The Signal, 1896-9-10, Page 1• TU HINT IS THs CUL&PZIFT THE SIGNAL .... IuS THZ BEST. 11) IJELAMINGI 2sT2EIWBPAP211R. Off' 1-1"173-11,02sT OOZTNTY- FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2586 GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA. THURSDAY. SEPT. to, 1896. ONE DOLLAR WILL "AY s.UR THE SIGNAL kris Ors Ya.a D. McGILLICUD D Y. EDITOR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -SEPT to CAMERON HAS THE FLOOR COMING AND GOING. Pate Hort Smith is visiting is 4foatreol. Geed Iasprveoie.ns- -Tbe Pair...... .... 4 Fee Fall •ltd Waiter -A. Maar* The Kldaeya-Folioed t Ce Card el Thanks -P. Mellow' and ethers Ae.wr•ey-- :. D. WtUtama Screamed Soft Chat- Wm. Lee F•rmere--A. Mel). Mia. Property foe dole-Ceoteren, Molt Holmes Lest a Shawl-Dtl.lop P.O K.halmM4-A. B. Corsell •• H•apy Thought " R•ste for Sale -Jae T. Dictum Apprises.. WaNd-WillitrM. Harbor Setup G. N. Deva .peat Labor Day in (!silos. LABOR DAY CELEBRAT Iis l)UNOANNON. IfonOL-The loosl serene sen IJ.P.. oesvosv.e.r, Ito.. who winiieseire or ED frTwo Slob le to the sees el J. 0 erd AL done for oubeartpaotJ oeaao.,, dvertWen and Job w and la au w cls receipts f or 8 And Arrmlaynis Ex-11[lntstern. will cure... drove w $e•toruk on labor How It WAS Spent In Goderloh. • • p 4 amounts paid for the Mme. Day. TI'ID. DAV, Sept 8. 6 Miss Brune was visiting in Toronto last I I Mr. Brown, painter, of WaketdeW, thio., b M Selbas ■p sae t'hrar.eb es ..sada! aid week. The Peet Mee Mere a IUD W --new ts/ acid i. on • emit to friends and selectee' us Due - 1 l moss. 6 Num.. ---Our farmers are shipping their tall apples A very large area of fall wheat has hots gown is this vtoialty. WgoLo. •K. -We saw the notice of the I as Nerite West Wawa - 6 6 8 6 5 T OWN COUNCIL. ■tante. el ahs Last Beg.ter Merida/ et Mat sed,. Int. renter semi-monthly meeting of the tows oosaotl was held o. Friday roomier. Present, Mayor She•non, Rewe Proudfoot l)p.ty•Reeve Holt, sod oouooillure rhompsm, (;ode, Colwell, Saunders, Wil- son, Nairo, Nicholson. Campion, Crewe. M&.ut.s ot last teenier meeting read, sp. proved and argued. A smmnntoauun from Mary Wil -..u, mato • reniesl•eu of t►xes, was nn wutiem of Ib- deputy reeve and Nicholwa referred to 1 burl of Revision. A oommsnsc+tion from Goldthorpe & 1'ulus allow, for . fr u sate sod r itiesioo of tame for the ;,sir ,.• a of erecting and es• y. tog on • weodw thing and turning faoaory, Ina on motion of the reeve sad Neuro. refer- red to puhlto works oommttt 5 to report. ., °omma.a°ation from Chao. Rates, sec- retary of the tire brigade, regarding Me wretched este of the men's clothing •aid boots, was read and on motion of Proudfoot sad Campion referred to fire committee to report. A number of meon0ts were read and re ,erred w finance committee. I11PDAT .1r fNAs, s ...tta11TLL. Your owmittee ham a xamtoed the fol- lowing amounts and recommend their pay- ment flies \-ides., tet 65. .loo. Brophy, -17 1 our committee &leo recommend Mat they be empowered to advertise for tenders for 138,500-4 dolga:urea and to sooeet e ach tender as they may deem advisable. E C.tMrWN, Chairman On moue. of tampion and Ntobueoo the retort sas adopted. k).,okT ..r OATIK AND WORT .OMMRri.t:. Your committee beg to report as follows e Dave accepted u e tender of Messrs. 1'acksrd & Co. for tr.nsIerriag, this beteg Me lowest leader. t1'. have also .incepted the tender of Messrs. Rogers k Co., of Lai- dig, for inside wiring et, West wok, 11 50 per tamp, minceeled wino/ 12. The tender t.t Golds & McCulloch, of Galt, for one 10.74, 35 aurae -power rngtte has been so copied •t the ram 0t 11,400, this Leung the lowest Leder. 