HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-10-1, Page 2veNynetret-
(imminent room reel L)
cress 37 - ugLO o*AJ • 1110.
Red Claw sue wheal, Thos. Beatty, Jan
Bdmaaetoe. ; Demount (.11 wheat, Robe
Baan, Healy l'urwea ; env other varlet
fell what. elute, Jho Seibold, Jobe W
Yoe ; red ••r antler, named, Stewart Ma
Dougal, Jus SJksi./ ; Striae wheat,
Colorado. S. Fars,, H. Cat tea ; say utter
variety, Fa. z. : rye, % 'ra, Stirling.
Sherd telitea. ; els-rn+.d barley, Henry
Carves Jae tt• Yoe ; lei,. peas, John
Salkeld. S nese ; wall pees. 8 Verse
Hoary 1'nr e r,; a hoe woe, n ae ear wta.
Jas. F. .aoa.wu. ; black o.t.,.l ..,.ee David
set, *Trani InulLarall; fl.a seed. Joh&
Sslkel.l, 1. A.slkeld, jr ; llnaa by ..ed. John
lialke •l. Winer t1.oI ; clear rids Wm
Serafliald ; whit. beans, ,loan Se kelt' : 001
loop• o moon to the.Ir.. •. Gtr,•*.. i.r Lbe.x
htbi' ,r, ;i..uuel Fu, se, Jain SJk.i i.
I.. -William• 11wr,li1atue.
CLA-. 38--nj i. tout%, vit..=taL..s, •T..
Long red marigold, henry Curwen,. John
W. Salkeld ; globe.. mangold, John Salkeld.
W Warnock: to rno-d.•'. u.sac,.l.l, John.
Andrews; L. Salkeld . jr ' .Swede turnips. J
Porter, Wm Parsons; 1i 1J .uric., eons
sed. J..he Untied : while u.rrot., tt'm
Waronc:k. Hoary Canna ; onions, W -m.
Warnock, David Prouse; Edd core, H
Curwen, John salkeld; largest pumpk&o.W.
Warnock, .John Salkeld : largest squash,
Wm. Parsons, John Salkeld ; lugost turn•
Ips, H Crimea, 1 S•Ik.ld, jr : hugest and
beet stalks field oorn. John selkrld, Geo.
W Thomson.
.'I,Aww 39--1AIKY repo'.T•
Teo pounds table butter, salted tor uer,
roots or prute, prize riven by Beak of Mon-
treal, Thos Hemtltoo, Mrs Geo. Nott ; tem
Iter. t.blr butter, eal'ed for use, 1at prize
given by Ssulta Urns.. Thos. H.n.a-
tw, W. F. Young; tub or crock of salt
butter. prima gt.en hy the Rank of Moot
reel. K. 11. Smear,W. F. Young ; tea Ibe
salt hotter, tint prize Riven by J. %V Smith,
Thos. Hamilton, 1 and 2: cheese, taotory
made, James Connelly, Walter Fere: cheese
home made, Bret prize given by Book ot
Sloutreal, L. Symington
Judge --Hugh Vc('srtney Braes field.
,'LA.,. 4O -A I'YLyr
Tea varieties, S. Furze, Wel er Hiok ;
six varieties, Wm Elliott. Hilary ('arweo ;
Cir varieties, desarrr, W. Elliott, Win. Ed
more ; northers spy, J. %V Sebald, A si
('hrystel ; Rb.•t'e island greeniog, .Sohn
newer?, W 1' Mersey ; •o.tdrn•s blush,
Wm. Elliot', W. Stirling : Alexander, .las
Porter, Thos. Hamilton : wealthy, Joh..
Salkeld, N Ktohan; McIntosh red, A
Sands, Joe. Stewart; walbndge, ,Sao Stew
a.t ; oolvert, Wm. lin g•.t, C. A. Wells ;
baldww, C 1 N.1teI, John Stewart ; king
of Tompkins county, lien. Young, David
lions,: .p./pen herg ..opus, 1; ,V, Ae
dews, Jos. Whitely : tdlswater, Andrews
Bros., Ther. 1ie.•y : roxbory roamer, Wm
Elliott, Wm. Edward ; ha'•hard.00's non
mob, It t: 1)avisoa, A. Sands: American
golden ruseett, T. W. Bell, Wm Sachem :
ribston pippin, Joe, etewsrr, W. Hook :
warmer, W. Elliott, T R Wallis; Monism
Pippin, Wm. Skirling. S. McD.,egall ; Rem
Davis, v Mcll..urall, Thee. Ratty ; swear,
Mra Atlrill, John Porter : Grimes golden.
J T 1horson, .Sohn Stewart ; Casella red.
Joseph W'hi'ley, John Andrews : snare.
pomme grim, John Stewart, Mr. Aorta:
mime, W. Elliott, %V. Kirton ; Ontario,
.Ieeph Be. k, Hoar)' Cornea ; snow, .lames
Potter, Thos liswty ; I;revenatein, Mr.
►trash, .Im F' ,tier : St. Lawreece, A
%fell Altar, .1 Bugh.m ; 20 r.z. pippin or
°abashes, A. It Anderson. Hone' ('urweu
besoty of Kent., John Salkeld, W T Mor -
soy : full pippin, E. I All.n, A. Men
Allan: ('eyes red streak, 20 -or apple,
Knbt. McLean, .1. T. Salkeld ; Duchess el
()idsnbnra, % m. Edward, T K. Welles ;
('hewing° strawberry, Win. Edward. John
Richard. ; Pee aukw, W . F Young, C. J.
