The Signal, 1896-9-10, Page 8emillanewear.
Important Ev.ntslnFlew Word*
For Busy Readers
tie Suss werin s alapee.daos tate/611f
foneallN and rue 1.1. •aper wad
a$sreetive Nape ter ilia ns.drae et
Oar reser -• *elle'e kaleroaese
ea rarearapbN lereeraUw
With the nomin•ulus of senator John
M. Palmer of Illinois for Pra.Wetit ..ria
est riimoa Buckner (.f het. . ay
for \'i(•e-President, Mad the adut•UO.s
of • platform, the h.uvemtlon (.f thea
sound -rat nee Dutaoctatle: patty ad-
atirllrte e
Mouthner von Marken. the mtltton-
aire !setter of Vienna, kite committed
suicide ieeeauze •S the attacks made
upon him by the anti-lrcralte payers.
W. J. Jewell, aged 22. tolyl of a farmer
living near Wiled •, Out., was Coen 1
with his Melina!+��vn' gilt to a tune
near hie home, lie committed sulciee
because of SI -health.
rni.eree--•r t e ate t v.
The Int, mat Cenurtttea or
the House of C(•un..n,: hat, atxrlisnal
the Jiar.
Mr Henri Joie reeei'•ed th• Chows
Atnie:tette:or. Li flung Chang. at Niter -
era !I 4. t'-h:•'.er air henry had
gon,• rani Otte -a.
The Flirt lilin'aer and hilt colleague,
owetta'n.d Lo).: Rowers. a`hi r Jus-
ik• •.f knot,. , se a dingier tit the
RWcaa Club. tea .wa.
a:•aL..arise IfIvu.
The ffth anrvvi ennvenl'••n of' the
•' a le.o ltnnk• -. Aw.;oe•lati•.a will be
I‘ + le (•t own '',h,
7':•ar,.i� Front, Of Hsodlt •, drank a
tophus • !'.art-- cre(•gi. !•..i •/as t.:aeti
to th h • r ital and la recto ering.
An ad.l e ane! holaraile for Vi,•tor-
fa rte•i eta hay l...n establish• d ria
connecelen with Tomtit. t'a7►e:slty.
The ht• -este to expend i310.Axe in per-
fect!+ ^ t' . Free •)stern pax *&r-
ued ie I.• rid• n l • over .Jia etaj.rity.
relies ten l'Ii111sts.11..,
Treves held up a bl('y.i..-r near
Alfie rt G.' ripe Whiteh••atl, the miss -
hot dynanlit. r, was faune at eerie
The Gue'ph City Cuusieil has decided
to take lege', pr.eceeeiceee against tn-
Treasurer Harvey and the Guarantee
The }sinister of Justice has recom-
mended the par.t.•n of Thomas McCon-
key. the Yeah. ke y:wth who was sent
to Kingston Penitentiary for two fears
for arson.
TH1. t:1)'. 7$(j• t. p'(tttt.n.
It is reported among the delegates to
the Trades 1 ni.,n 1',.:<.. which op-
- ened Monday in Edlnhitrtth, that alt
the pians for a g!Kante• strike of the
dock laborers of the world have Fiera
practically fere( :ed.
The Interate:r:a1 Association et
Factory limp., which has been
itoee•ting In T.rerotee, brought thrlr
session to a Saturday. Resolu- of thank. were pasted to Mr.
John Dryden. A14. Scott and the cor-
poration e.f the city of Toronto for the
courtesies extended to the delegates
nt'KINEse Tltnl'RLEe.
The ilab111Urs .4 Matthew Canning.
farmer of Etoblcoke, are SIYAOu and
aaasets 114.0Uu.
Courtn• y & Stuart. shoe merc,Itanla,
Queen-str..-1 wc.t. Toronto, have been
granted an extension.
Nicholas Garland and Robert Jen-
kin.. who tour:,* C. 8. Herbert's. To-
ronto. at/.k from W. A. Campbell. the
assignee. claims ills rebate, They as-
sert that they were over. barged. Mr.
Campbell Is In ,lowland. and the sult
had to be postponed.
