The Signal, 1896-9-24, Page 1111111 MOT 18 TUI (JHAkPIiIi" Ta I OWA'. ...trema . ZONE DOLLAR WILL fig THS. SIGNAL Fiat One. Tern. THE LEDING NEWS ..A.PE OP HURON OOUNTY. FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2568 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY SEPT. 24, 1896. THE NORTH - WESTERN. Huronit ll MOON at Their Baba.. The Iles dept TWt—Tbare Kseelle.rk+ ttes°eslly Weleened s. learea—The Three ersadred S$ r, sure a • hit W fee SederIci. THE Greet North-Weit..rn Exhibi- tion opened a T•.sd•v rods telt anspse., for taeogb 11 had raised heavily all Mea- d•y sight, with son. o•.• a strung brew that carried tea d.mpnt a away and dried up the roads oonsider.bly. The wind me - tumid ail day, laud tboogh preop. • hale o tronner than was wanted, eevertWorm it was weloomed by the dtreotore as r •t amort of • tine day to follow. The deoeratious were net *labors.) esthete •, tows or on the grooed&, but whit there were to this line were apprepn•te and pie. ,- - tan East street between the b.yole 1 or,tao factories then wr i • tnpie arch lurni.d of cedar, and at the corner of West - e t. another of the same form, but fu.md of barrels. The public buildings all boated the Hanish 8.g, sod our oosu.e joined the prro.seso° by dying the Stam and Stripe - at the Arnertw° Coneul.te. The ate eu- tranoe to the grounds was arched. ahead oats and corn ban the principal items u its ai oompouo.. Inside, the Orme •zbtbitinr deoontd the portions they- occupied, and a R few Unten Jacks placed around ou th buddies completed the embellubment. lb* exhibit of ft mita, grata and yeget- . bles was the Lest ever sass in Godersob, the pears and plums being •hoodoot, their n 'e good and their oonditses ezcallest. Tee grapes, se was antietpa',d, were largely shown. The quality was fine -clam, the bunches oomreot, and the as.ertlse.t all that oould be desired by lovers of tnis fruit. 1 to apples were simply immenw, not only in sue, oiler sad quality, but from the large oomb.r of entrees. Pa a matter of foot, if the apples bad t..es given the nano' space per plate. the exhibit of this fruit would have oocupied i he whole portion of the ba'ip - g usually allotted to fruit and Hai The Sower were, se nasal, pretty, and among theme show& were seam ob.rmusg beetroot. sad .Mottoes. Is ibis dep•rt- e est there were • seesidenble number of sautes. 1a roots sod vegetables, the exhibits were many in numbs, sod variety, sad the best to quality we have seen for swy tsars. The exhibits mode by muob•st° were .11 worthy of ineprosion, for wittiest ezopn.s the goods shove were the beet etf tear kind produced. Oa the grimed Seer we noticed the North Pie loss Ube.ieol Co's dupi•y of" Roe's Pore Seat " ; Roger k Co's, pret- tily arranged skates's' .Dods ; • nestly placed assortment of bottled ale•, stout and other salt beverages from the Weltered/4a brewery ; Haver k L.es'e oompartment of stow s, furnaces. tinware and plumbing goods ; the organs and goods from the tit gen Amore ; the bicycle Marley from The Headers= Company : Site &bow of musical goods •°d .wing m•ohines ode by tees. Thouerie ; Worrell & Co's display of tinware and • ebarmirg boudoir of ladles' work from the Fair. Os the upper fiat the first exhibit to attract •ifestios wee the t'nllegi•te Inuit°.'& display, oomp..d of tsstromrts used in the arson desert.ent, and • large number of sperms@ et the pupils wrung *.d disobey. Thee were Iso on the floor J. E. L.wiil's knitted roods ; Mi. Hillier'& mdlleer7 ; C.iber . Boo.. tome&&& • display d carpe. ; the (.oderieb Wenll, • 111'.. aulastu es ; A. P Moines's ready-ad.ciethiNg; Broihy'. show of photos and the Central wheel a ex- hibit of its petite wrirng and drswng. Towards evening the entries were all planed is pesiuos, sad by she tfm. kit muss - lag at 7.30 all wns le seder . far . the eosin building wee essoer&d. Shortly beton earls the pupils who form- ed the oboirne foamed up at the Sharer Rink. sod led by the' L°eknew br td. =robed to the Asricult.r 1 Halt. Jam after r -rival the ycattr =am reg a taw Patriotic .este to eb• evident pleasure et the aediea., but, tithe wled'woe Mamas and y, it wry net over poste/ be themselves. There was a very fair attead..o.1n the Muskeg, sed the gwuerafy eapr&.al aph- is was, that the Feer we the ilei tele held is G.d.icb. (>b Wedaedg7 averre= eemseted with the show worked hard