The Signal, 1896-9-17, Page 44 IBS SIGNAL: aODBRTCR• ONT.. THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1816. c ,sinal, is eusememi /VERY THURSDAY MORNING ST S. 11101111.100•11.11 Oise et Pates -ate to X %k- S Ter_* or us1meelpslea I roath, Is advance rim... taowthe. Btz Has rear. --- • to O SS 1s. Imola al Tone L.lr1. Soar ',.bel Is a standing reoeipt 01 the date 10 which you '"^ pwM nib Doe. that It is no. •flows& to tall Ints err00,. bin WI d. • chum. of address le desire tue o e .ad the sew address eborld bogie's. Advev/1.lwa Rate. 1. ga1 lad other casual ad vertleemente. M r Itae for arta In.rvtion, and 1 Dens per line for mob eab•.Qaent In.ertlon. Alemured be • ..'areal o&s Rn..us cwt. of .Ix Ilse. and under ss per • year, of Loot, tonne tinged Situations Vacant. Btttietbeu n'ed sad Breuer Chancre Wanted e.o•sdlag 1 Uses soaparell, 11 per moe.'n. Rooms oo hale and r• -'rue 00 Bala X01 1 sassed 11+•.+. 111 for artmnMo• Ina tic •.an nt month. Lamer ad vol. lo p,oportb° 1 ny •peciel notice, the (Newt nt wr,'Mr- lam" p rn.• ntr the eonl.ry benefit of d 'ed... 1 or company. to be a.neldered as s yS1'I..n.rn1 and ohrreed an, ^'n. -'y, I.vsl Doti.,"in nonpareil type one rent word, so notice. less than lac.Local r IWO omits pernotices liordinary rnotto tordIng lose them :Int• Notices for churches and outer religious 011d b.nevoleot Institutions hst? rare. ant..criher who tell to r- ee•eire TRI 9ral10L r -malady by mall. wI11 c ^'^r • favor by a. - g00101ing as of the toot et so early as date.• possible. P.bll.ker•. J. C. Le Tou.el. of Ooderlcb, has been •i. p.+n'et1 Loral Travelling Agent for the tow, shim of(iodench• Colborne, A*hneld and We wenoeh. Local poetmaetoro over the dl•trlest are *iso empowered to reo are suh.crfpttoo. to THE 9tu At All oommuntcatlon• mt... be addressed to ll MoOli (CUDDY, Tam Neural., Tele sheat O.II fe. o.AMtele Dat ADDITUNAL LOCAL NEWS. IT Teem reit LOAD. On Salard , W. D. thee/tom, of Ashamed. left at tits Mies r apple of the Keotl.b VIU Basket varMe) weigh tog wveateeo sad ass half .mmaas,Yd e.wotiwt 141 laches ewe way resod, and 13} the other. So fee W. 1) G. leads by li Dooms is weigbt sad f is. Is /trek. 001116 10111. TRUINDILY. A*PT. 17. Iia SNAP SHOTS. Now let u* all get together and lick the treat Northereseeru into good shape. Woman p0 Ydt' BVT Yovs Boor. A"' Swots e -I gel teem sA J MoN•agbt e's Dew boot and *hoe store, whore I me get goad mooed boom toe .ay oblldres •t • •.r• low prima Moak, women's, boys', stria' 0 .11 kind* end at all prime. Come sad ee for yourself. Kepalrieg neatly and cheese • dose .t Jolla McNau4btesee THE 4 1vrrravl YET. -The executive e! the Smith H uroa Teachers' Aesoouttoa at. is she Collegiate library oo .`.turd.. to fi the days •od mak* out .• program for the forthcoming teachers' oonveonou. The der• for the meeting will be the Friday and flet. urday following Thanksgiving day, and then will be the must *vested misting ce• Fruiev. The committee is at work prewar log the list of thew who will take *abject., which list will he forwarded to members it due time Wag R Srtenot'-A few deye stow as well known citizen was walking slows *h• *oath pier, hie faithful collie attracted ha - attention sad seemingly asked tor • betlie re. master, ever ready to please his cantor eerveat, dropped him into the I.ke ea tha south side. The dog west in with • nesse and disappeared, n.tng .gain onto dragged from the bottom by would be moon ere. Then has hseo oonsider•ble dtaoanien neer Collie'e death, many holding that 0,, dropping Into the water he was grabbed by e huge poke sad held under till death Dame . whale others 000tead it woe • clear me. of suicide Fkl t:% i.e. -\'ash. G. Collins Provincul °re o'zer of the Chosen Frieods. h.. .aoo.ided in establishing a strong society in the village, and on Fraley even oft last, twenty-two chartered memuers were initiated into the order. lir. Collins is *nil in Luckoow, and aspens to ibcfwe the membership to over forty. As the name implies, it is •.octal as well as an Monaco-. incest). s.u10 o- incesty rod its membership is mate up of both Ladles and gentlemen, and as the rates tor iouurence are extremely low, we have on doubt but before long this will be one of the •troarestesocieties to the village.