1 our committee have awarded the 0o.tract for supplying dymo to tee National Electric Company, of Eau ;lure, Wis., tor the cum of $1,22b, tke be- ing the lowest tinder, •.d the epeeiboitioas Mum m •000rdeme with the requireme.0 d the engineer in okarge. Your 'oD Use deemed it advisable to -ohmage the as. of the stand pipe, and m - steed of it being 12 feet u diameter to have it 16 feet. the plates sot to bees %Wok as therm toederd far ; and we ars therefore having new specification made. or rather toe old ones altered to treat the diagram of us. new stead pipe, • copy of whim will be cwt to the diWerat parties who have al- ready tendered. Your o. hiss love also bega•rd into the oest et laymsg • pipe for bre purposes to the premises of the Goderiob Lumber Co., ..d find that for a 2 isoh pips rearing • dim - Moos of 375 feet the owe would be with hydrant shout $90. Your committee would ask wallas, Ib fix the rates te be ehargd for i.os.d•eotat heContracts love hets prepared and w M- ien snood by all the penin M whom tes- am love bee. h1. P. Hot?, Chairmen Moved by IY. move, wooded by 8.0 - dere, that, if M •ls far fire preteens ns re- rr.d be - ( report d *be wailer sod be ooam.asse le slid• grey M the Ode - h lumbar Ce , the said eoasasfM•s be authorised 1. as tees have same pet be. tarried. Os omens d speed. stall NMheLw the report we tarrn? .r t'ost.`•c woszs o05NSITSI. 1 our a.mm/Ms' bon te report No" !hey have engaged W. Br.s418 . make the s.ess- N►y plass. apasisewerage aiysatstia.o, ala. et the pre- bbp.ld 1100 fer his ..mess. em frie the ~ be M L reformat es the letter ef C.ptota Hebb the tows kgs M control d she =ae=on if the heseh d as to v ik - d sorties 28 el the troas! by-btw. We r.- seelitood then • sew by-law be prap•ta l anwdbr said eosins. Tsoursow•Ate` A ..m.sisaMss from wdr... 8•.. - din of the ere se.udttes swiss shat the Ors wanks had reported that sae d that Imola d base nosedy patronised did w awed the .were e.ed test was reed. . Tbe asm.5ulsatim erns os wins re - dived, cad ea motion ol eswmdsn and lhsalp.w Ilo etsrk was meerw.Md to se - WY 1k t the dna from whi@b it was 'whined et Oa maths el He rime teswellheu the tine esmmilese was f.serwoeed to have the se - .L. pus Is proper repair. A temeammati.. fn= 0. W. Freer g to be allowed to sad as expntlsa.d Memo. to ptaperty sarry es* she ambit ismes.sms t• was wad .aid es mains. of %Asepsis sod Nairn rolarrod to wow sad e.mmlttos wMh psww le sae. - Th. swell then ad rjarm Tower. Sapsasabr 1. ....ism,* Coma. el 1Isatil. and &wt. lo Mt w d Mr. and Mow H. tithaeMu R Inkhorn's W rMwssed Gam . vb. lobar Haire flim I. !easier. IM at aaeds hew LOOS tp.. Ila -tile Sesame far Seeerd. *beat the Lange - Fla Sleek. To E followin' from The Montre•el Star (Co' a. J s. • brief mm..ary 01 th• spook of M. ('. Censures. M. P. for West Huns.. delivered s. l'arlaameat on Tuesday, Sept. 1. Mr. Comoros held the attention of the House tar one hour and a hal!, and on 0ts- oluding+toe .1.eeoh wee complimented by lord Chief Jwuoe Russell, who ..ad, It was the greatest polaroid indictment ! ever beard :' Mr. Cameron's mono.. asked for oopt.s o1 all tenders, 000tzeots, .tatemen • of the suma paid, and orders -to -council passed in connection with the arnatructto.r of the Langeviu Block, (1100.. Mr. Cg'r.uon reviewed the whole case fr,n. we lotting ot the uo0t.reot• l..r the owtruotion of the building op to ti.. pre, I sent, He did not mums m•:ters, nut struck rtght 0,4 Irom the tint. He was go- tor. he said, to discuss • conspiracy to de- i fraud the Canadian treasury, • shocking 000dttioo of atrium that enabled • succees- ful rata to the at<teot of half a million of Cb.mp•gee,iII. dollars to be made upon the public funds. I Archie Di. kaon of Blyth was in the Co. Look tt the facts of the oto. lo 1883 town on Mond.,. • tendon were celled and 16.1 of Mr. Cherie- I .loo. Rankine of Seatorth spent L el.or hors for the construction of the main build- I Day to Godenob. isg for 295,000 was •coapted. And br I Principal Strang, of the Collegiate, was hold ' Afterward@ it was found that the Torobto last weak. oontr•ot did not 0.11 for a root. And OD 1 112 there was another tender for an iron rout, Mise Josie Shannon was veitiu4 in the w awarded for 2975: me for Queen City this week. .1.