The Signal, 1896-9-24, Page 44 TRIC SIGNAL : CODRRIOA• ONT.. THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1896. at $inzl, 1 roes ts.mes DYICRY THURSDAY MORNING HT R. 1114SIZAATEMOT 01.40 01 PobM..tiesr a .aa u. Nartbwlest Qod.rtek, Oetarta rent.• of a.h.wriprlM Cmath. In .dynes • 11 voMoo,tAs. " ecce.. .• a SI: 66 flee year, 1 fat -- L...h as Tear Labia. Tear ' Abet 1. s .taadlaa rooming of the date 14 whir yo aro paid oh. doe th•* It le sot snow., b t+11 Into arrow. Wt• a change of address is decked. bets tee oto' and the sow address .bonld b. gives. adv.rtbin11 Rol" - Ler, I sle•.lar••1 sad relief ceased adver•.rme hos. He pot t - . for ant insertion. and flews per Ilse ter esti .ub.syueal Iss.rtkw. Meessur.d 11 • se oaten eases !itis -Mem oard• of six Ilse. and °°der. 116 per yes, vertissme.ts of last : n nous yed Mideast ..as Vacant. A' Be sem Cbanoes Wanted . s•dlag I Ur • nonpareil ' net mn•••n, ' OWNS ea Bale and rn..ne or 0. e'sot to r tab • wt dittos, 11 r, .r eve.n •n" ria. - •,t month. 1.. -t• -r a' • Is prorort(°n .u.) •,,eelal uo•'•••ee,, tis. o•deot of w•uA a u, remote the paroalary hewed* of say midi vldu. 1 or company. to be oon.iderwd as ed vertl.nment and charted aororitiorty. Loral Dotter* In nonpareil type Dae oast word, so notices less thee lie. Local nodose lovot'd o try reading for lees type two Nolose torr churches word,is per and other roIIgi athaa nd benevolent lsstitutloos hrlf rots. dab.ortber who tell te re•wve TIES Stol,AL r elderly by melt. will c outer a favor by ae- • • • t of the trot at t early an flotsam P Mo`or's 0Nlee, J. C. Le Teasel, of Goderlch, bee boss sr dLocal Travelling Arent for the tows Goderlob. Colborne, Ashfield sad W enmesh. Waal pwtmaaten over the district ere also e•.powwed to race ve eubsoriptlose to THE 4/1111AL AU communications mut be •ddreseed to D MoGie ICUDDT, TEM SiewaL, Tslsphone Uall fN. Roderick. (fest 110D11;RIGH, THURSDAY. SHPT. 24. Iw6 THE OFFICE HOG MUST GO. 11N the new appointment made by the Ootano GOVeramest THE Sl,..AL 1. pleased to .se that the principle of not al- lowing • member to nominate himself to • fat olboe has toms reoogtizad. Whether the Government appointed the right man to the ethos or not, we are not going to discusses is this article, but we ars pleased that the Bet appointment of value made by tbs HAklor•Kov. Administration, as it u called, has rives • black -.ye is the self-seeking members, who oyst.matasolly made tbeu election to Parllarseot • stepptnr stone to a fat ohee at the earliest opportunity. Inv Snore.. fought the policy of appomun' to affix, membere from the floor of the Local House, and w•e one of the chief fac- tors in toustnig the new Government to abandon that ve,aous system. Snaodslous appointments of the nature had been the policy of the former Liberal Government, and sixteen veers ago Tis . SIGNAi. began the fight to °hangs the mode of selecting appointees to ottioe. In that ?Imo we have opposed the swinish proven that had fatten- ed theSeetecalu., the Mt li.taty, the MAGMA• HO:t., the WArrt.00c, the 1:11.u•,t-HA, the Wn'1111-Itl.t.., the A. M. it.et•.i.,rhe %Voolet, the Awttr.vS, cod a score or more of other f .wily eminent statesmen, who had an eye open sinely to the mein chance, although they had posed as patriots up to the tune of getting within re.oh of the "lone.' None of the local papers had undertaken to op- pose the; rook and open violation ot the indepesdeoos of parliament, !WOUND none of editors desired to antagonize the ap- point sent of • pohticieo with whom they were o fnesdly terms. Sixteen years ago, se we have stated, THE S1.:,A1. set oat to break op the system, ad on may occasions in that term of years has denounced the roe- celity--fo mammy it was end Is now -that was being perpetrated. Th. )oun. •1 in all thew veers denounced the fraud, and said it would fight the issue to the bit- ter end, should • vacaooy pacer in this rid- ing. sad • sitting member d• •ed to pitch fork himself into the office. The opportun- ity to harry out the policy which THE SIGNAL had laid down Dime at last. JAwaa DICK - so t dad is July of last year, and THOMAS GI Ete1Y, 11. PP., was immediately "in the hands of his friends " to secure the billet. Tilt SIGNAI. foagbt the ethane. last Spring .t the oleos of the session the op- po'• .newt was practically made, but THE 81OPAL kept up the fight, orvi Dried s halt epos the e.utrage, The Pstroe members took tip the fight, and Mr. rektor intro - dead • resolution which was designed to wipe out the appointment to °Moe el mem- bers from tbe floor of the Hots.. Mr. HAv.,oei, the leader of the Petrone. is •doondisg the resolution. read a editori• from THE M`a`te, which exposed the oer- nption sod ohte•sery whiob permeated the appointment system wader tmm old regime. ()o the vote of want of o.Adosoe the Gov- er•ment met its smallest majority duriag that and the previous recesses, sad to their amain be It eaid,ewo Ltb.rwl .ambers voted for eh. moMon sad •gaimst the vicious prinetpl., One of them nowhere was J. T. (Akai.v., M I'I'. tor West Harem. ad the other see was sot Tema. (li•sot+, II,PP, fee Ken Heron The Government was .Mg - tiered and halted, sad stayed .t the Wt es• til take HARD. Admintstrwttes gesosed power, sad taken it was decided te °hang. the policy el tpp.tnteetet in the miters vssiretn bates meaty Tn• Siev*hla he eppss4Uos to oreshen semt..1isg them. selves to fat Aloes is set sew, sold sever was, is personal hostility to Twee. Grssow, M.PP . and personally 'been him seeltwg best the kiadli.st ruga,J-ir taken was a day when Mr. Gilson de.esseed the istqui- Isms premise as seresely as Tea RtoiAL 111d -art se *trash en the s asdal load te boe grl, i4 the Itamla was M he feueht, and me stabvo el the press were age disereet sr ars e.wdly to stake the Musk, Tee RtusAL afai k. even if ti bed to smt•gsslse tis Nth& ted Wee .dsi.ms M Turmas Ut.7 ps. who were seethe lasses te sell the sb.Albd per iph's d • Mar leg • mess e poems" The `.else al tom oeerw...t le M s gslatksr "tis /Wiser d the Reeser to the woes/Ay shoes twat it reakass Yat the pole* warmed by tte prede..ese a wee wreaks, sad Ib.t beawfortk the Wyety Will otaok It wok be the usestics the ..eb.r• of the (: ,verssest doer* all credit for .h- .toed they hove taloa. 11 .Dalt he sot thew isessNes thea the Uhl maw he kept ep. Tem ales*.. W wee • virtual eeknoeledgttent`ei Its yriadple is this dusty, .• d other w.wep.p.n can sow he found to iota on fisc `got to tbal event 'manse help ay Govorsasat that nes) suet up .gala.( the entities of the Mao sad the people. THE SIG V AL desires the optalose of 11. cool rhes es this .shiest. Int Greta. Tories sad lsdepsades'e spook oat honestly. It is a light t.. • Bald, .o far se Tea Sweet is se..erned. Bud obi. 1,er0.1 U espport se amdidate for parl.amwlsry homers who will ...t pled(• humeell to spree hesestortb the .o•ad•lou. • V.' em oldie bas orevNled in take p..' Ta. °sooty odd ewe themes woo reprs.est (boric, on the Acer of 1,. Legislature dost own this Proviso •at 11e fullness thereof . the °ocrow s•jriy who 000.tfr0M hos (,.•vha.neot party ms% owe the t0 pars if mast °°t divert the sono to recess./moa : and the reit* men of we t • woo ladle oat the " soup " must r.tn a.bsv that they ars not homes of the people, but merely stewards. sad that they are only hued for four yews at • use. / SNAP SHOTS. -Canada for once in its existata.e has • Govern°• who govern' and • Premier who knows bow to edvi... They make • good team. -If the Hon. GitoaGi U $KLIISO Fortis keeps on dividing fisc Howe he will presently wipe the Opposition vote out of etreaom. -If you hove a brother a member of the Legislature, you Deed ant oar. who the •ppliornts for • public poe.tlos may be. ou'II get it. East Huron appears to be some- what ripped up the hack politieslly, if the oommesu of East Hurowites visiting this town during the past wed ate to be takes at per. The registry .mks did it --From the reports of the attack in Parliament os. the Governor-deeeral wbiab have reached es we are firmly of opinion that Li Huve T1•1 -PER must have left his teeth in the tumbler and tried to ohew soap with his gra. COMING AND