The Signal, 1896-9-24, Page 88 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 24, 1896 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our own Co rrespond.ntw Sher. av se ereambea Owe Tact (Sees be Naafi Anywhere Ulm —Sews N She Cense, aaeeesnr OeMrbd Ter The astls%L BENMILLER. w'sDrc.IAv. Sept 23. The population of Ile.mdler left fer (Soil „e Wednesday mormsg. Dr. Heater, of (:oderioo, w 1I be at Ihfamer'e Hotel every Wednesday, from tone te eve o'elo'k. commencing on Wisdoms day, Serf. 30th, 189b. LFERURN. I'r,.ft%, Sept embar 22. Jae. Mtomsnus was at the Western Fair last week Mies ,manna Foley rawest(' • pIssesat visit to Clinton last week. is the sheseoe ot the organist, Mies Edith Hobos last Sunday, Miss I.. Hortoe per- forated the ditties. Mr. •ad Mn. Jam.. Foley. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feb,, M Kinceto&dile. were transient vtsiton hon. "kale On to,. • to the Western Fur n the Farad City 1.. t week. PORTER'S MILL kvang.iistic srvlos are L„ be cnmaseoad is Be. bei ('hare k, Suadsy *visaing, u,;1, 4th Rev. F. Oeteu si charge The rawly organizer* Epworth Loafs* i ooneec'ioo wr•h the Bethel Church mi in • flourish.ng condi t Soo. an sncresun( )slyest to manifest in the .sr" scam An et home is to be hell under its •uapice• in tba Meth - od et church on Thursday eveuinip. Oct. let aro isteresf.ug program is betty prepared. Light tefreahments will Ise served during tb• evsu•ov. A small admission fee to be charged. DUNLOP Tut:DAY, Sept. 22. Miss Sere Corbett "misted et Hyde r -ark .r. t 1..ndon last we. k A%% "y A.•.tls.—Mus Kate Macdonald, who hey b.oen visiting under the parental roof for the part thrift months, 1.. returned tr. iletroit Her va,uee will arson make • deep blank in our Social circle, as she is ever • 'moral favorite with all, Our popular townsman. M..1 Tobin. was at the Western F. lest week. He did not forget to look through the machinery de- partment, and .ince his return he has hem explaining to his many friends, besides en• (fairing Leeburn cous•'.. the moat recent Improvements m►.t, in the construction of grain hinders UJNGAN NON. Nnncit.--The local •ata•7 fes i)nngannon heroic digs is. is et the ethos of J. (3. Ward. conveyancer. Lc., who will receive or den tor suhscriptloes, dye/rasing and lob wrk.and is eutloinied to give receipts for amounts paid for the sense. Tyr -sissy. Sept. 22. bliss Carrie tWhyard left here het Wed- nesday ler It!dgetots..,whereshe has secured a good position. V I .ITuit. -alas %WMien, formerly of Dungannon, and now of Orillia, is visiting frleol• ',ere sod vicinity A Qt. snt. V;.lruR.—R Pointer, of Wakefield. i!u.b.c, has been spending the put two weeks with relatives and friends in Dungannon and vioiecy. Mi ' i 11 A1. rota. n.. -- On Saturday the 26th the municipal fathers of the munici- pality of West W•wanosh will meet in the usual plan of meeting. Session to cos• mmr at lr t. Mrs. Norms and daughter. Miss Margaret returned home from visiting friends and so- quumtanoes al (.odertoh, o0 Wednesday 16th. Mise Nevins took in the loduttrial at Toronto, and reports having a good time. Chas. t.irvin, Mrs. Wm. MoMath and daughter, Moe Sone, who here been on a vieitins tour to relatives et Ksngetes, Am- herst Island and other points, arrived home last week, and report having had a pleasant time. F'i.t. (:ALE.