-Luckoow Sestets!. A 13i.. HIT. -The .tatemeot that the Wilma Dramatic l'.mp•oy tot -ended re- matniaq another week in Peterboroweb, wee received with greet applause at the opera house hist night. During the poet week the oompeny have won golden opioicn from 1 wbo have attended the pertorm.nce0, end each .ucoeedina night the audiences have grown, until the climax was rwscbed loot evening when the open bones woe full to the doors. The ol.lnn made by Mr. Wilson that there is not . ".tick" in the entire Dom may, has been substantiated daring the week, s each sod every play has boon pro- duoed in • matinee deserving only of peewee and that in no .tinted measure. The theatre -going public of Peterborough will Ware with pleasure of Mr. Wilson's tatea- t:no TO remain to the town tor another week on aocoont of the cancellation of the dates in another town. Mrs. Wilson has joined the company, and se her relent. are too well tecogolzod to need soy comment thereor, the opera house will probably be crowded each evening next week. This oompenv will occupy the Visions opera House dui - ing week of 21st Member. THE POET. -Who will . ouutermign the cheques for the female Government clerks shoe the Hon. JOHN HA,x;ART his becomes retie of past gestation' - -Everything seems to he moving along in good form 'Moe Laurier assumed the reins of office. and even the Tory In- dustrial Fair, of Toronto, show. • surplus this roar. - The way the roterefte and the Tr rem,. sod the other Oppo.itioa chap, are jewtntt .goner time at Ottawa Doe would almost imYgine that • hill indemnity was their object. - The nerviest man on earth i' resident of Falb River, Mies. His wife died *cess time see, and he reossijy tried to merry his mother -is -law, but the .uthor• Sim prevented him. NFY18TO? O?Y Important Events In Few Words For Busy Readers. VIM Rash world'. *appenlwpa ca.efalll Complied and INA /ale Wier and aiY+.(lve mite- ser 11/0 Mahon e Warr raper -• ,w:►J sear'• lta)geeesat Oa rsenaras1•e BaleessitHes. TRU WOULD 01 WOOS EN. A Normal School for the training o! teacher In domestic science is to be opened in Ottawa. Thr young W"'.nen s Christian Ase emaciation conference at Hamilton clos- ed Its business fast week. lir. John McDougall of Montrose was eleetal president. Tilts PIO KatlW1L U. Mowry & Son's mill at Fenelon Temps EVILS burned. entailing a lues of $4MS . The building occupied by (he Mont- real Steam Lau, try Co. In Mont- real was cwmplei ly destroyed by firo. The Loss is esti .ated at mon than 8100,000, with an Insurance of 00,000. THE Atiltit t 1.11 hal. WOULD. The Western Fair. London. opened Monday. Canadian cattle are again belnit shipped via Boston. Friday was the last day of the Great Toronto Industrial Fair at Toronto. and the attendance ore dodo above the average for the closing ,.ay, Tlis F:xhitettou management cat .• l.eratte- late themselves .'n the succ-t•esf'ul con- clusion of the largest attended annual show that has so far been held ruder their auspices. 