The Signal, 1896-9-10, Page 3HE SIGN Al: GODERTOtt 1leiT.• THURSDAY SEPT. 10, 1896 3 Ossl�t�iar'�. xunwul0x, L.D. s. w=seallt lsest Ofisw jog IMMR M .writ a gssisity. M Ten. lingeneselt 61MABEL n.D.S., t.,D.li.,-DUN AM, dUMtaIWN.-West •ad approved en ail Mani sperealses. Prameva. dm Loth:natural w a soialty. Maas ever•r ddd�rrpyaayawill ow at 1��a.(_�a� dim More, ow Manokester tee p.m. M. UR.JI$ULL, D.U.B., LD.8.- esseelated with Dr. Utas. SS ibaillaslit. MKS sad poser talc..t-uwai.l false m=aoa fttto�id __or��eeaiapm�e- tstestppp.a� mumesTeta t. tTesoi ss to �joL00ae sew Yee. aide DR. HUNTER. PHYSICIAN. SCR - V peas, ewe Nast les res draw lately occupied 1. M L... lt. oasis free resid.ucs. 7W$ s. ie LANK. WRIER Oa MAMMA It/ . uvulas. Gawk*. . Ust HMO Mu. caunauIir $ARRIETER. BOLI .till�.jt�rut.,t�w 8.Y dim aaa •w AaMewils.. upe. enemas mas ►'stet 11-1, L' KNECiT HEAIOX - 1s1RIUSTILR. Li aulWter. Nor..a Pelta suaswae Nisch. west Mee... Swig CA>,ti'toM,t,l.t .. BARIU$TKR, MA. .tins. Naar,, ho. odds met neilawat riga.. -gears. uod.nsck . IU 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, PRP 1v1. treltur, oommtalloaer. .tc, 1••N) to Mau. URIs • .: oar. Homilies .addl. aadreere btree s 'loder*ch, Ott. Oct t.sTC8 i uANCSY, BuktRIilTlilt. L eau der. Uesv.l••osr. an. sic. Mums eaten. at broom swiss Humanly -Moak. W pe. Genera* Hetet. underline. i �t pone Mot-.• N. LS WIZ, BA RRIBTZR, Mot - .1 A. I. ter 1a Missions Courts of oats. MUM Jeborre tweet. t • R , HAI 8, BARRISTER ..vLIC1T- 14. OR, ho. Odie• Nara .t„ asst door Inset Base. Pti a st* _rola N lead at i....* nim of later. rtJw !V ARROW t 1'ts�.u0DTOQT, BAYt- '.J rimers. Lilo raw,' 0.. W.110m. 0.LSede nal. ,J earnT. ear.v. Y J 1AM 1t )a, HOLT d HULMI*b, l) Berrie...rs, Buttoner* to Mammy. a.u. melee :.. It. C. Comoros. Q.0. ; Y. ll...t Dueler .aamea. 0. WAHD, CONVIYANOZIt„ U • titre., esd or s W sue or ....YWsiesea ear aids.aids. and re- r�i� isle am.sonatad ee M or sonata dmmta- ges d u la or N7 mann trgv M seediest la uCourt tet Juniors, u.. Deane/ Apfloir Insane, et la say Comity .i hits NA' ODOM, all uwaaesuoee trrdwly sM esemet It.eeanee sad ffete UM. Siell-li kIONILY TO WAN. - $80,000.00 Private Feeds to leadflj per boar. $- aass,. N. 0. CLAWIWN.s'e Beak. wpm . cello borne Hotel. OneeraL MI tf YRIy'A'1 K FUNDS - PART lEe 1,6 wryer of eb*aiamet mean o• toneless for. er-ugh) oma de seat 3i per eat by m- ei/lea aepalla.c ti J. 4..4c1Mr V Alii Sees) tee. a, •.e- , old Isebu mm. Toro.. to. Wafts C 8F-+liiB, WA VBY&Ii�Ce�II'lO AND Oast. ....•••••• oiler. oveuel wrlfec`1L•!Tinel Df uAkY TOO 1.; UN MORIt. U wLGILM.M•f•• epp she MM.ni.' Jima, Rade- fiat. L� J T. NA 'TEL, FIRE, LIT* AND r • sondem (asst...• w_t • at Mee. 10m. Ofese- Oer. ei,ti10♦t.leed Senors, Bed - s 11° 000 TO LuLN. LPP..Y TO Y' C:ML[t)N HOLT t SOLDERS. oo.•• Ifs .tee MUNEY TO LEND. -A L. a 11 1 amount al Primes lands for is nomad stem est rates est1Ineet�e�{•� .. to dl 110LSituw kal°t7Tg*0 R.. RADCLIFF?, OI NIRA L :IN 1�s.1�surreme. Real 1111.10 ... Mow ", Ineetnese tveneesbe. N tr Lead en sfi�gthti Maas, at the lowest rated lawns t_�etag. b erne ••V Wont the elrower ills. --tree• •.our fto..' snits.. WOW lltr..t Ise n Mesasalms' Balst.ILute. LIODEMOrl iB[ M UU Allen' I1fEn- ROM. ,Oooc. oaf San street sad Spare ;u Mira Dpset frost t set roe. Nd teem T to le r.u. ABOUT t*AIO VuL•b IN LIBRARY. Lmaki.. Delay, Wee* .1s4 IAwlratsd Pt�s/s. Myaw_e.•, yds.. wet P sir. Mta[> SIP 7 tQazr, ONLY `i.«, Me seg trio urs M Wigansed Ro/lwm Appllmm lktea batMgrlp reashred idernian. hereon J. H. OOLHORi7=. it. HAMIL , LI ANsrtwe =11ab MIL THOIt1AB GUIDRY. LIIO4- sad Leadesb6aratinnaOTTItOeN, EER Wes Dineen Mutest I Obi. ami es at - treed se b any ganef the .wear.. Mty JuRN KNOX, asUZRAL ADO - Gar. Hwy west eels argperimme 1, the amstl'ewWeds. heie hi •• '•mese l d mgpwMk t kir. lriw lidtsellia. 