The Signal, 1896-9-24, Page 22 • TUE SI(WAL: GODERiCH ONT.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 24 Itv..I: COMING AND GOING. 1'mew wham she !s eagaing, tee lie air armed yew .wester, And I hear the tees m-hammtag ; And my heart Seat to meet r. (MOD tatt.rteg like he w .toss Of • bird tMa sears and slags - /Ake • wiled Moira rem that aliens Tv her bps -situs reuse sweeter. -- I knew whin .b. M gala, For the I tads are tad, oostp. *. ; Over we.piaa violate Megrim/a-- Aad mead my eyes It'. misses ' And • .see •tae rose I lake, Aad I kiss it for her sake, While my peer heart ossa to break With it peewee end its pumas. UNDER AN UMBRELLA• DRIP, drip, drip ' The rain .owe!e down to • seedy, oe asles& pour. es, •p1•ab Ina through mad mud puddle, Charlie Som. toe mikes his way] home through the woue try tem late one S.tnrdsy bight. Tbor wind se dnvag hard, mod he beide his umbrella low to keep out the drivise blast. Wbe' is this`. He .seri to • .olden bolt ; he hes al most rue over • its ider figure that as toiling along to front of him. " I beg your pardon !" Tb. girl moves wade to let him pass, 1 1 does not speak. . You cave no umbrella! You must be Wet through !" he exclaim& •• Yes, I sea very wet, but 1 .m newly home. thank you " You will let me *bolter you'" " Oh. 1 memo trouble you,'. ebe says, shrieking away ; " please do oot watt. ' Bat Charlie insists. She must either @ hers his umbrella or take it all ; mod she yields at lest, .ua walks quietly by his side. Tim wind ria higher, eh. puddles Moose, more frequent, and before long the ethane, - d girl is clinging for support to his @Nag e rn.. At the cross roads she pauses- " 1 will not take you any farther ; I am nearly home now " Bot you will let me we you safely in- doors!" "It is late," she says rervoosiv. " I would rather go alone, please. Mother will worry " Fvideotly she does not mem to move till be leaves her ; so very reinotently Charlie ✓ ale his hat and wishes her good -night. His own course is straight ahead, and he im bile 1 w th curiosity to know whtoh of the two oroes-rosde .he mediae to take He is pertain be never sew her before : ebe has • lovely ties be could not have forgotten. That be cannot ferret it he proves only too well during the day. that follow ; at Musts him day mod night, waking and sleeping. Who is the girl' Where is her home! How same •he to be in that lonely lane and unprotected et that hoarHe his been through It meat/ times mace, but bis n ever sero her eosin ; he hes eves explored the oros."rosda with • rather shame -faced feeling, but tia no nearer • 0000lasioo Oce I••d.:c a long row of seat detached villas, 41 .xantly •like, with their green blinds, white curtains, red sups, and the issvitabl. "art'' Bower -pot in the window ; Lbs other to merely • country road, with hers and then • little stray oottege stand int back an the fields. she waste -tae ! C..ae.et to year der tlstla8 " line Nr. Surma speaks M SIM eery ear, ter kfs ee ass departed. 11I. Ilig easMks bsese lied Hall se • seems of WINS leattvttr ; scalds, towers. east•. mail • reit bell is In preemie, • eel le honor of the sewed dau(bMVS "Deems owl.' R .mita the eldest, a jet essaged to Lord Alois, • mock that bas .Deeded the wuLliee'e wildest hopes, sod to book i... hoe hearth •troop of bis f•shi weak !needs to be introduced to his future wife's Iastlly. Rw•lae i. h•odeame, Cecile is besatifal- .ho say oak* a lake o..q.sei. Who auwa• tubal. 