The Signal, 1896-8-20, Page 2Wt AT LAST-
lissabrar to My m.ioedmar•
Asti Prodigal of wag*.
Aad •selves is Hey hsslt�
Of tsiwn, Mesa sad
thy greet F.Mar. kiadse.a.
SMII doe thea quite forget '
Aad for the home des.rtsd
Haat thou .. food tnfrabe '
Now farsineatriekes. wreaked,
A.d Nis eo bosh to feed.
While yet this .hind.' heads give thea
No .rest ter thy urs ..ed.
Bat sm. life: toyer madmen
Bashi. to pees away.
Lod softly es thy darkmem
Them dowses • Amok .f day.
"Within my Father's mos.ios."-
Thea Mover, with • aria, ---
"Is teed for ever• e.rvant,
While i stat h.v.'n div ;
I will aria. ..4 1.11 him
That 1 am lost, .n tune,
Th.' I .m no m-... ernr'hv,
Now t he tolled hie M.n'
Tb,ngh w..rr wi•1' •h..ienine
Of shy life, an Ione Aeile t,
Thy Fat he's heart is maritime,
Veer hi. long 1M..h•1A
Hemel the. in the d1.taaoe,
Pining 1nr borne anti reef,
Asa swiftly run. 'n me.t'h.,
Aad clasp thee to his breast.
There will he no r.m•mbrane*,
Of •11 thy guilt again,
The blood of ('hrist, most pyoious,
Has oloeslsed sway soch stem
God'. great love overflnweth
All memories of the past,
Have that bis hamster wanderer,
Has cow oome home •t last.
Folded in tbe...w•brsese,
Meeting then holy eyes.
Into their deep love gazing.
With thankful. rapt surprises ;
All thought of wo .:rows hateful,
Thou shunnest now each tram,
Of aught that might oto"d over
The saolehise of hi. Mos.
And sow he cells for r•,
E.00adtsv white sad fair,
Aad for the ring of soo.hip,
For thy worn band to weer
••For tbi• my nn is living,- -
iving, '-
Herr his glad voice proclaim.-
"%.hom 1 for dead was moornins,
1)•an in his sin and "hem ;
Now let triumphant musty
Through .11 my home reeoaid,
For tie whom I lamented.
My long -lost oho, is found."
•.sty M the tt lea er frees the Use SMI.
said. is • vete• b.Y shehed with mediae
" Tema. 1bw.'s • geatiemes these
might speak be me, if he weal."
The judges Ismail sharply, mend' " De
yea know ties griwsr'" he .shed.
" No, my lord," was th. reply. "1 mover
saw hiss Won in ray Ids"
• &•p grecs bent trees the primmer. and
It was .woad by w.osthl•g very Ides • eigb
of disappointenest from the puede is swot.
„•aSharpjfre put the reps
remand my .elk, I give ii`l a en, my lord,
1'p realifie the yardarm.,.
" SOW said tbs jadg•. nursing .gets to
the eteasgar, • sbght, active, wiry-lookiebg
perms, who ysll.w wimps Molest ib•t he
had Base warrior in tropical climes " Are
yes (:•plat. Sharpe r'
•• Yes, may toed," was the reply.
•• Well, the primmer Beams a r000g.izie
you, and though it is asdoub.edly irregular,
yet, under the peosliu olrotonstamos, I will
oak you to Mop iota the wittier box and be
swore, to order that the primmer may ask
pot 111 stioas."
C•p1•i" Sharpe stepped into the witness -
bus. Tattiest W•Ison, whey agitation
formed • strong o•wtfoot to the perfooth
oslut demes or ot the trimer. then began to
.ivastim him.
•• Seg porde'', sir, hut aro you (Pap's
Sharps, of His lt.)esty s ship Wolter'"
,. 1. I am C.patm Sharpe, mid I did
oommsed the Vulture before she wag paid
off "
Wes you, sir. is command of her last_
spring on the Gold ('oast
'• I was.'
•' Aad wasn't f one of van arty!'
" Certetinly sot : 1 elver saw your tape
before in my life''
The primmer's disappointment was paa-
ful to wheel ; but he moaned :-
" Rut, esp'o, don't you raisembar that
big Arab dhow that gave yet so omit
trouble : don't yet remember bmrdin' of
•' leas, 1 remember capturing a big slave
" And you yourself led the boarders '•'
" Yee ; but .11 this has been in the news-
papers, when you have probably read it,
for 1 am certain you were not one of my
Lite le sapid wallah, e •'-
Mills Is toot a ami:
eleddobs MM es a do
lathe' u de tear.
