HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-27, Page 1THE BIEtT IS THE UNIAPEit! -ADD-- THE SIGNAL .... Ill Till BERT. he -7111"`""wV:761.6( OxB DOLLAR WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL Fos Ors ?Pim. THD IZELAMMLSTCk 1NTf]W83?A3P331Z OF I QN OOVNTY_ FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2584 GODRRIOH, ONARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY AUG. 27, 1896. D. MoGILLICUDDY, EDITOR NEW ADVERTIBaMENT5 - AUG- 27 PHIBeth Privilege -Jae. Yie.hell 6 Betht Pteged" Ter S.10 -Jew Heslop 5 Crusty Gasmen.' AM -Wm. Its 6 WWI Others Tau -raised & Os 3 lwN--Bwocth Ogles Ter Hale or M Bert --R. u Haw Cow fee 8.ls--B. W. Roarer 6 Then is • Tide-- W. Arens & 8s 5 A ('.4W.. -The P. 4 Hardware --A. M.L. AIM. 6 Drees, Oosds-J. T. Aebese. 8 Server Wstatmd-Mea F. J. Pildb.m6 Wham 1)e Y.. Bey V.s, 8bes,-J McNwaes 8 11 Wasted -Mea D. McDonald 6 .s LOdAL NEWS IN BRIEF. C10 r1 i rale et Pipes. The Tair. $am tisk'• ova- wring est•blhitmst eeM- esestad epers.est ea Tuesday. der rare sotares just is The F Jar: H•miltes prosohed in Knot ob lase Sable b arming. All Chis•ware .t ort prion for ode week. The Pair. Rev Yr. Neer, of Norwich, pre•ahri in Kama thumb Sunday svesing. Kr*Tew•, fie wyemas, *hipped three tae of plasm on Tuead•y of this week. ( is Meetd•y Stephan Andrews shipped . oar lead of teat to the Terste market. Whess the e amen. BEAVER Chiron Tobseoo, be toe tbe word Beaver is es Gash plug. Rev. H. Wigle, of Carman, Mau, orom pied the potpie of V i. oro. -.t shock Sam g. dy1l pada went to eery the ,*.feet. of Mrs buy a 100. pack.r of gesiese TUNKA Staekiag Mixture, Rev. Tether 1)• Glerelos, of Philadel- phia, preached to 41 Peter's es auad.y,and Mil preach tea mitt Sabbath. A swarm is Arnie is • .ovelty, miverthe- les, the depa'y reeve bed one of elsotno light mea armed him this week. The year the Great hone tt esters track will be is perm oosdities. sad t bs expiat- e** r Int s tweed will be ..de. Madam* sometery bst been beautified eeasider..Lly from the rains of the pees few weeks, sed new leeks prettier than ever. Ac.erdlr4 to • Brew► paper thecle l•'tsl hes oaia ay. brews t e odd dors are neeetteeadsog it as the beet po.sble ex - erste fee Mt tseses. THE HARBOR. hells h was meal r �trask. Toe ester. W s Thursday. The soarer Yodel! mailed fee Tho..Joa on Tbursd•y. It is said that the present week will sed the bstniog at the been. P. Lynn secret three extra sees black bans o. S•turd•y monism. The tenses& had a very fair passenger he on bee upward trio on Saturday. Judged by the somber of boys bath- ing the past wed 9umsnr is still with sa The ('amena was in pert es Moodie os bee dowawwr4 trip sad tae It es several pee - semen for Deme, Perot eagles should be getting their tackle is corder se the fish may visit re in numbers any day. The *chooser (j..s. of he Lake. from Chong. with 24.000 bushels ef oar, far the G. T. R. elevator, arrived fa pert yester- da%. Let a hope that sett meson will see • nese planwalk to the bathivhouse. It le bard!, lair to invite a to a bath, sad Mom they hive it. to sake them travel through that adheres *0 their limbs and eeoessitates sootier beth whim they get hems. NORTH-WESTERN EXHIBITION. Saturday ...sing Iasi a meeting of the local omelettes was bold, at wksh • ..b- co'mtttee was owned to pawed with • builder .sd av as &dillies msdm to tthe poultry asp. with suitable .amps ; the prem est mariaery heal M be erred Ise • dales hail Gad Bland .p fee the purpose, mo fiat mesh or he gives s.mhrt.bly ; that as oddities be made Se the grand awed and u• pr...st mead pet We sea.pate seder i *shame for nsebinery he hard WNW* the Irm•k apes the rata side of the wards ; hams s M. east side el the ark be mac. Medd soya of the paltry bras end pet is whet mdse. Mat and e been mimed in es decorate •�hWhinge sad pmar/& ledger arm bees appointed is ell 'basis. .