11.s1, the darIsg imag- ist of th• Madly. Meed already premien to outshine botb Me lovely sisters. Maud te the mother'. pride, the father's •1•rlmg Maud s jest fourteen, sad m .tall •way et eoheel •' ('teethe leeks more like himself to- ,agbt," aye Mr Swaim. paella( for • mem.ot alar his handsomely aniseed wife. "Oh, yes !" .be replies. ' H:s forgotten that aoowos I'm sure- Look et hist sew with Lely Myrtle -now. that would be • match if you lake ' ' And Mrs. SWM. taros to greet more •rrinds. "Can't IMi.k wbet's Dome ever &met s; .rover knew the .rarer so quiet totes. I' "Oh." says Herr, Lesellios, "acme Rirf .t the bottom of at I suppose." Kat he's wawa se beastly e0000miosl," .rases I+ttN Captains Vereker, •' Never bas an ofd sovereign for anything." • thee a sou t be • furl. When • bellow a.ko Coatis. turns .0000m►cel It generally mews h.'s in debt " "Charlie in debt ! Why he never speeds . peony. H. neither plays o.rds nor keep. '.ores and h*'. got • jolly eight biggest al- „r.00e than either yoo or I, old amen.' " Ob, 1 rage% *mode a it ; sp.mtl.ting, per hope. A peck o' Dards, a pack o' girls. '•.wks,shasse, or horses : that's the way the •noo.y dose -pop goes the weasel," stags Nr 1,.s vides. • Kut I believe there's a ro- omette .boat it somewhere ; falls u lore .alb the wrong girl, perhaps, sometbtag of that sort - the old Stanton' .re groat • 'tckle'e tor pointing, sod .11 that, yon keow." " So they are ! By -►ho -way, 1 .loo's sup - melt tbe.00-io•I•w-Sleet owed to toll them that little remota.* in hta family. 01 ooure. ,t happened wheo he was quite •yoaogeter, so he didn't need to bother .boat tt ' " I forget what it was,' said Harry hazily "Something •hoot an suet, waso t Or " An sant ! No ! It was has own sister, hie eldest surer. Ree .way with to groom y nu know She• wee a mere child, hardly six•.em,and bid no ides what abs was doing. went for • ride for • lark, gossips got hold of it,•od the old father, who had Me temp- er of Mephistopheles himself, taros her mut of hie house. Shea still .live, I fancy, but they never mention her. She was years .elder ohm Alwyn, and of entree, he's no in- f.n t. " " 1 say, here's Mrs. Stanton *smite* to poen on us for loot doing oar duty. No 11"mess hewed at them Deanery hoose kali.. Ity .love, I really think come of these hew \%'omen should support sate other througb the mazy waltz " 11. " Then tt is really you ! At last I have found you. I thought 1 w..a never going to see you mato." " There was no need for you to we me again, Mr Stanton " Mr. Stanton ' Then yoo know my same ?' Yes, I know you very well by .ight,•tr you live up at the Red Halt' " And to think you have hese ben all this time, and I c,,aldn't find you !'' The young men looksd down upon the delicate flushed face. looking its vary fairest sew in the pale pink sun•bnnoet, the little tendrils of heir hloWn loosely oo the white forehead. Her .Letter are rolled up to the elbow, stowing two white rounded arms, sad Lor hands are busily engaged shaking out • pile of snowy linen. She is standing before one of the cottages he boil oo often passed, and lobular Stanton lases with his arms oo the little rickety gate, lost to everything bat the beauty of the girl before him. She looks up, and meets his glands. " So you got home eately that sight !" " 0h, yes, sir, thank you " " I .ton't know why you oall me 'sir' ; my name a Charlie Smitten," be eays. •' My name le Marion Grey, and I •m • laundress's daughter, sir ; and bee faro fiu.bes. Charlie has mover been in love In his life, but now he realises that this girl, +nth bar shy sweet eyes. bolds his I mppmem in her keeping. He bat thought of her ter the pest three weeks. clod oow he mentally vows that be she lady or laundress. none other shell ever he his wife "The wooing of • wild rasa " le.y not prove easy, but Charlie likes it ell the better for that, and when he seats himself •t the breakfast table that morning he oonaretul•tas himself he has el ready made some progress, for he ween in bis omit • Bower plunked from the eotag* garden, pinned there by Marion's trembling fingers. "You will educate ber, will you' i dam - my. Aad this is