The Signal, 1896-9-10, Page 7THE SIGNAL : (SOD ERICH, ONT. THURSDAY SEPT. 10, 1896. 4 If ? If you want to preserve apples, don't cause a break in the skin. The germs of decay thrive rapidly there. So the germs of consump- tion find good soil for work when the lining of the throat and lungs is bruised made raw, or injured by colds a -id coughs. tt's Emulsion, with hypophosplitees, will heal inflamed mucus mem- branes. The time to take it is before serious damage has been done. A 5o -cent bottle is enough for an or- dinary cold. M nesse and SIAS Seger • Soma, (],waists. Yeidle. iasis ONE LXCEP r10N. I'm • moo s utast unbetadise. Who revile, 1Vomt;n', follies, nater Ydtag- W omen's wiles I'm • thrones women hater. Who would .e'er to women cater. Yet there's one whu proves me traitor Woes she smiles. Wumms's time with otter folly She b•vuill.-., As, there's nothing•nt.Iaacholy la her styles. I as take her meatal measure, Prove she lives for naught but plta.nre, Rat there's the who seems a treasure When she smiles. COMMENTS. Persons who desire the autograph of the editor of Tag Ss.:PAL for tbeir albums, can cut It ou• nff ..aheoriptien receipt. Tie editor is always reedy to •000mmo•t,te ad- mirers to this mane. The later postal laws are rush that newe- paper proprietors oast arrest any one for freed wko tikes • paper and filmes to pay for it. Ceder this law the man who allows hb.uttsoripties to roe along for mate time unpaid sad then orders it dieoostmud, or orders the postau.ur to mark it "refused, ' a•.n have • po.toasel .eat aotifyisie tilts rah. babes, lays bimaself liable to arrest and floe, mane se for stealing The sew managene ver of the G.T. R. will e force the oemp•nv's rules with referees to 11. I•gaer habit, mod no men who u lstextoetM, or whose breath N eve tainted with servo drink ie allowed to take his p et on a train. The matter attracted the etre- non of Stratford railway people • few dart ago. *Mu • 'rooted the horn' reannotor w•• tiken off his train in the cards at that oi' y and sent back to Toronto, where he found ht. dismissal •wadies him. We won't vouch for it bet it is Haid there is • v .nog clerk is tows who makes It s special hobby to say bright thinaa But he has met hi. match. A bright young sober.. ms em eoterd the store in which he works Lest Setnrd•y mai asked is • most tuaooet way for • hew "1 am •t year nervier ' replied the clerk " Yee," said the young lady, eyeing him closely, •' hut 1 waat • white one ; sot • grecs nor." Then • e npulobr.l misses fell upon him. - Ex c mane. Men have various ways of e•rryine mon e7- Rutebers, driven, millers, grooms sod bakers carry it in • anmFled wad, Bates in • tree clean bills laid fell leogtb in • mo. rocco pe, ketbook. Brokers •Iw•ys fold thein your -doubling their money, as it were. The vows bursae. man o.rries his is big test motet, while the sporting man carnes his in his trotter's pockets. Farm ere sal drovers awry their 'tin, in their in- side parches whether it beppe.s to be Stream collate or Stems ems Editor's carry thein in other people's pockets. Those who are is arrears for THIS SIGt!AI. sbeald remember the following, whiob was gated to one of ear ooteespories • short time ago, by • ma paying his subscrip- tion Bre.atb.. there • ma with soul se dead, Who sever to himself bath said. I1 pay before 1 go to bed, The debt I owe Ibe ortat.r. The official referee fee the earth emend election chew that eat of the total &umber of oamee oat the voter, llst.1,383,753, leers wars 890,711, et about two-thirds voted. The •teenier Usigae keg been take ell t1- Ii mit Pm Hares mete Newspaper Apart. my twee elle has been sold to the msu who owes the lassoes 611ibsstnrk,g steamer Three Prtads, ad tat .he will shortly leave ler C..s woes Reports say do se ems an .he M Is geed se.