• Robinson made • business trip to the Queen City the week. Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Dive returned teem • trip to the Queen ('ity. Tows Treas. Hulot' was in Toronto last week. Mrs. F..1 Pi -Wham was m Torrent.• let week. M. C Cameron, M. P P. was in tows the week. MONDAY, Labor Day, was general M,.. -R. B. Smith my in forontotbe peat ly observed as a build.), and as Old Sol assk. It.htag CaI.re-4yrltaa and Draw lag tensest --A Mswt Lrril tag ease Mall Mn A.J. Mesa w vial log is the Queen made an early appearance, and lept to the qty front all day, pleasure parties bad .n enjoy- able 1:arrow left yesterday on • trip te able time. lo the morntnv the town was Toronto. 'rather yu et, and had it not been for the Mr. and Mrs R. Ra Wine are visiting s gam0 at bowls between the old omits and the Toronto. l oolte we should have little to mooed for Mrs. Chas. Newton is veitiug freed' i. Toronto. Rev. Joseph Edge was in Se.forth on Thursday. Mrs Aleck Sunders visited u Toronto that part of the day. Our anglers were early at the river and harbor. and though there were bet few good statues hocked, all the wielders ot the rod seemed to eojoy IDs outing. Boating was freely indulged In all day last week. 1 long, .....a the placid waters of the harbor, a1re. Colin Campbell vatted Toronto Fair lake rod neer made this exercise a most Inst ween pleas..,., „nee mos. li, McDonald le m,.i'tog m the Tenon■ w.. played .t the curling rink Queen 1'rty. court a part of u.. 4•y, but there were no Gm u Porter is reported rs being some- eat matches to recoru. what better. Cycling ryas much in • •-or during the Hayden Williams, of Wteefm th, spent Sun afternoon, the road.. het mg ..r. n up, being day at home. in parte*t condition. Dr.ving was general, Mies I're5dfoet lefi 'own on Frid or the Leve number of inebiclm &round the blah .rd $4 loses se 416,000; o.e for Moore apparat- us for 115.500; one for elevators, !(89,000, and one for stars for 111,040. Addles ten- der prices and d•dttotin, the value of work not done for whish peymsnt was made the whole building was to oust 4344.406. The site mot $95,000; so that in all the build- ing was to out the public treasury 4489,- 406, Now followed the procetdteg pursued during ooastruotton. " 1 t discloses," said Mr. Cameros, " a rank 000eparacy bets.... the *Detractors and the Government of tee day. lot ex Mtoeten tell us how the tre•enry was raided sod explain it if they °•0." Mr. 1'0meron wart over the state - matte year by year, showing how the cost kept ancre•ainq far beyond the limas of the estimate made of i he orgin.l cost of the building. Mr. Cameron's totals were as fol owe A000rding to the statements of the Depart- ment of Public Works, • banding that was to °est $394,000 had been ooaetructed at as .xpeoditar. of 4486.000, hot upon adding together the different sums voted by Par - Basest to pay for the building the total amounted to 41.086.000. What bad be- come of this extra halt million dollars' ••1 call it wholesale robbery end I challenge the rotations/It who were i• that Govern• meat to amount for it. Has it come to the that we cannot get • public building coo - steamed in Canada without chemist mooing sway abated of the esumat s' I call it • direct .te•1, • clear raid. What become of the messy ! How do they •oce.st for it ; did they pay for tee work twice oval Y' Mr. Cameras wont on to diocese the oon- tr0et for the oo.struction of the iron roof. He west into the 00ee to illastrate the game of " freeze out,' whish, ho said, was played apen the oo.trsotors, Rooesau & Mathews. Wbm their promoted