The creditors of Foster & Pender.
Toronto. have accepted an offer of MC
on the dollar. and a nem arrangement
has been arrived at by which Mr. H.
Block will take e•v.•r the bustness. Lia-
bilities of the old firm were i:+7,000 pad
assets f7=.009.
The London Y.3I.C.A. will probably
net about rt.0 as a result of ladles day
on the street ears.
Rev. John Morton of the First Cen-
gregatlonal (jitureh, Hamilton. has an-
nounced his intention of resigning.
The General Synod of the Church of
England voted down a proposal to
have the revised version of the Scrip-
tures read in the churches.
Blshnp Sullivan of Algoma has re-
ceived a check for £500. given anony-
mously by some friend of the diocese
In England for the mission fund.
Archbishop Ireland of St. Patel.
Minn.. has issued a letter announcing
that hereafter In the Catholic parn-
eblal schools no tuition fees will be
The General Synod of the Anglican
Church in Canada was opened In Win-
nipeg. Bishop Courtney of Nova Scotia
preaching to the bishops and delegates.
Mr. William Stock. a West Flans -
hero' farmer. was fined jl0 and cost
for hating punished a peddtar for
leaving the gate open.
Prof. Cratg, horticulturist of the
Central Experimental Farm, has re -
tamed to Ottawa from • tour of In-
spection through the Niagara fruit
growing distre t. and looks upon the
yield as the best In years.
At their annuni meeting In Toronto,
the Dominion millers discussed the
question of mixing scoured wheat with
the beet grades of Manitoba They he -
'hived the inspection to be in fault,
and the Government will be Weed to
set the matter right
At • meeting In the Howe of Com-
mons, •otawa. Important announce-
ments were made by Inc Minister of
Agrleultor...n the subject of rnld store
Iwo. British seh duling of cattle, quar-
antine and regulations respsrting the
importation of animals for breeding
TINT T1 Hit Rusowri.
The Commeretal Hetet •t Verktcek.
Hill wee hurried and ata women 1•.st
their lives In the fire
Th. steamer Battle, one of the Mee -
*ere ..f navigation In northern weer..
was burned at Cnllingwone
A barn beton/tag to Joey McCallune
in Bt. Mary's, was struck by lightning
and tetaltya destroyed. Low about
Insured In the North British and
ercawtlle foe tote
To rhe s Opera Howe and adjoining
rweldlwga were burned at Benton
Harbor, Mien , Monday morning. Pens -
hut tie d.ath .er M.ven firemen free
triers to • sue.b.t of others. acd *S-
talling • Ines of about ELM
iMr• E. IL tang's barn tIl Langtnres
grus Ibmireysit by ere, tett to MOM
quest* of information laid by him Kr.
Militant Reid and his sun Edward were
arrested. Mr Rrld le the postmaster
at Langford.
111121.1111$11. .
Dominion letters latent haM been
issued incorporating the 1.on'reM Con-
struction Company sad the Canadian
Whiskey h:zpurtang Cumpany.
The Beadle banks have determined.
as a matter of retaliation, to charge
two per cent. ..n Canadian bilis. whsle
Mly-cent pieces wUl be taken for be ty
tents and twenty-ttve -ere s pines tor
twenty cent.
The arrangements for the n«tv ser-
vice bet.-rD inlglu= nod (.nada,
which have been team 1••1e 1 between
the Belgian Steamship '•onset;: end
,h.• ('anadtan Government. contem-
plate a direct service 1. tkeeen Canada
and Antwerp. eta Zloubgne.
*tin wi.N OP WAIL
The armored battleship eascar wets
:aunehtd at the l'ott.nt..uth da k
The British battleslitt•s lkvestatlOn
and ttedut.btah:e hal.• been entered
to Crete.
The shooting In the Walker match at
Ottawa was Be-. bast la the Wstory or
the aseuciatl..n.
k 181 dvnled by the French earner, -
ties that Captain Dreyfus has escaped
from the Island of Grand Habit
Major-General Gas(•otgne and Ma-
rra! Laurie *Herded the meeting ot
the Dominion R1tle League at OtIawa
and made brief speeches.