tha kind of person you - sty 1017 .en-eaggeet Minstar into my tam:ly ! You would letrod.o* her to your mother and .ton ; you would thrust her upon moiety. and npeet her to be reoeived as your wife ! Never 1" " the is mem to be my wife, sir. what ever '.moiety' may have 1. my about It :.h. has aimed, promised to marry sea" •' Premised to wryen 1 I downy shot Inas ! A fine Mabee for bee no doubt And you mesa to Wag • Kiri like that to retire at Red Hall when I •m gene 1" " I told Too, tether, I will edeeate her ; she is .otarally reflood sail sweet, and wont(' geese •■y pestles. A' year at • high -oleos school will give kir all the 'Shah' .h. waste " And wise* do yea fated to gad tat anomaly - • •hlgh•ela read' that will .d• mit • laondrsus • &melte, r I t my mother sight--" "'teet your mother might- 1 1 .1i yob Charlie, i will use have year teethe► se Iseelted 1 I will um olim yea te ameba that sM e mem a Oilier ley wile .r m7 Meghtere r Charlie KtlateS slams. end bete kis Hp. " I einem wt yes of from year ellew• saes mil your i0Mattosee ; yen arm tee sad Nasty, earl should ave eines by bow. Bet this i tae gad will de ; If yes starry West girl. you Oban sever speak te year. Mbar sited Oases semis 1" " That M if I marry bee without your eseset..k Maltese ta7 ooessM 1 Dea take r ter an Imaes% „mg mau f itt se ff N Some esu. h* 1f yea wait Mr st7 essswt` pm will wait WV Deseasillop 1 Ossomt te your kW* and Mem ha (y yore s who sestet •i W& Mss CAPTURED AT LAST. The Notorious No• 1 of the Irish InvinOible•r Ail palish Me.e.e'e !tabard Mika War We was acemeedore resi.a news M Nee tar of ea m.... t is aealemmti tr@w -as Admastad tie. Iwataty one Mrd aaweelaaUag rages. 1 Itw r'asseeesea. Loud" deet. >a -e. J. ?yam. the meter toes "Mo. 1" of tits Utah Invtadbies, who was se txe•seotll le.egooecl dudes the trial of the person. •barged with the awes - dor of lard Yrederict lkvet.dlah. Chief Me rutarl fur lae4nl, and T. U. Hurts, Per uaeeat Under ilecaetary. 1n Ph..enlx Para. lh:bUa. ole May. 0. 13. was arrested at Ituulogne, prance, st 4 o'clock tills mot's till uu ■ warrant Issued In 1lMOL Ts urn le ale.. Larged with bring concerned In the mane (acture of dyuautlta bombs ter use In meg Mud_ It has been learned that he ardeed la Lampe to August. when be debarked at uruue. lir proceeded thence to Ped.. where 11 1e alleged be commuted with the Irish dynamite faction. t)n et day he arstv.d at duologue and rspowsied iceman views at the hotel bar. lie had bora watched since he arrived Is Prance by an English detective, who. this morning. placed hint under arrest. Tb. officer pointed • rrvulvsr at his 110.4 and threatened to shoot bile if he ..Were to. .11tlateet reeistanc.. Tynan was spe•+•11. ...cured. Ile subsagseney admltteu b.. ideality. In his possraskw were found a cuamiderable sum of mosey and a number of lncrluiluating papers He will be Kr - 1 signed before • Judge In Duologue to -tier" row with r rlrw to securing his extra- dition. It le stated that his arrest is Mon &meted with the arrests of Bell and Wal - lata, the former having brew captured la Otsego* and the latter to Ittttterdam. The Timber will say that Shell and Wal• hie are charged. with Tynan. In Whig eon - turned :t. ■ dynamite certaplrec7. IV. On the evening of Rce•lie's wedding ooaetern•uun retains at Rd Hall. Maude, the pet of the household. has had • narrow escape from death. A fire beake eat at the whool breaking-np festivities and oke was rescued from dare pent by one of the seater girls Mrs Stanton did not go to ber ; the telegram. were reassuring. eo the anxious ,u•.' heir ievoted herself to the wedding gai- eties. Now these are over, and Maude is owning home. Mise Grey. Mande's dearest friend at b r•1 -Mies Grey. wbo bid saved her from he fimme, and was herself badly bart in rescuing the ohild-bis been at Maude heJaide ever stew the acoil.et Now ebe is Doming home with her st the Utile spoilt invalid's most imperative request. How sun the grateful mother ever thank her enough for being the means of saving bow darling child! dl ..