HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-13, Page 6$ THE SIGNAL : t3Ub1+ 1OA, ONT., TRl?RBD.IEY, AUG. 13. 1886 UNTOLD N$(RY RHEUMATISM C. 1. Kies, Welt' Wkly. Las., seed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla rot Ns ,ears, I sugared untold misery Mem unser- er tis.ra.naa I tried every kraa leffekilg, meteeltea the best pay*. thaw M ANI Met yrdlh, Ark., three time.. If e..f/ eb1Na Ml! M n•WINT t,Lt/ 01010 thew waft fterfte• L l ilteb wee wasted away as slat I wigged say sleet! -Wes p swim; whet arts and Mg were straws em til chip., the maacw being twisted up In knots. 1 was unable m dress myself. except with .wf.tanre, and Could only hobble about toy using a cane. 1 bad no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors. that I could not Ure. The pains. at tfine., were so awful. that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic Injec- tor's of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged elay, to sulphur. in poultices. but these gave only ttmpoonry relief. Atter trying everything. and queering the most awful torture. I began to take Ayers Sarsaparilla. Inside of two mouths, 1 was able to walk without • cane. in three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and In the course of a year, I was cure.- My -weight has increased W lei pounds. and 1 am now able to do my hill day', work ass a raliroaol blacksmith." AYER'S The Orly World's Fair Sersapar$Na. - .AYFH'.s J'111 '. rest llroderM. IN A ROSE GARDEN. A Modred years -7;7s los, dear heart, We wit .e„ core at el It w .1 not n atter •be a why, Tbth hcoi y .r the ern The Sun me- d -ye tl:.: ee have known Will .11 forgot tee he end f1•rwe ; The.. *r.4e• a w,Il F. ea..r►►mtr0 N bete now the roman fa:L A hundred years Ir..m now, dear heart, We will not mot d ti • pars The trruoMnI crtnteo• tide at lite N' X11 Ont have lett • stem. The snug we .trig ' or/ether, dear. Will meat no spore teen .Wane a tear Amil a Suniuier reit. A hundred years from Dow, dime heart, The Ertel will ail ee net ; Thew of dere wi.I Mtg. tm vale. Upon • rue's,. shore. The gtlsewte war tors dr.s. today Sete at ibs parting .4 the wav : Wo will be win.l.es jus' tie they. And will not wed t mot. A huodred rears from now. dear heart, W.'.I neither know our ca. -e. What came of all life '• bitterns. Or followed lo, e's despair. Then 6.1 the 41e•.rm up .rt.tw, And htm in.. through the rose leaf min ; R elf build ooe emote wine in ,pus, Asd dr. -animas more dream there. JII ` 'ELLA%EO(:S. • Freon haw.•. the wrestles.. or !:..hes esters, " The truth of the somewhat etattltag lime, writes Robert Maohr. ,' "which Mande at the heed of this article, will prob- ably now become Liman to large aumbere of people to this wow n, owing to the fact the. the pereoo.ge referre.i to hes within tho teatsf w days bees elected to what 11 �tioslly the rn:er.htp of the greatest of lsb oolooiee. •• The Frenchman to yue.tion u lbs Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, member of the ('wadi•• How of ('ogno.00n for ooe of the oonstitu- enema of the prov.oce of t fuebec, and also fime leader of the Liberal party in the flow Wee. Of vogues, it ge true that he is a Cae•dten, sod a loyal sub) -.'t of the Queer, bat he is moue the less • Freochmas, pure and simple. His political programme, how sysr, is heeded with the word.: ' Fir.► sod always, the oonseal** of 1 onad• with the. lkisfab Empire.' M. Laurier. ndootnpanied by Mine. iwarter, hoe bene in the baba, for • good many years back, of staying at the seer mous hotel nailed the ' Ku,setl House,' in Ottawa, dories the se..ioo• of the Comedian Parliament, end there the prosect writer bed the pleasure of moms • Reed deal ot him. ad also of whamming ie the House of Gimmes the display of hie wonderful ors - Meisel power whiob, new that the music of Mr. (aadses.e'e epeseh h.s probably passed fur ewer. hese we rival among these speak isg the Keehkth 11.g.age. This is • dens,,iing is my, end it SOWN all the mere mar- velesewbea tt is remembered that the Cess silos antes speaks is what he after •11 . f.5eig� heathyM him. but whoever het he.. fertw*at. •emegh to beton W M. iw- ier, pertM.Mrly es • great 000•eies wham the teeing, of the orator wen prdes.dly moved, ea thea tw pnweu.e•d h1• eulogy tees the late Ru .1 she Meedtheld. will ..t meet eely they it. The femfey of the Leerier's