HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-27, Page 22 THE SIGNAL : GODRRlCfle ONT.- THURSDAY- AUG. 27. 186. CONTRAST. It le worth a Mt ie tenable 'P.mseeneMatlege • .wes.+ d ear pl....r• D, i. ers sew that is peg . 11 11 waren'. flee seamy wwrMrr. W. shouldn't feel it ►alt, When this erode ftve e.I..O►. arfloI. Ad beginsthe ybeginsM THE ROMANCE OF RUBY RING. A UNT Eapheslia was sitting more upright than mod in her °hair..ad • de- cided mewl d.rkend her •rsetoorstic foe, tares. 8M wan very misery. bat was • great 4m.1 M prim to rye ; sad the yoaag girl wbo stood with red eyes nod Bushed Meeks is frost of bar was sorely tempted to shake her elderly retail.* '• That u all 1 h.,e to toy." repented Aunt Eupbemas ; " t1 you persist ia year anndabus eng.gemeui wt. h J..bs Daly -an impudent boy readmit ler the Bar, who, if he 11•01 gets called, will never make • livens for Massif, reach !ens for two -1 disinherit yes. Fred. Ray ; 1 di.tsSesit you for ever cones sow between that locules-bnatlsg lever 1 yours sod me." The girl'. few Bushed mon deeply at the epithet thrown .t her absent sweetheart. aid Mr tender little south tightened into two etratght line. She well knew what she was toeing before she spoke, but the dubious outlook of the future did sot trightem bee. which wan strange, for she bad exp.rieseed the sordid trials of poverty is her parents Weems, and had tasted the smote 1 lux- ury silos Charity had adopted her. Freda was • penniless orphan. wholly de- pendent open her groat -suet, who, a it was said of her, had never loved wan, woman or oblld in •11 bol woe, lonely ida That she had befnendd her niece murpruad every- one ; [has she had subsequently altered her will, for.aktog the hospitals therein so dowed, ad made Freda her sole beirem amazed. but did woe caesium, everyone, for there were some who thought they knew Amt Eup6entu too well, and put it down to ose of her fleeting eoosetricittes There the wf.sko•da were wrong, for un000ecioua- ly 1. nesse bad made • request, stealing into the starved and leveler heart of the old woman. who is worst yearned over the bright young thi.t/,bat in the.a8,relentless pride of a herd nature she would not be - try " her weakness." " I have oboes." said Freda. in • 1ov vein. "Jain is all the world to me. Yoe teens, mask es it is. is .wabing is comp. lam with our lova" Aunt Euphemia pinked .t the palms of her mittens in bol pent-up agitation, sod • hard, reeked laugh cam* from her dry lips, which, however, trembled eke • girl'. "• Wait until you introduce yourself to him as • pauper bade, and thea w bow moon his love is worth." " You have insetted him once, but 1 will not hear you twee," Dried Freda, moven` to the door. ,. When are you going'" mid Aunt Eu- phemia, Boise unsteadily. Ivo emaciated yellow band, resting heavily ea the top of hr ebony risk. " You have drowsed mm," mid the girl. turning round ; " I oan't stop here. 1 .m grateful to you for the hems you have given me, deeply gratetal for everything you have done." " Then you .re really mad enonab to merry this manMad mem* M ..erittos the riches I ooald viva you 1 Mad Gooseb to few worms poverty thea that from which Isaved gee ve •' Yee, mad .sosgb for it all !" was the .sower. "Thos go ! Go Quickly ! Asd sever comm Mme if you are is distress. ter I will sot armee oat a anger to b.lp you!" TM ebeey stick .iterated . the air as It pest& M the door, and . moment atter the der dewed between them. Perhaps U Aunt !!:aphemia had pleaded the seat .M was feei.g.as well se the rage, Freda Ray would not have passed . quick- ly and oemplotoly out of Mr sib That sone night, whoa old woman was left atom in her bedroom, and Zetio was .hut asid bolted, she lot her white heed drop dejectedly ea M her bosom. 