HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-10-1, Page 1THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST -sND- THE SIGNAL .... 18 THE BEET. i anal, THE 1.a3E1ADINCI- NEW8PAFER OP HURON OOVNTYe FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2589 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THl1KSIiAY OCT. 1, 1896. ONLY DOLLAR WILL I'A1 rant T111': SIGNAL Foe Oeis Viae. U. MeGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE NORTH - WESTERN Full LLlt of Prize Winner,. our Merriman ELbtbee.- lestataoeat Allow of /Tuft sad WNwrsw teptmbtea chew dant sad Leal t'ttarmtag Ladies Work Neuer Naaslaetores, r1`H E (Fair was continued on Thum• day and as the day was the finest of the three teen wee • rood .outlaw*. the rutin -tug roues, tee lady drivers eel tee boy riders beteg tbei ohtef attrauuoo.. although the merry -go round esu sot forgotten. A. le usual the show closed .t 4 o'olock, whoa there was • rues for the that had been on show. It s e pity at some plan copilot be devised by welsh ops, wbo n..a pieced erotica ns charg• of the direut- r., oould receive them hook in • buaimme- l&L- meatier. As it is now arranged then is roomy opportunity for the dishonest to Creak the eighth commandment. The Fair was perhaps the Des% ever bold by ten North-Western directors, theentrw u. every cess beteg large, and the exhibit in newly eve,y cave superior to that of pry ceding years The horses showed • Meat advance, for instead of Rust two or three good animals, as has som.t'm . hien the :es, there were scores that reached $ fair standard of excellence. Judged by the show, equine stock in Huron is rising rapid- ly in quality. Thr bovines of both sari were •umerone sod superior in goaltay to 1Loee *how* in many previous yeas, a fact otter noted by those mepscting them. The sheep and pigs were .Ise above the avenge .n onniher and quality, while the poultry e.hlbited kept up soh the advance •v the other departmeats- Till. FRI IT r \IIII:1T. ■ urpa.sed emytblag that Las ever been shown et ane previous exhibtttoo to this town both in number. of gee:omens and in the pedal .xo•Ilsmce ot the exhibit. The very imitable awes for fruit growing that we have had this year,commmciag from the tin, tbat the trees opened out their blos- soms to the apriar to the present day, when orcbards sad gardens are literally breaking down with their wreath of fruit induced many who had fine samples end fad not bees exhibitors at Sooner ,hews tertry their lock st capturing the much ooseted rod ticket offered by the society-. indeed. it is Do smell honor to be . successful prize win are cern such a terve number of nvals,wbeo It is taken into ooasIder.tioe that of the many bombed, of plates then was ..steely ase ample that did not pewees decided merit. The sass of the fruit was in some in- stances •bo..rmally large and might have ptv: lad any but experienced judges to de ternins the wariest', whilst the high Dolor was se all varieties soiioeable to • degree o s.•er before reached .t any previous show Some of the spectates* were.b..istely per. fee*. that ie if swytbinet like perfection coo he 'twined. and the foot that the season of i, has been fully two week. in .dv.noe of other years, sad aloe the total immunity from the treed posts that other seasons have so moots trembled ono orob.rds have m*teri.11y sided in snaking this venrs show of fruit the best ea record. Tee sepias ooespied by lar the largest space and filled 675 plates witbo.t counties/ collectuoese which took rip the whole of the long table on the west wing of the south sane/ end the lsrge.t part et the table ea the opposite side. The oeU•ution membered 22 all told, divided as tellewe Tea oollootac.s in the 10 variety ; di is rnokiag and six b dessert. The task of jsdeiag shts .succus number of @poetmpns wee so igneous for the judges, sad the sira tem adopted was by " opiate" aoo.rdimg to the roles laid down by the Fruit Growers Amom•tios, asst which ramie, of s• parti- ality. The °Njed •.d guide for the jades b.00.es Dot se mash a matter of beensy .t specimen se whim (e the ezodlenas et ties tb* sample is D mbtppasg, late ksspi.g sr el view. That system wee followedhers % for the Ant time •.d sn- eered to hen Eleven perted As high order, •D 'seised �• i iked feature et the whets exhibit, nod when the different well kerma varieties wan• nested together the .gets from a visitor's palet d view was t, ed wield sot bet be .eti.ed. (Stroh .ppbs 8lied 18 please Dad wars • pada* Maas d filer, S..diiag• ...band 21, ..m of �m ring alseid.d pasts et twit. it name Resit with sight varieties d i sad 10 measles el 4. All the maims wore is,. reteressetted ..d the sheets planes .a. - eared 190. The Baratta ware a trigs ,vee t lr and did .et mats the sh who d ether van owing, we suppose. te the bet that 04•ey spsdm.ce meld .at he kept ewer. 0. the whole the exhibit was geed but we mime the knelt easy d the Boone Ctahwsamn Fad tee ere of the Linehan d Ismer chew : fest ,ova ham we seen steam e.memem Mml...s d that d.lisi..s ad ..ei.t� the Mania Beauty. Saes gasoltirges. Rearm Bmen+ Benin Ilsera1, BDiel Bees, Beene President Dowsed nal the pian. and Imhof very well P..d.@ Mad 13 p4tss. Immoral et tie.. .11" 1".11160. The Rama plates were WI- WIhl the lab G1.wldrd. Ormsby sad Loft - hest, Plum warm indeed a s.rprtss, ter enrim le the 4b.me d the .fru. K was net ehetes fait ez. that the wM� p PP 50 plates watt lSfihe. He Ponds ii same' arts- rN• The Panel's seallig sad the Era" sY 1a.bard eaaoe in Ise a fUU sham ei the The duliasse Demme Purple, Wwilis. sod Pugh plums was sheer. ch Passim acne pert fa mast an the table rod� MS mash aa..et he std Im Webs d the -:sareedserstal ...Jt ... et soma d the Tim *wave kyr tet three marls* egad Ms isskyred t mar ee., oboe,., mag he maty be, sma with imamhal Mead of bb edbeelen hr w doubt slosh 11114 emelt have been mrpa.d at my the" b Ms mare toweled gays arewletl el Ma the proWeeildhle led Tles., ere were them ls`e►'maMab Yoh wan /ibis�` the a *Ode..Mae.d tt7i mad a1L larmag than we .oteoad the lovely 8do., Hartford, thaw W urdeo, Kama. Dela- ware and lu.0l0t1s Niagara. Soils few Sam of indoor v•ratwe grows nadir glass were shown but were discounted by the beau, y of the epeotmew of she Open off ex• babitore, Ou tee whole abbe doss d Trait far exceeded eythiag ever sheers beton sod eo far as this exhibit is ossosrsed may well 1.e called theIaa.er year for our grape Mee. 'I -b. melon entries showed • larger ex habit than other years, rod watermelon, erect prrsnted by some of the [emelt spilinrges meos we have ever seen growu in ibis sectleu, Yellow fish, I:reed flesh end Starlet flesh hrouij ii togy titer some swot - mons that did credit to their growers The nitron. were .amply osmoses and altogether tbis hig treat class wan • decided .dvnot on tarmac years. W e cannot let the Great North Western of 19e91 pas 1,011, memory without menti..oIng sumo of the e a Otho s med. by our eat chanes, perucularly ee the charade./ look •.t the in- t.r.or of the betiding was greatly eDhotued by the prettily arranged rtaiids. The North nmeneas (' been ova ('on.pan) had on •shibtuoe the Menet, grades, of Rice's lure Soli manufactured by their lite custom, and • large block of root salt which their setorpn,to maa•ger, K W- l.ogro, ie tired to tut,U4uu., in tbs err. ot Octavo 1 •r bores. rod cattle. A look et the clear " Salt of the Earth " of the 1 'oro pe,.y made one emd) understand why 11 mum gold medal.. Harper & Lee'. show ot stoves, both and plumbing before. was just what oust might expect from .eon an .nperlenoed firm. The Fair exhibit was in every way worthy ot the ter and The F•ar, as the .rtielee wee. lovely -to look at, new in design, .rt• woo to form, and when woman's skill and needle had been used, perfect. Toe Headers/to Bicycle ('eespany showed exuslkat bicycles and • pretty tandem, be , odes several parte of the mochas,• 'epor- etely The samples show•, were beautifully houbed, and as far as ons oould