The Signal, 1896-8-20, Page 4THE STOMAL : GODIRIOH, ONT.- THURSDAY- AUG. 90, 1894.
ilu $inaL
m rem& nom
Mee et P5WYa 11 Seetb-etr•st
Slime ea SwbseeIua t IS
Tfree mealYe.advaa,er
sees 1 et
one rase. .....
• Leat ell Teem Label.
Tat label M • etmmdlai rro0ll1 •l ittls swot
tie whisk yea w pall up. See was It
allowed a can late arrear. V desired, batik
Wim • obsess et eddner
tee end sell the mew adders' Magill be uivee.
ASveetWrs Stave
1,ege1 sed WSWy.seel 04vertWNeWI.
'. 1'
rt lice ter Armln«erics. sad f nests per flee
Vma eabomeent lasertlon. Measured by
• eonppYer..l e a ..
t e.lees* cordo or ds lines and seder par
Lost. Foiled. Strayed
A.jv.mgsm0.8 vnsamt of S.oult4u Mewed sad
fgw Chanes Wanted. Doe esceedlse t
Mem nonpareil. Si per month.
Bowe no Sale and ►area oe Saha sot to
510504 1 it..... Si tor flr.t mouth, tib. per ..lbeeso5nf month. Larger s't' o. la prop"Rlon
Any wooed noel's, the benefit
of ID
oee the perunitt7 be
villas* or eowpsny, to M omudd.e+d as sd-
vertleameat ped ohareaeadreaccoolineiy.
Local awflnr ink rhea fo
iob mar Ma
ono t r
Wird.Wird.m.. lr ID ordiaa1T reading t pe awn
word. No notice for less thee Eno.
tor charokes sad ether religious and
t testitutions halt rata
her who tali to revolve Tea StnNAt
_y mall. will c .rater • favor by so-
- if the faot sir a. early •s dames
p raf bis.
P.Mlebers seas..
J. C. Le Teasel of Goderieb. hes bees pointed Local Travelling Ascot for the town
Mips of Ooderloh. Colborne. Ashfield sad Wa-
Local postmaste-- over the dIstrid an .bo
empowered to ren .e sab.orlptie te Tete
All communications m..• headdress d te
D Mom.. [CUDDY.
Trot Telephone (',all IL Gederl.b. bet
-Now, watch the gv.ilbtine work
lell Mar
-The " &est of trattxs " are being
kept ems .t North Ory-
--Business has again opened out at
she old sled ea r• Hail, Gelawa
-Won't Sir OLege fed a little
lemmas* is the Swam Chamber, se at me-
sses e5setitated 1
-CLARKS WALt.has is looked upon
as tb• seting Osaservadve leader. Steads
el Sir Jogs. what M the greed old Party
coming e 1
-It is currently reported that the
Terra ere game to non North Orel •n
Hour Jots'e mesa They hope to do seem
blowing' after the .l.otioa.
OUR local contemporary has the fol-
lowing in its last issue.
Ta= SIGNAL ibis wwik comer to the help
el the S.alorth Expositor In 000demning
NM lat. Oevermment for not speeding mon
mossy os Godertoh harbor. It puts the
real point et the question as this, that if
$6000 bad been exp.adrf two years aro the
$100,000 it declare, will now be required
would have been saved. To whloh we holy
that the slate of the break water sow is the
best of proof that if $6000 bad hese exceed-
ed la 1894 it would have been moss
throws away. The abernoter of the work
put into the job whim the breakwater was
000.trmoted was suoh that the whole upper
part .t least w111 hers to be rebuilt, sod
say $6000 patching/ would sot have saved it.
Had the Slog AL!. poiiuoai (needs set
played their obstruction teaks daring the
last 5.soio-. an •ppropriatice would have
hese made to rebuild the work.
