The Signal, 1896-9-24, Page 6?HIS 81GNLl►t;ODHRICB. ONT.. THEIR?M.AY. $tPT, 24, 18l16 THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE sew Zee hese Kassa. Words .1 Psalms hem a Mew York Lady for AYER'S PILLS "I would like to add my testimony to that of others who bate nee.! Ayer's Pills, and to ray that 1 hate taken them for many yearn, and always derived tie best results from third: use. Fur stom- ach and liver troubles. and fur th... tare of headache canned by these .mama's. meats, Ayer'$ !tills cannot be equaled. When my friends ask me what is the beet remedy for disorders of the stow- a^h, liver. or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea- son. they trill break up a cold. prevent la griper, check fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take. and are. Mitred. the beet all-round family medicine T have ever known."— Mrs. IN T JoHNSoN, 168 Rider Avenue. New Turk City. AYER'S PILLS Nisbett Honors at World's Faire AWs Sttndefr Cera all BIaN fiLLJL WAS AN EXCITING SCENE Crowds Hoot t- hips Omlllers. flat lie le..el *ailed Away wllktMEml- treale •■ Beard - A w•esas i'errlbl, mit"sgbl a.here. It is many yews since such exciting seems were eo•.ted on the wharf se were witnesse4 this morning, says yesterday e Montresl Wvne... The leaving of the steamebie Moravia with between four and fith buudr d persona for Brazil was the muse ot .11 the excitement. As stated in the Witness yesterday, Mayor Wileon.Satth hod reported all the tame 0000eotet wash Canadians being in - dazed to leave this country for the torrid shore of Brazil to the federal authorities, and bed asked for further teetrnottons se to how the Government desired tun to rot. It was half expected that an order would be neat to detail* the vowel, which wee booked to leave port at noon to -day. Tbis expeotstioo, ooupled with the fact that • steam/ feeling hat been reseed among the French Canalises against any of their num ler d..ertieg Cenal• upon the promise of homes, land, etc., which bed been held forth drew .t least two thoue.od excited men and women to the Hamburg line wharf this morning, when the Moravia was berth- s ed. As early ee eight o olock the orowd be gen to resemble, sod by ten o'olock over fif:.en hundred were pecked in frost of the vessel. The crowd increased es rapidly that the roof of the big abed in front of the vessel wee wen black with mottled men who gr000e 1 at the officers ot the vessel and shouted to those who remained os board to leave the ship sac not take the ohaaoss of dyine in • oo00try that wee mot fit fur white or colored men. Tome stirring appeals 0000 begun to have their effect : many en board were seen to talk anxiously to their friend, and look around for their luggage. That • right, come off, oom. off, ' shout- ed the orowd. A Neill man with • very large wife, and elm a large family, was the first to make up his mind tkat (:.sada woe good enough for him. He waved his hand st the orowd,snd oAed, " I am corning off '" He stooped, took uo one of his children, and his wife, with •'adient feat, followed. is her wake her three little boys. THE ,'Row0 IAIOI.V WITT w H.H. It stamped, waved ite thousand arm., um- brella' .ed hate, and screamed with de. light The retreat of the gallant little mac woe just what w wasted : a doyen more fami- lies started up and began to gather no Meir belcegiogs. Those wbo had interested themselves in getting people is (save Goa- ds now beim° to fear • ge.sral rent and were to be sew running smog the pemes- gens: ,.stbd.a.s, implesl•s, promidsg. bad amuse as thous\ May had minty bet their wits. The crowd sew whet was minas w. aid hemmed lustily and demanded that the pas w eeper. he allowed to Move—•ad they did Leave. Faintly .ft, hued, crowded dews the sorrow gsogwa7 ta terra firma—hew ,he m+wd .►errs► 10 Im SIM; It wee IS I!!n* them woe Io spuds caw.II� � limos .f The minium sped y, the clock es the nwtem house baps to *limb towards twelve. The excitement grew more tomato as the beer fud depart er drew meth, and se rips of an mi - tale the vessel woes forihuowing. The ex- odus had d w todled does oonatderably. whin • tall It.glisbm•0, who bad tore atrta' 00 the meet with he wife, sprang to hie feet amid shouted to the orowd " l m not rotas, buys, aid NEITHER 11 wr Ilu-R' The crowd .wutd not 'ovation omit ; the roar ooul l have beet. heard • yuert.r of • mile away. To the s.trprtee of the crowd however, the moa's calfs caw seen to put her band on her bombed s arm .ad ley to de Min slim. •• Let your :Ausbeed go," yelled the crowd. The next. moment the hash/tad grabbed hie truck and dashed dow0 Lb. r.Olw•t with it, Tbrowieg the trunk down on the wharf the mat ran back to the ship and carried eft his valise ; returning again he Irotlmd down the ganvway • big bulldog. 