jades, e mend to none aoanufeetured. Test the Cosmos 8eoae look, nice, all present at tbe show most admit ; that they wear well, we believe, for • young lady wbo obtained one early in the Nasion assures os that her wheel u as good today as it vas the day she pur- chased ugchased at, although she has used It oos.ider• ably &early every they since. Tee (;odencb Organ Co. showed some pretty looking and sweet toned instruments, bad their exilbit at the fair should bring many orders. G W. Thomson-. goods were at the old spot, and his charming compartment was mocb admired. About the first spot on the floor sought by visitors from the oo.nntry is Thomsons, for then they are always sure to find som.thieg to please Thomson is • white man in the benne machine line, and is not devoid of common sense where bi cycles are oonoernrd, and .boot terming, when he commences to dilate on the sumo' of their mope, we would like to find the man that oould stop him. (-olboroe Brim had • very large 'wort. swot Of carpets. the choicest of, Brussels, ss well as eery 'other kind mannfautured be- ing included ID the display. So huge was the pile arouod their apses that it seemed as though they could have carpeted the wnole exhibition floor and then have a nice little stock left over. Worsetl & Co. had an exceedingly nice &a- sortment of granite wan. "tome very ,bolos items usually sold by tin wan m.robant• a number of exceedingly mos leaking stoves, including cook, parlor and ball, and a somber of Howard and the raw wood fur- naces. Tb. background of this stand was formed of matebed Detling and wall plate,, with a portrait of the Quoin to the mates. This exhibit was much admired, and as they rave away e•ooepaas, trying mesa, eta, In .ieatur., they were kept busy from opal- ine to ,losing boor. PRIZE LIST. CLAW. 1- yoo.OtoHrati. Stallion, 4 years ofd sob opwards,Thos Gundry, F A Elliott ; stallion, 3 years old, floe Gundry ; brood mare, with her foal by her side, Thos Jundry, Jas Dor- noos ; yearling filly, Tec• Gu.dry. Thos Oundry ; stallion, any ege4Thea Gundry, diploma.cLAlw 2-aoassrsh. Stallion, 4 years old and over, pot leas than 15 nor nor over 16 hands high, W A Colborne, W A Colborne ; stallions 3 dean old, Hall Routledge ; rtallioe.year- tang, Andrews Bros & Co. ; filly or 'siding. 3 years old, 14 hands big and tinder, David Prow; filly or gelding yearling, prises time by Dr Whitely, Thom Oondry, W. Strsugbao ; brood mare. 1451 hands high and under, with her foal by her side, I B Whitely, W F Clark ; Foal d 1896, Dr Clark, J B Whitely ; pair off matethtd horses, mares or geldings in harness, 1 bands high and ander, J B Whitely, 0 A Howson ; singe bores, .are or rabdislg, shown in harness.154 heads high and ander. Anit primGeo Buxton, Jas McManus, Oliver Johansen(' ; female, any age, J B Whitely, diploma. matt 3-•e/PDLL Saddle home, mare or gelding, Thomas Oondry, Joh. Porter ; pony in tmddia, ceder 14 hard. high, ridden by boy, R YoLean, J Porter ; best boy rider soder 14 yeses, It Wright, J Porter. ' CLAM 4--LADT UMW AND ORrvg.a Lady rider, Jas Connolly ; 1dy driver, Andrew Green, J Potter. MLAas 8-GAasi*ag; Stalling, 4 yeses old and .pwarda, 16 bands OT over, J P Fisher ; stallion, two year. old, R J Dame ; filly or goiding,:3 Mz. old, over 154 bends high, W C ter ' filly or g tdiag, 2 years old, Pe Shaw, b Proem ; yearling filly o r rad. Rag, 'lit. 'Beaty, W 0 Potter ; brood maga, ever 15; hands high, with foal by Loamy, T Gaau.n�d�ry ; dm , MM et ggId og, over 1 hands °Morelia et! Cs., John her aide, earrings *Am 6 -serener& aroma Brood atltlse, with foal by her i'., 111 Sakel', Jam Davide, f Rif sit l erg. 2 bad, 0 W TegIse, alis IL 1 year- g, filly or galdl.g. 0 W Tbpbr, new Green ; foal of 12W4, Levi brick, A ever, Jas. Cooper sad Ben, G. Y :Nerdy ; i TO <DVIBRTI$ZR/. A Young ; matched team, W. K Elliott, pair et amortise awes, 0. 