To which we beg to state that Tits
-That ornate and gaudy stats-
msa, WAlao& limasslss MOMaomt isnot
Idtieg his tsmdd yam is Norte Grey Ibis
week, sad 'she •mowers. wit+
-There is a grand opening in this
put of Home Leant), fa • deem good
apple -buyers. At present tame is may one
buyer and be will sot be able to beadle •
twentieth part of the orop. What bas bass.'
of our old friend the Clev.lamd apple buyer
of some years back !
-Here in Huron where toll -gates
were abolished years ago it seems strut•
that witiate sight of the colleges Md other
,sats of learning sr Toronto. the tollgates
leave to be removed by the torah. The MOO
m the wt of Ost•rio are set wee mea e1
tate Bast, by est imam.
'1 1.
I,Sp.Itant Event t In rtttw W.rdS
Per SI11..4 r$
Ins Seer Westin Naear■o.w amsde4
gempmed and iM Wes lima, mid
AmsnsOm sive OW M Si@eesss d
Ar Tag,sr-A Sara sleeve ggtlagre
Ir T.-rr.g,sas Sawamassa.
Wheat has been steady la ChkOs.°
tier • week.
Mr. J. A. Ruddlok, Dominbn Dairy
Instructor. will shortly sever his elm -
section with the Ottawa Govern>iaaL
and assume abarie of the Dalry Schoch
branch of the School oe Mining and
Agriculture at Kingston.
Mr. W. H. Nelson of Kingevt:le, wbo
shot himself on Friday. tiled from his
James Wind,. a Birn•rdo boy. aged
11. employed on a farm In West Zorra.
committed suicide on Thursday engbt.
He first cut his throat with 1 razor
and thee threw himself into a dam
and was drowned.
TKK It SI 11500100.
There was a disastrous fire la the
village Of Descbene. five miles trees
Ottawa. which resulted In the &ett90.
Son at thirteen houses.
John Hayne. the occupant of a small
house in Collingwood, disc been actio(
strangely of late. and the other day
his boom was found to 1e on fire. while
he was wandering about suffering
from • dose of Paris green and a
wound from • shotgun 1n the breast.
Mr. S. Barnett of Toronto. has got
the House of Commons restaurant for
the coming session.
-Brer CAM KILOS of The 'Hamilton
Spectator who e, by the way a greeefel
Freaob scholar, has quit .sing Preach
phrases in his editorial writtag, Dad spells
the Premier's name L.oar-r-y-•-r. He (0 do
ing bis level best to sbobs& the deal tango -
age on Candies newspaper week.
-Sir CHADIAN TUPPER denies the
story told by F . W. than, as to bow
the baronet got his big bask account. Well.
bow dad you get tt, anyhow, Sir estates
It weeo't by selling pills, sod you didn't
wive it out of your salary when you were 1a
the Governemet. or is " Lamson," sapping,
soup with the &ability.
9rIT FOR DAKA0118.-9satortb Bxpe iter :
Joke Ore.e, who was boe•rably sequined
by Judge Masses last week ea the charge et
stsalisg • sem et m.mgy from w Higghs.
bas entered as airtime egoista Hfggim tar
false arrest and defamation of eherseter.
Thu matter has put Mr. Gran is a very
unfavorable sad false light, sad he 1. taking
this anode of redeeming is as far ea possible
the injury his character has samaimed by its
cosmos with the law. Mr. Green has al- The dry goods section of the Toronto
ways borne • good obaraoter while in Eta- Board of Trade has planed on record
ter, led it w e aN. than he has tis strong disapproval at toe actlat of
pls••i•L the Dominion Colored Cotton MUIs
Company and the William Parks and
Sons' Company d St. John. N.B.• In
recklessly cutting prices on flannelettes
in some cases below their cost of pro-
Rev. Prinetra' Milker. M.A.. late at
Huron College, -London. will take tem-
porary charge of the parish of SL
Thomas' Church. Hamilton.
Dean Grlsdale of Winnipeg, was
elected at the meeting of the synod in
Brandon to the Bishopric of Qu'Ap.
Pelle. and accepted the appointment
The Central International Committee
of the Young Men's Christian Associa-
tion of the World closed Its session
In Geneva The next oonfereoeb trill
be held in Baste. Switzerland.