themselves to kagbe work upon the roof Mr. lharlebota rehired them somas 4 the building, unless they pad bias 25 per owF of their omtraot price. Was .et that en outrage! Bat it was ably pert of . ew.d•low ooaspir oy w get rid of • wkadiast. ovatt aotor Mr. Cameras weed rod hew Roaasmu a Mainers were to put • roof as the beadier, d they amid .ot gee .t the bedding. The .eatrsot to build • red implied the r3.18t of semen to the bedidi.g. The Hen Minster d Janine gave that Ming as ha only staid do is law ted seamen mans. Mr. Cameros bore wont iota the .videos' takes oy the P.Wis Aswan Cowasium be 1891. It told how theee sestrsetees, attar mask ni IfsR. were Marl_ . •.-.s*..d wt, and Mr. -C s,k was g1... the .5.te•et for the putt./ on d the red. Mr. Camer- as tefe his ,tory with e.pit•l amok 0.d the House Seemed es U the nylons. d int seasd.l.asa1.. d 1891 won quits sew. Anter the dimmer reo*as be sMws.d W. arrangement d the poet OsseermMve .4. miobv.Mon. M. 18.d a hew. that et IM as*o* voted by Podiums* one-half • mtl- 1b. of dollars had .et 18.on •sensed for. Had Mr. Marin* he torn b... gtee.d ; . end W be divided with ems whom bow - this 4sn1amsm as the ether side meld pro habit oases t flat Mr. Cameos. thought the es5susweim et the i.10uily r'a.•ised fee the tett adasbletratbu to and Hut Moa Mr. Ob.rieb.s' *Lim fee mer+. Penned by the •riietl, hot atter detest at the pais, tril.ud to arbisoseess, ewe et Woe was " • ..darts Tory heeler el MoatreeL" Fortunately for the god saw of Canada awl ter tits yobbo wessry, the wa*@b-d.4 bad his .ys' epw. wed the award et Hose .rbitr*Mma led serer b... earthed est. L ,sesius ., Mr. Camerae said be was tseybe41 she paws. be order Mae the tub dwMW d the esowlr.ey and the rube might M pissed Were the Howse.d the esumt.y. Smell seise M _•- 41•e•et3y Maved. Te mos Moth the .rimy words d posies ..bees •f de.eb Amsrlsan K1dey Cale would sows.. Lew wpmgnper apses. BM We at rants= • Mw t Ade Sopor. Dudes Fats. Ont.: ••Oas bottle el e.se Aaserimaa 1(.4. Our. ee.vbesed mm d in pus' worth." Mislaid M.Md1.., 1•y, OM ilEenwredewe booth et bests Awrns. 05.0,. and taking M ....A1.. M get km..dlahe rent" 111 J. Lambe. 4hurlsehs• Qss t wise over 4100 lar Msamtw, bet awe ra.dvad snaring re- 1Mf sw*r I Mips 1he w d Smith Amasses [ice Oars." Roe. Jaws Msttdoolt„ St. J.hw, is 1L t "I have ,..d.d one kuadne dame worth Of geed file sea heals d I. Aosmis Missy Otitis" W by J. H. and the Misses Colborne were is the Queen City last week. F B. lhaom, ot the Bank of Commerce, is holidaying no Stratford. Mn. A. S. Chrystal and inn were among Torooto's guest. last week. Mn. 1)ookh.m left town on Friday on her return to her home, Chicago. Wordes Str•oban of Grey was in town this week on Conn.y business. Mies Belle Joho.o. spent • few days in the Queen City the past weak. Mn. Cayley Hamilton sod infant, ot R. - Idea, N. W.T , are at the Crescent. the Mimes Mollillicaddy were visiting relatives in Toronto the past week. Jas. •. and Mrs. Reid were to Ontario'. metropolis tot a taw days last week. Misses Emma and Laura Aohemn were visiting in the queen City l.at week. Mr .ad Mrs. M. Davis, of Mount G•r- m.l, I11., were in town the past week. Messes Kathleen and lVionafr.ds Ba11 .pmt the past week in the Queer City. Mrs.‘ Rev. iSimpeon, of Bruoefeld, was the past week the guest of Mn. Robt. Header. sou. Mr.and Mrs.Hy.Rothwal and amity ore spending • few days with trieode is limos - field. The neosger of the N••rth American Cheesiest Works was in the Quests City this week. H. L. 8elkeld, Harry Salkeld, and George Wilson were at the industrial Fair last weak. Rev. J. A, and Mrs. Anderson and obildren have returned tr.. their Summer vacation. Mrs. Pstter.00,ot Brandon, Man., was the pee weak aha guest of her relative, Mrs. R. A. 8mtith W. Adamson of Ceithae.e-.hire, Scot- land, is visiting at the residence of Mrs. Adamesa. Mies Bonny, of Toronto, is .sealing a two -weeks' v esus. at the family resides... Nelson -ft. Re.. Jas. and Mrs. Wilson left to Tues- day for boon*, Names FOIL, after • lengthy yell to relatives .t Satierd. 