1' Sturdy, -- A J Taylor as• Cooper .ad Bea ; pen .1 Shropeeln Nam. of changes must be lett at thin Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes Meet be lett not later than Mon day noon. Owned Advertisements acoeptu.l up to noon Woduneday sate each week. .Lao.-. 7-autut'ctri RAL. Brood mare with her fuel, Win Fisher, Jan Halkeld ; filly or geldsog,2 years old, Hugh Chisholm, C W Taylor ; yearltoo�g. Idly or geldis.g, Hugh Chuh;,lw, Itsnbt Bean : foal of 1896, Jou Sialkeld, Wm Fisher ; mat., 1 team, geldings or ,.ewes w harrow, L ,ale Dille, Coustauc e, W J Miller, Clin.,.p. . i.agr. 8--WALLIN., erg/ lAL. Walking team to matron, empty,uheals not looked. Prises given by Faults Bros, A Greer., J eeph Whitely: Special No 1 -trot or pec,, mils haat.: Roes' ..try . .. 1 1 2- 1 u'l...ry's •• 2 2 1-2 Azter's '• 3 3 3-3 Sloeeisl No 2-F'arwer'. trot or pans : Alsz. Btgls's entry 1 1 1-1 Joe. Whitely'. 2 3 0-2 Mokla,ue •• 3 2 0-3 Spatial No 3. Farmers runniest, ball male heats : Porter's entry .. 1 1 1 1 Starling's , 2 2 `l-2 1'atteu'e '• . 3 3 3-3 'p.-cial No 4 - - Running Lola - oils beats E liott's entry 1 1 1-1 Wysei'. •' - . 2 2 2-2 $bass's " 3 3 3-3' .'Lies 12-1.rsi.AY. prewea,t.:lihltzz). Bull, 3 years old and upw•rde,W Smith .4 ,8'8011 ; W'w Smith also tuo.k the prtzr. for hull cant under toe Year, cow it. calf or vivindm:1k, ata the bee. hull, ..f may age ; heifer, V 15muh, Jas Sooll ; hider, I year . id, W Smith, .f.. Knell ; hedar calf, under 1 year, W Smith , best fe- male, any age, W Smith : beet herd, o.. - aiming of 1 bull and 4 females. W S,utth, Jas Stall. t -A,44 14---HRRtyaokl, �THelkufuHeROI' . Hull, 3 years oId and upwards, F J Edwonsou ; and the rims g prizes (6 first's which areas foil&w* • bull calf un- der 1 year ; cow, in calf or giving milk ; heifer, 2 )ears old ; heifer 1 year old ; best female, of any ego; best herd, cou- sisti0g of 1 bull and 4 female were all taken by W ben Elliott. CLAira lis-HoisTtly, iTH('kOt'cHaR.p, Bull, J years old and upward, Hall Routledge. The remaining prizes in this class consisting ..f : boll, 1 year old bull calf, under one year ; beat bull, of any age ; now in calf or giving milk ; heifer, 2 years old ; heifer, 1 year old ; heifer calf, under I year : best female, of any age ; best herd, consisting of 1 bull and 4 females ; 9 bests and 1 second, taken by Mrs. Attrill. ,Lass 16 -Po .LO secure Oa AagKptuN, (THODorGHrlIAD) Bull, 2 years old, W F l wine ; John Vara* took the remaining prizes -9 tint and 1 second. cI.Au& 17-,w ys (T oiwcI;HrRfpl- A Drysdale took firsts fur bull, 3 years best ball of any age, cow in calf or giv- ing milk, and best female ; J L Atkins took firsts for bull melt under 1 year and heifer under 1 year, and second tor cow in calf or giving milk. CLASS 18 -HIGH GRADE .'AlTLII. Cow givi.g milk or in .alio milking and beefing qualities oo.sider d, J. W .8•Ik0d, J.o. Clark. Robs Bean ; b.it.r,2 years old, Joe. Salkeld, R. Bean, R. B... ; batt -r, 1 year old, M. Knight. H. C.rwe., J.W. 8slkeld ; hater eat, sunder 1 year. 1.s prise by (;.o. Reece., Joe Sall, Jan- Vor- oto, R. Bean : two yearmid-steer, W. Smith, Jan, Salkeld, Joe Clark ;esrli&e steer, H. Curwen, Jam Salkeld, H. ; steer malt, Jam Seal, Jho. Clark, Jan. Salk - .Id ; bast female, Key acro, Jas Small ; best herd, oeasietang of 4 (em•es and 1 steer, Jar. Selk.W, R Berra mass 19-rAT CATTLE. Fat ex or steer, W. Smith, Andrews Brea & Ca ; fat sew or bait r, Wm. Elliott, Jo. Salkeld Claps 9O-croemwoLD. Jas. Potter, Blyth tee& all the prisms (6 fat's) /sivas is this masa amides 2 diplomas, for the feBowi.g : ram, 2 shams and ever ; 'beetles/ ram ; ram lamb ; pmar, d ewes, 2 shears and ever ; pair of sb.srli.g ewes ; pair of .we Iambs ; rail, any age ; ewe, Key MANS 21-Letcme,sa Ram, 2 abeam .id over, Jas. Snell Marline ram, Jas Small, let cad 2md ; fain Marline lamb, J, C. Hoary, Jas. Snell: pair d owes, 2 shears sad over, Jas, 8ss11 ; pair of sborIMg ewes, Jas- Sall, H. Corwin ; pair of ewe 1•.b., J. C. Henry. L Salkeld : n., may age, Jd Basil. Spall ; etwe aoy Met d1pIua. OLA 22-eocyinowws. Is this Giese Glee Brea took Lora. (5 