wee sums/ the Orsi Se dais in New Freese, se the Weald d ewe er three o 0IOrw sip termed Oasada. His wife aim hidings se the el the eldest at teethes tar.ilies. Bebe ea St. Lis b 1841. M. L•www woe edesMd at M.Odl Us&eeteo, Metetre•l, sod maid be the bar le his preemie le 1865 He wee mads Q C. w 1010. Lib • dead gassy .bher .d- f51W p•Utiel sob he termed • e.ssa.tiee with the Nem, and this .isle, at • saes - paper lee a .hos time, Bo ewe Ids farm se a eW.immt ley lifelike se • memo - bar of the Meal Atarembly el his .S0ve (gab h•. dune, whit all hta elesedes were ds- limed .liw,ed its Presek. Is W?4 he sue rteurs.d to the DemiNes Beam at Cameras, sad • firat Seglieh spouse was 64~44 ea *war el thele 11N1. whit Md rend • rete- ll= is the Northwest. 01. wee made Mia biter at Lead Roves.. r 1877. bet is the AMM year. ti. o.+..eueet Melee baa "gm* M revised sleep with the ✓ at d Ma mhinery. Rica. tat Mew, • Wed d eighteen years. M. Leone, hes sPhellMolo awl wow es Istegik. ale MI There ewers et wdlhe, bee sweelisi 1he awl et W amhllies. " M. Lanther stella Mir •dussis/r d • Ached pe seal ,ppsasM. aaB. Is • call, ha.daama sans hark bait. screened with sever, earl. w a teramead bosh wee sad ; tete eyes u • deepest tied sepl tie .l • • reale of expressman : the mwth awhU• and als.•et as subtleties tie the eyes. He wears a tightly L.twtaed freak seat sod a ogees-ep Goiter, .ed he always well sed carefully Brea ed le ins ate aktae umeare esti wiewitest de met rimy nearly as law. a part es see w. old haw. eapeot.tl ; there lee sanitised . *aeon. •t that hysteria we ars ye..ralty .aaauaned to ...void. with Frea.b orat- ory ; there s o pervading seam of rostrata tat power about the ease ; hit ems" newest and ..sr. se that he has Mee frvq.eetIr termed the " alemleagsed Leerier then is scarcely the leisteat sore of . tie - ort, bat the I•ais•pei..seeratiy mare es. lewd fa style. sed more oareleley •premed true • thee.ersal poses et view than is ma - . 1 with the ordtw.ry EogIak ep.ahar. "Add tot tbre. fwtwes the lest that M. Lann.e to peesr.a.d of pooh atharmut wee - awe, esti i. so tr•a.p.reetly sisoers,thet be is ea terms of Wheats trial/ship eves with his eppaatsa i. politica 1luriag tbr wew of tae late r J000 H.udosmi i. it wee one of the plsaa.ateet sight. to see bow wel- come a 10.wt Use Frsn.th Liberal was at • Llrs.ol.0.,' the rewdmice of SW Joh*. I don't ,bink it at .el hip ly that Gay otter leader of Her Majesty". Opposition wee ever on Pooh gond terms with the reader of Her Majesty's Goveness'% se wets Mr. Laurier and :Ser Jo110 M•odoo•I4 The story of Ohs private Ilfe 1s a. teemeless ae his pers.s.l obareater s engsgtine and attractive, and ei• together ooe ova und.etand why it ie 811 Joh. V.ol>•,aald out.* mad of bier " I con trust Laurier •.About laar. He is incapable of nre•kWg hie word, eves it h. wm.beu to d0 M. '• biers, Laurier rod he have no ohildrew, hut he need to be frepteetly emu (alights/ ..d chatting with two little girls who hs -.4 to the great hotel at Ottawa, lodged. !1. ',sutler has ou etoulleut heart se well es a commanding mind. Whatever to spoke during 1...' month in hngli.h-epeoklog 0... ••no, he wee received with tho wtl.teot on. thorisam by ennrmoas crowds numbering many thousand. .t .i h g•..t emoting, It te needleee to add how proud its own country- men, the British- ? rsmch of Quebec, aro of their distinguished compatriot, who will he the first roan of their nos to occupy the positron of Prime Minister of ('.sada. or the first to hold such • great place in the British Empire. DOCTOR .;AVE NER 1" P. REMARKABLE EXPEKIk.N('E OF MRS. SA LOIS, OF ST. PIE. Lt GRIPPE, IOLL.iwkn al' Il*PLA11taATiti. 01 Tett LCStl'., LIM MILE ON TUI vilOS OF THE .:...i a -SI M WIe.oLY 11* I LaCKW WITH PAI• --Ria Hr+IAsO 9a000UT MCI H0111 TO DU, OCT Wig is Art•1X I!t Ou00 ngALT.. In the pretty little town of St. Pie, Begot county, ts one ot the happiest homes in the whale province of (4:mime. and the ease of much 0 this h•pp.osas s the inestimable boon of health conferred through the nee of lh. Willume' Pink Pil)a Mrs. Eva Salon ea the pert. n thus restored,and .he tells her story a. follow.: '' I.tk. a great many other ('.n.disise,my huabwd and mye:f left (.en - .da for tb• titetee, to hope that we might better our condition, and located in Lowell. Maw. About • year .go I gave birth to a bright little boy, but while yet on the sick hod 1 wu attacked with le grippe, which developed into it.8ammation of the lunge. 