The Signal, 1896-8-20, Page 88 TUE PICT' 1 GOT)ERI OH e ONT.. TH t 1 RSDAY. AUG. 20, 1896 ere Straight City Prices P N - r F'AZZ 3 - GREAT PUR• ASE OF P DR AND S Over 100 different Shaele•e mod Di Your cltol.r thiv month for 65c. a ) IDS AND DE 10 pieces of a!1 -wool BOX New Black and Navy .torte )GES AND ACK SIL : ' • • Fan Goods Sale still in pro _ ess. 1:Z_ a1V22T' ANDREWS, Mani, ger ail. SSS_ SILKS • • • • orth from A5c. to $1 00 per yard. L ; TK Worth $1.00, for 65c. MINED TWO. GATES. War Against the Toll -Take;:$ in York GOunty. most arvvoaa. sat eintreteely vssnsae ons. .atlas rules were obeyed. is the Mt.m of 1J86 Ds. Nadas readied the north roast of ?rens Jo.efland and bent a otos* bones Inwhich he lived the whole winter. ed at aii.*ahads Jaesettand during the follow - Ing spring. Stockholm. Aug. le. --A dspatet from Christiana to The Caserland says Oat prof. Mobs, who 18 now at Verde,. states that the scientific eace•e..r,ofDr. Nan- sen'e obser.+tlooa are mag mO Sever- al unknown Maude were discovered sea their posltloaa determlaed. Dr. Neilsen. ■Klan 1• Ibe 1areadlark. Torewle Fire the dtcyatch adds, will Ways Verdes o. Brigade railed •.t Is linear 1M !lame. flew Ls.aer. .td./N ■ 'tart'' melagct+l r.lk.. s..4 Their .tr1on M • Yeseased by seise (Peelle. Toronto, Aug. 17. The tnllgate on Yonne- street, just beyond the city 'Mitts, and what Is mown eon the check gate at Veer Park, were set on tire by parties unknown st 3.30 o'clock on Nunl.,y morning - Policeman Crowley of No. 5 Precinct saw the flames issuing front No. 1 toll. tate. and summoned the bre br k� oak who eiriinguished the blase. The gate. however, was burned to tits around. High Constable Jones was notified of the occurrence, but so far Were is no due to the identity of the firebug. At about 3 o'clock Pollcemn Crowley saw a man come from the direction of lbw gates and turn along W ieka.m-aveo•e. but It Is not known who he was. The places were set un fire through holes being male near the bottom. and the Ignition of coal .11. which bad been poured through the apertures. ?lo. 1 tollgate was burned down be- fore about tour years ago. TO CLEAR T11E11 OPT OF nSEX. IR arming w Been Chen Mai Ube Be- seatslag Tw• 6atr. w 111 he need. Windsor. Ont.. Aug 16. -Another tollgate outrage M rep..rted from Essex county. Some men went to the gate at Ouellette. Corners and partly tore It down. but left after notifylag Mrs. Smith, the tollke+•1.•r, that next week they would return and burn this gate and the gate at grand Marais. the o017 gates left standing at present. The gates destro)ed during the recent riots are not rebuilt. Monday. Mow. Oat tato Om; Lake. Bowrnanvilte, Ont.. Ang. Ig. -This I afternoon Mr. A. Peate and Miss Darch went out on the lake In a small skiff. Shortly afterwards a heavy wind sprang up. and they were noticed out- side the harbor. drifting outward. As they did not return shortly after an- other boat went out to assist ttem, but could get no trace of them. Fears are entertained for their ash, as a heavy son is rolling. TURBE' BIG BARGAINS CAIN NO. 1. 1000 Yards White Cotton PRIOK 80. This is a Daae of MW Remnants, from 3 to 10 yards, worth from 10a. to 12c. This week 8 0. a yard. BARGAIN N0. 