Y •µ eau. wit stns" •' Mat.
Sessb1•• softly Ovando'.
U'slr'' so oak bit's Senn
ret to de
N„thlu' 's right
itnret•l•' by de rival aide
Wit dr .stab ghat ata',
led 1•' good as' se listed
Ss you layaliseulu'
To tie litte «hied boys
riylariats' Is de testae, rays Hullrrla' le' t• motives�t to
Joe' let yosag id.
S quirt s-t*pp*.• ou his lues,
b*`rld•v ' suvieit-wa.eyou;
%% e to
athoutiu ba11elaja4.
PTsdvrpon tetra
ppite llaks bbaemak;
Jaybird .battle' sit & Me,
Try'u to leach Mut grmmak.
liners. Is hlowtn' wit perfume.
Jr.' w.uugb to tease yea;
Ho Iybueks Is all 1. bloom.
aue111u' fur' to please you
6u 'amt.. folks, an let me lut,
Titres M settle' deersh-
euwtuab's settle' on de tk'uae.
•u' I'm a layts' noel rub!
Tb. way • ars: :M ± e•M.l fY..I
As expr.esee with • lees m
ape (' imiy t. Wraied by Aliso S. 1{.l'
fear, who travelled essay seam there sad
getAerel esMvo Nertee..s she had ewe -
The hors. et • -ertais post -rider hen 1a1-
Iss wok sad died by toe way, rad w., le... 1
isg it, M walked es. ♦ft.r «ems 1'1/1.o be
Mesas .acre that lee was followed br s
Um- whit* stooped whoa he did. sad most
es rhes ke stinted smite, always ko.W.s
"beet the mum dura..e l.ealed him. Evia
Assisi y u $..•e.1 to •.lt twill sight to
•prl.f epee yes.
Afew ...kv slued, to a knew. tem. ass
a •'aap drift r. .1. river. sod so tie op -
p' sit. 1.601, bisher op, • f.• - He woe.
does to the dell pet • loo* ant n.•r. br-
twee. himself and the Ilea. h•st•It •took
b. eta. k Is the ground, sad Long bot es
it, ea ;1..1 it should just .roe shove the top
.1, and rites -.1.11 kimpmv ' h•
Lobed h. tame *ts.relf and the lion-imsh-
ed down ;ate tt• teeter, ohs.. the boat
oeno.slied him. Ther. M hurried up-stree•n
till lie gni •n the l.rm.
Nett d.c, the round round 1h..01 -I•111
Woe torn up in all dvootluss, and tn. ha.
had been redse.d to • only
hstsollsbtag • hese et Up.r•U0u In tie
tar Inertia.
The expedition to Jones Sound. pla-
ned for 11ta7. is intended W initiate a
system of continuous scientific explora-
tion. its object Is 5clentlflc research.
and to this all else will be sullurdtn-
•ted. Special attention will be paid
to geology. Disasters having bees
plainly due to lack of a secure and al-
ways accessible base, the first ublect
will be the estebltabment of a trail at
the mouth of Jones Sound, which Ju-
Iloua ton Payner calls the one spot
most suitable for such a base."
tiring assured ot annual communica-
tion through the Scotch and New-
foundland whaler*, a well -housed and
well-proytsloned party with some Es-
kimo families will be as safe thine
as anywhere on earth, and will have
before It a field unequaled in richness
and extent. To the north the west
coasts of Ellesmere Land and Grinnell
Land are to be explored; to the north-
west the triangle between those coasts
and the Parry Islands is to be revered
from the unknown; to the west the In-
terior of North Devon Is an Interest-
ing problem; to the southwest Prince
Regent Inlet may present an avenue
to the magnetic pole; to the south Baf-
fin Land -with 11.. Eskimo settlements.
its herds of reindeer. 1*. wealth In
fishes and birds, Its fossils and miner-
ineral•--0Rers a tempting Aokd, larger than
the British Isles. Even Greenland may
not be beyond the sphere .f that
stragetic point, says Popular Science.
