The Signal, 1896-9-17, Page 7`conditions In some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod -117e7 -o-' is rapid For this reason we put tip a Soc. size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions gain must be slow, sometimes almost imperceptible,health can't be built up in a day. For this Scott s Emulsion must be taken as nourish- ment, food rather than medicine. food prepared for tired and weak digestions. duet& hem% Chemise. losate litre HOT CORN. Mbbbs-White assesses it le for mom - papers in utoir sesonate of weddine• ,o de - smite the Ariel.. brise led to the altar.' Stabile-- How es Y' Blobb.-Why, meet of the Arts could nd th.er way there in the dark." She (st the ball► -Have yes ttotie.d Mr. west .red'e remarkable deftness and gree.? No scatter how great the crowd, be never bump. oesiuet maybes'', " He - 1- .-s, 1 buoy he tete hie logch.. is .ted np rosRaera.M, where every (chow holds his owe a.ffes ' What w.II remelt' when I am tone A wreath of ruses faded la the grass, An epitaph upon • falls nen?. A careless stranger's mutual '• Alas '" Perhaps some belf-feeiotten line 1 wrote, ice dale unmated and unknown, Some unpaid 1 1) 11 of reins, Reminder of an ev.neaoent Iona Little Diel -Picas m•'•m, Johnny Smart s fleshes' mierakes in Isis writhe Orson. ' Timelier -How do you know •" Little girl- There's three capital S'r in the .ropy today, and he's makin' L'. " Ts•eher-Yea can't nes his pen i.:ttle Girl-No'm, but 1 can see hle tongue e, " Your .o,ennt's overdrawn.- the bank clerk replied To the maiden. with .tern wit searchirg Ink you're surely mistaken : It oast be," rhe ono 1, " There •r • lots o' cheques left in my " The mere ,•eriou• thing 1, the world began Melee "Hoch ,' nn.rel.v wh..pered the horri- fied .lanice.. with a Revere towards the door, ' rhe . in the nest room,.' First Tramp -And ter think w. sktypsd that (roe ceooert last stria :" secoo. Tramp-R'yv' Foot Tromp -Thio here paper save the music was ietezeeatia' " Italie-Have von ..elected a 'rads or pro- fessore for Pour hey Winks-- i shell intake • pinmber of him. " H.. he • hero the, way " He's horn to it. Tell him to do • thing immediately and be wau't think ot it mem or • week " N• ,•.►tewelv)-i)a loo think yonr father enal.i nhteet to mV marrying you ' She -1 don't know ; if hes anything his me he wouli. There is this shoat the ladder of fame - the rungs might be • good deal closer. swell--" Very stay. my men. trot so .onper,. " Tromp-" Alt, thin ' would 1 be after sapoown' that • e'ntlem.a of your quality would carry the dirty things.,' I ets six gime. The Worm Tars.. -Heats " What, you bayou • btovole! Wb, I thought you poettively detested them." eine: ' "So I do, old man, but i've been run over Iona mouth. Now I'm ming to h•., my revenge '' The woman who writes become .aresetio in 'peeking of another women who not only writes, but wit. publishes. 'Yhe is very versatile," as admirer of the tort.- bad remarked " l,e, yea Bet 1 think she m4plaoss her blends: " la what way " " 11 r cookery -husk reads like works of fiction avid her weeks d lotion read like cookery -books." 1,'eree•:ve Steenweg-1'd have von know, n t, e, 1 tome of • rowel family, Nee aat',siataam-- You most have tny- .11.4 a keg dimmer. t'ndyieg-" Do you love as.," the asked fetidly. ' I)early," replied he. " Would you die hr mer "No. my °ree sit• one. Mew is w no - dying Inve ' And she had is make the bast of this. The world today is mere aureate Se know hew mooh namey a w has b .ped than it is to know where he wrested It. A man sever realises hew disagreeable this se own words e vete he M tsao.d 5. s.$ MAKING UNNECESSARY ANY PAIN- FUL OPEHATION. N" 'etre A lichee Meet was te- non raft AND e'rglo PRIMO, or Dee- re rm. i1 was ebresim..i le tie Ivied raw • Now pti►y' age that res of Te,wts'• hset-kesws ray'ioi•ss wee Wavle/ ler saim Raspiest. Mien to tes.