1st'.) end tere dipl-.aa fee the fallowing : amain/ rase ; rano kerb; pair d ewen,two skean .d .ter ; pair e. shsorlbe ewes ; pair et ewe Wake ; ram. say age ; ewe, say .tle- MAIM 23-oxro,n.uns Dooms. Ram. 2 abesn, and oiler, Jas. Tsbb, J.H. Mallead ; rani lamb, J. TLbb, T. ?obb pair ewes, 2 abeam .ed over. J. Table. T. Tobb ; p•h d showily owes, J. Tat*. T. Tat& ; pair d ems la.ba, J. Tubb, T. Tabb; pen of Otlslydiehlra dews., .e.d.ise d 1 rail, 2 eeee, two shams a.d over. 2 shear - Bag styes sad ewe ewe Minks, J. Taft, T. Tmbb ; rain. any .pe. diploma. J. Taft ; ewe, m7 age, dtpiva& ; J. Tubb. mass :8 -AST mum. NOT M tint. Jas. Demme teat the prhsr ter Ino fel- 4wiag ; Ram lamb. flair et ewes. are shears sad over. par el Id aar8.g awes. pm d any bread eansimiag d a mm. ter ewes sere obsess sad ever. we arm sad ewe owe f leneba Ms alas took ler rasa sad ewe, way ages moss bowies. Ram, two oh.n sad stet. Jia Oaeper and Yen. J. Ildhdd t ahssrlhar ease. O. Y. Htm'dy, e. Brea t sums lamb. O. Y. Hardy aim iMen trelr d was. two ahem. and Dowse, ouasistlag o! Dee r... two.'w.e two shears red ever, two *healing ewe. rad two ewe iambs, Jae ('o .per and Sun ; ram, say age, diploma, o:. Y Sturdy ; ewe, Daly age, diplon.., .las Cooper and 8uo .'LAN. 21I ¥.4T .Hail'. Fest 1.1 *heap, etas or tas.tber,Jae. Snell, W. F Mersey. .'I.Ar 27-1d Pkwy kb ItIRk9HIRL. Boa. 2 gran old cud under, Jam (hia. holm, .I..- Dore.... : boar, over 1 year and under 'L yeah, ' % U ..1: l alt er, Jos. Dar. roto, ; burr, hoer d ,u 1896, Jas. Class - bolsi, Wei. McAllister ; boa, of soy .as, Jae. ('nusholm, dl/ I .tie ; .ow, 2 ye ,u old sad oyer, Chris. Fehuer, W. lloAliwier ; Sow over 1 year aid wider 2 years, Jae. Dort.. ca. N m. %l.-A,lieter ; sow, l ,tered he 1896, W. McAllister, JDs. Darren°.: wan of any age, Cbrbe. Fahaer, diplomas. cLene 29-11H_iio . It1.A- Hoare, two years or over, W. %% F usher. N'. S midsir : labor, ova r .we year and under tet one Fabuer, N. F. Young ; hoar l.t .. in 1896, N . Sinclair, W. Faber ; boar .1 ai.a ..ie, Chris Feltner ; sow, two years W F'rher, W. Sinclair ; sea., over nee yaw u.d ui.4. 'two, W S.. ciao, W. Fr nor ; sew littered to 1896, W Smular, A. 11..).- (MG 1:).- (ale : sow, nay .gr, Vt. Fisher. CLAsa LU --TA A 11 ^RTHs. Roar, ooze one year sod ruder two, W. Fisher : Ostia F.ba.r trek the rem•ioing seven prizes. .'l..iees 31-jirttwtrj, 1OKK"111141L. Roar, over nae year and butler two, R. ll..n ; hoer, ray are, R. Item : wan littered 1a 18%, e,lee_llrue•, J. Salkei.* ; sow, au) age, calif. Bran 32-NAMin, KI?b, Hear, 2 years old and over, 15 .n. ?arsons, N .1 -on tires : hoar, over 1 year sed under 2 years, it. F.huer, W n, It.chan ; boar, littered in 1896, J. '1'sbb, C. Fal.ner ; boar, of an) tyle, t1 m. Parsons ; sow. 2 y,arrold sod over, ('. Falmer, Wm Fisher ; apes, over one year and under two years, N Ileo. Bros , 4. r. Salkeld ; sow, littered in 1896, Wm. Fiber. W'.. Sinclair ; sow, of any age, diplomas, C. Fahnsr, Wm. Faber; best pen of soy breed,lozge pt small,00med, ooze:sting of 1 bear ad 3 sows, of any sea, Jas U..rr.& .. cues 3,5 -roe L, Brsbei.s, light, W. Carter, Goa lloKsy Brabmos, dark, G. Irwin, W. Aawy ; Cocoon, bud, J. C. Lyons ; Codeine par- tridge. J. C. Lyons ; Uorkwgs, saver gray, G. 1rw,n, W. Ferber ; Hamourg., sp.agl.d, gotten a,.1 u1v4. Wm. Carter : Hambargs, b1. k sod wnita, A. S. Chrystal ; black Spouse, white faced, G. Irwin ; Leg barn,, /.lack, Wm, W •llaoe : Leghorn., brown, single c)mb, Jas Pootletbwatte, 1st and 2nd ; Houdin, G. !rota ; 1'olsh,white arest.d, black, W. Carter ; Polish, golden ..d silver, W. t .rter ; t'lymouth Rooks, G. Lvoos ; Wyandotte•, J. C. Lyons tad, W. Au.:•y, 2nd ; W'yandotts, white, Thomas Beaty, E Belcher ; Lang - shape, 1.. Irwin, J 1' Lyons ; oris; u-taa., Joseph Whitely, J. E ',V h••ei, ; Minorcos, G. Irwin, Win W all., : cane, bra.. -n• breasted tad, COas. A, Neb. ; rams, blank - breasted red, Chas. A Weil-, 1-, and 2nd tome, pale, J. C. Lv ..•; g....