'rhe live stock dews were never better than this year. .te 4L11l+:*1. Brakeman Kemp fell off a train near Welland and was killed. Low water has caused a blockade of vessels at the Galops caned. f.1 Ht'711n CHAN'. has sailed for the Celestial Lord on the attorney Empresa of Chita, and now his onent-ymen, of lino (Iry proclivities. will resume rte squirting of water on welshed goods, preparatory to the ironing prom. --The armed neutrality between the Hon. CLARAE W.11.1.1'*,of Woodbridge, sad that other •0000mpliehed statesman, the Hon. WALTER H' Yrillci►v MooTA,.e1, of Dunnville, his not been bridged over by the plumage of time. The horn* •n *till looked. - When we hear a delinquent sub- scriber bragging .boat the ane financial position he tw0opies,we are reminded of the 'trolling player, out of a job, and out of el- bow', who mend, " I have money --money to burn, but I doe t like 'moos." Pat op or shat up. - -The able editor of The Gorrie Vi done has bees shocked by enlsrrement of the spleen and i.tr.+ in s critical way, owing to the inability ot • rustic eggregaiow of hell town from that °twh n to down the say end festive batten end ballets of the county tows. Verily, lie herb hie sward. - -The managers of the Toronto In- do.tri•1 Fier now boast of • earplug ot over 115,000. A goodly portion of this surplus w•o obtained through the fres edv.rtmiov of the by fear is else oedemas of the °pantry pre.., which is enno.11y hogged for by the indefatigable.eoretary. Next year he ought to be able to pay hi. way. -The little children of w native wheel in Hannah have emit g25 for the re- building of one of the ober:hee, wrsoked by the oyolose. The pboroh had formerly helped the school. Next it will be in order for some of the oonverted b..lbes of the Feast to mire miwoa.ry looney to oo.vort the u.re reser•ee nomteal Christiana of the wild end woolly West. --R' ILLIAM Jslrlftlttta BRIAN, the slime osodid.M for the Pres lestey of the Vatted Motet rot off • pretty good mime on the shaky Felitlot•a the other day whom he said : "When yea lied • sees who re fuse te tell you what he is setas M de. arise yea end • we who will not take yes NW hi eesldesos, toil him that no power en earth sass set yea to take him itte your eeaddenes." the first vote of the new Parliament has been recorded. Mr. Tester's too thin condemning the Geyerament for the Issue of treasury warrants ores Inst On a vote ofIto111. TH► 115Alt. The funeral of Rev Canon took plate at London. Ex -Aid. Jobe Ritchie, an old and well-known citizen of Toronto. Is dead . The Kev. James Vaughan, a brother of Cardinal Vaughan. died In London. Prof. Luigi Palmieri, the celebrated Italian metrorvlt gist, Is dead. H.• was Se years of ago. Prof. Francis J. Child, Ph.D.. LL.D., of Harvard University. died In Bos- ton. He was 71 years of ago. Prince Eaton von Hobi nlohe. a De- puty of the German Relch'tag. 1' dead. Ile expired suddeole, of hear' disease, at Goers. Judge Lacourse, senior judge of the County of Waterloo. Ont., is dead. egret 01. He was appointed judge h' Sir John Nacdonald's Admirastratlon In 1173, CItIL'S AND l'RIMINAIS. hors. Mattie Nolan. the mulatto wo- man tried at Sandwich un a charge of put*,ning her husbanit was aaqult- ted. The residence of Mr. Levi Waller. one, of the wealthiest citizens of R'llkesbarre. Pa., was Dlown up by dynamite. Newman. Mr. B. Gilbert, an old resident of Brantford, Ont. on Saturday took a dose of carbolic acid In mistake for medicine, and died shortly afterwards. Mr. Alei. Wherry.Inspcctor of Public Schools- Peterboro, Ont., was drowned In t h. river at that place. His coen- l.anteen. who could not sworn. reached the shore in safety. % 11111.(1. 1'11ENONE!IA. The worst northwest storm of the season. accompanied by snow and sleet, raged all Sunday at Narragan- sett, K.1. A despatch from Grand Tower. Ill.. says that Saturday morning an earth- quake at thirty seconds' duration wae felt It proceeded from a northwest- erly direction A hurricane from the southwest passed over Paris doing much dam- age In the centre of the city. A num- ber of vehicles were blown over and young trees torn up by he roots. The windows of the Opera Comlque and Palals de Justice were blown in, com- pelling a suspension of the sittings of the courts. The lain fell in torrents. 1 eft. tauteTlL1.