8 J. A. Boyd bas moved his tastily to Belfast. be Mew* bees •ppoiMMd to the paths sets.l is tb•t village. Mtn 1 Mathew. who has her retie. Maeda be town for the peat five wsska,tw lewd to Duluth last Wedm edsv. L M. Newts., et the Tuner Herald, Chi. ..is.lsft for home en Friday atter • plasmas* via* to relatives be tows and township. Mrs. Walter Groes. 1 Magnin, who had bees winnow bar dela, Ib.. Robs.* Headaees. the pone two weabJdt for hams es T.mday. Mr. maid lira Bahl M.D".old d Tran, N.B.. ere the ramie el 1)r. Clark, V.S. the gosshmas let nephew ef A. C. Me - Dark!. d Damep, and had as* seen his tale for 40 yaw. THE HARBOR. Proem rough 8aoday. eebr. Yesell sailed. Ught, ler Thessalia en Friday. TM mater. Orba.de .oiled for Tbwle• en Tinny. light. The Newer Cambria was be pont y..ter- day .os.fag en hos .. tb.eed Mer..y. The Mower Onrasea saes/ se Tuesday mining es tar d.we word .ad laet trip this .snow The asbn Ori* en, with MO Is. d bard .mal for W. Lee, monad se Ls'% deem Twnip roll. The mace. Anew, with ogler peon fee Deur ei . won twee Mie pis* es 'I1wMy it WSW. end sided en ?limy ..wait.. Thy dredge Awed* and tog raw wto this and i.A hr M der--sei.a. Mlwdiw♦ esThe limber Me bees posit, wall *sand ler S*18. pili M daps. a Wells. k iiieiwas is spmatmai n ef the neons it Ws The seise. St. Aod,ww from Fart William with 87,000 badman el wines for millers.iew. the Wed the 0 T.L, wrlv.d is pmt os Ttinip. town being som.thug phenomenal. The bowlers, as u.u.l, had • good time, there being 000nder•ble good-uatured fun during the playing tf each of the games, but more p•rticalarly when the old ones were plying against the ecu.. The games and players were as follows : Morning game -Old Ones vs. (7114. Old Ones. Colts. Fred Holmes, C. 1). Williams, D. Holmes, W. Campbell, A. MoD ellen, A Farrow, W. Lane, skip, 15. 1)r. Hooter, skip, 11 Afternoon game. -Wynn re. Jordan. Jorden Rink. Wynn Rink. W. Campbell, A Farrow, G. Ehott, W. lane, A McI). Alan, l'. A Humber, F. Jordan. .kip, 43. J. Wyno, .kip, 39 P. t threw o'oloot, when the baseball game between um Hurons and the Unioas of Wroxeter sod Gerrie w.. called, all other sports Isere oast in the shade, and young end old wore at the Agricultural Park to witne.s the comity oh•mpionsbip game. As w ill be seen by the score, the Unions ob- tained one run to their first inning, end Gndevioh followed with two, but when the 1 .ion. le their Dext scored ten the chances of the coveted chemWonehip eomtng to Godenob seemed .far off. Notwithstanding the seeming setback. the Huron. played on pluckily, and as wall be seen by the more were the winners of the prize. BASIL ) ALI.. Hurons ire The Colons. The Unions went first to bet and .cored one run ; the home team in their venture getting two. In the se -,,o4 ,he fun started, and for fifteen long mann'.'. • hF fie et footed Ireh hngad* who man the 1..;• i n outbeld were kept buoy sifting mud in a manner that spoke volumes for their .thle'ic train- ing in the days goo* by. But all things must have an end, and • etgl..-1 ieu••f west up from the onlookers whop the third man was oat, leo rune having t... -o scored. It was an oo-hill tight from the out for the Herons, and w, bad did things leok that many people left the field thtokung the lead was too moon to be overtaken. !Mohair, however, e an uncertain game, end is sever won till the last man u oat, ate the result clearly shows. Roth teams. steadied town tor • maple of timings and played furls geed ball, bat this style of ply soon chang- ed, .Od amid the wildest excitement the home teem gradually improved its position. 