VOLTtaa-r m T*R1AL
t �peero(usddtill October M.
The Marquis of Salisbury wee in-
stalled Ward.. of the Clique Parts os
Saturday with quaint and &Eldest oer•.
Tee Loris have accepted the strand -
moots made in the Commons to the
revlded lead bill and the measure will
soon become law.
Trate certain words In the Queen's
speech roguing Parliament It is be-
lieved land contemplates recognise.
lag the insurgent. as Wilier -
The first leveeing of the oommlltee
appointed by Parliament to Inquire tato
the affairs of South Africa and the
Chartered Company was held with nine
members present.
1t la stated that 1n the Cretan mat-
ter Lord Salisbury ho. withdrawn
from the concert of nations, •'.d will
take Independent action This has
ren.1 -red the German press snit -lowly
Irrtre. hie
In referring to the Venesuetan qum -
ticn In the House of Commons. Mr.
Balfour said that the Government we*
still considering the latest proposals of
Secretary Olney, which are regarded as
opening the way for an equtable set
tiement, and he had reason to expect
that the pending negotitlons will lead
to an early settlement of the dispute.
Pl'KZLI' PEN %O1ret..
France 1s making elaborate prepara-
tions for the teeming visit of the Csar.
Lord Chief Justice Russell of Eng-
land reached New York on the Umbria
on Saturday.
Mrs. Charles Horton of Hamilton hash
with several other Canadians. fallen
heir to an Irish estate valued at about
The Governor-Oeneral is expected to
arrive In Ottawa on Tuesday. to tetra
part In the ceremony of opening PerUo-
ment on Thursday.
Mr Justice Ferguson gave judgment
•t Ongoode Han upon the electionyouie
motions argued before him on Tuesday
In favor of the petitioners, and ruling
that the protests had been properly
The Bulgarian Cabinet tendered
their resignation to Prince Ferdinand
0, Saturday.
The Island of Madagascar 1e in a
very bad state. Outside the French
lines the country is seething with
In an article inspired by the Ger-
man Foreign Office It is intimated that
the negotiations between Germany and
Denmark for the purchase of the An.
tulles will he soon resumed. and that
Germany does not care a fig for the
Monroe doctrine. •
Employes of the Adam. Repress
Company to New York and Jersey City
to the number of six hundred are on
Mr. F. W. Henbacla proposes to ex-
hibit the products of Manitoba and the
Northwest at the Toronto Industrial
Exhibition in a building made of baled
SIomAL aid sot "come to the help of
The Expositor in condemning the late
Government for not spending more
money on Gnderich harbor. ' What
THE S1r05AL condemned was the ac-
tion of the Government in sending en-
gineer GRAY to Goderich three times,
and then ignoring his reports, and
leaving undone work which should
have been attended to at once, thus
entailing a heavy loss upon the coun-
try. What THE SIGNAL condemns is
the wilful and criminal neglect of the
late Government in connection with
the recommendations made by their
own engineer in January, March and
September 1$94, and thus causing an
eventual expenditure many times in
excess of that which was originally
estimated as the cost for necessary re-
As to the statement of our contem-
porary that no " $6,000 patching
would have saved the breakwater,"
that is a matter between The Star and
the ergineer who made a special exam-
ination of the damage done, and who
stated :
I wanld rememtwd thet early next S.m-
tasr. when the weer is low in the river. the
baba be taken out ot the crib@ sad than
they he repleoed m panties, refilled •Iain
asd • 101. of piles. et Last 40 feet is length,
drives ea the river side with prover well -
Ings. well fawned tete the week. and •
Mies .1 stem. wad brush placed as sheen as
X ssoties.
The week mttd be deem a save the rest
el the breakwater. aid 1 think. the seethed
I p..m.oe is the teem and ampere way of
1 estimable e the met of replacing the cribs
gad espssulr.sture in politics. the pre-
repttoposed psis pr teetics work 300 feet 1.
Meath N stems sad brush Was in frost,
at 86,000.
