The Signal, 1896-8-20, Page 7' T$E SIGNAL : GODERICH• ONT., THURSDAY. AUG. 20, 18N. unfortunate Cod-liver oil suggests consumption, which is al- most unfortunate. Its best use is before you fear consumption ; when you begin to get thin, weak. run down ; then is the pru- dent time to begin to take care, and the best way to take care is to supply the system with needed fat and strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, with hypo - phosphites, will bring back plumpness to those who have lost it, and make strength where raw cod- liver oil would be a burden. Ai. i0.�.N�.«� ",am.aer(��ieL fi.mr, s at: leGasvlth. O.r eta seal 4o.. CRISP Ano: C48UAL- Mors than 400.000,000 Ib. of soap M amid Eo1Mad yearly. .!ooh M the rush of teatime to Europe that Meese steamers recently ,tilled from New perk in sea week. Hair dye M ,,soldered es detrimeot•1 to long Ido that • Part. Warsaw oo.paay re- fuses to were the lives of persona who use it Japanese demote sever present bills to their patient.. They await the latter'. in- clio•tim to pay, and thea thankfully accept whatever sem ie elated. Then bas hese • further steams is the Itostgen ref phetographe The hears. leer, and other [stews& organs have b.ea ewes is whoa. and their .endities, whether bealtby or otherwise, {dearly es+•bbb.d. The least Io.oe orchards is Use weld are thio. in Sicily. whete an acro of 1....s i. worth £300. The value of bioyols exports frees Great Britain. whale sr is partisan, wee last year • mdito. aid • hell eterliaet. Only ase marble sates of the banes figure with eyelashes M karma. It M the seeptsg Addles. sow el tate nese et the Verdes .ad was Peeled la 1401. ordinary .Y teat weighs wily ,sees .lever Preemie, Herbs, .e Visalia, .,stets Was the .es dew see prows* ess.kles. !My ...0. Maar, ho sem h tfllwss wader Me cgs tie alz er yam srlissher Mpwd to she sae sr sat it Y ..M Met • Leena w.11.ka.w husk bat ea Inylsrle s.aaeem l • many Mild no menses' drake, . that at • .!goal from ow .f rhes ..y s..po.W ~Weer sus he - Mealy bow W photograph takes witbeet hie kawri des. A. set.msd .w•Ilew. whl.\ bad Its nese sear Chnwyd, is Shropshire. ese sseetgbt sad takes i. • ewe a Losses. warm It was released. !t esteemed M its stn is e ight, mistee hadeg ..e..plw.d • diereses of 146 mil. at • rate of nearly two Wks • Wows. Is Serbia se somas M alleged to ride sie tea of ea ooalhes Mr. Gladdest, usually has throe books to ✓ e.dieg at the .ase ti.., seed Waage, (rem ..e to the .Mer se he ,.. id—. that Ids mind bas readied she Medi of Its •bserp- ties. A well -knew. •e,eead has soloed that the voice 0f • woe•. M audible M a ballon at the height of dwelt ewe itis., slide that of • mea W sever reaohed higher time a mils. Darien the alterations to Trevor Hell. Llangollen, the workless felted la the roof 160 £5 Book of gashed sate,, aid • bask - hook 00.t•i.i.1 deposits s.oa.tty to 1'1.- 200. The seism b believed to have WM then for 72 years. A depsatioe trona the mineral water trade M the Hews SeonMry sated that 30,000 women were engager! is the trade is aka.Leads. aaa O.. firmi output of bottles varied !rem 3,000.000 to 4.000,000 • week is the Summer menthe. The ,swot of the haves white &wiosltar- v deptomise bas wreathe ea the Weems. of olerxymse was expl•ised at the weal .eating of the Fries& of the Clarity. There ere sew 9,000 bowsaws reodvi.g le. thee C300 • year. 5.900 reeninee les. that £200, 3,000 r.esivi.g lee time £150, sad 400 re- o.i.leg Mee the. £50. A remarkable iadiyideal awned Fostm•y eat just died at Moetpollier. Despite the 1 fan that he poesss.d 25,000,0001., he was dttguetiagly