%L test Htl.1/. The strike of the two thousand Chi- cago hod -carriers, after more than a month's struggle, has ended in a vic- tory for the men. A number of vital questions to work- ingmen will be discussed at the labor congress in Quebec this week_ Among these are the Amerlean alien labor law, the Chinese Immigration policy. Dr. Barnardo's waifs, and a number of others. 'Tis now the poet takes bis Saes And lank ..n lab as fan ; W. ••Iw " And fres," Aso "erase, And "breeze," H'. job's an easy ono. -Wwbiovtoo Star. And ec-'w when 1)ecember °mees,- Tbe poet doesn't fltnob ; With "snow,' And "blow," And "mistletoe," Ile ltkewiee hoe • cinch. -Somerville Journal. Peter D. Wheeler was hanged at Digby, N.S., for the murder S Anne. Kempton, a 11 -year-old girl. whore he Vied to assault, and afterw..tde cut her throat. A roadhouse- at 1[eadowbroeek. N.I(. vas burned down and the b wiles of Ars. Dutcher, the proprietress, aft•: her .on were found in the ruins. Mur- der and arson is suspected. Arthur Prentiss was found guilty st the l'otw'urg aaataes of the murder o' Mr. Thema* I.ingard, and sentenced t y ('hancellor R•. yd to be hanged on Dec. 17. The jure added it recom- mendation tb mercy to their verdict. A petition fit being circulated for the release• of the prieonere who %fere sen- t, need for participation in th•- Field Whitecap cane at Wingham. Ont. Th families of four of them are now on the verge of destltuti.'n. PI'Np:1.t 1•CRW1NAL. Hon. William Harty is at Montreal. much improve' in health. LI Hung Chan^'s gifts to the Queen are valued at five thousand pounds. Hien. Edward. Blake arrived at New York on the steamer Umbria from 1 Jve•rb.a,l. The eorrect title cent rred upon 1.4 Rung Chang by the Qu.en U Grand Commtvder of the Victorian Order. De. Hansen, the Arctic explorer, was received with public honors at Chris- tiana. and was decorated by King Oscar. AItrod George Whit. head. the Am crimen dynamiter recently released from, Portland prison, will embark on board the Lucent at Queenstown to- m.-rrow for New York. LI Hung Chang arrived at Vancou- ver and embarked "n board th-• steamship Empress ..t China f.er hour - His reception was attended by a lard number of Chine• The Czar an .na landed at t'..penhagen fr i, and were re- . ,-i ved' by t - and Queen of 1'enrnark a w -n Prince and Princess, t COIEIEII BAIIIil CENTRE. JAMES ROBINSON. WE intend to nuke our new Fall Stook of Dry Ooods move rapidly, that is, if tow prices have anything tgwdo with it. We want to have you know that we are squeezing pries down to the very lowest 01 compression point, that it is poe*ible to give them. We point with pride 10 our prices. Our new MANTLES and CAPES now in stock. We ask you to oce..pare Quality, Style and Prices with any store in Goderich. New DRESS GOODS Again we lead in the Newest, most Stylish and the Testiest Designs of tr season. Many allusive patterns. TWEED EFFECTS Again we ask comparison in Quality and Prima. Fall and Winter Novelties, are overflowing with Style, Merit and Attraction. You ignore your rightful advantages if you omit to olaim the advantages offered by the great Mantle, Dress Goods and Linen house of Gojericb. The Trades Union Congress In Edin- burg passed a resolution in favor of the nationalisation of land, [nines, minerals. royalty, rents and railways, and the municipalisation of all water. artitic-al light and tramway under- takings. POLITI(•r- I'O1Rtti!1. The visit of the Czar to England and his conference with the Queen, are ex- pected to have an influence on the Eastern question. The Spanish Cortes. before adjourn- ing, gave the Government unlimited power to sorrow money to prosecute the Cuban campaign. A•d w'nen *baton day draws sear The poet doesn't mind, For " needle" And ' boodle' Are never hard to and. NO LIQUOR AT Al L Tf. rrsbIbllloa .1' tee Sale la the Com - mews will be *Wehrle. The