The Signal, 1896-9-10, Page 4qhs $ignzl,
•w ■.SILtlacwttt.T
Moo of Pa� nevisrithe. l,e,ah.leeee
Terme elf ssenerapea.le 1
'rete. moths' advisees
Nr yeas,
i 11
Lee& at Yew. Label.
Tsnit label la • etaadlas reoelpt .r the dies
to whish you are paid up. flee that It M sot
•noon., to fall late arrear•
tesdeof address is
sired.holeta o...1 and this address sho.1eglvsa.
•smell.• tatss
sad other atonal ad, ertleewiente. ht
pre 1 as for first insertion, and 1 oaots par loo
ht each subset/want Insertion. Measured b,
• l,a�ss��ere�1 saes*
•�saaes Dards of sir lines and ander,113 per
Adve►tteetseete of beet. Foes,' trusted
Mt0oq.n. Naeem, ItriustLros toed .ad
noose= Chewer. Wanted ,t ezo.odlag 1
flees soaparef1, di per mown.
Hewn. ton Malo.01 andor eM month.
,tate. as to
site'• rt lim.arb, too. Per soh
&arts -r .a•'.. la proportion
F..y 'oecial pollee, the °bleat of which is to
ver 1 neit tt the
poet nlar7 benefit at an, 'all-
1• to be 00oafde.eed as •d-
ap charred 10»»i •, .'I
Loral Octave in nonpareil type sae Deet or
word, &emetic ter th er oto,
,meal botteem a ordinary reading type two
cents per word. No notice for teas thea 71o.
Nodes for ehurobes sad other religious and
b,..vine., leerIt let lops half rate,
9obaor;bar who 611 to metre Tit. peon&,.
root/arty by mall. *111 c .iter • favor
i0*, Nil'ct so -
roof early •adaoes
Publisher's horses,
pot. C.
.. Toone!. TraoU/Arlen
ships of 0odertch. Colborne beelor d and W.
Local postmasters over the district are *lee
empowered to re. re subscriptions to THE
'11014 A L
All *mum um icanlons mbar be eddre.w.d l0
• D Moat. MUDDY,
Telephoto Cali 7th. .edseloah�Clnt
- - =--�: b. tom.
'('II E heart of our esteenttel content
Ihornry The Star te troubled, and it
all Mamma toatruouotw have been given
that hereeftee-eoveyanose reyn'red by the
resident Island ft/treater Whiter should be
procured from a livery owned by a friend
party In power.
It 1. ,..wins strange that when imtrun-
tto.e ware matted darns' the el*rim of
IR'.)2 that the livery patronage should be
withdrawn from A. D,1 Ptn.t_tt, became be
would not promote not to work for M. t •
('t%Irho.., no word of reproof escaped the
esteemed Star, but now that the order has
beep gives to return to the patron.
age which was formerly his th.t 000atsteat
and considerate jourai raises • mournful
wail. Anyone bat a hire fool will admit
that al at we.e right to take the p•trou.Re
from A. M. Pui.m.kv, because of his
u politiar,
last as good policy to give it back to
him now Noumea of polities. Every-
one one of
ordinary intelligence kenos
that political patrnnage )res w.•h the pas
el power, mid at makes no differ.' what
t t patronage i*, it is usual to let it go to •
sio.porter of the government.
What goud The Star rnav hope to effeot
by rushing into print on the present **co-
ition we fail to see, end we have an idea that
Inspector ('*v.. who pat the gun to A. M's head in 1892, will not thank orr
esteemed otntemporary for making refer -
owe to the matter •t the promisee juncture.