miserly. la the arewM. with his egged. dirty olotb., be looked like • Swear. He was Dearly .vest, years old. tad bad .ever been married. He dew ant germ to hey say relatives. YOUR PORTR FUS$IN[ss. • bees{ AfatMt... bas ef t,wvtie M es MN Iowa ?Wow Mos aortal essay et peon sed. dear madams. it yea lees hansom, lyes •e- rsmMy le your beans amt. avoid the well Met tome. the .10.014.. eleartileme whisk •tastes be b the Whose el ail .4,.s.., tied bowlegs in- stead • term -tesptelag vise—seal dew's Pte a has. P...ta•Uty M • shrine apes wile* We fess' mesas dashes• herself, end de- sins .sins teas every seeder .e hor bem.sbsld ' herald also he .arises. W• apdol i last • swami. assegai of psaaI..h5y M anent y d she wheels of the household are to he rmi smoothly, let order tied anepllss are so- wWl ; bet is theme d.ye of perpetual movement it M impossible for • large hs- Ily to keep fres newas.•l Ir.esgresgoe b this .titter. 11 ikon is • w. Il knows rele is the beeps - bed watb regard to the time o1 meals, .to., se ono world wish M dierM•rd It: bat may me allowance be made for the mtast n ok, s Maio, for the d.orepaooy of docks, sr Mir the thousand sad ow .Mohaaoer which be - sit ow oetaide the walla of home Tier, are woe wawa who twist ea ewe harrowing regularity in the dosaente d. sole that all the hontei•SISS b eti.iwted tied • prism would he • oMerfal .bods lo oo.psrtsoo. N.&.eas ►.d peaotaslity aA two admirable fete twee. bat, like wary we ether Brod this, rope wroag.whes they are owned to extremes they brio' about jest the result that the home-wker wishes to •void. • Slip. '• Dearest,'' cooed the sweet girl, " yea Wye told me so oleos I am your first love but should late ever pert u., proses r You'll savor show my lettere to your ant " •• How own •ou spook .o, darling ! ' broke in the noble yo,ib. Ro. know 1'4 savor .how show. y, have 1 over showed you the lettere written oro by—" Via the eolith Gutlessly paused : sad the chilling alesoe could be heard regains of W. reef outside. A !GOO!) SAMARITAN. l , HA�'It) FO C N D HEAL HE \POINTS THE WAY OTHERS. THE SIGNAL Makes a Most Liberal Offer to WY HMO fair K — 0r wittlidstriOn. Y a sow .41o1.•Ct tx exp writx3GTH. From the ' .ten Times. Mr. MJ Subscribers. ; repeat 0011. old wheel bees oast in -s of Well 1 Beautiful Three -Fourths Life 3ise Picture of Yourself. Tux 81GNA1., in making this offer, claims for it that it is the best it has ever made, and the public knows by this time that what Ter SIGNAL ' promises will be fulfilled. The offer is made to all new or present sub- scnhere who send w CASH IN ADVANCE for Yearly Sub- scriptions to Tes Swam, as shown below : THE SIGNAL And YOUR PORTRAIT (8-4 LIFE SIZE.) Mailed or E ressed anywhere in the Country for $1.50 The Kind of Picture We Copy From. Portraita will be copied front photographs, cabinets or tintypes. DO NOT SEND ♦ DIM OR FADED PICTURE. Alipictures copied Bust (head and shoulde s). Where picture contains more than one bead t charge of 50 Dents extra will be made for each additional head ordered, or 50 Dents extra for a fall figure portrait. But one portrait to each tpbauriber. HOW TO ORDER YOUR PORTRAIT. Enclose the *tuts you wish copied in an envdope and place your masts and address on the back el the picture, with full instructions where to send it. Try to have as few changes as possible, Copied mach better with fewer changes. Your small portrait will be returned in as good condition as it is re- eived. 