-7th or' 1st ltDr:AL t ecuz, "resits. M ..le mor alums Theses. /.ca_ aril. Cobourg, Ont.. Sept. 10. -'The trial of Arthur Prentiss on the charge of mur- dering Thomas Lingard was resumed this morning before his Hou. Chan - tailor !load. One more witness Was called for the Crown, when the defence was opened by Mr. ogler. then replied. Hls Lordship charged the jury, and court adjourned at 1 o'clock - Neither young Rued. the buy who was with the prisoner at the time of the shouting. nur the prisoner was called W give evidence. After being out three hours the jury brought !n a verdict if murder with r. commendation for mercy. When asked by lila 1..rJohip Chan - ethos Boyd the prison: said he had nurbarr to say why C -' •sores'.• e:f death should not be paired on atm. He stood calm and pale :. sur rats Ls,rdship pronounced the sentence that he should be hanged on Dec. 17. STORY OF THE CRIME. Prentiss, who Is 11 years of age, had a quarrel on June 10 with George 1d MAUI. n- gard, grandson of the dead mn. about some rabbits Prentiss and a friend named Fred Rush were using bad language to Lingard and his wife while all were at work In a field. The grandfather came up and the boys walked off; he followed them. and then Prentiss said he would shoot him If he came further. The old man kept on, when, according to the evidence put in yesterday. Prentiss tired at him. The gun was loaded with shot and tore a terrible gap in Lingard's Left side- He died almost instantly. Mr- elute BEpTEMSER. W ase dstaklag t1e wine of the awn maw that an calasha(( over 1111 the sweet .d a beery a.boagbt wit% DletWed from the heart of tee clover. TM Sewers striate oo the any Ala la rslaowt art purple alt go the rough Mee edge of the old Men Theo eglng brier -vines bad. We are bteakl•g U1.'s .a..Ilair la (be wall of the perfumed Meese.T1..sddm powers, the malts Imasr. The trestle of leaves oo the trees The albomleas blue of the heave. TL. Meaty sod bloom of this dy, Ase aklug 5 ',meg-On are welder *be teams' Of the years that have parted away. 'TIs the radiate, rare September. With the clestesa ripe on the utas. With smuts that adagio In spiel Unities On the hill elope'► glimmering line. Aad semmer'a • step behind um. Aad 11111+4Bu'e a thought before, Aud rash newt •55•1 un7 tart we meet 05 Me way la so angel at tb. door. -Harper'. Hamar. " And sitting by the sell -sem. spot, They h.. .e old beth .all : Bat wealth ." 1 tomo w quite forget, For love is mora thea .11" Mia Gray's veto* rings oat Maar and sweet in the spacious drawing -room at the Red Hall. Maude'• sofa is drawn Diose to the open window, and her mother sits beside her. " Isn't she sweet, massa!" sated tbm child. glancing .t the .lint white agars at the piss°. " l wish .he was really my en- ter. D, you know, m.msey, I'v. got a lovely plan, 11'..11 my own idea. I'm 'going to .ilk Charlie if he woe's marry her; ibex .he'll M oar very owe. ' Mn Stanton pat her little daughter's hair pally. • I think tt is a lovely plan. darling. 