N the debate that recently took
place in Parliament in reference to the dis-
mtesal of oertain offensive partiaons from
the t;overomeat employ, it is • satI•'aouoo
to know that amongst the leading men in
the House the opinion in held that if an
otfioe-holder will not hold alta: from active
politics M should he allowed to devote hie
fall tame to the basissss, but not at the
Government 's expense. Hoa. Messrs. LAu--
MFR. ('ART%R1r.HT, DAVILS •ed Otb•reel
the Liberal• have es expressed their taws.
and as far back ea 11314] Sir ('tIARl.utla Trr-
exit .peaking 00 • similar subject had the
followug to my
••That ie Mr. %rade of ingby. I a..
sorry to say that he en far forgot (.4*.t
is be occupied al to go out and oak e•
prominent part in bolding public mutiny*
and denoaaoiog the Government of the day.
1 thin:: there is nolentlem•n in this House
on either aide who will say that any public
*those holding any office ander the Govern
meat or Parlament should adopt snob a
.rare,, or if he does adopt it that h. should
1e retained in the publto aervtoa, if we are
to carry on publics affairs is the way in
whish, 1 am sure, hos. psebeeen would
like to gee them carried ea. There Ia Io
doubt that public officers, spatially under
the ballot. have • perf.,% right to go to the
polls and record their vote for or against
any person, as they may Nests or ea they
000.44er it Harr duty, but I de set h. -
say seetleenan in the Hos will ars.
lain any public offioer 1n going sat and oak•
law sa offensive nurse in rsfares0 to the
Government of one day, whoever may he in
We all know that In 1891 Sir CHA*Lge
Threw" wee to imbued with this fealtag
that he oast* across the Atlantic tope •
wet the esespit►a, knowing tall well
Moat la the tweet of the Liberate esialaR the
day hie Mean of ,thio, would be short (,-
deed- Tho eaw.e feeling proenpsod him last
ileeemltose and he M ,tow re•pfag hie re-
word. Well. if Air CH A IM.t.. mold set hope
to held *Mee .fess hie party was defeated
why *mid the ,dire of ether off..sive
pastimes. M e.erdteed
MAR IND et 0. 1 quiry instituted
Lt CAtropn. M.1 . is regard to the
ammo el Os s1. Dr,, and Olga A. M.
Madaaauol, Th. North fit.'. lei Perry
dent&, has .ho feelserbig remelt.
The whale meadow of fi.R.ey prebetlrs
be a*ve..* .moose basktothere ere se Tenho* pashose rhimond
e bra.. *mese gad 4 mei
smith then • flint el ponteless Wiwi Is
or_these Adm. sad mrebl
wbieealsiineresOMy bulks .w
devises way of the dlooeseet •.m@ the
fish.,...s esti the fish Frahm Perhaps the
osmium .f • ,mall. faserrsiaj steam
yeit west& be found bamodtil, hoot want -
ever Is der the *Seers ebeeld Mel dsy
dogleg the whole gooses of .avitatlse and
.hhooddd sot be fused eying area.d pert the
heel part of their ars.
Oue would think the.* amiss% marinate is
Poeneesien .f so .eft • map meld have
enough grey metal in the *ad to erred
their own ad let political wire•
pulling alone.
. CHIEFTAIN to the Highlands
Cried : •• Boatman, rle not tarry,
Aad 1'li give thee a silver pouted
To row nm o'er the ferry."
flet *palm th. bendy Highland wight,
Aid eh, his words were bold :
1 etre sod ter your silver bright ;
You've est to pay in geld !"
East Huron's representative ie
still w the tore as • parliam.starias,
Old Ce.4Rl.em! Treece rode for a
tall, ..d sow the old duffer makes • wok!
-Old Jug lit lint put the thing in
• nutshell when he said oat me moans' :
" Like unto • she bear robbed of her oohs
is a 'Tory deprived of ethos"
--The statement by Hun. Mr. 1.1113 -
Melt that • plebiscite will be taken at an
early dote ought to Rives•tistaotion oosome
of shoes temper•o)e people who have bees
knookinr at the doors of parliament tor, lo,
these many yoan. When it comes to tem-
perancr legis)atina this m.s LA rot ea
doesn't appear to have any '• of
-The Star has begun to throw dead
oats at the Governor- ;Door:,&. 41 a should
not be surprised if the editor of that jour
sal, in hie oap*esty of semet.ry of the (:rest
Northwestern Fair, had Dane&Ind the en -
g of He Kroelleocy to be present at
the Fall Show. As • preliminary to this
effect, the following public 00[100 has been
give(' by The Star
Hamiltoo'e erstwhile fellow citizen, Lord
lberdeen, had better do eomethmg to re.
rime his rood name, or he will out • small
figure at the f.11 fain he ie billed for.