80 FRAIIIRGG OONDITIOJB, WE DO NOT MAKE PORTRAITS _R>1SQUIRINO YOU TO BUY A FRAM& The Portraits are made for as by artiste of national reputation and *he produce only the highest grade of work, UARANTEE TO SUBSCRIBERS. air Th.0. e portraits are the work of 6r54.0 artists. They are fully 3-4 li 11,.end are m natural and finely 8 -dined as Portraits sold for $,'f to M It is not inferior work because it is free. It is truly a work of Rtiehportn,jt is finieiked by hated in Orapen and and Ink, a *ill not fade+ NOM IN YOUR ORD)SR QUICKLY. IT WILL TAKE SOME TIME TO MAKE THE Pv)idtTRAIT. do order to salters iirsielimis work it will take fres two to four I'm*" to eve portrsif, therefore do sot delay placing ywir uabsog;P "nal order w{th es Parties ''as direct from desiring▪ awn for what be furnished an handled nHdad !vi if by a we will mod circulars to subsioribe you pekes. RITby 13R BEPORE HAS ANY NEWSPAPER YADI RUGH AN OTFER TO ITS 1111111SORIBESK as a portrait can be THES1ONAL, filadatish,a Pettit, of Wel was • at Tee Times o Ile isas to the paper, bee for years jibs meet business ✓ oe. He ie possessed of oeaeider•ble nvative ., mad is the holder of es paresis his own toms doom. Toe mem waw s of Mr. Pet- ttt s serious t 1 mg 000 lied ihetese, and wee delighted see •h he had baa re- stored to e• Th. lu wer to enquiries ea to how this . been ought about, Mr Pettit prompt) sed •.4i.ueslly replied : „ 1)r. Willie • P.uk p 1. did rt " Beteg farther intern sod s. o whether he was willing than the .eta a 1d be toads public be oheerfslly . o give a statement for tbat pa. .hin s.hetwce is •s follows : He w : ut stacked to the Fall d 1892, after do in digging • ogler. Tho meet syn . w meow is the right hip, which wutw mese ly two year.. It thea end M the other ley ad M nth seseatisles warn a einnesie sed ssbe parManerwd M host Wee Est. pworse sad add walk b■s • short dM . ' Bois weed give oat, wed be M • M cast He 1eh that if be w•I forty rods wise - eat revise w. . dieltt • t R deal. R. bed beet d la•leytre•Iieat .ed tend trams ..diel.. theist say Mao dont remelts. : • se that s..di• ties for about y.•n, be eaaxpsot- I dly . . t y be wee re- tetakag twee - to W by train. Mr. J , d Pist.s. al. • pa. - eager m the n. M ' . it will be re- membered, .membered, w d W y who had obtained .51 fro. Pfek a bad gh- ee • thtit rase • masa- direly. H• beau by Dr. Wil- liams' Ptak he bti. swim her • Mama b al she .mal edlishig Mr. Paled deism teed. . dry es to who he w.. hers fV . he ap- pd aim asad ...shoed. you leek • saes." f&r. P dMs•nW AM MON r. " Take Dr. wilikleme I keen, awes wait .e Mars M n rM.Aexp.m sataded will ears yea-" Pettit WI tend y Wale end . . to get nod that w. somewhat Mee easily t lbs advise es dYalmdmed. Pfak Pills • MS rest In .. e r that he este ledeiripe Ito Plak Monet lag M the whelk rub box. owl HM are be ' to he Per It is ear 'tidy a .loram he the mese etdm Yr. Pettis hei bedews be es b- beldam had m set ter heabekomaeatao ef as that so s fides iria- of 'lbs NW or a�� ria Pleb eau weeld posh Nits tikk theillehelliMilat Ph* PIM0. MI6 dad dews* tbe Ides em et seem Prem . whisk Pin: the the W Pleb sena 'b" mole ashes elm ME IN THE ENGLISH WAY LEGISLATION AS INITIATED IN THE "TIGHT LITTLE ISLANC-." laillernsist.g C.eslr.rfw. W\N\ Tarsiers Legal e. Settles t:.•e.rv.tt•,r As AMreat Change of III.t►M ae.,rl.g- 4 wl.g I.treet road b, Trades 1.5.... U we perceive en abuse we make Just sufficient tshange W get rid of it. not caring In the least, for tummy,,, that the monarch poses.,• a legal veto,but only making It ImpuesILie that a minister should on any uoimelun ad vise the monarch to ezerclao Ws legal poetise. Powers. In rect, do not frighten treat attend we never withdraw them ,theare abd. w•(.il• au Frenuntil.