2. Bleached Table Linen PRIDE 52o. zero !treat Old Reda. London. Aug. 14.-14 Hung Chang vimaterl Mr. Wadatome yeiterday at Haw arden Castle. and the two carried on quite a long conversation througn Mir'medium of an Interpreter. 1.4 Hang Chang and Mr. Gladstone were later phuiogr'aphed together. Ar- te' leaving Hawarden Castle Li Hang Chang proeeeded to Barrow. Got as sleeerlle Atari. Waterloo. Atiq. 12. -And .140 another very severe .Motrfe thunderstorm broke over this district last evening abs.t 11 •'eket. 14g 4afng street .ad totally burned the b*)aa,, wsgo� shed tad pig pens betimebetimes( to Mr. Vatr.tM5- r)tterksia, Moot of the etttle were eared co:optima roar setv+a murk were Darned. Less wterloo gsmooth by Lowasamne rim ra Mtlaaa1. u tate Mirth COMING AND GOING. Arch Dickson, of Skin, was • town last w eel. Miss Cameron is no • business trip to'1'o- ronto. R i11 Stoddart has returned horse from Chicano. I)r. %Vilmot., of Locdou, was in Goderich, the week. R. M. I)icksoo, of Detroit, was in town $50,000 DAMAGE. Isar 'kw k Wise Base at Mirk ale .tlI 4.1. on Oat- W K. Brown, of_Buff.lo, was in town on ardor by • sudden I-I'mdb.v.l. 1 Thund.v. Mims Flossie Reynold., of Detroit, is visit- ing in town. Thus. Hogan, of Woodetook, was in town the past maw k. Them Jackson, of Clinton, was in town tbu day week. David Woos u visiting at the old home, St. Patrick -et. John Itobertaoo,'of Detroit, was in Gode- rich'.. urd•y. Miss F. R•ekltsas, of Detroit, arrived in tows S•tussay. Mrs. Sl.slren000. of Chutes, is vatting friends in town. Ik• Chums. of visiting is town Miss Mary Macara has returned from • visit to )lalumors. Miss May M•loomeaa u viutiss is Haw - Mos gad vWsity. Miss May Mc(%resth and Miss Iowa/ are visages in Clinics. Mr. anti Mira R J. ?Taff, of Clistem,wsre is tows Saturday. Con P. Smith, 4 Belisle, wee is Gods. rich as Thursday. Geary, Macdonald, 4 7Fisd.or. visited Goderich lest wink. W. J. Lyon.. of Lsckmw, was is the os. tows ilia past weak. Wm. Maodna.ld, of Wisdor, visited Oderish les/ wash. Miss Styles, of Chicago, ie visiting at tits old home is Asbflsld. Percy M.bomsus. barrister, 4 Lackmw, was ss tows this week. Miss Flsr.sea McIntosh bap returned from a visit to Casisisba. Miss Aside Campbell, 4 Seaf.rtb, y spendtar • weak b tow Miss harts Kerr, el Bresssls, is wattle* .t Mr. iichoas-a W.sa.d. Mre. W. D. Shenmsn hes bow ase swiwe indisposed the east weak. Roy. Jas. H•miltes pramebsd t• Kash chars\ on Sunday Seoniss. Bea Clark, 4 The Kinwr.iim Rew4w. took is the B.R.B. Il. wart.. Mrs. B. Coons, 4 Leaden, was t\. swot 4 Miss Davt.t a past walk. 4r. tad Mrs. J. %Volker, et Pasulla, vi- ited (Apiarist' lass Thursday. Mies A. °rebate and Miss M•Dmald. el hoorahs, aro y1e:.1mg Is team. Miss lbws Mer Sss. 4 Tarsals. mesal her .M brae Ibs pate weak. Mrs. fDr.1 J. R filo-see sed .bit/ era wmsssslau m Maskehes wilds. Mm Noire ossa resermd home tram Deer villa. rasa improved is Wailb Mr. sad Mel H. J. Crawlert. d RigIsy. IMO is ().dirt& lass fI•mmsay. Mr. end Mrs, fl IL-Jarkeem et Ripley. wore is O.datish fl.BhrkJ bon. Ari. Wain. d %Oda, N.Y., ant hes Elsie area kw IhB BMMr Shea seek, Asa& W.. sttlllu .