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THF A1(3NA1a : GODRR1(TH, ONT.. THURSDAY, AUG. 13, 1896
Important Events In VOW Words
For Busy Reader&
Vas aver Worlds tfl.pe..las •'esefSUI
c.sselted ser rem gem Sudy sae
Asragslee Mare see the teeadees el
Oar raper -• &sed serero aalrw�
fa r...osea•a gaesenereatera.
•t It'IUe:w.
George blesser. aged 75. who carrled
on a small milk and Lately businr at
luaoot°. banged himself.
Mr James Hayes, a bricklayers' lab-
orer. living in the east end of London,
attempted suicide by eutulig his
The Armenian Patriarch tan remlgn
ed and his resignation has been ed
opted by the Sultan.
tll.hup Newohsen of Moose
arrived at W W neves after a
tansy of sex weeks.
During bid Neuw.•glan tour, which
was rather a failure oneatha mount et bred
erer, impede
divine service every Sunday.
TI(t. riur, Kt.e •
The residence of Lucy Parsons, Itis
calcium anarchist, was destroyed by
airs. George Kitchell, formerly . a
Woodstock, was burned to ds-•tb In
Detroit while lighting a are with coal
Lightning caused a great number of
Sao thnsugheel( the province•. Sev-
eral farmers lost their berme live
Stock and all the season's crepe.
ire iS111 w.i.1.l1. tt.eKt.II.
Serloue tax riots occurred at Val -
sacks. The police charged on the mob
and wounded Ave.
eaugusted by polttieal tte len Sod
financial unrest
The Hamilton Street Railway Cos
pony has a claim against the Do.
minion Governereent under Use recent
ascetics at the Privy Commie in
to the Toronto Haeve -
Herne -
ton Company's da) u_ fur MILAN
duties paid on sleet rafts.
rt•itOL' ratKoOvAL.
Prof. Mayou of Toronto University I.
In Winnipeg.
LI -Hung -Chang Inspected the dock-
yard st Purtemeutb and vena enter-
tained at lute:hetet at the Admiralty
emperor W Liana is muttering tram
a slight catarrh of the threat. and has
been forced to abawt his
on Saturday LI -Hung -Chang drove
to Trafalgar Square and I. Peeler
Cathedral. and deposited e r.•athe on
the statues of General Gonion.
The Quern waa greatly moved by the
massive etntiqurbras�
celet aa • wee
ding presage for Princess Maud.
Tbr report of Hon. Edward l3►ake's
appointment to the Judicial Committee
Laurier's recommendation is then not
Ll -Hund wan g ivied by the Prtn.w
Wight and was drat•.
of Wales. He proceeded to "'crux
house, where
he�er sAury�uced the
Queen by er
Lord Mountslephen and Sir Donald
Hmith. founrs of the ospital atdrMontreal. hav) ereuenitly
supplemented �r gifts Iy an ts andedSic
tional .urn , t
the perrnaw It( endowment fund.
A semtee t e dal itinerary of the Czar
and Czarina has been Issued in St.
Petersburg. Th.• Royal pair will visit
Vienna. It,•rtln. Copenhagen. Paris.
Darmstadt and Balmoral. where they
w IU be the guests of the Queen.
It L. pr••t«.sed to start a rubber Pao
tory in Sm,th's Fails. The comtwny
agree te pay out $30.000 • year In
Mr. Thomas Reid of Ha.flton has
t•'• ured a Canadian patent for an ea"
proved gasoline motor fur hurseless
aarriag• s.
. -; ri:K:.11..
The Irish land bill was amenJed In
s'tera 1 particulars by the Peers. '
e e•• the Irish Lard bill, In the House
of I. erde the Government was defeated
on an amendment to one of the clauses
by a vote of 127 to 17. It is :prnbabe•
that the hill will be abandoned.
it Is learned that the visit of SIr
Julian Pauncefote tp London is due t•1
the direct summ•.ns of Lord Salial.ttre.
wbu wishes to diecuse with Aim same
points of the Vrnesus•lan quertioa.
enlw►: eel. ('It5$ie.11.r.