&d rely she bar amereL The direst - sin have takes .very .ter. to •ert. se far se penis t6 sees.searilient . who nae every as.ti.sa, and la .eery hal they w hoer bat erste, ear unln se that there may he es favesiele= In any Gua « have bees (meshed felts for spies a the are "wait*. se14 N Is evident sew tW tmr• •n rain era 8 a sees re he e .at dire spsesstamgente Rill peseta* weal ell he smplsi.d hie lis.k sad pro cols sae being mesh Mr le 81'.01 Tire are te be deals M. marry sr - hut of esdefiles mopped to honk after the metal a.ereste mew al are the ewrrs a se that error est be made .4.M *leaders Tim small bop all he well Mrd after wed leen le get la ear es ender the The Iowa is le pet al Imam is gag re- 'e'eatitss the iaMony them & _Am M M tri sees by elverttersesekere er w be ereldi to the N .Mdse es Mie a erisg it illi Ia._rtwOhs smo r+ lebittesialeises " s v ard emitWAAL (CAMERON AT THE BAT. I S•'• Att.•r OQl•lill•ly Partl•an• dleMiR G. atr.t8ae 4..4.410.. u Kisses' i From our own Corrs.potadMato 1 Gad Wsw.aeeh Apnealtar.l soete*y ter. Th• Carted tlwm that LOSS' YELL COMING AND DOING. HEWS OF THE DISTRICT. " "' "raw. We "' OVER THE HURON TRACT. to ►arvam r t8. Hammer V ended, did we w row= sobered tato Asthma. FALL Brow To dlneeoes d As►&eW Mies J. Carruthers i. vidtiag he IG•ear- diaa J. Louth. of W i.g►•m, was i. Goderbit aM M•bes..deeds as N arra Barras this week. ■aegsettee. MtM Wreid, and taaf W It Miller, of Toronto, wee le wens Oslo •.n.. of tae ream -Mar* tel. week. M Moble u the Mo. Goateed. Kay, of S enticed, meat Su lay in Goateed. Wm. MsTaysa is visiting frissls soar • W inab.m THZ following is from the official *lies M.Mmaiag, of Toronto, is o titbg FParhh....tary report, as/ speaks foe itself : in Gonane. °APTAtm rbaiaoa. or Tea ,. uTnsu,.•' Miss May De.dame recanted to Brwse.M Ile. Usmeaes aakad,-1. 1. the Govern- (s Monday. rivet aware tat apt. A. M. M.Urger, of Ms. D. K Calbick and intent w vWt- st* ew+vey beat "Boyish" baa h..m as am ug i• Goderel. (w a0.rasser ass His, Helga Piero*, of Seeforth, M 8.N• P partisan es to d•yiut a town half et Conservative .asdidates is the West R dost of the O*anty of Huron fee the last Ohms ye.n ! 2 le the Go,... ens wars that .t lest ceases! electi.n the sad C.pt. M.Or.psr abandoned maid Garvey boat *a Lake Ere and went to Goderi.b, in West Hamm, to vote for the Conservative caadl- d.te ! 3. W.• he .bases. of said Mo(ireg- or from Isis said duty with the knowledge, ooesese or antbonty of the Gottesman es the smarm &forag id ! 4. Was any •pph- ..tisa ..de by him to the dep.rtme.t or any of its officials for leave of shalom o0 the 000seios aforesaid ! & If such applica- tion was made and team granted, by whom was t8. leave .rated, and for what muss ! T8. Miasma of Manns and Fisheries (Mr D.vis,).-1. The Depertmstof Karim arid Fisheries has had no official knowledge that Captain Mo(;regor has bass we active poli- tica) canvasser, do. for the past fifteen years, but °enemata bare lately been male to the d.pertinent ob.rging Captain Mc- Gregor w'th being an active and oAeerics retinml partisan and them mmpl.io1s will be 4vestirsted. 2. The depatmeat i. *were that Captain McGregor was absent fr.•cs his vessel and it is prosnmed for the =purpoma of voting. 3. Yee : 1 .m so in - by the *Seale of the depatmest. 