GOING. • Mrs. J. H. Williams, has returned from • visit to Highland Creek. Bert Smith returned on Friday from • month's visit to Montreal. Mn (Judge) Johnston end son, of Sault Sts. Marie, aro visiting in town. Fred Platt has returned from week's vim( to teased' in London. P. Dow, jr., of Wingh•m, is in tows the week, taking is the G. N. W. Mrs- A. Streit°. was vieitiarf friends the past week in Chutes and S.dorth. W. A. Markle and A. Young of I)nmbo are •.sting Wm. Burrows and family. \lin easeaday, of Ottawa, was visiting her eater, Mn, D. MoGIliionddy, this week. Mrs. O. C. Whitely has be.. visiti°g friends and r.isuess in !..le•fortb the past week. Humphrey Brophy, of Detroit, ie speed- ing • holiday term at the parental rest - donee. Jas. ('lark is visiting the Robing stations at Wi•rton ad on the Georgia Bay Oostende. 1)r- and Mn. Armstrong and daughter, of Fullerton. an the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jowph Reck Mies Ferro.. retuned lest week tram a two months' ..it to Bln'vle and other points in Ontario. Mr. and Mn. Keenighaa returned on Fri- day from s two months' visit to Manitoba and the Northwest Territory. Mn. and *ties Sarah Thonton, who have been is Godsrioh for several .oaths, leave for hems, Hamilton, the afternoon. Mia MoMicking, who had been the girt of Mn. P. Holt the past two weeks, raters - ed to her home, Toronto, on Saturday. Judges 304141S and Creaser, the o..is- eionen who •livid.d the Duty into essaty nonoil divisions, left foe their Mews on Friday. Miss Susie MoM•ih has Monied fres her visit to Kingston wad is eradiate a few days with her sister, Mrs. RomW es bee way bone. Telfer flatus of the Bask of Montreal has received orders to premed te Ro.alad, B,C., and exposits to Mart fee the Pacific Proviso tomorrow. a two NVSTONt O?AEK I mportant Events In Few Word* For Busy Reader` The easy worlds aareaed0P rarelasUJ r...Nled sad is. late Oar ,y and •tv.ralve 00 '- M the (..den et War raper - • ....aa Hese. I-•Jy.•.at r rsesgrapaed p.psu.st.°- INk .1 Hi KEQUKl1. The Moncton .agar refb'ry was burned. Involving • loss of 11190.1011. 1JLL N'11K..I) ler .. ..... Marie Corona, the English authoress. vigorously denounces female bicycle riding, which she regards as the height ut feminine vulg.: ity. Ned Crane. the famous be eball 1•itcher, and holder of Inc wo.1d'a ie - cord for long distance throe, lag. cam - nutted suicide by drinking chloral In ituchester. ..I1'K iL FH)INeaei. • t Manitobans are enjoying • 1oret•Nt ur winter. at tarrget by time of the soldiers in Damp then. He died In the afternoon of th.- saute day. Dr Bergin, Al P., tell down stale at ys residence in Cornwall_ He passed /1 bourn In • ooalato•e state, and died 00 Saturday without regaining con- cctouasesa 1' NCLAOOI hole D. An mrtbquako lasting nix seconds was felt at Messina and Regio d1 Collette. The assessment returns jut com- pleted show the population of London dun to l,e 34,7*141. There are at present 4475 patients In the London hospitals, o' whom 7118 are suffering from scarlet fever. Dr. P. H. Bryce of Toronto was elected Ilnt vice-president of the Am- erican Public Health Association. A French scientist says the world. u far as Europe is concerned, is com- ing to as end. The eart;. Is certainly cooling In France and B Ig um. and great physical changes are likely Ht the near future. The storm of Saturday raged Ser'cely on the Atlantic coast Hud 1.11v gr... lakes. The Niagara boats from To- ronto had very rough passage% and It is feared that many shipping disas- ters on the lakes have Yet to be re- ..urted. THE INDUSTRIAL NUR' :). Tom Mann's scheme for an unlversa: dockers' strike looks very tis.mIiabl^ cut paper. but the maters of th Bre- t.