government withdraw Sir Philip Cur-
rie from Constantinople and give the
Turkbb Ambassador In London h1a des-
The Manchester Guard tan under-
stands that an agreement Ls probable
between Great Britain. Russia and
Prance to bring about a settlement of
the iastern question, the rn-operation
of France being purchased by an un-
derstanding regarding Egypt.
A letter has been received at the
District Attorney's office In New York
from the American Legation In Paris,
staking for the naturaiisation papers of
P. J. Tynan, the alleged dynamiter. -.
The demand 'of the British Gov t•n-
ment for the extr..iltlon of P. J: Tynan
has kern prevented to She French cloy.
promo-mt. Mr. F,t:at1. th • rafted
states Ambaasad.•r. hat r. ,c fotenc•
v If h ,l ,lhnt/tau\. th• Nlr.h t o, , ..r-
eign Affair. regarding the Tynan case.
Eldon: J. ivory. ailas I.d a 5 R II,
wh., was errantly arrest d Bar. (3J-t.gow
charged with being eonnected with the
dynamite con.ptrai•y, of which Tynan
M the moving spirit, was arralrn.•t at
the Bow -street Police Court, London,
and evidence given Soefulstlng him
with Tynan. The case Is being con -
TRIS ta=il".
Mr. Wright 1h'TUer et Kingston died
'uddenfy at Aulterelfill, Ont.. aged d3.
Dr. Ridley. the eldest practising phy-
sician Is Hamilton. died whl)e truing
. holiday tn the Province of Quebec -
The death rate for Logsdon tart week
was only tad par thousaad, o. easiest
as average of 111 In thirty-thr'e great
sceree In England.
Mr. Robert Oardlner of Harwich.
Ont.. while patertrig the office of • deo-
tor la Ridgstoww, Art., en Saturday, to
commit him r.gardkag his health• fell
dawn dived.
The f.eeral of b.wfor Ferguson was
held from his residesoe. w o ; en -road,
Toronto The service was •tcd.ctod
at the Areae, after whMh tram rvl"taly
were lent by .tectal Canadian Pacific
trap to G.N tee %termsmt
A tiny ettsdaee Mata moaned as tie
farm, of Mr. favid Nichols, Westmin-
ster The l& year -stet daughter of Mr.
John Barney of Lambeth was at work
at the farm house when she suddenly
fell over and eras dead before relief
couej be afforded her. Heart dleease b
the supposed eeus..
The Hudson Roy a Visite Railway
Company's hill wt , rev 1 u third tints
In the Senate.
The location 'vf 'he (:ran; Trunk car
works at Lund a la .awl:Er i,uiI.ling
activity in the east sad.
The Reading Rahway property mea
sold at Philadelphia to Mr. Carter tit
New York, representing the Reorgan-
isation Committee. The told was $1C..
The new management of the Until,'
Trunk is rapldiy ccnv.rtmg the em
t,loyes from Canadians to Anericat:e.
The former are 1.e;':4 dib 4355 -u Jelly
from ail departm.•ott,.
The flet brick on to sew Granl
Trunk car shops In L..,.... 11, (*01. was
laid by Mr. John Street, ret Hamilton.
who laid the first brick 01 the old
.hops nearly twenty -Ave years ago.
A Brantford denotation, interviewed
General Manager Hays of Montreal
regarding the removal of the car
works to London. Mr. Hoys said when
the time came the minivan). would .'n-
.1, avor to do some repairing in Brant -
I' N, $A••er'R...
Lord ttnsebery on Saturday unveiled
the Burns statue at Paisley
Hamilton Hoene.: . u.nt.ii. ki•,n 'r. have
Inaugurated a ' ampalgw against vari-
ous clues where liquor 1s solei.
The Emerald Beneficial A.
• Bach was in session In tit .
: •old 1ta nest annual met -tin;
A branch of the Canetdla
Society has been organise.
thorium, with Yr. W. J. R..
The Anti -Masonic Congress, arran
retells fur which vier, made in Rom
opined at Trent, Southern Tyrol, ,
During the massacres In Constant
n.'ple the therms. F:mha.sy was th
only one that closed Its doors and re
fusel -protection to the Armenians.rra
Fall faint are In prngs in man
centres of the Province, the abunda
(rope of the year makirto the Khoo
more complete than usual.
A virulent plague et prevalent i
lrumluty, and in many other part. .
the Presidency, from o h:ch a hundr
or more deaths hare already resulted
Robert W. Long of Port Hope w
found dead in Ala bed. He lived sit
his brother. who Is a believer in Chris
Ilan galena. An inquest is being tel
WOK UTE'. ut w AU.It now appears that one tb'.usan
Armenians were killed during the re
cent ,mamaaciE at egln.
Miss 'Preach' E. Willard has made
moat Impsioned appeal to the wom '
of the United States on behalf of • th
Reports from the Niagara -earn
show that the new Lee-Enfeld rifle
a very popular arm with those %Or
have given It a test. 15
Gen. Kitchener telegraphs from on-
ecla that he has raptured 300 prison-
ers. and the cavalry it: 8011 pursuing
the enemy.