Liberal Goya -assent organ has en- nounoed editorially as hollows : io 110010 of the comments apes tbi abo11- tion of the too •dissect, to the House of Commons there is en tmpIIcaties that the prooseding is merely formal or t•nisal, and that the pr•otios milli* areheaged. No- thing could be tardier to W tenth. The authorities bete resolved thee there shell be no resort for drinking is tM pert of the building they meted, ted this rssdatlew will be carried out es swbse•wes and net merely is form. A perverted legesolty may suggst motions tion. of the law le e.seee- tees Walt the nee of liquor M sSa* er is sows other way, bet if soy .tempt d this kiwi fr made It will be mot and dealt with so that the spirit of the sew regulation will M observed There will he Ito each this' as tuning 1►s reHamreat late • saloon epos the pretext of baying • biseaet or • mad - mak. The whorls** do set to make farcical regulations _Toronto $tar. -The gaudy young guy who con- trols We panes ea the Rlytb Robw rooms- ly worried • wile and teak hie honeymoon trip M the Reek se far as Walton. iaet week he gate a d.s..lpti.s of who he seem his beseymeee ..d tried to mow the impression tees the happy ore** bad es - Owned in Gleefisk Amber the trial In Tar the bewe& d the iNyth fell we nosy say thee the yews eAs won't is (ledeeish es the as.plei... seeselsa, .ed the speak' report * reused to rhos tows is m.eely the reo.rd e1 • siebtr.•re whisk wee his earths hetes his trip item Roman : fbtsa Itesdd. sew 4bk bleak ti Isarfy and w esdmetand gr be Wan weNis. The Sultan of Turkey L said to be Incapacitated by disease from govern- ing the country, and his dethrone- ment becomes more probable every day. It Is reported that the Prince of Wales has arranged a meeting between the Czar and Lord Salisbury at Bal- moral. when the Turkish question w111 be discussed. Ml' ICI zags. Mrs. 8. J. Cotter, ., respected resi- dent of Northport. committed suiteae by cutting her throat with a razor. Constable CruIckshanks of the Northwest mounted police. stationed at Duck Lake, shot Wlrriseif there. Milne Flannigan of Portsmouth, Ohio. a child of five years, deliberately attempted to commit suicide on Thurs- day by swallowing carbolic acid be- cause she thought her father was go- ing to take her from her mother, from whom he had obtained a divorce. Mfrs. Flnklesteln, aged A0. died In the Berlin. tont., fall as a result St starva- tion. She 'lied been cominitted to jail a few- wee ke r. 71, for lunacy. after hav- ing ire el to cut her throat with her sun's razor. During her term jn Jail s.,e refused to eat, with the a ve re- sult. A cablegram from London says a company has been formed with a capi- tal 0t E500,400 to build a Ina. in.- rail- way and carry on a shipbu.Liing yard In r`'ancouver. The Anglo -Canadian trete still ad- vances and the Imports into t;r.•.t 41 -.- twin from Canada InrretieerI thirty-one per cent. during Augu.t, Sr . -.m;oared With August of twat pear, and for the eight months the Imp.'rts frot.t Canad increased nearly thirty per sent. The business situation In the I'nite 1 Staten, as presented by the :Sea %. rs commerical alrencles. whew. a.'uall no improvement• Financial uerr•st 1(111 prevails to a considerable extent. an.l manefaet0rles and mines •re dentins or adopting short time. Strikes at" not Infrequent ant prices of all kinds The ilnminion Parliament will have been is ..wioo far thirty days tomorrow. It is evident from the wooer is whisk the Op- poalties has spent the thee of Parliament these he mtembere de sot mesa te ht the Hewes adjoars fee ewe time yet. The O.,. .r-Osaoal asd Indy Aber- deen arrived is Landes en Tomb/. They made • stay d • ample d days Is the May, bet they leave plenty of empeemerts to keep them busy. lord Aberdeen's fleant visit woe to the Weenies TW. The serdial- Ity of his ransoms le Wtedesr sad Ohne- hem es Saturday meld warmly here been master. 