1 wish China would marry bar ! AM is to sweetest girl 1 .ver sew ! Bat there--" and the mother giallo She ham borg•n to fear lately that bow san had not got over that " loolieh infate►Noa." H. M away now --he left Che day Meade esu besme- ar he bed Dever seen the pretty stranger. ' Oh t" oris Meads. •• here he is. Charlie, Charlie, I'e se pfd you have ons. ! ' and her arms tee round bin seek, Now you a my dear, deer Miss Grey. And. Charlie," the Mild rattles ear "mother and I are just ..yin. how lovely It would be if you will seamy bar." " Dom mother say that'" MJharti. I•sgho rather .trmsg ly. ' Awl, what does bihor se:. tad' Ok, dad always egress with mother and nes, dismal he, mother r " I'll go sad ask bar Dow, M.odI. 1" Charlie, sea. with • look W mother meow read --she thinks he i. joking. The figure bas left the pl•eo .ud sed through the epee wiedow, sad without an other word be fellows, .Iarearch as . Jwkrr. The following Incident In the life of the hon chancellor recently appeared in one of the New York papers: "Bismarck and a friend, after a heavy day's shooting. sat together sip- ping their wine and comparing notes of their day's adventures. Bismarck's friend complained that he was ezces- stvely tired and would be unable to get up at 7 o'clock ttbe next morning to join the sport Bismarck assured Min that he would see that he gut up at the right time, whether he would or not "On retiring to their bedrooms. which adjoined each other, he barred soil bar- ricaded his door to prevent Bismarck from carrying out his threat. "At half -peat r oar the following morning the chancellor knocked at he door. calling on his friend to get up His friend didn't. but turned on tele pillow to enjoy another moose. Then Bismarck seized his gun, went into the yard and fired through the wtndow of his friend's bed room. hitting the ceil- ing above the bed and bringing a shower of plaster down on the head and shoulders of the sleeper. "In the greatest alarm. his friend arose and looked out of the window to see what was the matter. Seeing nobody. he hastily donned his clothes and ran down stairs. Here he met Blemarck, who gravely bade him 'good morning,' and added: 'I hope you slept well; It Is just striking 7.' " Ilea sever Greet. 1J. Vancouver. B.C., Sept. 13. -At 11 o'clock this morning 1.1 Hung Chang arrived at Vancouver by special train. Long before the hour get for his ar- rival crowds itned the approefie• to the depot and wharf. and messes of people crowded all the eminences around the harbor. The Chinese resi- dents had erected a very handsom • and artistic arch on the bridge 1. -ad - Ing to the wharf, and a long line of Chinamen to rich robes of blue, green. plum color. olive and .orange, stood in line before the arch. waiting to bow to the great Viceroy. The bridge was carpeted for some yards on elth-r side of the arch, and on this carpet stood • carved ebony table on which a censer of sandal wood was kept burning in a richly -carved bronze burner. The Viceroy Deemed delighted with the demonstration In his bones. an.! especially with the homage of his countrymen, who fell on one knee and raised clasped hands to him as he passed. The gang plank of the steam- er Empress of China was carpeted with scarlet: the ropes were wound with yellow and draped with flags. As he was carried up the plank In his .varlet chair the Chlneee dragon tlag was run up the mainmast. and a salute of nine guns was fired from H.M.S. Cpmus. ;rhe absence of cheer - Ing was neticeable, and gave en Oriental solemnity to the proceedings. The Empress of China will sail to -morrow about 3 o'clock. and LI Hung Chang will spend the Interven- ing time aboard. To -morrow morn- ing will be devoted tet receiving de- putations from the Board of Trade and other ctv1e bodies. " Darling 1" " G►, Charlie ! Was H very wrens of em to eeee r •' Wrnsg of yea? My dogtrot, se i It met he wrong te make potpie leve you ler Trier mire e sweet oaks ! Toe_ have quit woe tho miter's hears. dallier ; let a take yes se her now !" " Rot how did to prissiest el sash • ..boil ever omam te ressigre to girl r . That is easily eipleleied, sir I wesld am bold yes before of hard..'