A :number of r .-rete* have been
caused in the 1 e ,: .t the 7th Fusiliers,
Landon• by rder requiring the
members to part to battalion
The Egyptian flag was hoisted over
Drngola. and the dervlehes are In full
flight, and art-. being pursteod, by the
gunboats on the 'river and by the
cavalry on the west bank of the NII..
Sir Herbert Kitchener M sending the
First Staffordshire Regiment tack to
Kosheh, en route to Cairo,. which seems
to indicate that there will be no fur-
ther advance up the Nile, at least for
the present.
The Insurgents of the Philippine Is-
lands are said to be putting people to
death by wholesale. A number of
monks were tied to trees and burn-1to death after being covered with
Petroleum. •
P'►e•1T1'•• - tNAlel.40.
The supplementary estimates,
amounting to f2.fiO3.0ptt were brought
down 1n the House Friday. m
The Government ajority was
cr.-mod to 37 on the division on M:.
Fetter's re,olutlnn In the House.
The report of the orommltree recom-
mending the dismissal of three of the
French translators of the House was
r John Auld of Amheretburg was
non...nated by the Liberals of South
Essex as a suceswr to th. late Hon.
W. D. 1tatfour.
81.' Richard Cartwright has return.•l
to Montreal from Boston, where he
met and discu,essel see.•ral .ublecs
with Mr Joseph Chamtw'ralln.
A deputation of the veterans of '66.
who repelled the Fenian raid. waited
upon Mr. Laurier, and asked for re-
eognitlon of their patriotic pervte/a In
the shape of a medal and a land grant.
Mr. Laurier said he wound lay the mat-
ter before his colleagues.
An influential deputation waited
upon Air. Laurier, and requested hem
to place fifty thousand dollars In the
supplementary estimates to enable the
Toronto Industrial Exhibit/on Atsnaa-
tinn to hold a Dominion JOthlbtttwn
next year. Mr. Laurier said he with
much fmrrvswed with the arinitnents
advaneee. and would at once bring the
matter before his colleaguesand give
a reply at the earliest possible moment.
1141111:1.s •••11,41.. a1..
The Bishop rot Edinburgh Ip tn Mont-
Air ("varies and Lady Tupper will
celebrate their golden wedding cn
October S.
The steamer Hope, with Lieut. Peary
an•t party on board, has returned tO
Cr; t: Lt.eton.
1t 1s said that the Queen 1s seeking
to Interest the Czarina as a woman
in the disuses of the Armenians..
The Pattie of Montro.e.l has started
a fund for the flintily of Louts Mel.
and Mr Beaugaarid how headed the
list with 1100
The Queen, FrldaY, received an enor-
mous number of telegrams trona ail
parte of the world. cottaratulating her
that her reign has become the longest
In English history.
Lord and Lady Rummell Mae Russell
Sir Frank Lockwood, Lady Lockwood
and Miss Lockwood have arrived in
New York and will remain until Oc-
tober 2, when they sell for borne.
Lord an, i Lady Aberdeen visited
Startford. Seafnrth and Oe,derlch At
the laws warned town the (`iruntssa was
presented with an address on behalf
of the Irish population.
LI Hung Chang cached Yokohama
by the Empress of India en Runday
He wee Mewed with the voyage. and
w11l travel tie real of tk. journey In a
Chimer mare -of -war sent on to meet
Her Majesty having on Thursday at-
tain,d the distinction bf reigning eag-
er than any other BrItWt eovetratgw.
the event was eseMbrated M the Public
. ehewete of Tesesto by this singing of
essays by the scholars earnmerworative
of Owe leading ewers is fl• Malasty'e
govni Th1UMJCIyTjE.
IICj,intend Li wake our new ball Stock of Dry Goods wove rapidly,
V/ that is, it low priors have anything to do with it. We w
you know that we are *outvoting prioesant to have
ring town to the very lowest
of compression point, that it is passible to give them. We point with pride
to our praise.. Our new
now in stock. We ark you to 000.pare Quality, Style and Prices with any
store in Gu.ierich. New
Again we lead in the Newest, most Stylish and the Tastiest Designs of the
season. Many exclusive patterus.
Again we ask ccenparisott in Quality and Prices. Fall and Winter Novelties,
are overflowing with Style, Merit and Attraction. You ignore your
rightful a.ivantagea if you omit to daiw the tidvantaget offered by the great
�1rut Ir,
Drive Goods sial Linen but be of Gaierich.
Co.ner Wen -at and Squat*.