•hymaq frantuse.c to It tblmp that a Archbishop of Canterbury could. mere ly as .r-hbbhop. make doctors of mrd eine at d'seretion: bet as the arc bishops never misuse that very Lunn prerogative the l:ngliehman does n. Ware. '!'hit temper, of course, produces consenaLiam of a kind, a conservatism. boweier, consistent with great bo:d- nees in experiment. The Ent:nehmen Erol, -s hie way very cautiously. soma - Usha even timidly. but If his object Is tar oR he w11) go on steadily for very long distances. 1fe wanted in 16118 to put Parliament slier.- the throne once fur all. and ro, though he refused to Modify' the prerogative- and would not even hear Of a Republic, he In the Most c..mmonplaoe way. as If he wer- tsodlQ Ing oopyhold tenure. Just I:l- vented a legal action, and—changed the dynasty. He would not for worlds declare that women ought to have all the legal free.. dos of men: but the other day It oc- curred to him that It was "a g. eat shame" that marriage should dis- possess women of their property: so almost In silence without the slight- est Idea adoing anything dramatic, be made women. as regards property, the equals 0f men—perhaps the great- est .•ectal revolution ever carried with- out a fight. Tet he will not admit woe men to all the professions. or allow them to claim university degrees: but opens one door after another when paas.ge Is strongly asked tor, and al- lows the women to obtain the "equi- valent of degree."—that la, allows them Intellectual rank without the power of governing universit ies. which might be Inconvenient. As re - SWAB property, the end eeuld not be reached without a big change, so be made the big change: but as regards the professions, the end can, he thinks. be reached by piecemeal reforms, so be doles out rights by the cup. 11e has. In tact, none of the dlsoon- tent with Intellectual Imperfectness which marks the Frenchman, but just remedies the concrete abuse, leaving the abstract wrong to sulk if It hies la the corner, where It is in nobody's way. The truth Is he considers that the one test or an institution, or a law, or a line of action Is result, and if he approves the result. is perfectly contented Bo flzed le this idea In his mind that he even applies It to creeds, and considers Macaulay perfectly sensi- ble when he exhibits. as proof positive that Protestantism is more right than Catholicism. the fact that a Protestant canton in Switzerland is usually more prosperous than a Catholic one. How can there he better evidence, nays the Englishman- though be hears every week of places where the wicked flourish like a green bay tree, We wish very much that the Bishop of Peterborough. with his unsurpassed knowledge of English history and Ada obvious interest In the recesses of the Phrgttsh character, would tellhe .belt asimela assume ili' s 15.tIM .mL Se,we. Tae Bratton Gameness s era she .wow s of oboist 25.000 ds, the greater seater beteg m laths. whore they are kepi to r. smns eery* at the .esalsfdopase, to men varices, rsestrwteat.—,eek se the serfage amp emcee to .el aretiene, ..4 mp evil- Paris$.00101s of$.00101rte e uaeagt.g ...s ►r lir of s .reh. is we war .t 1878. ie Afghanis - tee. carte were seed by the British. Mems 60,000 died derl i., the ,.meas frees mei. meleesmeleesearl sweeties. l.ol.ded in thewl above are the °as employed is Egypt wire the Britleb army .f eesepaties- Jw 1884 86 • camel corps et 1.000 was formed. which did esesllest serves* durng the war sparest the MahAt proww s bn.ss de awl seem tb.emed easge belear img M the Bettie\ t10vermthe are .e,eged is . ad- vad- mit* a ho Dongele is t-go.dea, and the m 'loveroeet is st111 b.yisr largely. so !het probably before the Autumn campaign is n over those somberly will be at leans doubled. Ala the maare obtained they are orp•.