. manes time, Mt you Weald sot listen Marler's mother aide a feeti•h tsiseake. Md serried who Ile was quits a girl : bee k..beed ie Mad wow. Sleet I karat bar fit sits left her sesseesead it se 1.w(/r a suede Marland heirs Mr. Orgy, le Lord A1 - times Ade* elate; r . Alwyn's sets ! Wk]. buss my oral r els all the ..teelahed Mr. duets. w slam - late. Bet Chastle'e mother whispers " i de .es sere who Me is. t we law all learnt to Mee her M Mr owe ewer* mite t" 'Here ere Pee tine• es peels : the w1e talk triennia Walden. lad thea who Mak .cahot 1swklR . sod they make sash esker eery Om& • New Weenies al Work. Miss Beatrix Jones of New York has taken up the art of landscape garaen- Ing. and one can often find her a -- ranging earth and giving directions to her two crews of men, who are .it work under her dir'eetion at R -.-t Point, her Bar Harbor hums Maes Jones is a young and attractive wo- naan and is full of ambition. She has taken the contract to put the rough grounds of Messrs. W. H. Bliss of New tort and Edgar Scott. the young Phil- adelphia mllllonalr , In trim fur bulld- ing. The Scott rr,uads cost 860,000 In their primeval etr.to, and had Miss Jones not shown hex cleverness In the new labor for women she would not. of course, it ive been Intrusted with the teetr, Wa•sike'e ler elver. London. Sept. 12. -The surrender of the repels In Matabeleland is con- firmed and the following d 1:15 have come to hand. Mr. Cecil Ri,,Jexl 1)r Sauer, and Mr. Colenbrander proceed- ed five milers to the Matoppre unarmed John Groolboom. one of Colenbrande-'a headmen. went further. and returned •ubeeduently at the head of a .rent molter of people carrvina a whet* Moe Tbey drew up 1n front of Rho let Wel his party. Some caste with v- orgals. but the majority were nnarel- ed After the surrender had been agreed on, Secombo addrveeed Mr. Rhodes as "father and greatest of chieftains." On returning. Mr. Rhodes said. "Thi. Is one of the .Denes which mate life worth llvtng." A short distance from ebe council place the little party pant- ed • large and frilly armed Imp1, they were not Interfered with in any way. A• old as Noes. Mr. Reynolds Is a bright and well- preserved old gentleman. but to hie granddaughter Mabel he seems very old, indeed. She had been sitting on his knee and looking at him seriously for a long time one day, when she ask- ed, suddenly: "Grandpa, were you in the ark?" "Why, no, my dear!" gasped her as- tonished grandparent. Mabel's eyes grew large and round with astonishment. "Then. grandpa," she asked,- "why weren't you drowned?" Bewilderment of grandparent -Lon- don Answer*. ��te A PriestaMMta• 1, atelea. mo .1 fails, Oat . his Mee appointee 111'. AYeeWeterehere mid begins Ode duties on . earf Y.merdy Rev - Father Sprott of Wolfe isaud woe badly better. by • N.wfealed land deg. ' The maims) caught bite by oto flet ween, Battyag 1t Meth Meply len to lief W *.arty its bedlrhold end le aw The doe te steers • WON mf sobw so ranee the r. • rust Mae geese* ►la teat►. Vote d th tlkyWwg1of two Gagers thee a Vote se is � es r beep tare that M 1N Paper Dae•ee. A match has just been Invented by an English genius which promises to become a foratidable rival to the pre- sent match In general use. The idea of the invention is based on the old titan of rolling up paper and lighting at • flame already in existence. The paper 1s immersed In wax. stear- ins and similar substances, and burns with a light. smokeless and odorless flame. Cut Into match lengths, It is dipped into phosphorous wax, like the common wax match. The Invention Is regarded as a timely one, as the wood used In the making of matches L oon- atantly growing more scarce and costly. OVERWORK Nervous Prostration On** IliroftrybitsMst Ayer's Sarsapari ha "Bose yeses ago. as • result el ekes apostles te business. ay health Oiled. I bemuse weak. asrvoms. was 'Made to look after ray laeees4i and _M_r--ted au the ~mos of a ds. els•. I took three toeless et Ams ilintedaellka. hsps a improve M ease. Wax row Yre.erving Timber. Another method of preserving timber hat recently been tried. It consists In dissolving in naptha the heavy oils 11,d waxes left after the distillation of petroleum. and forcing the solution into the scawoned timber In the same runner es In creosoting. The t..nber is then heated, when the nap!