- SOltie time since FRANCIS WAY-
a.i.b Gum, of Brooklyn, N. Y., published a
etntesneat is which he purported to show
that the wealth of sir Ct1ARL6R Trerge
was due to the spoils of office. ,Sir Cuem As
indignantly denied the charge, •ad said d
Liar'. would put up security for owta, or
if any responsible person would father the
oharge, he would bring action &Reiwt his
traducer in court. (;1.EN has now offered to
out up security to the value of ,,25,000 that
Ma 'statements .Ramat Sir CHA1Lty are true.
end now the Ha' declines to prosecute
Which looks as if Sir CHARt.lty is of the
crawfish variety.
--:1a an evidence of how the Gov-
-.oven, railways were prostituted in the
tot..1 of the late Administration the fol.
lowing case is given : A Halifax geattemes
was in a train a few days after the °biotin,
when the 000daotor reoeived • ticket frau,
• young lady sitting Dear. It woo • pass
from Boston which she said bad bean sent
to her brother to oome home sod vote. 3h.
point . out two other ,•,Duey women earring
home in the same way. The was the Inter -
colonial railway, so there is ao doubt as to
bow the voters were expected to mark their
ballots- gov..rnm.I railroads and steam•
ere were on:, -toe deportation of the Tory
election bood .t campaign.
itund•e Banner : The Tae, journals are
making • -eat outcry bs•um there is ao
precedent r bird Aberdeen's swim Weil,
this is a Rood time to est a proudest- IL is
easier to set • precedent than to est a
r•tlord Beams ; The Hamilton Spoon" -
tor, .her bslabortag Lord Aberdeen till it
is tired, turns its snack on hie wife, whom
it bold. responsible for the failan of Sir
Charles Tupper to staff the Senate and the
Bench after be had been turned oat of of.
Boo- The Sp*. lar ao difficulty is mein -
raining it* chivalry and ata loyalty on a
Th. (slob.: The ►hasten to Lord Eigin in
000seotioo with the dil6oalty between the
Governor-Geser•1 ata hie late adviser. L
oh•raot.nved by The Ottawa Joarnal as ex-
tremely unhappy. The sea who took part
is the diegraoefil attack on Lord Elgin .s
MmtreeI, is mys,ha.eOwes .apreprd their
regret, sad tune .. well sa banter, baa
vindicated the • of the wimet,
ablest and beat Germanys that ever *admin.
Stored the affairs of Canada.
Testate Star : Those who attack the forget that be has more te
loss than any tamed&.i petftiMom, or aa,
sapira.t for petty offing'. to dainty what he
did he risked hie whets future se a British
diplomatist, If he made ea error he has
s0Qtficed the yeomen. whims the Govern•
ere-Geser.l of (°mods ;have m erten re
mead, the Vim -Royalty of Indo, which M
ge.eral(y leltew.d by the Atsiaseadeeehtp
at St Petersburg sad Palrlt. N. ease seas
with any peosibfhty N meth • dare.s would.
