The Signal, 1896-8-20, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERIQHe ONT.; THURSDAY. AUG. 20, 1896. 5 W. ACHE8ON & 80N. . Great .. . . MIDSUMMER BARGAIN SALE DOZEI48 OF LINEA MI Sew. ds M Mar Pelee. HEAVILY fringed Chenille Cur- tains, lull length, now $2.25 per pair, worth $3. Lidice' Vesta, Laos trimmed and finely finished at 15c., reduced front 25c. Men's French Balbriggan i7nder- wear, hest quality and double thread, at 95 cents • suit ; cheap at $1.50. Sims 34to42. 20 dozen Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, Lisle finish, tillable sole and spliced heels, Herm•dorfa dye, at 15e, worth 25c., in sizes 8}, 9, 91. 50 pieces Torchon Lace, from } inch to 2 inches wide, all at 10. a yard ; price wan from 4c. to 70. W. ACHESON & SON, DIED. 1LDDEN ped.. bb. ea Illaadav, Aug. M, dee. asst MO ymfieseli rs. .f *ohm �m Had - MARRIED. NUMBER-rUL►ORD-At the of the bride's paresisDealer.os day. AugI1k.L by Rev. Joseph tA. raef sh i b. purielat.rdanagbter of Robert BLAIR-WALKER-At the redden.* .f the arid.. father. a.Pby the R.y. br. Urs. *sms ,oZiemer O*ekbu . miai~ et Atha Wolter. fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. Prom the Reporter's Notebook. . Tely. a Karla in: a' see Owes. 1 reds 1. semi let a eaMl'e Amamg Is Raabe BMs. .n' rills Uva Posse 14.' -vises. L. M. lint ee, Da/a•1 Bwlfeen. w111 dear siondv visit the rump of lane.. Amer weak b es Wednesdays bees a e.tt to r.rr- Rememb. Tk0r Exodl•.el.. the Geveraer Oe..ral and Lady Aberdeen will be in Gode- $cb esti mstk. Are you mu -ed for the m- amma. U .et. make u early cell on Prid- b•m. Why l It that se away phases fade or lock dull after . hew years. It is bemuse they have bele taken by I.etperteaesd woes& If you od • w�ebe •osoerleg three years atter. Saltto take B. A Nsw Timms - Why dada t she Has - derma Bayolo Oems.ay patent the tricycle ma.ipalatsd by Hillier es Friday. Fort Gainsay Cater -A very large num- ber of people Idt ter 'Grimsby Perk 'ea Saturday meet d wham returned by the lou traits ea Monday. Fart Orrewe--M. t,.Clueirelly M.P. for West Harm. left by dais se Tuesday Mr Omens, where be will he is dee ler she spode et Parliament. Ora 8oaaat Vtsrrons.-T a sed *lade brewing es Monday .d we Tuesday owed • e member of ear lemmur Miners to leave M Gederiob far their hems AS A Taornro Rat --Hullers trettemi rag LY, se Friday was • great •t raotbn, es the propellor made prat*/ ped time rad the fair driver was remarkably geed Mektam ting. solved the difficulty by putting is • post seem Ahern feel longer Mia the others, wbMb sabres the wino M be serried oleo: o f the trees. Well dome, W. H. Smith. and please oeatinue to preserve mss prepay trees. Tag BOD,oan -The week os the hotel Bedford is beteg pushed, a large somber of msob•mlos being employed, ..d it M =peel - rid that it will be herded ever by •the oea- 1r.oter•, Series•. a Rhynes, by the arse day of September. Tag HAaaoa SAW ME -The harbor grill is .kipping the drily eat Io the top or Me hill from with* paint all shipments will be made. The side meek somplstes last weak is .ow 1..., sail aerie grit ties for Mediae ears. Toe VAkVNA.-The yacht Varsa•, et De - Welt, made Oed.reb barber es Saturday woods@ after • *mast mil from the river. The y.e1 returned to Detroit se Moody, the party of wiksen r.saig her net Melee htadsd to primed farther north. Tae oot.tax.