$ b Ost■Mh 14► 2 This special line of pure Linen Damask Table linen is 66 inches wide and is worth 75c. This week our price is 53c. BARGAIN N0. 3. 25 Remnants of Tweeds At Half Prioe • Thiais a cane of Remnaetr, of All - Wool Tweeds, front 1 } yards tip. S we are worth $1.00 and some $1.25. We place them on sole this week at half pros. J. T. ACHESON. d•v lest, having how called ►•se ea aasaaat ot Ila. death of the tarsier's moths,. Mrs. (Capt-) Sathsrlamd returned bow se Saturday, per the solar. Carload. Mies `atelia Holmes, of Detroit, is voids, kw aunt. Mrs, R. W. MoKssie. Mr. and Mrs. Claw sad child, of Galt, are spending • few weeks ae tows Mies Daltos. of Chicago, is vhMlag rola- woo 1n Kaag•ondgs sad Vrotnity. Mr. Newton. of Norwich, omitted is Norsh-at ohsrok as lisaday evetrit& Mies M. Skelton is •ttwdias the Fall term at the Normal School, Taman far • team" het a severe atmok of the old ••soy prevented him leaving. Wm. Haddon, of Buffalo. arrived in town es Tuesday, to attend the foaersl of the loos lira Haddon, hie grssdraother. W. D. Cox. of Loatmgntoo, u davit,. • few bsidaye is town, the pest of his fattw-*s-law. 4: Downing, St. Patrick -at Mrs M. J sad else•er Gonad Hays, of Walkerton, who ars viaiti.g es licdersob, are the attests of lwpesto Gat•on. Ba) flejd Rand. Rev. H. Wigle, wits sod obtidow, of Cat.nsn. Mas.. are tb. Nueva of their rala- 1've+. Mr. sou Mts. Geo. G-., Britannia Mr. and Mn Isaac C.ssidav, ei Lesion. Rom!. are visiting mauves at the old bones Chao A. sad Rev. Allam Remager, B.A., i•c esvoral were the peat tow days cesium Moet 4 the P. Mt.'s t Id home, Port trip woe poled. Misses Rth•I Aeh.eon, Flo E. Ball. )ld lis C.spbal and Clara Shasmas were the d Ma Mimes Howell et Undid. ai k Sat.rdal .ad Suodsy. J. Joseph Tighe took in the ()image ez• *union to Sarnia last week. alio was not well during the rest •1 the week, hermit to la� .d on Saturday. B arrie. Ont.. Ang. im.- Not .Ince the flood of June 3. 1'e.0, have the tulle• of 11.1,4e witueaeed su••b a sterni as tl.Ite4 here Sat urdsy Until 1 ...lock the lay seemed per - bet. large rxeursious be ug bruugat la by stamen Enterprise sod Islay. Abemit L30 tluudeniuuds gathered from the south and the wind became eery neree. (ration dews many Targe tura, alio the roof of Auder ton's Brewery. About 4 o'clock the rale beetle to tali In is -rents, washing oat the roadway along l'erlotreet. The worst flow was down .aapper.ou".trert, which was alae badiy damage.. by the a.wd of 1.O. Thai (torrent monied et the FI..• Points, and nn Moog Iruulopstreet At rt o'c •:k s stream tally a toot deep was rummies along the parrmcut oo the south side of D4nlop. street. The cellar of Cashman & Perry's stunt, ak.ng toe north mile. wee filled with water. and -vow the store to the depth of several 10. bee. Shortly atter d Out rale reseed, leaving the marks of Its work on nearly e.rry street of the tows. It is bard to be leve that yesterday's stets emild close such serious loes to the Grand Trent Railway. The yards •t Alias - dale are Is a state of turmoil. tracks belay ripped up. ears thrown on end and nose