out of mese p•rtisas.blp, eau..o.s.titutio.-
allv, or tea manner likely is *big dews
epee ht. head ria mdemna0. of Mho
Mese .. Amities Beads, Ohms these is
Wed, sod r.....berfr that ho bon .t least
nosed Moly sad wfdi repted so eroas o i Omsk, we shall *Mk all aha
mere ef Nm be be dared to M right .s
the risk of &stag peter..../
Sealer* beadier : T1. Omersza.„
with whieh we have been chide had .ewer
resolved the ..satime er ..ides oft e
people Is any way. Is task the very bee
opportunity she posed led .f imps.., en
'fm's, Nap rgdMhsd Hash Ebb Wag
She ohm. they W se tsrsden. to say seen
of be term, le see ler Me pmgia Ie. both
le insist a.m s calmer, psora a plus
u 1KeeseepSMs ler a lJemenesaM in mob a
passim .ad under meth .1twMMsese to
I -1-.----d •pp.isteneste whish they poop
gray had so authority se make. 11. .elven
.f the Uovereer-Gosee.l,aader the enema -
steams, will be .phot& s o saty by Porde
meat but by • *a. maleriey .f the poop.,
and Sir Chards Tupper end his eased.. are
only metrial attend.s to their owe easel
.d by the ember .p
m the way W The people of fila
ao.ntry will bops... to hoer they have a
Oovereor-tassel who hue the eosin. to de
his duty, even in the fa.e of the threose et
• ma. of Sir Charles &upper's hinlyiaa m-
use and disposable.
Globe ; Chht Jamie. et Kaglad Lewd
Ramat has a.sat es the Mer of the Reim
diarist Mr. (aamer a'. smoothen the inq.,-
ty of the &.a.govd bleak. H. afterwards
asked be be &Mredseed M the member ler
West Hares, sad remarked, •' That was •
terrible iadlotmat' •• I Daly wish," re-
plied Mr. Cameros. •• that 1 maid have
tried it before your Lordship„
Homilies Tues.: Lard Kamen paid M.
C. Gs..aree • armsful oo..piiate.t ter his
terrible armies -ens et the Governwt !e
oonaectioo with the Lesdevio Block "ow
dal. The revlatio.s were • empties rte
His Lordship- In Britain men t boa
4oedo maid speedily 0.4 -
bind the prisen bare, of
to mouth about }herr loydt".
Lando* Advertiser : After the late Go
the obj.:t of pates over the 825o,ot10 ••
trail" alleged by the ooetrsotnre of
While Battling With clam.. at
Benton Harbor, Mich.
The .teases meows West ompaming to
Timm Waters whew tt Woor d M haloes
Oh* woo the Waal oasis news and
honed r1b•eu of Thema galea, ltd 1tea
Beaton Barter, Illtrh., Rept. e. -Tote's
Opera House ape *disdains huddtap wore
burned early this wog Wag, cassis/ tbf
death ut 11 aroma and ,.Jury to a num-
ber of others. and entail's; • Soma of •teat
IJIQ6,t J11 The tilledd ars.
frank %atom, uulrried; IWward hl
Oangr, married; Artist L. MW married&
Pram/ See% or, marded; Hobert &torts, els
gni all of at. Josey,.: Jena Het i a, sear -
tied; Thomas KIdi. stogie. runt Wood -
1e7, married; WIU SaltrL, married: Scott
Aire. audio; Linta lIuau.•u, dust. oe
bootie, Harbor.
The seriously IW&. -ed are: 14 -,'ire Ceder
Juba A. 1.00 • lord rientuu Harbor. boreal
and overcome by brat and sestet.: .•rant
Paget. "lit. Jusepb, toga crushed by faUlus
brlcas; N-111 Freund. rt. Jea•pa, cut about
the mad end buga.V; Jr,x 1tcla.eee0•k.
brutu4 Harter, leer brutvu and Interna:
ly Injured.
Sewers' others w r re luJured by ,.pith;
wale, but ell/
13b.rtl) atter w .,'40.1 lure'. Opera
Souse, a large foo., •iwey :erica •tRtcturs,
'* discerned to be o0 ore. It had gain.
toothbrads ay uefur toe neral we.a
rl,...i'. and %bra lh.• ars cun.p..Wta
Ali. tit- Ju.ephlug Crtwrn \teete ass senttfur 4
arr1.'d 0000 *iter. rhe ere cOatinned 10
pall, and wail apreadiug to otter. bulldlugs,
%tau tb L w4,.au..b want
mks s defeated it took amino with
r wk amu Studer
tR- 1 foto the of the building, euplog to
Mia s41e to direct • stream tutu uhr d;. era•.