As to the last contention of The
Star that the tactics of the politic►I
Mends of Tan Stinal last session
hindered an appropriation being made
by the bate Government, we have only
to say that had the reports of the en-
gineer in 1894 been considered in
that year and the year following, an
they ,bouId have bele, end an app''o'
priatios mads, there need have been
so fear 01 Opposition tactics in 1896.
What Tea SseElAL 000tesds is that
the late Government was negligent
and incapable, and iM potion in regard
to Ooderieh harbt , prow ids oos-
b ritism
-It's about time that Mowalk to
Ito bathing tee...... MM debts. Y the
itgee mama isn't wane le we tbeineeh s
el as rgsasest-.lws from Jap -Mess. 11i
'arm emus a M. Immd e0, al dams f'
mssm hila and M s 'ale 1m d
emd ems
mom fMvural.f 54 Imm a•Mil'tdl 5
e iimm and dos'I imam wee. es 'MN
(ir Se
b..s cleared of the charge, mad we hope
that although • shadow has temporarily hems
aver hie ohmmeter that his wgotttal will se.
Neely free him frees the odium and pleas
him oo his former geed et•sdise •
Borrill Till (JAKE. -Oa Tuesday after -
seas there was ,os idersble • atseem•at os
the bowling 'roes, two closely osatesed
game@ nein, played at the same time. The
bowlers were, nearly all. eathesia5M ae the
sport, hence the onlookers had .early as
mach tun as tb. p1.yma The following
were the risks and the .Germ
No. 1 mak.
W. Campbell R. O. Remolds
H. Desl•p Dr. Hester
A. Men. Alla C. D. Williams
J. M. Shephard W. Lame
skip 28 skip 26
No. 2 mote.
G. Elliott W. Penmen
F. Keiser
A. Farrow
U Ydbrm►ok J. Wynn
F. Jordan D. C Sirsoban
skip 23 skip 23
A Sroo.N Davi. -O Monday meaning
while Mrs. Maria
Lie Rood
West, Colborne, was her'let
duties sit noticed It homes w.s an
fin, and inning for the el 'that was sear
at bond, the furniture was hastily sieved
from the dw•Utav which was toes bursa
to the /mead. A few minutes after the
last article had bean moved from the Mira -
in, building Mn. ChrMlilaw fell dews Me-
parestly In • faint, bat it was sees masa
that life had passed away. Medical gid
was iesm•dkslly smmmaamod, M1 was of so
avail, the d.o.a„d lady havlag wood, a-
eon instantly, to the world bgesd. Tim
madam death of Mee. ChrWlew was wooed
by the exoiteesnt d the lee. the des,ssd
hurls. buffered from heart dheYss j toe
mesas time. The fulsral took p10. yester-
day .or.*., from the reekdese@ et her See,
Wm. Hawkins, Boundary hes.
call was very largely Wooded.
Tits Kzxsixoiow Fosxtsvas Oo.-iag1
Friday the machinery is the Tomitues too-
t•ry was started and dams mhos has boos ss
the gee Although the bashes ss. est all
•eo•piod many lime are IMMO gus.fee-
tared sad the a:poaMMas me that he • few
make every deparlmase d the ssWIW-
mot will be ready tor osier rid rvhs
full rms. The buildings es assn SOW, w
• e0`0e11 a the weemaser, esmsssally May
w Imoomm .ad Use mmhe ere ase spar. 4
Stied dor the eemieet a the'mpleyoss,
sad mbo rim basalts emd esms.b@a•eeo of
the venious limo predseed M the •mmpmay.
The mmildlsp. all fwd 4. dead es 11.=
afear soros sod are elesaedimM
re tpe•Md i@aWj M h isulas @Mptlms
red ~bus esmkmria both esmsitMu@ed_sd
1. aha result 11e faster, In 110010 hire
sad Om merles high. The show isms am
ttm.s emd • half Mod= blit esti Kale keit
and aha dss.hemss SONS Irma esti k.e Mike
lite drying Ills Is Me Mewls high
75c, were
75c, were. $1.00
25c, were
to 1.25
34c was .50
10e, were
19o, were .=s
15e, were ....160 to 1.25
Men's Summer
75o, Suit were 1.25
All summer goods must be told to
make room for fall goods which we are
A rob lot of
at a Bargain. A lot of
40c, were .48 at • Bargain.