13M was crying, as old people coy, without mem : feeling more fervors teen .he oared M admit., even 10 brssf.asd mere formless than she bed Guar felt beers. Though only • few boars had passed, .M mimed the girl's height pressure, her gentle vers. her Mader Nook mat horribly ; and he this softened, halt remersefsl mood she /ell.to retroupeotioa, which Id bol dis- turbed thoughts MM tis bag ago. IL Fifty years yen ale had looked something like Freda, only b..d.smer ; yes..ed tall- er, Her eyes had bees large •d dark .ad fiery, as Freda's had been that merging end she had had • neer, ten --like Fred. He had bees poor, end she bed loved him very ptds..iely ; bks her pride. that pride welsh dominated her Indy god soul, had est M. away from bol M gess riles and monism . the world. Ak ms 1 Hew the !less Me damgmed..ed how Mevo wore his Mears from imam Imo ma1 Aunt Itaphs.la pine it bards .mese bra wtNrd lace well bad as canes Ise 1 its warm Tel -Haney. and awed N. ream . • swanky. gdllp mssinsr. enemies irMply emir her sh.oldrg as doe sems bask to tis table wile ....Mile how/ is her e rrs. It was • tutee eos.wsd walks - e ms. whit ohs missile with swims asemi• ani bol maYebood eyes pap dim as she Mead IM M. os& • gsMri.g eek .Mored Ms drW rarlmmn that wow 1ylsg the. Ab me 1 Theo was ono d the roast 1a had wean whoa they mks Lateral i M had team the rem Ana 1ro isle♦ -k mold M as Mem M raid than... •.•free .se ?bor. Tim. bag 114.4 way ems of Msat the' pstlpiwey tomb" fest the thee rag Avg, .MeMets• at the loan. d Mo heel, dons i~ as tmlgity. !met es Matiely. an M W whoa . A roe eels emg.y Onmed IM gel. eeun•saas.. el Aeon hapk.r•h . she hoof Mr Ups nearer and .sone she tiff .ra1.1 whish u..na M whisper M her loom the gram. •WM reeler !Some... u'•' "11.ly veto• el saw the might be wanting semes►.g." ••I want nothing r said Mr mistress sharply, .t the tome Mrs shutting & a W lid ot the writing ease with • deter- .1.ed ollek Hot mood had p•sead, her pride had m- isread* end she drew bee stooping body wool •'I went nothing." .M smattered M her - pelt. "The girl has gems hem .a, mod I ma live se 1 have lived thea 50 years-- • lamely, unloved sreatero--ad my nth' •1 shall be b.ried with me" The post wormier, .t the mewl Mar. bat elderly .*d tome limo the room. sed Dear- ly dropped the brassiest tray se the asseg- ai appearance of toe place streak boa with alarm 1. that!" .a. Oris&. -e&bnly sten beton the ides was riven- aaeeked ae the doge. "Who 1. wee, _tela," mime the muffled her said through *opener "I light .MU .p) and Nought gm "Burglars ' ' .he gasped. looking round at the wli..opeoed window, the disordered drowns; table, and the rapist/. tomooki d drawers. Theo .he looked. horror-struck and speechless, towards the bd. Aunt Eophemia bid awakened, and was rinfnr up. pale and prim, between the cur- ter*, inwardly .cared, but outwardly sal- "Bring me that rosewood hex !" deem&, ie • hoarse wh epee. "No, not the jewel oar -I see it's stripped of its oontenm-tis little rosewood box, there ! Bring it me- quick-quick e- quick-quick When the thing was in her grasp, sad she hod looked tato tt, the box dropped from her nerveles hand., and her bead sank book upon the pillow. 