HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-27, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GFODEIUCH ONT.. THURSDAY. AUG. 27, 1886. trust him You want Scott's P.tnu!- don. If you ask your &rug_ jt kw it and gat ii—you can trait that man. But if Eeitoffers you "something t as good." he will do the e when your doctor writes a prescription for which he wants to get a special effect — play the game of life and death for the sake of a penny or two more profit. You can'/ trust that mass. Get what you ask for, and pay for, whether it is Scott's Emul- sion or anything else. s•.••,.....111seevels.Ont. pm sad Odes HOME NOTES. To •lease your Chintz -tate the Curtin dews, shake of the loose deet, brush oars fully with • soft, lose haired brush, then wipe it with • okra Simnel and rub it ell over with dry breadorumbe. Treated is this way. you will Sed your Carlotae eq.•1 to now wisea put up again. When the dusts is really too dirty for this process, seed it to • aiemtoel cleaner, who will re- turn it equal te saw. Posatam, .soh as you wish to maks at home, may he prepared as follows : Gm pound of beef marrow, six euroes of lard ; place them in the cool oven till dissolved. then striae through • piece o1 •Care, media into • tarp. bowl, Have • Imre esmspa. half full .t boil,.. water on the Ore tad •tend the bowl to it, &dJ • plot of olive oil, Bad stir it for ea hoar with • piece of stiok. When oeol meal with lavender or bsrga mot, and plat to pot. for we. 1lskswell Tart -If yes wish It for • largo dish doable Emanate' will be required throughout Gently alt • quarter of • potted of butter, add to the yolks of tour well beaten egg., .red beat till nearly cold, I Shea add leer mem .f MOM sager, the beatss wkle. elm sae epr, ..d ems" erasers ef Mewed t. ere. Wises the al.tetro le amid. peer lets • dish te shed ewe bah 1• thisksese end hake Ise.. hear b • seedy e ve 8.ai.. es Hem Lather Beets will he erased 1. Nesse rese& by the ere of may - feted wire es • plisse .f fiaas.L Tw. et • m 1pm Leah. Mylarssiespiriit will very meekly reserve say state teem brew. Mew The Odes/ .f t).les., 1 gaits agree with yea, Is very unpleased, .•d these who do soler the liugrn.t vaguest& is • salad, eta de see like a assesses et eauu'aly. T. gra rid of the ..ph....tswe. shenfrer, .4. • sap of stress Meek soiree oe • drink of sweet milk. Tomato' Boone-8e•Id sed peel throe - quieten of • pound of very ripe foliate••, remove the hard oast res, and beat the re launder of the trap to • pulp. Se•mos with Pepper, salt, sayo.ee, and • little lama - jaws, et ewers vise/or. Pour 1.. • Hoed saseepse, add • heaped d.esertemes fol of oora-Sear, and eta over the are till the elates. boll.. end osmium shrri.g es- ril perfectly wroth. Moe i. • bath, sad wan reel Neta la the whisked yolks of two egtls...d lastly the whites beaten to • stiff froth. Post into • small &soy pi.-dlek and bake O.e et tea *testas is • ohere oven. serve tmNeedl•eely. •t.NletsGM • .f tWWeskits/itWag- Weddle( hags am doomed, say •o aatbortty, and a leehioa 2,000 veers 014 dr doomed with them. The oomt•g womas will have ootkiag to do with symbols and d. hoesto be married la s short order es possible, without say of the folderol chit her very feminine predecessors delighted in. Moo the Romeo pat • tiay inn band about his now wife's Sager it wee under- stood to be the outward sad visible sign of hie shoo/eta authority She wee bound so h im in a• isdtssoluble bond, and was his to own aid oeaettr•d. Therefor* the wore her rimea her left or interior band, wkrls bee b.eha.d srreg sUy placed his aeon his right .r espsier head. For the sake of e•ssiMss'v, it is only proper that gm.t the .