-The demo yacht Vele.., or Pert Hans, res leto pert dogleg B.ter day what far shelter, avid lett Moeda mernhg ier boom The ya.ht had quite patty ea beard sad had been the Mead the (Martha Bay Weds and the Said o•n•In, Pic -.rte -Then were several pieties lest week, mum patties in the di :•sea M Bayed& • few smithies M--sMOsg Park afford thorn eajoy.asl, while a herr• a.u- bee located .lag the river beak se that •e the w went down they mold sed their Met is the Maitland. Foca GrNa1ATIONt.-Lst week ens et aur oldest badmen ma called es ballots, . ad asked ter • :roup The u -'am• - was s000espsaied by lest daughter. bis gr•sddwgbter end his great-gr.•dd•.gheir . ad the lour whoa talkie formed • fins group of tear gsnsroMo.a TEASss. --Tho hese ball dab desire to :prom tbo r lhmks to the who se kindly d willimely mkseribd to help brhg the Oriente d Leaden es Thursday. Aug. 20th. the time for .dvatii.g was se siert y decided set to ham the game bet pro - pees selebraUafi Leber Day iaebe.d. this TV a.idm1 was Ismdi.l.ty N.• wawa, .ad as sem se M was hien AO lee Indy ter Wand a Mp.r was waled be. Am exam1saless showed that the inland sae was w/t.ing ham two faas.ared ribs avid • sensiderehle masher et braises. A Atavisms Lens& -Plena .m bobs ssMseed tar stamina • juvenile Ledge et the Avidle$ arses d F.wb.e M Oed.riek. At passu Mess w ltty-ho Mu.ehes d the seder 1a Onoerks,•.d the members .ham they ham doss • -essiM.ble •menet d god. se their mashes& w all under eight- ieth. C. 1i. Oouvurrtrloa.-The ssavoMim ef the meaty C L aeiemes will be held fa Ems abwb, O.derhb, on Friday sad Rah vibe,. Aug. 27 sad 11. The Meal ,miss le peeling forth aorta he enable the vMt.w to alley and prat by the Ip1.rlag. The bUMsdg e.mmitse M pig its roavid@ this week. Prow Io ran Otu seer. -Let mesa we had os *Albinos Nes large t-.mbea, ase wsfg►hg aver ewe pounds. This week the *So wind,* ssstalna a plent wdgahg three os... grown by W. L. P..aisgtoe. It is of the Ihadehaw variety .ad the grows kidlike it s.MN be sstslmeed is anal& Bret Wos&isu.-There wee • mooting of elm mesaghg committee of the tatereS N.rtitwaetw. e. Saturday *venter, whoa °unstable@ sad esret•kas tor the di/great dep.rtmeste were duly appointed. Other business wars eseeiderod ..d di,posed el, .11 pree.mi,-,slag o zIeos rail: the show of 1896 the net .sseasf.l ever held in 11 arm. Sen News - Yesterday O. Y. Elliott DIN. .aived • ivisehoai nessago him hie brother John from L.okaow, Informing hint of the death of John's ma tooter, who passed away very sndtlealy ea Tuesday dew w Mame of two days. The lelvrmat will take place is Walkerton today, the funeral brag from Holyreod when the family aro visi•Mg. Tar Coinrrr Covscru Aar, 1896. -The tenuity clerk he. received • ..0e.M.. from Judges Joe and Cruses, the meads - domes appointed .id.r the Act. that the sitting for the Lorp•ss .f dividiag the Dowty into divlMo.s will be hold i. the Cert Hoes., Godsends. ea Wednesday, Sept. 16th, oommese1g •t 2:30 r. Y., and at Ohm time •.d prom they will bas •11 parties htereeted. Ix Marrsatrie.-Te the memory d Harold E. D•nory. who did en the 27th et July, 1886, aged 1 year sed 2 swathe : - When we sea the prseMse Monism That wo beaded with mob oar., • Rudely takes from oar bosom. d How our be•rte almost despair, Rossi the little grave we linger • Till the setting eau i. low, Feeleg all oar hopes leave perished With the flower we oberished so. WATT' • ND LIOOT.-Tai was a meet- ing et the Water sad Liebe Committee 1a the clerk's ot600 es Monday 'evening to open the tenders far the water works Im- prevSmeat. Thee were four tenders for the 'steadies of the barber b.ildle,. srd that of Saab.... A Rhymes for $740 was •ops _pNd. The Madero is the lake sites - aim et the weber work. .rd the stand ripe were laid es the table until mph time se enetr ver Brough mead be present. Aa the eughser hes been telegraphed fes, is is ex - seeded thee the esntr•ate will be made within three day.. Warr You Saurian Tau. Htat.