4 and 6. Then is so mooed et any applica- nt's haying bees received for leave, bet the ce&aer be therm of the survey was *struot- d to great lave to any °loser or caember of the Drew of the "Bayfield ' if he wished to avail himself of the privilege of voting. OASTA1P DC' %, OF THE •• PETREL •' Me. Cameron •eked, -1. I. it within the kaowl.dge of the (:o.er.meat, or any of the departments thereof. that Copt* Doan, of the Government cruiser "Petrel," es service es Lake Era . few days before the 23rd of Jose, 1896, took maid cruiser from said ter- ries to Owes Sound and conveyed voters hoe ports em the east scant ot idle Huron to Owes $...4,I. vole far t4.11sr.ggvete e ...did te at tai kat remold demise ! 2. w the dos d base eraser for era purpose with the b.swldge, aoo.mot orauthority of the d.par.oeet, or had said Ceptain Duos authority to use said orat.er! 3. Had the said C.ptaia Dunn Inn of ahomo.+ from ihe department tore from Lek. Erie to Owes Sound to vote .t said election, or for soy other purpose at that time! 1. the saw Captain i)unn appointed by the pre. *est G.,.romeet, with sae McNeil, to in• v..ti*.te t8. oompleints of the Wikemikong Ingham! The Yielder of Mario* and Fisheries (Yr. Davin). -1. Tbe department is aware tat (l.pt•h Dunn took the arwlser "Pet- rel' bate lake Huron ea *8e 20th Jose, 1896, and was in Owen :'orad es the 23rd of that month, but was set swam that any preen was tars en beard far to purr ot F mise aseveyd so OMs Brad to vote or otherwise. 2. There is se raised in t8e de- partment of any ...8 knowledge, tersest er •atberity. 3. Ceptais Das. bad 10.1,.e- tione to ro into like Hums for the purpose of p.trolhag terse waters. He was net limited to any particular point, as the whew of .soh waters are within hie juris- diction' as a fishery .Nose. There is mi re- tard of any diros b..isg los given .bout voting ur lets et ka any way with tedious. 4. The Depnrtwt of ladies af- fairs requested this depert ness to slow Captain Doan to praised to 140.110511. t•. ked. 0.d jointly with Yr. McNeal of abet department. in..st1 ate complaints el the Wik.Eeikesp Isdasir, of .11.,.u... Cape.a less hien • &Eery Aloe.. no special appointment is ssoess•r,. FIAXJW1Ha Act.. Yr. Cameras sekd,-L it the 4.1.11.. et the (lov.rsmst, duns, the pretest o.. - Jon et Paham.st M introdues • Bill to re- peal the present Teesdis Asi sr to other- wise de.l with that AM! The Prime Mist.. (Mr. ivari.r),-1t h am the 4.1.10.. of re Gevarsm.st to la - Wisdom say healthiest diem* W present uGele., their knead= Mktg that, be s, far asthe serge should be chert sedi"ezped"ihtits. 880.11. bower, the .. ema BMina M ,. a*8. immeleaseed be easy them ond htion eek fi advimab4. to isu.4... • Biel to regal the p.eeont Frea08he Aat g...4 to year ulster... 11 we read d seem ..w aerie aid. is sone forage restry whir pare protes*tes nom mad. providing a 8s.ltb(.1 warmth is all cert of weayer, we woad ..shed.. It wwndeef l and be avhwa el the �. wM en.M eeke dvsatags d N. Bs- t Lessen Mime (aset.ele is gale gasssedhe.sd may te pps e 8 . tested its eerlMerheMONO nisi sad hosed set br Mersa.hes the r>/lard" wieder esgafeet • layer d 1t will Impart te WI maser pr... Its weath- er motel goalies are gsnwl•s founded es the last Mat M is made entirely from Sprees 'fibre,. sod is Nagler a ...plete sewer darer ewe s - darer el rid. TNar se well as as Matt weight. makes M sa ideal aiddlisss to every es.'U ail end slaw slsiNsg- Te ..hese.. Maxwell waeived r cert es Monday item Mimes via 1.000 Mash el miss Gtr the O. T. R. fee shipment be liav ?ere. The ubssser wen he pert hs week l gens a sew levwv.!N 64 Ira* ell one aria Om waist aray fir • ear lbw* was koala .rasa* bee ode* •de ea Clieveleed. The assui we viae.! oo was