t run, .1 r,•."ud mute; window. Homily
hail they arrived there *Leo the wall chum
mow a ulna ,boner, burying 1:t men nutter
rodeo, bricks- tither tet tie web
wen -watering and the reerue ot the fm.
p[l1uttad ffrewas was deferral some Uwa
as it was expecte.!ver( moment the re-
waluder of the well would till
Liereivin bloat to Is due for work Asha
Is ceiling tor papers on the eabj*t, Nfr. M.
C. Cant.ena recited the fame. The Hast&.
Sponsor Spoor attempts to meet the mss by
eayieg that these foots are 'melee, hietmry,'
All the more 000demn.tioa must b. ..mad
out to 's, poliuoal (steads tor Smoke this•,..•nnd.t.ous transaction unsettled prom, o, and then at-
to have it settled io oo.
+inion to the decision of Sir Jobe M..dse-
.14 and the ohat architects of the Ds
minion, . • -
Nontreol Star: the afternoon wee ad-
vooing, and the debate of the sitting bad
not yet oommenoed. It remained for Mr.
Cameron, of West Hume, to set the bail
The scagead•l. oo.oested with the Lamm -
win vin Block, Ottawa, was hie W11. Old and
threadbare ea the a. f•. Mr. C.meses'e
fervid sod almost dramatic .tyle gave it eta
air of novelty and ,'reeler.., It is the arse
long speech Mr.C•meres has delivered mese
he returned to the Hoses. Not many yews
r I•
.go be was oof the adi* Liberal de-
baters, his p•rtioular forte briar to lead
P.1 • sok and to arraign the thew Conserve.
ties Government- His snbieot yesterday
jest to hie taste, and be handled it i a
meaner that indicated that he still poessmtd
his oli-time fire, He ma stili wield tot.
m ({
Parliamentary lash, and yesterday .sr.
noon the Opposition could not comsat that f
they smarted under it.
THERE does not appear to 1* an
doubt in the minds of our busmancomm
icy that the G. N. W. Exhibition to be hal
1e. God/etch m the 22nd, 23rd and 24th
tbis month will be a grand samoe«, ao
likely to *Wipes former •xbIbitioes bold un-
der G. N. W. smpioea. Then will be peo-
ple hen trout all over the ooantry. The
terming o0mmunicy hays bees beady en-
gaged, and wi11 be so for muga time
!quail,. souse 0( the crowd rushed Into
the 10.1441 to tese•ut' lb.' ehric4ing nod strt-
glmg oleo. y'neai N'atwu tel let. Juw•pb
war the first wan reached, but he was
deal and els body was a masa of brokra
****es Awl wangled etch,
Vey *earth cont nue* mull b o'clock.
when the last tkUlu. Arthur Hill, was
recovered. Tiny were carried to off FM.
and private beware, whore doctor; from
both cities were in attendance t0 render
ape. N,ute of thew died en route and
others w Lite baleg tared tor. The dead
were taken to the City Hall, welch was
10140.1 1410 a temporary morgue. Bunte
Of 1Le wen tete so badly mangled that
their identity was only learned by letters
and Papers in their pockets. 'Ile. rear
wall, roof mad other wall* soon a xilepetd,
one of the side walls fatting upou a two-
storey brlcq balking uwue,d by William
completely detnollablog It and its
emu uta,
10. 4a.. awn` coarse*.
Breslau, dept. 5. -When the tzar
and Czarina arrived they were met at
the station by the Emper.,r and Em-
press and the Gorman Princes. Tn..
IKaiser wore a Russian uniform, and
the G«risen Princess was similarly
attired. The Germain Empresa wore a
salmon -colored costume and the
('marina was dreamed in white silk.