• hod into oo mosttis. .f 400 web b- y nr..ghthl. 't 1 Yonne Wife My dear. there te • aesth- etes welsh, to the otber room. He wants spi r t. ck 10 you 'r be thinks haul &eii aft. are tnst& English ends. He seems to say all through Ms lecture that the principal end of an Englishman is, not to be Interfered with: but is that quite true as regards the nation? W are not quite sure. Thr people, no doubt, 11,.. vented the phrase, "An Englishman's house Is his castle." they have never borne for long a dteclpllnary church, and tbey have always appeared intoler- ant of pollee supervision, while they reject with anger that claim of "the family" to Interfere with the Individual which M the very bests and buttress of the continental systema a social lite. All the same the Englah bore for Year. the most interfering aystevn of taxation ever devised—nobody under sixty now knows what the old laws of taxation were or their premature on gen- eral life --they submit to the moot ab- ominable Interference thorn their trade unions. and they are betraying, u power passes to lower and lower strata of the people. a perfect passion for the "Inspection" and "supervision." that le Interference, which on the continent they denounce. They like to be Ind,.q pendent, we allow, but there are sharp and sometimes narrow Smite to that desire which. Indeed. they give up whenever they feel that they want protection. We should say ourselves, If we were compelled to define the essesoe of the English character Yee a phrase, that they wanted to be oo a - sortable with a deer 000sclesee"—the reason why they have Invented their queer secondary creed, respectability. —London Spectator. I•s•..Ny .f Ansa. A lady 11 town who hu recently been very much annoyed crew the colonies of small rod ante that hired the house, making themselves particu- lerly obnoxious by taking possession of everything 1n the form of eatables, devisetd a .chemo wbIch she thought would baler trio 11161• pasts- Rho took tour bowie, Oiled them nearly fell with water. then paced the legs 0t a table le Mem. and on slur tide whatever sees waived to keep from them. Thin worked all right ter a while, but a tear days ago dee was aitonish.d to Cod several ants on the table, apparently milts at bonne. On lov..tigating she found a Hee of sets erawling np one of tem bow1E waitress amen tato tbw water. g*5..teg stress to the table I. sed ae M ep tato rover. While eons wee. ethers were tWnrri- isg by rite soar to. apparently joy - fel pt hawing stormed sed taken the etta.W. A .ptiekltteg of bhrk pepper es the water he thole Bowes ise for the premed trental the swore. With rertm- wifes' met oaf the thisedeea, 1t eel he a weir sir >t they ole test bridge the Sheets sad atte:a es& le that w , y._,ft.5 ,.l. 1l. etsr, • ..e .r......M A bt'7rie .eel is the knee Mem se tlt.*nets. He—Do you lower him !" else—Yoe mod forgive .e. doling, but of 4to you have heed fr.4Med with a tough : Wades, you take se little mire of yeorself, anti —(►h ' if you only knew how uxtous 1 am about yea. Soppos I were to lose yea, love." lithe berate into sob- bing and throw. herself on ht. breast. ) He—Com., my deer, silly ohild. do be calm. .40 M °elm. People don't dee of a lyltght oold. Still, if it will [swift you, ahoy the dootor is. Who is it ' Dr. Pallet, eh !" Ste --it im't • fleeter, dear. I: is --it M —it is • life-tu.u,aso. seeps !" A 6ne .earn yacht nor wee run from Fait -pert to (let eland, • •ristsnoe of thirty miles, lest Friday. The Erq.lrrr hest the igsy when by thtr•••en tee.