+!ha ern- ie,rr.'es, and Is recovered 1:. a cooling chamber. while the waxes, etc.. remain behind In the wood, waterproofiing it Klimek Trtmmlag. Black trimm!ngs are all the rage. a touch of black is seen on all the smart gowns. tela. k satin 1• almost ex- clusively used tier the fold. d cereal, and bodice -shaped kilts. anti a num- ber of rows of quarter -inch thick rite bon velvet malie. a very effe -;Iv' trim- ming. Remember to sew it obi:- m. one edge; to fasten both g vee 1t slit look. led gradually increased my weight trout ere Iltadred and twenty -Ave 10 two kflsdred pounds. Since then, I and my ltslty have seed this medicine whoa Deeded, h. -id we are all In the bus erg hulth, • taut which we attribute to Ares Sarsaparilla. 1 believe my *hil- tless h1Ltless would have been fatherless tada7 AM it melees for Ayer's Satsap•dua. of whisk preper.tton I cannot asp toe arnk."-lit. 0. Huoolr, Postmaster sed Planter, IrIasrd's, 8. C. Ayer's Sarsaparilla SWAM RCUAL AT NNW TAIL AYIIR'fl Plis Save Donor's SINS. t/, UNDER OATH The Signal PARALTtaee ettRa-awttt4 .TATffM'R Wm Mork 5,•u: rein. r7 ks.4okures It. Owl= Oil, sew. 1#1.14.us t Ktean'• "Koos nay Owl 1.1 of Pere' • • lads r.+rirr"t ea. •44,51 her bey Jr.+• . 1".. .,r,..,.. owl them eta. nesheets . seer te".'.nrrr ane uw et her Swift. Sege :.orad her. tet 1... ter MN" walking •themed ting err friends now Ity. kt'..'s "Keaeua7 Calm' ilaw. b., Lift sed I.4'',40 ;." , to, J•h 14 I * tester% J. W. e.; weart'no.y, Yaaiy skis S WSS11 lT•Tg1a:TT OP • GRATei a0TUER. Lodes WYt , nine .sun mid, erten suffered milk bermedeo. her %tie, Ian lien entirely cured sod arrgesiend system hew op 1,. Kasen...'. -Kootenai/ Dab.* The above tar , am toren .e • seers M•► w eek mule by her mc..ker. fir. Georg. some., 111 Lase.. M., Haim:•... • •teed Jill r. 1006. seam J. r. Kouryeast. Kory Put. c. A t:*MPI*ATIOII Winn DOS - awe •T.:TgNL\r MADS. Chok G Nese... 13 v•trtt.wnork et„ Tomb tem, ...ed • nowia."$:.o• o' NODI .alta•• 1.0. sails. oreere •r".M. ,aril *at tpuwwtly diet, ..1 u men Irn.t ale .weer end sum a ren seat ..... H:. •dne•. are see in • W alt eoedition, h , •p$4Usr g --.I. deep mere. m •mner,p.•:..n cor-1; Jl ,me elle Me tee a 1 "Kootenay Cure." Ile sambas sweet asyua,•t •...sur R•..... My W^-. J w neyeeefe Oslo. eau V'. ••'•" • Tte. IHlbresee sed tar elmgst-ity. Inqutrine Soot -'•Papa, what be the dlllerence between se amateur writer and • plMf�oaal"' Experten itither-"Tile difference between theta my eon. N tha..'one writes for gler7/ the other for inse- t N -_ ••7tad firsd,a . they nothing In common?' E. le. -"One thine only: that neither gats what ad's meter." - Truth. M.mew.slI1. We dbtt►t if glen la any drint summer• -haat eee...��� . salted to the worker limp rbutterwsllk. It Mtt- ly ie -en femme fps wasting maneu er tfttrm with its' turd. aid the easear Sind mit it eftmanAnor are autritleall It forms an agesetgp*. ervtdfng OJAI in coat" et Muer ee iselleslmatfot►-Qrsl- amale' curia well• W„OLESAL' _ r'TA11 A.211;;T$O110 Bili. SAO, w..c._ �Inemen 1lgkterta- vl.