�del.g United lass ter • heed Sermati•e el the k • e. y.. _ .lips em wig •a its Mi is hease esMnmmt prevention hese114116":4= . hie .ew, smidIS west Ohs Eni .vitt. glist _vwesrh)tl�••e•emir.•el themselves let Y sp.e. fleet► Atomism illi.► Oast. he takes, ted tt►• ar.ubte i "ash_ fly kaeibt. wit* is low .a Immo- V that whom tis diem bee Mos *will •a� Gyms* *ma r Milmie tarps, el lei m._ by S r • SW by Job. Davi see THE S1(:NAT.: ,ODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY SEPT. 17, 1896. BOOKS AND P%RK)DICALB Cvaanwr normae -Amsn .$ the tend of lttorwter• bearfag epos the imam of the polsu.wj 3•61p.ian Is the ratted &stet, a 'oust valuable seetrlbeitoe is stoic ie the "wooed quarterly ....b., of emotive, Hivr- oar An asuseolly olesr et.temest of ttta pssiiiene takes he the venoms parties is gives, with • oemplet• amount el the pro• oeadiogs of the .sties& ooavo.tissa, hio- erephioal thatcher of bleepers. H.Klsley, Bevan, Le/reuse. Hobert, Sewall. avid enters. Tie ourresoy systeses of •1l the lead. tag onsniries ere eutlised. the rooiprcwity p'Itoy and the workflow of the moist trest- les are reviewed, •to There are fine porn reit. .1 the Isadi0g MOO et all parties, In- cluding 1'11 pars photo-esgravises of Mo- Kinl•v and Bryan Heide. torming • moot ounventent band -be k for um i.. the osmp. .ige, its prswot numhet of 2b9 pages osy- ers the usual world wide pegs of topics -- oomplsts cyclopedia 1sr permenent refer - tem on .1l •ohjenu eiMnreresr 'n dem is every onemtry. It muttons 911 portraits. The re.der'mwt fee the work t , have an ides of 1'. •o. ps .ad ossvr.t-cos of .rrergemwt, It -h'oeld be within reach of every ow, yovog sail n:d. 'Buffalo, N.Y.: G.rmte.o, Cot A Co. pnhli•bsrs: Alfred S Jeb.eton, editor: 40 cents • •umher: 11.50. veer.) - ...ass I. piss 'Demi Away le Eight Ill nth•. Chase's Kidney•Liver Nelle are the only kidney pills known with sufficient merit to guarantee the proprietor, in giv- ing sway hundreds of thousands of sample packages free Ask your druggi.t for • sample if your kidneys or hater 1. deranged M►rles) sl Me mass. Itohby-On say way to school this morn- ing I met the sew boy who hos move,' in seat door Mrs Awes -Y.., sed here's • note from the teachers own, you were lets. 11o19y-The new boy didn't get there •t •IL A CONSTASLE TALKS. Lite erdlssry A.riab..uhleri 1e hides?, biomes het easily Cored re Dodd'. kidney Pine. tit Sept 14 -Junes K. Nehttt, • a.noty reenetehle of tbi. place homing suffered for • lone time with kidney t11M..., ns bwn.me •were tb.t the doctor celled it Th.hetee, and incurable. As be bad the Food fortes. to know that mane owe of this disease had been cured by l)odd's Kidney Pi1l• this news dud not earth) him. He my. he emit straight to Sand.,.' Drag Store, end commeo••ed to we' well on the hest hex purchased. Now he is gobg bis easel rounds pr.is t ; 1)odd's Kid- ney Ptili to evert one who asks the po- tholers of his recovery. Cy deal. ',lany familiar proverbs of the Rumen people have • cynical (hater. Here is • little group of them. After the fight, there are Tots of brave men. Words are not arrow., but they 8v farther. Krervthteg is hitter to those that here eel' in their mouths. The, broad of others is sweet. Pore gold maks itself known, even in the dirt. The rare visitor is • I div companion. IN FAVOR WITH THE DOCTORS. Or. Cedbest. te.P.. aewsre, tine . speak• is ■ Izbr.t Terms .1 Dr. Ageew • Catarrhal P owder. When • memier of the Medical profession hedged in ea be to by • large measure of conservatism, expresses an opnien of • pro. prtot.ry medicine it mmat • good deal Dr t:odbout, the popntsr member in the House of Commons, of t1.