Wum at NI lassie6 T. R. Mrwtlgi* i kw sift Mess 1he T sod 404 e Nom Master li•mtltoa, of Ceraw.11, le v4.ttiag relatives in town. athwart Streitts 1*t town this week on • visit to Ser... Hawks Williams, of 9•.torth, .prat 40.d•y in town Jae. clerk returned from the Georgie* Bey o0 Tuesday. Arcble W. Hadden loft Moeda, foe Buffalo. N.Y. P..cy Mstoomeoa, of Lu.koow. was is town es S.ud.y. Yr.. Pardee and Mild left tor boos, ak- ar, an Thursday. Retort Tait loft oa his returp t. Owen -1,-- Soloed yesterday. Mimeo Mame and Jennie Dickson are visiting in 4eatonb. Mr. and Mn. McGerv., of Chat*, glyt Sunday in ;oderie. Re.. Mien Seger, B A., retitleis Toronto on Friday. t )Ire. Cromwell*, sad ohildes 1. Nur home on W edseed.y. "1' Rev. and Mrs. Diehl, of Al.. Craig, ttrewt in Goderfob this were. W.D. Melees, of t8. Sea(ortb Esposito% gave as • call ea Friday. . Melvin Howell is visiting .t the paneled rvmdesos sear Brantford. Mos, Miller, of Tor.oto, was the goes el Mrs. Lane the pet week. Yr. and Mn. Tboopeoo. of freer* eertb .pent 8a.dly in Gcderich. Bert TN retuned from his trip to Dip reit es detanl.y'asorniag. R Mrs. lwdteb0N and ob4dren, of ('linteai returned a.mti • S.tardy. Everett M.Kemzie is visiting native@ iti the neighborhood of Brantford. Mr. ad, J. 1). P.nntagto. ..d *WWM •Rellitallpwere viitj�i0g Sewn last wetk. itr.- has rearm twin albr busiasiti.Olt to the Old (Jowatry. Miss Maisen- s bas retsrned from • viMt to frond. is Hamilton and vicinity. The Musa Shrm.n rettwued last week from ..ut weeks' tree in M,sitob•. Mrs. Du en and oh:4.rea, of Brresels, 'pant • fewrd.y in town 1"t week. Mess Wehio., of Wioghem. was •t the parental reales.. West st., this week. (.serge Phelan, of Buffalo, has toss visit- ing old 4.4.5& to tows for several weeks. N Boublw, formerly of the Goderich Poet Otho., was visiting u as town the pt weak. i G. M. Cox, had been spending his varies in M retuned to Tilsesburg on .easy. T. L. Armstrong, of TiMoabarg, meat Husday se the residence of Ham Cox, St. Patriek-et. Mise Mary Elliott left town per .tr. Cateooa, W.den..day, 10 visit relatives is Port Hares. Miss Minnie Cooke left tows Tuesday for Detroit after • two mewta' wait to friends is Gederiek, Thea Elliott, wife sad ems. el Walker- ts, .re is awn destiny relatives atter . trip to the Boo. T. N. Hollesd and wife. of I Pu. wedemavusg relatives V .ar- mending oosstry. Miss Fleur Reynolds, *1 Der.. Irk* was visiting Mies Tams Mehra, inured ed hems on Monday. The Missies sad Harry Davis, e( Wing. 6.m. TIME tbieiwawL Of their arMMi. Js•. M E.. ea Trill. Judge (.rp.ator.. of tbe Haprsme Cert. et DOMuit, leaks • Wrest eta en Tan SIGNAL yesterday. Mn. %Menem refereed to Ilaf} m. is abase meatyr yoeslw • weak t te Mr. sad F. 11. Spas lett a Yes - day for Oa.MI ort. Mr. Bps. has rte - awed ea • Miss Seals newels*, el Br!!nsleiafter • few weeks' visit M !made be the eigl Mrs, bah far hes.. s ?rijay. Mies Wilkiwsoe left ter OS P jd.y for Celle 6 Wu is the wtteetRay •y Mier Sagged*rmad Laklamer ssd a slwrra this week ea aesswet el the s.ueswa Mrs leg, of Mat city. A. J. Years, B.A.t Marna Friday free Inmate, otters be bed rsadiag dem bleary palms. a Mee. Melville. et 8s•tkr*, by hflr to Mamea i1 Wail Mak Is leers W. 11. (tit. el Idle di A. Rapid Qp, 8.11., she .mew wee. arose - visitant Ids eeseg, r bods massed le that 0y se Mandan 0. Bi M.Owew, el New T.el, M. bur wsapwliag W hely .�.1.y.�s la Mi 'amity thepat �•ati. M Mews pat mammy this TseNe • iII. D..4. el liallsk. Ii. Y., alter 1101Mat his mule It Co Ore., et 0wdpb. ler We we b% herimoi b- 40 taws to speed the rent et Ye amain wl*i ha. sir. Ies+one.thatWa- rmth �Mttihe ser ..0- .ltd Wednesday, INIONfhrr lir tbil At do 4 Use the Meg Geld MN M wield dome Orhe se Ise 4r ilarY $. Oh • dirt+ lr ~glib 'here t* I.Mma.1$.. Mere that li,.aM hood Ass w hers Ole -mews K the geed. •.