NO ('ragas[. -Ter Termite Wrld sere
char Ir go nn •is.cd tn.are etas the edge
(.Hr.n. .4 to ., K'Iscstso't itepertmegt, 0Ow
an 1.r consideration, sod %mob wit he is -
inert a ithtn • ,•..np'e of mnu•t., will Mvety.
ao ••r'a'ttle in :her c• twee of .inky eeth•', mf
Pivd,t? et Nigh 4 honk., dor in the .at I y
for .ns rf the es•reteetelei..', rod by the Tin e
dep'rcato n for 18'97 In f«• no ",..o. de W
s e e
hip •• wake tba. ...1, 1.10 .ue,.w- ..,1.. - ..-
. iLeNrl..y e.ttCI- l v lru.�er., te•LI.Cos or so•
elle •'r-. The u, jr tt •d e .1. p,., • eat
ha• to mnwl dwq rather thea to
y.r.tieas tegetNtsrs,
At CATTLE BRos. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves. 11 'he have them -
all kinds and sizes at lowest po't„i-
LILLING THAT hNTAII Y MUCH ble cast pricey. Alio leave your
HARDSHIP AND NTAIL$ RE orders for repairing and setting up
of Stoves. We handle the best
Canadian and American Coal
Osa CASA I* WHIWI';g$ senior*, a2OCtYI
ON I.A Ga/Pea AND esatO4-s APPEAL
THOCeLt.-HOW Mg VICTIM •tlterk&b
RglcpwlD HgALTH.
e -root the lirockvWe Recorder.
Rockport is but a small hamlet, bot 1
bee achieved • wide reputation owtag
the fart that 11 s situated in the very her
of the far-faed Tboua.ad Islands, and for
this reason attracts during the momma
onths hundreds of pleasure revere
Among the res►dests of the village. node te
bettor known then Wilson A. Boot. Intim,
recapsthe summer months he follows the recaps
tea of an oarsman, and none knows better
thea he the !manta of the Kerney bass and
linnet In the wr and spring months
Mr. Root follows the oocupation of trapping
and this penult requites one to be out in all
porta et weather. and in the water frequent.
ly at a tune of the year when the water mn
•one too warm. A. • result elf • wats¢
Mr. Root took a severe oold, which de
veloped into la 'nope, which took mob •
nem bold upon his sy.tem that for • teme
he was unable to leave the h. use. His kid-
neys became •ftreat
and he suffered fro
severe pups •crop. the book. Tbere was a
feeling of coetinsous tiredness, which se
amount of rat or sow seemed to relieve.
The appetite wfickle, •std there was 00
tndtepositioa to exertion or work. A numberth
of remedies were tried, one alter the oer,
but without soy bestrew.' result.. At this
!uncture a (need strongly advised that Dr.
Wiltiam,s' Pink Pills be given • trial. They
had cured thousands of others, sod Irby sot
he' Acting oo ks friend'. suggsstioe Yr.
Ross proms/is!• single box of the Posit Pine,
used sad before all were ed felt so improve.
mein. Thi• esooureged him to persevere
with the treatment, end after thew of •
few more boxes of the pills Mr. Rope Used
his health !'ally stored, and the pales sad
bobs. bad disappeared, nod with their dh-
appearance came renewed strength sod MI-
avity. Mr. oot says :--••I firmly believe
HaltDr. Williams' Haltn
Pills to be u.arp.uesd
es • medicine. and I advise any who are
ailing t the it a fair sad boniest trial."
Dr. 1% thump' Pink Pills strike at the
soot of the disease, drives, i1 from the ey.-
tom sad motoring the patient to health .ad
i• canes of paralysis, spinal
:4.4=luoo.sot.r ataxia• seasons, rheum-
atism, .rrsiplas, scrofulous troubles, .to.,
Osseo p,lI. ars superior to all otter treat.
mane They are alas a specific for the trou-
bles white stake the hues of so many 1/0•1111/0•1111/0•1111.• burdensha
. d speedily restore the riot /tow
et ►with to pale .sd sallow cheeks. Yea
broke. Down by owe, work, worm •
or e
tosses, will find to Pink Pulls • earwig, aura
Sold by ell dealers or soot be mail at -paid
at 8th. s box. or six boxes at 18 50, by Williams'aid-
nosing the Ira. Willias' Modica Company
Brockville, Use, or Soh•s.otody. N. Y.
Rowes of imitltios• tad substitute .11eesd g careful Buyer
, Plumbers and Tinners.
Hamilton e.
Horses Wanted.
The Horse Buyers,
will he at
Londesboro, Monday. Oat 5
Manchester, Tuesday. " 6
Dungannon. Wednesday " 7
Ktntall, Thursday, " 8
Ripley, Friday. 9
Luoknow, Saturday, 10
for the purpose of buying good, ..mind
fat Hones or Marrs from :. to y.+an
old, weighing from 1,300 to LW() Usk
each. Will also buy p few good
Drivers, 15k to 16 band, high.
See his 300 -page Map Scribbler : It
is a good one. Complete Stock of
&Soot Supplies.
se he'•lset as good."
By mistake we have received
a larger quantity than we or-
dered of Wire Lamp Shade
Frame*, in the latest patterns.
which will be run not at Kle.
1111 FAIR„,
QW 'sleet Mie needs ee.eisply, leve lie
aMhes wade r;g►a, .ad /.y Ube tight kid
e( amiss gam roe plel�
rWait.. Yea may sea �d
ow woe with es
iv -
bereft will be yeasefuR1 pc�MM� year le
11e see shows se se wheeler • lire• as w
dor bwstN.l eee/sraed meld M 0 1gs'
trig sole yea to sees ess0Y•