—The weather on last Satur- day wee the most wintry and unpleasant we hives experienced the seseon, (request oold showers of rain and also high winds prevailed which divested many apple trees of their heavy loads of fru,L John Bailey. of Goderioh, favored Tot -- humble scribe with • friendly oa1l, who was pleased to nes Mr. 13. look well and vigorous also to bear from him that Me.. Bailey, who has bees in a poor state of health for Some time. is now soiovine fairly rood health. tyv ls•tAvT1. At_ --The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will, 1) V. be held to Enkioe ohurch on [tett Sabbath, .rvioe to oomsneao0 et the aeon/ time, 10:15 A Al. Preparatory service will be oeedueted is the church on FridrJ the 24th, oommesoia( at 2:15 r. &1. B. .1. Crawlers: and sea Willies's. Mn. Wilson, milliner, and greed -daughter Mise Olive Crawford, all of whom were et the sorest CityErkibitim, returned how the put week William Wilson whn '.00k in the Exhibltioo at Leedom, re- terned home m.ob pleased with the eights, sod also the vett to relatives a Liadsay. Ran-Rxtn. —[aria, lest week John Mc- Arthur, N whom referees* heretofore was made In Tits SIGNAL ea WM( on a vied CO hh brother, our deputy peat -master, .iter having takes in Ike exhibitions at Toreste, Leedom aid ether pointe, returned to his brother, being highly pleased wed loud is his modem of the medusa. and meauhm- tuaw of ()atom* provisos. lied the beanie and aplesdid appearance et the Air iealter• al dimrtote through which he bas bees pri- vileged to travel. R.smill.r Oise of the eons of P. bladed, while pickier apples, fell from the tree and .praised his wrists, hoiden bass otherwise badly shakes op. Hallett : J. R. Little. who has bees en- gaged with Bea Cherehill, ins meted the 30 sere plat frim 61. male, Jobs Fv►ets, situated as tb. Ravel read, past Lades - here. and takes meneamles this week. (JNberue Mies (.n1. Older was Isar tied to John lra.l•.d, ell Bay, Rev. Mr. Booker offlsiating. Mies Lissy Mier, sinter of t6s bride, wee betdeem a, while Adam Eagled, brother of the grassy toted for Wingh•m : Dr. Heresy. wile travelled through Canada with 14 Have Menges w 1 the (astable representatives st i8. Deer - .1.. nevremont, is a es. -r -1.w le Dr. Ms.deseld, of Wleab•ay tb. wets-k,toee M.P for Fast Harm. 111'. Homey termed U Hay's aapuairmees w1Hle travel** is the flowery kmidea Morris Massie IM.sI LAtt8IWr s.t with • panful ae'idast ass y. It 'p- rom the he wee pleyine with a deg whisk soddenly Mamie trtseie Ind jtrlletisg as W fres out Nm semady. The dwMr wee time ter, ted up te 1he ill el wi4Nng Ste palest le i.1sg es well se easy he es - It is es ray tiro the deg WM nide dame wadi el. HURON IN DISTRICTS. Ifo Cases se Mvtded Wee OWN DIMehisa m UM Wooden" rtes, J edges Jew gaol Grasser use a1 the Cram Ho. , es Wedwd• atMrttaea N roar oboes ntensted in Me divides of the eon• ty late diets on, i• •mordaw with the County Casega1• AK There was • i g rr Mteadaagg, all oke neves beteg prewar, sway of whom *gored aegcstle0s as to the kens division of the musty. Meson. Toe. 8tremobea sod Wm. f'roodfoot promoted .sa.4.lee f.e the dt vision, and the oussMaioaen, It is soder .rood, had oust prepared but whoa the cum misto.ers adjournedoa Wednesday 5uthia( had bees decoded. Oa Thursday merawg when the o.mmis- •ioten met again chere wee a pretty removal disoustos ea the plans presented..sed by soon the ludgee had douided ',bat thee* should he eight divisions constituted as be low gives. It may he mesuoaed that the settlement wee made an wuurdaace with hie .oh.dele preeeotep by wades `itr•ohaa. ses a s S I3 S o e A.htleld .. ..... 3,3.53 1,692,855 1 Colborne 1.825 1,087,145 Goderich, 3.766 1,083,640 8,944 13,863,540 Goderich township. 2,463 1.513,077 2 Hallett 2,1143 1,998.100 Clinton 2.461 693,490 7.772 4,104.667 Hy 3.736 1.895.680 3 Stanley 2.212 1,660 380 itay6.ld 671 86.261 6 617 3.642.321 op6e0. 3.992 1,799..;69 4 l'eborne 2,387 1,846,200 h'tetsr.. 1,792 491.450 8,371 4,137,519 McKillop. ..... .2,985 1.846.960 5 Tuokenmitb 2.590 1.947,62.1 Siefert h. 2,411 653, 495 7.986 4,448 070 Grey 3,541 1,727,425 Morris. 