'Ilona "' she moaned. "My little ruby ring : I would rather have given all they have taken if they had left me that •• What r asked Jerk. " leans Where •• faysa't you ems them 1 Ugh 1 ti.. Ib hashes at sight. 0.1 nay .want all Meek sed shiny ; sad es.sy.os Pm henna. a by Main in sty mimes r e, " Why didn't you sal ms bit.1 Ws ....ons sotW tbe b..tls by pls0eek t ap ivory Ml. and .revise la Ma kiln ." " Now. Jask t At mos r TMy wile . as shame empty ream at the sat of tb hems, Ms Ia ds, and tis eau aced Me books giving it the pros& 41.- 01 " Jack's .tdy." He looked op irons hie week with a .light frown-, and then laogbed outright at NG obiildbh eagerness of her lama "• All right 1 New ! At .ern !" M aid. letting bur load bias down sale. " W. won't he mama by Moen . r There seemed only oe. bei. Mt M he filled op, and Jen was sinew is Ho MOM - ea Boor, t fry warm Indeed. tied a weaks.ee of revolve shoes ►i. month. W oe't that dor he sea wi IulIy " It's beak-bresk.g work." •' There's enly one mere," noses& Freda "Sre. just by the weariest in this oasmsr." She upped it se she spoke, sed the woad gaped ser i.oh or two from tis wail." Hew loose it is ! There mase bo • whole army d beetles behind it !" Jack looked to ; hot in his heavier touch the whole piece tome away in his hands " By Jove '" he exoWmed-not at the a,oident, but .t the eight revealed by it. Freda shut her eyes, sad screamed with- out having .w saytbiag, her imagmotioe running riot as ere Mealy gathered up Mr skirts to boat a quick retreat. The seem proved not b be beetle., but someteisg far lees harmless. Half • dorso ourioe.-looking tools lay packed is the rooms that had been picked in the wall behind the wainscot, ad as J sck pulled them out one by wog be whbteld .11ut80.ntly. " They look to me like burglars' tools !'' he said, bridling an old bent obied, or ' jumper.' in their own p.rlanoa " But how they got there is • mystery.' " Wby, burglars have rented this plane at one time. of mores !' ried Freda. "Om does hoar of pee.oaa with felonious lateni living in extraordinary ways to guard agoind .u.picios. And what can look more innooent than this ugly little oottage' What are you bok.g at sow, Jack !" He was peering as ....thing be had juri groped up from the darn and dom. •• it'. • ring," be mid, bricging • small bent circlet of gold nearer the tight. " Evi- dently of so value, or the party. or parties. wouldn't have loft it ►shied." It's • ruby reg." said Freda, taking K is bol tura, " A ruby ring." .he said .mai.. thoughtfully, "with an ioocrlytios.sid.... The two heads beat closer together, and presently started apart, and both looked at mob other . a.•m..eat, sod Mesa again stooped over the reg. " It is !" said Fred. " Well. I'. -well !" said Jack. Thea they di.oew.d-without an idea of gssrrelbeg this M.e-Aust Kopbemir's ad- vertisement, .d oo.psrsd it, little by little, with the ring, finding It anx.rstaly erotical, oven to the data .oribed. .e Poor Art Euphemise !" said Freda, bow grateful .hall be !" Jack wanted. " Dear boy '" she whispered ; " we're . hippy ourselves, don't let's grudge Mr this ons little thing !" "• I suppose we mot and It bor." " Why, of Doerge we mast. and look . it we liked tt,too. I'll soli yea what ws'.1 do, .look. W. woo'[ trust it M teo per f but we'll take M ourselves. " And wait for the • hands... reward ' She wealda't 'lye It Her genre= i.1.1. has fizzled oat by this Mesa Haddam. it would to an excellent M..m for het M pt it on the neap Irm. ►.s 'poor rebMos.'