1 The (par were the unlf.'r,n of the
t Prussial. "Alexander Guards," with
Eagle on his breast. The two Em-
perors embraced and kissed one an-
other. The monarchs the review• -d
the color company. tits 'vhlch they
entered a carriage and t off to -
tether to the new Staende, where
the Ru.e'an Imperial party :11 be
lodged during their visit to-.:eslau-
serer and the Czar. their carriage he-
y Ing driven a• • amart bao^ The
as- streets through which the two Ern -
d serer., the tw,, tnp
Eresne.a and their
1 atI"nttantn pre... •i, mer- Iln«•i with
the insignia f th ord,! of the Back
The two Empressess followed the Em -
of i people, who cheered the Imperials with
d I great enthuatearn_
h•odlt.g the immeses
Drop of the various
produote yielding Shu year, bot will, of
course,take • few holidays during fair time,
and while in town will no doubt de a Isms
amount of shopping. Advertising te the
recognized means of drnw{og 1r.d., sad our
.aterprielag merobaote will do well to avail
themselves of every leoility .ff.rd.d to
make their wares knows to oho people. A
good advert(merheot in Tule StnttAL is the
best means we know of in this regard, and
met to that L • neatly priated airoul•r,
b0saaeaa card. handbill. hoar. or poster,
such m we are oamble of turning out Now,
we have a number of order. is for Fair
printing, bat there are game who are io-
dised to wait all the very Met wise&., ao
to .peak. We woald win that oar mer-
chants pla. Weir ord.,. as sees as possible,
* that pepper provides may be made tor
tarsier est wore that will be eabsdye, as
troll as a endfs t. ourselves Our meek of
papers, esedbesrds, eta. will be lowed very
oo..pits Also • Oetsplste .took of Mei-
oses stationery and .evel.pee. Oar prMa
are ras.m•We. 8e sere to gall early.
C. E. L U
The tdhewiag are the tepee fat the db
forest young people's sssiseise whioh smog
darisg nom week
Kao: Church Y.P.&O.&, Tumd•y me-
mo .. 8 &Meek. Tapir terSeptember
tett., •• Our �some.(ter (hotel." by Muni.
North -et illathedis, .hareb 2.14 of C. Y-,
Fridley oseatai M 8 &els*. Tope for
Sept 11 10 withdraws es meow of ah.
At Hasse.
Viotar4w Methodist oi.reh iL L
Friday AW as 8 eels*. Topa fur Sept
Ruck. hos dose," by Mita M.
All are eadh1e Invited to attend th..w
mwMsts, width see bell in the lhaawemotti
°' the essmose ..role at
8e'elsok. Vida.* members
d ether m-
oieties b
ties sesed•1 noisome.
lege Sswa Meer ilas rme mese stte�dm Moth ens a1..wO.
The pals sed eseireat .seed by ri.u-
tttash= b ide.ertb•Ne i lasesag•- llhe
Imp hook, the crippled Imam the yg.s•
soureigla "doe too age wed 104.
beshie almost delve IM deer... M
The hassle, sums.. as those who ..
Manana .f Iketb Ameriae Rh.s..ara nits
Mt imply 10 4. ban
i s tegars.
days Alms seem *imp *we le me si-
y hal if Oho ...ted. wee nisi sent
bent Sauk arreirlsaa a no drab. laid by J. R. a(law Wee
HAft reat '4 MAUAztvIt. -in the October
Harper'e an engraved portrait of "The
Aatior of • The Karnes' " will .tend e.
front .pied., and • goner. um 4.t.l*a.t of
Mr. Du Motorises sew sowed, with five
ohs touristic drawings by the author, will
be fovea- Other features of the number will
he : An illustrated taper entitled •' Tho
Rine `snail of the Craton," by Frederto
tote ntng oo ; " The HypnotiK," a story by
Times., with fear illmtratinao by
A. B. Frost ; '• E1.otric(ty,•' with twenty•
four ill..tratios, ; •• Some America.
Crickets," by Samuel B. Seedier, with
alae *&lune ratiose by I.. J. Bridgman ; ase.