Neftel ; phoenix, rhombi Keely, Vm. R -
liott Tolman's sweet, John iticherda, W
M Ka..rbt ; Westtleld's .eek on farther,
Wm. Elliott, Mrs M. SI/retail ; Granberry
plppte, Jso. Stewart, Thos. Beefy ; seedling
E. I Allan, I;.G H Cox : any other variety
A. Mol) Allan, W. Hiok ; crab .pole.. J.
T. Selkele, Wm. Edward , quinces, Wm.
Stewart, John Andrew..
.'i. tv. 41-11AAtts.
Six varieties, named, Dr Shannon, John
Stewart ; three varieties, named, 1'. A
Well., 1)r Shannon ; norther, W I'a ecna,
• Henry ('arweo ; Fliert.h hewn v, Heart
l;arwsa, .l antes 1'or'leihseat ; Daoheee
D'Angouleme, 1V Warnock. Walter Hick :
President Ikoard, t: R Allan, A. Mel)
Allen ; belle laer'tiv. and Loaf. Ronne de
Jersey, John Stewart. W m Wereock
Beorre 1) A n jou, S. Furze, Dr Shannon ;
beurre superfine, E 1 Allen. A Mole A-
jr : beurre hardy, E. 1. Allan, A. Mci)
AI'an, pr.; beurre dish', .1: H William.;
bourne boso, 1►r Shannon, Sem. Furze
Sheldon. Henn ('orwen, W (; Lamprey ;
winter Nellie, second, A. Hingham ; brume
Clatrgnoo, 1►r. Shannon, John Stewart :
Howell, 1)r. Shannon, Mrs. (;m. Flom.
Seeks, A (''t•zon, John Andrew. ; Clapp•s
favorit*. B Fur,.; I.twrence, W Hick. A
MoD, Aller. jr.: Josephine De Salines, A
Hiaehm, A Mob. Allan, jr Keifler, W.
M. Knight, Jas. Dickson ; any other
variety, A. MeD. Atlas. jr., Dr. Shannon
t'teem 42-rl.r•es.
W wbin1ton, S. Farm, A Hingham
Bradseaw, C. A. Humber, R. Farm ; fond'.
t.e.dliag, %Von. Stewart, Wm. Warnock ;
Viotori., S Furza, W. Hiok ; yellow egg,
Wm. Warnock, .1 Postleweite ; lemmas
purple. .lee. Whitely ; W. (1. IAmprey
Lombard, t' A Humber, S. Mnrologstar
Prose Mande de B.vay, J. F. Whitely, ,las
Whitely ; imperial Rags, A. Curzon ; (loose.
a1 Hand, 1: M. Holt, Wm Warnock : Coe's
golden drop, Won. Steele*, .1. R. Tom ;
path, Wm. Stewart ; Humans. J. Stewart;
shippers' prize. S Faroe ; any other varie-
ty, Q1 en..itewart, S. Mora,nt.tar.
ct.taa 43-rete,rse.
Four varieties, Wm Mellen ; late Craw-
ford, W. M Knight, Wm Biohan; seed-
ling, Wm Ri. hon, 5 Morningstar
''1.A+• 44 •.RA►C,, w[I.. i•t •, syr.
Where, under glass, Mus M. remoras,
Mn. F. }i Mirth ; Aleck, ...dor
F. H. Atoll), Mies M. Cameron ; 12 vans
sew. ops air, W. Warnock, A. 141orham; IS
varieties, W. Warm, : 4 varieties, R.
Ytweinitst•s ; Dol.ware, A. Kingham, Mrs.
♦ttrdl; Cesoerd, S. Mnrningeter, Wm.
Wnrwo.k ; Hartford, W. Qawsrd, gums,.
Weiseok ; ResneIa., Dr. Shimmies ; Roger's
Ha Dr. Sbaseeo, Mee Attrilt ; RMrer'e
iV Wanesb, Mrs Aurin ; Reeer's
N 14Alsm. iNisse llerd.rlaar; . .
N Jae. ► ims.s T Atryar's he. IS, 8,
Mleahetotar, A Rd•.Mm • .lis. 11,
Mee Warman, A. Pile/ham, Poser's Ne
44, W. Warmer*, Mr.. Allele. Iona, W.
W.r..sk. A. M ad•a' ; trialed, t Meratag.
NW. A. Btgbam ; M.V.orSte *sad Wee
Weremak. 1.111.raraw : *des. ' .t
warfeek t Olirseres, Mona, ole. •Mier,
tom tMew.ct ; puma, Jew Wlliaan. Ur.
•.....1 Ill inea, Roe. Y. d.
Monti nester; J. soca, Vim Wag kook ; Wier•
des. ti. Mereuasotar, J T. Untold; M.ore's
sarif, W,.. Stewart, S. Mornt*getoar
Itnahts., S. Masteries. Wm. N Kwok ;
N',ctual, lit Warnock ;.oy ether varlet►
Mrs A•'•. 1, it 1 Mersey ; Mlll.', t m
Sallow. ; ea,. r w,.l. re, C A Wails, Yr
W ro.. k ; red"ow fleck -Mors, tlr. Wars
'v k. J.et WI bistro ; Rr• • o d.* melte, J
evert, Mr. .tabor : Citrus., tic. Wash
w►, Thee H .melte.
