The Signal, 1896-9-24, Page 7TRE STGNAL : 3ODLRICH, ONT. THURSDAY SEPT. 24, 1896.
f Any doctor will tell you
that Professor Hare, of
Jefferson Medical College,
Philadelphia, is one of the
highest authorities in the
world on the action of
drugs. In his last work,
speaking of the treatment
of scrofula, he says:
t Is bar a aeoees•ry to este that ood-nver
1s the b.s4 retwedy of all. The ell ehueld
vet is etailsius, so prepared as to be
e also says that the
hypophosphites should be
combined with the oil.
Scott's Emulsion of cod-
phites, is precisely such a
Good hmsst b rid b the leas, sad the fit
le white, arta sad pulp.
Stewed Pears. -To • ren dew peen add
Ito ri.1 of • lumen, amt tis, Sud half tis.
Clothes pegs, belled a few mistime o.w
or twice • =oath mid quickly dried, bemuse
more durnhle.
Ii wire' weather eat ler meat, porridge,
..d hinting toode, substituting v.g.tsbles,
fruits .ad milky footle
Bee be liar salmon. rine water should be
bilrsg. bet for e11 other fhb it should be
only jam n after warm wises 'Guest -pet is.
lases taryellow ter washing became
11 b nor naiad sense a.; iv ; the sop leu is
M the Hendry turas it yellow to wear.
Air the thoroughly every marsh t.
opast.g opposite doors .ad windows tor
an or ten mtiutee, eves is bad weather
Parsley fee wham tats laity be preserved
by drying it is • awl ov.:.. and time play-
ing it is tie bens or bottles, and keeping
the air uoleded.
Salt 10 ea exterminator for moths,•
ally is o•rp.u. Sweep the o•rpsr, .ra!!r
dried salt over, Sod roll op tightly. Store
is • very dry aloe.
To went • braise apply olive oil or lard.
S od cover with . let. ad en i water poultice ;
this trestmest onmpletely provost. the
b!eakame and soothes the pus.
S.bsl tote for Sett Water. -Take • bath
in widish • asp of rook wilt has bees ds-
omeed. before Iroise eo bed. This is • masa
retnehiag toxic for se .sk.mst.d busy.
laezpessiv. Spies- Cake. - Take sett
copied of eager. one of milk, two of knee.
S od two teeepoesfals of baking powder
S .t all together iboroignly sad bake t. •
m oder.te eves.
Te. .Miss are very d Dealt to ss. o.0 Y
neglected : they .book, be soaked is ei:oor
milk or wares water ...00s as pose Me. sad
tbs. soaped earl rnbtt..I est. Th• ..zi
wank .g will efaoe them wholly.
To give ma/m..i• to childre, pet it on
the top of • little milk. and let 1t ta1i
thr-o,b it ; is this way it ►.neem.r yam
de'noth wb.a well mixed The usual does
of .r ..• . of m.g.sw. f •r • obild u ane
Nothing is better for the hair than brs.b.
i.g with a miff tenth until the scalp rime..
Th. 051y w.y to m.11• the hoar redly r•fe
anti silky is to broth it duly for stout 'si
minute, This treaenseet is.vp.0i•IIy good
for cosine hair. as It makes it softer.
Tees 11.t.d ps..m.ot to in. bell .both!
be washed with skim milk or milk .ad
water. If three are bad .alae oft tbe ear
face rub thee with panels sad silver mad
worked lett • paste ; afterwards wash with
were water. Tire or tares applbatiess o'
mod and p.roMe will probably remove all
Homemade Mustard. -Mix together the
following iagrediem►e, psis through • boo
sieve and put bets ca•leters for air : Floor
of moor ani Maw pomade sad • halt, wheat
ear bras pomade and a belt. see emus of
o•yesnd Popper. ..reset salt oat mooed I
and a quarter. nps oil six emboss, .ed add ;
a little powdered tamer* to osier.
Soong. Cake Peddiag. .Split two somas
cake, into three s1ie.., spread with resp-
b.rry )am, put these together nod pl... is
• pit. -dish. Heat as Si', with sower to H.'.
add half • pint of milk,► nutmeg, sad
stir well. Thee pear the esdard over tFs
cakes is the dish, and bake in a slaw riven
until set, wheal will be shoat half .e boor.