1. the seventh wisp the Harms .cored torr, amid followed the up by en in the MAH sad Waking their opponents in the Muth The game .t this point ,toed at 23 to 21, la favor of Wroxeter, ma that our Wye W to ebWn two rags to d• and thew M wis. 11 was McHirdy's tars to hat, and be bit • pep fly to Nash ; that fielder drop- - the ball, wad the sulks re safe te eM. Collins next grasped the staff and bit be Brows in lett field, sad waited the first bag through that fielder's snow, Mallard'', at the was time rmeblpg eteotd. F. 8bsn.oa, the amt batter, strath est, Mt Tilt, who followed. got the ball jest where be w•.td it and welted the woad base ; MaH•rdy sad Collies owing the piths. Ther' was grate .zdtasont wbon Charley Shannon hook the bat, bet when he node t sure abe e Het emit Tilt solely home the boys @bested till they were hoarse. TM p.. was slue elided. sad it is a safe essay that it was este et the most rele.rh aver played in 0.d..4.1. TM esoltemsu* te- mtfds the MW among be deeeribed. and N L to be regrMad that we .f the epee - tows snowed their feelings is gee the better d *Wr .emeses sense and marten' enrols. the spirts 5000. IT £lots$. 1 2 3 466789 R. H. R. (!dere* 2 6 3. 0 1 4 6 3-24 16 9 Daises 1 10 1 3 1 2 3 2 0-23 21 8 B0Mrise.-Doyle and Malawi. ;Colby sod P. The wbeang 1111111 sal maosed with see ..a eat PROPPED UP BY THE PILLOWS FOR EIGHTEEN 'MONTHS. A with Seers 754 d W /r• AWw's Care Me D. wets keen sympathise well out to thus. who .. from terve disease t 1* saes.e se onddesly, end M amines. ..w away s' dwamw *hue w discs* atony le esterhwaad y He patient The saw d IM. L W. I.w, el Tertian Juanita. Oat.. who we usable .to n dotes is had far eighteen wt a .wen M emoth.rbeg spells end pale 0 M_•1in by ns Mesas esseplimaL WM would haw thosaM Ho - emit he tad yet eon beetle..1 Dr. Agnew% Dna the Heart ra.wd lratbl.essa Is "vas sash aro* e wess whore symptoms me Ismaranl 0.as, N M we to be taken se mow d ebb wvIble now. from the aye. Sold y J. L Dacia morri.ge of nosh, end Miss E. Johosoo, of Ashfield, m lest week'. paper. Coogratelatioas. Mies Annie Molatb and her Diene, Mw F. L Herrn, who bed been on • visit to her tatter, Hugh MoMetb, lett on Friday for their home .1 Pontus, Maot. M . .2 lies Margaret Nevins lett on 8.turd., wi.n ineod. w (i.,derich, • et le • few u.). the latter goee,to Toronto on a visit to friend. ••td the Industrial Fur. Mrs. Sotim•geour,of West W.wsncoh,whe has been 0o • visiting t••ur to relatives at Kincardine, returned home last Friday. The vsoeret'Ie lady report& having had an enjoyable tam.. Bst.r.t,r 8,11001. ---The trustee. of Bel- fast public school have engaged S. A Boyd to take charge of the school, owing to 'he resignation of George Durum. fir. 8.4,y1 and family have moved from (.oderioh to Beuast. LAw:e 1)111 o, u. -Jas. Crawford is rush- ing business in the manufacture of apple berrela,whieh, owing to the abundant apple yield, are in great demand, at being so large that be could give employment to five or •11 good workmen, Lst-rt'ac.-On Friday evening its.. lir- Bowewng gave an exsllent lecture on re,e- sioopry work in Alberta, where he had leen ft some time, in the Methodist church. Owing to the busy ses.00, there was not • large attendance. Mrs. (hakes, of Bos.evain, Mao., and child .re on an extended vont to her per eats. Mr. and Mrs. Scnmegeour, end other relative* She has resided an the l'rairie Province about eight years, end is loud in Mr prasm of it. ERROR. IN DATE -ID last week's budget it is.nnounoed that the Ashfield and !Vest Wawanceh Fall show would be hold on Thursday and Friday', 0or.9 and 10, instead of the 8th and 9 h. In oo5wyumoe of mu - fleeting with the .bows of Wtngh•tn end Royfiela, the date of the Dungannon one was altered to Oot. 8 and 9, WEDNsaIIAy, Sept. 2. There was • light docket at the divisios court on