-se'ag trim she will so de by the St IAwreaes the Atlantic onset, nal .her leading gum "tad aminurias will pressed to tuba The Tied called fee M 17e miles per bear, ad Ss Unique has tan 90 miles as hoer is fresh water, whisk le equal to nearly 293 w the' The pesos paid l quoted •1 240,000. This triter pear best gist with yes to gee • marriage ibeets., and have the Family :•is- tary of both of yea explored by the mart - emu t f5oi.) ler the Misfit of the steli•Itei- a' &t Inmate is set likely te snake the Matrimonial Sent say easier be pass ler the - l yernth and Mile khsshing m.ra It MN ahl rd a .ams irk fee Ms swarms youth' l hhest OM the Indy, whew N d whew es Me gelee." pair have pet sa appe•esaee. the people are kneed te ham bodies emu he + a. em ea. - 114 the treet to falter is the rob of duly. Th. mewl - eta 1lntm. ismer "site has • hip drain el ;Seeds dose) maim ogre imbladess see 1e res w l deep mai fee na hoer ee Nee h1 •evaisehebea Mesa has ne In Ihe t Owe .+sY think Were might lime bind ..4 to lean Anew ergo* Mr/ .f meellea/I.g m•trkeemy • "The taller% kV bait wage ohs mid CRISP ANO CAWAL. Wei seas tato ase fee ensiles is the twsUlb watery. There are mid to be 9000 cells is • mese foot of Mlusyunmb. Tim deepest arterise well in the world 1e a I •rlia, U.rm•sy. The depth is 4,194 foga 1. some of the f•rmlas Marrs of Chia• pigs are Mr.essed to .mall wages, mid male to drew them. By • sew law in Parte, emit &weer of • btoy.•h is required to bees • p1 1. ouste10- ins isle awns .ad address soldered on his wheels to (lre•t Retain, Frames wed the Dolled Sass there are 179 iwetltutlosa for the benefit of the deaf, ►eviag 1.200 soothes and 12,500 pupils. It hes hers dIoov.red that most promote .tones, snob as the ruby, W sapphire. the ...maid, yea readily be Id from their lad - Meow by amass of th•.'Ros'res teres " 1 aril • was neo. say .she. or polo. Th. •epr.ssten is still need with this mesons when &pried to various par,s of the ship's ruling... vard-ams sad the hke. A sow watob is said to taus • pbeseght h oylisder hidden away Inside. sad at the hour sol each quarter of en Mur • tiuy vents mar be bend giving the ersot hat, Wb.. • Rssslss family mover trete use bow to smother it ie ouetom.ry to rake all the fire from the heath of the old domiotle •ad tarry it to • aimed pot to the sew ma- dame. TM &duster s of advertising were re- cently illoetr.t.d in London. 4 man .d- yortteed tor the retaro of • lost oat. la 1e.. then • week 322 of them were broorht *0 hie house. The a uanes tity of fuel whioh pinanon.• waned from • chimney In the form el eoet u tar greater that is generally .app -sed. 4 short time age • mot arrester was tired to the emekeetack of • ening factory in Ger- man)' and ie six days it collectd 6,700 pounds. - 1 rEr The boundary line hetw,rwn ('eaed& sad the flatted saves ie mzrk•4 with twits et mile (aWrv.ls for a wrens pert of its length. I:airms, earth mounds, ad timber poet. are also used, and through the forests and sweat» • line a rod wide, ole•r of trees sod underwoods has hese cat. A••roes the lakes •rtitioial islands .uppnrt the osirne, which rice shoat eight feet above the high-water mark Toe .Japanese apply one of their many Pretty ways to the lsuoehiog of .Hps. They ass so rine, but hang over the ships Perm • large pasteboard o•ge tall of birds. The moment the ship is afloat • ma pulls • striae, when the page °peas and the birds 8y sway, making the sir .live with ma.io wed the whir vet wisp. The idea re that the birds this welcome • he ship as she he- gira her career as • thing ot life. It is proposed that • revere{ emelt enemas osseus of toe world should be mete to the year 1900 This as be dose if slight modi- fies tone in the limo of their regular ore some be made by tA• chief ooantriee one - earned. Porta& sl,Ieomark, United Sales, Germany. Asatri., Sentzerlad, Ileitis'''. Hungary, sod Swede will regularly take their censuses op difweot days of the year 1900, Holland on the last ley of 1919 Neer• way os tits first day of 1901, and Great Rn sin, Festal and hal) Inter in