Do set eat plum .kiss. for they are the ,
only port of the fruit whit is bddgeatlbde ;
0.4 w vre eat to sat •py hrm.eallea in
the utestioes. Wiles phase are .sed for
cooking, it Is best to amid Heal .rid remove
the oast skis, eaitis moral, •es•
velope tor the proaotios of they Do
n ot sat say large go.eblty of tib Gait be
fore War osogsd
Dusters should be made as Hr se ponelble
of soft staff. sad should .I..m be h.tamed.
wields is .oily dose with • Dewiest m•abio.,
hr ',menial" are a sass es. When the
.tag of wreath le sot large std the 1adi.s
el the hn-ree de • little et emir own dusting,
1 ',NOT advise • duster hiss kept is •o
out of the way pleas m the stay roem,and
of • amt set b gametal w by the boo.eheld.
Demme should be washed est dfreetly time
w at .11 aided, or the beam will mot look
bright se well as Oleos.
Tomato Jolly -Weigh the tid% odd to
each Head allow two .team .f seder. Pnt
tarot os to melt, .bring It gently for fear
°f humor. fen this pat Owe er tiros
otiose odd allow ly east up, Hr emit pones of full,
them be brows. New add the
%estate.§ ant is apses, ps,par, salt, ass .
tittle moos. •.d, if Weed, esttmeg.
Boil all the bgredlsote tegethsr moll re
dined to • pitpthen steed. thwgb meal*,
sod boil Me Jules 0411 it Sham waw putrid
ea to a sold plans BONS for sea rat
rather tallsas in l
the tremble. The jolly Heed l
will he. worth
Mau tiMai m he hat rest mseMa.
R.ki1/ Gesso --The saoamary Huidi-
este w ogle rabbit, half • pound el fat
~°''inns. posed sod • ball .f poses...
half • posed .f enisue, was
esu.. half • pass el wast, b a .deo
ur °i •baerped pageboy. saki and bleak pep -
1"' to tont., Nast pal sed dies the pots
. Wats.
salsas Msdyems the
r she,
a•.. odd esti well la
wares twat• Qat the bases b Mie diem
es l.v d'repS Now se5 •f p nate05
• • d5p Irk se Zleallea a Styr of rabbit,
rad mum all +. woo W..
tfi dM le dill. be.tog p.a
` the• Lipari, Ms wow. ass till w..
11614ra 1•• i1i slow w5� m • /eras May
ea tree NM Mara T�eggm��bedere •�oartr-
less▪ . SI Ow MIN e• wbY Is
The ptiwlMe.a M this Lew la the rail.
+i.ee1-Leetsu aripetatteroguser hes
May lie rase awvteea.M 1s. t.o Mew -
World oo.a rt..,
The Initiative and referendum has
found its highest development In
Bwitserland, especially in the cantons
The swim eurutltutlu0 provides that
"federal laws shall be submitted for
aeoeptance or rejection by the petting
M the demand is made by 30.000 voters.
or by right cantons." This 1s the
referendum, by which laws that have
been passed by the legislative body
must be submitted to the people for
• ppr.rvaL The essential point about
the Initiative is that a certain portion
of the voters may petition that a law
upon a certain question shall be draft-
ed and presented to the voters fur ap-
proval or rejection. The Swiss f.-derei
constitution does not provide for the
initiative In ordinary legislation, but
the system is la use for that purpose
ha some of the cantons, which may be
said to correspond to the States of our
Union. The initiative may be used,
however, for electing constitutional
changes in the federal government.
Following is the provtslon for amending
the federal constitution:
-When either council of the Federal
Assembly passes a resolution for
amendment of the federal constitution
and the other council does not agree.
or when 60,000 Swiss voters demand
amendment, the question whether the
federal constitution ought to be
amended 1s, In either case, submlttea
to a vote of the Swiss people, voting
yes or no. If In either case the ma -
amity of the Swiss citizens wbu vote
pronounce in the afflrmattve, there
shall be a new election of both coun-
cils for the purpose of preparing
'The working of this system In Swit-
zerland and In the cantons o,mp.stng
It hos been commended. The results
have not been so encouraging to the
radical element aa many had antici-
pated. In fact, the Swiss people have
shown a decided conservatism ant
cautlou whenever laws have been sub-
mitted to them under the referendum.