ueIMeg Oder t et- d.r and by the time the Oise Regal party mach= the feast. all W busk de= that wee pemtbl. M daRion in king ca.tfagce berme•mire in tows wi 4 fwi Wiese dohe er Bemires street mod many ethers were Peeked with vehist= By 11 a. t. the town wee kitty m.wded with visilese,msay of whom were armed the Mersa Al the te hr the arrival et the tush re w ed. pemple leathered at the =Mien asd es the ears slopped at the daxet there mar have been folly fear theme= p�Mspp.preeet As keen es the G•verwer•Clemer.l'e ear was draws se . the Platform. the mayor. Dr. Clerk. ad saber timbers at the reeepebmi see mitres went es beard and were duly 1°.edu°d. ed there a &hers diseemien et the program ted Maw- While this was .ke progress. the hod, width bad firmed .p e sea plea. whe May= Gel five the Queen. At the era - skein elf the NMierel Anthem,, the all haft the sat. mola d when the •srTge• were "Nisi, the start wee mode ter the IReea& juu the feiwip order : viae-Pred- kat 8.1414, --.&. the bends lbs Des - ranee uearthy fore miters.sed . e&. bw D" zsor-Ooeral.�wbers the •essmit►ee and members el the Mtnh ear - pestle= As the siert wee ends the tend Itheed e Beed. Whits and ISM, end ee =Sere wen reared. Th. Maple Let thissioh tie teem Although there was a Wry elwwd following the "is►•eEal preemies, there wee s �••B► Mao masher t the ��� ��g M the egspMWn, the wfsi.peeemits timid haterma the bead sad 1- W hew TIN B : ior*Mpe wag le hest of fr. Weed Med allawio ad Ae ems se thei=misa wim.sd M the essrlap sal mems." 1.111 el the settle welters with a program et the swage on ern. The yeueWa alas were .erdWly greeted by Lard .ad lady Aber Ikea. sad es mesa se they had rersiasd their peeiao° es the platform, •' Cassia, lead of the Maple Tree " area asst. to which the following verse bad bees aided : And teen on .igbtl Hxr'. o For our . dewed Queer eshre, With loyal hearts both good and trate H • aeinem " Aberdeen'. Ad to Maisel( sad lady fair Uov.raing tar greet load Tb. itis . of loyal hearts w. gi Ica ve For deeps beth gross and grand. At its oowlaaiue, His Exoslleaoy roes sad addressed the children in • veru plead it vela. He said it was • very treat pleasant 10 hear them slag, especially patnouo massa and that ,t ors well to be parlor° is deed as well as , word. He thee reminded them that eh day wee a memorable gee. as Her Most Gracious Majesty geese Victor's bad sew reigned longer Inas any other Kriush .vere'•tn. He advised the little ones to f 1 kind ' , their teachers, whom he was pleased to see present. roe they were • bard working oleo, and though perhap the obit - drain might rem they did all the work. they would find bow d&Barest it was if they e ver became teachers. Having expr• wed hie thanks for the pretty programa, basked the children who would like • who'. day's holiday to hold up their band., when in- .• may 600 were raised, and His Ria limey having asked them who wired •11 the chil- dren in tawa to have a holiday to answer is the tame asner,every band again west up. The noble v•si'or& then drove to the masa building sad make • does ie.peottoe of f materna. The ex MAL* geeer&IIy were favorably oammwtd mt. the fruit being . pematly mentioned by the E.rl, while the countess newt her approval of the brand dis- play in the " Ladies work ' .motion, and the eobool exhibit& 1 °e hire .took wt - inspect t id sad the the party lett the gror•ids. A 4mefwe mead the • two followed, dorrg whisk its prominent features sod iedr+tties were noted sed at 4.30 the Vim Regal ear was again occupied. After the departure of the Governer Gem- ent from the grounds, base ball, the merry- gsTouod sod trotting were the •ttraosioss. Shortly before 8 r u. the ala =Adios was 1rowdd. some baadrede having tate u p posttion on the two stairway., and j' t before the osrs.ory of per -ent .g the ad- drewe oonemesseed they were •o obesely packed trot it was almost impossible te force a passage either aper down. The ein,••Ig by the children was dMpsa- .d with, lady Aberdeen =vim oaa.iderd the eight to cold for the little oarto be e:,s.d on the platform. November. they were marched down, and admired tet a to the groaad& where they eojoyed themselves looking at the .oldiers, =teeing is the band sad watching the merry-gu- roond. A little •fee 8, the Ties Regal party arrived. sad wove oondseted to sesta ea the floor of the WJkerville brewery ex - tidbit. The platform was .r _orad= by • guard of honor formed by the 1)' •g&..on e..p.ov of the 33rd Battalion ander con - =ad of Maier Varooe mod Captain Yorig. D4setly their ezo.lhaeies were seated Mayor Sbaraos reed sad presented the to1- kwlag address to the Governer (leaer.1. To His Rxeelleacy, Right Heaenble, the ilei of Aberd.