.' " O6, Jaok ! The • reward' 1111/0't in my heed." " I know Nak gels l And Maks oars 1 not being saop.st 1 of faking tor 11, well loam the trimmers g!sw-gaw at bit door without a ware" "Ste bas (./given me," Freda ...wswd 11•nor rim "Vey kind. I'm sere w "Rosh, der .. ...h. be deed 1" Atom slot Moro was • r11.M while Joe% [..bed wish the ••tabbq. and hops his ..nsowbat shad.-& oguniss.a..vertad. "She MU sissy is ay ares." ...else& Freda softly, es i. took .t her Mt sed gloves • low .i..Ma later. "Fell ..hep like a tired baby, with • .mile .. her 1oan and bee little ruby rime nee bol A.Ree . Peer A..t S.phemtla ! ' "Poor Aeon F.apbmia !" murmured Jar., inn se softly. A few w.N. later "teetotallers" .toed empty agate, •ad 1t was said teas the tote sensate had mew tato • ears femme. 11I. They had been married • month -F mid her "frtune•bttating' lover. in the first hour of her distress mbe had gone to his home, where his people had kindly welcomed her. During the sweet month she had persisted in westing fol some sort of employment. which would give Mr iodepeodenee, sod her sweetheart freedom to work on, unrestricted, at his profession. For• year .he bad experisned ell the petty tries 1 a " oompeaios's " ariele•oe• and for mother year she .dared the Medina ef a ".ether's help," who wee required se • household drudge ". reties for a oomfort- able borne." At the sad of that time she had boon oompslied, rdnotastly enough. te rest, her health Myna given way at feet It w during thele ..fees.& weeks of rest that J•ok Daly had pdrsssdsd her to take the risk with him of breasting the high waves of life. He couldn't give bar mash, but he Gould promos her from pain and drudgery. She had argued tint to hamper himself with • wife at the very oo..enw- meat of his carer would be wicked cm bol pert to allow ; but the sensible new of the matter was weakened by hie kiwis, qad Freda's resolve oollape.d as obs realised that the frets of this world would be eater to bear together. He they were married, and their young hearts wore as brave as their words when they sneered the amp Utile suburbs. .ot- Mge--whish was already weighed with the title 1 " Inei•lell.. "-end tet ap bowie Mopes on the small .ewes. that Jock's father had lot t nen. Foe nearly three years Jack had been reading hard, sed keeping his terms, and now the [bre was a doable lnoentive to study. he worked early and eta and fond a veritable helpmate . Fred. Freda en- couraged him, sad .eve, never let • tired, irritable word roes bar lips. And M wise- ly shat his oyes to the daemons of the little " geaersl," .ad maybe hie wife's habit of laughing away disagreeable*. True,tbre was moos pinching here, and moo ...voti g there, Go as to nesse eat Name oe pay-days; bet, as neither became demoralised by the Moths of dally trials, the anioa did not 05111 oat a failure se mighbt have tees ex- peotd. Our life is Inst a Winter • Ua7 ; Som. oily breakfast sod away Others to dinner stay .ad are fall fed. The oldest only @ups mid goes to bed. berg* is hie debt who lingers ries the day. Who goes the emcee has the leo.1 to pay -dobe Sanyo.. SATISFIED. •• Thine might have been a different for tea" The day bad Mee loot and wearisome and full of vexations for poor, tired rad over- worked verworked Yrs. Mayne. All bur days were fall ot toil. but today the " daily round ' had been harder trio oeuel. Tb. baby bad bees peevish and fretful without say apparent cease. The o,h.