Saturday. Mie. Maggie Wilson and Mw Johnson left on Tuesday to visit relatives in God. - rich. The right of way for an electric railway has been granted by the muntoipalities be- tween (;oderiob and Walkerton. ('has. Robinson, ir., former,v of Ashfield, who bed been visiting at the ofd homestead, has returned to his born. at Pontiac, M ioh. On Monday eveoing,;lhe 31.1, t troupe held an exhibition of Utak Tom's Cabi), to the Dungannon A. & D P. Company'. ground.. The attendance was very large and the performance well conducted, sash part bang acted in • manna* beyond the anticipation of all present. The pared. was attestUre, music tin( ulnas, end was much .paralleled. BLUEVALE. W snxslenAy, Sept. 9 Rev. A. Y. Hartley conducted the .er- ltioes in the Presbyterian oburob, Walton, last Sabbath. Sam •ad Alex. Mao..., of Battle Creak, Miob., w visiting their mother. They came ea their wheels. Mn. Biekell, who had hem visiting her father, Welter Rutherford, tor several week., raared be Detroit es Tuesday. KINGSBRIDOE. TT.oDAT, Sept. 8. Thomas Quigley, of Clinton, le mamba, • few days with he brotber,etrr village blaok• smith. Miss Sarah McKay wbo had boon the guest of Miss Hattie Noble, retuned to her home is Oederiob on Saturday. Dennis SUllivan •.d hie brids,•fter spend - tag • few days with relatives bore, lett on Friday to attend the l.duseiel Fair, To. Festa There sort be some ..•1 •ttr•eties be our village this 8ammer, es we ..mse asem of the boyys tram the insular tows are reg- ular 8tlsdsy visitors. The modems. Miskael O'NeUf' Thomas Hsasey osd P•tri•k SellIvas. loft Monday be maw their stades' ae tho Sandwhh Col- lege. ds. speeding the vaeasial with their permits. The fanners in this oniony love finished '•etrvestiags std onion more the .hr:11 whistle e 1 *ka Ibasebbeg -ohbee as heard is our se Joh TM tanners report • very tawniest Tie J. espesi•Uy of Mow. DUNLOP Tro.o*., Sept. 8, Mis Trudgeon', of GoderM& Mww hipsvb- Md ken es Friday. MV Mary Tobin i..dv to woad the Oellednto Institute at (3dwin. John Barker wee be Zistov as Masd•y of lass walk atssedber the funeral el a Ma- ine. Mrs. E Hogan. of Carlow,•nd daatybtr, Mrs Yures, of Down. v1M0 !rise& bus Lot week. Mrs. M. Halls, hs. .oar R1.8r, .std harm Hb work. Her War, RILL. 1554►* aeh.el bore to 1491. Mlet Susan Wallace. et the Baytsh Road was the twist of Mim Haughton. d oho Ordinal tieeMtge,Isel oak. WSW M.. frees eagar Bruseisidiar MI (Mende hem bat wit. ►N was pbeLJ Messes Iho Well d all was •nay. The tos.@bip &Wore ahead be is havv1kslgg the short est round '. rssdsi sepia and the Mmeld l4 rwpissed. s Hat walling will M ink 5t Mike thew M is at post At the prase We the tosw@b1p Whom are maw asleep nbea* *his =yewslrbadW so web by insaN end ysw/t d 10L.....54 THE HEELERS H U S GO. An Independent Tory Opinion agv11 lurtrawts w►. De relitleal Werk as las-V-o. sao.N Walk the Flank - Sew a Treat 5.ddle...e mare Welders. Prom The Toronto star *Ind. Cont Tfi E political newspapers that are as.ou.lnv the dismissal of otvil eervte have so for taken • miry peculiar view of the subject. Their idea, on both aides of the political fence, appears to be that 000e a man ora women has obtained a Govern- ment position, no matter bow he or see ob- tained it, or how he or she retains it, no one has soy n*ht to interfere in hes or her en - jos ment of the job for life, or until he or she is superannuated. Of course, the Deere - papers admit that flagrant violations of trust or outrageous neglect of duty should be punished by demlwi,but it is doubtful it ever an ottioi.l has been dumi•sed without having mine tearful plea made for him by his party friends, if his party happens to be in power. Even ofhouls who have hem teen, to jail find friends to beg for their par doo •ed oatueliy us for the.r retnstat. moot. All the• boous-pocas .od rooked work employed iu obtaining a post ..a, according to this then y, must be tor.utten the mo- ment the sac. • •1 purlieus of office are reach- ed. All the ..ark paid for by the country, but devoted to ti.. party in power, must be winked at by the n.00miog administration ; also the spying .wt whispering which are done by those she. -e- lives have been em- ployed to piratical darty work must be over- looked. Why. Doss a government .ilio. -bolder cease to be one of the people the moment he begins to draw • salary '.