*- •geot ring shoed go at the same time. th eos. if a woman is not bead after mar- riage, ahe surely is sot briers Princess • showed her approval of the abelitio• of this ou.tow by .ab.titutisgag g an ene. meat bracelet for the ooay.uUohal ring of betrothal. Among those who regard royal precedent se authoritative, Princess settle should dispose of the engagme ent ring conclusively. YOUR PORTRAI THE SIGNAL Makes a Most Liberal Offer to Subscribers. A Beautiful Three -Fourths Life Size icture of Yourself. QTHo Swam., in making this offer, claims for it that it is the beat it has ever made, and the public knows by this time that what Tar SIGNAL promises will be fulfilled. The offer is made to all new or present sub- scribers who send ns CASH IN ADVANCE for Yearly Sub- scriptions to Tag SIGNAL, as shown below : To S SItNAL And YOUR PORTRAIT ON A STREET CORNER. As I stood as the comer and watched D11iLi/1 l/V1Lt��tJi. the great stream of humanity pans. afoot. IA the tars and on boyties, 1 became Impressed by the fact that we TOGS STUDY OF tJFE AS 1T 111 FOM know .er Stash .bout other Peollet that THAT POINT OV VANTAGE. Wet are aware that physically 111Ry ere Vas Ormais ma- eta lass tioaoeseb. Omar pared With a 4wlsss *Havel. Carl at sae lreete•a-mho ae«pr OhaMaer .. . Sett Liao Orr. Standing cls & .treat earner the ot4 night waiting for a friend. my first pram:Ion was that we might mama queotly spend • little time spectate devoted to observation of the passim. throng. What we see may affect and occasionally we may ubeerve so thing welch might have an especial influence upon tut, but seidrxn In la it that we start out on a tour observation and place ourselves w we can quietly see and and what is gulag uabout us. The street cxtrner 1. nut one 14ad would have selected fur unserve but a few minutes 'TOW Into an h before I gut away, and the pieta that I sawn were Interesting. ri came the old-fashioned tea -tart. an the driver of 1t was evidently a gent n tnaof a generation prior to the u to which even the ancient cart longed. A wholesome lass of 12 or with a wealth of ringlets, sat beside him. The ringlets were of the old, old scMwan l, •bout a foot long and as tight d E: ly rolled as a piece of gas pipe. Ts old gentleman drove the old hoe; the ufd-fashioned girl was talking him with all her might, and 1 cou guess. and you can guess. that It w an old-tashloned tall. for they see ed to be a remnant of another ag th the pudgy old horse, e decrepit cart, the very old man and the old, old -fast toned girt They were out of tune wi bicycle.the trolley and the cycle. but the were a remintsoence of the old fu who made us what we are. and w have much to do with keeping us fro becoming too swift and tau forgetful in the new' era. Let me remind you that this was very quiet corner. but the newt exhibit. which I filed as exhibit "13," was young lady who was riding a bicycle. It is unnecessary to approve or dis- approve of the garmenture of those who ride bicycles but 1 am of t4 opinion that much of this tartan stocking and fat -legged business t 1. being pushed on the pubtic by men. will wear out. At one Uma I though that the knee breecbe. anti •tockIn of the old time would cocoraIre 2 but they are not working it that way. Bi cyclists are adopting violently colored hose, a big strap of something and their knees with buttors on 1t. an the baggy trousers, which are un- graceful and. as they grow more num eroua on the street and in the cafes. are very tiresome to the eye. It won' that Reverting to the young lady on the bicycle. she had flannel drawers an old -gold garters. 1 felt it was quite unnecessary for me to know that her under garments were of title particular variety, but as she seemed entirely careless of the display she was making 1 should not be at all delicate in men Uthe e !lot that she was ahaDell and quite a scorcher on One becycle. To meet her socially I am of 14e opin- ion that I would not be prepossessed in her favor by the knowledge which I obtained of her underwear and her mineral demeanor on . bicycle. That, pss.lbty. may be simply a prejudice- ' The young peeplr who are somewhat d v er ern- e e- ey much as we are. and that men- tally there is not much difference. and got we do sot know sorallthtng. whether real. which dlvtdes re