Such a system, once Initiated, win
cost very little. Lecturing tours and
the ale of oollectlons will defray a
large part of the cost. Considering the
enormous sums spent on arctic explor-
ation in the past by governments and
by Individuals, it seems probable that
when the system is once In running or-
der it will not lack patrons. The oust
of the Initial expedition /s estimated
at $5.000. Much smaller sums will
probably suffice in subsequent years.
•• What ! C•p's Sharp.," cried the primm-
er ,.!most in • roar. " 1 wasn't Doe of year
mew : 1)oa't you remember who tams be-
tween you sad the big amine that was joie
agora' to oat yer down : ted don't yet re
member what hei got tor it' 1)oo't yet ym-
member this, Cep's Sharpe'"
And as he almost shrieked out these
words the primmer pulled cede kis fall
sbnck of hair .d showed • white sear ex-
tending along the whole of the eo•Ip.
A .decn of death reigned through the
wort, se judge, jury and spectators looked
with breotblers economist at the primmer
sod with.+•. Captain Sharpe shred Yard
at the interrogator ; • strange, psaed .x-
peesetm over his fog& then be slowly
mattered :
•' Heavens ' le it possible' Why, yea
most be Tom Wilma. sty old boatswain !"
.. Toro Wilma !" exclaimed the prisoner,
triamphehuy. " Ia mores I eye ; and hew.
CDP n Sharpe, you wow t way as you dsa't
remeaber ms."
Coptelo Sharpe said nothing. but buddy
leaving the witness -box he ods his "my
soross the ooart to the dock, them ha seized
the primmer by the and, sad turning to the
judge, with taro h kid eyes, be .hid :-
• My lord, there is somas terrible mistake
bare. This is o.rtaiely Tee Wilma, my
old boeaus ; bat he's s demigod, I maposad
by the anxiety and imprisonment be has
uad.egees, th. ' 1 dM .M eseegaise Mm at
fleet My lord, he was the beet wan s•
beard my ship ; be weed Bey lib, sad Pro -
widows him dot a bods. s ii by • mairnele.
to save bl,. Ile meld have had wieldsg lie
do with this bsrsery in April, for the ship
did sot remit PIyrtoatb rill Nay 1. Be
bad so more to do with the bergfory them I
bad. You o•o'1 hong the old be'sam et the
'tapers, sey lord, salsas yes bs.g hid imp -
Wu with him"
'1 he same wbieh followed has probably
saver had a parallel is coy court et jostles.
Ta apse ter. gave vee:t te theft pbmt-up
•modeles is rising chewy, wbteb the jdgs
mad* so oatwmap4 te .beck. Indeed. M woe
bimeelf so •Reseed that team wee* ra*0l55
dowi bin Meeks. When dimes was re-
stated, hu lordship termed to the laity sed
said :-
" Oemtlemes, I taink this is • ,taste la
whiob you may well re.,adder year year.
, • We here, my lord," promptly replied
the foreman, " mad w. Sad the pei.nage. loot
KatThis is ws the 1gesi ter • fresh outbreak
of enthusiastic sheers ; mad. as esate.t
with this, as ems ae Tew,Wqua .od Cap-
tain Sharpe with anim alby shads their wee
out of court, they were seised apse by mem
immoveable spirits, and serried shoulder -
high i. triumph 1s the Lies Betel
About Mm i dsh MM night (Liptak
Sara, h.eeesp0id by be fslthtul beat.
eosin, lett Chester for Lredom lied rhe
j.dpe sad jury overheard the .saysr.sgbs
Nese peened Miters them, they word pro-
bably hays beds stere s.bm1hed Maw by
*myth's' Irina W tWsaspired is mart.
W dl, aid pal," Captain Sherpa wee may-
be. " we palled through that bsltimsma
pretty well. I think. Thee was • reed Mss
el Wily BM's, waiting M the combat. We
eseM sever have tti*d tbss evldsmos."
•' Teti" Tem Wilms .nerd. " sed yea
weed H psreJtly. t! yes W Minima M man
• they'd hove
Wowed It Ip1 bellows
1 ih.oght i
shield ha' huge when 1 saw the rho beak
s Muhberin"
IN the days long ago, when minor of -
wove punishable by death, • straatter
who was .tayfag .t the Lien Hot01,Cbe.ter,
bearing that • somewhat remarkable trial
was to Dome off at the Aasizs Courts, said
k• should like very mooh to vet into mart
1f possible.