•. K.C. 6.. LL.D.. revernor- eineral the Domuelon of Canada, to.. The Municipal Coined of the Town of Gederieb, aatumr therein with the Great North Western ExhIbIUO. Amod.riea, de- sire to extend to Your Eze.11eaoy • tow words et welcome on the ooesdoa et vote era vials to this p=rti a of tea Proviso. of Onmris, =d to =mare Your Exoeliea.y that we halt •ppresi°te the nigh besot you ban e.drred epee ibis cema.aity by travel - Hag se tar, as.un.tily as .Deb fatigue, to visit our aresal exMM.tisa. We bows treat times to time bees =sob ple•eed is ....go. we are ears, with all Cheadle°. to Mems the great interest taken by Year S:e.11eaery i° the prosperity sad welfare el the people et this great Ds.• iniea, ae Teter• et, we are assured, not e mery formal ar efileAL but hearty sad gea.i°e, sad we Writ %hat year potent visit may set be leae interesting err tit te you than the matey ethers wIMI Your Extell..oy bas ham ti.e to time, heat year es , made throughout tide widely ex- tet.ds! oo°ntry tor the }wp.. of id ratatg Weenself, i& year °HeW .i•r.otr as Her Majesty'. repreessiteldes..1 thi state and medltiea of the Canadian subject. Year a will, we people holieve, tied here • pspl. as Weariless, eaterprba� ee.mited •ad =pelt' to ea your. *cult. Wy se can he fees= .1.wbere is oar Da.iinies. A people Mise devotedly se - tailed M the threw sad pow .1 Her Majesty sed M Balkh inu/t.eieas gesorol- ly, as embdy'sg M. bigbiee development et the art ef eeverewient, wide' the world W over kmewu, .embldag ir.a.s sad e.e.i°y with the Modest freedom amid She °.e.rtty ee property and panes. s aught. wimps. to rsatM Year Fe- .lkeey that tbim ie e°.pr tivety • new sad les.ly .Mead mese .f the D..ielse. h ews even witless the r-.ellemime Melees set yet aid.. " QSs.0 Bath." ga dniiMe Ann applied by theas is the e meter, sad larger leed Beene... le the raw feat .red mesh= eta_M. of Huns. Perth mod Br.... Oar AM railway win e...WuM.d is the yam 1863, sad ser Brut gravel reads er highways about the mane lima. At that tflwi. mush, laded the graben, part et the..euoM. was forest lead sad all was ow end emitter shames' oultiva$sa. me that ear real dem - ql(' he ear arra Maple misery. dates from =Ma year. ee.erieg • pmied lase theta 40 yeses. The .ahiMtMn .ow M years. prow . the i.aeris seawall= ef the airbags - meet with we hese tees made, and jeer - S NP uti we beN..e„ i. • pardonable pride fan aur past sehleveneerne mwswd. IM la.pre _- meat of ibis deur Demlaile. s Ism then in the k.p. time with e•.. sly b e- mw�.� ■Istssi.. e°.pld ss with herr °e - b. gad inssim Msi111t. bis 1eaaklq the.. whisk et se Mehl he skaeehv preened. era program is the feature ms br • lair properties tot W whisk bee may mide be the great. L emesimism permit en te =pram the bops. whisk we mem hearer es/ .ine..ely dm Ise* Y ► seesney ked Lady Ater- i.em. eke yes. may ther'•wih- lt eajq Tam sad shoe yin may terry =with 7•w ks.em ef 0155 p.thSe d the " . tui" His Lordship replied as follows . sad saurian worker is the great cease el Mr. Mater sad O.•tlemen Wa.Rars of the good, yaMse •' tly do1a Hie Nm •e." lib res. tleeldemes Int the Cllr sad To es=bone of as, dome what we mea in Unison comas= : t the Geode around as. it is e °enema& .ares lhlr bsadeomeiy lllamisated address of help and encouragement to koow that ail with its expresses= of loyalty, poblis Cas massless and m8uenee of the high ped- . pirit sad of weloome will be siesta "shod tier to whtob you have been called, is mad sad apprwoi.ted by Lady Aberdees•od "7' to Writhes the objects sod alms which brad salt. I Mee to thank you, Mr. Myer, nee m ss ..00tety Lovetber. eel, for this m.udest•ties d lyally seed We earnestly hope that a long life will be to other warn •'.te to which I have refer- granted to you to oarry oo the good work red, but for i . interests/se et•tsmest waieb wits which your name on both aides of the this address ..utalas regarding the progress Atlantic, 1.s been so loon and . son - sod development of this import•at routes d sp,euourl, associated i..dustry. 