110 Teresa* World swims se arms ll Ma- rshate a Toledo, 0.. p.par.4 to hem. In Ismrw b beM Op ea as •mite noesis► Why is it that O.emsrv.tive papers se psr- dsssutly SGp them lying lettere, Gest oat from chssduy W meows el the Liberal t De they think 1t Ieg*4male warfare sehots oo prerarimsaes Owe Ia0011y of produce -re very low. Rcvcra4 Im- portant failures have al.n nunewhat aocentuated the depression. r411.1TFe-•- 1. t e 40. Complete returns from North Oxford make 'Mr. PattulIo'. mal0rlty 711. Mr. M. J. Davis. Provincial Secretary, was re-elected by •eelamatkon to ro- t North York in the Ontario •lature in the Dominion 1, use• 0f Commows the vote for 4444.500 for the annual muftis drill for the present year was paesSft through tt. anal .rates. Repro sintativee of the Railway lem ptoyes' Asmoctatlnn waited nn the malar - eminent with the ohjeet of seeming legtdstios for the protection of their Interests. Mr. Laurier stated In the Mouse fist the (lov.rnfnent Intended to clot the pewit/din of the !atelier to going gem - ovens', from the Northwest. Se wits not prepared to state woe or whom of Wales, and other me• ,i ..ee royal family. JI.A-•Ilei RD. The Britton Asr.clatl..n's annual ....ingress opened In Llv'er:.sol on Wei- nenday. The rat, of t- ration in t'hatham this year will be over 21 mills. The Interprovlt coal Chr,etlan En- deavor convention opened in Ottawa Tuesday. JAS. ROBINSON. Ooraer Welt -at and Square. Leases. : The Enema nod Cions ltles- ttw Cemp.' r .10 not propose to gore N eag• .good b.m the r'- ))• They have applied t., the township e - Tari.t.erry for pet miesion 10 ' .m 14 • track end run cwt' nn • h.• 1 „bead reed. from Tee.weler fn W'nAb•m sad from ilk h.th.m to I.acksow Two boys believed to be from To- ronto pawned a 4100 diamond ring In Hamllten. The halance of t6,eoe.000 0[ (the Chinese loan was tasuued in London and Berlin. The Prince of Wal wen Leger with Persimmon. *the of tbe Derby. Two cars of the H Railway crashed int each none of the passengers were se injured. Herr Krupp hap dlccharged all forelgilers in his employ, oat the ground that they divulge secrets to foreign governments. The British Trade Unions Ce'ngress passed resolutions favoring a more practical spwtem of education. and sl- im favoring an annuity to all political prisoners. About 'MO French-Canadlans have left for Brazil. The climate Is very bad. and the Government Is urged to take some means of warning the people. Mr. Chamberlain has written a let- ter to the Colonial Agents In London advising that all the exhibits of the British Empire at the Parts Expos- ition be combined In one division. The It. Q. T. 20 -mile handicap bi- cycle road race was oonteeted on Saturday. starting from the Wood- bine track. Toronto. There were more than 300 starters. with 234 finishers. W. Slmpr'n. with 1014 minutes' start, won first place In 102'1 ala. Cassidy made the fastest tl• 11th 2 1-2 minutes' start. he oxoet the course In 1101. rot Ms!( O► WAW. Major -Gen. Oa.colgne paid an om- elet visit to the military Damp et London. Vice -Admiral Ste John Hopkins has been appointed to command the Medi- terranean Squadron. The Third Brigade has started from iCnbeb for ,Absarat. This commences the advance upon Dongoia. Meetings of Armenian sympathleers are toeing called In all the great cities of England sad at several of the capitals ot Europe Seventy-five elands of arms of the new bee-Metfoed pattern Warr esrvw1 out to the cadets of the Bared Will tary College et Kingston. 'l'1t Matabata suets haw. made a complete surrysdlr to Mr. ifeec'I Rhodes. Me dilbptay'd great enterer. in going will" two companions, all un- armed. lab Use ■atop. Hale k, treat with the rebate elaught.r min emote perused an checked ha lNtillerinswAr. These le no safety Ar =amiss Ontd4 or as - that tis Wnom& gunman of titin city meg be mamma oat the 4t. winner adlsl er, but TKE lehL.