-r ohtldren had been wore exacting sad 1r11- quent in their demands for attention Her husband bad ..os or twice spoken is • ir- ritable tone. 8o many things were acidosis that she had hoped to 8n* time to do that day ' And now, at ten o'clock that sight, when John end the ohildreo were to bed, she sat se dierdred by obildteh atom In • room hand.. A great pile of laundered but uameded garments was on her work table, with • b•If•Bni•aed little dew for b.by,•nd • little jacket tor Johnnie needing the Iniehisg touches, and everything might have been se different for bar ! In another part of the tows, en its moat fashionable street, was • beautiful mansion of which she might have bees the Metres had she not refaced its owner ten years be fen. She eat is her @bobby little home w- eight, oo.trosttag its faded carpets and poor Termites with that 1 the 8.. house en the hill. She wondered bow it would .mm to wear the silks sad Mine Ins wile wow and to ride in the oarrhge is white his wino rode. Fits .e@mod to have have bow as owed is its decrees regarding bol owe Ufa Se- ery Wog .sleet have bees . different el - she roes sddosty and arm to gather up the things ly.t round the room, a book bees, a pile of Meeks there. a little.tsokiet/ with • bole is the kern . the s.Ndle of the leer, • little reek.g-Mak overturned . • earlier, • roomed pear of toy treason dangle from the hack d a emir. a toy skirt lying just where its ower had @topped oat of tt Slowly and m.ob.•iaa1 y .he began oath - ering ap the titan prmwt., sad with them . bar arms oh. p.n.d .M the most ream, where hot ba@6@sd and throw little ease wars sisseng- A dim Beat was bars.g ; it throw • waft gram on the tam 1 ler baby Iy.g . hn Utile erib with os. peony nand arm lying on the quilt. Her boy d five 1.y . he little bed, with the shy plump head of Ms sister d teres years .kir-I . his own. . sin more her Testy lass. Her tired Mabee slept puaeddiy, bis toll -wore head. empad above his basd. Ter • ..meet .o mend veto swill bar hes& bowed emote M ale Utile gasmoats . bar heads ; .h. tined Nem teadery and premed those M her Upse.aa Mon sees @fit- ly forward, weeder*, at •••h./ saw bat the wealth said b.••*T end biem.dsess of Mr owns *1. Oa headed know sho kissed tb Ups d bar babies. sad ..ftly pitta Noir .hooks with • had worm hard .lov.gmovies for Mom 8M longed t. clasp Nem M bol Mart .d fool Mar arms .rein& bar seek. Oa bet knees she Grape M ber 10.hun''s mida and lightly kissed tis Mene kindly bo. ; the yes did eat spas, he tits Up ..ammo&. "peed..• With . Mart fell 1 gvstrtede .M .rues. saying silty M hers&!. " With deem sad 11w, the wealth d the world is Wes, without Bien -what would the waste of tbo world M v. It iWkesd Espbbs.'. *Mary ..id who opea.d tis deer ; sad a gid .ry escaped bras Mr reamed eyes r. s ilss4 Fred. " So you've eons at lest, miss r tele said, . test& tames. Freda .Mee h.d.Ntg. Myth; with s stall pa.k t a her Mad. " Give Mr tb thing and Omens! J.M. Bat still Troth he0MMd. "11 sirs Ul r .1. asked at Ince.