A man and woman wean arrested
for pocket -picking at Maines circus in
Mrs. Lillie Payne of Windsor ' was
sent to penitentlay for four years for
abducting a girl named 1plttsetL
Lansing Alexardeer was' fined $11I at
Cbatbam for. beating a horse an -1
causing a runaway In which three lat.
tie hogs were injured.
Mr. W. E Brown of Ottawa. Mot
and shoe dealer, and his teeikksw'per
w•,re &rr•eted on chare•en of fraud at
the instance of Mr. James Robinson
eK M.sntreal.
The Dominion Ministers are at work
pi.paring the cat&mate•s.
lone William Paterson was nominat-
ed at the North (hey Liberal convene
ti .n at Owen &vend. He accepted the
North Grey ('11ns.•rvatlTs notninat-
es1 Mr. James Molqughlin. the defeat..
ed candidate in the late .ledlon
oppose Hon. Wm. $aterson.
The High Court of Independent
Fbtrstera of New Bruswick have ad-
opted a formai protein against a memto
bar of the Executive under salary
geong Into politics.
The east end of London is suffering
'from a het at Berlin In Mete gauntry wbaetn hoe eke bulL of thou air -
water famine.
The ext Peninsular Saengerfe•et will the party they support to the parte of the
BASO N0. 1.
1000 yards
White Cotton J.
This is • •, of Mill Remnants, from
3 to 10 yards, worth from IOc. to 12c.
This week 8 0. • yard.
PRICE 52o.
This special line d Daum,*
pure Linen Dama
Table linen is 66 inches wide and u
worth 75c. This week our price is
25 Remnants
of Tweeds
At Half Price
Thiais • se of Remnantr. of All -
Wool Tweeds, from 1 1 yards up.
IS me are worth $1.00 and rine $1.'25.
We place them on sale t4is week at
half pn..e.
. &retia Observer . It s m
os.to•ry tot the
dailies in the larger cams to thewtale to the
est7es credit tor pohuml summers woo by
The Mormon colonies In Mexico are
prospering. owing te frugal and ener-
getic business management.
The resent hailstorm in Central
Manitoba was the nswrt disastrous Max.
periertced la .the history of the Pro-
A call will be Wined on Thursday for
a general meeting sof the Patrons of
Industry, to be held in Toronto during
the second week In September.
The London City Connell bee aloe
raomved the scheme for the construe -
of a sewage farm system and the
ratepayers, will vote atm the question
sit September 2.
eireerI('ei- rattelcie.
It 1s again stated in Portugal that
Great !arltain has roegnlxed the
ateerelgnty of Brasil over the Island
It 15 reported that the Sultan has
Invoked 1.,•rd Salisbury's aid in •r-
rranging fee fresh concessions to the in-
aurgent Cretans.
It ie annetunced in Heflin that Prince
Iiohenlohe, the imperial Chancellor.
has re:eigne•f, and that he has left the
Capital f ,I Kaa•el.
It •s stated that the various Euros
peon courts hay,• received letters from
the• rr•y}al faintly of Greece. saying
that King G• orge may abdicate in
favor of tem Crown Prince of Greece
11 cerntieile•sl by the fervors to desist
Trent h. r aspirations to make the
Island of Crete a part of the Grecian
The Earl of Llmere,k Is deTad.
The promut, ra of ttie Hampton band culsewn. While wattage ..needing M
tournament leoe a d. 1s It of 8200.
the l.rgrr dines the or.dat they are ea -
The rowl..at }ol,-frem New York on
June lth. with two sailors, arrived at titled to tor • snare to the honors nese we
Havre Thursday. rlatm that the greater part of it is due to
The Hamilton Street Railway Cu:n- the local papers, without tbe aid of which
pany refuse. t.. accept the city's offer many con.tllteDCies tbst have bees woo for
of a new agreement. the party would bare been tound oa the .p-
1•'Ive writs hate been Issued against
Sheriff lier of Essen fur neglecting to
perform his duties.