1 .seas 4b - rt. warm, 1•Ittita..IONAL
mitt dower.. H 1. Waksea, W T. KielL:
:a• •iea, C A N-eIM; vsrbseas Mrs. H. I'
Arr.), A. K n.•ham ; roses, J e:ettnrt, A.
limits w• ; hand Intylaet, H. 1.. Walaw,
N . T J4 i..ls ; tied* I•.wpu•t, J. Stewart, A
Ru .'h.m ; .•.rn•tt.a., H. I. Wares ; di
antbo., N L Waist.. A. number : doral
Jere, .1 :. w.vt, H L tt ..00 ; amides,
doable, H I. Wat.o.•, tV T bury ; tram
4sraalsm• s.nrle, H L. tV , eon, Jed•
Stewart ; , • -. seeemsms, .t.•o red, J. See
.rt, H L We un ; pere.ni.1 n' Iowa, H
1. Watson ; pinto's*, snnu I. tt'••• it.wart,
14 I. Wets,o gl.dielu., H I. Weimar,
t Bingham ; six eiad••.fu., A 11 agbam ;
veers, W m. Stewart. H. L W e • -e ; pis
- H. L Watso,•, A H ■, h.., ; batman
'r•,ka W.M. Webster. l' A tt' lie ;stook.
• se, H L. Wataon, Wm Stewart
sow..•ngle, H 1_ tV....n. Jobe Stoa-
t ; owns.. , . Inu e, 1 h■ Stewart. H. L.
Watson ; ,,Iris.. .1 .his Stewart, A. B.ut,-
h+m, H 1. Watson ; ooxcnmbs, spikee,Yre
WVelker. Wm. Ste.art ; tuh.rous begoos..,
.melt. A Kingham, •Joh% Stewart ; doable,
John s.ewart ; begonia. rex, A. Kingham ;
tears., Wm. Stewart ; geraniums, mails,
l..ho Stewart. H L. Watson, A. Bingham
tour geranium', auris, H L W.taee. W.
T. Melfi, .Sohn Stewart : eight genesiem.,
double. W T Keely, John Stewart, H. L.
teate.n ; fair ¢eran.ums, double, H L.
A moos. W T Kiel.. John Stewart
greenhouse plants, W. T. Kiely, A. Mem
.m, H. I. Waters ; foliage plant., A.
Hiarham. W 'i' K.dy ; hanging flower
hwks's, 11 L Watson, 'Vm Stewart ;
h.ngtn,r dower hasket, A. Bingham, M. L.
1Vstv.n ; native ferns in pot., 1i. Wehter,
A. Hroghem ; oolloctton nattve 6owers,Mre.
':. M. Elliott, H W ebs•cr ; oolloottom of
ohmbers, H L Watson, A Bingham ; var.
meth. verbenas, H L Watson : pilms, H
I.. Watson ; varieties oanna., H. L. Wee
r'I.A • 46 -roan ens, AVATira.
Collection of cut dowers, W m. Stewart,
1.'. A. W'.11. ; ox varieties debits., Wm.
Stewart, C. A. Well. ; onllectioo verbenas,
`fn H R. Walker H. Webster ; head
bouquet, John T. Dickson, H. W slater ;
rahie bsgaet, .1nn. T Dinkins. Rev. M.
Turnbull : eolleotinn dianthus, V Webster,
.1. H. Wilhame ; collection zinnias,
Mrs H. R Walker, H. Webster : collection
tray geraniums, .1. H. William., A. R An-
dersoe, cnll.otioo phloxes, J. H. Williams,
N. Webare.- ; se varieties giediolw, C A
tV.Il., H. Webster ; oolleotioo aster, H•
Webster, .1. H. W'tlksmt ; ptnaie., Mrs. H.
K. Walker, C. A. Wella, petunias. sinsle,
W. Stewart, L' A. Wrlh; pet tunas,
double, Wm. Stewart, J. H Williams ; ser
animas, single, Wm. Stewart, J. N. Wit -
Jams : veraalums, doable. Wm. Stewart, J.
H. Wil11a'soe; tnl'ag. pleats, Mrs. a. R.
Walker, .1 H Williams; four varieties
e Ieua, Wm. Stewart ; three varieties
tiih.•rous neg..nias, C. A. Wells. .1 H.
Williams, begonia rex. Mrs. H. R Wal-
ker ; fuchsins in bloom, W. Stewart, J.
H. Williams ; hanging basket, W. H.
Webster, .1. H. Williams ; cactus, Mn.
tie'> Evans, W. If Webster ; lieitonias
in bloom, J. H. Williams ; Childiii Glad-
iolus, W. H Webster,
.i1 1..t: -W ilium Coates.
1 .els 47.-.:AKnvs t-W:ETAsi-EN,
liorpee'e early potatoes, C. A- Well., J.
Seibold ; white elephant potatoes, Willem
Rem , M.nmi. Stokes ; Beatty of Hebra
pestes, A. Bingham, S Forte ; potatoes
any variety named, S. Morningstar, Sheriff
t:4hboo. ; English vegetable marrow, A.
('error, NI% Warnook ; Summer squash for
table. A. Bingham, Mn. Attrt ; winter
squash for table, H. L Watson, Thos.
}lam I•nn : roots, white or golden oelery.
Wm vrvatti.ld, John Stewart : rad °eiere.
A Bingham : winter cabbage named, C. A.
Wells, A. Bingham ; tall cabbage, named,
( . A. Well. o Sheppard ; 'savoy cab-
bage, ,Sohn. " keid, Thos. Hamilton ; red
cabbage, .Soho ra•Ik.ld, C. A Welk ; long,
blood beau, table, Joha Selk.ld, i►evid
Praise : turnip blond bests, table, C. A.