1 can •esgre you 1 leaked kr- Tour mbu.m will long Si. telt is the ward with much miasma. to this emit end homes oI Caeada and to geser•tiom to come * heli look b..k es 11 W11b lesel i r. you will be remembered by ibe proudest of Ow of the chief °biome of an 11111deillee .11 title*, • good and womanly woman. like this s to give informer= ,esardmg MY. Mw¢T I)wtlrtty', Yresldeot. reaooross if the oou°try r �d M Gderiob, Uut , September Aird., 1896. the pursuit of Chir development. (&p- ole'is.. i That stimulating promote bee cer- tainly been in operation In my own came. Coder the kind guldanoe of yourself and Mr. Allan I have had an smoothen oppor- tumily of observing many of the exhibits ben today. Among these features the fruit formed • m•goitioent display, and as an "- olpiest fruit grower, I hope to profit by the leformation whioh Mr. Allan was goal *sough to afford roe is ocooection with this ti.e elevuon of the oommanit if department. It may t. • bold thing to say, y. but I bots *emday 1. • tis able to Invite seethe m• mhsn of the (leder in any degree try SCUD. opiate° of my inegd. Mr. Al .n .•g *peke to carryout the atlas which ere set bedtime grown in British Columbia n w....p•rleles °.111.' bngb ideele wbtob you ever up. with chow of this diatom, oi tl I dent hold and whin, muepr.vst me,otosy get • pave 1 obeli at 1 gest het • f.., honor- of work from ey.r IIII•en .Ing mooetooy able mentos. (Leap w.) tt a tie delight. of 1'fe, and the m•1' metbod. by d with what we het • se. tr. f u...derieb and wbloh )°" devote *west, helpful ser is attractive surroundings. sod we shall vice se r -a inspiration in them- Ledtee of Th. Ktulta Daughters I menet tell you how very pleasing 1t .+ to reosve so kindly meeting from the mem • ben of sa Order, the Ciroles of whioh we rejoice to Bad wherever we go Io C• eda. One os000t but believe that the more exist ecoe of a society hearing your name, " The Order of The King • 1)augbter. and Sons, - having se your motto, ..In 8'e Nem.," mn.t •apply food for thought and teed to look book to nor visit with pleasure end selves. I o•000t tell you how glad 1 ma .wfaction. (Loud appl•uns.) monk that this Order ie (derated with the Jo.eph Wtlllaw+, F:. West, Jo.eph Renk National Council of R'omes of Genitals, and los thank you for the many .oto of hoofed - sad Judge Doyle thee preetoted theaddreee sem which In slimy parts of Canada you from Irish mea and Irish women, Ilse 0 -et- have malifestd towards us l can assure aimed gentleman reading rt.I you doe (thief thing far which we ere most To Her Lxcellenct the Coen:er of Aberdeen grateful to you is for riving us . wise and The Irish people of this portico of C. i- au oog • helper in M. • It Iley, your ener- getic and beloved .eoret•ry for the Do- minion. Again, !dies, " In Hie Asa," I thank you. ed• eke tom opportenity of your welcome premium among them to convey to your Ladyship by means of this address tkeir bleb appreciation of your benevolent work ea behalf of their depressed counts western, and their gratitude for your (ga- seous and sacoes.ful plans for their welfare, during your •11 too short stay ,n Ireland. It is the strong .1• sire of the kith at 1..e and abroad that your Ezoelleaky may seem day return to Dublin, and with yor- hseered husband occupy the Visa -Beer Lodge far a lengthened period. Yea wedd nerve • genuine, heartfelt '-alta taus ✓ AILTHL Rat your effort+ did not cease with your departure from Ireland, tor winos then you have devoted mach time sad thought to the faller development of valuable sebumm§ for uplifting and akmg happier their ee- ditioe in life. We do not fail to reoogeire teat this aid was rendered by your Ladyship m • .ga- g er moat oo°daeive to the welfare sad self - roams of these who were benefit' .d by it, ea•bli°g them to brirg into pr otieal Esse their neglected, &ima.t forgotten. •sokmp- liehmeau of design sod ex.oetisa .t these beautiful produotlons, which are net oely • source of profit to themselves, ras- ing many of them from very etruitened cir- oamat•noss Indeed, to comparative eomfort sad iadepeadence, but ore • delight to all who pongees them. Even in this respect your Ladyship u set- ting the good example of seldom appearing in radio without wearing sea of those artistic prodootto. of Irish =ode. Wherever Iriab meg sad Irish women five. the world over. i. Amara•. Austral& or