••..tv •aperted O r the gigs&. dseided to held the F•!1 exhibitor' ea Tess day • id W0.s.day, the 29th sad 30th of he September. Further waivers will be Mem is the seer future. LAau■ 13'..!x.1.- Oar esergetio amoral aerobest, B. J. Crowford, 8.vieg kn•tly improved W sten by artistic pealing (18. work big dere by Usuede. Gab..'. sad Caesar) is sew (ani.kies 1. with • bugs sad first-class 1.11 stock of dry geode, of t8. Must design sad meeu(eoir.d to suit all oases, of bis oumeroue euetomer.. Cool %.ALLYING -We, aloft wire the sissy triesde of Yrs. M.Now48,(rellot of the Gee Capes* Joseph Mallow/6) who has been prostrated 0.d tedieposed by the resect sudden bere•vemest, are pleased to beer that the 1. prsdsaliy recovering, also thin Mrs. Joseph Stethere, who has been in • weak state of 8..116 for some time, is on the way to restoration. • BISTi.r.-Wm. Holtby sod Henry Fowler both of West W•w.aotb, are is mom - thence of en icor.... tb each of the face - lies, are wearing many smiles of rejoicing. We ooegr.tuate them both T. H Welker, now of Inger•ol, and formerly d Du.gso.00, was recently made happy by the arrival of an heir to the mansion in the perms of a fine bouncing boy. Fttoa Si1'LAeD.-John McArthur, et N.irsehire, tlootlend, arrived in town o0 Friday on an wooded visit to hu brother, our deputy -postmaster, William. He is loud in his praises of our ‘there and oous- try through whish he travelled, with its unequalled eduo•uonel or patio sobool sy.- tem, splendid railways, and melon postal He states that although he had and read much *regard to this Dons - eta impnvemdat•, appearance and thrift far exas& any description he had ever beard or reed of. New 1,rurwr y. -We have bea credibly intoesed that Jamas Crawford, ot Ashfield, bee made •rrangemesta to oomm.00r an es- tablishment in the cooperage line to our vil- lage. Hs has tossed the drill shed for • term, and in it he will manufacture apple barrels. He has, we understood. already removed • large Dumber of orders for apple barrels from some of our prom a at tanners who have lege orobsrde. He holes that by doing good work .t resoou.ble prises, he will have • large patronage in hie line, in which he has had much expenses*. We wish him enema. DUNLOP ToteDAY, Awe. 26. Mon Kato Y.odw.ld w vert*, is (.la- na. A GooD ilesraralsz -Use towar•n D. Lowsr tae pr*eaed • windmill whits be will put .p es ile barn to use for oatusr end chopper gran., mor. sad fodder her hi. stock sod tor the local cell of ear e.otioa. We hope be will be successful V W aader- ta►eag. There woe • goat wedding here a R ed- seeday Mies Rev. Yr. Edge, pastor of North-st. Methodist oburoh,Goderioh,jotsed in atetrunesy Elizabeth, daughter of Robt. Folioed, mei Frank Humber. of Goderio. Though sot long amongst us, the bade will he much wima«i. Her geoid and inhaler manner in our poet *Sae made trimodo of all with whom she ovate in ooutsott. Ater • pleasant stay of some we kg here and to Goderich. Mr. sod Mrs. Jobe Bel- den left for the Queen City Moad.y of this weak. Dunne Mr. H.Iden's sojourn he t quite • Number ot hie former scholars • few fellow pioneer. of Huron's early Old tins, was toe theme with .11 he returns to Toronto and is like- *bs r000llg of street inn on h igh movement is •gain goorg N cwt tbi'4`>♦in 1 oommandmst in t8. City st, Churches. Mr. Hadden hes reostiy peltas • book se B•bb•th observasee. LEEBURN. rename, August 25. Daring this wesk.aaoy