The system is particularly suited to
the conditions In 8wltserland, because
that is a small country. Tee, even
there, we and 1t used Ices 1n federal
than In cantonal affairs. The larger
the territory and population the great-
er the ditflculty In putting the system
into use. The referendum is beat
Isuited to use In local affairs It may
i be used to great advantage in state
affairs. but It is questionable in this
I country if It would be wise to adopt
j the referendum In national affairs, ex-
; sept for submitting conatltutlunit
amendments. There is less scope for
Ithe use of the initiative than fur tae
referendum and not iso urgent reasons
for Its adoption.
The referendum has been growing In
use in this country. Only last year
two Important measures -the Torrent
law and the civil service law -were
submitted to the voters of Chicago for
approval. There is a growing tenden-
cy. and it is a healthy one, to submit
such questions to the people. It woula
be well If provisions were made for
submitting important franchise qu.a-
ticns to the voters.
There is also a growing fondness for
the referendum in state matters. One
hundred years ego constitutions gen-
erally were adopted and put In force
by constitutional conventions without
submiaslon to the people. Now there
are very few states. indeed, in which
constitutional 'besides can be effected
without the sanction of the voter.
Such laws, for example. as those for
the regulation of the liquor traffic, are
frequently submitted to popular vote.
In this country, however. such submis-
sion is always at the will of the legis-
lative body. The voters can not de-
mand submission of a question to
them. as in Switzerland.
Too frequently legislatures in Amer -
Iran States cannot be trusted. Aa a
consequence it has been customary to
limit their powers by constitution,
with the result that in forbidding the
legislature to do certain things the
people oftentimes have tied their own
hands and placed it out of their power
to secure by legislation reforms whlcn
are badly needed. Here is one field
where the Increased use of the refer-
endum would be extremely helpfuL in-
stead of enumerating by constitution
an ever-increasing number of things
which legislatures may not do, It
would be better to stipulate that laws
might be passed upon theseAbject',
provided they were submitted to the
voters and approved. -Chicago Record.
A Home -Made B.remoar.
There is no reason why every boy
should not poe.ess a barometer of has
own• which he will find not only ena-
lessly useful in planning his little boll -
day trips. but which w111 afford bite
inllnite Interest os welt
All he has to do la to take a gramme
each of camphor, saltpeter and am-
monia salts and dissolve them In about
thirteen drams of alcohol When the
dirsolution Is complet shaky the mix-
ture we11 and pour It Into a gems bot-
tle. one father lung for its width is
preferttd. Cork tightly an seal with
011 50 as to pr'•-.' -nt the air from pen-
etrating Into the bottle.
Exp•oc this in.proctoed bar, 'peter
on the outside of the window. on the
north *14. of the house. If possible.
and the crystallisation which are pro-
duced announce • clung In the
Absolute clearness of the liquid de-
notes fair weather.
It the liquid b.s.omes dlstnrbed or
roily os we say. It Is • *Agri of rain.
It downy masers fortis in the bottom
of the bottle it will frees*. or at drat
the thermometer will descend: the
Mere the masses rise "toward the top.
the more rigorous will the oold 10-
Lttle stars fa the 1Qdd foretalI a
hard states ,t
A a0tews rewashing comae,
1)r. Hayes C. Trench, a stn Vasa -
cameo pSrgipt•O, win has retest/7 00-
110ei.s en sva.gellat. has adogftad •
...lyes eaeleme for the pulpit Ari
t.T pre•rilillk° TN gay. "Is dome be
kis elkarbo`ti sed awestse. This le tales
[infora se the Tease d05's Chriselas
Assasatlse Cycling Chin. The tram-
ple ata the brass* .tad sap 'sear
=0.6be►dy ere sinal, the asebnm of
Fameie w Meed b the aureole
et Perin
About 66,000 ei•gbe-0s ate aatm•l17 kill-
ed to Aims.`
11.etrMlty has leerily bees applied to
e bammrig, with mambas seesaw
Ie unmet the oo....*tiee r Bread al
1i0 pee below the sale 1• iris"
Every person ever five yaaea *MP w
Sterbeeb (Austria) 1e a sesta pleggk The
Mme le tong.t ia the seieels.