'bat h. had intended takes' with htm -possibly to anew op oertatn persona when he arrived et the end of the voyage. Uo every trip to *col fro he hail begged his wife to fellow him. Mit she stuhborr ly refused. " Then," he shouted, as he wee lesviog the v• ese. with the doe, "you can go alone sad work ea the ooffee p.•0tat ••m.." Fovea this did sot move her. Her husband locked savage cep at ber from the wharf. Suddenly • man perched high on the roof shouted oat, " 11 1.,'t let i our elf. 10 alone to that country, go and fetch her.' The hu•leed ran up the wank way Stopping soddenly 10 the m'idle of .t, he turned to the crowd a.,1 said, •• Wil you help me it they try ro prevent me from bringing her Y •' We will bring the whole of them hook tf they stop you." came • votes. Shoats of at vowel greetel this warlike decimating. 'i ith s bound the hut,ar d was on the deck ••'tittering the (Amore and emigration men a• though they were so maoh chaff in his meteor -like duh for his wife, who, wham e he saw him coming. sat down on the deck and tried to get her fingers wrapped round something which perhaps might e.ve het frees the raped transit (not to Hrerill which she esw approtching. Her husband gave her one more ohence to leave with dignity. " Now will you come .tuietly-!' he shouted, stooping neer her and extending his arms into s circle. She was . woman with a will, and no mis- take ; she was seen to .bike her head furi ou.ly The next instant she bras hor.ter' high ; she screamed with s vigor worthy of • tar better muse but ell in vain : ber hos hand marched off the boat. clearing •'1 be fore him as though he had been soddenly rifted with Herculean strength. The crowd ye'led. Some of the pesewgern who had lett olsimed they had not got .1I their luggage back, cad Wm W.—Why duet yes drop them etapei bruit 'we've gut et saver •• by Jews r W het d•. you harm &boot Jews? Yr. W.-1 &.l' it you 24..4 ape. ••The WWII 1' mer, uw.- you sr. reckon w WWI be yea ►o..w at...oa tune• ! Lm me dee re. .rie sew u.•rr.ay..odew., paler ter lades." 110-11J the rests Der • We ut•aeldllf lite laffpt0amos moron) vt toe ma. mea." "It's very pretty," said Mrs. Lwow. •• but why a it specially for Iodise !" " It has the Mm: ere 1'. '. —wet swipe—we- 'gravel et the top of the Muer Moot; said the staWeaer. --- A German has, it is said, invested a hate 111.1 .u. 1a look beio' tempered with throws peu to doors. autos. aid Jregs and "Mahe .a the nurgt.r. and bandc+tle tied twide Item is readmits* N be ovaduoted to the esus. court 1a the morning. A man in Masgeass- ter M roma to improve ups tat• a04 le es- peruusuusu upon as aatomateo that will the Lurgler ways. 1.e kuee, east mime, tofu. with • amok nail the polis. arrive. The difference between ••msd.ittag" sad "tueeetrga.W0 u, snot you al*ars 10vostl- g.tw, while 11 1e the ether person who meddles. ROOFINC NEWS OF THE WEEK. Fifty Armenasa refugees have arrived at Uareed6. from Coser•ot:uwple. The is - tenuous to to proved to the Usated Suttee. The new armored battleship lllwtr.oes *ee l.uuched et Chatham lest week. fdite is of 14.900 tone, end Ler engines aro of 20,000 1.1i 1'. Rebels made am •le a. k on • ship in Cavite harbor in the Philippine 1• suds. •r.d before they were repulsed tae gum" ou the ship musk meet al .ee..ela. A St P•tetsbsry paper el. al.ret. that the Topple All.e°oe of 1.ertnaay. Amorist mid Italy have joined Kamm an 1 Frenu.. be- muse they hev•• oud•-rtek.o to withstand '.rest B1.isit.'s designs, which are directly -pp.re.l to those of al the patois o0 the coalmen •. A Hr.men despatch says that the author- ities here ordered the expulsion of Thomas Mena, ebo a sttea.Ptine to form unions of ...don sod dock -laborer-. Maim te nee of the h• ed. •n 01gooregi00 •'.s' ea.brsore unions among • 5.1.0 se.1 'irk -laborers is t:rest Britain. Rus-ts, Frame. United are.. (tidy. Spain. Imo nearly %eery other rovilized country. The officers threatee • o have .1 the men they control go out on strike ur.lee& their w -.gat are tarred in the over mature. 