The •1Ti"rt• en0. Battteeort team or
lennietpn w.n the Walker match at
the 1'0111inlon It. 'e A.ucla•10n m ,t.
!nit In Ottnwa, v. ith an storage of 94
out •.1 a i«.settle alt
nt'$TI(''( lwrritiIL.
Mr Ju•.t n M. C irthy ct.(Ims that the
Jr se o ontcntion ,n Dui lin vas a sue-
(' $$
The F:nrl:. h pa• ears retract the Irish
rnnv<entl..n as a e.,tuplete fa lure. 1•ok-
inc upon it as a ni lanchoty wake over
the corp>:. of Irian partiaine-nary *.lta-
Mr John Il1!len and a numt.e•r of
dete^ates to tit: Irish (•conventlon were
mnblwd on flaektttle-street, Dublin. A
riot was only pr vented by special et -
f •rte "f the• Doi c
The Lind n Speaker says that the
real hlndra:c. t . the success of the
IrWt co nv ent:on .t as the failure of the
ldshot'a with the exe,•ptloa of Bishop
O'Donnell, .to take hart in the irro-
Sir Philp Currie, British Ambassa-
dor to T.irkey. Is reported to be take
Ing bark with him instruction. to (teal
morefr•nly with the Sultan and to act
lndep. nd. fitly of the other powers 1f
n. -d he He 1aalso given free com-
mand of naval aid to enforce his de-
TH►: D►'AD.
Mr. Luke Ifo: loos of Campbell/bra.
Ont., d:e-d ag..! s7.
Mr. Fred WBa:mough of Toronto
fell dead .tithe L.tlmorul Hotel. Mont-
The d. soh 1s a-:iounerid of toe Ree.
L. W. Keely, a e.•rpetannuated 3 .h.. -
dist minister. at Norwich. Ont, aged 70.
An old and respected resident of
Teterboro. Ont. n .reed Robert 11toa[il-
tan, formerly a hardware n:-re:itat,
dled there Friday.
Mr. Richard Donald. a well-known
KIng-rtrent gro.•er. of Toronto. died
very auddealy from heart failure. The
deceased rode to his store on a bicycle.
and altnost Immediately after hes ar-
rival fell on t e floor of t•!. -trice In a
dead faint. from which lie never rat-
The Rev. D. J. Hyland, Presbyterian
..pini -tear at Fitsrey Harbour, Car!etori
County: ',tit., died after a few hours'
illness. An inquest was Meld and the
coroner's jury which Investigetiel the
cause of death found it was due to
heart failure, caused by severe nerv-
ous shock
hoc k-
CAat1 A LTJ Sa.
Mr. Wm. Lafferty of St. Catharines
was fatally injured by a railway
The steamer Hector was wrecked off:
Bangor, \\'ales, and it 1s feared all her
crew were drowned.
Mr. Wm. Sutherland, a West Gw11-
llmbury farmer. aged 70. was killed on
the relit; ay near Br.d:oral.
Jas. Riley was found daid In the
stables of Mr. Slat•ery, butcher at
Ottawa. with a gash in his head. Whe-
ther it Is a case of a re -reg. -kick or
of foul play is as yet sn oeion ques-
Through the slnk•ng of the ste'tm
yacht Tom Carter in the NLte.ira Riv-
er two persons. John Fne.hing and
Miss (insert of Buffalo. lust their Itvm
and the nine other pee•seneers In the
boat had a very narrow escape.
Ben l.aydell, a trapeze performer at
the Toronto Industries Exhibition. n.. t
with a serious accident. In doing the
double somersault he miscalculated the
jump on ■renunt of the bad ltrl.t, and
fell. striking his neck on the nerform-
Ing pedestal. He sustain ,1 a displace-
ment of the spinal column, which
caused paralyses of the entire body,
and may result in permanent dlsable-
tstnt of the tower limbs,
Emperor Wllllam has arholnted the
Czar as Admiral of the German army.