17asmot aM11e W eMiars. Rille ProTIONsIonaL E 1). rruas rwr'a /m00tATent t ler. t*JD SOUTIWow. 1.11. 0►s. 000.0 L Ot*141111Nral. 011416--4Ar. R -1. -awl Ninrypos...68-46 HOT OORN. Always pays yes Ba•e .eN do els sir to Ea. seek. ewes* I bate •.baled M Mwith r Taw. &A's Mw Tido epitaph w a twmbtsse in an Irieb sberabyand Lae Hib ndem M Gomm about it: Uri., Mb tions lie tem Wile tber ; Oee is twirled is Osimmig10ted nether bor. adiJr1.ss--What Ip year berme,y mI Serrbi a_eflpr-1•m a geselemes,thaVe es_ -Ab 1 T dimed bare *M* 1 ow Pair iOo-w-1 ed a ' Ib t1 aim madly dly lbosme VW •!r liar1 tS�e - • STORIES OF ANIMAI,S. SOME OF THEM MAY BE TAKEN WITH A GRAIN OF &ALT. Oat.eese Tact Kamer a !Wag or Te.- Meeadag nirds as Deta•ent- Ware ed Mao Crwcedile--Towed ger ranee by o Shark. Dr. Wilcox caught • shark not lung ago In the gulf near Grove City. Pie which gave him a very lnterrstin sad exciting tight before he capture 1t. The doctor u a great Ilshrt utan.au the abundance and Brea variety u the fish on this part tri tku coast gill him all the amusement needed In the Ilse. One great trouble he has to con tend with In fishing in the pars on t gulf is the shark. as they take best ball, and generally his book most of the line, says the Florida TOnes- U nem. Tiring of that trouble, he procured •'bark book and cu fifty fatbua of rope suitable fur the business. and on 11 e•1 nodey dropped an • chul at h,inrush ground Jar. ..,.t..,d. of 8iwup pass 17* f., ..w one end of his rope lis t!. meal. baited his honk.. tth a mutat: elf mullet and *urea it uvrr. Ab before tl.e hook 1. acerd the bottom the rope began paying out rep*dl). Tb doctor c•uget on to the ropy, but b: weight did not stn, lis hed away at all and wheu +-he rope was all u ot tb boat -a twrlvtefout skiff -legato t drag the melee.As the fins wan beading fur the bay the 'h.ctor baukd 1 lithe seed..,, think lag lh.• dish would go Ino*de, .hall... water be could more rash) t-apture It. By the time, however. h and neatened him. and. backing ap to hint, had stuck about a tout of Its tall up against his leg as an invitation for him w g't fishing again. WAYS OF Trot CROCODILE lf Pee.ar la tk ie tnerud• .1 topiarian rye e flea stir ruDew. Ticrt e le Utile us ale aita.at tilos/hos that can luck au dried and tri a.. ..w.A. salt'. lo a crocodile. The nurnb.•r of t. unsuspecting peune \that have takeu n kiwi for a lug ad have faUu reu dui - cover .heli ....nuke until It war tet es Ma to Ire of any benefit to them will d never be known. Boys the Ncty York d Mercury. 1' In suctent times, several years priorgyp • 1 to the Bntish occupation of ht. 1 1 some of the people of that euwtry - , worshipped the cro...dile an a god. e I there being nothing elm like hien. Tbrty b fed title on dainties and logged him ...1st and with jewelry. 1n other parts of Egypt. bhowevrr, the datives looked upon *tint I as a devil. H.*ing oo firearms, terry did not fill hint with lead, but they 1 menaged to b..nolate him auc.-¢osafully Willi ,uct, .. ...Ala aa arse fash!•rnat,le a at the tam, . The erucodlle U not au numerous In the :\ a as was 1;. it -- days of, the Ra.,..- -r family; In 1... . he rattier t tenni.. the rill. r DOW below the •solid cataract oar at.* unt of the annoyances e ineeparabk• from tourist traffic. It • moms oms Impusltk• fur a tourist l0 etre a • crocodile without trying to plug him e with a revulvet, and to a reptile that o le fold of a quiet lige this son of tnuig to ,Imply Insufferable. Ha will nut Mail molest a waiter he can take hint - at a disadvantage, and ser lung ar a n I man does not unthinkingly step on - I hint• tea crucud*le will gu his way and e calmly await his opportunity. had got lbw anchor In and cleared th deck for action the fish changed Ms course and started down the par.:: ' the open e• v. it kept In tip• pa..., +r1 pear tut' outer bar, when It close.