-If • travelling pedlar ons wises •Meg end trim to WI goo le, before. Parabolas ask him if be will mks year barter. ..ge,bl sot avid other farm produce Ask him if, whim your ,..Ighber gets reedy to build a road or brides ammo that creek or slough, he will be willlre to donate • few dollen to help it along. Tell him there i. • poor widow down the road who would be yety thenkbel it bs would dea•t• a few provisions. near- ly ear to him that money will he scares mkt session, and would he mind trusting yrs her • few dollars worth of geode. If be ogres Os do this, thee patronise his.-Ex.b.ars• Yotrrnrm. Hosea Tamest -Os Moe day twit boys. Geo. Hd.edi ed Jobe R,.' fisid the dries one balag may doves, ed1.4 at IOW's Mathes .•d add that Hods&'& mother wasted • home tend berm. The mat was handed ever, hat H tet Wag m- aimed le the siesta& a e.8 wee made en Mrs Hedges, who Wlal.el all knowledge d .daring 10. e.ef.gw The tdegr.pb ens Mlle used. and the 'b2,. m.c.d from Clinton M 9•atwwth. avid 9w•11y M Leek - new, whoa they were apprehended. O. Wednesday Me hIlo sees wore Mhos the P.M., eb.ed with @ alias • hens sad baggy, aged were further .didmse. gensedd beFefi•) lot U. L Connect. -moi. H. Cdb.-ns was dh•innea d • msdhg s•Usl by our bed - mess sale es TUSaday wreaths he Melees the Amoy enemy gaieties. Needy Mob el ear .msi•sta were in the seamen Awe - bey. ell et whew dewed le Isla • lively in- ter.* M the bona After Ssmli.able dis- used= on the •stile et the Mab .d the .-s-emit) el the .meMw milling M pre- test 1* a Wy agreed tie • dessmana. biaillag the deans Is sharp an gesem Amoebas *jirad es at` per est* es eller. 1004 be *wawa among the Imsthene .a le wee else .peed MlM the .Mht: tihesl he Sealy settled •e • s-oling le be gelled he a Mw days. OssuvAsv.-Th. Iitswhsg tri. the Walkerton Telmeep. wt M read with ke- tenrd., doomed Mao atomise r„d- . redder* d this tows : " Net movie h town meso aware at the Guns. d Mr. Jamb 11tlg- .is and the mewl d hie denies en Ws& nosh* emenl g sews es Mee Alone Illoe • shoe. A W M yh'"`'' ' deem ' eest " ry Meed when he ager hash. B. ea* reed the hese me Nisollar sal se Tani* sea le la Is& FEN= yams ago b 1i1mt M,j1 ban hgd Ls -LL eat/ res ems* bee bases hit wee t*.ft lb dee* eve egasatf hal. • - /Mea wtlldl be was sail, h. IA& West "es maim mem +e Ilemmel rs eases tae Lie' asasa res 4 lib Nem, viae 1WIMrrt Laine sale Wkmgrhm *LL then re CWIYL .-Nei B.sday man - Mg court 9087, Amlot Order d FeraMun will •ttad divine ..tries 1. Visions -et. Methodist oberek,Rev. W. Iiodwta pr..1h- Mg to the sodoty. CL,41D roe Tan DAT.-Tbs Orilla Pao - tory, Bicycle Foolery .ad Wedged esaablish - mom were dead the whets d Friday to 011mw the employees to Weal tats gams gid h•ip worsens 1h. dither. A rrta E•Ara5ATlam.-It is simmesi flint H•mli.k'. apple NWwtAirR e.t•Wahment ••as• runnier en Saturday sr Monday sad that in . fns days doer steam le rep • hese ..mbar el heeds will he emptsysi. H. Pltmnvs was Brumes -Rada er lith, who is eap.ete.ding the liths et the poste ler ab ine.•de-eent system, minas@ that the Madsen* sespise mar Dr. ntebol'°m's weal require emsi4ee.M. set - KINCARDINE'. Bio DAT. --00 Tuesday mvahg the d••m•r Jetta Loaf arrived M port be make armagsseats for taking ex- mrien1te to Hinsdale*, butes amount d Thursday kaviv beim piddmd • aide holiday, few were likely to no to Me meth - ern town. en Ms Meanest dig sot Map. Cmc Houser. -Twiny is °iris holiday. 