& Shipping Federation profess not to be alarmed to the slightest. The Trades and Labor Congress at Quebec discussed • resblutlon for the exclusion of Socialists from their meet- ing. The motion was carried after a tong debate. They also passed a res- olution against the Chinese, and atter the nfttcen were elected the nongreen adjourned. THE DEAD. Within ten days there have bees five deaths from typhoid fever in one family In East Zorra. • Lewis Sauyte, employed In a stave mill four miles from Comber. Ont.. dropped dead from heart failure. ..layor Calgary of Colltngwood. Ont.. was found dead to his toed. The de- ceased, who was one of the wealthiest men In Collingswood, 60 year. a age, and unmarried, had retired the pre- vious night in his usual health. It is understood that The Chatham Banner Is t.. be sold, as Messrs. Brier- ley d< McKay w111 go to Montreal to take charge of The Herald. In Interviews the principal Ottawa lumbermen said that their cut this season would be about the same as last year. but they are employing a smaller number of men in the woods. Acenrding to the commercial .ge11- cles of New Torte there to r0 actuol improvement In business throughout the Critter] States. Trade and industry are checked by political turmoil and financial distrust. TNF: REI-IDIOI % WoRLD. The foundations of the new Roman Catholic cathedral at Westminster have he. -n completed. Rev. C H. 'Shutt, rector of St. Bar- nat.aa' Church. Rt. Catharines. intends handing In his resignation shortly. THE HARBOR. Then is another break on the harbor side of the break water. The lumbar foe maitre the waterworks intake crib arrived Ilse week. The ester. Ontario with lumber for this harbor °arrived is pen ea Friday. The water was Moor ea S•tarday and Susd.y is barber and river ties ea ay time sine° the Serlwg freshet The tugs Reelya. Iia Qhs.. and Seibold, oommanded by Captains Craigto. Inkster ad Wylie, are new is barber, their mete having .11 beam lifted. The memos for the early sespeames of il+lmg is " it des's PIM," Saturday's equh.otial was a dWarlaag .Leant for the logs. The boos ..sr the bland broke sad the lege it oostaieed were blows to the east end 6111•g .p the spies ooupied by ships and ter. The water was very rough, the see'wemr Dost.* ever eke bled having fell play es st. ate far we have set beard et d.s.e te ehipplmg eff this pert, sad Weide es months were aim - heed. B*bb's bashing homes is brakes it two, the separatism .coring ae the ram where it was jobbed sees toe veers ores. esd the here des ler the intake pips weir sheltie dissn.sie.. ?be break in the bathing-bekes was mead by the waves Mimi it fres its bmsdM .s. the wither melbas is rtes* teems seer lefty er Yty feet pees to tmia.d. The Rev. Father est priest In the Saturday at the Montreal. aged 96. Point. S.J., the old- Iy..minlon, died on Jesuit College in The Pope. In an apostolic letter. pro- claims that the Anglican ordinations are absolutely invalid, and His Holi- ness Invites the Anglicans to return to Catholic unity. 1.OI.ITICr- FOR 'Iris.. The complete returns of Monday's elections show • Republican plurality M Maine of 43.722. . The latest advices from Madagascar describe the Island within the French protectorate as in a horrible condition of anarchy. The press bureau at the National Democratic headquarters in Chlcam• calculates that Mr. Bryan. In Novem- ber. will carry 36 out of the 46 states. and 324 electoral votes. Lord Res.•bery declares that RUSSIA has not changed her position In regard to e urkey. and he fear's that a Euro- pean war would result from independ- ent action by England. The St. James' Gazette. In an editor- ial on the eastern situation, suggest. a new triple alliance, coenpr.sed of En'Rland. Italy and the United States. The formation of this new drelbund might lead to a treetb grouping of the Powers. and the d.-ih•ery of Europe both from Turkish misrule and the dan- gerous thraldom to Runeta into which itis slinking. 1 (•RIME A*1) (RtllatalAI.a. 0.Sept 17th new law esf.fo ssg the me elw metras .how.. .i wtilgbts 054 esesesss is Nowise nesse rte terse • fie .a s lavishness sear A elest e. Ian., was pt est by peeping es it elver berm bageheads, se there wY se wager l be bd. The Tremolo gevarsess dee sot with lis o.tredim Ty... to arae ibAeshs. sod he will probably be raged es vt • eeel Mused ler •bl COERkil EIICAIN CIITII. JAMES ROBINSON. WE iutssd to make our new FallStock of Dry (Doak Dov. rapidly, that is, if low prices have anything to do with it We what to have you know that we aru •quoezing prices down to the vert lowest of compression p lit, that it w pea.