• , Lanseu,s blsok•bieaaed red, R 11.•L en, 1- and 2'td; game, ban tans, bre tau-tetoe en red, E Hslohor ; game, bantams, pile. R. McLean ; targe, bantam., duckwtug, K MoLean, Mrs. C. Campbell ; baritone., Seabright golden, J. C. Lyons : haotame, ooy other variety, E. B -Ichor ; Pekin basitams, E Belcher ; red cape, 2ad, W m. W ellaos ; Turkeys, breeze, David Proud, G. Irwin ; geese, Embden, Joseph Wnitely, G. Irwin ; tress Toulouse, W. J. Lamprey ; geese, Caiae,Joseph Whitely, A F. Yoea c ; geese. soy other variety, J.o. Salkeld - deck•, Pekin, G. H. Irwin, W. J. Lamprey deka, say other variety, W. W. Fisher Guises Fowls, W. Carter, Kra C. Camp- bell Cuss 34-SPRINGcnrcits. limbed, light, R MoLms, W. Carter ; braime, dark, G. Irwin ; Correia*. white, J, C. Lyons ; Ceobias, black, J. C. Lyons ; Ceebi.0, Bag, J. C. Lyssa ; Usrkf.g0, silver Rey, W. Fisher ; HO.bearp, sp.eKled, golden sad silveron, W. Carter ; Bleak hpanisb, white ted, W.Certef ; Lieberman,w i., J. C. Lyons, E. Beeler ; La fears , brown, single mash, Jas. Pesileibw.tte, Wm, Wllaoe ; Hondas, 0. Irwin ; Polish. golden and silver, W. Carty, Plym- outh Rooks, J. C. Lyons. 1st and 'mood Plymouth Rooke, white, J. C. Lyons, Wes. Walkups ; Wyandotte, J. C. Lydia; Wren - dM., white. W. J, Lamprey, R. McLean; Ii-, J. C. Lyons : Moored, W. As - Nay, 1.a ..d god ; Grime, black -breasted red, C. A. W.14 ; Game, pdo, J. C. Lyes, 2.d ; gases b.r1..s, bleak -crested red, Jas. Mauna. E. Mast ; game Matador. pie, R. Moi.... ; game bantams, duolinQ R, Mauna, 1 Rod 2; beams, se.brioht golden J. C. Ly .e ; bantams, any etbor, variety, Jam. PestMWLlte, R. Booboo; turkeys, harass, lass. Salkeld. 2&d ; gOav"t. Raba'., Jas. Whitely : goons (ala., Jas Whitely ; desk., Aylesbury. W. Carter ; dna., Re•s., Wm. Wallace, ; dssaks. Pala, W. Carter, J. C Lys. ; desks, any ether v.eisty. 0. Irwin, F 11` Hingham ; Oebsa bwt, F. C. Bi.tbs., W. (1.r*., : sensation d rabbits, Mrs. C. Campbell ; selleetina el pigs... Jas. E. Maven, Geo. M.ls.7. num 25--sxtsaormo ewes, Brahma.. Ugh/ es dark, R. Mamm., W. Gorier ; Cathie*. say star. J. C. Lyse ; Jamboee, an7 varies, W. A .. Rens, J. P. lssbwalte ; W 7..dstMm, en vmriely, J. H. Tbher ; 0...., any C. C. A. Wells ; Homburg, say v.ri0y, R Me - Lean mass 36-nnesu AR mo'., al.phag weary, W. J. Iao.lut, W. J. Lamprey ; eoll.otisa hinds, W. J. Daniel, A. • Cirystal mtesiHsid@d en Papa 1.1 Pan Dedra t!a Mary.. ONebe r 6 and 7. Dtmreso., Cumber Y ad 9. Breese, O*uobes 1 sad L Wiesd.tesh, Septembarllt end M. lila.-.r4, ea ffielass. O.td. 9 sod lea 4hNesrl, M Thai.da4, Dasher Myth. Dasher 6 sad 7, aI 9. 111 COMING AND GOING. Mn. 11 m. Tighe visited in Colborne Inst week. E Sasdereon, of W'ingkern, was in (.wie- glen on Tuesday. L H. l)ioksoa, of 1 zeter, was to the Co. @ows sae Thursday. D. A. M,"1anes, of Ripley, visited God.- rbbtNr.,. • .. 1, J.. l • ! , .f '.ucknow, visited t to Old town a week. F. Blue, barrister, of Brussala, was is (:uderioh 011 Tuos►y W.C. l.uksou, .1 Rip • y, was an Huron's county Wee on S., ale •, .. R. S Lewis, 01 tlud..:.., was venting i. (;0dertcb the part wee*. Mies tioanuny- of 1',,lhngwoud a tb' pleat at Muses Wtlk1121.0o. \lime.. Reynold.. alt Ht.11ett, visite I Mies F,.rr, 'I'erm:do-,t le+, w.. k K li Sme h would ere ynnr .: t. no, i !' their advertisement on page 8. Mies Chamber* of Port iierou ne the guest of her (uustne the Jl.aser (.'rail Nes Waite, of Hunstoo, boa hero tee gust of ben. lemon the poet two weeks. Mune N. R. Swafti.au has returne.i atter a pa 't.aat visit with !timid* to reroute L.td 8t. Themes. Mies K. Baker wail speed the Winter et Gore Bay, havtat' left far that place he 'he last steamer. Sties B Wi'kineon has retu-ned from a eagthv visit to T..rosto, the Thousand Is- 1.nd. and 0.It. Mr. and Mr.. Thor.. Melee/1,4 Lo -know, .heat • few days of the past week with t teir m.uy inmate in the ..1 I town. Teras's nig tt..