Lord and Lady Aberdeen arrived In
Toronto on Tuesday and stayed two
Mr. Aubrey Beardsley, the artist. le
slowly recovering from a second attack
of hemorrhage.
Mrs. Delia L. 8. Parnell. the mother
of tele tiete Charles Stewart Parnell. Is
sewfoualy 111 In Dublin.
The Czar and Czarina sertved at
Breslau on Saturday morning, and
were received effuslvslye by Emperor
William and the Empress
The Queen has signified her willing -
Mae to receive a petition protesting
against the tratflc In opium and
spirituous liquor, te which are attach-
ed seven million signatures.
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. British
Secretary of State for the Colonies.
bas arrived in New Terk 11e says
his visit Is purely social. ani has no
political sIgnlOcance what •ver.
Dr. Thomas Gallagher. the Irieh-
American dynamiter. who was recent-
ly liberated froth Portland prison, has
arrived In New Tork. It N retwrte4
that his mental faculties u. a treat
w reek.
The vast estates of Prince Lobanort.
the Russian Mlniet-r of Fewe gn Af
fain. who died en suddenly a week
ago. will pass to a nephew. who escap-
ed from Russia, where he was charg-
ed with teeing • Ntblitst. and went to
the United States.
Monday Toronto had the oppor-
tunity of welcos•Ing the grottoes IIv-
Ing Chinaman. LI Rung Chang 1a at
the head of the progressive party In
China: bb influents has always been
tot Mvllfzatlo* and progress lie was
a clew* mead of Chimes Gado% and
he le returning home Crum a trtp
around the world. wbleh has bees a
merles d 8la$l
sneeat swathes. Toren -
tees Trete/sae tb China's Oran 011
JlItlr. i aha lmi3%_..�►
Dress Goods
We are now showing our new Fall Dress Goode, and we advise you
to take a look at Drees Goods everywhere, and then see ours. We
are conceited enough to think that we have the best variety and the
best value in the town. Our range of
at 22c., 40c, 60e, and 75c. are unequalled.
Thence Goods are on exhibition, and we will consider it a pleasure
to show you through our range. New
next week.
!• fiemsekable *epsellag rent.
It can be truly said that • t:aaadiea
stenographer bears the papal for the rapid
taming out of copy, tided by the esterprw.
of Cbwaeo viewers Thomas
County Court reporter, of Toronto, f• t
man who won the honor. He reported the
big Coaventtoa of Yount. Beptieta as Mil-
waukee, his footle pen taking •11 the asrs-
grapbio rotes. These be redioteited he hV
taster. whose suable flagon flew over hip
keys of • typewriter et almost verbadll.
speed. Coder thew otrcumstanoss
revi•toa was renamed, as the Seessons are
experts of the hishest rusk. The " copy,"
ae fait as made, was gives to bends at the
type m•ctunes, who soon tanned the matter
tato lead, where it wee quickly sent to preen.
The result is . beautifully illustrated and
printed volume of over 180 pages, well in-
dexed, and which was published twelve days
atter the Convention bed closed. Amsmisene
are loud is their praises of thu woadert.l
bit of reportorial week, and t'attadians who
kssw of it are toad of the record.
pas•. W. IL wIYTHIIiw, D.D., YON TOCIUNtt
1.Y 01 Da. AOR*N'y . ATAIHHAL row.
Thew are tew mon noted travellers thea
the lies. W. H. Withrow, editor of The
Canadian Methodist Magazine, and of other
pablic•tio•e of the great Methodist. *bomb
of tbn country. tie i. • widetreveller,and
enjoys the opportuanier Chet travel gives of
judgtug broadly of the merit• of any art•
gale, He hail expressed the written opinion
that 1*. Agn.w's ('atarthal Powder is •
most excellent remedy for cold m the bead
and various catarrhal trouble& Otte short
puff ot the breath tbrou,ih 'he Blower, sup-
plied with each bottle of Itr. Agww's Ce -
lambed Powders, diff aeq/tbe powder over
be eurf•oe of the nasal passages. Painless
sad delightful to use, ti relieves iastastly,
sad permanently Dotes (7tiperrie Hay Fever,
Gelds, Heedeches, Sore Throat.. Tossilitia„
sad Detthiess 60 Dents.