•ed., the wroo.r m•kiee the rue in 1 hcur 36 min. Qg Peseeees all the good time can be In a good Seep. In short. IT IS PURE Nothing is added to cheapen It or reduce Its quality .. . ROOKS FOR WRAPPERS (c)For every tit "Sunlight" wrappers sent to Lay.. bolos., Ltd. Toronto, • useful pepec-bound book will be eat, or • cloth -bound for yo wrappers. Git n SANDUSKY, WINDSOR, Detroit and Sault Line. Leaving S•adueky overt Monday sad Thursday night at 10:5) t-.... e-aWag at Wind - w. Detroit. Coertwright. sterna.OoNrtch. Klaeordiee, Port Elgin, Bout!emptcs, the Georgia Bay aid North Chased to t Sault, Por Ates sad all Information Add:Me C, P. R. Or 0. T. R. ticket .gest., ort WM. LEE, Goderich. O. W. BROWN, Windsor, Genera Manager. n -fan WE'RE IN IT That M to gay CATTLE BROS. have bought est the beldame of JOHN RALPH, m HAMILTON STREET, sad ,eery • fall line te Sivas, 'Tis and Granule wear, •ed are prepared to 441 S waders for Plumbing, Fitting, Eave-Troughing, and Tinning, ✓ ed etanmtos M give yes ..t401... *4... web aid .very Was Our refrigerators are tho beet b the market. (U sed me the., IW Leave your wets at Jobe Ralph's Old /seed. Bewlltem-S.. CATTLE BROS., Plumbers and Tinos's, Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned beg% to inform the public that he keeps on hand all grades of HARD SOFT' coA AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF W000 REDUCED. Howls' au.: lbs given to CUT and WOOD SPLIT Call and act Price. an.; ¶tt Maniple. of wood. Office a'ol ynid, NELSON -ST., n ar morulas "roe Hotel. D. C. STRACILIAIT r • ,,rrie•er THOROLD CEMENT We log to inform the gener- al (•uhlic th it we are agents for the noted Thoro'.d Ce- ment for raking Cellar Flolrs. Staple Floors and Cisterns. We hove been in- formed lately by the Com- pany who make it how to put it in so it will be etlsal to the best Portland cement, and at a great deal less cost. All floors warranted if put in according to our in- structions not later than the las: of September. DAVISON it Co. Baby Wants It. s Martin's Cardinal Food row INIAN'. AND invasins. The most palatable food prepared, tee is unequalled by any other prepardoe of its kind. The best food and the best value, put up in one pound This, rim • its. per Tin. Sold Retail `all ha idnag si Craters and oIesalt 6,J� unsay WATSON Os Co.. PSOPIN teleg8118 CO heOerrREA.L. PATENTS CAVII4TS. TsfiOE MMIf ego COMMITS Obealesd. sad W basis's. la the U. S. Ptibb Mee stemmas& le at MODER4TS Pim. Orr .Nei M to the U. 8. Patens 05 Ilse, air we w 085.1. Pawls Is 1•. Mas Imo - those -emote from W A •RINGTON. Sand MODAL O1R��DRAWING. We M• wee maakso e NC) OR ROR UNLESS SIB large Oa re IN PATENT. W rotor, bem to rho Postmaster. the lbws M Order Die.. earl se Wheals of tae U. s Fittest Ones. For olrmlet% advise terms and reamisees to &Meal alai a yeas )w. MUM er Oslaty wrltete C A Mew d n. OfeogM Patent Ohos.Wa•tl.gt...,,p 0. reef FOR TWEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING� bas�a� , GODERIOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, Sa.ss.e1 obystmt •hash, faaaas.asuesr of ail kraa. et BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Balt Pas" Must Ings Works, eta., ate., Aad Dreier ta— laseaw. Mao►Imery p.ttap, a. Ail of Pips. seal eboo tReaossea, sad yV /emm sWeser°ar.Ws V.5.wir Valves. s.c'W iOmenenywE.lLeona A Mm. of Steel Wstn .ted ling ew ee orange mad Mina lea shwa smaneale sussing y L S. 0113MICAL. 11.1b P. Q Male fie ealleask Os► Wegia-4Maaat. e. T iL tllsora, ,Mirth