The London Street Railway Co. 1111
interested to the extent of 112.000 or
115.000 in the Privy Counties rsceyst de-
rision regarding Steel rail duties
The London Times complains of the
Genian semi-ofictal press for denounc-
ing and abusing Lord Salisbury be -
ramie he refused to Join In a blockade
of Crete.
Prof. Andrse has compieted the fo-
liation of his balloon at Hanmerfeest.
Norway, and 1. awaiting a favorable
wind to start•om his journey over the reparable injury. They live In an simm-
er. tie regions. ` gibers red 'moss influences that find so
The nat.esnal oMeer, of the Irish Na- cuuuterpart outside the cause, red are often
tional Aifance of New York have u- led Lew eeeeptwg a. " public °ptm pa,"
Stied a mahlfesto regarding the pre- what in tritely is the opinion ono- of the ex-
posed convention ili Dublin next month citable eminent in the otty-, with whlob the I
wMch says that to revolution alone .red &eel seethes theugnt of the (unfitly has
must ileland kook for her redemption. tulle or no sympathy.
observations of the total ii solar el
palate side of the oolunen.
While Ginty on • general hoe of policy presented, but there Meese meroh that bad
can be maintained, the local condemns vary �, .ever &ppesmut le ut and so sm•oi
sy in-
Pablishiag Cempsay, Philadelphia; .me
sellar • year, I.a mate par ropy.
Tarr. SeoKt' air 1.41-ANI1.41-ANI-Oa hloadsy eves.
tag the lecture room of Knox church was
filled with ss appreciative asdissa to he-
lm to the wrusgs ail Anneals es depicted
by • native of Ibat country, Mr. BaR6dns-
ari&m Tee i.oturer appeared is Native see.
tams which was di
exuesa*ly beoomiag, sad
kis English ase very good. Of oouree,tbose
who have transited theaelyee m the
•trug.ie between the Turk and ter suffer-
ing pointe were &ware of ahoy of the facts
to Lob a extent t•be•gb•et cuostti.e•ows 1 dents art interest m oonoectioa with the
that tactics a tbe conduct of an eleotoo
i pleas
Oreponne Drams Stuffs,
:lila. a lb
5 es
30o Ism Iia
11 plasma
Igreet from the mill. mate ate S
yard. 90 per amt. below frit prima
The t 30-osat
over asst in Uodsrich.
riColborne Bros.
watch would sat a one would are in
jwoue present 'trona that thu.e wisest
soother. 1'o Dope with these varying were delighted Wath s-
conditions the loo&I newspaper alone IS cap-
able. sad upon 11 rests the rem on•ibihty of
dammer• Kndvlstat.
Dog the late general electiothe hue
pursued In some matters by the big wry
theles mulled much trouble in the rural
swwutuactee, end to some instances ltd
ilpse Newspaper• 11ke up* Si. Thomas Journal,
were taken in the IntendYeti Chatham
finer, Goderich atii al, Sea
Japan. Sunday de and were
ts euc-
c rafe'. but cloutidyy weather interfered forth Expoator, S:ntierd Beacon and
with the work of the expeditions sta- Wtadeor d have bad more to do with
tinned tie the oo•at of Norway. Bet- the success of liberalise, to the Western
ter news le expected from Nova Zem- constitusmcles to Oateno than all the big
Wee city dellen and weeklies published in the
s:Aal:At.Ttl'rei• province. No other medium could begin to
'fertile hest and severe storms pre- beadle the men and the questions tbet acme
tailed last week in Germany and Aus- before the electees in the counties, with •
tr:a, and many lives were lost. tithe of the success that the local press can
John Catton, an etnpissye of the John achieve. It is decidedly tabor and unjust
Fenton Co.. Toronto, was drowned In
for tear larger brethren to take to them
the harbor at Whitby on Saturday mires credit for victoria to the winning of
night. which, in many 'esteems, they played but
street.yle strt• was drowned while bathing • small °art•
at the foe t of Bathurst street. Toronto. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS.