1 he brevet east Meese sahe is Me
world is that ed Peder the Oreab .t 81. Pet-
.reh.rg. It wetssr 1.100 lora
h le now ••.sr a .hewn apes
say read is New York Sate, glees, Wins,
or any sharp subsumes likely ti injure M-
erle tyres
" A eageerer " ie believed by some sty-
malogista to have ••rigb.11y •ieni6sd • mea
with" at Hades -mph a pontos ..turally
wandering to and fro la esstek of employ -
Too Patent (fbo. at Washiness..eeslly
h es• printed oiroslar to mud to lovoutsrs
of 'pompom! .tion' st•ottlsos, pst.U.g
est Him the *lag Is an absolute imped-
alit v.
i) worse is • sadly seared is Coedits Mies
Tim asps .std wile who are ester to separate
assemble a few friends. o.1 is their pre
POOP break • oomph' of chopsticks, when the
diverse le sem sed.
The oldest knows weapon ie the dub.
Tho clubs of the lekrdwellers of Switzer.
lend. ..ridded with senses. and thus m•kisg
f..rmid.ble weeps., brave been ..e.,.ored
from their habiageas
Baggier, although diesel. is mare p100.
.10.1 lm Loados taws u say other Kurepeo.
capital. It has been sated that the .am-
ber of pruf•asioael baggers in and afloat
the mMeepola amounts to 24.000.
It has bees estimated that in Great Brit
Ma the output of books has follows : Ser
mons, ase volume • day; novels, five • day;
oduo.tino•i books, two a day : art sad ssi•
enos, two each every weak ; histories os b--
ogr•phies, six • week and law. Dae every
Oraithelo/bM .assert that soma birds, es-
pecially sparrows. thrashes, and robins,
have ventriloquial powers. Birds, wham
surprised in staging, will be silent for • ate
meot, soil tl,4o give forth a faint eras that
seams to aid.. from • distance, though the
Mager may be actually Got farther than ben
feet away.
In South Africa the ravage tribes bawd a
peculiar ceremony which they pat the m•
irimoadal candidate through previous to his
entering the holy estate. Hu bands aro
teed up in • bag 0001410in, Gni auto for two
hors. If he bean removed the tortoni of
their .tinge, he is considered qualified to
cope with the daily jars lad frets of married
The phrase "dark bora" is sappoesd to
hams erigim•ted with Disraeli, who, in
" Tins Young Deka," refers to an exdtisp
race se fellows: "The ant favorite was
never heard of ; the ..Gond was never seen
sifter the distance post ; .li the 10 to 1'.
were in the rear, •tad • dark horse, which
had sever ►sum thought of. rusbe.4 pilot the
grand stand is sweeper triumph."
The won.ertsl perambulator constrncte4
for little Priam Eiw•rd of fork has been
eclipsed by oast recently teed* for • yos.g
Indian Pusses. Not only is the imperial
lotto' carriage lined with grgsom Oriental
stuff and mounted in gold. but it i. aka •
very •coomipllsbed musical box, sad playa
man, varieties of airs es the wheels go
vetted Msrti•l steams we provided for
the prison's wakeful moods. sad soft lulh'-
hie. tor his slumbering mames•s.
" Sweden," save a writer who He jam
hews .fustiest that oointry, ' n introducesg
railway, tds/raph •s.6 telephone lines
everywhere. Every farmer who has 100
w ere, or store of lied has a long dis-
tance 'el.phos. It is the meet mag-
nificent tflepboes'system I ever saw, and ie
eery sheep. News of emit import is
fi shed neer these wires from the urban to
the rsrel districts. 0ms the average citizen
is hotter posted os the current events of the
day than is probably say oomntry is the
Red clever blemome iedio•te industry.
The o.$ deet is in Italy regarded as em-
biessi de of made.
The loess is Indo ie emblematio of life ;
in .soiest Egypt it was a death flower.
The ..owbell is symbolic of w.'r. Its
meso .ad •ppear•aoe evidently sugggestiir
the idea.
The daisy is emblematio of Innoosoos, the
color .•f the flower probably suggesting the
Tbo myrtle has always bees regarded se
an 'mildew of love. Among the Greeks and
Romans it was planted is odmotries.
The box plant is rewarded as symbolia of
onenisuyy. It is frequently alluded to is
she lighter Hagfish poems of the last cwt -
The fern is indicative ed feiooi.ntios. L
(axesy the present by • lever to his meat -
heart of • handful of force is equtvlest to
• propesaL
Oak is °moldred ie the South et
Treace symhoho of pare .fMstles. Poison
girls sloes the Riviera wear pleb at their
The daffodil is a .ysb.l of chivalry. It
wee mos • favorite flower h Erases, sad at
see time a babies prevailed of gsfhmss
wearing bwbee of daffodil@ is their bets
with *Mr ell mes.