2.801 1,731,471 Brussel . 1,183 293,946 7,5155 3,752,841 W•wsnosh E 1,874 1.190.310 Wawanosb W 2,136 1,123 875 Myth 938 192,965 WIngh•m 2,129 5490100 Howtck 7.077 3,066,150 4,306 2,143,349 8 Tursberry .... 2,339 1,047,800 Wroxeter 460 109,700 7,106 3,302.849 Totals. 61,229 30,307,967 A FATHER'S STORY. HAPPINESS RESTORED WHEN HOPE HAD ALMOST GONE. 111'. DAC..HTta BI. -AN TV D.O*P A.' D VADa— AT'rA. 1.5» WITH HtlrOaa0Alii AND Lilt NAS Ut'tl'Al1tiD 01r—I41 = 15 AGAIN 111• JniIS(: ttosu rr HRALTW irons The lfran(tod Courier. A reoent addition to the Grad Trunk railway in this oily u Thom Clift, who le living et i` Ch•tb.m street. Mr. Clift, who we. formerly • polloeman is the great city ot laddoe, is • fine lookin( specimen of as E:.gimihniaa of the type eo *hes even to the Grand Trunk employ and who makes so desirable a ohms of etttze0e. Since his dvsot bore he has been a warm •dvoc•te of that well known medicine, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and through his endorsement, dozers of boxes have been sold to bis friends and acvlusontanoss. A Courier representative, esxions,a1- tbough not surprised, to koow the mama for Mr. dirt's warm eulogy of the pills, called on that gentleman recently. Mr. Chit wtIlingly ooaeemtd to an tassrvtow,and in the following story tole his r.ee.s of be- ing so siooere an advocate of a world re- n owned medicine. " Some ave yeses ago," said Mfr. Clift, " my desgkter Lily began to droop and fade, and became dismolmed either for work or pleasure. A doctor is Leedom was called in, and be presenkd ex • erase and • general "rosi•g up" as the best medicine to effect a ours. My daghter did bee best to follow his instruotloae, but the forodexeeemeexhausted her.ompletely, and ate gradually grew worms. Dae sight I and my wife were terribly alarmed by • ry from Lily, sad beaming N the room found her outputs up Ivse gua.tisies of Wood. I rushed for • doctor, sad be did his beet to stop her hemorrhage, bet admitted to w that beer eon was very critical. See droop- ed .way to • veritable shadow, sad for weeks when I wont to hid her red -bye is Me morning as I west to my week I feared I might not ..e beg .1i.e again. Tide west es foe • long time ..all one day • Mead eeommended toy daughter t. try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pill. She eeasauted to de so, std i• . oompar•ttvely brief pried • deaid• d besea► was peresptible. She persisted with thew of the Pills and modestly ata from • bed ot eagerly, and stases. mitil e ke mea etre again attabbed reheat poise woomehited. For the last three years .he has uses is .:reheat health. It was Ptak Mille that virtually brought her teem tee mouth of the Reeve wed saved Nus my on- ly depter. New de yes weeder why I w eed Mar praises sad ,egi mens& theepes nen oppeirtimity De. ult•ms' Ptak Pits strike u the rem of the disease, driving it trees the s- tem mid metes*. N the priest health and aattee++.a,,tt8k.� Is arses .t paralysis, spinal te.»falsa, leeem.tee a1.xb, esi•t1.•, rhe- ��aatfeas, .ryipeles, e.rvfaiows troubles,ete tams dila •ei sprier N all ether resat - meat. They are also • speea& for the troubles with* make the lives of se u ay onuses a harden, sod speedily emeter @ the risk (lee .f b..3s8 be pie and sallow Meeks. Mai hikes 'dews by e.wark, weer?, se en..eses, w ii gad is Ptak PIOs • eseteie ours add by en douse r gess by mail peatpM, se Ws • bet. as M: beige fer p 50,a/heestag the De. %Wilmo s Mebane , Breekvtts,, OK, er Sehesastady, Beware of Wmsbss sad eahtttt res alleged N be "Seas as Morris : Hassid Roberts_ end w11u..8. M her ve spot er five ?sees to Mi. . purpose esteeming