el our C. E. work- ers will snood the session of t8. Hares C. E. workers tee Godenoh on. Thursday and Friday. At the sloes of his remora on Sun day, Rev. Mr. Hamilton 'poke of the ob- s of the Clubman Endeavor work; an ob- s of its menders was to promote the gntu* advancement of all, •0d not to stir sapp auger but to work for the .sod of all. We bops the sessios in Goderteb +ell have • good attendance. To Remove Faor HEAL -With deep re- gret we mince this our well knows rmi1. est. .lobs G. Clattos, with bis family. hems oro in • taw weeks' time to reside near Hateibea,wdlmre be hes purchased property. 1/r. Clutha wet the first student from �M ..teed *ie Agrieahanl Collage at Mame iiite.daeels-bt has biets- haswi la the tamperers caaas be was • strain arm, and took quite as taterost in the roost asatet1 for its progress. Both be sad Yrs. Mitten will be moot tossed by • lanes sink of neighbors and treed' who ben Y.s Naar they hare made will be ruooesdal. BLUEVALE. Wtnse..DAy, Aug. 12. John M•odos•W is slowly reooveriog. MEM J.ois,00 is visiting en Fordwicb. Mw Angie Oliver ie visiting in 1emote. heroes Duncan, of Woodstock, is visit- ing at 84. loos. Yid Bort Jamieson, of Fordwiob, was Meting .t R. t. Casemore'. reoently. Edward Hailer has rs,u.ted his dulls, as teacher of the public sobool in H•ysyille. Little Mies Olive Lammers has returned from .pending her holiday. in Fordwioh. Rev. Mr. McKay. of Locknow, ocnductd the services in the Presbyterian ohuroh last Sabbath week. Miss Bird Sanders and Miss Lacy Cod- ifies ave returned to Tomato sI$. sa 0x. traded viii to trimade is Blucvk, DUNGANNON. NOTaoa-T8. tonal .gassy le D'. -- Ire Too tles.AL s t at e site of J. 0. Ward. P., }rsv4sn.er. . "rhowlll reteiv. se- llerswertbrand M authorised ttoo eve remises vertising and for emends paid for the mama TUESDAY. Aar. 18. W P. Gnomon and wife, of Whirls, are visiting here. Miss isy Jo..s, of Ayres, is vidt4. her deter. Mn. T. Allen. Nnr,Poerno*.-Joseph Stothers 6.....surd s aesiths i• T Alla . evaporator .t Cora -Wes regular division ooart en - dr will be bold bars ea Saturday, August the 291► Mrs. Thalia ih.d daughter, MM Wilma, et the TOr1. City, are visiting her .sale, Mrs B. J. Crawlers. Miss Jamas, Jest►ter el Jells James. e l Magma, ma, • termer reddest et. West Waw is the rasa d MM Maggio WLsrr roe Hotta. -Mr.. Lererty and son, el P.trdis, whir have boons • vitt to her d eter Ms. J Mama it ldt ter bate es Illaday via Geiser. Tttssr.y-Derisg as arias d Twain .sd W-al.eeday ism Jew From put in ea aweless", spps.erss•, ad was ossdd.red d tee erMy fee the seams Puma -Oa Thursday hs N please - Mats wens "sat at Pert Albert by • large amber et one promises* althea.. The pie - ale was under the ---splen of the Poetised 1. PILL OreaAnlot..-Metes. Rewe • e deilg &m.hirft hrinee a Mon fruit evup.d ,Ism• knee anther et beads ' Wewish them OMANI a oho aotelijeles. Now 7lat.ets-la eerwgwss d the reeigueSem al Yr.4 Braes •d e s SA a 1iw 6 Yr.. 8arfth, Boeeirty. W ben eppsatel fee to ..that Mem t er& gave d. amoral do0Nes gat was Meeh OsvvAtelanw.- We en awned l hair that Mat Ohms Ritaimea, Mee J.tae, et D re ir`d .ipreJose Se - hie le beat*. The fere.. hes 8 i0 Ise ems T *e buss was Weeto es eamillsOrme is HAaverr Oreseree ta--b. seesd Ail Ile et ibe ramp, ree.4 as%elle w Mas 4. the Met, w• .t Woe irlttI8. f 1r gala GODERICH TOWNSHIP. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 26. A very .u000mful metal woe gives last sears by the Zion Methodist church Yr. (2,M the 7th Concession of t:oderiob '$a�ip.