W.Il., Mr. Warnock : radishes, C. A.
W'.Ils, .1 1': Tom : table turnips, S. Farre,
.Soho Andrews : long oranre carrots, John
Salkeld : earl/ horn carrots, Mr. Warnock,
Frank Wright ; .oarlet carrots, Saaoe,
Wm. xwath.Id, Mrs, Attrilt ; parsnips for
tains, Frank Wright, Geo Sheppard : red
enema, D. Prone*, Thos Beatty : yellow
omens, 1). Prouty, 1'. A Wells ; silver skin
onions, A Hingham, C. A. Wells: Dollen-
'ton war e^ro. for table, Jae Wilkroene
6 ears onrn for table, Mr. Warnock, Jae.
Wdkinenn ; egg plant, C. A Wells. Mr.
Weronc•k : cauliflower. Ilse- Attrilt, ,las.
Wilkinson ; oollaction rine oap.ioame, C.A.
Wells : red tomatoes, Win. Stewart, A.
Ringham ; purple tomatoes, W Stewart ;
veslow tomatoes- Mn. Attrilt ; oollsotion
garden herbs, C A. 17.110.: oolleotioe gar-
den het hs and vegsr.hie., distinct from
ether entries, C. A. Wells, A. B.oeham
onlleotion 6 varieties potato.., Wm. Wells.
Thos. Hood ; yellow Sp.nwb onions, Wm.
Wells: red Spanish notate", C. A. Wells.
J r.Nac John Johnston, Clinton.
''Etre 48 -Home MANrrA'Tr.En,
Woven quilt, home made, Mn Nott,
1m. Eum..n.tooe; Patchwork guilt, wool-
len, The J Heine, I'h. e R Wahl.; patch-
work quilt. cotton, Mrs W McCaughan,
Nn H R Walker ; patchwork quilt. silk,
L Symint,to, , embroidered quilt, Mrs H
F Minn, Mrs C Campbell ; knitted quiet
L. Symington, Mrs if Nott ; crochetwork
yu.U. J W Yeto, L Symington ; Rmyree
rug, Mn It N Walker Mrs Washington ;
Te 'dye yards home-made oarpet, 11n R
11 W'alker, Mn G Nett ; home made rag
mat, W Hallows, Miss L Bechasan ; pair
woollen stockings, Mtw L Bucheoan, T
Hamilton • two pair woollen seeks, one
ammo end 'o.s fine, Mim L Buchanan,
Mn (1 Nott ; two pain wnn'Ien gloves,
11rs V4 esh,nggton, Mime L Buchanan ; two Mn. Rambler, W tem Hiek ; jollies, 1 ar
Parra w w.11eri
R Yea A.
L Buchanan; woollen yarns, home made, R. Walker ; meed tstSlea, Mr. G. Nets,
Th.,. 'Bernstein, W Stirling. Yee. Wssbfies..: br'm►meee tread. M.
ketghs, Midyear Green : beme-md. bread,
Gasser 49. -bolas' weak, with yeast sakes, P.ny Stewart, Jeer P.c
Gent's shirt, lines front, hand made, far; h. .Grid. bread, with bake►'. h.y
Thos. Hamiltos, Mise L Hochman ; brim. 4.e.w Ores., David Pr.s... LTer
gent's shirt, linen front. machine trade. maks, A. R(.t8..er T. R. Wa1/le; his Ms
Maw L Buchanan; Wm. Mtertitia : gs.t'e ••its. Yia N. Yaks. Yr. Rase : ss1.sliw
/.sect flannel shirt, machine made. d piss, Mrs. •. D. McL.an. W. Bubas ;
L Buchanan, Thomas llamiltor, ; Slat's " • fumy suss um. • D. Yaiwsn, Yr. mere•
fanny flannel shirt, hand mad., Mise L. Jt+trt ► __um. R. J. Whitely, Mn. Ma
Rrrahsnan, Thos Hamilto. ; night dress. Harry, i akeret
L Symington, Wel) Nott ; tatting, M L
Professor la R.tlieh (os v.... meal -
New would you psnetemee tae toile/Meg :
Th. boasted ekl, fee wash .be weal was
yeas dew. sae gams Y.'
Rl.de.f-i Web, i. 1 email tasks a
tteeb after the beastliest gk1 "
the Veiled dimes paid $133,214,008 lar
pander IoM Test.
L Syw, wu l CM.rid.ey J E
Tum, Mw M.Arra ; embroidered shppdn,
Mr. C Campbell, Mrs 0 Nutt ; drawl
neat' serves., Mrs C Cat.pbeh Y
Mn.yd ; plates or table aced, Mrs 0 N.
M L Sueyd :.,•eked whisk -bolder, W
Hasty, Mrs (1 Nott ; worked parks
e..ch.t, H L Wtsou ; rule pillow, W M
Caw.ron, C Ca..pbel1; tray W,4t, ea -
i roid.red, 11 L 11 • • r., Miss L Heehaw.
on ; table ontureyr...e, H L Watson. M
L S,.syd ; toilet set of any kusd, Mn H
F Attrilt, L Bucksaws ; nor ase table
urate, H L Wt.nn, C ('aaupMll: tea
cosy, M L Ks.eyd. 0 Campbell ; shawl of
any kind, L Symi.gtos ; fancy brwidia(t.