te 13esehted where per. Rob.tess bas the aka of • aim Mlles ,tear Olitg rs. MILLINERY OPENING ()UR FIRST DISPLAY OF FALL MILLINEKY WILL TAKE PLACE ON MODNAY - EVENING SEPT. 21st, and following days. We announce with confidence that our display for this season will uuttlo anything that we have yet attempted, not only in Millinery Islll 111 DRES► 3 GOODS, BLOUSE SILKS, and JACKETS. Miss Prise, who has charge of our show rooms will be pleased to have the Ladies of Goderich call during the opening and inspect her efforts in the Millinery art. J. T. ACHESON. AUCTION BALES- Ul =Sloe their gull DIll. misted set 183. Sloe will have • tree notice ins.rtea in this Het no to the time of sales. Thos. Gnodry will ell by public minim on the Agricultural Fair ground os Thurs- day Sept. 24th at 10 A..., the tiniest lot of thoroughbred horses ever offered tor mile in Huron. At the reeidesoe. Lighthouse -et, as Sat- urday, Sept 26, all the household terait.re and effects of 1)oasld Rues, who is leaving town. There wit' also be mold • wed up- right piano an4 • violin. Taos. Gunnar, auctioneer. rail retro Se•forth. September 24 wed 25. Mitobell, September 29 end 30 St. Marys, October h wed 7. Stretford, Oowbr 1 end 2. Steffe. October 1 and 2. Kirkion, Ootobr 8 and 9. Clinton, September 29 and 30. Hayfield. September 29 and 30. Dungannon, October 8 and 9 Wingttam, September 29 and 30. Brussels, October 1 and 2. geIgrave, September 24 and 25. Woodstock, September 24 and 25. Bisash•rd, at Kirkton, October 8 sad 9. West Nisouri, at Thorndele, October 8. Blyth, Ootober 6 and 7. ♦ wer1erf.I Ineett.nt *. Amo.bst the wonderful institution@ of this oouatry the Family Herald and Weekly St•r,of ldoatre•l,ie no doubt rosily rem .rk- able. Nobody, whoever or wherever be or she may be, ons take up the Family Herald and Weekly Star and inspect its one hue. tiredand twaity-tight oolumos every week without exol•inung out ot sinoseet admira- tion that the paper ie really a marvel The Family Herald sod Weekly Star of Mont- real is known far and wide, tiro nal, is Can. .da to its veru remote -t h...ulut, bat throughout the (jolted Sat.-. and 'teat Britain, and whet makes p.trotic Cana- dians so pleased with it is that English people ea well as Americans look upon the Family Herald ..d Weekly- Star as • wo.. der, and the oolooy that produces and sup - porta it es being one of immense vitality. Beomiller : Richard Jewell tlutsbed pirat- ing his plums on Thursday; he hae .old 1010 baskets. The resits .t omega or trusser. It was • Wesleyan miliaria,. Sod they bed met to say farewell to • missionary and he wife. A layman was ..sed to pray, ind he berm In am wise :—" 1) Lord, who o•reet both for man and beast, take care, we beseech Thee, of our deer brother—and his wife."—London Pall Mall Gavotte. Homan) ; On Wdae.day menial/ of last week 1. W. Palterer and Mies Roll Wtleoa. youngest daughter of ala. Wagon. of tows, ware united in mstrtmoay by Rev. W. K Kerr Myth : lbs borne of W. Sims hes again been the geese of sed bere•vemeat,hia only daughter, aged 9 Yvan, posse •way with diphtheria; be hoe two other children al with the same complaint, What adds to the intensity of the .glib** ie the fact that the is the fourth obild 6e bag lam within • few years. Fall is at Hand So be prepared to meet it with a good Hat or Fur Cap when it comes. We have put in stock all the Latest Styles of Fall and Winter HATS which for quality and price cannot be ee1ualled. In stock are numerous as- sortments of the latest in GLOVES. SHIRTS, MITTS, CAPS, COLLARS.. HOSIERY, CUFFS, NECKWEAR. C. R. SHANE & Co. The reli•bl. Hat and Fursiabing Emporium READY!!! Our new Stock of AUTUMN MILLINERY is now on display and