The forget -me -sot has tee et three em-
tilremtie measly. One is ..gametd by les
name : the ether by IM eoier. Blue meoeg
sewers le gs.rsily ...00i•Md with • tender
The lily of the valley le. hi floral ler•,..•
Minimae of happiness L Perteg.l this
flower le oymbelie al wmilmey, lie lowly
growth sad retiring bobble glybg It a elm.
Nihon d•taly ekes te that of the whisk
The chrysanthemum bas for *gm hese
n0'1000114, '100MM of mitring lova The Wombs
e t MN Sewer to the Autumns. after mese
ether, have es...d to pat feral .-mems,
sapwood be bees eelitf.aisd 1bb .yiebeibm.
Ayres bsrus •elllo le seta unwell pro
pe mom A5T may have the tar.
sada a w appica1e.. Tbe seers* ed lie WM-
es • muslin. See le Its
Pewee is deems the blued of ImpaiMise
sere tie meet d speemed mares 0f bl.ed-
NeigObes. be .hind ea. b waste** Me
garde.-Pbeme ale yes MIs' that ler. Mfhs
- eatehr yo see Ws Main' I"
Maria-Tk+ S itm.. MM wen
Rut op old tvem..m% es pe ekelsg. 1 bees
te de le Ws lesasbse 'mm I absee mom that
" Fee rime tape Owl C. Muir, m1
yve mesa taw orgies P *5s
*We ft dee IN dist einem. be Om
est stat r t
wtllbse, bible 11►i
neves, 0..nsW IPMiusttoss lemobed lgs-
elnatyety 1h Mel ,Elm»ting-Pln.tag
Diemse ear we -lite leat.eael
A correspondent who bag recent')
been traveling In Spain. Peortugal
Madera, and the Spanish inalands has
just sent to a New York Press w-ritei
several numbers of a paper called Le
Luse', which Is published in Madrid,
and is Laws of about eleven pe dlco-
tluna In Spain which are tit set d tt.
the subject of bull Stinting. It is il-
lustrated wltb flaring pictures of the
hideous national spurt. Gaudily dress-
ed picadores, banderWrrtus, chutes and
matadors, horse., wit:. blood pouring
from gases in the.. to -omens an.
with bowels protest......_; madden_ .1
bulls with de's' u u .ts sticking In
their bleeding wadi. tow dee
llght.-d at the gig!. .f IM blood and,
last scene of all, •ayly caparisoned
horses dragging away by means of
a wet of tackle the mortally woundei
Perhaps the significant of all
the florid I►lustre tuns in 1.a Lelia is
one eevertng a douulr sheet and show-
ing as the central medallion of an al-
legorical representation an arena con-
taining a gored horse, some nun and
a bull being infuriated with the red
Dag, This medallion is decorated with
red and gold, and the green palm Ira
air a tender, and in sLrmounted by a
shield on which the cross is blazoned
and on which rests the royal crown of
Spain. At the base of the picture is
an 1 rise bull's head decorated wiin
all the adjuncts of the ring. and with
a large arena In the distance.
Above It are seated the typical peas-
ants. float -ter decorated and %Oh musi-
cal instruments Above this, on the
lett are the emblem, of art, sculpture
and music; on the right the emblems
of science and mechanic arts; and as
the climax of absurdity, near the top
of the picture, a winged figure of fame
blowing a blast of victory from a trum-
pet from which waves the national
Dag. and holding In her right hand
the laurel wreath.
The correspondent referred to draws
a comparison between Maderla and
the neighboring Canary islands, under
Spanish rule, which Is unfavorable to
the latter. Tenerife is a veritable
hell for animals. In Lisbon so much
general cruelty was not observable as In
Madrid (where a society which once
existed to protect animals has now
been extinct eight )ears). but he
quotes from the Iiisriu de Noticias de
Lisbon an extract from the letter of
one who stens himself (most appro-
priately) "John the Devil." which
argues the necessity for the killing of
bulls and horses In reality instead of
having sham fights and only accident-
ally- killing the !x1ll, as has been some-
what the custom there. Bull fighting
is on the Increase in Lisbon. The new
bull ring in that city cost =150.000, and
seats 11.000 people.
The horses used in Ilse Madrid bull
fights come mostly from the army
and constabulary forces, and were
once first-class animals The Govern-
ment requires tall horses, and they are
also greater ttheorttes in the bull ring,
as the p..pulacr is not so well satisfied
If the hulls cannot get their horns
under item to rip them open properly.