bulldiug., completely de.t rayed. Resident. "ay lied the +toren continued bait an boor longer the 1: T.R. etatton sad restaurant would have been washed away, the track In man places being_ washed away. reusing mock deity to tread TN trate 'raving Totts at 1.13 for k.., meld sat no further north than I...troy, the par sewn bel brought from then to Berrie b boat /41se &image to the town sad Maud Trabt will be at least 00.000. • Geo. B. Toys, of Toronto, days in Goderich during the past week. Miss Carne Seidl of Galt, is visiti.g veer iprs.dmotbss, Mrs. Sestet, Yaat-s1. tars. J. B.rr11 eat shod, of l ggten. wars visiting is towndiTe-taeSk. Maw.. Sh.ason and Garrow returned last week from as extensive wheeling tour. John Moffatt, of Kincardine, was oaths on his many .Id freed. in Goderich on Fri- day. Mr. and lin. H. Grenfell, and family, et C. E. L. U. the Forest City, are visiting friend" i• town - The following are the topics for the alit" Hayden Williams, of S.•fertb, was vitt- fervid young people's societies which moot fog et tae family residence dorm, the poet during seat weak : Knox Charoh I.P.S.C.E., Tuesday even- ing at 6 o'clock. Topic ter August 25th, "Th. Duty amid joy of church mem- bership. ' by I Sorge Andrew.. North -.t Methodist church E L 4 C.B.. Friday ovon.ng at 8 o'clock. Topic for Aon. 21. " Doty of .very day. Are we do Mg it ! ' by Miss M. G. Robst•ea, 4 Sarnia. ' Vict ria•.t Methodist ebur h SL Friday *vamp at 8 o'clock. Topic for Arg 21, "God's call. What are our nepotism r Mir. Sadie Hillier. All are cordially invited to attend the•e westines witloh aro held is the ,haesm.hta, .oa.m•hoing daring the summer tm.ath. at 8 o'clock. Visiting members ot ether ss - Moths e.peoi•lly winsome. some BARGAINS week. Geo. Acheloos returned from his visit to New York State and other pointe East last week. Mr. sad Mrs. McGarv, of (Clinton, were visiting relatives to the county town last week. Andy Y*ens blut, of Berlin, was op* of His •xouretontsta that came up from that oity on Friday. blue Welts. Bayfield road, left oo Sun- day, per the strainer Cambria, on • visit to Detroit. Miss Whyard, .t Dungannon, sou, left Gode. rich Monday to attend the Normal Soho', Toronto. M..Crotte,andehildren,of New York,are MR. BLAKE 45 LEADER. London, was this weak ~Ins •t this rstdanao of G. N. Davis, N •146g11I-,4. tate Nb11. Csays4sh sal Thee le the emir a5a.e•. Montreal. Aug. 14. -{Special.) -It looks as it the Canadian delegates to the Isiah pacific conftr.noe, to be hdd so moon In Dublin. have about me up their minds that tie only rolutlon of aye veied question will be found In tut choice of the Hon. Edward Blake rim leader and consolidator of the dlt- t srent Irish factions now represented fa the Parliament at Westminster. A. Medina Itbh-Camadian tote your core =Ient to -dye that the t at ran so bitter between tlaa an. . enitea.tne Mceartj.yttes and the other .teflon_ Into which the Home Rule wilywere td dlvmd an too make It sionolstety necessary to collect a leader ••teide of the ranks mf the Irlshmea groper and that Edward Sisk. was .ie roan Inc the position The atm* gentie•ataa le.aleo uthority toe the statement that St• Mr. tmttgsn t .rehblehee Went inti Miter leading 4 mean dslegsTos were meet anxious ghat toed- ooshlp r of the Blake amoo a Pa flame tars /arts. 5 Orsponne Dues Staffs. 