'TMln uHOrTI'.. AT THE .JA'';w Al'. One woman was so incensed at the lose el her belongings that she struck • man on the gangway. who tried to get her to move sway. Five minutes before the *egret left four moo with their wives and families re- melted to the vessel The crowd bootee. At 12:15 the ropes were untseteaed and the Moeavt• west out into the current no ber long voyage with between tour sod five hundred Irish, French and Italians people on hoard. The crowd won dispersed. No order was received Mom Ottawa to hold the vewwl. A. stated in The Witness yesterday, Mr. i)e Campos, eommiesionsr to Brazil, says the Rrauliso Government besides paying p..sage •f emigrants to Brazil, would keep them in food, sot. for • time, and also pro- vide them with free lands. Mayor Wilms Smith got this to writing from Mr. 1)e Campos yesterday. and forwarded the deco meat to the Government st Ottawa. A gentleman who had just returned teem Eng- land yesterday said that in all the psatoftiose in London are to be seem Mimeses poetise warning Englishmen who ere thinking of emigrating to Brazil that the ohmate was unsuitable for F.nglishmen, yellow fever be- ing veru prevalent and istsl there. Mr. Maine, the Rrizeliao consul, a.yi he he. haw authorized by wire and by msil,hy the Government of Nan Paulo end the Unit- ed States of Brasil to endorse ell engage - meets tithes by the Brasilia. League of F.migr tion with reference to Canadian mei- ennui. The mayor said this evening that it was s strange eigh' to see penal, leaving for Bro- il when farmers in the Northwest were ad- vertising tar help. Yr. Hsolehsa, Di -minion immigrating, agent, said that the imitation bad coasted al least four bnadrel pereoou to withdraw from the imtaigratine seherne. J lo Wm. Radam Microbe Killer The Only Remedy That -P Removes 1� The True Cause 01 Disease 7 From The System. All diseases are caused by nil. rnl.em, which are living g.•nne in the bkxad; and the.. mr.-t..lw•o reuse inflammation, fermentation and decay. Thousands Of prvwnns will tastlfy to its wi.nderf ul power.. ltetad for circular. RvllllMkfOile Aticr CO. HOT CORN. Two friends met rsesstly after many years abloom.. The ewe said to the other •• Well, old oh.p. aged how have you b.en rectuam� en in the world t" .. W*11," wee ti. reply, •see • failure 1 bare bees a decided somas. But as • sac otos 1 •tsarg you that 1 bare hoes • com- plete failure.' A traveller is a small Rumba tows had committed • violent assault cm soother. and the polios magistrate threatened to eowge.it the ofleader for trial. The troreli.r offered to pry 400 rambles to hush the matter sp The magtetes$e, with dlrnity. asked 'le whom do you offer to per the nosey Pea'? year worship." "Very good. thee, wee the reply. Mr Vas Nome (wha few friend. —You diea'1 broth the ..\eons off this bottle, Willmm William— Ethos* its, nor, but I saw yes piWgeg Minn es, an' I weelda't eek the Uberty oubid. " Hew is the feed hawses you sad that fellow Jtwkles g ttiag eaf is be as hitter a. evert !" • No the whole Ibis' is happily ended." " I •m glad to hear Mat" " Yes : I am out w WI. aged M. demon are ot•wdly to imb les .MIL -- Some people wast to hide their light us tier a heshol llama w empty cap would de juoll se well The M s r—Wbw you grow uo. Jamey, what *sold yes tlke Mhor "• pvsashwr " �Ma� sty •• Ah. 1 am glad r beer yea � tshhk Noir efts. Now /a11 the ye: wo0N like M 1 •61=1 alwp Lies .mit tar be. Whigs limy W la the M tike Am saw me semlmi'." PLANING JELL. ESTABLISHED tlli. Bllchauaus & Rhyiias weer raatr or me SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers in an kande of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Lad triad woe material of every teeorlptio. School Furniture a Specialty. Now is tat time to get your leaky gravel Roofs repaired. We keep a stock of roofing pitch and pure wool roofing felt on hand, and guarantee all work. Headquarters for all kinds of 'HARDWARE. GRANITE, TINe GALVANIZED IRON, and OOYPER Ware. WE MAKE.. Sewer and Culvert Pipes All Saw stem 4 1.. M w Is. Ales Cesseetlle... WRITE FOR