+ny material, Mrs 0 R Walker. M L
S,..yd ; fancy hoagies :1l Mc Arra ;
floury patched e. rk, Jess SI Cameron,
Gln W..hiegtun; eating or outline one
nr idery; Mrs A C John•totte, Mrs 0
Noel ; Roman embeoteery ,u hem., Mra
C Campbell, Miss M,Arr. ; apeotmeti of
darned net, M m L Burhan.n. Mn
Carnphell ; teach •,o sa• old rarmeul, M
M Stokes, Mies L. Buchanan ; farcy t.
ting, W Newry. C Oamptretl ; bra
wort, W,0. H.atry, L Sy,..uttb,.
darling. brat and neatest sea so.cktnv
Wie Stirling Thus. Hamilton ; oar, •
..n wood, L Symitteton ; painting
glee, L Symington, lin C Campbell ;
punting on felt, Mrs. Washington, Mise
L Buchanan ; 6re screst, Mn 0 Cam
bell ; fancy tidy, M L Kneyd. Mrs
Campbell ; novelty, any kine : Sir
H eerie, Mre H H Walker ; two :het linen
lace. H. le Watson, Mrs. C Can.phe.I
nrotehet cotton ince, L Syminge m, Th.*
Hamiltnn ; chenille embro.dnry on felt,
Mrs C Campbell, Mem G N.,rt ; etching
um any material, tine or coarse, •
Campbell, Mn G Nott ; semen* w.,
L Symington, M L Sneyd : crazy woo
in wool, Win Hoary. Stn l' Campho!1 ;
crazy w..rk in silk, Mise 1. Buchanan,
Nn Waste-it/ton ; aphque on felt, Nn
Washington, L Symington : la1ies ah rp
ping stag, embroidered, C Campbell, M
L Sneed ; fancy pin eoshi.n, 0 Camp-
bell, .hiss tt Camen,n ; crotchet or knit
shpts.'s, L Buchanan, M L Sneyd ; bat -
to •
holes, displayed on six different
materials, W T Marney, L Buchanan ;
ha..dkerchief sachet, Mn (i Nott, M L
Sneyd ; glove buz, Miss M Camels,.
Mn Washington ; kitchen open, Mrs H
It Walker. Mn McCaughan ; lauodry
bag, Mn H R Walker, Mier 5 Cameron;
embroidery with linen floes,Miss McArra.
L Symington ; embroidery with rope silk.
L tiymineton, Mn G Nott ; hest and
greatest collection' of ladies' work the
work of one portion, C Campbell. An
ottoman sent in by W T Mutney was
highly c,mmenned.
C W. Nru.an, Judge.
.Yasin 50-estets,a.IO1al. LIST, OIL (Ok-
any subject, R Crockett ; landwpe,
Cinadian subject, R Crockett ; Marine
view, R Rrockett ; portrait, R Crockett ;
cless b1-eMATFL'R LINT. 011-
Any subject, C Campbell. Jae Lane ;
landscape, C Campbell, .Ia*Dickson ; ma-
rine view, C Campbell ; Jag Lane ; anim-
als, from hf., C Campbell. -las lane :
flowers or atilt, Mn A C Jehnstoue, C
Campbell ; atilt life. not flowers et' fruit,
Jennie McKenzie, C Campbeil ; )riginal
pointing, any subject, Jac Lane, Jennie
McKenzie ; pair.tmz on silk or satin, oils,
L `Symington, Jas Lane -
cue's: tee's: 52 - PR.rawYH)NAL
C vru)IU
Any subject. R Crockett ; landscape
Canadian subject, R Crockett ; marine
new, R Crockett ; animals, from Lfe, R
Crockett ; still life, not flowers or Fruit.
R Cruckett, Sod ; copy, any subject, R
Crockett : sepia, R Cr..ekett ; pencil or
crayon drawing, R Crockett, god • peat
and ink sketch, R Crockett,
Any subject, Mn A C Johnston., C
Campbell ; lands cape, Miss Ella Frame,
Jennie McKenzie ; marine view,C Camp
bail, E11. Fraser ; animals, Jeanie Mc-
Kenzie, C Campbell ; flowers or fruit,
Jennie McKenzie, Mrs A C Johnstone
still life ; n a flowers or fruit) Ella Fraser,
Miss Jennie Mckenzie ; original,any sub-
ject, Ella Fraser ; sepia, Ella Fraser. C
Campbell ; pencil or crayon drawing, Jr..
Lane, Mies McArra ; pen and ink sketch,
Mn A C Johns•one, z! Campbell ; paint
ing on silk or satin, C Campbell, Ella
Frasier ; specimen penmanship, plain.
Minnie stokes, Thos Hamilton ; specimen
penmanship, ornamental,Tho. Hamilton ;
R. S. CHILTON, Judge.
resit• ee5lr.
Specimen of writing, IiI clam pupil.,
Lillie Dunlop. Gracie Dickson ; specimen
of writing, IV clam pupils, Vida Bell,
Ethel Van.tter ; specimen of drawing.
III class pupils, Jno Shaw. Oli.e Bates ;
specimen of drawing, IV clam pupils,
Mamie Montgomery ; collection of writ.
ing and drawing .pesimsna. two pupils,
Geo McCreath end Tana McKean ; Louis
Craig and Aline Nate! ; Florence Algie
and Lillie Webster ; writing anti a .peri•
men of drawing ; *peals' Antes given by
J. Elgin Tom, I. P. 8.
cl.Air 54--n0'euT, NyarP AND 9r"AL
Hooey to oo,.b., Wm Henry, C. A
Humber ; jer of hooey. Wm. ft leery, C. A.