3oa ter 15c 5 phew 8OOTTOI GIN4HA1111d 10o for 18e. 11 Booms ?WIRD 1su'oot from the mill. 45 to 50 lents a yard. 30 peir cent below regular prices. The beat 30 -Deist UNION QARPIFTB • ever seen in (Werke. Colborne Bros. The Great Carpel Warehouse of the eutiffty. LOW PRIDED 8IHOE STORE PRIZES WITH SHOES ertk-.t SIGNS lets, Haigh Morrison. of LoOksow, was the peso of Mn. Geory Pnoe Friday of last week. The Misses Laird. of New Hamburgb, wens the gseste of the Mimes W ilkinson,the peat weak. Miss Fla mo. Williams, of Drilli•, is speeding the vso•tion at the family red - deuce, Market-st. Hogk Miller, 4 Berlin, wbo had bosh holid•yiss .t the Fmk How, r.tur.ed home os Saturday. Willie Gallagher. of The Galt Reporter. formerly of Godench, ipso. • few dole in town the past week. .r. maser•'. Srb•.B. ameresses. Vadat. Nerves, Aug. 11. -Dr. Mamas, sofas• rotors tram the Ankle fogless was eels eligmes mil no Zirielltrtarerov they ~Istwit Ilse@ OfbrilicWOG toes Me tot risleit..i moats d5 Pao won aniline. The hl.d swam ems Mn. Alexander and children, of Ohio, •'s videiog the lady. parents, Mrs J. H it disarm Mn. Meyer, widow of the l.•. Colot•• Ferdinand Meyer. of Sel•daa, Mo. is the guest 4 Captain Gibson. Rev. I. R. Wallwin, wife and family ars Lb* guest• of Mn. Watiwtn a mother, Mrs. W et. Moiwan. W •tot loo -.t. Mrs. G. G. and Miss Fannie Gibson. 4 tit. Louis, Mo., ars vatting of the residers' of Capfats Gibson, Hot fad Road. Mies Elsie L.w.on, of seraiterd. wbo ear' the got of Mies Rvelys Craipie tM past montb, Oft tor her bowie ea Friday George Porter is still 'err 111. Th. gen. times fasshded iesviss tows on Merday I OF SPRING. The.leaaat.ssortmont of NEW HATS We are ollwttatt to tato public. B. is hammy with nature as Ms dam bar Spline attire, sod by yourself • strs1ll• . •T. Ales aro stook of all the latest 1. Gloves, Skirt*. Cotters. Oulu. lgeskwear. Hs.l•ry. ata. 0 R SHANE 00•18 The past two issues el The Sigma have oo.t.ined vary good fres ods. for prises w. are airily' with tier Shoe& Thanks, see - demos. We're tato prize deeper then ever, 206 r•.» ort MOO* WS atoned....d plenty more for se. 'Tivoli.Let us esplata When your peepholes a.nonnr t • $1.1.00 e tre.•nt y..s Froe alit use of toe tle.uutul P.o'.u.e, r• are oh •w.at •' ••ear .core. We give you the Piet are Fe; Mtr aned, of you wish a• wa supply you with • Frame 6 Whigs wide sad oostainisg 11 fees of madding sad glue 181911st esly 75o e•mplets. Bat Iron do Dot have he bay s Friss ire. as. We give you tee Pin- ar+ Few : yea de se you wish about the Frame ; but H yak ma bay a fr..• as goon se ears at $1 26 it is cheap. ab' _o tat o u r _P ries • Here are a few of Wheal, ('owglars /Am and see if you can equal Mem. Ladies' Tweed Slippers 2 pew for . 26.. Ladies' Strap Stippess 75e. Ladies' afford. Deogola Kid. 24,334, 81 25, tor 750. regu Ladies' Tan Oxfords.......d ..... 75.. Women's Heavy}' Boots(.olileather) 70o. Miss..' Heavy Boom. 11 to 2. 66o.1 No Risk to buy hers. Every whir 'meetly Mon'. Heavy lima (solid lo.tb•r) . 