Africa. but above all in the cottages amid cabins of Inland, their =we are grateful to you tor what you have dons. And this is so pent op, esotba•1 feeling, for all .sits sad oonditikse of Ir1.b people, wherever we ars, whatever we be, we ors MI of . one in our admiretiea of your own personality, and in our deep gratitude for yo.r Noble work. We beg, meet respectfully, to subscribe ourselves, Year ladyship's devoted .t vete. Signed Jo ern Wtu.uti.. T. Wsar,t B. L. iloysi. (Ce..iss.). Gederiek, Oat., Sept. 83rd, 1896. Bergreenest" in Miran M the address d address the libeh ee..itte•, gave Mae very ia- terootiampartiesbure ef the .makesda ...s. of the A.s.ehtiee tor the r.s.eragemeet of Irish ladestries of whish she is meet. dead To the weavers of Donegal sad ether plass they supplied Mg.m An ar- Wing ebees to mtanedoelers m their ow° romem cloths of various sera which have all found • ready mirk MM.. midiag materially to the eo.ftert .mid 4.4,penlses..t the shines Iaatthe toes wishing and Wads, week the results were highly ew.°swifel. may we- re sad gfrb make tress Alms of very bean - Ohl deign ked =irksome* amid se high - 1T were they •ppres.id, M eswersl Wier the deemed ter tit. wee . great tact foe every attire made there is .me hundred purehmers. Her Ladyship referred be t1e Irish village M the World'• Fair is Chime. gar= it mewed M he very reelable Seised, mere them see Modred themes/ d•ILn haste* bee seas hems le Ireland ter the relief et these wueti= help, sad M eerie= other ..saes . the United Sears, Oao.d•, Rag- land sad belied pees ware opened fer the . sled the. Irish preds.Msmis. Iedy Abscises referred M the remark is the =dream es M bar wearies ea hpse these artier Irish gook..54 .id .1. dui. end hoped " 7e gestb.sa will de like- wise* H weaeteg gnat et IrW manatee - here, sod Nye have da.phters about is be a.rrW poem ler them seem ef she. h ematite! Wase—•here 1 .. Isd7skdp showed the Liree sea lovely pine d hem worm by b e..U. After Mr speeds win ended there wen • during width her ysap them= veg M•ygi tMmdutk, whli i°_ W were in • leeks* ter Mame eight yes. A• Her Ladyship .us51sded, • d.pu.tlea of The Ktap's D.mghter wen Msni.ed, sal pre.eatd mo address t* led *her- ds= Is was read by Afire. (Le.) White. gad win replied to se assi7 Te Bier =msMer. Lids Abe deist The Hiev�bsrledarmill,�s�tmt ai Gdmhs wel- come thee et 'resift Year Rs enlMa.y a She .emits 5155, the Bre MEM tee yyew. busse tinea is A.d.uys. I. year iL aNa.y IN reesP1wi tie wwwwl O° the oo°oloaio° of this part of the pro- gram, preseat.uoes were in order, and for • considerable time their Ezosllenosrs stood on the dais r td greeted all who passed I a- fore them is • kindly manner, .od many hundred• shook hands with the Queen's re- peesettauee and his charming lady. The toreadors was not suspended until all who wetld had passed through the osuemony. During the closing ports of the rroepuo° the el.c.no light went ant twit*, the mom bong • broken belt, but with the add of a few lamps the noble vietton continued the, to many, very pleasing port of the proomed- isga. A* THs SIGNAL is im.ued long beton the dose of the Fru', it ie impossible to publish the list of prize-wianers, but bops to give the full list n oar next. After reaching bis oar the Governor Gen- eral informed Meyer Shannon who bad ao- sompa•ied him, that he w.. much please I with hi. visit .red with the show in every p°rtio°lar. He also said that he wee sur- prised at the magslfioent fruit display sod the heavy draught horses. He al.n wished the mayor to coovev hie ono eretul.tiens to the directors for Om exc.11•nt manner in which the Ire concourse of .:.ect.tora esu belled• sad personally thanked Major Verona for the eervioss of the Dungannon oompao1. EXHIellION NOTES. The L°eknow band played •dmirabty. The fruit shown oould not LI ' .ten soy- where. oywhere. The Lmkn••w band is not bad at imitating the "pips." Mi. Skimmings presented Her Ladyship wash sees. peens. The •bow of apple. was larger tb.n those seen at Toronto and London. The motto over the exhibition entre 100 was, " Oderi.1 Greer You..' The Ring's Daughters presented lady Aberdeen with • bouUfsl beeriest Tee midis* were quite an attraction •rood town mod se the Fair grounds. The Immo en the Wemet arab win, " Hurt'. apple Crop, 600,000 Barrels." Ie seemed ea though every emend a° amid mama ea