•' I am • ompt&in iia the itoyI Novy," be
added, ".ad perhaps that may enable me
to gain some favor "
The landlord offered to holy his gaest,.od
was 5aooeestal in obtsiniog for him • seat
on the Rieocb.
The first case on the lint was nae of bur-
glar. The pri000.r, who gave his name as
Thomas Wiles, deeded all knowledge of
of the burglarious °barge apo" which be
was arraigned. and sand that he was •
miler, and hod lest bees paid off.
When required to explain bow oevain
articles Deme into hu possession. be said
test he had puroha.•d them of • poor omen.
This ezplaoarioo was childish in the ex-
His .5151rs to other .00sm&tioes were
squally simple sod unsatisfactory.
The evidence against him ws overwhelm-
Afar a brief summing up from the jades,
the nary fosse • verdutt of Guilty without
i..rng the hoz. Than the (lark of Ar-
raigns pot the formal question :-
„ Primmer at the bar, you have heard the
verdict of the jury- Have you anything to
sat why the mmateoee of death should not
he passed upon you'"
The primmer, wbo was • a11, powerful,
fine-looking mem, drew himself up greet -be
wee evidently suffering from great moths.
but, hastily brushing his se•toteev memo
his eyes, be tamed be the judge, sad said,
$5 . gruff bet set anpleasaut voice :-
" Well, ceps, it's hard to be bang for
enable', bet I ass me this yet is a yardarm
Weiser. I knew. se mon o' Nis 'ore bur -
glove see • habitry ; but these witnesses
he'•'t Laid se lies, I o'pees. Aad what ass
I way mgrs 'es ? Mies this thing mom off
I woe retial the maven es the Gold
Omet. But you've get ne tall to bellows
Shea, s there's . ed
Thom was semeMeg blsf mid mealy
about the prisoner's m& wbteb be -
Premed th• judge, who said, sot as-
kidiy :-
•• But sorely, pui.esar, if your story is
true, you must balm fries& and •smrades
with wheel you wad awe e,.m.ested'•
1i roe bad these/at they meld de yes geed,
you would bare d... this. It is is IoM
Look* cos. coos,
Two years .go, 1 had the Rippe.
sad It lel% me with • cough which gave
ate .o rest sight or day. My family
plyvislr proscribed for ems. Manilas
the exeatidas a. Mimi .. be toad the
Wags I bad takes were not belying
Held os to year tirtw: i• 1. .ho' all
dyne •o too is .11 times sod pia we.
Hold os to your goad o'1 -ranter, for it i•.
and ever will to, {'our b..lriea.l
Hold nm to your band when you are
.bout to stub, steal or do tray •w►.r' per
Hold es ro the truth, for it w II serve v o
well hod do you good throughout *tang v
held oe to Toe- tongue wh. a you -re just
ready t.• .wear, Its Or speak harshly or limo
H L1 on to your teem.? wheel yea are em-
Rry, ..:cited or impdsod span, cr others an-
gry .bout you.
Hold on to your heart whoa 1.11 per -
seas Berk your company and tnvtt• yl, to
join their games, mirth and revelry.
Hold on to year geed name •t .11 arses.
for it is much mon valise is 10 you tb••i.
Boll, high plat* er feehioaahle attir .
• lerfdp to colter.
The great prof r t of bridg'sg over l' k
Strait. separatist the liked of (iylos 1r. m
the mstn►wd of lsdi•, for which sash ism
Defiant .dvsIsgeo are elms• d, is said to
be apes under aouoidorstioo by the Ole-
orno•ent. Tb. Nrit is Deme 41 milm white
at its narrowest% point. beteg double th.
width of rho hagtisb Cha.s.h tut is ye%
Mallow, in enacty place" hest act mar•
tbsa mix 1st deep. The W ■A., reefs sad
channels have beam' /lyt
veyed sad apped, sadrho amt othe
work, .zteesding outer 61 esdoe, iolsdoot the
Pembss Chose' sad the Adam's R-ttree
rad is estimated M roma seam S10,000.-
MP. hat, in spite of hie attendance. i got
no bolter. Finally. my bushand,-read•
tng one day of a gentleman who had
bad the grippe end was cured by taking
Avers Cherry Pectoral,-procnnd. fur
me, • bottle of this medicine, anal before
I had taken half of it. I wait eared. I
bare used the Pectoral for my eblldre$
and in my family, whenever we tiara
need.i it, and hare found it • nitches
for cold.. r oighe, and lung troubles." -
EMILY Woos. North Sr., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry ?ect3ral
Highest I4onore rot Work's fair.