15 having bees poelaimd as wok by His Warship Mayor !hose. en the petits.. of • large camber of ser .11.1.10. As Mae M . gnat Maseale domemee.Mw M Btrs•tord it M =posted the majority el the leaving Iowa will vbt Perth's only city. A Banton. ACCIDENT -A seriem.eddent happened to Mrs. Murray at des nid.sem ef Mrs Christopherson Mm 8.s.y. hop. purge that Mts. Murray htendieg to p.ss item am room Is wither. •llst-sk the pro- per 5.107, rend spend the seller deer. tlw0gh wh t& she MUM Yee bottom ef the Binder Twine Barb Wire At old prices for balance on hand. A fresh lot of beet sort. Apple Parers Bolts Scythes Paints Just the thing for the frugal housewife. I have the three best aorta in the market Pare, cut and dry all your surplus apples and prepare for next year's scarcity. et every Kiss at pries sell them every UMW Bthnes of stock on head will be sold at eat to dear them oat Only a few l saver the earth in quality better than any other brand in the market AJex. MoD. Bllan. • READY MAGE CLOTHING DEPT. The clothing we sell is ready-made only so far as ii is ready to put on and wear. It by all the excellence of good tail- oring, and so far as Fit is c�op�oerned, pure many a custom cut- ter in the shade. We atilrhave a few Have you seen our new line of )S WORKING PANTS at 1$1.00 per pair, worth $2. We expect our Fall Stock of Clothing to be here by Sept Lt and must clear out all our Summer Goods by that date, so look out for great Bargains. OUR DRY C0008 DEPARTMENT In this department we are showing a special line of JAPANESE FIBRE CREPES 27 inches wide, warranted fast colors, for 5c. per yard. Also the new RUSTLE DRESS LINING in all colors at greatly reduced prices. Jordan's Block, Ooderieh, JAMES A. REID. 17th August, 1896. ()UR BLACKBERRY COMPOUND. Warming, medial sad astringsmt. Proves •. u.mrp•esed mead/ fat le rrbtna, Cramps. Clio. me. Keep 11 oar bond. tub • beetle. it's a dusty time, isn't it t Wen. we have good WHISKS at 5e. KM and up. Call and tet bas before the beeps are xoom. LIME JUIOE the Lee of all summer drinks. Lem- onade Tablets. WILSON'S ROOT BEEP. • toe bottle makes 5 gine of exaelles . atam., drink. GINGER I;EER E atr•es-a elm bottle makes s gallons of rad Magi lab Ol.grr Baer. Pace Powders. rouse Ansa.. 1a t, eft. W. C. GOODE, CHEMIST torsi Societies and thrwsgb them .awns be. c -me me of the Lest tares residents of the to a. H. w w extensive reader ..d wee • man of broad and !IL. •l views. He plaited • sigh raise as d.eatio., • quality which bdeage to all the Airdrie. H. wee 62 years et ago. He loaves • widow sad sight obildroa,foes eons and four daughters. Mr. B.egmines. was • mor who wee reopen- ed by every parson and his death is sincere- ly regretted. Ho was a Dative of Waterloo Pasty .ad had lived it Wlk.rtoa 24 years." Bess GAt,oag.-O. Saturday night the steamer Evuya arrived lase with the wea- ries party from Main station. the i.dividas; members of which looked nose the worse for a week ander °•eves. The journey was • s.00w in every way. the fish being well on the food sad I. prime oomdtti.s sad the @ port oomsquently •11 that the most es- thookiste nailer meld desire. &soh .eit- her of the eseeps.y o•a boats of astatine some big ones, and the stories of the lend - lag of tori• pounder, makes one wish tb•t Mato Station was within easy reach of Ooderiob. That the catee was very Lorre was shows by the cease of fie• fish loaded from the Evelyn. and that they were h splendid oo.ditiea for the table is vo.