-"yry iu r The women setae .e"ssmaty. "1 Yea 'WIN fa 7011'55 e..e. .les. My mistress bas sewer sowmdse y s•eatisasd your eases &mus yon Ise the Mens ; Mt skis ohs was Mak weans ie►. called et kr yet in bar deep most Tame Mie Ad mew May oar she's dyhsg." "I will gens e." "Froth. th. 1108.1 yes r said Joe. Lyse a 1om.kgg Mad as Mr arm. It was the sent ems M W ogee Lee . at bar. me ohs amoral a msmsmt---+o Neither before bar marriage nor .iter It had Frady beard .yt6.g from Asst Ke- yholes, nor it.. as .sewer to • pathetic loner bogging for sae kindly wish from bee ally relative on hdr wedding day. Yet if sloe ever spoke d Aust Itaphemlo it was with tender exam, whisk was the only emb- jeot over which nM ad J.ek wen . die - gr of quarreling. . Sher . wished old woman. whit a mal et leather '" he always Breland. Ad Freda would repeat Mr favorite ar- gmesa% : " tte.e.br this ruby nag. Jack. Poor Awe fmob.mia Mas had Mr roes..." A few days after she hot left Mr asst's Mw Nen had mesa as .dv.rMss.gs1 . several papers ofrmg ea ortray.ps$ re- ward to *seeder d a ruby rise, .111 W Mon .Men w1M • quanta, d other Twee M burglars as • esreain night. Pawabrok- rs woe e55.olally apposed M. As aeear- .8. desrtptiw et tis Asa woe even. .d• as if l as .els. M tis owner. sea d es jewels wove .p..Y.a. The seem sad ads drone quota was Awa il.pbemf.'a Jamb always arra& •' Sash r wee. ]Wise .nYm-Mi veer d the mass was nosaliamil. 54 is. ksuses her ewe ties- iw, world eddy Mango M. whim* Dome away,* OVERWORK The Signal _110)vcMe.. Nervous Prostration IL W_*..ssms4trw•at Ayees Sarsaparilla "Irma years ego, as a rossil d tis slam. afMatiaa to barlaem my hod& Mai I beams weak, nerves.. wen saehb to look alms .y lamestr, est a•dlmled all the symptoms al • dm alum. I took throe Meths. as Ayes% Som ea la. bogs. to iopesu M ams 1 sad gradually iscoo.s.d my weight from one hundred n-•1 twenty -fir. to tea hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have need this medicine whoa seeded, and we are all In he best of health. a fact which we attribute M Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my cbb. then would have been fatherless today lad It not been for Ayer'. 8arsap•r1Le of which preparation I cannot say too mach." -H. 0. Hurter, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, 8. C. Ayer'. Sarsaparilla MOM ULIAL AT 'NUM /ML AYU'S PIPs Savo Doctor's DAM. 17. Badly bele mg k.* 1T es was " Iear' f.Ws,' by loth loses.- vary howl of their Iter 6... Weeliloeg .sold wake M ink t.sek, bat the greali nn- sale msrgeseess 1a as Mellow boas sashed the estates se she praty.t a 1M eply suer, tend they ea - demised lainued ..ab semaMaeg el Msi jamb d gwdes. The siege tat. beim Ns. dos ante fir h.. bah .odd .woes up dea.m wish a tea w ewe seed mess egsadre � it N ...ft &elle WN W I abseil be idea gala haw rshemYsew. 41.1:OATH awe memo aellean.=1 st5stlen M Ms Jpuwtlw 10 tb awe mmpa and pprr erewWa d :U deme. d printiim/e�� • Trued d this awe.unse mneap eat d i. mat rase w a. Utak emir eflrf. p8... wig ..m wsonaith tis approval d oar mums .11 ate ilte a% This medal sins ill kale is the W t'�o�• et yua•,ties ma* es Ileum hs•dp Whine memo. kitad.s are not so generally used, they weis corres s Seenca plate in oaot.we'v See wast we've got soder the above howls. Litter 1Aeaks In this line we have a very large Moen of tine writing papers suit able for every class of business represented in this locality, nom: prising laid and wove, linens, quadrille and other papers, ruled or unruled, as may be required. B.\% kiewks if the '•pay-as-you-go " plan was the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so great ; but there are some men who get so wary runners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is cow pieta in this line with four shim., Good paper and nett ruling. IIM.w<emtra<s Both single ind double dollars and Dents columna. They Dome cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him 'round- Iometame. ran %Ll't r ; res.