este mare mils mom' attest/on Miss
Johlasilaties, whileare asst
pesedia w`Mid. Nee oblige lar the pomp
endp.ep.o 010 5155 et all einem d
po'st4Y • pmawl d /beds saran►
-t may ma ..'�i..'.° eethhiee eg s may
that eras en vie to plait.. +sinrjM Via
to approval et ser glues
' iallt Mail►•
This maul rias is kept in the all
ee'�aog�� Of MMities Mme al LAW
l� smq. netted•
are not so genereliy seed, they
an importantcorrespondence.
In s M was' a
Bos what we've
Rot ender the above heads.
Lt«tr %WA
In this line we have a very large
steel, of line writing papers said
able for every class of bssinerg
eepp ted in this locality, Doss:
rprl.iagn laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unreleti, es may be required.
if the " pa-asyos-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great ; but there are some mea
wbo get s0 many darners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is own
plate in this line with four sines.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after •
delinquent once a month. They
are sore to fetch him 'round -
Pam as !Stas 01 a Apct's Sarsepellls.
N Tee rlsow-Teel r'.■ Walk s.f.aNiles
Aa soar.
Have yea over thought of the them oe
you tr., el esters you etre oat ..n boar*
stroll' Possibly yoe walk three mite
within the bore, bat that does sot by soy
ammo topmost the distaasa you trlv.l.
The earth torus on its eats ovary moiety -
tour boars. For the mks of mead Ileum -
mi will etsll the earth's eirosadereeme 94,-
000 miles. and ss you mat have travelled
daring the boars stroll 1,000 miles ls t Ire
seed tarn of the earth.
Bet this is sot all. Tito earth e.•4.. •
jomraey wound %M tis every ye aroma la g
but rapid wap ie is The dietssoe of o -r
nl•oet from the sou we will put at 92,000,-
000 shoe This le the radius of the e.rth •
orbit--belf the disem ev d the ones. •a
ww call it Th. whale diameter is rerefer e
184,000,010 mil.., and to o roomier: mos
being tits diameter multi led by 3 1416, i.
•boat 578,000,000.'.' •
This emascse &sumo* the earth trayele
i. Its yearly jemmy, mad dividise it by
366 we fled the daily .peed &best 1.566.000.
Tees, Myst the diereses yea redo armed
the mea daring yam ho'••'s walk, divide
seats by 94, sod the result i. .beat 66.000
milas. Bat tiro M set the end .1 your
boar's true. The .aa, with its entire brood
of pasts, is moving is spaos .t the nM of
160,000.000 miles is • par. This is st the
rate .1 436,000 males • day, w 18,250 seam
ea hoer. Q's'"
So, .ddbag year throe aaille of let tray.)
M the hoar'. &alai moresent of the earth.
this to the mirth's orbital journey. mad that.
amis. ea tib earth's exeursies with the ..e,
and .os fled yea have trowelled h the bear
85,253 galls.
A nrt..tlse rattier..
Occasionally science must admit
failure. One night a young man In
Divinity Hall. at Yale. undertook, with
a toy rifle. to hit a lamp. But his elm
as poor and the ball pasted through
the window of an eminent and vener-
able protestor of science and embedded
itself in the wall. This was the op-
portunity for the professor and for
science. He, too, tet to work and
computed the curve. and with the ex-
act skill of infallible figures. he traced
the ball right back to the room of an
Innocent colleague, who didn't even
know the rifle had been fired. She
unfledged minister flatly denied all
knowledge of the affair. But men.
even • minister. have been known dt 10
make denials in self-defense,
prof•reor had the proof with him.
There was the bullet. there were the
marks of Its course, and there was the
computation worked out. It looked as
if a pulpit career win to be nipped in
the bud. But the guilty student heard
what was going on. He called on the
professor. contested the offense. point-
ed out that the -man of science was
SAO feet out In his computation. and
advised that the matter be dropped
tight where It was. And that was
done. -Hartford Courant.