whowe have not Those who presumern lmaterlalness of this dividing line are set down aa cads and presumptuous people, thesis who are ton much Im- pressed by It are the diffident and self- conse•loes Does who imagine that they ,,, e, are s., different from the ma)nrity of ms- the racy that they must conduct them- selves as peculiar people. As a matter deed of fart. I think even the high and low or are very much the same In their make - hen up. that humanity Is much the same entan Oil 4 in Its Impulses. and the dIRerence, are largely created by circumstances and t 1 surroundings which have more effect 'flat-cousin'''.on. In making people 'flat -cousin'''. than 1n them our making thetetter. One thing 1s evl- res dent. leiw"ver. w•nmen are *twee* rat much better than men. and mothers d who have children to look after are le- the angels of the nee. -Don. In Sa- ne urday Night. be - 14' WAYS OF THE BANTUS. them. There is a 1t is supposed . r us from those to been Introduced. too much on the ib.lr Laird is BCM Is /SertsMttPrtal a. adt Bantu tribe holds its land In to ' cununun. reapport tooling It as the. la- id Lretur or dimiauttun of Its members am may require, says the FurtnighUy Le- in- view. The doctrine that land can tre- e- Dome the private property of one is a domain. morally repugnant to tbe Ban- - tu. The idea which to -day Is begin- th ning to haunt Eunrope, that. as the 7 ane possible salve for our social Ike wounds and diseases, it might be well 110 if the land should become again the m property of the nation at large, is to deal to the Bantu but a realietic act - 1 uaIIty. He finds It dlflcult If not •m- a possible to reconcile his sense of Jus- tice with any other form of tenure. And a It Is Drily painfully and slowly (and perhaps never quite successfully) that. under the pressure of autocratic Euro- s peen„ ule he L brought to allow that absolute. Individual property in land he may be onosistent with right. It may be remarked In paing that If It tar t desired to deal Justly with the South Ss African native 1t Is as necessary to grasp this mental attitude of his with regard- regard to the possession of land as in dealing with the Boer it is necessary e,. never to forget his theocratic coneep- d tion of his clam on South Africa 1 The laws and traditions of all Bantu race& are very complex. and, though orally transmitted from age to age. t they are scrupaloaaly observed. "It Is our custom," ends all argument with the Bantu. Their etiquette in ordln- d .r7 iroetal lite. before they have come In contact with the lower phases of ! eh -f liatirro, seems often based on a 1 tither sense of honer than that which governs tib. ordinary relations of Eu- ropeans. When one Kaffir approaches - 1 two who are talking. he frequently stands sUll at some distance from them I and then Domes nearer. When asked i why he does this he replies: "Lest they should not see me coming and I sbould ' overhear what they say." In the division of tabor women have the almost entire charge of agricul- tare and manufacture. House -building, pottery 'risking, the shaping of clothes and implements are left to them. and. espedallp among the Kaffir hranclme, all agtiratare is entirely In their panda The men fight and hunt and make their weapons and the young lads tend the cattle, leaving all other labor to the females. !spotted to forget that tt,.y wear I frocks, will learn before they age many I years older that the masculine kind will not Interest themselves In women . whose underwear is the talk of the town. The bicycle is not necesearlly Indelicate, but It can be made ezoee- vely so by those who consider It a parture and endeavor to prove that omen can ride as fast and wear quite few clothes as mm. The Belt Line car and Its trailer went past It was nearly half -peat e ight. and no one will dispute that Wednesday night was exceedingly warn. Eight seats of that car and trailer were occupied by women with a little string of youngsters. Each mother had four or five. and It appear- ed to me that none of the babies were more than eight or nine years. They were sweaty little beggars, sleeps and not altogetker etmtented, but as the bac carries. ,•ward 1 b.aaaed those Ue sables at fey a Ma. They were ttffand noisy and siklapiess. and all otb had failed to habeas Mom to So belt. er to steep mod she tout them t for a 11de. Of course yoeeaisbrs t sleepy the moment tfasy go out tng. As soon ae It is difficult to andle them when they are 1n this sleepy condition. Immediate[,' that Is the rondltion they adopt. A m .