-. reef where for water was •.til about five feet deep. and on which sea heavy a was rolling. The boat war going like • thing of life, and the doe for dors not know whether the swell rolled over the boat or the boat dived under the swells, but he does Woo•. boat .at filled and everything excel, the anchor was floating. He caught a ball bucket just an It was going eve board. and when the boat got Into deep and smo..th water he began th double duty of balling and divesting himself of such raiment N would be a hindrance In a long swim. He son relieved the boat of most u the water, and the fish nut showing any sign of changing Its course, he ire gen to take In the situation. In go - Ing over the reef he saw 1t were a ver)' large shark, and. wanting junsuch a specimen, the doctor, who 1s a fine swimmer, and all-around athlete, de termined he would stay 1n the roc. and trust to luck. The fish never changed its course or slackened itsir spine t*11 It had gone about four milia in the gulf, when It began to show signs of weakening and commenced to circle around. The doctor then began es take 1n slack whenever be could. using the anchor aa a windlass. After an h'-ur of the hardest work he suc- ceededin getting the shark .near enough to the boat to use bis piste' on It. He unloaded • Sit -caliber Smith &Wesson in its hod. under the effects of which It gave up. Looking over the boat he found his sheet ropes- broken, the sail torn, blocks gone. together with one of his oars, and h.- four miles from shore, with the wind off the land and the tide running out. He had b. -en jerked around till he was sore. hru*eed and tired, but his only chance was to work with one oar and tow that shark w as to hold his own till the tide turned which he did. reaching home just five hour's after he had hooked the fish. It measured 11 feet 4 inches in length and 47 Inches around the body. It was of the spotted or leopard variety, and a vicious-I.oking specimen. That species Is said to be very dangerous and is rarely seen on this part of the come e He feeds on tia11, but fur a course Idinner he would rather bate huuaanh; ✓ black preferred. u hic-h shows that there it. n.. ac.•uunt*..r for taste even 1 among rcptil. HIa methods of cat - y turing large game are plural as well tie .ai.Cular Sono -times be will 110 un a ricer bank, pa.:i� coveted *n goad. - ` or mud, until an atsentn.inded native s I wanders within reach. :Having grab- - beef htr. pr.•s he will waddle int, the river ver and there drown the struggler. t tae .t u. .roe.. drag his victia.t umpire and bury him In sand or mud and watt for days before he gorges hien' self. e I Mocking Bird. r I)aaecra. The power of the mucking bird to amuse folk b not confined to f Its abilities as & Hch-voiced singer. The more birds are studied the more the student* wonder what they can d.,, 'says a writer in the P.,pular Scien, e Monthly. Birds with some markc•.1 characteristics are sometimes neglect- ed in other respects than their pecull- - ashy, and so it happens that the mock- - lug bird Is better known as an imita- tion singer than as an original one, and that it was a dancer an much almost as a heron or crane few were aware. The mocking birds dance methodical- ly, like woodsmen In a squsrr d We 71.aed With a Blaeksaake. Falrley Truthful, who you know, goes t0 church regularly and hasn't told a 11e In thirty years., relates the fol- lowh.g remarkable fishing adventure«. according to the Bt. Louis Globe -De. mocrat He was out shooting, and. while eat- ing his lunch, be carelessly tossed a piece of bread Into a small stream at his feet. when he was surprised to see a perfect swarm of trout fighting for the I.read. Searching eagerly through all his pockets, he was greatly dis- appointed that he had nothing In the way of fishing tackle, aa