•ible to give them. We point with pride to our prices. Our new MANTLES and CAPES now in stock. We ...k you to compare Quality, Style and Prices with any store in Gotierich. New 1'..LIT110a 1'ANAJI.%V. Mr. Alexander L. Gibson of Wrwte- ter has been appointed Registrar of the County of Huron A deputation from M•, -crest waited on the Gov",rnlue it at '"taws. to sok a guava .tee of 6500.09d ...oils to .'•1 the Ince n. -,•.t Exhibition. The 104th. annlveray of the meet - Ing of the tint Parliament of Upper Canada was celebrated by the Niagara Historical Society w.th -many Pp- proprtate speeches. The Debates Committee of the House has recommended the llsmisa•il .f Messrs. Bouchard, Vanes*, and Mc- . od. three of the four French trans- !ators, for Interfering In elections The Government •renounces that It Is nut read* tee, proceed with the ten•i- ers for the fast Atlantic service. because there is no provision for an adequate freight service. and the tenders re- ceived are not specific or absolute. Mr. Laurier eta?. d In the House that Abbe Proulz has no official mission from the Government. Th. Premier sent a telegram to the abbe prior to his departure for Rome. but It was a personal matter. and h. has never spoken to the abbe on the school ques- tion. VI'KFt1.t YF:It•ON 11.. Sir Isaac Pitman, the originator of a system of shorthand known by his name, is serious:y 111 In Parts. The Queen nae agreeably atontsb,-d the poet Burns' enthusiasts by reveal - Ing herself as s collector of Burne relics. President Kruger Is thtnktng of vis- iting Europe next spring, on private business, and will very likely go 10 England. Chief Justice Russel lett Washington on Saturday morning for New York. He will sail for home about the end of the week. Mr. Henry Howard, at present Secre- tary of the British Embassy to Franc.. has been appointed Minister d the Netherlands. It is reported in London that th.- I)uke of Fife. son -In-law of the Prince of Wales, is negotiating with ono of the Vanderbllts for the sale of Mar Lodge. Braemar. The Czar and Cr^rira were expr•ted to reach Leith b-. i.or ori Tuesday on their way to t'. • Queen at tlalmorai. The most car, .reparatt-no for the safety and • f .t of their Imperial Majesties a, - t ding made. 311 or WAR. The new armored battleship Illus- trinus wan launched from the Chatham dockyards. Interesting tests were made at the Niagara military camp ranges of the penetrating power of the Lee -Enfield rine bullets. 17y ancellor von Hohenlohe is going to Auakee for some shooting to -day which' would seem to indicate that there is to he no immediate action of the powers in Turkey. The American Legation at Constan- tinople has received news that a fresh massacre, In which a large number of Christians were killed. has taken place at Mini, to the Valley of Kharput. The correspondent of the London Times In at. Petersburg calls atten- tion to the bitter anti -English feeling in the Russian press. A similar tone prevails in the leading Austrian organs, which aceute England of Machiavel- lian designs on Turkey. At a meeting held In Toronto M vet- erans who had served to the British army for ten years and received hon- orable discharges, It was decided to petition the British Government and also Her Majesty the Queen, through His Excellency Lord Aberdeen. to have the provisions of the prese'ht pensioners' warrant extended to the ten-year men. The Anglo-Egyptian expedition. numbering about fifteen thousand men. advanced on Friday to Barna on the Nile. On Saturday they occupied Ker - ma, on the Nile, almost without op- position. The troops hurried forward to Dongola, only thirty miles distant, and Met the dervishes in force on the Nile. After defeating them with heavy loss, they sent the gun -boats on to Mineola, which the dervlmhes had left practically undefended. A email force of RrItlsh took poaaesmlon of the city. and will hold it till the arrival of all the troops. ,. ...iv 1 1' 111 F:F:V