when ever convenient to you, you are invited to call and examine it. We will have no special opening days. MISSES YATES, - The Square. Millinery MISS CAMERON is now showings large assortment of the latest styles in Fall and Winter Hate. Alt rods are of the most fashionable design and manufacture, and the prices are within the reach of all. MISS CAMERON, You need a Fall Suit_._.... .Is storm. wosdsrfhl vane at Don't boy any Ihrndyinede Ciantsin ted--yov'n tbosvttgid mad it can be made to give sash splendid healthful warmth- that mill hardly reclaim as overcodt all season—just biscring that it iaainterlined with bre Chamois. No weight or Milk will be added. but the natural stiffness and spring of this interlining will keep the g.rasent. in their proper shape, and fit per sett non-condtxting proper- ties will keep out every breath of frosty air or damp winds, while the waterproof Rigby proem makes it proof against an all day's rain or' slight expense Only ]fc. a yard. garraests which haven't the 1PIMy y enjoy the csin(ort it glwa.' t NEW FALL GOODS. We are stew reedy te .he. • large ted varied amort. shoes el Ary Otesde ssls'ble les 18. Fall trade. Dress Goods from 10 cents to $1.00 a yard in the leading new designs and colorings New Plaids at 10c, 20c, 30e, 50c. New Berta from 25c, in Black, Blue, Brown and Green. A ,g line oI Tweed Edectai. We wiab to oall special attention to our Linen Goods direct from Belfast, Ireland. Tabling. at 25c, 30c, 35c, 40o, and ISc. Table, Napkins, Towels and Towellings at rock -bot- tom prion.. A lot of Tweed from a will, 50 cents, worth 65o The best 5 tout, 6 tent, 7 cent and t i cent Factory Cotton ever in town. Our Carpets still take the lead in this County. The largest stock aid beet value. COLBORNE BROS. The Creel Carpet Warehouse of the County. i Undertaking .n. Embalming MS. and MRS. A. B. CORNELL, obtained Diplomas for general efficiency at Professor Sullivan's Col- lege of Embalming, Toronto, Sept. 4th, 11496. Sini'ECIAI.a LACTIC=.. A LONG FELT WANT SUPPLIED. Mrs. CORNELL will prepare bodies of females and children for interment without assistance or presence of the opposite sex. Respectful attention to all detail:; MY MOTTO—LEB8 STYLE and LOWER PRIME. P.S.—I do not employ agents to solicit your patronage before you are dead. The only white hearse in town. Diplomas may be seen,in my show window on Hamilton-st. • A. B. CORNELL Goderich SHOE STORE There is never any question as to which shoe store set. the pace for Goderich. The particular fact is that this business has never stopped growing in all the years you have known it, and this year THE STRIDE AHEAD 18 GREATER THAN EVER. It u scant courtesy to your intelligence to tell you that:you will have to have new shoes. Nevertheless well do it for your sake, The fol int, are a few of the bargains well offer yon this k.' the LadButtoned Boma, sizes 2 to 7, worth $1.00 for 75c. " " 3,3},4,5 , worth $1.25 to $2.50 for;$1. "• Strap Sli p,rs " 21, 3, 31, " $1'25 for 85c. Boys' Bleck and Tan Ox. Ties, sizes I to 5, for 75c. youth,' 44f II 14 It Mims' 11 to 13 for 65c. " 11 to 1 for 60c. A few pairs of Ladies' Shop Slippers for 60c. A till line of Women's Heavy lace boots for 75c•, usually sold for ill We aim to give you value for your money in Boot. and Shoes. Wedo not give any prizes, but will give ypti goods at prices that will enable you to save mooey by bre h1g your shoes from us. WM. SHARMAN Jr. Sole agent for the Slater Shoe. WE INVITE ZriCrLa. TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR O eASOLIITE AND COAL -OIL STOVES Also let us send one home for you to try for a week and if yon are no* satisfied, to feel under no oh - turning. b1 r� t irilis WEIL