that veer lo Ceylon and neighbnriag countries it she mainland ot Ana there is • rem of dim- inutive oxen, wnioh never grow to mere Ikea two and a h If feet is height, while somettmee they are oonriderably smaller than that Neverbeba they are strong, e..fn in me anent, and very *educing. They aro employed to draw small two - wasted mete. wi•h comparatively light loads. which require to be driven long die- t hens quickly. The little oxen keep uo • steady rem er trot all the time, and it is re- lated that they have been known to travel one hundred miles within twenty (tsar hours, without food or water. Greet g•entitiee of buttons, se well •• billiard balls, are now made from pst•toes, I! is not general y known this it the sub- stance of the common potaton be treated with certain acids it becomes &lmost •e bard as .tone, and ma he used for may por- poise tor whiob barn, ivory and base are employed. This quality of the potato adapts it to bntton•makieg, ad a very good grade of button is now made from the well. knows tuber. The potato button cannot he distinguished from the others save by • careful examination. The ohespo.es is • great reoemmendatinn, and will no doaht lead to • much larger employment in the f stare. ACCORDINC TO 1 HE WALK. -1 The misers walk is sotelem, wt.h short, tf•rvess steps. Tiptoe walking symbolieh,.el ourioeity &ad discretion. Quick steps are said to be indicates of eoray ad eg,tetroa. Wavetiag Sops betray uno.rteiaty, her. tatie ad udwaioa, To • certain extent es.'s character may ha reed from osi • walk. Turned -is toes etre efts pesstme4 by prs000upid, •kss•t•misdd permed. Slew stops, whether loos or short, mg - met • geode and r.Aeotive state of entad Where •rsv..pf l purpose is hidden se- der • faireed smiis fbs strep will be shakos .ad neisekms. The prod stop in slew ad meawrod, the ter b•isg oea.pieieaely earned out, while Ms ler ve towed. Ovulate people wt the test flatly ad 0i'vnly es the premed. walk heavily and .lowly, sal .tad with the 1 age dr.ly planted Ned • geed way spirt. Thera N se Alps ler thew who deism's have 1. fall down mots this ems Os Imre bow to stied. "Sohsab," asked Seeds, - "what le Miser. Ides !" "Raowledtle." said the youthful See I tee, "k.owledre ie when yes don't knew e.Ro.eht.R, and **body ewer duds It est. When • m•• Wks Rosie they tall it eriNsets : when • mesas talks seek they e•1) IS gossip "Do vee *Mak year ester likes me Tommy Y' "Yea she snood up ler you at dinner," was the a reply. rMss4 se ter me • Wes anybody saying M M r' axe 1 eisetlch e1 ma. Father Msught emiMat you IMO redone . 4..k e,. MA telly 1y gee tap and old yen weres't, sad told /Mbar Woe be eight ■e I judge • Ron by lei bulla Is • dreamy embers M tied her. glades Maws, iota Ile melee 1mMeair 1" She taesed wish sadism seamsora 'A.gts&ld,- she odd desielmdv, •yet.•, amen t till you, twee tsar •h. t a.. nseek erfthee• Illes se punier es ••) 4yii osmate We mead .,,stag mine WOMB NIWSTO?1fS ?AVI1K Important Events In Feel Words For Busy Readers yes Sy world . Magess1rtge co .elle Cs.Mled ear re. 1.a. Masa, sad •t.reeelse Yah Vet tae ee tom of e►sr roper • ee11d ee.rs m.tl.ymese r reressee ed SaMnsase s. ttAIl.Ku.1lr heir seizes's. Plans for the new Grand Trunk car Mope In London will be submitted 10 the contractors In a day or two. teat.' 1st ' • 4. • .:&t1.OL. The Canadlrt. delegates to the Irish convention arrived at Queenstown. Mr. A. J. Int Item is paying a visit to Mr. Gladatee.e at Hearn -den, and this is causing minis speculation. The London Tit awe notes that finan- cial and politl.•a1 reasons stand In the way of the annexation of Zanzibar. • . r. A .1:.y. Dr. Thomas Gallagher. theIrish- American dynamiter whu oat released from Portland prison on I'rlday, l on his way to New York. Mrs Michael 1so71e of Owen Sound was arr.