This is one of the main attractions.
A strong buil can impale a horse on
his horns, lift him and throw. him-
Such is the disposition engendered by
these sights Art a Spanish lady who
had attended one was heard by another
Informant of the present writer com-
plaining`because she had seen a bull
which was too cowardly to rip the
hone open as he should!'e Exploit.
Prithlof Nansen has failed to reach
the North Pole, but he has performed
the most remarkable exploit In the his-
tory of modern arctic exploration, says
the New York Journal He has made
a longer advance at a slnrle stride
than all his predecessors put together
for nearly three hundred years. In
1507 Hendrik Hudson reached the
neighborhood of 02 degrees north lati-
tude. For two hundred and seventy
five yeah the world's explorers strag-
gled to better that record, and mile
t.y mile they pushed their way north-
ward with suffering and death dog-
ging their footsteps until. on May 13,
Ifa73 Lookwood and Brainerd of the
Oreely expedition, planted t Ir flag
03 degrees 24 minutes. A d and
a half In two hundrd and seventy-five
years a effort. Lockwood and Brain-
erd beat the best previous record by
enly three miles, and yet their achieve-
ment ham been the admiration of the
world ever since. It has stood untouch-
ed for fourteen years. and now all at
once Nansen has advanced the stand-
ard of exploration nearly two hundred
miles at a leap. He has gone to lati-
tude et degrees 14 minutee-nearby
twice as far beyond Lockwood and
Brainerd as they went beyond Hod=
son. He has covered nearly half the
distance that retnalned to be travel
ed to the pole. Between Nommen', far-
thest point and their ultimate goal of
endeavor there is a tf*p of only 225
geographical or 213 'statute miles -
Although Nansen's theory Aleut the
drat of a current across the MAI
not have been correct. he ha& proved
that the plan of his voyage w not as
foolhardy as it seemed He cut loose
from bases of supply and allowed ht'
ably to be locked in the foe, to be car-
ried wherever the drift might take tt
That this seheene bas accomplished
twice as much In the way of progress
es all the arduous explorations or
nearly 700 years, and has done n ap-
parently without the low of a single
lite le a fact .last the critic. will find
It hard to dispose of.
w...a. Pum.
Beat the yolks of two eggs vary'
light with nne crop of evumhl d oak., •
b•Mf cep of s.tgar. Mutter the •ire of it
walm.e sad a latae tie. create. Flare
with lemma or vanilla. then 'air in two
largo baseman. rest fm .ben .Ileo. Pow
the wistaria Into a p1e pea lead with
pawl. end babe le • quirk oven.
bakes heat Um whiting et
two eggs very Nen with • little re.•-
♦af/s thrid *me t.hlesw
000nful• of peer -
sugar. sugar. This set the M.. drew
ine.4y.e In dells ever elle top et It
Oat bleat 1. Me weep until It Is a
gall keno&
'Tis�of batt. ; 'tM bewailing. et
'Ts • tale .r joy sad of semen ;
TO the pegs Mat . e .sr.. or today ;
7 b the book we forges temsersw.
Oben Sleeted a mast swear.
Mae is as* only • rwwisi hes • owear-
i9E eleigbiL lee intim. bh finita w sx
gee..d audibly and at others they are as
deep down Is 6u pasture that 'tarot Wog
than • volumes) s uuld thrust them to the
emeses. If ss Mould swear .t all, when
.►Geld that time be? The Mach M silent
ea His important tastier, •ad the levy gives
so 5.001)05 to oum words. Stovepipes are
provocative of Iodine, but Gores are far
wotes. Wives should see .bat thur hus-
mod's Gore ars kept dew.- This may be
done quite mule. pa•, bad with sb-
.olisie oert•t.ty by u.i g I'utoram'. ('ore ex -
erector Beware el flesh eating substitutes
offerer fee PMmam's Cera I.:Member.
" Marr, will you pees the sow "' said
the Brite to hi. wile at breakfast, lost sub-
sequent to s losg eo.subial lecture.
Here it is Before we were married
you Dead to say you ..ver waisted sugar
'rhea I was at the table with you."
" Remark. that was some time age Now,
you will observe, 1 use very little pepper
aid vinegar, '
II 11-f0!
always on hand.