Remher ; maple eyrep, Mn. Geo. Note,
Wm. MalBowe
CLAIM fb--PawnsRvWt. .RRAD, !r•.
Marro ; wows lee.. Iles L lamp
Atter Being Twloe Whipped
the Dervishes Fled.
Twill M/ tassessoeats Thee rm..m, slew
ever, wiser• She rases. 1a okra tar
Mvt.hee showed areal nS.bberanr..,
hoe the AtiMtlery w Maxim t....
Peeved r« Mali Ow Tereas-
Calru. Sept. Ilk -A despatch tram
the Auglo-1:gypttau exp. dlt.ou mate.
that Iwngula, the objec:.lve p in, of
the expedition, has been take.. welt -
out merging with spy rest-tanc• hunt
the Dervishes. thewplat:.• b •one unuc-
cuplad. The town of lt:. Had,, aorta
of ih.ngula, to Which p1 ,.• • the Der-
vishes retreated yest. rd. ), was rap-
tured after a bol engagement. After
the place had fallen into the hander
L, of the eapedl11on, the Egyptlanr e&p-
tured 21 grain -laden buts. th • loss
I. ,f welch w111 prove a s. t••r, 1 .ow to
et the Dervishes. The lags. trade des-
pt:rate attempts too tecemnre the
boats, but • heavy Are was pu 1r-d
out. them by the trop. and tb • jun
.,..ata, and they were Anally compelled
.cbandon their attem-•te t . regain
on ie•seelmlou d the butts and their
cargueu. After their defeat the ro-
ar.' Dervish force retreated south -
earths upon Dor '°'a. At Hi, same
time the exped..1 is s r.,At:e... malt-
ed for the seen, piece, ann. o God the
quicker, reached there before the
Dervishes. The city was found to be
-aerted by warriors and the steein-
., at °nee landed a force of :nfanti y
to bold It until the arrlv.I of the
nude body of the ezp•diuun.
At the tune the despatch w is sent
the Dervishes were approacl.ht,t Ilon-
K• la overland and scouts reported that
they were carrying matt, of 18- it
'founded with them. Included ;among
e wounded are some of the .cost
Luted chiefs.
it Is said that as the Dervishes
are without food or other stores, they
will make a most desperate attempt
to again get possession of Dungol:..
El Fiaflr was nut tak n by the
troops until after a moat- stubborn
resistance on tho part of the Der-
vishes. The riflemen of tea latter
fought behind well -made mui forts
and In trenches. These defences, huw-
ever. Were soon wrecked by the heavy
fire of the Egyptian artillery, and tee
Maxim battery, that was maimed by
1ls.• Connaught hangers. '1" ►,- Der-
vishes stood the fire bravely, but were
totally t'untprfled to withdraw.
Their cavalry took no part to the en-
ges•-m.-nt, remaining some distance off
in the desert watching the result of
the battle. When the British and
t-gyptlana landed, the entire force re-
treated southward. The capture of
the place was hailed with delight by
the natives, who Stave hong been har-
ried by the dervishes. Tiley shouters.
dancer And sang In a frenzied mari-
ner and hailed the expedition as their
London, Sept. _0 ---Thr correspnn•t•mt
of the Dally iewx. wh,. is with the
Soudan expedition. telegraphs that In
the attack on EI Hat r th.• J••rt Ishes
were outwitted. They all advano•pd
'.n land to meet the troops. thus per-
mitting the 'unto,t , slip pa„! the
town, sink one or herr steam"rs, and
hurry OR 10 Dor When the Der-
vishes saw *h. t they turned and
tried to ove- the gunboats and
nave Doman' . ' at the land forces of
the expe'tl' head./ them off The
14 afnrdshire ;element w111 follow the
truntoats to !Innards. and thus the
J••rvisbes will be placed between two
Wad Rlahnrg . 1"- leader of the der -
Ashes. was venue d at F.1 Haflr. He
was carried outside the range of the
.runs. A Prisoner states that when he
•sem that be was defeated he exclaim-
ed: "Allah 1. agalnst me."
Notw•Ithetanding the statement of
the Government that TMngola.was the
obj.etive point of the Anglo-Egyptian
expedition. the T.ondnn newspapers
concur In the npininn that. now Don -
Rola has ).ren taken. the expedition
will proceed to the re -conquest of
the entire Soudan.
Cegeeti.e notes made pre..r•ee, S. Mor
elms..',Mre. Wantook : 1 jar peach .W. A.
Rom, C. A. flambee : 1 jar pears. S Mee-
tsitispMr, Yrs. Attrilt : 1 jar eitrwa., Walter
Hick, lir. Rem : 1 lar oaoamh.r, Mn. 1'.
Wrubisimm, L Rpmoos ; 1 lar guises,
raj its, mit tV.ehin toss. Mise M tea.' Glad., Ys.. Jobe
g ewrle,
Rneyd, Mrs C Campbell ; ereebet work,
is went, M i, Seer!,Ifni 0 C.m heed ;
croaks west, is •ottoo, Mrs 0 i-
51 timers,. ; mewete wac4
L 8ymieR o., M L $seyd ; weebet tract
sad noveltybraid eombinsd. Miss M
Oamerma, M L Cyd ; embroidery os
hese of settees. Mm M Cameros J
,... _ .•
London, Sept. lis -One of the most
revolting murders recorued in criminal
annals ea. perpetrateu early on Wed-
nesday morning at Pet>marah, a vil-
lage near Halstead, Essex. The victim
was a farm steward named Cockerill,
and the murderer was his employer,
Samuel Collis, a well-known farmer;
and the determined ferocity with
which the crime was calmed out may
be estimated from the (act that the
victim was decapitated. and the gory
head carried about the (arra to a
bowl by the maniac murderer- Coat*
Is a middle-aged man. and lived In a
(arm adjulning that occupied by his
mother. H.- had lately been con-
cerned in bankruptcy proceedings,and
there can be no doubt that worry had
affected his reason-
.asrbrrd UM D.aa►.