•sted on a charge of shoutlug aril hounding a young man named M Wien, Hughes, who, she claims, in- eltltt.l her on the street. ► , ono Ontonagan, a Michigan lumber town. wan twined. Fire did 8300,000 damage at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. The salt works and other buildings at Saltford, near GodMch, were burn- ed on Sunday mornlsig,the Ions amount- ing tar 817.1100. Fire broke out in two or tnre'e places In the Hamilton Biscuit Company's premises, d"Ing $9.00u tannage to the rt•rk ^-., t2,501) to the buildings. ...5*MULTI '1.0 Cattle shipping from the Northwest o is very brisk just now. About *.000 barrels of apples have. up to date, been shipped from Mont- e real to Liverpool. w The Manitoba crop bulletin for Aug- T ust eetim.t• s the total elf. at yield at 14.5115,15.S bushels, oats 1&633,22"1 buahe•bs and barley at 3,695,460 bushels, The temperature fell telow the frost line In "Itnt.esota and the Uaketaa • n 1 R'edneaelay night. but the lowest tem- perature recorded In Manitotwa was 11 degrees. tee Heelers% Wt1KL1,. The Methodist clergy en Sunday 10 Toronto spoke generally against min- e... carr t-elnit a1 owed u• prevail in that city. - The !was has reached Windsor, Ont., that the Rev. Dean Wagner, parish priest of Sandwich, Ont., has died In Alsace, Germany. The Very 'Rev. John Grisdale, Dean of Rupert's Land, was consecrated , the Third TH'ket movement and those Who are taking part In It Mu. Bryan 1 was at hu best, and spoke with an weasel near approaching fervor. F,►K lana rf a WAR. ?W lieal maleth" r of Ft w•.r.' 4.'icnen •d at I. .-algtoe Brane O Ab 1.-. 1. -. n tonsil" '1 br k reit •I States oleic Brooklyn Jn bet u.ocial trial o. . • an average speed of 21 02-1W kir The situation of *nail , In ihoJea/a LS dally mere rees.ur►n0 Th.: leading ehie•s are already carrylu5 out their arraugemeuts with Mr. Cecil Rhodes to 1a)down their arms. Th.- German Cultist at Zan.ult:u• rt - fuses the request of the Brltlsh umctate to aunender yield Khalid, whs .etently aseunted the title of Suttee, and was Buluquently driven from the palace by the shells lit the British sluadrun at auth.,. u7 that place. Lieutenant Alvared of General MA - cry is army sa)s that a month ago Gen- eral Weyler discovered a Cuban news- paper In the l -t ket of an American stained Charles Churt•hlll of Pennsyl- vania. Fly Ws -vie -re command Churchill was wrapped 1n an American [tag and burned to death. Four American sea captains were witnesses of this. VISE DEAD. Dr. Harris of Brantford died sud- denly. Baron Jerome -Frederick Plchon, the French author, 1s dead - A ease of genuine .Asiatic cholera which resulted fatally. Lu reported In n i agu. lir. Simon Labrosse, ex -11.P., died on Saturday at 8t. Eugene, F•restott coun- ty, tint. Mrs. Neap Pbelpha, wife of the presi- dent of Grimsby Park, died at the part On Sunday. of real - Mr. T. H, McKenzie, ex -Inspector weights and measures, died at his den,- in bundas, lint., aged 85. Prince 14)tanoff-Rtudovsky, the Rw- Ian Minister of Foreign Affaires woo act•ompanled the Czar and Czarina oa heir foreign tour, died suddenly while n his way from Vienna to Kieft. }tarry Hill, este of the old-time and moat famous of New Yuri; dive seep - re, who gloried In the title of the i. ked.-.( man in New York. died cn huraday night. He was 70 years of age. c tot Awn Es. Joseph Hynes wan found on the rail- . ay track east of BeamavbUe, fatally njured. Edward Smart, the brakeman Injur- ed at the Toronto Bathurst -street crossing of the Grand Trunk, died In the hospitaL A patient at the Brandon Asylum for the Insane named Carruthers deliber- ately killed another patient named Rennet with an see In the presence of a number of Inmates and • keeper. Five men and a span of horses broke hrough a floor in Mr. James Forests neve at Uxbridge and fell to the cellar .Har. A son of Mr. Frank Read of 11onm was struck on the head and his eck broken. n IishoV_of Qu'APTrlle In Holy Trinity S n Church. Winnipeg, last week. The Rev. J. G. Potter, formerly of `\ the South Side Presbyterian