•' Voter* right, ••p •. 11 le tee labs But
MI all very well to say ' let 'est know,'
who s sten is laid op la p.I sod esa't read
ear write. sad don't know wore they ars.
They may be ea Amwtay..nd they may he
at the Cape, sad hew .meld I let 'em haw?
Vtss vent.•. oho le lima No. It's se Iles,
cep's, •.d yos'd *.iter odor se M M ass
ap M the yardarm at rasa."
Rr comes in Nara seared he amesses.nt
at the wee db. than .55317 urged the jedge
le hada. Ms osaallsn. wbie •t the sagas
ttiga. prateritag W wens.-. The joie
was evidently t1aMMd and popl...d. 1w
dear s •maga tea panne ho add •-
u /. , pp1 .ns., rites Osert bra as i le Is
frig s use wits easy b leoessat 1a then
am ens No m. ago tek lar yes r
mama Wawa bashed 1a a \ep ilog way
weed Ma emit,
"DM a553F-" he hewn, bats ill*
M deppd abaft, • leak of sonso resdN
rr ewe br fora. b Magri ingwly br
aced Yes res seam& ma.dllig ten Mi
•where. iowyesa ba .mare hdhadrdy
fired .d gond 1a do dYerllsa r ebbe
ti pelmas, wag Mnhg. fiiswly Thema
Mhos stand ke rass. ed. peke is eel -
\-j IN/%
iss•s?se otic -awes srammisms.
Wa ods Ydwr14.5151 astIs 41eores gt, 7.ssste►
bat d brainso ,.sOned we a to or as artee e
mslsrreesvhrlyvvirar aid teen gas 11 *base
d Lr ever the me et bar Maw lisp
desrisd ger. but t.dny rho is walking mead big
br tdmds be. temeses •• gemes•r Crte" care
V We end bepp�asa !worn ts, Jab 10. ISM
bean J. W. apnea Cooley, Moray P.bua
MORS •TAltslaeT N • CSAT1•ffi
Ledo Into alum years aid, who teemed wlr
itlrwtas ate.s Mr birth, las been entirely enrol awe
be p.. s1 erase built up bt Ryalw•. [e.tmsr
Ow" !1. •sore taro eine given is •.wm stela
assisted* by 4.r imam. lira George 51111•, 11/1
Mr.n e., dar1h.a clot.. dated Jab a, ler
beam J. 1, Meed, Geary Pahl-
• psisa•TISU 5 TSs050 - "Rosi
sr r enterf SAM.
abate • lteweaa. *2550.551551..Yew
araiso a.
sr mama* eminise se Mem Met his ogees
band�May •ter) r.k maw NY se Waspy* ti •
teeett m. evil :� cam dame be
a_,kee e's "Resew 5 can.. y males was
testemes x teaawls beim J. W. 51rmosv
Mee dared 1. i M o
Tall C151malea.
The highest chimney fn England is
supposed to be that of Barlow & Dob -
son's mill at Bolton: It is 105 teeth lgh,
and is built of *00.000 bricks and 122
tons of stone. It is excelled by at least
two In Sootlaltd--the St. Rollo: chim-
ney in Glasgow le 446 feet. and the
Townsend chimney In the same city is
said to be Ore feet high. But the steep-
lejacks make .o more of climbing such
chimneys than one a third of their
a more
height, though the vibration btenneye vftrare
serious at theca. AU condition
especially in a gale -it
of their surety -best the oscillation at
the too b a serious matter for aaytma
at work there darts. a high wind. and
in such condttiorim the Joh s t-
poned to a calmer season -
also boasts one et the ctookedest chim-
neys In the etsmstry--a shah at Aron*
ymL Heywood -which Is neatly Me feet
hlgh.but is more than six teat out nt
plumb. 1t has been belted 55th Iran
hands, and a consider*, secure -
('hamber't Journal -
"T. Ib Mb • aad.�
Old age iwinge away mhos and plies
whish mast be looked after if health le to
he maintained. This dies& moss /hoe
workbag .1.. on the kitbags, ••I am MI
yams SM." writes A lbs. foresee,
ANIrrille. ON., "and have led kid.sp
tree is dye owe. Ay ase mirismd
Olds [lde.y-Ltr.. Mies, sod I obhh-'
sed Iry-dWa waist I than IN them le
m g iris's ted.' TN 511A gad cess'•
Hyp apsdh ,rattles is. that Isms beak.
of itahisg Pi
•ppl3wMea brim,
Beading Pitt
Teter, Belt
sad all
by J.