• Ito the rules of business ea applied by merchanta and others to their employes not govern the administration of a department ! Aro Government office- holders • separate class est .part and oon- •oersted to the drawing of the largest pos- sible salaries for the lest poestt,le work Are they to have all ot at and the balance of the people none of it If it a something worth making eager ef- forts 10 obtain, it is something that should be passed around • little more, tied if the threatened dismissal of all ptrtrraoe is car- ried out it will teach those who remain that very useful lesson of " mind your own Mali - Oa the other hand, at en administration 0.n use the horde of othoiae under their control to retain power, it will become - government of the people by officio holden and for office holder.. Dominion ohcielo ,hould have no right to either vote or work for • party from which they hope to obtain favors. It their lives .re w saosedly *numerate to the service of the country and to the drawing of pay- until superannu•tien day, if Indeed they .re • *ort of • minor political priesthood which must not be interfered with because they serve as acolyte. in Me outer temple. then they should not soil their bands or besmear their robes with the dirt of every -day politico. If they get bunny tor • obans to vote and work they oan eas'ly resign their jots and return to the wallow of politics. Either they still belong to the oommoo people and should expect to he retorted to the walk of life from whish they came at the pleasure ot new masterr- an it-otumito government --or they should be separated entirely from the world and the savory flesh pots of promotion obtained by bode/ while in of8oe ea the party More - boys of Ho.e wbo can rive them • raise of salary. -S. LOCAL. NEWS IN BRIEF. labor Day was fairly well observed as a holiday. H•.U.k's Apple Evaporator now employe thirty beside. There are many scarlet maple leaves te be seen now. The Genesi Sobool lawn look, exceeding- ly neat jest mow. WUI your pees be la order when Their KrosIloaoise visit as ! The tow Bedford Arms betel will be owl - plated Ilei t fete ware. Hares Z.sampsteath regular meeting will bon M.sd.y evening. There was Holy Commandos at 8*. Oerge. on Suadsy moraine. The Kaitang Fs.*wry a still rushed. wit11 geed prwepee1 for the future. Doris. the past week our people bars sot been mak troubled with dust. Apple bawls are bids/ carted lath the townships is vary 1•rr..s.bars. For the sort 30 days, • elorlag sale or wall paper at set...bht.g pries' The Fair, If ladies preltsastismisse weal, winter inset be at load, o s•Orly every creek is hell. The Royal Ara Meow of Gdrish will seem is the Moonie Hall .sat Twisty w ane. Z. Armstro r stns a !.else on Weiss. .t the I.ogu. la Nerl-e shsreb es Friday The Gedrhb (kiss Oemp.wy bas nest Pres 'sips he w Wm *M theist From ell queeMn time reports tett Sun- day's wind awn a .a y lightened apple and pts. Then is se break he the owner o the stark d masher wsher gave us n mete sower esSater4sy. The Orem Mg. arbor et peeking brass no HrNOki k`e n on ay.perate.g lase ry. The rester el M. (eergs's en Sunday N EW Ors sawerapWs kr a hop sow t lbstLw at the Swiss Fu.tlt.l .whose £1 0 .. lawn Mash le vsry Was see hag p8pal en rho Wose 10.1 laws. me halm yw* to wolf fou Ha asesamem d a aeons et wdl esu4=te1 =Odra