Madrld, Sept. 20.-A despatch to The
Imparlclal from Hong Kong says that
the rebels et Cavite, Pnll.ppine Is-
lands. captured the monastery there
and massacred the monks, putting
them to death with knives. Spanish
warships afterwards started a bom-
bardment of the rebel posltl..n, but
the shuts fell short and no harm uta
done to the Insurgents. 'The des-
patch adds that over 100 rebels who
bad been captured by Spaniard• were
dung into a small dungeon set Planlla.
The next morning W of the prisoners
were found dead, they having been
suffocated during the night
esr.r$. 1 peolefseeetu,
Term appolntmrats were made by the
Ontario vrrumeot last seek Italdwt,
'lh'ster hIub1..•II '.1 Marnwra 10 be ,Jerk
ot the Tenth 1.ivl.lon Court of Hastings,
Neory Hert.rrt .ha,.r ser 1treetsvllle te
be clerk of ib.• l4e.-ond Division Court of
reel; Hone.. A. C.subs of Atomy lurk l0
Ito bailiff of the Firth Dlvlskwn Court of
Wentworth; Albert IWward t1"Iddlti►Id ref
:v. wm.rkrt to be helll5 or the Fourth 1.1.
vlalon Court of Turk; Willltn. Ayers of
Itrametllle to b. 8.1115 or the Fourth 1,1.
•bion 1'ourt of Lincoln. Michael 11.5nr
or Itanrroft to M• bailiff '4 the Twelfth
INrf.fen Court of Meetings.
Regal, te.wees merael,
Moncton, N.Ii , Sept. fin -The Monc-
ton Sugar Refinery. owned by the
Acadia Sugar Combine, wee totally
desfroprel by Are this er.ntng, in-
volving • Mom of abet t100,u00 Thr
Are started In the char room In ter
third storey, and burned thr.ugh rte'
entire structure. it paused through
the ventilators of the ereprneif set'.,
and wet the entire eight storeys t.
flames In a short time after being die -
covered. All the wafts, .seep; the
front one. have partly fallen,
ted t reuse 5111. Rtemodf.
ae'hoeeter, K T . "opt 2s. Reward x.
CrimeCrime, win was la his a, en. at tbe tweet
beseha,l p/erfen le the emotes. eyed her
nee at .'nogrw hall 4.tards) deft. Re
fad bre. ertakieg bestrily et kite sad bre
dsv drapeadsat. Nserral times he y/
threatrwrd is evemwrlt .Meld., kot yp
Moods had t..Ist.red late.. eA4 lie
um cheerful. ruse
A w be war west 10 1. be hire=
.f t1. reset *bat he ee.,+le• be diendod
os rotetds. Aa empty bottle of rbl.tr.l
Soma se tad" dresser or tttn.rag told t8
C. R. Ring, Water Talley, Il ise., oared by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Mor eve years, 1 sulered untold misery
rola muscular rheumatism. 1 triad every
,sown remedy, eoruulteu the best pbyst-
asbvislted IlotSSprings, Ark., three oases,
pa lt*g $Iuee there, besides doctors' Lille;
at could obtain only temporary relief. lily
.ah was w:uted away so that 1 weighed
•.l. •tety-liuee woods, my left arm sad
sag were drawn out S shape, Me .uaebs
beteg twisted up In knots. 1 tops enable to
dews' myself. except with ustlstae.v, gad
mildest, hobble about l'yusing a cane. r
had no appettte, and was sas..red, by the
fleeter.. that 1 emUd not 11.e. The 5.1101.:tt
them, were to seated, that 1 role procure
relief only I s r103,11.1 of Irvry•denme Injec-
tions M m.rri•h:.e. 1 bid my :imt.s teineated
n clay, in <.aI: fur, In painters; but Mem
glee orgy 1• • ;iorary DIM!. APer trying
r'erything. sed tuflrrine the most awful
t inure., 1 1.eg.n to take A%. -r', Sars'n.rt!ia.
1a.lde of Tao moi>thi, 1 ams :.t:e to walk
wttlo-uta cane. in three m-•n•!is. my Cm: s
I•t.arr. 'o str'nntten. snit In the Bourse of a
year, 1 w•a. mewl. My nei::',t ha. :Remitted
1., PR pignuts. amt 1 am sent. side ted.. lis
toll Gay's work as a rallr•-ad blacksmith." y
The Bate World's Fair !seas.
tYrP•c '1: ... ..
k urmeaoarn
■ 4 f € NAl
reeumVsali 1TN1.a-I4111114114111 MATS.___.
Yrs. Yearn YeX.rtin, to lladeahure tie, T+s,aata
Ont., swears that kyek.me. "Cesteney (Stn" sates
her of 5.,."-- 'Mote rsndst.d one ..de of herr body
•• Jerk - Phywetan• maid them was se chew
.. r .ser rveo•erine ter we ser tem limbs asps
downed her, tett t .d.r .haw walking arouad isuts
her Intad. now B1e►n.an'.. ti,vt.nay t`.r. pre
Mr br..nd happtne.. ?ranee. to, July 10 1i01,
Wore J. W. S•3 moor Corley. Notary Publla
MORN •TATOt1T e1 A ClIAncres
Louisa whirs, dn. yams old. who sof wad wlr
les ma shot her tar h, hat been entirely cured tad
her general system hod., spiv ayckmaa'. "Koolau
OWL* the .bus. hot. ars given in maims sant•
meet molls by We mother. Ilse. 1:....,, . w nu., al
R,assa K. Yaniiienn, 000, datat July 1, iM
esters J. r. Mo.:k. Notary Public.