Afew WHITE PARASOLS at Half price
Rev. Father O'Reilly of Hamilton.
Very Rev. Dean Harris and htr. Jahn
McKeown, Q.C., or St. Cathartnes. are
going to Ireland as delegates to the
Dublin conventior.
At the annual meeting of the Roard
of Trustees of the Chautauqua Assem-
bly the vacancy caused by the death
of Mr. H. A. Massey of Toronto was
filled by the election of his son, Mr.
Chester Massey.
Dr. Nansen, the Arctic explorer, has
arrived at Vardo Island. Norway. on
board the steamer Windward. which
recently went to Frans -Josef Land In
order to bring back the Jackson-Harns-
worth expedition.
On Saturday LI -Hung -Chang had an
interview through an Interpreter with
Mr. Gladstone at Hawarden. Mr.
Gladstone presented the Chinese states-
man with a set of his own works. who
in return gave Miss Gladstone some
packets of highly prised tea.
Spain has ordered two new 'fist -
clams cruisers from the Thompson. of
The western district rifle matches
take place at London on September
110 and October 1.
The Spanish Government Is inviting
tenders in England for the construction
of a floating dock at Havana
The Royal Grenadiers of Toronto won
the Carslake Trophy at the Quebec As-
sociation rifle matches In Montreal
The report that Great Britain and
Russia are reaching an agreement for
the protection of Armenlans and Cret-
ans is .em1-omcially denied.
Serious trouble L reported from Ash-
antee. where a number of chiefs have
joined forces with the object of driv-
Ing the British out of Hummed -
The Canadian artillerymen paid a
visit to Windsor Castle, and by special
permission of the Queen were shown
through the state and private apart-
ment, of the castle.
A despatch from Colima says 11 le
reported there that an eEngllsh war-
ship had seised Clarion Island as a
coaling station. The British authori-
ties have heard nothing of the seizure.
One million rounds of Lee-Metford
ammunition reached Kingston from
England and was placed In the Gov-
ernment stores. Five hundred stands
of Lee-Metford rifles also came with
the ammunition.
A body of Christian insurgents at-
tacked a number of marauding MUs-
sulrnans at Hatovathia, neer ndta.
It 1s stated that the Mussulmans were
nearly annlbllated. A body of troops
was sent to attack the Christiana, but
they were defeats&
Two valuable pictures In the British
National portrait gallery have been do.
Itbermtely damaged by vandals.
and *4115 his, whale IM mobs hems a
0ssI wind dasdse. baba The shim-
my, awe, s-esa yem lose b41t. Moho
se balk it ems pet up te slElle and the
1mmes.os mei
an saessieef•`n►sebak�moss see et
gated esti stosepts MIL V melte M see
modest hew the sin..w le • Med Mesh
mist. fr•idi•d) sed Ike past/& etrtreb
.Seem see. pam/8ems, Om. Miami i eV.
W. 1 itidoem i bloc. ammo 1s10.1
----a-. Wm RMeae.
Tice sate of the Hamilton Engine
Packing Company was cracked on
Saturday morning and >t cash stolen.
Henry Haredd, formerly a postomce
employe at Liverpool, England, was
arrested at Boston on the charge oe
Mollah Resa. who on the afternoon
of May 1. assassinated Nazr-Ed Deem
Shah of Persia. was hanged for his
crime at Teheran.
Dynarnttere IMiy, hallagher. White-
head and Devaney, now undergoing
life *sentences In English prisons. are
to he releseed on account of III -health.
Philip Neild. charged In New York, the miseppropriatlon of five thou..
vane COP►n from the Canadian Pacific
railway. was discharged.
Kl".. N Lace.