Bold by J. E. Devin.
Pat's objection to the bicycle :
" llegorr., while t walk I prefer to have
my fest ea the ground."
The elega•t assortment of
We are offering to the public.
He in harmony with mature a.
she dots her tiering attire. pad buy
roarself • ar*,ss AT
Also new stook of all the latest
in Gloves, Shiro, Collars, Cutts,
Neckwear, Healers, etc..
0• R SHANE 00.'3
Jame to hand -a large aae varied stock of alike* and Double
Domestic and imported
Black and Colored
Our famous double warp, fast black
are peesouaosd extra vales. Our Sib
are mooed to nose. Inspection kindly so.
A. MUN RO, Draper,
Still on top with Lowest Prices and Seasonable Goods.
Thorold Cement
at prices which cannot be beatenso cheap as to surprise everybody.
I sell the genuine Hudson
Ape Pte.
re. �o w r�
the in the Market.
Beat American
kept in stock.
Vou don't mind
raw weather
when you have your clothing
or wraps interlined with Fibre
Chamois. 11 is the simplest
and surest protection from cold
and wind that yoe can have,
cents next to nothing, is so light
you don't notice its presence,
adds durable stiffness and body
to a garment and never flint to
preserve the natural healthful
warmth of the body in all wea-
Yon can't afford to do without
the comfort it gives.
Only 26 cents a yard.
Lipidol los the Fibre Chamois label on all ready-to-wear garments,
sad inku no ethers.
NW FALL (x'000
We are peer ready M show • large amid varied assort -
mass et Dry Ossde edlable fei tie Fall trade.
Dress Goods
from 10 cants to $1.00 a yard in the leading new designs and
colorings New Plaids at 10c, 20c, 30c, 50c. New eaves
from 'tic, in Black, Blue, Brown and Green. A big line of
Tweed Barets. We wish to call special attention W our
Linen Goods
direct from Belfast, lrelsod. Tabling. at 25e, 30c, 35c, 40c
and 45c. Table, Napkins, Towels and Towelling. at rock -bot-
tom prices. A lot of Tweed from a mill, 50 penia, worth 65o
The best 5 cent, t cent, 7 Dent and 8 oent F.wtory Cotton ever
in town.
Our Carpets
still take the lead in this County. The largest stock and
bust value.
The Great Carpal Warehnwse of the C:ottwly.
obtained Diplomas for general efficiency at Professor Sullivans Col-
lege of Embalming, Toronto, Sept. 4th, 1896..
Mrs. CORNELL will prepare bodies of females and children for
interment without assistance or presence of the opposite sex.
Respectful attention to all detail.
do not employ agents to solicit your patronage before you
are dead. The only white hearse in town. Diplomas naay be seenain
my show window on Hamilton -at.
There is never any question as to which shoe store sets the
pace for Goderich. The particular fact is that this business
has never stopped growing in all the years you have known it,
and this year
It is scant courtesy to your intelligence to tell you that you
will have to have new shoes. Nevertheless we'll do it for your
The following are a few of the bargains we'll offer you this
month :
Ladies' Buttoned Boots, sizes Zito 7, worth $1.00 for 75c.
" " 3,4,4,5A, worth $1.25 to $2,50 for.$1.
Strap Slippers " 24, 3, 31, " $1.25 for 85c.
Boys' Black and Tan Oz. Ties, sizes 1 to 5, for 75c.
Youths. " •' •• (• " 11 t0 13 for 65c.
" " 11 to 1 for 60c.
A few pain of Ladies' Shop Slippers for 60c.
A full line of Women's Heavy lace boots for 75c., usually sold for $1
We aim to give you value for yoer money in Boots and
Shoes. Wedo not give any prises, but will give you goods at
prices that will enable you to slave money by buying your shoes
from GM.
Sole agent for the Slater Shoe.
Also flet tie asap ow Woe for you
to try for a week
sad if you are
mor paddled, to
feel under no ob-
ligati** by re -