§CENT WA H E k .. . 1t ..Mutt m..:bines to the past have Dever met with very gown' favor -sever .mesad to meet all the rrquiren,eots of the people who used them -sever, in foot, semen to give the setiefwluon thai • good m.chl.e ttsesld always give, the maim being that they were either too compho.ted, cumber nag, hard to operate. or too rough and herd oo the clothes. Nooe of thew otjecttooe exist with The Crescent. It bee 00 outings. coenectlo0s or oompllo•to•*. doeo not rnh or weer the clothes, tear dr but 1001. Cr tire you out In operating it. 1' haat no barbarous craze m00eineet, s.0 tire's,* reaohieg lerwerd, end no bendier up sad 4awn to remind v.a of the old woeht.l' or give von thehook-sob.. \ .0 stead perfect- ly Pr( of while operates" The Cmeeoent and it works so easy that • abald stay do tbe welling. Itis easy no wooUes gumtr- ee/wenn. knows that rubbing will muse is el - em. to shriek; ewv es law sad fragile fab- rics, end it u sew oo the operator : better WOW` Dot the cloths thee wear oat tis wife sad mother who wash•. them. No mach.oe takes leo water then The Creroeet, and you may meets the clothes is either sad of It, er in both rade •t the same limo -it's a doable machine- sad when von are t hrourb w•.hug you do not need • tub to biota the clothes in -you just tarn • buttes and lift oat the levers and you have the whole Wide of tic. machine ter blueing. See The CPes- oent before porehasisg. M*nufaetares is tows by F. 11. ROSS. Aewte tremto W ever the 1)emialse. Fall -fie. Announcement. ienanarivq fears hire Sair'.msed Impressions. ir r IR I A LS of the past remind us that to make our reoorde shine, we must 'save our prints behind us, marked on the semis of Time. And that's just what we do. For instance, for the week be- ginning Friday, .Kept 11th, we will have a table tilled with artlelee all reduced to 26 eents. The Fair. New floods and Best Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable West -at Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality. Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. A Careful Buyer The mimeo f7riaa4ron. mail Ad petrel /ewaoae, has been seilewed to modes -vow at edoeMa, odd S is ea - period that lief land .Ul la the nese future tate a lend Nur Ws• ht ewe - Ing the abdlaaiice of the Mman ct Turkey. A number cite t 1*0.4. ith tem Army who erg from theiriseme qom mends and the tmmert♦srtS the island at reennim hew Usarieis beimwlpetr• la the Dossh■w Mauna of Comslel• ley is. of meow tic douse o VICTORIA OPERA HOOSE. -1 SOLID WEEK - SEPT. 21 to 26 Inclusive Zho Wilson Comedy Co. Beery gf.rvey slew wlealev James Illnenion Jewa$e W.edw.rth A1em, Ilaraeaw 11twale A. aer1M Albert Item.'.* \e•• Irwew Mlle Hess Florida and I'.*asps. ithe Spanish danrerl Everything CLEAN and PURE. He•ae1fs1 Costumes Beautiful Stage netting. /Meaty of Singing and Dancheg Change of Play Every Night WUi 'sleet his goods ear.fdly, hove ick .Mikes made right, and pay the right bled of a pries for them. YM shay reM auurs& whim yes plato your order with se yew is - wrest. will be sere/ ally preleased. No ens shines esatnteseive•Ilse ww de, bea.tefsl ga.ds,and sold at Genre I1M will Ssa4M you to save wow. PRihHAM Ti ?WAA - mpYATES 8011001 BOOKS Crowded Houses Sven where Popular Prices - - 15c, 25c. flee his 1011-p ge flap $eribbler ; it In is a good ems Oesepi•M Meek of alt nsa School Mepplil< oda.... 3L*J$ TAT$$ Tbls moos beim,* to CATTLE BROS., PLUMBERS and MINERS Be'Utee-et. GOAL OIL FOR BALE. Now OPEN The Balmoral Cafe '1%e prettiest 'mod bed-Fh.n:uf,'d GOWest of , formate - - - - At The Bahr eal w he eblMd a I etw fist tache and Werm arc v MIth the wrest d e eselholl kit.. --- OOWFECTIOles Ire=Ise= tee torr P1 l . V' TMA,00111"111 sed LUIiCNIs Metes iotaaVgltrema rr.Yattt.r..ne+ « ?RU MI. J. J. Willa