•soe, Quebec. masks in highest terms of 1)r. Agrwe•w's Catarrhs/ Powder, not alone •. • nrofe•.ios.1 is.., koowing the nature of this remedy. bet hem pereeosl experience. Hs hos used the inset • eine for osterrh, and freely leu the pohlie know of the remarkable speedy and effective nature of the rn.d+cene in all oases of the kind One puff of the Powder gives relief is 10 minutes. Sold by .1 FDavie. Fee • ratty. A gestlomen who\ has suffered rives this as the modern reoaeps for • party : "Take all the ladies and the gentlemen you 01111 get, put them into • room with • small tiro, and stew them well : have ready • Dison, a onotorraph album. • handful of prints and drawings, sod throw them in from time te time. As the mixture thfakes. meows with politest.... and •e••os with wit, if you have say ; if not. flattery will does well, mid M very ohms Whim .11 have stewed for am hoar, odd fess, *has, tikes, lemonades, whim. *rd splens Before going of • res -voyage or iota the awntry. he sore end oat • tont of Ayer's Palls is von, valise. You may have nom - vim to Meek us for this hint To relieve onoetip•tinn, hiliouw:•es awl nausea, Ayer's Pills ere the beet in the world. They are also say to take. Newspapers es Garatera. The edaearie.sl vain* ot newspapers hos sever bees mere conspicuously shown thee derby the past year or two, wises imp•rt- est soma48o di.oererke have orowded .o gaiekly epos nae another. Tiere is se reader of • geed newspaper s.'st•days who ie net thoroughly posted as to all sdwtiIo disoeveries, so fat ae thew diswverim sae he made kitten' without teohaiaal study end e:plesstiss. The Isforwcatiss impart- ed is the wsy tt.. sat only hexa valoeble for islormstles'e sake aad in Itemise readers tbaroarkly op to date, but it cos - smelly stimulates inquiry and iaelleobia, activism is their nimbi. Mew Has Igigbt ply. Tie ■ share of the wird, es lately &geed. is met that of as •pprozimsMly eager= sieving mw of air, het •t s searem gins of very brier pehatjses. wan- ks( b sesplitnde, sad relatively M the mese me.a...ti .1 the wind, is dlse.eM due. Owes kneeshed into the mess .1 Me wbud, • 8yiag-ai•okhe weld, t .•, it It hod ire pewee is vary Its heleMisee. take •aystts.g• •f thesad dMsseiw se bks wad hhlsg wIY the sewer whist. it would •esomd te eke mer- ry mertry whish N weld have is erps.a 1. Heim with t'bs Heiser, sod Me Mem* mmHg.1 iodides imobeimmeestu-- sir edvYoa la ween Mob% however, et eves crew intheote sal the saw_ I_ tike dr ase s memo poe- sews ea Mos segos I.f111. 1fi1b0•_ 1 treader why Aim we& Eve bad sed w awful time jest Imam My • e eat wale .ugh. •�. Jamey (re/e.tbely) - Maybe N waw% • THE QUESTIONED. Alike fur these who fur today einem And truer filet after mea'n's eters, 'swim* y from flee . Mpkarr ca 4•., creole. lett Reward Is wage Sim There. Why, all the salute aid flys wee d' •- e Of the two, worlds se lssaa. aro thrart Lille (..41.4 prophets forth; their words t0 ru,r. Ars scattered. and their month. are MGM with dual. THE SAME °LI) CIRCUS W. D. NOV/ELLS TELL ' MIS ri;,iT ear TO ITa'NILO Plt. _ _rtL5. Myself. wben ',imam did eagerly frequent Doctor +nd suite. .01 beard great argue saute, abet It &MO about, but .•termor, Came test by fur .stew 4.., wimerola . 1 %eel. telt► risen the . •e -I ,,• wiv!•,nt 4111 1 sow, Aad will my are u Mand wrought to aisle It grow; And till. nes all the harvest that i rer_•.'d - "1 came L►r ester, and like rile! I go .'• • Into this eulvrrsr, -nd why sot kuowl Nor oleate. like w iter w111y-u1By .owl And out of It, as wind molts the erste. 1 knew out whither. wllly'ult.y blowing What, without asking, hither whence? Awl without asklag, old titer hurried henry: Ah. amity a rep of this forbidden wise Rust down the mercury of that lueulenee: Up from eart►'s renter thniutth the seven gate, 1 mese and on the thr",, of Mayan's state .ltd many a toot n,at,led by the Put out the fatale, .sot of Indere fate )'here was the door to whlcb 1 found no kyr; Therm was the veli through whirl I meldout so. Nome Uwe talk a -idle of Ile and Thee There ea.