- kindly placed hie besati(ul greend..t the disposal of the charoli, and • large orowd •.sembled to enjoy the good things provided Rev. W. Godwin, the pastor, called the meeting to order, and Jaimpe Whitely, so long and fevor•blg err in the oommuoity, was asked to die)ob•rge the duties of oh.irman, whi.h te did to the satisfaction of all present. The choir sang four excellent anthems, and Rev. H. Wigle, B. A. of Carman, Manitoba, ..d Re.. Joseph Ede., Chairman of the district delivered thoughtful end els :nest addressee. H Heoneog, of Gderich, end Mr. C.mp- 8.11, of Zion, delighted the •udiumos with reoluttion., and Conley sang • solo with great .000ptanos. R.osipte of the eveaiag. 11600. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. A' HYIELD. Council toot August 15th : members all present ; minutes of preview meeting fwd and adopted. The tollowi.r .0000.1. were paid : Robert Irwin, 'ravel, 11.72 ; John Heid. gravel. 53 44 ; Mrs, Lamas, dinners at ravel pct, 15 ; F. McConnell, repairing culvert, S 8. 3 and 4, $1 50 ; D. N. M.Ks- zee, covering alvert, S. R. 9 and 10. $9: Neil Campbell, gravelling S. R. 6 sad 7, $18 ; Geo Hutahe.on, inspecting, $4 ; L. Reakas, rewiring 4. R. 6 and 7, 75o. ; Jno. H. Gibson, burying • sheep and inspecting. 13 75 : Jas. Ree.. 'ravel. $4.16 • Jso. we en. eding or 12, 06 ; Wm. Turner, two oulverta, or. 14, $11.75: Alex. !frisch. isspsog, i4 Jas Jrsatos,$4p.ot.g, 01 ; PeterttaEdwards, iasp.otiag, in. ; J.& Dnso.s, iaspasiisL *4 ; Jsa 14.140,, gravel, $3 50 ; Angus MoI)ersald, gravel Nag 8.R. 6 and 7, or. 10, $170 92 ; John Jehssies. repairing sl.e.•t, graveling mid rH/DAT ARtn.eOY. grsdtaR, $36 to Jmi. Spud!.., ia.peottsg, . J. 8 Hettdeeeoo, Heneal/. presidia'. si :Jia Hatebs.cie, p k, $1.51771.14t. ba ;Jas. Ir Mia, repalriag ewlvert. $3 ; tt. Me W lona*.►, L00-D.vtaaal .:.mass, led by Re.. W. or. rpm:miss o. 7, 13 ; A. V. Carrell, Gal- J. lard, Chinos, Responsive readings. lag gravel one day, $2 : D. McLeod, re- Mas. v., 1-12. pstrisg bridge. Kintail, $4 63 ; Jam Frits- 2:1b-Fer rat *pot. should t8. Soddy ley, rarity, $10 ; Wesley Misses, error nage sassy ! 7. H. Elford, Belm.a- heldg• sad Plank. 118.06 ; Coils Niebuhr. vine. damset to •ppk taw, $3 ; Pat. Waller, 2:30-Dls.w.los. eerailisg gravel. $2 ; Joe Knights. work 2:46-P,e id.st'. address. on 8. R. $3 • Was. McNi`bt, merit on 8. B., 3:00 -Report of the 15th snarl C.E. eon - 50s. : Willlem K1lpserle , work se D.11, vesties, held is Washhgtes, July, '96 $4 ; Jas. Wilma. expenses ghee t. Hew -Dr. May Irwin, CNstea of ladenery. $1.50 ; Jalapa Griffis. Mowing 3:30 --Hew .hall w. brig ..r ferns, info ...tate labor team, •4 ; F. MoOssneI, Nen for mere united siert ! gravel, $6 96 : A. Jamas grading ad Veil Mistime - J. B. Melf regse dna. D. L , g9 64 : Jas. Agar, tee eel- yt veal 11111E.B., $14 : Jas. Dramas. revelries (61 jer Ts.per.rae-_llella C. McKee. onhsrt, 8.K. 6 sed 7, .ss. 10. $6 ; T8... as, 8safsrth. Asdeawon, reparhg 8. R. 6 and 7, 40e : Jr. 3:50-Dleerien. Bl••k.500 ; A. Drown, 4:00-- The aaotbd..nd per iWMlis. Qse• 8- o sad 7, $6 ; H. Dodd, park Jeer work -Mk. Yeere e, Brussels. 88..8a ,11eltittlewon •4 Russell. set remurism ewe Saes' .sd . 4eita Mw i T. Md., : W m. �, spike•. 4:16-J.sier .annul... work Wrested-- ssd.7, $2.50 ; B, !aw.ry"' y,*la$ bridge BR. 6 GoderabJerre:Jere: tB $3.601 Jacob mama, enlverta 4:36 -The responsibility et the Senior. ass. 4. p.40 ; P , grates end in. J -Ys W. J. Fe* Qle- el a 4. $12.90, aloe m•wtan at kiss.- 4:60-D▪ eresdes. •4610 ; A. L. Hewkln, gravel, 6:00-R1esWa el *Seer.. 01.161 Jess. Y.A.r, ers's1. 10.90 ; F. b:1&-Qus.tiss drawer- R... Jen Rags, drewsheveLlag rate. M•l)s els.dag 44.8, 01: L... Ae. (ldsriah 11 laid!., terrorram. 