ANTI 47 Burglars made an attempt to rob the Mil)hrnok postoMce. but were fright- ened away. Ex -Treasurer Harvey of Guelph was committed for trial on the charge of embezzling city fnnda John Macdonald was committed for trial at the Brantford Police Court on the charge of personating at the recent Dominion election to South Brant. A warrant has leen lammed at ('o- boury for Frere Rush on the charge of murder. Ranh was with young Prentiss at the shooting of Mr. Thoma Lineard. Judge Finkle at Wondstock decided that a prima facie case for extradition had leen made nut against Md. Under- wood. who is wanted In Tex` 00 a charge of murder. A plot arranged by convicts. to break out of the Kingston penitentiary ham been dieerv,.ved. They haat turn• 14••1 their way into an empty cell, and four of the ban on the window had been awed through. to tar A 1.T1 Rt. The body of an unknown man was found In the canal at Welland. Mr. Henry Schad.] of Hamilton tell in a Rt and brukei his neck. dying in- stantly Mr Ren Martin of the Y.0 R. °Teen• St. Thoma, fell from a train near London and died from his ln)uries. Mr. Timothy Almond. well known !n Hamilton. where hes mother resides. was killed at Coney island. New Tork Engineer James Pacer and Ir'Iremar. Georg. Johnston were killed by their train running into an open •witch at Hamilton. Or Saturday night Mr. Jamas Pol- lock, • resident 0 C0boarg, (bete. wow secl.v.0,0 ly killed at •o railway ernes - beg is that town. The deceased was M years of age By the expleeton of • Moiler In Pettit Bros .• hoop and ettve mills. near Omni - her. Pirrmsn Alfred Jambe was killed and the property was damaged eots- •MersMy Pte Hatton of the 31st A•ttallo. (racy 1.idwtry while acting as marker et the elite remises 01 Nlagnra-on-thm- Lake. was struck by • bullet end at DRESS GOODS Again we lead in the Newest, most Stylish and the Tastiest Designs of the nesse. Many exclusive patterns. TWEED EFFECTS Again we ask comparison in Quality and Prices. Fall and Winter Novelties, are overflowing with Style, Merit sed Attraction. You ignore your rightful advantages if you omit to claim the advantages offered by the great Mantle, Drt•sv Gods a•ol Linen hoes. of Gorlericb. JAS. ROBINSON Oorner Weet-dt and Square. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Bowie are *till the favorite pastime. Cycling w -a rather oat of fashion ou 541- D. R. Kam Is butldior an addition to bis lana •A. v. TM UJdf.11ows well meet an regular .e• bio.. tine ...sang. Satertlal did not bra.. Lev res:.. d, es ire bei • fair share of r(" *tenet -r Iu.e turf 01 a ler 1. U,.-., 1. • .da ince., Thar. J.. es kelt g. Lutea• N-. C,rk ,.t'ern'. .t e•, --•pod lions. not 1'. '1•h. For. H.mlw..'• trw. , • 0,0: •.., •. tr * works sight sad day. w lines shoe oases and I•s.Jry baso. Goa. miss taksmm. The Fair. Mi Dark's bones os Victoria beet, wilt sees be reedy hr soosp•ties. Th. °ss•eiery sever looked grosser i r prettier than it did es Seaday. Borrows the ..sd.ss•n dipped over 3,11B0 baskete of Moms the past seams. The lead on Saturday reduced the Toon Iity of fruit os. Winter apple tress. The mottoes es lite Fut-et. arch were, " God Saye oar Quests," and " W eloest. ' Severe' horses were trigbteaed by the dodog leaves os. S•ttsrday, but no serious re- sults followed. Next Sabbath eventing • I hestab as • vesper service will be held in Nort4-.t Methodist church. Misses Domagh sad Parses will ropes their room. for daring and depehaent early in October. There was early oema i •t Sr. Owren'` on Nusdsy, sod • k sptiimsl s•rv- io is the aft.rnoos. On Sunday the aide walks were made an- onaferMkM by the number of brsaohee thief, had hese blown from tb. trees. Early la UooSer, Misses Neagh vet Par- secs will re -open their academy for instruct- ion is daring and deportment. 88 2t This afternoon the ladies of St Gerge's 000gregotion will meet in the •obool room at 2 o'olook for the purpose of d000reUsy oharob fee meet Sunday. Before the children were dismissed, Prl.