-- aur tbeu 150 wore of Thee and Earth mull not answer: nor the seas t I:, design;; purple '04 their Lord forlorn h Nor ting heaven. %lth All hist sleetsr reeled, And .,Id 'ell by tb•• site., o1 night s r mon,. 1:,AMC: ted eke tatters - head re - head With l.rgeuu. 1 ester.. with Impossible Thies* .155 owe. in lulere Vette Thea,. The circus 'thou'. td Itself In the w,- good old way .ke b•foiehaud by the Valet posters of termer days ,std by a pruftiolon of 11111411 bilis whteh 1. It ulw,n for village sit (runt the cloud* and left It littered every.%here alth their fee- llve pink, a.uvrdlug to ItarperM Week- ly. '1' :e•y proph,-si.d it 1,) a %Aar borne by the test circuit 1 ever san, whli h was ,110, an unio.al show, but the animal. must all he% diel during etc the fifty yew. esti, fes there is now no menage,. , t..,he•1 to 1t. 1 414 not know they N lien I heard the bud braying through the streets of the vil- lage on the morning of the perform - ane. , and for me the mangy old cam - eh, add the pimpled eiephents of yore 1."1 the procession through acruutpaIy- htg ranks of 'buys who have mostly tb be,,,, in their grates ler half a hfetln•• . :tiedlstractled ostrich thrust an adver- road: tiring neck through the top of the cage, . and theIk.n roared ,to himself in the ./,,rl.n"sa of his moving prison. I telt the old thrill of excitement. the vain hoie of something pronatural and 110- 1., lisle, and 1 du not know what could have kept me from that circus as soon es 1 hod done lunch. My heart rose at hat sight of the large tent t whit h 0 as y,'t w very little In comparison with the lents of the three-ring ...d two pat- e- forte eircusen); the alluring and Ilion - cid cry aisle shows o1 fat women an 1 l• -in Men; the hare.' t.-theied In the back- ground and stamping under the fly' low bit, .. the old. weather-beaten grand chari.,t which looked like the ghost ot i. the grand chariot which used to drag re me eaptit•e In Its triumph; and the canvas shelter•,, where the cooks were already at work over their kettles on the evening mea! of the clr:us folk. Thruugbout the p••rr.,rmanie at this ✓ clr•us 1 wax troubled by a cunnus question, whether it were really of the same moral and material grandeur as the ciru•usett it brc,ught to memory, or a whether these were thin and silgttt, •Po. We all know how the places or f good it our childhood. the heights, the tite- rs' ! lances, shrink and dwindle when we go back to them. and was it possible ed that i had heen deceived in the splen- _ due of my early circuses? The doubt • , was painful. but I NAM force.! to own - ' that there might t.,- more truth in It 1 than in a blind fealty to their remem- a bered magniL -.'n, Vet -)es ) Ifkely .ir- e cheese have grown not only in size, but s In the richness and varl••ty of their - entertainments, and I was spoiled for - the simplevitriol }nye .t this.. But vitriolvitriolseer no reflection of my dissatisfaction - un the young faces around rn.-. and 1 - i too confess that there was at least o much of the circus that I L•ft when It wits half over. 1 meant to go Into the .ids shows and ace the fat woman - and the living ekes -ton and take the giant by the hand and the armless of man Ay hl. friendly f,.aet, K 1 right ire vin honored. But I did noun ,d these f things. and I am .Hubelieve to elieve the fault was in me. if 1 WWWIdlti.pnlnt.t.l In the circus. It was I who had shrunk and dwindled. not it. To real boys it was still the size of the firmament, and was a world of wonders and de- lights. At least I can recognise this fact new, and can rejoh-e In the peace- ful progress all over the country of circuses simple circuss which the towns never see. but which help to render the summer fairer and brighter to the unspoiled eyes and hearts they appeal to. I hope it w111 be long before they cease to find profit In the pleasure they gh e. Tb.it of