the trout was evidently hungry. and if only he had a hook and line, he could easily catch all he wanted - While trying to evolve a plan for the capture of some of the trout, the gen- tleman noticed an Immense black snake lying on a stump sunning itself. and Immediately he recalled that his father had told him a good litany years ago. how expert black snakes were in catching trout. After a little thought on the subject. Mr. Truthful determin- ed 20 try It, and. picking his way cautiously to the stump. he grabbed the snake by On tall The black snake evIllently didn't understand at first just what was wanted of him, mind for some them after he had leen soused Into the water he continued to twist and squirm and tried to get away. Hut fleetly the stake pled a big trout peeping out from behind a atone, and. like a flash• the reptile darted out end seised the rash 1a 1ts mouth. The instant the 'make grabbed the fish Mr. T., who held the snake by tee tall, pulled and landed hie trout, the snake letting go *0 muss an It was hauled out on the bank. The next time he stuck the snake into the water It seemed to under- Mead nderMead better whatwanted and on very sograbbed ,titer trout. By the time kali a doses trout had been taken tike wake bad metered Into the sport Is dead earnest and 1n the sures of an boar P&irley had captured with hie queer tackle over forty ane trout and, not erring for morn le* let the make flo, gathered hp 111e fltttk sad west boom- era arwoe &best a west Titer Mat Me Truthful mowed by the spa where lie had mistimed the nag glias trigs b. 'pee .leaned on tar* bast looking • the epeebl.S beauties afe they der throw" ate door water be fast .r Mem rubMtg W lea Leslltsg be wee .wairlw to see >W met tem. lbs ble Twee•. !Ir swim -- rimes rather than with the wild gyrations of a darky hoedown. They keep thetr bodies stiff. with head and tails erect• their wings drooping and feathers flattened out. something like the Eng- lish sparrow when hopping about bcs fore Its sweetheart; but the sparrow's feathers are thrown out usually instead of being flattened against t!,e bo.ly. Two of the mucking liras make a + set. and they bound along. Jumping rather high. but not far. going from one end of the playground to the other, one behind the other about a f'.ot, and each one at the end «1 the playground turns In a circle slowly- and with dignity and gees back again. S..me- en1es they stop and look at some dim - tient object. day dreaming. apparently, then away they go again. Mr. Blake tells about a hen that was disturbed by the actions of a pair of mocking bards In their dance, where- upon she left her brood of chickens and charged the couple with clucks and fluttering feathers. 1'p went the mocking birds with true mocking bird talk. scolding and spluttering at the hen until they fairly drove her away. Chicken. Know a Thing or Two. Chickens are not generally supp.sed to possess any great amount of intelli- gence, but a Kensington man tells a story which seems to show that oc- casionally they are up to a trick or two. Next to his house there Is a vacant lot covered with a rank growth of weeds. These weeds bloom perio- dically. bearing a yellow flower. At such times the lot is crowded with fowl which devour the blooms greedily, One afternoon a short time ago the Kensingtonlan saw two chickens enter the lot, evidently looking for something to eat. There was nothing In sight save a solitary blossom. which had withstood the onslaught by reason of Its height. After • few vain attempts to reach It by jumping. the birds dee Estee and appeared to hold a con- sultation. Then the first, leaping u0. caught • leaf on a stalk and pulled it down, thus bringing the flower within reach of Its comr. The latter ap- proached. ate what It considered • fair shah and then relieved No. 1, which Immediately finished the remainder of the blossom.