15s. Mon'. Gess.e. i).aieela Mese or LS Moe T I.0.d 14-... Bey.' hood R••••• r.r bole tog, dew4i5 peer••d. 11 to 2 (Ma Youths' 5414 le.ther 1•004, 11 le 13751 as represented er your mosey reismded Rips Bowed, Buttons F.st•n•d, Stars put on --FRU H. B_ P 0 T_J IA ACK 3 Doors from lI sal -al WE INVITE THE Goderich 1 SHOE STORE you TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GASOLINE AND COAL -OIL STOVES Also let os "end one home for you to try for a week and if you me not satisfied, to feel under no ob- ligation by re- turning There is never any question as to which shoe "tore sets the pace for Goderich The particular fact is that this business Lea never stopped growing in all the years you have known it, and this year BTRIDK AHKAD 18 GREATZR TH LU sVKR. It is scant courtesy to your intelligeow to tell you that you will have to have new shoes. Nevertheless well do it for your sake. The following ars a few of the bargains we'll offer you this month : Ladies' Buttoned Boots, nines 2i to 7, worth $1.00 for 75c. IS " 3. ,4,5 , worth $1.25 to $2.50 for 11. " Strap Slippxe 'e 3}, 1, 3e, " $1.25 for Aho. Boys' Black and Tan Oz. The, vim 1 to 5, for 15c Youths' " " " " l 1 -to 13 ter 65o. Mims.' " " 11 b 1 for $Oc. A few pairs of Ladies' Shop $liplmw ter 60a A tall H.• el Woman's Heavy free bode for 75a, ema11p meld ler $1 W rim to iiv yen value ter your money is Bomb mad itlowa W.do not give say prises, bet will give yea yells M Owe that will enable ]Ira to save ree.sy by ylag your obese tem OIL WM. 8HARMAN Jr. 11422E3 & LEE. THE WESTERN 'AIR, LONDON. BKPT. 10th to 19th, 1896. CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE mySTOCK EXHIBITION, OId.,t Fair.+, aaaAa-Eeteeliee•�ed ta,....�00.6 M'*~ awl Int 0011 sx►bNlitlaBekles he it b04 as the .o.'ss$qmrs.m4►,.g lto Mew ivery rare p.... Wwe�d r.••�'d l.. ambles P550. enSIPE mprevaeseri to Attendee/al ` ea •aktMaew Th. metre 4 OsMTIaB 'IM beet Now ha0dtal)M to skew la. serhat sight and will wall repay • visit to the ha. P11111 BILL'S WILD TBS? ad 1111011 HIPPODBOI: • adds. M eetwele sal • .(Bap st s) ion's: the ars .55 Pair star sotto' Is Astoria* iKE HAttM W ALI'$ R0OS= ACROBATS -1S is samba r. Omit ter hies flat mad make your entries. GAPT. A. W. PORTE President. THOS. A. BROWNE. tu.r++(/r RpwtwsM : MusD. Mamma* Uwe& ,W., retmra l home on R.eard•y merwipg i"•s. deer e*ehiag some three wlenab wwiiitk fret sea sad dswgiMwe Ila Norah Dolmen Mss. Mimosa had. ,fey plmmet .lea.. sad ..pets ail the hamw Ha.lrw .bass she sleek r shim gwm4y ar base well eel Moly �: Dr. Jobs Rwq, d Osi>ses. New fest, seers hese w thiserday M eetamt� fa. Maids el M. treslset. Jelmak. 1fti Rue it 0ewrbM . W. Wo rim bur b i es* maw apMow krM west is Is a p mor - i" 4Ins bear aid Woks llw slash Lest asmsrday aftorm.•• • 5s. Loofa Uv lye, L E, Ahdsssu•, wheeled • alb le de raismts aB i Wes segaab swat • plat B• was paw y a Meew•s'e Ng mala, and suis a wbesl (sera MM lot a Althto- d eon• silaN dt"'r lows plookuill Oh r inwl10l epr►� less* nems4She mows tit tido womb b wlih ger OoksmfM 1111* far the sewers M tea M .had IMO sed wt/4 ism up. ve r B tomitr• w1tiM so