the mead was eating games. ISOM lively° Doyle presented • leyely besgailM�y kings. disvwhims,sadd I rNaeiv es d The skildres of the their o•rried resole Dough's mod Calm Jacks, sad as one or the ether was mentioeed la the meg it wee waved Melt to the time. The� of the setup presseted to their eat . l -W. were printed M Tee 8fo- NAL .d byMrMrs. R B S.ith and ..Molder• The trim squash was miming, ear well- known grower who bee sash • world wide repu5Mea . thb Hoe, Mvlag had sa one: - posted Teat frees destrwyiag worms Aebge14. the Wawa.eshes, Colbsems. Osiers* tewaskip, H.ylrM. Chat= were well reeressotea, and ether pert, et Harem sad •diming elates sent • few videos. TeiMes Seams Teluuttie.s. Thursday's Gle1e has the tllewf.R refer- e e= to Ns. 9 Co., a3rd Both., wbikb termed the guard el hexer le His Ito Amoy Wed- esd.y Iasi : A word et praise i merited by the Doe - /posse Ce.p.y et the 33rd B•t.11es whbh did ditty today. The =Mali= bus as* drilled far throe years, sal, neverthe- less, apeua Tema. who tea peat ex- tent f prmotM•, wet We W tees out 64 rank and IB.. away ewer otrength. The mon bre of of pbydque. Pitmen flask wise w of 1dh. sad over is height, seed •11 are etimg-l.ekleg 61i ws. Their be- havior, toe, was omit.mly keenest The p•dmle was purely • vd°°e.er .roe. sail Qeg► Teem frgar.d ter It by Peet, W N tgM.r toe .r thm evenings daring the peel week sad giving some Ia0W.stisee to th... Mere then half w absolute re- .ou4M. hat their week, eendderiag the die edemas/pa ender they WOO �•r y ,x•l, mg their d y w&.. .Ia••prere�mkr.,l.f ,rest probs. Lori Aleri.ea hlg� .p,eei.Mea d the nem gal as ederrtsel1,g that aha posu'1. woe • val. mann w eaprar i te Major 'Vere.. W Isesn i.nise te ,sz.gte the mxa their day's Ps. Tr D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE LUCKY REGISTRAR. °'h.rwaih°rd.•p °°° °y W°'-m.tlo. He w.. •potai.d one od the road sed bridge oo.mi.uoser. of Huron county. fair. Gibson took • very promtneat pars in the Hs Doesn't Get the Mild Hind. fattest •gtt•tlsa, which was at it. b.ighl In the northern amid eastern Rotuma of the meaty in the seventies, and •s•isted laerely in obt•i.isr for the district the good rail- way ta.:ititise which It now pos.ss.... Mr. Looms is • man of good education, • Meer and forcible speaker, and bas dose yeoman •ervios for the Liberal party In all the osm- psigne is the musty donor the last rebir- th,* tion. He poess.,-s all the qualifica- tions of a good registrar, and the prevailing feeling is that from •meog the numerous good •pplloaste the (;ovei,iseot oonld sot hove mad. • batt ,r ohotos. as. one Coal Weed le tzt.°d.d N a sell - tart ae.h°r M tea e.euty frees lip So sate -Eves Pawl Enron hews ropers le framed realm. THE appointment of A. L G t mos, es r.gstrar of Hares, which wee made 1•.d, week by the Ontario Government, at the request of kik brother, the sitting mem- ber for East Huron, hos sot created mush eotiu.Ylu in favor of the Local Govern- ment to enc part of Huron meaty. and even in East Dorm, whom should rejoice .t hav- ing the plum go to ore of iii residents, the gloom u so hem yr that Brother Thomas Gib- eoo's aiority of last .tenons is ooa.pletely obeotred. TH. Slu:taL doesn't need to ex- press an opinion on the •ppomtment. as the satin ooanty,wltlt the es• epuou of the Gib- son family,s up in arms against the de•I,but we may point out that not doe solitary sewep•per of the county that bis come to hand thus for, Grit or To.1, has • god word to .av of the action of the Local Gov- ernment In appointing • man In h1. omen Meth year wboee only qualification for the position is that he is • brother of his brother. The W Ingham Times IE. Hurn Grit) dismisses the matter in this bred ft "born : Mr. Alexander L. Gibson, of Wroxeter, has been appointed Regietrer of the ('ouoty of Huron. That is short, curt, and without . ayes en- dear)* of even the faintest belief that the appointment met the sppm arion of The Tunas or its readers. The Brueeele Post, which is published in the heart of East Huron, and which would have thrown up its hat for Thomas Gibens's anti nuti11001. Wk. at Sandy, and utters no eodoresment, but alludes to the "job'' in the following ging..; way : It is reported that A. L. Gammon, of Wroxeter, brother of Thoe (:rbsoo, M. PP , will be appoint id Registrar of Huron as e tootusor to James thalami, deoseeed. This was