-sw01111 NpAl�L lie Veggie Wiese* tr Pirdesban R, r.t@.e. (Ria .- - •r. he• m. ■ ,..a. '11s ev ewei emea h« ^0 high whebe •t ..t..sl, of bee bdy • ,. tmeee.w test. wee 00.1•.0. one one et kw lime,. Sep 4.•.. • ,.• M.. nae M••..r .her slklttr ...ahem erg Iter ,••.tab ".,'.lrww••• lb • •' A ,rw..J w .see Mr :.N w.tm ' ,*lee..awes. te. Jab tet imp tee••te J w. 14,111.•••••^mer.- Now)hLia SWORN PT.IT'w:'' • '.r • i*ATSSML a; T•.: at. reel. wane• e•t•te twee. cry wets ss/waa .tr .Asnta drone nee ...r 1.- .mommy Pewee .ed bol p.@..t .t. ewe Leat .rye ty ,..ere-.. "geMesr OM" The try.. ,. • we, e,:.w se •.wee. nes► meat mos& y her sealer. :Ir, rte+wee wati., lib 1111.... N., Il..ee* nee, •tater Jule t. to bel.w J. 1' *0 wit. Newry W9Mb. • C01381$Arr.m se.:i p't:'7 - SWORE OTATT'n . r ): Awtt (7b..ees 5. Seteet :S Nm f .tett ti.Thee 10 era bed • eosep•t•1tew el Mewl tnwt+es, Mem nubs, ✓ser. n -•bey tr is mai eewee14.ste.. Wee fe•p'enrt..t•••..,--1 it ".reit roes Iib •tp•U55 sed wee • •..v " a .s.w. 11Ie Ili&...,. we M r • =wed aka .ie elehet e. g • ., Ow, tmdt . .Meed sad ci..Up.n- m :.. • 1 :.a ' W "el gets y Ilyekns..\ "ReaP.p t•••...' IN motel been sergama„r y • the •eht J& 1 ►.sew J. W �ge� Jeep le. 115. Yea masa my tit yes have tried ovary - Meg for year rhoe..Ms.. anW yoa have lakes Ayer's Pills. Hundreds hard boos ofaea d Mils esmp..t by Um w M the. PM .1..a They won admitted as oabibi- tlem at IM World's Fair as • Maadard sath.rM. MOIR seas" she WA very away. '4t Is fight Jeak." no heavy ball door cissa& baba Mr. •a& he .sled ou tee psv+mst, very saw with W with. sed by end by a Utes .edgy with himself. The limo Mwas ball alerts ommodMhim etssrea de as he Tree mead sed soma the swam Ore he sew . armee smote eau et ea hems with . tel p.gh 1.55 to her bead : sed later beam/ • laem.ss delve ea .did • lopl•M.4I.g patb.ma mem et 1 lee Je k was be teed sed seem le mamba, et ems se w.,s4.u. Warty ewe Mme bet genet .him Freda rind bisa, sea ems se wend peat M ewes. themes the blmewasl Jeme.yA se. se wed. IMAM, that the ease was ma- tes a- Alin Shag anthd the mesa Male Mmes bdeg fns. "/emkthfm" Jesk ear 1116 bet M ague. "Wi • he Lrms.rm & JUDGE TALKS PLAINLY. IIET/� ARMSTRONG SRO8. ACO. Pump & Fannin Kill Mrs OtODNIRIQI3, ONT_ PIMP trisr•.TNIANT A large steel 01 very moire Pump., mane /notuni tram elected Muskoka quartered p1.e with hearts eat out. Three Pumps are et styles te salt • few • ea•v ears yard., hien gumgal VOWS K OK S UMS srS' T PIMPS for .prsy.n s t• et Gress.. ma watering Special attention given to drawing water from well a diems..e from paw* Irae and wad'ssW.- woe. team tuu154 r brags it .. • Drainage rpasa eek hese; WINO MMLY r woad egmwt illiima. W KS. SATO vsaa i* aTMe atia.a. L eta AW. ram eterna`li LINK mewl! meat. arks m a number y plena well. antral - c.emeres • meseiewacerersey M MOANS a TD. Geld asl& Gupany el Brest1rd same a km e5Nd&sr01. swam • short time oto . J.ar. 10.essa'...wre. George end the Ar. te mom .1 a wheel that he Mama W hews f0.selly sand sad meld. His taught b•yew mad • hal sae•. ea7•sa $fab mi, sad the rase . MIssalally besalmeam He slimed Net le ►a& gale imeeaLeas. et the Goold Osmpasy eels Ma M was 10.150 behind. H. wet M South Aero shoat az maths Sam Moe the wheel .e& odd K Ara Karma eed d m- s as Mwaam- eyeletiainimnire t Isgal• eisi, M Nibs the tse..l.ho dld mea