-Phlladelpt. la Record. Sbakeepare's Low. The writer Of a recent book of legal anecdotes has unearthed some curious testimony as to William Shakespeare's knowledge M the 1lbgtbh law of his time. says the New Tork Journal Lord Campbell• a former lord chief justice of £ngl•nd, in the year 1111 published a book entitled -Shake- speare's Legal Acquirements." In which he submitted three -and -twenty of the thirty-seven plays to • some.. What close examination. and deduced therefrom a large number at examples Illustrative Of legal knowledge or ac- quaintance with technical terms on the part of test author. Abounding N are them law phrases. points and meta- phors. tee marvel is that they w always sonnet* and appropriately used. Ther. is Dever a mistake. "Whin novelists and drsasatteta" says Camp- bell. "are constantly making mt.lakee as to the Mw of mansion.. Of wilt. and OS inheritance, to wt•keepeare'e law, lavishly N he propounds it, there ma be so demurrer, so bill oft exnsptlrn. no writ et error." -res w an rttipe.enaew . 1 rpOrlmntts wickWYO. WON 10 w that In sews wikether the ell a t.- ar)on hT ntgbt an (i.blparwd to that hire takes place la to. day appear, to be be tan rots rot wee le tip. Mow N Mesa Wreta. Day by day it le proved that kmetaris sinke the none properties of the .tr we breathe, toe water we debt. 0satt..,how- ever, is soother matter, and Wows to all who ewe Doom.,• seas. sad 11 es spsoially required is dwelled with Media* dirt. Wasik se in mamy Dewe syaes a»ag wale ba.Nrta et their worth. The Inman Saimaa is 'sa- lwoktly an extremely dirty monad the trait whtub has passed thr.1 the heads ei the meat immeshed may better sever be eaten wit►wtelmosug. Sines drat tient holds Joel hones of dirt, and when to this is add- ed the eamdlieg .l mores of people It is plots that Nass surfaces aawasb.d are not fur any rational human sturimich. Kites s*nwsurma 0•saul to exempt, l•et they must mem soak ; osly let water rue o0 them, a were basket beteg the bast method o►1 .owned in tmaaedate possum off. Grapes reyuie the name treatment, Wit t eituer use only enough should be duet at once for • meat MUNICIPAL 000NOILB. o. HORN L. l'•rlow. Aug 27. Tb. Cantonese council met in the tow•- • t •u hall, members all present. Matas ot ...- u... tin/ were read and &trued. Norio. eta 7...w 11,e o.-nncil to have the thistles cut us the west y:.e, .. t of lot 7 us the ten obs The Dark ea. t. tett to notify the master to see that the tbisti. •lrryre out M. Koberts promoted se mi..e.ue,* be- twern the Huron and Ontario Ratle.) t sett the towrh.p toe the right of why to .wild a rade«) 0o the nada. TO. agree. Weal. ores sign.,, and a bylaw pitmen 13 hest Ann. A pay ttiun was pre.rsted,alas- a1 by a.w.M* til ratepayer* living no the sole Ilse ea the rear of A Sandie' farm, oak- um the seemed wisdom e1.. Sands to build a wt.* Naar in.a'.d ot the hoard fence he tm about to greet. The petition was grant - ed. Toe following* account* were ordered t., t. .1 : Nm McWilliams, burying two sneer, 11 ; Wm. Smith, making stone ham- mer ...Pairing scraper, $1.36 ; Munite • p.I Wane Repeater. B N sad D.. and 50 dog tags, $4 77 . '' R.. cher, 90 loads of grovel, 14 50: N s•. *. !:-. b sheep killed by end. $14 John \t.l e... ode fur James Hamilton, 14 66 ; A;... 1)oa... -on, cutting weeds, $2 ; John B.rker, pickle,. -onset tiff Ituuiop's HUI, 01; .1 he Barker, len !Atom • .Iveirt at Station], 3 'i Moved 1 y Sao un) Porter. se..nsded ty A A Young, that a bele. he paned. levying • eo' o'y rate 1 b mills, • tnwush.p rate of 1 2 and • spoo- ul rate of 1 3, also sufficient n.tes to rats the *mosots teetered for schooi purpose* in the township. The council •djmornod to meet * gate August 21st at 3 o'clock 1 v. Tp. Clerk. It has Imes estimated that,uu an average, four persons are killed and forty injured *very week u the err.