The r est and only Scranton Coal in
this market delivered at $6.25 per
ton, with 50cts. per ton oil for Cash,
making it
All Coal weighed on the market
Sales, w that you are sure of good
!neare re.
orHarbor Quay.
S,SYA8 P LZZ'3 (tore.
Attu nation and substitution In food pre
ducts hare of late years become so crave an
evil. tl-ove-imentseverywhere h.,. been
o •1 In the 'arsine of anyaly.ts ro
°bees herr read and wive the 11te* of the
ore of the mese important articles food
unquestionably is BHkAD,
Por pure wbo.eome Mead, it mast be mads
'rota Mann and Hop Yeast ; for this reason It
Is easily soluble in the tutees of the stomach
or. Is other word.. Ilreht of digestion.
Hop and Mmt Yeast is pronoonted by the
best analysts in garland to be the pure ud
inadnite.rated yeast, and is used by the beet
bakers In the country.
Yon out get for one cant se much Dead mad.
treat Hop Yeast as you coin for three mate
from the pressed yeasts which aro forcing
tbem.elteeon tin, public, but which do rot
acid cannot reeve the sante sweet flavored bred
Try It and prove for you mete itis the most
wreotriet sad sweetest breed that can he
produced of any meet ea the market. My
ong expansive)* In the Bakery badness has
proved these to be facts
A pretty colored Pieyure
for every 12 " Sunlight " or
every 6 " Lifebuoy " Soap
These Pictures are well
worth getting.
Address :
Lever Bros.,
>b, Teres•s.
1f I
t ,
�Ilillflii111111 ilii
EseearyML DMTHianamH
POO l_RAm_arame t
Per an Pekin Anbas,ear�
!dunes Spsmhwt, ltrttise�
Blsea etas
less oo--e. Mgt ThoeA
Proem. Asthma.
Dlenib.. Plemibw
sr as easeeswe .masses
ears asa see. msa eeewm
'Coal & Wood Yard
The under,igne.i begs to inform
the public that he keeps on hand
all grades of
son -
PRICES givespeciaasttestion
OF V1000RE6UCEo.
Call and get prices and see sawpfie
of wood.
Office and yard. NELSON -ST.,
Dear SODIUM flew. Hotel.
\4)1 \ "
)\k1 • • e#•,,e
Is upon us, and the true sport. -
man is beginning already to pre-
pare for the prince of sports.
When you want your outfit we
have everything you need in
GUNS and SHOT and
Machine• loa.lpd Shells always o0
hand, or loaded to your order on
the shortest notice. A full line
of the beet American Pow-
ders always on hand. Call and
see our Shot Guns. which for
.luality and price .towns them all.
ID A. V 180 ft Co.
Woe It always -Take no other
per Coughs and Colds
Gray's Red
Syrup SOumpruce
sed all Affections oI the Latogt
De wee you get Oaargilyup. 'I'Is01111011
Mat same me sad you a boas OM
MUlaoy WATSON dl CO.. Pacimume.ip
e moreTBleam.
Obtained, Sod all business In tine U. 8. Patent
Ocoee attended to at MODLBA TR PARR.
Our Dice le opposite the U.S. Pstat Of-
fice, and w r .a. obtain Patents 1. lees tints
Jun theme -emote from WASHINGTON.
vies as totat 1i1 tree of oti.rse shad
w e make NO (7HAAa UNL6$F WR OB-
TAIN PA raivr.
W. roar, ire to the Pomaew, the Mips
('kddr .tD1.., and to omoisis of W
U. • test F'rRe.t OSoe icor circular, advice
WWI esti Mersuoes to aotml .heats is root
two BtaN sr Oswnty write to
c • seem t CO.
Taste*... Patent ()Moe Wasbtngtes.-13 C.
A____ Seto Chewtal & Bleak,
leanideetarr of all Stade of
Smoke Steaks, Balt Pana, Sheet 1rem
Works, eta., eta.,
Aad .Lester 1s -
Rags..., Masirery Grillo', be.
All saes ed Pipes •.d PM@ FitYsg .
Stems sod Wane Gases, Glebe Valves,
Cheek Valves.•ters, Orders mit L-
1Pefse/amo►i Osestmely ea Head .t Lowman
• Ilse of Ste." Wow and Beg
fee use of smears sed othem
t4errf tesmpM a sweese ea
�. L O>Q?/tAo,
MN, P. 0. Bea >f. Se1.11*.0e6.
Wath-OMesNe SAL L Swaiss, Seflgg.b