•�. Texas fa not only the bfggit t state in the i-nlon, but lays c!aim to the biggest hog ever raised in the 'United States. The hog weighs 1430 pounds, and is 6 feet y Inches long. He mea- sures 6 feet around the neck, 8 feet around the body, and stands 4 feet 1 Inch high. His feet are as large as those of a common oz. and the leg bone larger than that of the tartest steer. He in Poland China and red Jersey. 14,- eats corn like an oz: takes the whole ear In his mouth at once, and Pate the cob as erten as the corn. eating from forty to flfty ears at a time. There seem, to be no surplus flesh nn him, and physicians who have examined the bog say he can easily be made to reach 2100 pounds. The present owner, T. Ratigan, paid 8250 for the bog. and has been offered 81600 for him• He has a fire policy on the animal for $..,001.. No other bog, it Is said. ever reached such tremendous proportion,- We expect to learn soon that he has been burned. -Monticello Press. Nat Aah.med to W..k Moshe.. In a recent sketch of Hawthorne by his daughter we are toll that In his early married life he helped 01. wife. w -ho was not strong, by doing the housework. He washed the dishes. cleaned knives and cooked. All this he did without "surly inneundoe. and sudden snarling.' The great ro- mancer did not shrink from unroman- tic work. HI good sent.- put-, to shame some lesser lights to literature who have counted It a thing common and unclean to work with their hands. Beat in using the pen. Tis !Halley Laaeb.na. The "sewing bee' has been revived In a somewhat modernized form In the "dopey luncheon." Alt the guests at one of these functions are provided with a square of stamped iinen and the sills to etrbrnider It and are set too work After an hour's stitching. the bootees collects the work, a com- mittee judges of its merits. prises are awarded. and the luncheon proceeds. the wise giver of the feast having re- celve-1 a more or leen valuable addi- tion to her linen chest. Pntt1-. Jewels. lime. Adelina Patti is said to have the handsomest and largest reflection or is web of any of the modern actrerere and opera singer.. She late- ly Wore in the third act of "La Tra- viata" a drove covered with precious ' tomes to the valve of S 100.000. These ettonee are now In Paris to be reset In the shape of a tulip-Iiko corselet. formed a .even leaves. from which the mousseline de vale bodice will merge all in nuns and puffs. Hit a Tender ,•pat. "Tou grievously offended Mabel °rays rather last night." -How?. "By making that pun about the alum-entary °anal-" "1 don't see how that could offend Rima" "Don't you? He's a manufacturer of baking powder."--Clow.land Plein Dealer. Ab. !Imbued Weeitavn !lollies. Mine- Hanna Zoning. who remained in New York for a year after the close e![ the World's Tair, to which she ramie as a dettep.te, has gone back to her home in Syria. so deeply Imbued wfth Western gdian. that she has started a women's club. It is near her home, In Beirut, and Is the first to be established in that part M the world - A ,oral Awtmmer. The Cssrina of Ruta is an expert swimmer. and recently bad a learnt- fteent ewhn.iag tank Wrested hi fee Winter Pala,n% covering an area Of IMO square feet 'NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our own Co rre.pondenta Ulmer 1. oaIKtwatN. Herr T+D1 Paasee be pa.ad say where ileo -News of tae tensity epertalle Reported ,or Tim signal. DUNGANNON. Nortc<-The tocol agency to Uu coos for rem dieAloe is at the oe of J. 0.W.rd, J.1' . oosvoysimer, &o., wbo will reo.tve or den for eubsorl /loos, adven!siug and doh work.aod ie atoll's -oat to glee receipts for amounts paid for the saute. Tt r--,b,Y. Sept. 29. Remember our Fall show on 1 iotober ane 9 Mr Hs000ke and wale, of Ta,iw.ter,are v,sawg reissues* here. 1 h.N y POUR. - rho neaviest rain storm er.. during Saturday night. A ('ounel et the ('howu foam's with 24 members was organized ou Mond.v. The municipal cooed of West Wwanosb met on'•turday last in the township hall. Thos Allen and Elie. Young hove been re engaged for our school for 1897, each gett- ing en increase of salary P. i'-. . -Apple