- ca til tee metropole. Switzerland is the osis civilized isometry in the world witch miaow. uu patents for to- wn 1101*. There as oothiog t.• prevent anyone me- mo ing • Mill firs and canine It '• sarespar- ids," toad then is nothing to prevent ar one ■peuJ.i.,t . Wti Wu...u.o g the stuff but pradeat people who w'.h to be sure of their rose dy, t.k• Ayers sereapsrilla, and w get curse. Neatly &It double flowers originally grew wild in field to forest ; they a etc discovered among *heir nee, feikw• .sd introduced in''' Lb. gar des T1.. floret, however, can pimento d..ulle flo. •nam. He watches this tendency in u.iu.• 11 a fl...., usually has hire petals, anti M u..00.. r. t Mt w'me of the stamens b.v. • petal -I ke c' ars ter, the pollen is taken tree those 'flowers and used 10 fertilise Bower• to a ,...rmoI ersd*- ttoa. Thu teen•-ucy, u000 started, to then gives to the pr..se0y. ( L P, t s, 4\1)Rt SIOp'. 1 ‘I 11\011 11K �ILE.SIHE't1A1Qtf(a� Mold b t)oderioh by J. S. DA WIIi. CASH for -BUTTER aid EGG3 hers .1111 a few DRY000DS STRAW HATS w sine I ssellisg at • duction in otiose At the Gash Grocery. gJ. HOILTOI, esu. Menrealee stet* Noris. PAlNOAKE BREAKFAST Ji* Oa Meg fee tees nesse N the yore. 1f Yet Mara sower seabed tele beders, yew win whom yea have hied seen of ser PAN- CAKE cinema. .appk.lented wale e ms et ore PURE MAPLE SYRUP Gag nmsemi COFFEE Weise lee sed seeds prtsmsbl. O.A. NAIRN. You ran feel brighter and do more work by drinking "LUDELLA" CEYLON TEA Lead Packets only. From Grocers and General Storekeepers. H. Pt ECKLRDT & ' lc. 111.111 c'e lgentsa 7m lar 1 n Buying a Bl C; YCLE, it pays to BUY THE BEST. And doubly so when the best cost, no more than one not so good. T11 Common dense is one of the hest wheels manufactured in Canada. The Ladies' Wheel 62.3a) being constructed on principles to. give the greatest possible contort in riding. A number of second hand whew '., in good repair at low pricer. FOR 8.'ILE BY GE ). W. TI; OM3ON, POTMAHOFF TEA. This new blend of tea for family use is now on sale is: our store. . We have also the finest in FRUITS and VEGETABLES and keep on hand full lines of best Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. Sr�.URDY, EROS. The (,roCers, on tie Square. BETTER TIS ban COLD IS A BUSINESS OR SHORTHAND COURSE it MIS For.. Cit v Busire. College We have leased the whole of the third floor of 'he stew'..M.C.A. building and are haring 1t fitted op sepeet&lly for our work. Amide ofering & superior o00ree of instruction, vee tare advantages possessed by Mao otter sol volts N- ,stege Ontario. College Rs -opens Sept. Write fbr Particulars J. W. WEST ERV ELT, Princip&L USE E. D. nor: MATCNES. Where Do You Buy To WIC hey .sly Isom the vary ben makers, and from so sobena. We topples' taw le se osestry molar the ens that wrp...., N pools. ask for D..isdus of amide u the smannseere of 000D 81101i0, lead we ave a great mese .f dim..31.4 weigh are at mar ems mssi. At the aim team we are en- der Iles thumb el mss, wawg.uasIy w. w M liberty to, and de, bay tee. Ms.* 4.... that mobs 1be very Mea artists (•mala lista from *wads ger 1. to sseret, ma the Mi/�.M..J ebsemai.r is to mem wpetest sayer, M soaks the ..1.- l.. mid eat the t Masa will mime a sew is moll put mem +Mb good Imam" like to mw .les hilts, oerred tsar Hes patties Boon sad Mai t.gpiber, sad bays demo little eke ban Made Mom all *am late 1 Bad b NW .sp 4ms. hams we luso. wart w. title Mi& end wet wo are aapisg. Mier largo. Usmaleplag lr.dle Asneemmalw Ass bemire& lei oar mmtsm.s are wall were .t the Mat teat we .and are lane - Bed M Mmb leave Is beads * m-siag of abet* boewwr. WO.% wdr j.b the tomb .Q erne ewatreesw amts bey sem Ire. the Mishit aid pw0iml ids ams 1 W. are bosom N mil dims - JOH.I IAUGHTO]I, The Dem Sae Reser. North elle tie /Stere. ddmkb.