the Thee and Ile who works hind The veil. 1 'lfted up my bend. to dost .t !snip amid the• l.rkn.limo e.. and 1 t As from elth•.ut-'•The Ile within Ti, blind '• -! m ruthe itobal)at of Omar Kfuyyam- SUCCESSION OF TRtE GROWTHS. How the Different glade Make Kay ro Aswther Almost universally the notion pre- vails that when the tines are gone they are gone 1, rever, and that th MAI where they grew is worn out tin to reproduce gd timber qualitl This notion, so datnai-ing to forest pre- servation, also discourages improv forestry on the prairie, where tem porary trees are often planted only fo the present convenience of the pro prletor, according to Hardwood. Alternations of trees are as varied a the ',pe=ls ewithin the territory wher they '(('UI. In the Southern State .- .pec fully, and sometimes in the North urn, oaks tape the place of the depart Ing pine.., and so reverse. But the nt succeeding oaks stand no show ru pared with the poplars, aape•ns emittedally and the canoe birch. -s. The latter grow on moist or dry em places an,l Or cannot eradicate them. Both waft amwings of down their mllik.ns uyun mil lions of almost infinitesimal 81•1211 drat alight everywhere. Burned districts any cleared land are their paradise Hence, all along the northern tler n lumber states and the Canadas even to the An tic circka, these- trees take poi - negation of the denuded lands For- tunately they are abort -lived and oto n pave the way Tor the return of the ulne. Oaks get a foothold, too, Interspers- ed with other hardwoods, for their eecda and' routs, long burled under the !eaves and sn11, get sunlight enough to sprout. These facts demonstrate that N'ith proper management we can have the most valuable trees 1f we only plant and preserve them, and keep out fires and browsing stock. So tar from the forests having a wornout .ell, It Is the hest in the wt'rld. The decay of the fallen :eaves and limbs, the carbon dioxide thus evolved for plant growth again. the nitrifying agen.les of the network of roots form the rich humus of the future farms. Neutralize thin fertilis- ing art of nature by Injudicious cut- ting or burning the leaf mold, and not only Is the soil ilius improvertshed and droughts provoked, but sorrowful al- ternatioto of trees Inevitably ensue. H B. Ayres, a forest expert of Min- n. -note and close obeerver, avers that burned land could not be put In con - d1:15).1 as promising as an adjulnii,rf unburned tract for less than 1120 an arra On an unburned acre cut the nam, winter -+three years before nla investigations -he counted 12117 Ilttle white pine aeeedlinga, two Years old, trrowing under the .bade of immature pine aaplings, poplar. maple and basal hruuh Every woodman has noticed like results wherever fires In the pine re- gions are excluded. The English oaks grow to-dav in place. where William the Conqueror found theft when he Invaded Britain. Por centuries the penes of Maine have repeate.l themselves on their native heath. Given the mndltkina, and the fittest remain while human generations come and go. He Didn't 1 t Arm. te the ta.b,. A veteran tie Coldrtrearn giants. Neth war flti .5s of the Soudan and of Afgetinietan open his bre-est, wag sen- tenced the other day to a week's arrst for berthg beedected, while oi sen- tinel duty ASIR. ranter plate to pre- sent arms bltbe l! -year-old son of the Duke of Toth. who goes In the royal ramify by the nickname tet '• (Ing Ds%'10' TN soldier failed to ~te- stae vitt • nurse or her royal ebarwat )Ratter bee attracted the ateenttam As L..ndno papers end, were t tri g*gdon. would doubtrgm=be .Object M • (Peons - Nos of permeate for the Bumf Di..e uta Aee. only ado in 1.500.0M aecord- bag to . - enthrelty, die from old t►tR Aeeemb to goat, taps is ODM to apopli t y, SW sip -. -,�. a Go ,eowemmMkoa. 45, 00 Nen tornado - , , ,- .