Sixteen members of a hating party
on the Spr. . near Berlin. \sere drown-
ed by an excursion steamer running Luizs Hoes Jecseet., om le so
int., their beat. much delgbtful stones presented is • single
Mr. Frank 11. Zloty. while superin- issue of • magazine as is invitingly arrayed
tendines the working of a dredge .it 1n the short -story imbue (August) of The
Heeler's i'eint. was struck by a aging Ledie's Hume Journal. Watt the best coot-
i.•t r and Inslantly killed. ebuttoms of such clever story writers as
A young man named Charles Brew- Bret Harte, Jerome K. Jetene, Sarah Pair.
eller. aged 1Y, white bathing at Sunny- Ltlun Bell. Jeannette H. Walworth, Carol -
Mee, a summer resect near Hastings. tae Leslie Field and Annie Stever Wiuetos,
I nt., was drowned. the illoslratioes of such capable arose' se
Philip Abbott, tbe tourlst who was q. L. Taylor, T. de ThuIalrur, Aims Bar.
killed while mountain climbing near Mr Siepheas, Otto Tamper n. nos epos
ledge Lathe.. B.C., was a son of Press- ]'earl Esa►+•d sod Clifford (Aarlru•a,
dent Abbott of the Wisconsin n Central ,,,vide attention sod iotereeL Ot Mr.
Fred am dros. an hostler in Llr•dsay. Hare's nor his I.te•t sad bar, •'7 ne
(rent.. was drowned while bethink• It y
appearr, he had a small boy on its 1, diecreuoo of Elder h,' it is *sough to say
bask. when they suddenly both dim- that u s in the euthot'.ebhr•et.Vntio vein,
al -,, ur.,.1; while the other present the harpieet anal*
Andrew harper. an employe of 11. of thou writers.
l.wry, a 1jramiltone (Int , butcher, was 1)r. Parkhurst bar for a theme "Selecting
found d.•ad In hes employer's stall. The a Career," sad gives sue and emphatic
rie.ctor•,.h e•earn In• -.1 the body came to on,.il to young sees. As • o mpleesea to
Me renelusktn that death was caused this Rath Adbmore.ddt.sw 'irises' bow
by the bursting of a bleed -vessel in the To lie • 1.00151 Suuoese." Another useful
head. No Inquest *111 t e• held. I
article, 'Headaches and Toth. Cure," is
The list of drowning fatalities since. eostr,b.d by four eminent pbyeteies•, whe
Saturday morning includes Thomas and termini . . sabel A. Malice
tgan and Miss Hughey,. Montreal: a Rss•
youth named Desormeau. Montreal; t51!5 of satmmn °sale ad freaks lo t..
James McMaster.Brlghton: Jamsi. Cat.
ton. Toronto, drowned at Whitby. area
Ales It..• ..1 Kincardine, a boy of 1e
years of age.
Rug MR!( OV WAP.
Col. Starke and the memllers of the
The Belm rat Cafe
Mr Joseph Beaudoin. le M'.tmaster
In Malden (1.unty. droppd dead.
Mr. Janes. Bartlett. a bn.tJier of
Pollee Magt,.rate Bartlett of Windsor.
Oat.. le dead. -
Mr. George VRord, boot and .hex
mere pant, Kingetton, Ont . died at his
borne on Saturday. aged 71.
Mr. David Me•1lenth, one• •f the n14
est renderer M Oxford a .reinty, Met
at innerkip aged eighty year•.
Mr. A. H. W1ntraeld. landing waiter
at Hamlltsin. ansa a pot of cconsider.ebbe repute. died at the ase of se
Ptelnolpsl Bate* e f Wo nfee.
lege, died at Mammies Point. not Mu•-
holm where be Ipd been e-nding hie
vsaRtlon The body was taken to
Russell Pollard. ages) 21. of 11 Ar -
The pwllissf'dad beeid.ierniaAt.i
(:if. Wed of Tomato
The Great Carpet Warehouse of the County.