think the the - his was the peeper sae Ids ger swim Mat abed' emir M fie me a timaelou mad now M beat* taw on-/ **jean" Ifls� resolved eras eta [bee w wmsM the eiei.w eVe a.w err • .wMM p L I es% the tin. wow `t 1_ geld asm.teg M PUMPS emit rear MY 5454 cte give lash tat. car- tfestilar waled • Weft them•wash .4.e. cloPt past[ and MUM CLs•gaal FAInISM WIL.A mCaaa.O nod NIT= -r1 kids. AS stook worramsd. Ma and ear defy Mended orders promptly ARMSTRONG BROS & Co Ask your Druggist fe Murray & Lanman's RAMA WATER • D•IpTT FLORAL EXTRACT Pmt llMa`mnaid. Teat sat Ibil• t *Vi hie\Oat s Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes, and to keep lip with the demand for them we keep a large .took on hand. We have now about a bunked thousand an stock, and the prices will range from 76c. too $2.00 per M. We handle nom maraud and legal rises exclusively. COcOaikertA.o►\ has already been partially engin the head sated in some of s above. There is, however, a vast amain of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Til alai•. T hklt<Q<tOhs to an "At Homs" or a wedding require 000sider•ble taste in seleo tion sometimes, but we make it to easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and beet samples to be had. Call and es '9rogrwuws of entertainments and meeting promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most el meant with oord and pencil attached. tytCAL\ears We aim to esosl in all the differ ant kinds of work we turn oat, but smpecially in this, and keep n stock plain � papers suitable for all t•. Corks stank T w.k.As This head covers • large range et work, from a bread or milk ticket to a n. n • calling card, from as or- dinary hdinary w rnim4on ticket to • tasty business Lc rd or a handsomely printed membership ticket "Posters Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the feat that the great bulk el it 15 done by us. This line also is eludes ok/kerS. which our three f st-runaisg job presses are able to tarn oat in surprisingly short time. fl of\e ' t\\s beloag to the poster department also, mad we ;wake a spseialtyf Wog ear alfa b this respect A Modes et We will appear is Tim &aimm bee of when We dor memo ewe est bum �►\\ Rvnks OS W ol& in the typegrageiosi lame eau be dime la this delialiabilleelle 1, •a impedidean sad artier* manner sad Owe 'p,.wi wAti res ja•w+ Iv rsot*O** '4. We eaten-! ear *sake ler pet bm [los, sad admit • amatrs•aos .1 Nm with 'r " at 61114.1.,imaum III Yen TVLAM •Lige > • Osi i et.L w v RN BST • 1.11.155 perk. West irrtal ait kr o. J( OA. Mates lora. *hoes weer en o rrUB M.issi. Ina• at le posit. vellum L(,'5 N. LE 1'J. yr . ,teens--beth O ▪ O11Y Mw•t omt l.w..t ret.. CGARBO, elan-. ?P.% o IAMBIC �b. G. 1 J • and adi▪ r:t,rem Moa. Is rem swims . t *snot Apt ✓ D1,8...lC Lath. l 1 ONEY mon. a M. 0 o ppoYm Oelkt YRIVATK Woes farm enmity plj tea to J. A cord Builder SILAGE] eved. Lease XEONSY MUD ER.soll VJ.T.DT/ .uuG. 0 11 ee-1 W ok. 400,000 1 W OAMSRC M014 -11Y sn▪ owiest rams e GARROW i pp R•DO. iwl eaN.noarases ten• Ii.at.p•'matthe k .end � 1.. 111111111 (10011111b0 Nri TUTS *00Main.J Ops hem 11 ABOUT 100 Leading a meta( tree A poleat.ns LI lwariss. la re J. A. Opie>tp1 seerok 1W IMMmefte A.1 'FROMA8 mod lass Amos Msa•A w . ea JOHN tr 1 110=111111* lunislavmercer cxoll ' E. 0. rim terra Ammo CIE cog. • Ossa--ces• Hi 8eaesth : 1 m'kW lees lloaday la mossamfal Soos4 Mt eh MmHg' .M burial red. This !b. is the vis "'oh. 1 amt 1i17. I<K are owe le lasso the ��