(her has rather a hard time who has four or five little children, yet 1t Is her great happiness, and as soon as they grow and begin school and start to develop, she Is Intensely proud. and gets more happiness nut of them than she ran out of society or anything else that women adopt a• a pursuit. But when they are babes they are something terrible and the mother who gees around the Reit Llan of an evening can be relied upon to e for Sunday street cars. Inc she notes what it means to take the little Iowa site liken out for a r1 t In or- t• get them to go to sleep. As hey grow older and begin t . note, about and get from under the mat.. nal wing and think of mar>;ying and going db erenrsions of their own. I lsagrne that the mother would still believe 1b street cars, for bicycle* id- iom► Wang people to go out Into me parks and the country roads with • tt set &wwarone. Tlterw.is no on. to do tie pioiwt . set. aged while our yount i eopl• may he gaffe able to tates rare tfs.tttstvp there • an nld-fashlnn- SiesffiMee wbleti the old rentlem*n tilts t...cart would uphold, that It 1s May wap * r scans people to hate ole iambi s. along pas eat a marvelous •mnwnt of fb !o jbsgleiglon the street corner or ehe people In • restaurant vii se seldom go out to observe BOW awet l and those tattler ewes 'Bei tt~ is o mfefortemw tl: Bawler ewers mead be ektA.r •hent eft [leg ewe posttest IN tib thew, le either, to S .lig, sees .. tea *lig tar _Via= 611 tea tele... . + •.>. 4.:eer maw Oar es d. tips. are Ikeamps (8-4 LIFE 8IZE.) de w as 'wiled or Expressed anywhere in the Country for $L50 The Kind of Picture We Copy From. Portraits will be oopied from photographs, cabinets or tintypes. DO NOT SEND A DIM OR FADED PICTURE. All pictures copied Bust (head and amide s). pu Where picture contains more than one bead • charge of 50 SAN ret extra will be made for each additional head Illib ed, or 50 °salla is tot for • full figure portrait. .�- to But one portrait to each subecriben ou HOW TO ORDER YOUR PORTRAIT. Enclose the picture you wish copied in an envelope and place your name and address on the backaof the picture, with full instructions where to send it. Try to have as few changes as possible, .s a portrait can be copied much bettor with fewer changes. Your small portrait will be returned is as good condition as it is re- oeivad. BO FRAMING CONDITIONL WE DO NOT MARE PORTRAITS .REQUIRING YOU TO BUY A FRAME. Se rid h vot The Portraits w made for its by artists of national reputation and tel who produce only the higbest grade of work, der GUARANT Z 5TO SUBSCRIBER& The portraits are the work of firet•olaas artists. They are tally 3-4 lde aim and are as natural and firmly finished as Portraits sold for $15 to 110. Itch not inferior work because it is fret,. It is truly a work of art _ portrait is finished by band in Crayon and India Ink, and wCl slot hds �ATD 1124 TOIIA OSD168 QUICKLY. ` -IT WILL TARE SOME TIME TO MAKE THS ea b PORTRAIT. In ardor to aware Aretclass work it will take fres two to fair "45 to deliver rtcorder kit Nsiti therefore do et delay piecing year whlsri f rat" desiring Frames will be famished an )fiagaat Hardwood ' Ia not ham aslrafa.wrar for what pees yea say, If haadled by If by as we will /sad circulars M enbaoriMsa. with primas. FIVER BEFORE HAS ANY NEWdrAlltt MADS SIICH Alf WIER TO ITS tiII I]Ps>R8. THE SIGNAL, Etleeette la • Coloreds a.tel. A gentleman of Carrollton who