°1•d ler by; Tas 8toeei. As tb. Godcriob 1.lt•rm.5 were sot the only swims camped ea the island • pleasant time sooially was spat, sed the novices who were at lata Station tor the fiat time were delighted with the week's camp out and the good tame gawkily. Seelortb : Dueisr • thunder storm Satur- day .1 tacos Jobs Waugh. • retirod farm- er. was instantly killed by lirhtaing while etesdneg M the eat mill oaioe. nt.0 they have always ..,, ....... ant of pollee supervision, while they reject with anger that Jahn of "the family" to Interfere with the Individual which be the very baste and buttreae of the continents/ systems of scrotal life. Allathe same the English bore for Years the most interfering waren of taxation ever devised -nobody under sixty now knows what the old laws of - taxation were or theft- premtrre on gen- ' oral arts --they submit to the most ab- ominable lnterfer.nce from their trade unions. and they are betraying, as' power passes to lower and lower strata , of the people, a perfect passion for the "Inspection" and "supervision." that 1• Interference which on the continent they denounce. They Ilk, to be inde- pendent, we allow, but there are sharp and sometimes narrow limits to that desire. which. Indeed, they give up wbem'sm•- •}ey fel thea..,ebost„. ,opt. TO ADVERTISERA. Notice of changer nine ire left at this Office not later Otto Satalyday noon. The Copy for ohangce most be lett not later than Mon clay noon. (d..ual Advrrtis,ments ecoopted up to coon Wednesday of each wank. Traveling Galas StbrOd Mai/ sadEnron• .... Mixed Ilan and !Uprose Mall elmexpressOiCl aaT. men and Expres, 1 -xed Sherd ar.AND TRUNK RAILWAY, knerre 1n.JS&.,. Lalr . u ic/a p.m s. �g P.m'. 4.60 ant 830 0.m. ear pet. 4.40 p.a For sal. or To Renu. FOR SALE -BEAUTIFUL REI. deem and sore of looped on North -se. next and east of Judas Doyle'.: now oecuptea by A. Ebbw. Would a it house and part of separate; take a stook of dose. eras liberalp OARRY, tet !wory •a. amain IVOR SALL-20 ACRES. 24 MILES 1 trim (Dederick le sores orobard. Aples lis. gellaw, psaolnek balsam meadow. beau- tihome and Meaty d barn. et water. water. Sv ryyti lag la good fir' Per pa - as -4t Estate W. TRL'DOEON. ooderloh. FARM TO RENT -AN EXCELLENT farm on the Hayfield Read. f miles from Goderlok and 5 from Aa $old, 111 acres. 10 of wblob are clearedrade ore tirogood or- chard. on the farm, 1 wells of water sad the soli i.. neer ,10. Olay loam. A fairly good dwelliar is ea the primiess, also bars and stable.. Pennington rivea in the •,,-,_- but elmothissae sowta with In the Tor terms, sta. apply to MRS. IDA FRASER or Jae, COL W ELI., 3ed.rloh troth VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE renamed to Thep114. aarsst busimes webs la eaterkedwellings. onere e II -equipped��eeeooprioeerre� twom Racsee es s tto en eolith", h" leekte mecum of r�rollers,, moon - =adobes. Clear title era be gives. Amilas- did shown for the right w. Apply 14, D. H. STRACHAN on the premY,es, 81 tf SALE 2 LOTS GDR. VI wagonea lar streets impost dwdlin nil lON THE PHARMACY. MOT HAIR mavens, EMT TOOTS SRUa11Ee BEST SPONGE! Baer PER"' MWS HEST SACHET POwDRES HWY PRESCRIPTION WORE BEST MEDICINES 1, eryt6ing the best at C. n WILLIAMB, Phm,B pelt ..iresems. DNoead.g Chemie. GET ON GLAB$F1i. 11 your sight shows signs of failing. Surely you would not become blind. A little timely attention may save your eyes. It is wine to let us examine them. No charge for the examination and best lenses supplied at reasonable prices. J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Druggist and Optician. BP»CZbL B.&L� or PARLOR FURNITURE 1 Hslnloth Sults. 