Church, y Toronto, was indu••ttd into the pastor- at ate of Se Andr. w's Presbyterian p„ Church, Peterboro, Friday afternoon, • . c P;11./TIEemi4-AYAUI 10. g The debate on the address was closed au In the House of Comunons without a to division. Parliament has discussed the case of civil servants taking a prominent fart In the elections. Suss Ellie who has been boarding on wood -street, in Toronto, got MT a unge-street car at Roxborough- -enue on Saturday afternoon, and, aping round the rear of the car to rose the street, was struck by a car otng south. She was thrown some stance and sustained a severe free- rs of the skull. She was taken to e General hospital, but she cannot live. The estimates for the fiscal year laid on the table of the House last .•%ening amount to 841.647,000. Parliament has directed Mr. Speaker to Pane • writ fur an election to fill the vacancy In Saskatchewan. It is stated that Mr. Thomas Fuller, Chie( Architect of Public Works, is to H be superanrwated immediately. on Mr. E. J. Dat is has been sworn In as Provincial Secretary of Ontario at the Parliament buildings, Toronto., FCRZLY PER1/0!UAL. The Czar and Czarina arrived at Vienna. err. W. F. Powell was appointed Chief of Police at Ottawa. Hon. Edward Itlake will pail for Am- erica on September 8, and spend four or five weeks In this country. Sir Henri Joly will accompany LI ung Chang in his tour of Canada. behalf of the Government. Mr. Rudyard Kipling and family left Brattleboro. Vermont, for England, where they will remain for an Indefinite period. Members of the Canadian Club gave a farewell dinner to Rev. .1. H. Long at Hamilton, and presented him with a gold pin. The rumor 1s again afloat in London of a possible marriage between Mr. William Waldorf Astor and Princess Victoria of Wales. Lord Russell of Killowen arrived is (thaws on Saturday, and w•Ill remain there until Thursday. when be will re- turn to Montreal. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies, sono sailed from England on Wednesday for New York. will probably visit Ottawa. On the advice of her court physician the Czarina, who Is enceinte, will re- turn at once to 8t. Petersburg. and the Czar will continue his journey alone. Mr. Jobn Galbraith of Toronto war appointed Vice -President of the me- chanical and engineering section of the American Association for the Advance- ment ot Selene., at Buffalo. rerrLater/I ZD. The Manitoba census shows a popu- lation of 153.425. The past month has been the coldest August on record In England. The Bank of England sold £340,000 in bars for export to the United ▪ The latest estimate places the num- ber of persons killed In the Constanti- nople riots at 2000 The Royal Academy Is experiencing much difficulty in selecting a successor to the late Sir John Millais Canada won the second International yacht race at Toledo by 28 seconds, corrected time, and the trophy. The flftleth report M the E''ngIsh Lunacy CommWlon shows as Increase of 2385 lunatic., the largest ever re- corded. • The Hartford Fire Insurance Com- pany wll hereafter pay all claims ac- cruing In Canada, In the currency of the Dominion. There to a serious split In the Inde- pendent Foresters of Quebec over • dispute between the English and French members en the Question of the oases 'At the meeting of the Board of Trus- tee of Queen's University, Kingston. Ont, Mr. T. 11. Glover, M A., fellow of St. John's O(►Usge Cambridge, was elected professor of Latin. Sportsmen are crowding Into Waal - tots for the• duck -shooting, which 10. es Tuesday. Sept. 1. Prairie cod se. Dome In two week. Later, Game le reported very plentiful. At a meeting of the Oessid Lodge or Quehoa ,I O.0 P., It was derided to transfer the Brockville Lodge be the Toronto jurisdiction. It was aro de- cided to adopt the assessment system of inanranea At a spwMn M ties Canadian M.dlo p Asene*Ylow In Mowtewal a repot elf a er eou.1•1 s &pott4ets4 at