The rein- on catch In British Colum-
bia Is reported to be ver= poor this
The Winnipeg Board of Trade Is
dlecuraing the advlsab'Nty of holding
• burine.s men's convention for Mani-
toba and the Not thv:tat the
The Anglo -Canadian trade 1s stir
meat satisfactory. Exports to Canada
Increased six per rent in July. as 'rein
pared with the corresponding month ret
teat year. and Imports from Canada
i tommed Moen per cent.
According to the reports of the Nes
Test commercial agencies. the busi-
ness situation throughout the rnited
Maass r empreeedentedly dal'. The in -
teem heat has' bad a rnnsiderlble of
hoot, bet pointed and financial unrest
bas bad more. whit. present and lir -
Weer troubles have intern sled
Vme.1 door'ss oloa.
Mr. J. W. Pewits, a well-known Aust.
toss man of Oshawa 1s deed
TS. Right Rev. P. Duggan. Roman
Olibetir Mahop of Cionfert. died nn
int W. o. smith of Guelph,
OWL, died s.4Maty M apoplexy. aged
Prof Hubert A. Newton. head of
Ira asathsmatleai depart meat of Tale.
le cad, mod arty-eght
1• dew Tett, for the eve days ord.
hag !May Mew, then. wort 1115
&Mem of within r/ are attribet0d be
Z. Prtmuse amt d His
rmspdsl r,M•nt. sf
1. dead. M. f siev-mer-
11100 lens 1rlo1a1 ties tIke mg.frmti
d mak. 115 w. imp -
sees mom of ewe
A ceresin lave busid•t.g ooetractor fe
Mam,hesaw. Bog., had • man u his tmp'q
wbn, it popu(0r rtp'rt is to believed, is gift -
4 •5th se el .oroi.l , .peony ter Lqutds
The former remedy made a wager w..b a
s• 4eh' nein, It ender riot III. mice to OW. -
ti.. WWII1 drink five p'•e• i of beer m eke
• n • member of ahulss.
Tee Isrm ot r no w.,er leaf '"r Lees .• 1-
(1 1, he felled kis Nese is.
"Mirk," M said. "I've mads • bet with
this ,eetlaman that y.. drink Sire piste •1
her isfive ofat S- -1.e.y.aet. it'"
w k• eoretched has shin thoosbtfslly.
“Well, 0, duo shout that," he remark.
ed. "Gold you was tee mLatee
have to Mink it ever.
"Very well," said the masses.
At the end of tea min.' .. Mike came
"""Vas. 0, me do it," be remarked Wiser.
An odjoasmes1 was made, gad pre.mtly
the mosey obas'54 heeds, to the 'swiss
ties of Mike's employer.
"Bet leek bare, Mak.," he inquired,
•-whoa did you west to get out sed thick it
over fee!'
"Well. sere." mid Mike sarleatl'. •'01
just went ere se try,"
Chas. Meer. retuned to Leedom the
week after • viii a bi. 0151. her..
Living to piers, Gad. is the wase import'
am of al things a ma. Mamas mottling edea
e s de se mush for es
Mr. Leroy Stone was drowned at
Port Colborne.
Mr. John Waugh was titled at Sea -
forth by lightning.
A little girt named Harriaon was
shot dead by a boy playmate near
Frank Pepper, a boy of eight years
of age, went bathing 1n the Thames at
London and was drowned.
By the collision of a fire truck and a
trolley car at Buffalo one fireman was
kilted and several severely Injured.
Three little girls were crossing the
Napanee River in a boat when tight -
nine killed two of them named Lind-
say and Ellis.
Frank Jacobs of Cincinnati• a bal-
loonist, made his 1006th ascension at
Quincy, I11.. and the balloon burst. He
was killed by the tall.
The boat of an old man named John-
son was run down in the St. Lawrence
by the steamer Alert of Clayton, and
Mr. Johnson no. drowned.
Mr. Francis Robinson. who had been
employed on the G.T. R_ .a a teamster
for the past sixteen years. fell from his
wagon at London and broke his neck.