has lately returned from the west has brought with him a copy of some of the rules he found posted In a hotel dlntng room, says the Baltimore Sun. The hotel was the "Rustlers' Rest. - at Little Canape Creek, Col. The Rules for the Guidance of Quests" follow: "An gents with shooting lions or other weapons must check them before entering the dlnfng room. Walters are too scarce to be killed. "Gent are requested not to attract the waiters' attention by tbrowing things at them. This Is no deaf mute asylum. "Seven kinds of pie are given with every dinner. "Tsaleeloths are changed every Sun- day. "Our food is all of the best quality. Our milk is pure, eggs new -laid and the butter speaks for Itself. "Guests tipping waiters mud psY funeral expenses in ease one should die from heart disease.. "No more than ex eggs w111 be given each at a sitting. Aay guest found trying to work off his sheiks on a neighbor wi11 be fired from the table. 'Biscuits found riveted together can he opened with a chisel supplied b7 a wailer. The use of dynamite is strictly forbidden. "Disputes over articles of food must be settled outside. "Don't lasso the waiters. because the guest win can't throw the rope w111 be at a disadvantage. 'Vesta can take off their edit& K they want, but they must keep en their testa" alt fee sees•. Issveryus eewtalning a raw egg are b.sondser deservedly popular durtnt these waren days. At a drag .tore whore thil proprt.tnr bas been doing business liar the oast tblrty years, saps the Mew York Thee• they age fa- mous for these drinks. One great' beauty of thew[ is that then is a tam anises to tie astabllehment 11! may not have hewn purchased for that pur- pose. best itis o•rtata that the ptopres- ter has a tars tad ease from it are breneht I fresh every Morning. As a fmmese, See be leas a generates patron- age. Thane e a vast deal et dittarsaee, net aster la the essay et the sirs peg to' thea. heysreess. beet la the maw tsar of -p--yreemattes.= serene Wirethrtelle � >r emaa'ti' edema a three • ~ ae write. egg Sept be b..de e mei age .Seat batter trembly ttvoh.tt A meth star wee .hakes la a vessel e quarter lewd with reared les and thea sirakeel late a alms eat w best. FROM VICTORY TO VICT Y. Tv=realee the nesse -Asks Lee M heath •.ere.si vo gears • aaw.er lata. F. ere w lo, M • u gibeassasis Lad r l t..t ashes la ail See sea ♦a strew a 1. • teal, everyday said list is Mill the leapt is came w tested • immiseat beast resew sad they *bole. Roomds 8k lief : John lee f " 1 we. run do Ute, s.ffo ed is feared fetal reset of several phyefot patent modicums results. 1 was South Americas N tuntag its me I .o Fee tw01.. y.. Bromley, of Totts rbeamsnem N. .d til she used . . A Cure. She sees " Th. tiredly bed raw om pato.' almost • fort ■ doe bottles of this medv oared South Am • Cas Kidaev C to its meth It 1 not II powder.. • ..e.iy that only gi •ry relief. .. bquid it dt..oly stone -I ke cricks withered to eh that tote kidney disease. least ah eon be said for it is the lute with . eh it ennui- Mrs. A. E. 1 ouo H•rae e. Qorbea, eye : " 1 found rolls the of this medicine within six ho of the first deer had been taken 'Sold by J F.. 1)6v'. • mese • Sew 4,tee- u £bire 0 (8. b last teres It might he atrael.. At a.s bees dlse.er the v• bees made loco lead to this be - P.m •k., Gat, says in , had Ion •pps- y m ladtgoetioo..ald leo follow. The skill d the we of many i• oo beefiest to try • bottle of the fence, sad Goa- ts mas today." rin0oo'lt, Mr.. I. at.. •uffrr.d from din env good .a was Rheum•tto t tow doses en bib. had spent g, Mints five is 004.4•• pills sod temoor- - hard .tem the .r of 111 Sreaktrt Seelee-Take one Frond of Seer, two oeuvre of buten. a pinch of salt, .s egg and a tsa.p•eful o' bakit.g-pestder, with w moon milk .s w11 make the whole las. • good dough Rib the butter tate the S aur- cid hsa'ng-Lowder and salt, and lastly the milk. R •:1 the mixture out, cur foto .i►ht ►hre.