22 2 10 mills.y sal adjourned to mese haul. s M. 1M d BwpMtier. W. &lwTatesa, Tp. Clerk. It IS that the anew' pase ae the North weeds Tar will he equal te • "rows ler AIL". sal W b..en to be metered for eW sores* am sew le Orsi ning Oar peals shah; r msm8er least the 4.30 loam dew at .set est debar sly Us- er 1111MmM less week a party n.1 Imam e1.0 salad lar to ase Mei. had he 'las arses Ueesy alma dew es Thr. mhos ire awl M .4 ped y' 0'r ipso met _ ..a .i1 r. A Woolly rtg•a1 of Oranty Clews Served op to air reeryiedy - nth and rates cupped and Owls.../ From .veru aura. CLINTON : Mrs. Rye and daughter lett tows oe Tuesdayfor tbe Hoe, wh ether ..here of her ere .ily reeds.. Morris : W. Yitobie thrashed from for loads 240 bushels of clean o•tr. Clinton : Resound, o 0., . pion meek io •widense just now, owing 10 t8. cold boom, is • typlosl mining tows, and rho are minister who ..gaged is spiritual work there was Rev David Kirks. as old Clinton boy, who now bas • settled pastorate there. Brussels : it is not miry town tat ane hose' of • young girl .bed to beadle lin ,.in. .6. Mies Id• Blasbill, of Bras yt• She often takes ohergs of the delivery fist* in connection with her father'. butcher shop and doss the work in good style too without driving round • bleok tor to take of turning around. Clinton . len S•turi•y afternoon, Aug dam, • meeting wee held to the office of Mr. Huls ' to arrange • settlemen% bearer the belte ofi t8. late Wm. C.oielon and t8. widow el deceased, who has been rote pg in Toros.' to. Mr. Garrote appeared in • e interest of the heirs, Mr. Hale and Mr. S .*1 oo behalf of :8e widow. and the parties concerned .l - so being preeeet. A perfectly seti.faotory adjustment was reached, the oonsider.tion boas • cash one. C. E• UNION. P rograms rsr the A 1 Comecon*. *I the M.ree Couiy CIL I:a*a. The 6ttb &sauel oo0.eotior of Huron County Cbri.tian 0adeavor Union will te IIA rat Kam church, Goderiob, ea Thurs- day and Friday, Aug. 27th •sd 28. The fdlowtag program will be prorated : THOESDAY tt"il*IINi .%t- Predd.at Terms., preddlag. 8:00 -Prater sod praise e.rvioe,ld by Rev. Jos. Mudge. Gatwick. 8:30 -Address ot welcome-Presidhat of Local Committee. 8. -40 -Address-- W by atei seedy it lb. Vous( People'ssits -"Rm. Jas. Hunt ltoe. Wingborn. 9:) 0-8 mill's', and oollcatis. 9:20- Addrvl - ( • 6iRsv,.YW %c 9sing incAY irlt Myer Holmes, Cannot, pattidlag. 6.30 to 7:30- Suariss pr.yermostiag, led by Rev. W. Godwin, Goderioh. SAO -Devotional exerciser, led by Rev. W. & Hemel. Responsive evading, 920-l�li of the Hely Sprit in Quiet- er* or work. (•) For ersios-Miss Net. Tuoksr- ( b8. )roFor Bible ObNiValuos L. D. D_y, W *ahem. (c) Fur pryer -Mr.. W. C. Laad.bor- oogh, Brumfield. - 9:36 -Discussion, opened by Rev. 'A. Stew- art. Clinton. 6:60 -The Associate Members. bow to win than for Christ -A. E. Taompate. Godereah. 10.05- Distortion. 10:25- Essentials tor soul winning -Miss A. Trel..vss, I)unga.soe. 10:35- Discussion. 10:50 -Consecration - lid The blessings whisk we seek in con- ✓ eor•us logram, Hersh. (b) The mistakes which we ot•ke y s.sking 000e.or.tia-Mess Roes,Biye11. (c) The oos.eor.tion which Christ de. mood. -Miss E. Johnson, Lon4- p 11:06- Di.ou..too. 11:2 Appointmst of nominating oommit- toe 11:26-S.ereiary Cooperss anansl report. 11:35 -The reltios of the satire members to the aongreg.uoo.l pnyermaettag-- W. H. simmer, Exeter. 11:50- Diesamaios. 12:00 -Chang error. r0IDAY *./CIAO. Rev. Jame Anderees, Ooderssh. RssdliR• 0 1.lredwi.. el .!leer. .aa &.1--AA4�44.-, - lee erdemembiatienal Mew - 9•$b --B g4DWI seaman.Rev. Stephen Dem& BeaMetB 0011 -Tb. Ilparallar e/ (.bells. Ewlmsv- sr-Nw. a Jerome.Wsdwf4s. •