At The ersl mos M ~assICES who des t seek, and flavor. by the dab or 5 14
freezer. and the 50111,fountain la always
parsed with the -purest of betrothals-
are noted for their Purity. 7laicr and
5rvei at all hour..
Lean. Picnic sad raiser earners supplied
with ices. 5,11,. Lunches. etc_
Seasonable FRUITS `(
of No. 1 quality always is stock.
Risley team have returned .come.
The troops comporting Plumer's col-
umn have utterly routed the fmpls of
two big chiefw la Matabeleland.
Advices rsecelyel1 even Abyssinia in-
desrr is a prospect of a ate that (here-
opening of the Italian war in this au-
The Canadian Artillerymen won the
Queen's prise and the L'ndonderry
Challenge Cup at the Shoeburyness
The news that a body of 10.000 Mus
siemens forted an entrance Into Her-
aklion. Crete. and ejected all the
t1irtstians frogs their homes is cnn-
Mr James Hayter of i.niten. •
laborer, who cut his throat s few
Saye ago. Is dead. He lest tile 'Nina -
Oren though the union InwtwtIns on
rimictuftthng work anisee, he paid his
whets were in arrears
wt *tv►••.
Th. Arnerlcan National Rank of
Is•w Griming Mas enst:ende.l
The letanlsrd Penh has n.stlbed the
pshIk that after Angst 1L Amerieran
sae dollar bills wtll only be rvicelveed
at a value Ono a to ,gente
eft b thought that the failure of the
Weer* Rtothas 1a Ch loamy was
borough, about by the Goulds, wird
timid ureal the Friamond Match (jram-
=ppse►was Intn{evtng whit their Dos -
tat blatant Compewy. d
to fire Vetted Wataa as re.
•A ►•y the two peen/psi al arner-
01.1 allyzwies of New Tort. eeeWwass
pfhenb..nally quint. Gill.... sets)
(u this period ere the year Whig es
articles, which are daintily and adequately
illustrated by El abeth Shipp.• Gree.,sad
Mrs. Garret W eL.ter details ovist " A
Mt sial Luacb.oa." Tim midees.tner Jour-
nal ravers a wede rosy of topics and is
eximpliatelly attractive. By The Curtis]
A war rorreepmMnt returned to
Cape Town from Matabeleland reports
that Mr Cecil Rhodes displayed brav-
ery verging en rashness in the fights
with the Matahelcs.
Trouble of a serious nature Is being
fomented In Spain. particularly to the
Province of t'alencl.why agents of the
Cuban In.urgentn. 7Te (i..Ternment
are taking vigorous measures to sup-
press the rioting. et
A lady who has emit returned to
London from Armenia assert. that tbe
foreign commis and mlemkxearles there
estimate that there hie a been fully
1.MM.0ne deaths In Armenia as the r.-
mit o: the maamaerw and frost stao
♦1 • banquet given on Friday night
to I.1 -Huns -Chang, that .ailment
Mat/amen made use of a ramie which
I. tantamount pl.sdtng rathe aa.tet-
ance 01 England h case the Independ-
ence of e'hlns b threatened from
within or vett t. •
The Premier of Caps Colony s+e
that the (leversineat preepram to at-
tend to the defleneea of ale Meatry.
aid ermatrus-t batteries at Algesi Bine
and M RYRhin MAIM,* se a e netttlhu-
tten le the 111.111.101o► of whit* ray war
el a part.
The elegem aeseruoe•t o:
We me offering le the public.
The pest two waw „i Tae Smart terve oonteis.d very good
free ads. ter pr ave we. gra Ovule with ear'the• e•. Thsnite, gen.
Owen. tt e . tutu prises deeper that .der, 200 .N. a met ere
we .1.rte.i. mod pigsty .rare for eveiryo•eoty. L••I as explain.
When your purchases amount te $10 00 we, pr. mitt you Fre.
with one of the Beta .ifu! Peetiro• vee ...• s•t,W n; ....sr oto -e.