the last rlueet- ing of the •aane1.43 to reauthe Onesds. et tater-p.tpAsatat Ner t atasdlm was softened. it em dect1 to Rows" neat rear Is 10almea The Conservative caucus was held at Ottawa, and Sir Charles Tupper was elected leader of the party In the House. Kr'cIt.r'Iw. Hilton, Hughes & Co., the great dry gnods•l%•m founded by the late A. T. Stewart In New York. have failed. The American ex -Ministers to China and New York merchants in the Aid tt- le trade banqueted IJ Hong Chang at the Waldorf. Mr. Robert Bickerdike, president et the Montreal Board of Trade, said that 1t would not be possible to hold an International Exhibition in Montreal next year, as the Premier had told lila that the time was too short to make it • success. There is practicaly no change In the general trade situation thr.iughout the United States. (Commercial failures last week In the States have been num- erous and serlaus, and are given as !6A, against 188 for the corresponding week last year. THE i 4l t'STKIAL IUKLt►. The Toronto Industrial Exhibition opened Monday, and the formal open- ing took place Tuesday, when Premier Hardy and other celebrities were pres- ent. The locked -out men of the Brown Hoisting -and Conveying Co.'s work In Cleveland, Ohlo, have voted to f'eturn to work, and the tong strike, produc- tive of riots and bloodshed. Is broken. The Hamilton Trades and Labor Council have decided to forward a pe- tition to the members for the city at Ottawa asking the Government to 10 - areas. the tax on Chinamen entering Canada to 8500. A strike of tis. engineers In the ship yards at Govan, on the Clyde, has de- cided the Fngllsh. Irish and Scotch ship-bubIding masters to torte the slt- .atbn, and it has therefore been re- solved that unless the Govan strikers surrender forthwith • wholesale lock- out will be declared In the Clyde. Bel- fast and Tyne ship yards, ler 'Tice Y.,Itsiesie. The Royalists of llawotll are making Oren;; efforts to establish Princess Katelanl on the throne. The whole Japanese Cabinet has rF rrimed. The Emperor has appointed Count Kuroda acting Premier. A demister' received in Paris from Constantl.nple ears that the Sultan has sanctioned the srheas of the pow- er, for the settlement of the Cretan question. Th. 'Ties at Zanzibar 1. regarded ea eluded. The new Sultan le expected to *glow the peaceful lines of kis pre- decessor. and It is understood that Greet Rritals does not Intend tasking any ekange In the existing terns of government_ Major McKislgy her handed owl his kettle ae.ellltag cls ossstnat ou On the Presidency of the DORN States by the Repteblioan party. n is • deewetent rorielating of tee th.tteaad weeds, and a largs parties ed it le denoted to Um t.,owev ~sten, pA1 R.swellglU► 11.1., berme a et- Wgt ttleselliss IilElrat et* "MoBerrll se% get ever his old mbar- "«bery MUM*, sow that he is • Mw balder," • N bet has he done seer r' "field • w • house the other day, and stoked km 11 M wanted it set Hnelmed- Here they More brought se a a000uet for • ball 000tume : how M that t" Wile -4)b , don't you remember ` 1t is her the Greta drew. 1 sore last year at the bell where w • first ma." B..beed --So o-o-o,aod now 1 am ezpeoe- ed to pay for the net with whioh 1 woe oesght !" TME OLD LOAL RELIABLE always ea band. The i est and only Scranton Coal in this nntrket delivered at $8.25 per ton, with Mktg. per ton off for Ca.,h, snaking it $5.75. A11 Coal weighed on the market Metes, so that you are sure of goon) mesad re. Whin LEE. sr Harbor gam. SWIM it LIM stern TH1 STAFF CF LIFE. Adulteration and substitution to food pre ducts have of late ream looms at grave sir evil, tam leave -nm.•ntseverywhere Wive heen oblige i -a` in the services et anyalysa to chore heir read and save the live. of the people. One of the most important articles food al0 neetlonably 1. RRKAU, For mire wholesome Bread, ft must be made from Halt and Hop Yeast ; for tis s reason it to e*sily enluMe in fhe intone of the stomach or. in other worts. Tight of digestion. Hop and Malt Yeast le pronnnnoed by the best analysts in England to he the pore sad n•soulterated yeast, and is used by rte best bakers in the country. IN MY BAKERY Von can get tor one cent as norm Bread made tr.