picking, packing and .hip- ping hays been eug.ptng the attention of the farmers and orchardists. An ec'ertaiament will I 'field In the Methodist ohnroh on the sv. g of Friday; Oot, 9, by the E. L. A good Nass ugram is be- ing prepared. SA.'R.itti\T -Ou sabbath lest the sacrament of the L,rd'e @upper was dupm- sad m Erskine church. A large number of oommuniosob were present. PA..eu AWAY - lobs W'illismsen, for• merly of West We. and wbo :has been for .bout • year in the asylum at Lon- don, died there on Sabo ,th evenioa last. Vterries, -ileojamin Ii.vu,ot Winfield, county of Welland, and Mrs H. J. Welker, of Ingersoll, are the gue.,a of Mr. and Mrs- Augustine. -\.btield Sits. J. M. Roberts Is on • visiting tour to relatives at Ingersoll. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. litigator meeting/ of the Public school board nest Monday. The man that had the biggest pototoe bad • good chance of showing it last week The member@ of the e:un Club are making arrengemeote for the usual Fall and Winter .boot.. Nearly every morning parties may be seen leaving town on partridge .hooting ex- peditions. x- pedition. The beat wishes of our towoepeople will follow y.. 1). Williams as he cltmbe the pro. feesioeal ladder. On Saturday' and Sunday the Ser•pbto Band of the Salvation Army will be with the local oorpe. The Henderson Bicycle l'o. have oomolud- ed all contract* for 1896, sad started all hands oo wheels for 1897. Dm't make any appointment for Oct 20. Reserve that evening for the great free en- tertainment of the A O 1.;,%V. I .rly in OotoSer, Nimes Donagh and Par- secs will re -open their academy for instrunt• ion 10 dancing and deoortment.88 2t The King's Daughters will hold their ree- nter monthly meeting 0ext Wednesday in the room over Tui SIGNAL Othoe. John Nelan, G. T. R. track foreman had • seven inflammatory- attack on Saturday, bat yesterday he was reported as out of danger. Mushroom gatherers may be even oe nearly every strait In tows early in the morons,. The orop for 1896 has the lorries aver estbered. For the brat time in some 'fifteen weeks the Dere of the weather tailed to And es rale ea Saturday. He mad* up for it, how- ever es Sunday mooing. The tray dwelling being built for Mrs. Carleton oa Fest-at, next the knitting fac- tory, will be finished in • few weeks les the plasterers an now •t work. The family of Mr. D. Rosa leaves her. for Samla next week. Mr. Rose, how- ever, will renals behind oil account of tits large number of orders be is receiving fee the Cremes' Washing Mathias Jas. W. MoCreath, who for some time past bas hr.. i. the employ ot THt Morays h.. quit the came for the desk and hosed. t.kisg an .testoid coarse in oommsr.id stadia. at sh. Collegisi. We wish him all the ..Jess' be deserves. J. H. Worell & Co'@ wood furnace, which was es view at ane O. N. W. exhib- ition, seams to b. meeting with iamb favor. they lavbg .iosed order for Ave of the.. ia sedition to a somber of stoves and How - .rd seal Unman, for which they ars oda agsale. C. E. L U. The fallowing are the espies ler the ail Serest young people's 'moieties whish meet during nsxi weak North -et Methodist Aureb K L of C.E.. Trw•y sassing .t 8 o'eloek. Topa ter Oat. 2, " The joy of maim seats," by J.W. Arwtetreng. Viciori•id Method let chore& E. L Friday evening at 8 o'doek. Topic for Cb.. tun, " Faith. Hope tad Charity." Katz (arose Y.P.R C-R., Tweedssesa- me at 8 eels**. Topic to Oetebsr It withdrawn as account .4 the aaxsa ra Mal All w medially belted to •trend therm mesttaas, whish we had b the be"ms b, esnoi-' bi darter the nese .entbm se, G leam wegei.8V welcome.bare e�Iher me E. L. T)lsb....., boerb sr, of Whigiesse, was whiting F. Oederlab the pest Thradap. Mies R. Mtbboll arrived is Osdeda the past weak in time to ser Bee.'. arena .he.. Our easemd aser!.pndent, ,1,o. Ward. d Denesamen, whin IN Mews en Tuesday. e sweat visited err ..sera Mir Caesadey, who has beea ailing bee easter Mm. D. Md7L7w/dy. 4mr the past wash. ben reamed l Ottawa. •,