{•a. Ina stoma kr t mews memeaW Irsoieeel Pump & F .unia2 Mill Wahl; C11.O1D RICK, ONT. .N., mom sal= & hN11M to Its oh ,persd eat ie the ski.s� shee praises seed eseoutie• 4 oil clams d Alms may ems* pentad of this aaaeaaos- 1• at met al,,oh year s* �es ekees We .oy kat that, seem steto please will gee with the appnrval of oar patrka§ tiott iritadob This maul sire in kept in the ell = ofgtaptles same as letter • 1�11rno. Mtod►s are not so g.MOer illy used, they wacor��ce in place chat ercds we've :ase what we've got under the above bawls. IAIkttr Witads Oa 11111 IOW we have a very large dace of las writing papers suit able for retry clads of benne,' represented in this locality, tont pneinf laid and .nice, linens, quadrille and other papers, ruled or unruleri, as may be required -15A. kited►• If the "pa-as•you-go" plan etai the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so gnat ; but there are some men who get so many duness that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present oar stock is eons plate in this line with four sines, Good paper and neat ruling. Both single and double dollars and Dents columns. Tbey oome' cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month They are sure to fetch him 'round - sometime. rear Mtr•MTaaJKT' A lard..to.:0 of very choice Pomo,. missa- 1 ofW"i tr.'s, reacted Muskoka gu.rterd pi, e o Ili. h.wru out out. These Pismo. err maoofectured in • aamber •' styles W mot e. srybodl end every place Ver) say w..r•It1a pears. for deep .alis. tn.no.s•i• ! t•Iucr'! 'op pumps for soboot- i ardor. how pumps, eta rose t • tee In hi' -.ft w OHM OK era a Mir* 1' r •preti.. wash.oi bu - sir.. Wa.eru•g garde•.., debielag firer etc. 'prem' N ea son g'v.n to drawing water from web a dssieare shale pumps Iron end rend j+rvw °w.,•'t, oda gworlai•-lied or w II" al. Lill stics •• we geol.'s' i to Rens. LA eta • tttklrm•.tte,,,.•. ►r. rel Se ung '5 . e.e.l♦ nim*r. U.1 I •` `' lea 111 end [C1 .1.atlkMs. ease. JL el.•P'. ri%Ntkt: •/ul vs st ► aa,, argue - ell alae., All .r.-. t warrantee. 11• ..r len promptly seed c -u. fully attote.d tar. PUMPS trees. .xtlr brow I i"s/m L Ana.r Y plug •.y Woe: ARMSTRONG BROS & Co Ask your Druggist fc Nftt Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER A DA11'M FLORAL 1x:ROCY Per Itemilkeirdtbst Toilet sad SNS. �r•1llf.�Obts Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on hand. We have now abopt • hundred thousand in .tock, end the prices will range from 75c. to 62.00 per M. We handle can mercial and legal sixes exclusively. Oo1hIlftttlf'b•t V r%.n<‘IIVe hag already been partially .nom crated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a teat amoun of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take op the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tay b HAUL. Xrr%to.t.ons to an "At Horne' or a wedding r quire conaitierable tante in melee tion sometimes, but we make it an (ay matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and ee rog,vt k l's of entertainmenta and meeting promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the moguLebelgant with cord and pencil a GVreAtko.rs We aim to excel in all the differ est kinds of work we turn out, but especially in this, and kerp in stock plain and fancy paper suitable for all requirements. Ctarcis and` T\ebtets This head coven a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a n. -rat calling card, from an or dinary w i mission ticket to a tasty butanes@ card or a hand.oteely printed mewbergbip ticket 4 os<Lrs Oar faces urningttt this class of ilitiwork ar'efor evtideso.doby the fact that the great balk d it Y dose by its. This line sloe l• glades od►gtrs which our three fast -running jab prtfttseta stn able b tarn oat 111 • urprWngly .bort time. %Mkt Yi \ts belong to the poster dessriwW1 t also, and we make a upecitdty 01 themrpmptltains bila( air 5311 In thla-preepeet. A busies ttf +lt will appear in Til Str>AAL free el oh•rge when bills for sane sr• get here. A•k% Acme.. as Work In thetypog iotapttisdmg can bs dose is tbi• a tablis 1s .D ezp.dwos• .ed al** Over 4tftts vim.. be Sowewo *am YeAssoltuAM. We extend our Ihaeb for !eek i ors, and soheit a etatirllsaM e Sas.. TAX in a* 3s VISNUSS.