•m Hen Yeast as von can fen three Genu from the press d yeasts which are forcing theot.elver on toe public, but whtob do not and cannot rive the same sweet flavored bread MY BRE AD i9 MADE FROM THE PURE: MALT AND HOP YEAST ANi) NO. 1 11ANi'1OBA PATENT FL()I?R, Try it and prove for yourself. It to the n'om wholesome and a +retest twesd that run Produced of env reset no 'ha market. MI oneexp.rence In the Bakery boniness ha► proved these to be tact,. D CANTELON, SUNLIGHT SOAP PICTURES FOR WRAPPERS A pretty colored Picture for every 12 "Sunlight" or every 6 " Lifebuoy " Soap wrappers These Pictures are well worth getting. Address : Lever Bros tri sNt-es e.. Teresa.. LTIi, SANDUSKY, WINDSOR, Detroit and Sault Line. Leaving 8adoeky every Meader and Tbtr,d.y sight at 1010 ran. calling at Wind ear, Detroit. Court writhe nand , Oodertch. Klao.rdise, Port 61g1a. 8outhamptoa,th,ough the 8aaltHay and North Channel tothe Per rases and all tatormatia Address C. P. R. or f;. T. R. Whet meats. se WM. LEE, Ooderich. 0. W. BROWN, Windsor, Genera Manager. ma. 6 III IIIBIIIIIIII1 Beware! Whenever in need of kidney treatment al Ways be true to yourself and refuse any substitute or imitation of the or- iginal and genuine NIIIIIOMIIIIIIIII ..- nonns KIDNEY PILLS Coal & Wood Yazd The underrigne(I begs to inform the public that he keep as hand all grader Of HARD SOFT 1 COA AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD REDUCED. Hpeoiall&tteutton erten to CUT and MOOD Call and get pricers and see samplers of wood. Office and ,•arts. NELSON -ST„ user Sauna Ores. Hats!. D. C. STRACHAN Proprietor THOROLD CEMENT We beg to iufarm the gener- al public that we are agents for the noted Thorold Ce- ment for making Cellar Floors, Stable Floors and Cisterns. We have been in- formed lately by the Com- pany who tuake it how to put it In so it will be equal to the best Portland cement., and at a great deal less cost. All floors warranted if put in according to our in- structions not later than the last of September. DAVISON & Co. What's the time? It you have a Cough it is time you were taking GRAY'S RED SYRUP °f SPRUCE GUM THE OLD STANDARD CURE POR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA and all LCNC AFFECTIONS, Gray's Syrup has been on trial for more than soyeah and the verdict of the people is that itis the best remedy known. 23c. and Sea• per bottle. Sold everywhere. MAST WATSON 3 CO.. reopnorroaa t>p 1VtON1-rREAL•. PATENTS CAVEATS. TOMOS RANKS *110 COPYRIifNT* Obtained, and all business to the U. 8• P&Mat Omre uteoded to at M'OIJFR4 TR PaRB- Oar Mos U opposite the U. 8. Patent Ot- f1oe, and wt sae obtain Mama la less time baa those -smote from 11'4SHI TIT'ON. Beed MODEL OR LIRAW7NB, Ws •d rise as to patentability fres of omrge we oaks NO CY4ROR UNLESS W PA IN PATENT. We refer here. to the Po.tmaeer, the Saps Of Mossy Order Dlv„and to ometals of the U. 8, Patent (Mees roe olroula,, advise Mrs's and reformats to aerial onsets in your 3w& State or (tosaty write to r • Wiesner 411I e., 'woroette I'su.ut (knotWeehingt•ia. D O. r-rr FOR TWEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LANoEST Sai r 118 CANADA- GODIERJOH STEAM BOILER WORKa, A. S. C H RY STA L, s enewo.N caryatid & Bteek, seentmearer of all kinds of B0ILBR8, Smoke Steaks. Salt Pane, Sheet Ire. Works, otc., etc., Asd Dealer is- R•glw. Y.skisery Cartage, he. All .lass of Pipes •ed lips Rams •ed Water Usages, Glob. V OM& Velma, l.eetrwtere. Rjipters eel is- daetRos Oeesean !y a Reed at Lowest A fisc of Steel Water sad H.g Trsyhs Ow see .f fetuses sad ethers. Wellabohld w•Rot/IF flosses WNW P. O. Res • Sada w - rpo rete O.?. R. St -1 8e11g1811