-'r • anus I sow,- tflI typhoid,. ypkeid tre=k ae•d s.. ••, o, ,aste,.m 1'u. ,a.e,- deep ing to locality- hut m+tty asrweai. SIIIN p.Itolatlos or tt• glebe Mt Mb1s RtiAhe emcee. :A ailrhillitRrws Rehevrtia, M mild to Will M b y wir at' w bent e Tie Power or amiosetl:y. He was-etply an italian fruit vendor. There was nothing about him at all likely to Inaplre the beholder wBLh feeling, one way or other. He was, not ragged enough o call for especial sympathy. nor un mpt enough to pro - .oke disgust- t to the tr.11ceman on his beat he as undoubtedly the object of considerable animadversion. This was evidenced by the unrelenting vigor with which he was pursued[eem eorner to corner by the over-sealoua guardian of the law. The other day. in a too hurried res- ponse to the everlasting order to "move on the fruit peddler's cart was upset. and his peaches and pears were scattered over the ground and across the street car tracks. The enraged PO- Il.eman oould hardly restrain the im- pulse to use his club. -'The dirty loafer:" exclaimed he. "He did it on purpose --just trying to ex- cite sympathy." "He has succeeeied tben." said a soft voice at the officers eltwtw, and a neat little woman stooped and began to gather up the scattered frult The otiker's face reddened. He heat- tated a moment, and then he, too, john. ed In the work of restoration. To -day the italian was seen pea'e- fully plying his trade on hkt accustom- ed beat, unmolested by his old enemy, the polk•eman.-New York MaU and Express. H.. 1'.h.. Mrs. Conk (who pride henget( upon her rich eake)--Have ip piece or imp cakes Mat Nareve: 'Vim needn't be afraid of it; ft'm not at all rkh. Mr,.. Name, (eating) -(There. there just the kind of cake that sults me Them that want rich cake can have it. Just give me • piece of common cheap stuff. We good enough for me' Boston Transcript A erew,d Thing to S. "Wh0 i was a 'squash elft.` soble.f Wilbur, after he. had been punished for trampling down the corn. "'Squash vines can run all about the gallon, and nobody complains "- Harper's Resent Table. toffee.( Nook ah.tvt.a. There aro shout thirty:nine miles o• abeMwg filled with b ebe In ill. Mosey of the British Museum This atai& epee.. for 1.1M.OM1 volumes • Pella. Londe} Writer. it in maid that Sir Mdlrin Arnold has snefrlbuted nearly 111,1111 leading and - elm to the inndnrt Daily Telegraph. A rawer. 1se.eesetir,... Weer LMhalr vee Pater of Nurem- berg, who recently died. left ASM.JM Sur tar purpose at beautifying tilt eft Site --11 feeder why they busg that p:c- fer.? Hs --Perhaps they ooalde't catch the •rt tet. Tb. t visprsuasedr Tela. London, Rept 3. - 10r Phlllln W. Currie. the British AWbaseadur he Turkey. who left 1.,,•eteu uu bb returu to Constantinople ua Ruud,. lot. was dlre.led before his de- parture to have •• .arty audience with tis.• xults• and to deliver t.. Ills Rajrety • acreage treat Qu. -.s Victoria that etria- lirnt measure., be taken lar pn•.••o. tuttb.•r outrage.. et the sante time tic- Aue•.+--s- dur will present to the Porte a 1, e• .1 r ,1.. !tete Lord **Asbury el a sae u.., . .. ter THE OLD RELIABLE always on hand. The - eft and only Scranton Coal in tbik market delivered at ?8.25 per ton, with 50cts. per ton oft for Ca -h, making it $51175. All (nal weigher on the market scaler;, so that you are sure of goal mama re. SCREENED SOFT COAL, S4 PER TON BLACKSMI iH'S COAL, S5 of WMM LEE. nr lRui.r Quay. EABPZi & LIZ'S ste.. TB STIFF OF LIFE. Ado oration and serhs'itntion in food pre dives bare of late years be••otse leo gra.e an evil. tbovernment.everywbere hese been o rt. In the services el anyalyste to ohne* heir read and save tie lirea of the people. One .1 the most important articles food unacraionably Is RRIAD, For taro wholesome Rimed. It must be mauls from Melt end Hop Peart : foe this reasoo it it castle •olnhle In the luloee of the stomach. or, to ether words.. light of dtgealo•, Hop