(ittrii's Wig,LT.-Iariss September
Harper's Weekly will follow with pea and
p�rem& the striking i.eidasu of Li Hoag
Oman's visit to the Milted Stet.. ; Tens.
R. Dawley, Jan., wilt give • oomprehenalve
review .f bis experiments• war aorre.po.•
deal is Cuba : au article ea Waahingtea's
Farewell Address, with fao-siaails rsprodse-
tin.s let the Medal maseseript,will he am -
Whined by Rm. Werthiegtes C. Ford ;
od there will be a pais., by (asset Grossly
ou'u voyage b the North Pols The
to�roargkr et the panted e ...pain will be
tee I llnmoias�ttobma� ob•raos.rie
HARM/VA BAZAR. -0.0 of the literary
bemires of R•ret.r'. Run for 1saptember_
a story by petite Tbanet--will appear i•
the Mee of the 15th of the month. Why
Abbylesla !$arresdyed " ie its title, amid
the *atter and imam? of Abbyloeh's sur -
reader a . dramatized by the is
the little Arkas..s esestrl tow. la which
the some is laid.
AT Hems -Q. Friday •Hornets and
meaner the Curliest sad Skating Risk w..
the geese et ea At Roam, elves by the oar-
grwssNss et SM. Peen's. From alertly atter
,,,.1114sets, wove., tea wee served and
heart* enjoyed, as oke hill of fere was an
esodlest glee. Shortly after stain the pro -
lobed prawns was omm*..end and preyed
te be •d Yat use astioipated b, the lovers
.f wads sed decodes. Dr, O'Hawa, a
t(•ueemas we have otten heard. rave several
poses. 110 aesditi.s of es* Wog all that
*soil be dedr•d bT tie most severe eritha
14a Wall, of ,ALMS. who wail i ee.dlent
*aig . Ise* beg •u/tbsat le esti a imams
ea gelds modem nod add be bore fano as a
rwea Min View% of the ease bo.tlh.
*ass rowel, ht, allotted parte, sed W. R
Lulea feet A Ms Psp.t.ties a as gases.
hie please MonIM,1y hdlg Elves i • way
awn, • way that pb•ssw
evesgbady. Slat Doyle sada bar fin•
poem. Ie. d.dery se tee -'.andel, sed
>rdlt L W. Laps pr.'ud head& a segs
herhe YM~' ��e dudeapp tees is
W e Moan, may alsandasky. lead ea
abs Alm* baa • *1II .ley .tees% clap
�= J) • hlpl1 peradas rasa* segaran
E intend to make our new Fall Stock et Dry Goode move rapidly,
that is, if low prices have anything to do with it. We want to have
yon know that we .re atiuuesing prion down to the very lowest
of compression point, that it is possible to give them. We point with pride
to our prions. Our new
now in
store in t odericb. We
Nr you to coupons Quality, Style and Prion with any
Zwe lead in the Newest, most Stylish and the Tastiest Designs of the
� Many exclusive patterns
Again we ask comparison in Quality and Prices. Fall and Winter Novelties,
are overflowing with Style, Merit and Attraction. You ignore your
rightful advantages if you omit to claim the advantages offered by the `rest
Mantle, Dress Goods and Linen house of Goderich.
Corner Wf iltrst Square.
1t0w" He OeTAI'gb A e`Cag-111* Alt 1('e
a111017LD !t1 litiLLOIrio I1Y ulHsi.114.1
LeaLli er,Lt4Tgp,
Prom the, N. tl. 3eld Hunter.
George [Almon, • well-known termer he-
ists eon New Elm, ie loud is hie pralias of
the benefits be mowed from the us. of Dr,
Willow' Pink Pills. Recently wilds riott-
um his daughter to Hemford, he was hems
vowed by • reporter sad to the anti
saiatatioh, '• W.0 Mr., you
leokiag tea years yoenger than you did
years ago," be promptly replied, t• Yeti
I •m feeling that mashy years y00ager.
am now in mJ siz1y-fourth parr ..d
feeling better than _pretty
did whoa 1 woe Shirt
four. It is LheaL that ty. generally keens here
I sed red intensely for apt'
of thirty years from kidney and
trouble, during whim time 1 was treated
by cid/ergot doctors. sad I can hardly toil
;r The Fa' r.