- ciesl Halle told them that in .00rd•so. with Hi. Exoellasev's oommand, (bey wosld have w whole holiday oe Thareday. Al the instance of the proprietor of THs SI.:*AL, Mrs Cox, en old lady who was et Redd° Wise. SO wean since, was tame - darted to Their E[odl.sotss by the aide-de- camp. Mrs. Cox was most o.rdielly greeted. The General Assembly of the Presby- terian Church bag est apart next Sabbath as Children's day. The 000rr.sasies S Knox Church will regard it as salol, sad at the moniker r por ries the pastor will speak particularly to resets : to the sfternoss M children : and in the evening to young people. la the •ftsrso•n at 3 e'oleek, the oblides° and their !risible will moot on the body of the oburoh, and the messes eaesdes permed by the Gess`! Assembly's Sab- bath School Committee will be used. The sellee' ion at the sheerest genies will be es behalf of the week et she assembly's 8.8 Committee. Early last week J. J. P. Tyner'. the alleged No. 1 of the Invin•. woes who killed Lord Henry Cavendll:., was ar- rested In France on a charge of being concerned In a coneplrm y to blow up with dynamite Her Majesty Queen Victoria and the Czar on the occasion of the latter's visit this week. The French Government has received • formal demand from Great Britain for the extradition of Patrick J. Tynan. The Irish Executive took steps to bring about the extradition of P. J. Tynan. In custody at Boulogne. on the charge of having been connected with the Phoenix Park murders. 11e there appears to be evidence thiefa dynamite attack was Intendel upon Balmoral eatle while the Czar was visiting the Queen. the feeling of alarm In England Is subsiding. The record of the Court of Common Pleas In New Tort shows that P. J. P. Tynan. the dynamite suspect under ar- rest at Itoulog'ne. heals been a clttsen of the United States since August, 114*. The London Dally Mali prints the rumor that Tynan wilt turn Informer. and suggests that this explains his king immunity from arrest, and also Is. C•ron's assertion that Tynan was la the Government secret service. M. Bows, the Deputy Publle Prose- cutor In charge of the case against P. J. Tynan. yesterday received a let- ter stating that unless Tynan le re- wound within twenty-four hours Y Daesu will be blown up with dynamite. As • result of disclosures said to have been made by the finding ot docu- ments upon the perste .f Edward Be11, alga Edward J. Ivory of New 'fork. arrested In Glagow on a cheflrge of !ring eonneet.d with oho dynamite eon.plr'ary, the guard's ass tis Govern - ss( 0t buildings 1a Iaadss and th• powder =ins at W.wwlck have floe GO TO row SCHOOL BOOKS See his 300 -page Map Scribbler ; it is a good one. Complete Stock of & I Dol Supplies. JAMES TATsL I . Careful Buyer NEW 11111VALS By mistake we have received a larger quantity than we or- dered zf Wire Lamp Shade Frames, in the latest patterns, which will be run out at 20c. each. 11,111 1."IIEFAIRI VICTORIA OPERA ROUSE. II I Ain eels% bis Reeds e•rerliy. Jere W dwb...ds Sea, mrd pay the rip( ked of • prise tee sok.. Yes may rest emesed whoa yes ,clam year seder with se year it ewe rs will be .wfwily rebored. He the show as as ..hoesm s Imo es me d., beautiful esedaamd said ea • (*Aim res will enable yew to sere s.sm.v. PRIDHABI 'hoes ?AtL- -1 SOLID WEEK - SEPT. 21 to 26 Inclusive The Wilson Comedy Co. Harry Harvey Mesa Ulskbet Amer. Dorkis Jeanie Weedw.et• Airs. hose... Hrsa0 a. Mute Albert M..ema. Nov• Irwin. Lillie Roby Florham' sad lart.ssa. ,tis. Spaniel dancer) Everything CLEAN and PURE. Beautiful costumes Beautiful Stage Settings Plasty of 81o41es sad Darwin Change of Play Every Night Crowded Houses Iverywkeee Popular Prices - - 150, 25c. This mace belcsh• to CATTLE BROS.. PLUMBERS and MINERS H.miltosst. GOAL OIL FOR SALE, Now OP:3N The Beamor&l Cafe The prettiest and ler(-f•rwidrd Qtje West of Toronto . - - - ' A/ Tr Bahme rel may be .tacked Ilniii est make and Sayer, by _the Asher kierf .om wIthamil e eittoibig * r ies& with oho purest .t hsyse+r+ OONFTR O TIONS =/M nisch Psstiy 1ts"°r W TZA.00FFEE assd LIINCHICII surveil .t ell heath wWhfaa /teed.' tmhoisbs.sta e •w Sswaonabis FRIIIT0 of Ss. i rare sheers is elm& 1112. J. J. WAS