and Malt Yeast Is pronounced by the hear analysts in Ragland to be the pure aad tnwouters'ed year. and is used by ttte best bakers in the country. IN MY BAKERY Yon can get for one rent a. ntnnh Bread made trent Hop Yeast •• you ewe ter three omits front the premed )erste which are foreleg Memo -her on ter ethltc. but which e'o not end cannot wive the tame swept flavored bread MY BREAD IS MADE FROM THE' PURE: MALT AND BOP VEA'T AND NO. 1 MANITOBA PATENT FLOUR. Try timid prove for yourself. It is the nowt wholesome and sweetest breed that esti he prodenool of any ye+at -.' i he• market. Ws Ong exp•r'ence In the Rakers business has proved three to be facts. D r,ANTELON. I SIINLIGHT SOAP PICTIIRES FOR WRAPPERS A pretty colored Picture for every 12 " Sunlight " or every 6 " Lifebuoy " Soap wrappers. These Pictures are well worth getting. Address : Lever Bros •f ea aeeti.fa., Tsreste. l.Tft, SANDUSKY, WINDSOR, Detroit and Sault Line. Leaving 8aelnaky every Monday and Thursday night at 10:30 P.M., caning at Wind- sor. Detroit, Couriwtieht, Sarnia Oalerich. Kincardine, Pmt Klgin. gout hamptrin,throogh the Georgian Bay and North Channel to the Sault. For rates sad all Information Address C. P. K. Or G. T. R. tlak•t agents. or WM. LEE, Goderich. G. W. BROWN, Windsor, General Manager. 77 -tat Arm TIN Ram furttiilIN1 Two aoz Dura NJLTuarnu,old�TU 3VLT. IN& - itR i I bed wiso '�'la Inesrval• idea aoi SSe Ike bell is titete b fib• wjbd tr�sa a ;Mott lir !m` The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on hand all grades of HARD SOCOAL FT AVU BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF W000 REDUCED. ipeclallatteatlun given to CUT and W000SPLIT Call and get prices and see sampled of wood. Office and yard, NELSON -ST., near Sense flees. Hotel. D. C. STRACHAN Proprietor THE HUNTING SEASON ) • Is upon us, and the true%ports- wan i-. beginning already to pre- pare fur the prince of sports. When you want your outfit we have e.erytiting you need in GUNS lnd SHOT and POWDER SHELL. :Machine ioaded Sheila always on hand, or loaded to your orler on the ahorttatt notice. A full line of the best American Pow- ders always on hand. Call and see our Shot Guo,,, which for .duality and price lip •vits them all. D A_ "C.7IS 0 NT8L Co. Baby Wants It. • Martin's Cardinal Food FON INFANTS AND INVALIDS. The most palatable food prepared, sad is unequalled by any other preparation of its kind. The best food and the ism% ralue, put up in one pound Tins, pries 25 cts. per Tin_ SoldRetail by a1! Druggists dei/ Grocers and Wholesale by KIai11Y WATSON & CO.. PaopaedttIMy :11 hicnsyrusrai.L. PATENT -S i CAVEATS. TRADE •ANAS Ago COMMITS Ohtalesd, and all business In the C. P. Patent Office attended to at monickers PARS. Our office is opposite the U. e. Patent Ot- tloe, and wi eau obtain Patents to lees time ban those -emote from W I RHINOTo.v. Send MODRL OR DRAWING. We ad vim as to tsteutebility fres of ch end we mak. AO (KI RON tNLISS )f:'/, OB. re IN P4 TiINT. We refer. here, to the Postmaster, the Sup. of Money Order Div„ and to °Mlotels or the U. 8. Pete•at (Mice. For c,rrolar, *dries berms and references to earns' ellente le yom awe fume or county write to c • Mgew a If A., 90eoette 1•.test ')Aire, .V.rhinat.n, D C. .r FOR TWEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'SBEST FRIEND LAastiT SALE IN CANADA. GODERJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, Buoor eorte CSrgm.l t Sleek, Manohntorer of ell Wads of 3E3OILEF2tS. Smoke Stacks, Halt Pane, Sheet Ire. Works, etc., etc., Aad healer la - Regimes, Maebisery Castings, A:o. All Miss of Pipe. sad )tip. F/ttj0gs, Bums sad Water Gomm, Globe rid... Check Valvae, Inspirwtore, Et..,.r, sed la- = Osset•etly ea Beed at Lowers • Bae of Nuel Raker avid H. TrwegY'gr nes d k oar• ..d tethers 1leestrleg promptly ateset.A tri A. S. OUTWIL. w« t se o.: waw.,abw m*