-ootikersd 'Dices•, and bake is • qo k rev«n for west. mioa'es. 000000008 MAKE UP YOUR MIND Se"A ,date O la Sop as well as la everything .lass OI/-aa•ldened Soaps sed eld- bab{e.ed drwdghg wash -days are net pawls. ...gs ter sp-to-data pals. sr Sunlight are dl Wei • Soap end it. keplsg their beams elvse bright sad cbeerthl with vary 11ttN Mehr. Te all who nae this world - famed Seep it mesas LISS LABOR CREAM CIUFMT For every n Sunlf1bt 5OOICS POR wrapp.cs asst to Lever WRAP,eRs Bros. Ltd., Tocooto, m tm.ttti paper -bound book 1.111 be seat. es a dotb.bo.sd her /o wrap SANDUSKY, WIND1OR, Detroit and Sault Line. Leaving Sandusky every Monday and Thursday night at lei P.n.. ceiling at Wittd- Mnr. Detroit. Courrwrlgnr. name. Ooderlch. Kincardine. Port Syria. ttouthampion.tbrot:gh the Georgian 13•y and North Channel to the Saar. • or rates sod all information Address C. P. It. or et. T. R. ticket ages or W M. LEE, Ooderich. G. W. BROWN, Windsor, Genera Manager. 77-ssi WE'RE IN IT That is to say CATTLE BROS. have bought oat the business of JOHN RALPH, os HAMILTON STKEET, aid carry a full lime of Stoves, Tin sad Granite wear, sod are prepared to give tender. for Plumbing, Fitting, Eave-Troughing, and Tinning, and overeater to give yea satisfac- tion ie seek aced every Ibe. Oer r trirerstors are ebe best is the .stet C.11 and see thea or Leave your orders at .)obs Ralph'. Old Strad, Haailtoa-St. CATTLE BROS., Plumbers and runners. For the successful Treatment of all Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Kidney Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Paralysis, and all forms •( Blood Poisoning, Pills. dr neTtze PIM sizzaitze le me= any ether aims I11w taw My tsotrat► 18. Dade* Mediated air, IfloreaM► 41Saa."Itistarst=illa . � - Pini.. i.:y.�'ai..�.� At eed th matt ° lay. Teen Indy. Al IDB1ww PQjlSIL Leask Ilanswas 01%. Lama Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned neg. Oil inform the public that he keeps on hand all grades of SOFT: CjOA L, AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF W000 REDUCED. Special •t,.,0104 gives to CUT and WOOD SPLIT Call and get pnceM amt see samples of Wutwl. Office alai yard, NELSON -ST., neer Sselrs eros. Hotel. D. C. STRA.CD AIV i roprietmr • THOROLD CEMENT We beg to inform the gener- al public that we are agents for the noted Thorold Ce- ment for 'raking Cellar Floors. Stable Floors and Cisterns. We have been in- formed lately by the Com- pany who make it how to put it in so it will be equal to the beat Portland cement, and at a great deal less cost All floors warranted if put in according to our in- structions not later than the last of September. DAVISON & CO. Take it always --Take no other r mr Coughs and Colds Gray's Red SyrUpedSpruce (Sum THE OLD STANDARD RENEW ICOR C0170811. COLDS. ASTHMA sod .11 Affections at the Lungs be elm you get taara syr.p.that sorsa theryerbees. ea sal pa • belles ase 1 Y WATSON dl O0. PeoriesteOsy M01r=AL PATENTS CAVEATII, TAME MARAS AND CorfaMYMTS obsessed, sad all baldness la the U. S. palest attendedOilles Oarr ca1. o appositt Um v S. PPelee ess os. sa., amid wt sea obtain Patents la len thee hes thee, estimate tram WASHINGTON. Send YODEL OR DRAWING. W, ad- w5r:Ngilit arae or Rds vlvLAlas°ha�,l! OB- TAIN T/IN PITSNT. te We rater. the . tie Sege U.SPt.stKoMD..'miroe$.heaMthe- 04,11111 Mess and references to acmes' opiate la seat aw* State er Omaste. write t. c A ORES. • CO.. Operate Patent Oto. Wseil.gtea.:D 0. ref FOR TWEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER 71ai 01'.2V 4LRIEMD GOD1l;RRTOH IMAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, filuerecesseb Oersted • wawa ra.saseeearer awl kind. of BOYLERB, Smoke Starks Salt Para, Sheet Iraq Works, eta, etc., Aad Denier 4. - 1brelan, M-abi.y C1..ab sp, M. All el seta mad WFire aid Wats, G�g r^leb. ° Cheek s.e & the le - =O ata yadlLe al • Bas of shed Water sad Nee .es el hirers and .them 11s1 1.. n••sw eehmsded t.,4 A. S. aOLstscAL. saw P. A ` A. aednislt. mea elfeytheethe 11.1. S. srfllhe 1s4slsa