PRIOES. METAL CEILINGS EAVETROUGHING STOVES..a F U RNACES ,. . THE ONTARIOADMSEWERST,aPIPE co. sob u1f .. teaaiomiv our Msaoo. TORONTO. bate ha The Bicycle Season of 1896. WORSELL GV Plc CON8TIPAT:O1"! "'BILIOUSNESS, DYS PEPS I ICK H EA DAC 'I E, ESULATE THE U`,. R. ONE PILL AFTER IATINS INSURSS 5000 DteC3T1ON- CEt5c18.1s Pliant R. W. McKENZIE Still on tap with Low eht Prices and Seasonable Goods. Thorola Cement Guns at prices which cannot be brstru. so cheap as to snrpride everybody. I se!l the wennine Hntlson • Best AuleriA'aa Pall. a m . Annonnceme Are Tea le IS? ,r you are sew. von owtrbt le be. for Ikl. germ le .dew to Le a gr ameletreom for McTellno n 6odesls\ Mss ..T et its peede- mamwa A Riding Academy pi�ee trateleir et W keyme. aid gelwwl 5 hes knee wee! lebed la Nederisk. sod the oessese the' strew dad IS less yeare 1a litae wart. prom.* aseal. full IW of Yaldiwilialt0et lalaie Dle7 tm for \t,e. ,v.rytkfog 1. the Riepelir Line e -t kept on hrit. sad set WA *IOW has employed. 3. YULE, Leben. Lelmy O.mimgea mit New Goods and Best Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable: Weet-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guatanteed in Quality, Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. WONDERFUL DISCGYEY. Excelsior Egg A}lo Parers Powder the lb mit in the Marketkept in .tock. 111-. EOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS TOE -BLOOD. Regulates the Action of the User and Rldnya, and edit be bend Indispensable In cases el and Pilasq DIMaMa. fls iiew esugibe m for tens Is Me LAMM 1.1001161 011114 Mlla•elb MIL WILL $ECP EGGS List row 12 MONTHS. e PRES VER IT IS NO PICKLE. You simply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER, amid lay them away i• a basket or box.............•. AY' DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY AWE CHEAP. 0.11 for bock giving full Iafermatlon, fres d sham . POR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True YOUR PORTRAIT II le moor business ',Madams awl la an a every Mins who ere WO= THE SIGNAL Makes a Most Liberal Offer to Subscribers. Beautiful Three -Fourths Life Size Picture o !outsell. Tux SIGNAL, in making this oiler, claims for it that it is the beet it has ever merle, and the publ c knows by tl-is tin). that what Ter Sioget. promises will be fulfilled. The off,r made to all new or present sub- KcnberK who send u. CASH IN ADVANCE for Yearly Sub- scriptions to Tfill SIGNAL, as shOwn : MI if limmi.Msmamar Osasuespo T E SIGNAL And YOUR PORTRA T Mailed or Expressed anywhere in the Country for The Kind of Picture We Copy From. Portraits 'will be copied from photographs. cabinets or tintypes. DO NOT SEND A DIM OR FADED PICTURE. All pictures copied Bust (head and ehoulde s). Where picture contains more than one head a clam of 50 cents extra will be made for each additional head ordered, or 50 cents extra for a full figure portrait. But one portrait to each rulxicriber. HOW TO ORD'S ..1, YOUR PCIRTRAIT. Enclose the picture you wish copied in an envelope and place your nanie and address on the back of the picture, with full instructions where to send it. Try to have as few changes as possible, as • portrait can be oopied much better with fewer changes. Your small portrait will be returned in as good oondition as it is rie- NO FRAMING CONDITIONS WE DO NOT MAKE PORTRAITS .REQUERING YOU TO BUY A FRAME. The Portraits are made for us by artiste of national reputotion and who produce only the highest grade of work, GUARANTEE TO SUBSCRIBERS. 1 The portraita are the work of first-class artists. They are fully_ 3-4 life rise and are as natural and finely finished as Portsaits sold for $5 fa $10. It: is not inferior work because it is fres. It is truly a work al art. Each portrait is finished by hand in Crayon and India Ink, and will not fade. SEND IN TOUR ORDZR QUIOICLY. IT WILL TAKE SOME TIMI TO HAKE T1111 PORTRAIT. In order to secure first-class worit it will take from two to foar weeks to deliver portraits, therefore do not delay placing your subscrir don and order with as. Parties desiring Frames will be %rubbed an Elegant Harrlirolid Frame direct from tuanidacturer for what price you say, if handled bY you. If by us we will send circulars to subeeribars with priest'. OTTER TO ITS 81:198CRIBIC118. THE SIGNAL, lkodgeisk Ass