' Ointment
"a1.Meso Me One.•'
This ohrmse whleb is so e4Ms.0m sow-
. -days. wince Uwe Democrat's party
have made It their iblbboleth. means.
In pr•ettos. that sixteen ounces of sil-
ver abmll be held as worth ea eneeh rile
one oantce of fold. Oso ounce of gaoled,
Afloat -Iran coin. standard of !Menem -
tb.ttls. Me parts of pore gold to 1511
of ethos. will arch. M geld dollars.
$1i.M. mace. of giver, Anter -
iota cats et.nd501 el fineness ---that M
tie parts of glare sliver to ikee et allay.
at rho rate ef 4v 1-2 grebes to the
dollar (tie weber of the pretest stand-
ard wilvrr dollar). willienln M1s.M h sil-
vet &Mara
Om, bed
,bed •v.M• ` Y t lied
i sod ...d Yew
Pump & Panum sill Vokrg, Bar
of the skim. 36 ma
• geed hese. ween.
"Mame mate M the Court exactly what
yea dM between eight and Mae o'eiosk on
Welsonday marshes, ' said • lawyer M •
d•bsst►eeki.( kite tram•s b the
"• Welk" she said, atter • moment'. re-
bstou. " 1 washed my two shaNras sod
get them ready for wheel. sad sowed • but
tea en Jd.ay's sot used sealed • not in
Nellie% dress. The. I tided up my sitting
ream sad swede awe heed, sad watered my
pleats sad ginned over the meridag paper.
Then 1 duetted my parlor sad set iMpsIts
rights w It. sad washed sate 1sm9 Maw
awe sad method my baby's hat, sod sewed
• batten es etas of her little them ; cad thea
I swept my mad& Mops, wed brushed sad
pot away th1.MMse.'s Smolay 4t*.o. sod
wrote a .oh Is Jamey'. ts.ddr mdti.g bar
moos brat be M beteg M Wesel o.
Friday. Thal I IN ay emery. sod
el••tsd d tem breakfast table. gad gars the
greed's bay •a ardor, lied Wm I Mat dews
..d NON • Is akisw tidos oho drat
deem alas. 'Mrs ail"
Aar said the domed bawyar. s $texas
las. mg lard ; I oast got fay breath biers
1 milt the sect idiom e
cp. wtlpr._Lm.'s s....a.
TVs wort of tLa fortunes it T R.
Reim sae of pet twee 1ter/Re of i.btr.
does,. me1Nle ea It Whket ertne't dabs
were bass *seam We bees • to wale
•all. rare .ria lis a ,stall meta 's
1lAadoa. whore be eat the gsr*.ss
ewe ynt.tY. dad ow Ye mssprops 1w
gewasdma la fiat ba.loeaa
C}OD10RI08, ONT_
Nr tisrASTrm/T1
A large stook of very enols Pump, meas.
faolurei from rieoud Muskoka quartered
pias with Marie ant oat.
Teem foam an meaohtotared is • 5aes1sr
of .tyles to .salt everybody sod .eery plasm.
Very may worsts. pestle bar dus. wets
Irenesoped closed tie grumps far subset -
yards. bate mays. •5..
adr�ne(era ier spraying tams.
`� boltiiem,
r watering mama11rea. me.
sues ies gives to etrawieg ester
hest wed • Masao. hem dash.. leoe sad
weed pp11� ;� weed. iron oore.lafs-tend w
heals ^Sellnde.s : nrsl•ege P.ptmg0. •q�:
twtao rnten Tana May weed or �r SEW,
oases, ■►
Le 5B ►srfs*Laae, ate.. es.
sparse rialtos Wessex MUT.
rte- _
>s Yes
Y. 4 lousy g1I
'lees MmtY
tur2t• r F.a
J. 1
oh 1Y�
Iele. weak
*5.pres.e oa 41
Now, it would be bard to get
along without eavelopes, and b
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stook on
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from Tbo. to
$2.00 per M. We handle mom
martial and legal silos excl..iv. lv.
eriteteal= MtTr
All reek wareeetMM. Ida sedan$ly
sad eaefdly emeadsd a.