11R LA LS of the past remind
us that to make our records
shine, we must leave our
prints behind u., marked on the
.antis of Time.
And's _just what we do.
For instance, for the week be-
ginning Friday, Sept. i I th, we
will have a table tilled with
articles all reduosd to 26
how many different kinds of pawn malt.
eros. I used. but eau my *heaps' of it, bet I
got very lime relief from them. Eventual- Ca1�u1
ly I begs. to shirk ., emsbcannl•. Het v �nyer
I Mite ,geed •age sod one abseil 1 belie:
is per..nne.t, and d you w interested I
e►iUiag M tell what it has done for
While amiss a very bid spell and suffering
Maturely how the effects of liver and kid.
ne1 tremble., l socked 041 *dverteleeleet o f
Ir. -Williams' Pink Palls and thought 1
would try them. After beginning their
am I found a gradual improvement, 'sod;
Meta( suffered as long end as severely ae 1
did. yes may be sere thin I determined to
.enttswe the t1eettm.ot- Very steadily the
impeovewot ort 00, and alter • few
months' treatment with the Pink Pills I felt
that the last vestige of my trouble nod
disappeared_ New blood mooted to mum
through my viae, .ad theories; which for
* many years imperfectly performed their
hinotims sow work like • charm sad give
m0 not the slightest trouble. la addition
le alis my weight has *•,.rally raoreo.ed
reed I eon stead • day's work on my fare
Miter th•. 1 bate.s been able to do in years
before (N mores this may sound oe-
thmdaati., bet I know what Pink Pills have
dope for oto and 1 a.arally feel armsful,
and I sever lees Y •pporasity to my a
good weed tor this grad mediates."
The anent of health, •tre.gth and aotl-
vity L pure blood, •ad eoued some. Dr.
Williams' Ptak Pits make pars, lith rut
blood and strength.n the serves, •ltd this
is the secret of dm niarvallose which this dim* wthe sea w
why It corm when other taedioia.• fail.
The Put of dae•ore bevieg their sagas is
hapmn or watery blood, or • ass -
dittos of the nerve*, i. • bog me, bat
every o•ss Ih, Williams' Pink Pills will re.
stare health sod strength U given • lair
trial. The itemise Pink Pills ars sold o*Iy
m boxes, bowies the full Wade mark, ''Dr.
Williams' Pith Pelle for Pale People." Pre-
test yeomen from imposition by refusing
my pill that does met hear the regiss,ged
trade mark around the box.
This space leloads to
is t
egeed Geo + Stook elf
eTA>Y2• T4fi$
17%4 entrant''and liusf•Mruiaiwci
Crit Wed of. Toronto - - - - .
At Tea 19.1505144 may Mw ablakeed
porde( make sad •ver. by tbo doh or
a� to foest a a Isomer
see gelid ter thew Partly. Myer sad
tarvise at all herbs.
Will select hu goods oar tally, have his
.loth« made right, and pay the right kind
of • prior for them. You may rapt enured
when you plop putt order with m year M-
lersss will be mtefully predated.
No one .hews as an exulted.* a line as we
do. beautiful goods,and sold at • figure that
will mile you t0 moo mousy.
Tri ?4.1441,.
To the Public.
As I ate on the last year of my
lease, it is uey intention to dispose of
my stock of
etc., etc., and I think it will be to
year advantage if you are wanting
anything in my line to give mea call.
I shall require a settlement of all
notes and accounts at an early (eta
Thanking you for peat favors, believe
me, ,outs respectfully,
0. N. DAVIS.
The Balmoral Oafs
=w /rtes... =Val! d
at atwyfa Meek.
=Zi, J& J. WALBR