An II -year-old boy named Hyland
went to sleep beside the Michigan Cen-
tral Railway track near Essex. He
rolled over on the rails, and was out
to pieties by a passing train.
Mr. Arthur Peale and Miss Lena
Dorcb went out from Port Bowman, -
vine in a small skiff Sunday afternoon.
The wind blew off the shore and as
they were unable to return• a searching
party went out to look for them. The
party returned unsuccessful. and the
gravest anxiety 1s telt tor the fate of
the young man and woman.
There a -it twenty typhoid fever pa -
Dents 1m the Hamilton City Hospital
Coal was struck by the Manitoba
Government well -boring machine near
Cartwright et a depth of 112 feet
The Deny News says that • commie-
ommf,- sew
a�m1�pi which has been sitting for s
yVre W111 report agalnat compulsory
vaccination in Engiand.
Dr. Ranee%q, in his search for the
North Pole. Matched M degrees 17 min-
utes, but had to tura back, not having
a suIdsnt number of dogs.
la the professional tourenered rate
at Bellev1Ue the Cngllab er•w d.leated
the Canadian -America& crier&p fear
and three -fifth. •
Hr. Stewart, et the engineer's mash
of the Marine 1)spartment 11 Ottawa.
1s at present emsag.d mating a hydro-
graphic survey d Lake Ibis.
The debt at Landow as Marl !d wee
1$1.M8,1M. nearly *IM,ells,eM d which
Ms bass fnssrred by the Omar" Cses-
d1 during the area years of tis s-
111001 se pngmaat wftb &sewer•
les et Memn and Jessrblmek has
Immo rarebmsd W a wet -dews
?mash tmamaSr. who ws Fillitalre r
and pent It is Oho mottos
The Mew Tart Ti•ms was era gd
.Re0aa -. tpss«r Week. beettee.
t►sto.y���t r its ,rS(- t7 se Milmlf se •
sywdl.ata. eel sssete diel tide le
far- 'wised iv res Ohsase
See his 300 -page Map Scribbler ; tt
is a good one. Complete Stock of
School Supplies.
JA111211 TLTaa.
Speaking to the Point
. Careful Buyer
Will .,lest hie cootie oaretelly. bees W
slather) made right, and pay the right kind
of • prrice for them. You may rest smeared
when you piston your eider with es ycer is -
areas will be carefully promoted.
No ems .hose es an extensive • line as we
de, b.•.uhl me.d..aad .old at • lame that
will eaabl* yes to mum memey.
There are ..varml pante tele sewd«.d la
your selection of Price
awl Novelty. for .stew We never loss
eight .f them V our other, Fascia Goods and
Needlework are bssmiss. A few of the Job
Ilams are stn lett.
our 711e line d
slsa Wasfa ef v. iMt11 5.4 Ambito
To the Public.
A. I am on the last year of my
lease, it is my intention to dispose of
my stock of
Now ie the time to get your
leaky gravel Roofs repaired.
We keep a stock of rooting
pitch and pure wool roofing
felt on hand, and guarantee
all work -
Headquarters for all kinds of
-and OOPP118, *Fara
etc., ttc., and I think it will be to
your advantage if you are wanting
anything in my line to give me a call.
1 shall require a settlement of all
notes end accounts at an early date.
Thanking you for past favors, believe
me, yours respectfully,
The Balmoral Cafe
The prettiest 'and bat furwisked
Cafe West of Toronto - - - -
At The Balmiest may be obtained
et perfect make and flavor by the disk at
brew. •ad the maim fooatai• r away
�yr�er1 with the ieerest of beverages.Toto Schussed
are aeon f.,r their Patty. Flaw sod
serves am an Mora.
Le Piano o sad Samir MAW suglied
with heft*. Leaches. ata
Seasonable FRUITM
of No. 1 quality always 1s Steck.
Til elan
sad AGRICULTURAL E161411IT 01'5'
AUC 31 to SEPT 12
as >
art ems 1010 swim
ser MO Mks V Shift _flow& fids.