°mum er 6AX rv40.t it.g
ttas already been partially mum
orated in some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast &moan
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tot
WAIA i%obna
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require 000siderable taste in also
tion sometimes, but we make II
an may matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and bed
temples to be had. Call and es
Oro*to' %.%
of entertsinmsata and meeting
promptly turned oat, from rtes
plain bat neat to the mottostatrat
with cord and pistil a
We aim to easel In all the filer
ant kinds of work we tarn oat,
bat stpiaki11y in this, and kelp
in dock plain and fancy papers
suitable for ail requirements.
Cards one. T: Assets
This head coven a large e.op :
work, from a bread or milk tithed
t0 a neat o.lhng oared, from Y or-
dinary .uu i isoion ticket to a tasty
baainem awl or a Madonna,
printed membership ticket.
'V osttxs
Oar facilities for turning out this
oleos of work .n evidenced by tie
foot that the great balk of Mir
deme by as. This line also 'd
Dodgy tis
which our three faf.ruanwg
pn .. ars .bio to *015 gut is
u.rpr0*ngly .tort timq.
Wong to the poster deoarlontet
also, and we make a
the-ptoepeaea being cam
is this ntpett A nodes of eels
will appear in Tse Btss•L free of
sharp wises bills for mime ore got
11►‘‘ T.*.4fi 4 W oo'*5
bk tan typegraphisal psisdiag lb*
Ma be dome is this iskshasiloMt
in .a map5AYsa3 said arils*
5150Mr. and
Ot1.1r '' hNaas vert .• tat Sot►a4
air% tN►sow*s.
We salami ear err roe w
gest and sobs& a omahmana of the
..M 'e %IL tStax#L.
3M>•8om l*1'
Cure Biliousness, Sick Head-
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Lira
and all Stomach Troubles.
Led sad Leh, ,Revd . Isedy uses •
seed. party M Name Hae. sad 5m.sps
the heem et vieece al hotpMmNey wan •
...bvr of rinses oars. led •bords.s.lm
the uaeret at m wp.wh, add be bad mems
w.•dl.4 Me rd hem •herdee_ te Lan-
d.. the f•edpl•ta of • em..etNe. sad
Mme ei the pa idtst .•mama of W Ws tem
who ha wee tie segles r Seethed. said
task M spas blur M M rained aha barehga
d t*.bs smiler ea sere the 1*1-
lege t eagle rem ble m 5 054,
best saw deases, rd be baNIMA4.
rag" b the gppesoti5rs5�TM
bull/ le dr ►5 odd t "'[ Wok
alai after he . drip aft, J,. Ibbs eels
._ ase
te). '• led gee yea le ley
Are Purely Vegetable. •
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
gently but i
iughl . The sa4est family
roe icine. All Dryggists keep
i s 4 au
L/ genet
most tree.'
. ivies.,
run*. 'Winn
111. eft:
•.4 lova at M
hdte Odle)
1? 0. HA'
1 M. UR. 1
Ohms AL ()ti
1. w sit tacos
!`1 LIMO
visa. s.
4 )Ai11i�1t..
V Ilsrreat..n
trG. 1
•• so..•aa
M, rltg r.00
Mom 1• or owl
w »d:n. ls 11
Chemist •pit
▪ Umisies
• JDmw
t 10. 0
appmets• Dem.
MAIMferia 11001ffiggi
. ad utldfaa
tio.ler ter..
111 ON ii V 1
sI) J. T. d
8.115,a 4-
einab. Oic
L4 ONLY '1
mistress male,
Isaac, at t lm
•etwdofr ygr
ROOM, mer.
open trees l h
ABOUT 2001
L. ing Dm
Librealsa. is roe
J. H. 00LBOR
Gouda& ll/ar
Veal a
mid Gars
add e to MOM
JOHN [til
e -
(laiden eh• a►. i
eh/)x Oeanwd
_ 1p
E. `'. env
MUM 1111110141
A IR CAL esi
fie• -ver. i01
Ta sew Dm
neem mobile 1E
strut nay gg
Way. rad mod
w make is fop
soft th.n kg m
MN woe• ole
Os behalf
Bible Ulete 1 e
tad• to you fes
meet wilco
°k•eileble owl
Ifra Heeeeb g,
678 age the eh
vitt mold Mad
"n• moth tam 1
11brief Are t
amt h