We give you the Pietas Free, untreated, if you asst we mss
supple you with a Frame 6 Moises wide mid mammal 11 feet
of moulding and glares 18x24 for only 750 complete lint you
do set bare to bay • Frame tram a, We give von the Pio-
ere Free you do se you wish &boot •he Free,' : but if you
can buy • frame as goon ss ours at el 25 it is cheap
Ho about our Prices
Here are a few of them. l 'OEC/,Sri a them
and see if ,yon can equal them.
Led;..' Tweed Slippers 2 pre. for .... 2`tc.
Ladies' Strap Slippers 75..
Ladies' oxford. despots Kid, 2i, 3.34
regular 11 25, for 75e.
Ladies Tse Oxfords....... .. . 75o.
Wor s's Heavy Boole 1soil,t ic•theri 70o.
Mis.w' Heavy Hoots. 11 to 2 660.1
No Risk to buy here. Every p•11 .zaotly
Arts Lamour with nature as
she doss bee Spriest attire..ad bay
sr yourself a ertytW ■ST,l
Aloe sow Hoek of •II the Wiest
ls Cloven. Shirts. Collars. Cweo.
Neckwear. Beam". eta.
0. R; SHANE 00.18
Mese Heavy Howe (solid leather) . 75x.
Men'. Gena Mar. U.,stele laced or
Mrs'. T.o ..o.A Sae••
Boy. 1•. stet 1*.,es Lahtia top, doobM-
psty'.. 11 t.• 2 90o.
\•oath.' wls1 le.ther toned, 11 to 1375o.
be repreeeoted or your mosey reloaded
Rips Sewed, Buttons Fastened, Stars put on --FREE
S.• B_ P0LL00K
3 Doors Irmm)51 ll'rgl-a/
01' R
There ver any question as to which shoe store sets the
pace for God 'ch The particular fact is that this business
bas never stopped growing in all the years you have known it,
and the year
It meant courtesy to your intelligence to tell you that you
will have to have new shoes. Nevertheless well do it for your
The folkerring are • few d the bargains well offer you this
month :
Ladies' Buttoned Hooter sine. 2} to 7, worth $1.00 for 76c.
•• 'e " " 3,3},4,54, worth $1.25 to $2.50 for $1.
Strap Slipp*ra " 2}, 3, 3 " $1.25 toe *5c.
Boys' Blatt and Tan Ox. Tis, doss 1 M 5, for 75c.
Youths' " " et to " 11 tto 13 for 64c.
?Areas' " 1 1 to 1 for 10c.
A few pairs d Ladies' Shop Slippers for 60o.
A tall lime d Wooer's Heavy lace boats for Ma. usually sterid for $1
tiallY�i•y,,, We slim to give you rales for Tour limey f► Boots and
Mom We d. not give any pries, but will give you weds at
prisms that will enable yes te save mossy N baying year ahem
itis ex
Also let us send one home for you
to try for a week
and if you are
not satisfied, to
feel under no ob-
ligation by re-
a. -
Ileim wet forthe.triter ebee-
a&.BPE3 LRZ•
LONDON, 8$PT. 10th to 19th, 1896.
CANADA 5 FAVORITE LIVE STOCK ExNISITION, OIdeM lee. 1+1 e.n.,•e-totablIMd561.Oo••s fl'a't`•
ixltMtdls sae 1t gays to .low hem it1•trlt • elle.. Poet rod Welt or weeded es mew
AaildlRp leml oa the esatinustlivery pare treed reM_weawd h the Live Stook. Seery
buil 1 Agto theor&1.1mm1pmt st ea
will web reser • HIM. The entre as t the pslr
ism .eve buildings is thew la �1 s�MtRfeeestt
• angora et a.lte•Ie and a vniese of t0 teats ; the greatest r'mtr astre.tlea be At es
UR HAMM BID ALPS Yong ACROBATS - 1! 11 ie abir.
ales fir Prke uta and make year esteem
aPT. A. W. PORTS. Preside.,TriO$. J1 SROWNE. grersMrr