decided •t • most tg held in Toronto on Friday of last week. There ie no eodoreme,t the appoint- ment --no " Well doe !" to he Govern - meat. Editor Kerr knows that the ap- pointment is unpopular Ln }let Huron, and that is has mewed the boot for Liberal chances in that riding at the sett election The Clinton New Er., ri honest end out- spoken • Liberal journal as era- in Can- ada, doesn't miaow matters, • d whet it .ye goes in its barony : It itt o°tmuscly reported that the position of Registrar will he filled in . few days by the tippet—unmet of A. I taboos. of Wroz• iter, brat her of T hos. Gib•os. Ten to • phase of the atter that has not been coo• e idered before, and the Government will commit • blunder if the appointment s ratified. Peeso.al1y, the New Era has nothing to say against Sim, hut we do not know that he not any Maim whatever to he position. P+ a atter of foot he was not an applicant. If the Government oould not see Oil way clear to the appointment of Thomas Gibson, who had some claims on it, then it °ortalaly should have appointed osis of the otben who applied tor the woolen. Th appointment of Thomas Gibbon could have beim justified, and would have bees lamentable to moot people ander the oircam• .taroks, bot the appointment of Fh brothr, if made, mover or, be justified. I Siuos this was a type A. L, Gibe= has be= ap- pointed.] pepointed.) The Huron Expositor. owned sod edited by M. Y. McLean, M. PP., one of the ms. - be n who was =nosed by the wily .id area. of Wrozser, do.ea't express say emir' -n, but merely says : Ut Alexander L Gibson, Ib. reatiemss who has reosnay la as appoint" i Registrar eh the oeazrty et Ham, • Gederek earru•- pamdens of the Olobs ease : And thea follows as alleged totem= from Oederi11 to The Olobe,wblob win never sent est The Glebe heal Geder eborea.a. written by Tha (lore's C lderi & eorrespsad.nt, aid bean the ear marks of hewing hest gone up by a smoother of the Gibed. family, .ad palmed off up= the pub= se a diMiat..st- ed opinion. We have ate dy.stie . say yeas, mean writing fe pr.lse et a relative„ hat it 1e act honest to rime it from a peiat M whisk it was not written, said eadeaver .memo the L.prsstlon that et was written by a saga who, if h bad writes. at all. weld ssrl•taly nm have written gook .ty or epilogs= —en the a w eppeimee. T1s is hew they attempt te rill under fat. eaten : The sp laiment el Mr. Alezads L Gibes*, of Wr. meas, es Rsgiiulr.r et Deeds ter Harm is w that will glee geeral mew beim te the people et this meaty, where he is wetl amid widely knows. lir. GIU.ea mew d ta. piemere el She aeration' part d She smeary, hawker moved fate the tetra - ship et Howlett where the vii et Wrso- msewsteeds. is 1899. show* .leer the lands were mesa= ter sale ly the Crewe. gad barter resided there ever d..s owSSee weir - ea '.M River Mate.ad s by that plass. .- leer, waw. melee sad mama .sills. hen Wag bee a eaavpieseas M .tmiesp.l sod pules life, and al- a very amt,. Liberal, has always we - as is sk*s by s b.v4., boss .sled Dep- uty peeve et the ser...ly OaaearvMh. teweekipd newish ter may pew M lee- monithe fwsureSer 1. w_ Rethe laserperatisa e e. a d War el that podia. 1, aneiamatme .a5tl Ms veto.ry reeiremsa& He me lathe Oneny ego ell law fwnwee years e•ss.eaMvel7. gad was . w d Ile .ate emgesisea sad .smhere. La his lam Saar he ealeyed the heaved being timed Wa dee If A. L Gibson were twenty years young- er and all the .trove oould be truthfully staid of him, the (;overnmeot might have bee, - toted to appoint him. and what may be thought of their action when it is known that he 1s some seventy years old, and has had oo asuvity io munio;pel or other poll tt.o tor the past ten or a doze° yews. But if las Expositor d..een't come oat tl.t-footed, the Se.fortb S I ludepoode°tl dose, a. t tats is how it pis. the case : The Liberal mountain .t Toronto Math broagl.t ferth • molehill ie • newly created Regittia for the County if Heron in no leas a patronage than that of Mr. Alexander Gateau, a brother of Thome. Gibson, mem- ber of the Provincial Parliament for East Hera. The newly elevated R•gistr•r may have the necese•ry .taall6oat'. ' and ability to perform the duties pr' • nine to the ofoe,yet the appointment.. . k..o.troog• ly of nepotism that a does freest mast the ap- proval of honest citizens This flagrant & buse of the Liberal principles as really de- plorable, especially so, Doming as it does from Mr. Gibson. who championed the cause •goln.1 members of Psrli.ment, or their relatives, aaoeptiea fifties* at the in.tehoe of the Government. It is • crushing blow to party purity. and well might the honest politician exclaim, " w hen salt the wavering Wen= shake it's rants right adjusted.' 