• IUS1111TI.!v 511%T1-neg. - SWORE
Moho 1. 4wtnan. IS xarlhnrneeh St., To.eeta
Owe, -d t eoafp.l,ratiee of Need •roaeht . Rhaa
elnthsn, e.•t•e If Mangy 11,,°C.. .G,l
w,.tesyuentiy d.ttu,,.,1 a' Mem lost AD appres
tad wee • •ssrryy dm seem,. Ili, It One., are now r .
• ese one io usr.4; 1 h'.
tma.np.t s nevem.
et : as rM. we m
1 "teotenay Curs." 11. mak. .reset
=t a w tbn-. %.•a oert•t J w saes••,
Or K Gels.
Pump & Fanniag /Lill Wokrs
el'Mr emrAtrtea\T
A large stock of very choice Pampa. mana-
faotuM from selected Mnakeks quern -rad
Mee With beans cut out.
Thies Pumps ere manufactured In a number
of styles to suit everybody and every place
Very easy wording pump* for deep wells.
freneapped closed top y boom omega. etc.
pompe /or school
* ▪ T*Ta!
sr sett' mitre for spraying trees,
'rubles bese,es, getebls, Area, eta waterier ta►dea.. eine-
tlpssial ausarten gives to drawing water
frill well a dietary* from pumps. Iron and
wood plains: wend, lruo porcelain heed or
brass re leases ; Drainage Vying any bore;
WIND NILO& )wend or cement 41,15511.,
51115*, Ss= Trta, Oriel eels Rg5IJ.,
&SRN o PSOESIZSrt, ate., etc.
W ent searag WA4iamie emelt.
Mil L IN(I
/ deptk
A11 stock warranted.
sad carefully attended
GSA IN nod sate
4 S.L1*tta.
1At1*bast MiLia,
•(' 5 le and $OtTt*
-a11 kinds.
Ma orders promptly
Cure Biliousness, Sick Head-
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver
and all Stomach Troubles.
Are Purely Vegetable, e
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
gently but promptly and
.ughl1r. "The safest family
imine. All Druggists keep
The Signal
olio, or. oldie spot aJ asteatlue P no
Job Prising' Isrilines, tarok ars ahem
isamad the anise far Um prompt
prepsr esemaiwa at all Sasses el
minimal e( this aatottece-
meat may seamen aseierMailig 7•w may
he la aced of, tad in tech uses we *W-
ok year patronage, feeling coalition
teat ear te to
eplease Q inset with
the appn.vel alour
11ott dead•
This useful airs ie kept it the W
range of quaStiea game as letter
heads, While
111ermo, heads
are not so generally wed, they
an important place in oommercia
oorreepontlenue. See what we've
Ret under the above beatia
bleeper 31r wait►
In this lute we have a very large
earn of line writing papers suit
able for every class of business
represented in Ghia looality, coin
prising 1,4.1 aid woe,,, limns,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unrule.i, all may be required
'*M i\tads
1f the " pay as -you• -go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
or account paper would not be
so great ; but there are conte men
who Ret so many dunnera that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at pr►.oent our stock is coos,
plete in this line with four sizes.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cents columna. They come
cheaper than bill het is, and are
the proper thing to r•nd after a
delinquent once a mouth. They
are erre to fetch him 'round -
Ye rave\outs
Now, it would be hard to got
along without envelopu., and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
hand. We haw. now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prior will range frown 75d. to
12.00 per M. We handle cow
merciel and legal sixes ezcluaivw,
ommlaer6.a\-Pr ra< raQ
has already b(wn partially amts
era I4'd in some of the heads above.
Th. -re is, however, . vast *moon
of work under this how( that to
enutuerate would more than take
up ti.e entire space occupied by
thin ad.'t., but we do it all .t Tee
T r+v.ta\ .oAs
to en "At Home' or a wedding
require considerable taste in seleo
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
smock the very latest and best
sampler to be had, Call and ee
4 roferacitta
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
C vow\ars
We aim to excel in all the diner
enc kinds of work we tarn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy paper'
suitable for all requirements.
Card% to 8. T vAtets
This %mad covers a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to • ni t calling card, from an or-
dinary atlnnission ticket to a tasty
business card or a handsomer
printed men.iwer.hip ticket.
Our facilities for turning out this
class of work are evidenced by the
fact that the great balk of it is
done by ata. Tal
his line so in
D ot1setr s
which our three fast -running job
presser are able to tarn out in
surprisingly abort time.
%o\t B1\\s
belong to the poster department
alta, and we make a .peeielty of
them -promptness being our ail
is this respect. A noel.e of sale
will appear in Tse Stew•L free d
astrfli bills for Sites see got
#\t RmAs of Want.
in th. tyr.grephiraj printing Hee
can be dose in this establishment
in at expeditious amt' artistic
meaner and
Otter' seri tw►A\ •e jowr16
rwr% rteksowed\t.
W..*temd air beaks for past fa•
.au, tad eoheit a ooatAntlatce of Us'
9PD1*Ies. Oil