11.. polished walnut tress., worth Pi ; este price $13. l t plush rag suite. spring edge, Werth side price $10. 1 fine Blrackett suite, spring edge. worth $15, eels prise pa 1 three-piece sol,., beet silk tapestry. polu� Odea en.pring edge. worth 11. 1 three -moos mite, solid mshogsa , beautiful - carved and polished, Yreacb Wk tapes- try, 51b. sate price ate. 1 five -piece suite. English tape•tre,hesvy wool triaged all mound, 435, ..le price 427- 1 five -piece suite, elle oseeelero. 5111 plush WecWvy triage al: round, worth 564 545. 1 five -piece suit extra ass Preach silk rags, sprl e .Il edge, beery silk and wool trin round. wor b 563, awls price, M38. 1 tour -pace sate, sun brocteeed polished wal- nut. worth $10 tele pilar 522.50. l mx-niece sorts. dewed plu.b. pollsbett wal aut. worth $12. gala price Sar. We manufacture Parlor Suites, Easy Chairs Coaches, Lounges, enc , and in oiler to keep our hands bee u lag thea quiet eesms, we will for se Dw- ing retail at wholesale prices. A l.rx. ane 01 Bedroom Suites, Dining Suites and general fcrniture at factory prl'es. 81417118 FURNITURE AND t-NDERTAg- Victorta Block. INO EYPURIVM, New Maiehine Shops. 'JEW MACHINE8HOPS-ALL KINDS of Repair Work done .t Photo. Pannier implements for so lar taw red SsS�0000nd bead, bought and sold. E.iand Balers for est.. 8s.d-Bates'sesI?ratan Stream .1. shR oo, F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL , DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, I take this mese tataey ts Meerut the raw that I am AM In the 1051..s assidthetesding an manors to the 0mgr•ry.imams ersemr• be workMae frealeCkaa_eltlaR badeframovary does e a & with messed itlmet a itrewWd .. sod hussar • Media,� . rah • Private /.hose. PKIVATE SCHOOL -am 1MeCARA d Andrea will au •� mrod•� 10. 1 o f at Ser the � st. 04 liquorsin the the w!vitaea North pyy s�egegm- 1 4 be se is .... K e: sees who desire to sen thsi'tihOdr.a Rw a.sp1 !!ales. De - ales ler of July.� said by et Maw AT ops' AUGUST. harm:arm Mea nigh room eLo& la tsaoe. Tea- w.l- t, and a It eeat•las MIL e and mid watr.. sets lot*, ether is kid rend- t maiden Per P. H. BPENCE, Orges Med • F. SUEET*. neborleh, J.IT 4M ager, i otolo. 81E COLBORNE HOTEL BEING 17 reload ..d refurnished..f- asoessodaties a the traver- sed tel hrmi.p grmunit . At mantillas wbe tithed thee le a Seekers. hetet 01110. BvXTON. fords era tel VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY TOR BALE -Tho break .sets..°e the river ..d lake lurm.dly sue. � tate A. Dormer$ esq., Master M Cha..em. Ons .4 the mem v.1mMe and desirable pre - parties M 1..., be0w�t adleinhat rho Raw t iy home Miele*, avounds wear iM OJT, 11L elation. iermyi legiebecelme edge Tam. roasegabi. sad tame of ab ee WGARROW t 1D s.100.4 se - it Seitirleh. mtuation. Vagrant. Loan and davInare elopes»,, I T I8 NOT WHAT FOU EARN BUT WHAT YOU BAWLMAEEE TOI3 RION. THE HURON AND BRUCJ LO [NVIMIT MINT COMPANY eouoivoss-Uesere.. geek and Rama Dermerve.--[.rarest bumposed seers sm mmtha strew per Boat.not.ee, se sl� • taetram ems dollar aenema.. ge,t , oosted debt e tea ser tar tyomariat M one thee= fib' t1 ti mY�.a.�gerreesos. ro es North Bovines s..esar Gra.. eg...�.ppsrag HOR.ACE BOBToltt, J. H. 0OI.BpRMIE M.rag.r pyW,mb. B"ta YOUR DST LUMRZR TO Pape Mk. GOD. RIM, 5`c est esek 1IIId-ll. EAR stash ts Wants& Ensi '& -To WWIwarn aveam *01.1.. IBSANNA L. MAW, �TaR/ACK = ■st.M •wad 14 Tela l `rams. et►g MUNYON'S REMEDIES Am rw them all. Damsel et WILD 5TRAWBs*R? WILSON'S few Ger Semi plus -tis TOS AV IPP1u ON. aid Derr Z.ter w ..ie. mugs lea