1I'e regret the decision of the Goveramest on behalf of our townsman, Mr. D. D. Wil- lem, whose •bility and able servtose, gratuitously given to the L bora' party en titled Sim to resoraition, and as an Mu catd, intelllgunt Canadian onions would have brought with him ability and dignity with which to adorn this position of trust. Mr. James 5 )'Connell, • gentleman at pres- ent mewed as e000ant et with the Sem of Reid & Wileoe, of this town, • eon of Bet - nerd O'Connell, Ely , of MoKillop, has re celved the appointment of deputy ninon,. Tho wily old Thomas Gitoon secure. both plans for East Huron, enohering the other two Huron members and forcing them to Ake book benches. 1 bey are now comfort- ing each other is disown' the thought, " what we should have done " Nr. O'(' .o moll has the iategrity and eduo•tioo•I abil- ity combined with • practical business training to qualify him for the duties of of• Bo., and we oongratolete aur young friend upon his appointment t . so honorable and lucrative • position. The Huron New.-Ramerl (Tory) deals with the eubieot as follows Many electors would be hard to oenvinoe that " Honest Tom Gibson " has not • finger u the Registry Office of Huron. • ' • " Horne Tom Gibson," M. P. P. for Fees Harm, te mon interested to " my brother " than be is in fair play. He is simply in politics for what's in the dame. • Compare the tarty eery tom of De -del MoGilliomddy, D. D. Waken and William Cots with that of A. I.. (Mb.... who bas been appointed Registrar of Huron. rid then ask yourself why " my brother" men- d the apooiotment Onr esteemed local oo.tempor•ry also has an opinion to rive in oosneotion with the appointment, sod delivers itself as follows : Atter many months of dilly-dallying with e ager •pplioan., the Ontario Government has •t lase made an appointment to the registrarship of this meaty. The leaky stere is none other than Alex. Gibson, the Weil -known ex -nave sod ex -warden, of Wroxeter, brother of the M. L A. for Feat Herm, Thomas Gibson. The appointment will give great s•ti.f•otlea--that ia, to the Gibson breshera--but the news was not re- sat.= with any. enthusiasm in Grit woke hen. Ten 8to,euL has for meth stormed t the masher for the East taking tie o ce f. hitas•1t, as was one time expected. bat ono eootu.per.ry's influence does not seem to have reached " Brother Sandy." What adds to the cartels of Mom and de- pression op this way is the additional new. that • sus of the redm,table Bernard (YCosu.11, of MoKillop, will be deputy registrar, and the bopee and •.pirstio.• d these who were looking for this pmt etre, tee, new broken and .battered. At all of widish the Tories man well afford as smile. Yen, iss s weeder the Tories smalls who they see the pit which the Lever eesset has dipped for itself to Hare oogaty, which hereeefere hoisted of beteg the only Denny . Caaad• that seat three members to tit 001111111101111 sad three to the Legi.latere. salt Cheek is now is rail. Brumsl.: Thies. Fdr•r, d Tam teemerly .h•eeessaker as Rrte.eis, Me stare - ed • ger mill, with .11 the Imam improve - imam. et Pmkertee. Br.mele : Mrs. Wm. 451155, et Bremels Month, who had the mishrtoe . tweak three el her Who by • fall. is able te net ahem Wein, although net altogether ramie - ad yet. abase : Jas. frevees, of the ba. Ilse, win salted ee Rbeerdtee lar week to .t .ed she tamest et his sea., Mrs Vead.- tester, et Oesew. JeaeH.u, Mrd.. whe deed steer Me missal' Weems. Mems : Miss Halliday will Rive up her .carnet M Retries ae the elms d this year. as the haw made as emg•g•mart with the tremens d Iter hams seeekm. 1; miles mei ef eawahiaw. at . geed salary. Yee.ela : We .re sorry te hear that W. R fireMea. 0.P. R wmeiamr. dielesatei fab *Mulder, upraised W .em ani Mjar d his tilde by a 1•R He W hese et dewy while his rials). is odrselag repairs. tie.y i D- 8od,.Iy W rime op D. Reit- niers. term and reefed 1s*1it , ea the 911 ram., Maw We. arm We tt+e0 take pe..seelse °etrespree" Mia iAnmeaes fr1f1 mew M ler ether lar. eme= the peed, • t