1 bad the very best of oars, ane the heat of medical treatment, anti although the es tlemm•tioe 1.1t me I did not get hetter,•nd cootinn•Ily grew weaker sod weaker i could not steep at Dight and became se nervous that the least moose would make ase tremble and ory. i amid not eat, and was reduced aImuet to • skeleton. My whole body seemed rucked with pain to 5004* es . ismo th.t it is impossible for me to de- scribe it. I got 5o low that the dootor who wee atteadiag me lost bop*, bet eaapgint.d osll:eg in another doctor for ooesulsataa. 1 baggd them to give a .oatbwt to dead- en the teereble pain I .ndured,bss.14 thugs dome for as sassed sae venom. Alter the coamItetioa wee laded my doet.or mid to tie•, you are • great sufferer, bat it will set be for lout We have tried evoythi•g; we ow do .o mor. 1 had therefore a prspare myself for death, sod would leve wel.med it se • relief to my .fferi.to wen it not for the thought of Wavier shy hallooed and child. Whets my hogshead heard whet the doctors said, be replied thea we will at eeo5 to book to Cathde, eel weak sad est tering as i was we ret*rsed to the old hems Friends here urged that Dr Williams' Pisk Pills be triad, •ad my hushed presumed them. After taking those ter sees wombs I rallied. lied hem that es I ..stoutly im- proved is blah. i am saw web* fns toes pato. 1.. .at a.H sod deep well, .d MI oYa..t se .trmsg se .err I was M my lets. ad this rimmed ae0Nh .d =limes' owe M 1M utar einem pewees d 111. W shams' Piss P. .d is staMbwde 1 arta all rich NM'y them. 1h. Williams' t Pt♦e metre .w bleed solid n the serves. sad Mess drive desist from Moe system. i■ ha.bed• e( asses 1M' ha.. sure, *her all saber msdisiess h0/ Welk efts wtehlielilea the elder ehd they met▪ hod miasma 'i'0.� P1sk�Pills w said .&r is btes, Ms,I.R the fell Wad. mark. " Dr- William.• ter. ler Pale • meste s�r01u Prole* �say HM dam . bees pmt bar tis m, ud tea s Mm50 .ems Mb les. OraiM*.: "Oeste psi pas M n-SMiig as manes* d that MB yes ...an? Dobler • Her stssh 1a neat f t#wrMw : " 110 hems M Mose chs Ism d I • lawyer he ass yes fhb Weems THZ SIGNAL only 0111 DOLLAR a YZ,R la �DVA.Nal N ata owes Inentwilassalwasilwirdi Lever SAM. Ile. Agpw'e Loper P111r are Mbe mast par - tae. n.ame...d Me Lite .»;a. Mee Asad. seam, (invest..1 s, fi Letereses, I.Iog.M.. and L•v.s glia 10 .eats • ria{ -40 d.ma, tied by J. 11, Davis. Yrissed-1 a..ysu Mee boss melba( ]e.a a•me u the sed l••btore4 way. 8-me1-1.b. Saertlw-- Ys. 1 haws ter Teo mac ileytba.' ..wsd•y. " Cases them miaialor 5. • mtsd d- . seat f' osis Masbsth. Osriehely, my Med; the seedless et the mead eepases '-pas-Iareely.tt sot salely. as the osmditMs at the et•sasd. hoer ..d bowels, ter all sl whisk e.mplatst. Ayer's Pilin ars " the s vsrslwssM thing en la all the world these a oaa X71b,b11,000 et Gold, X805,540,000 el giber. "Tate nall,.•d Lid•sp." ltailr0.4 wpluyes, bisycliet•, team- sters sod other s.., who are subjectq to much )ultiug ars often troubled with psi. moues the small of the back. This indi- cates the •' Railroad Kidney," so insidious precursor of serious thaw. On the slightest symptoms of b•ck.eke take one Chase's Kidney -Liver Pili -one le s does -slid titer obtain I5.taut relief, For all kidney troubles they have co equal. 4bc. per fluz. �L NOT " ENGLISH - BUT "BRIT ISM.' Tee liege lath ahem* It.a4.d /sewed .r Lr'e.I 1111.0.. People nowadays t.e falba tato the hab- it in .peaking about undoes that pertains to the great British empire .e " Esgltrh." It is true that moat of the wvI battle. of the Empire wOOietetbt by the mantes from toe South aMsd. .ad the* sow the bulk of the pep .1 reside in the portion oommooly knows the Ennead. But the people to the .0110/.ad w Ireland gained many laurele to umfIrmv,ead have a right to share to the awry. When the orowss sere united, the touadetion upon which the union of the kieggdoas rears is the very tint article of the treaty, which nada as follows : Article I. -That the two ktagdsme of .lcotlaad sod England shall epos the first day of May *ext eesu*og the date hereof lead tor over ef.et) be netted into eau king- dom t y the manse of " Great Matsu," sod that the emagn armorial of the said United Ktotdont be such se her Majesty shall w pot.t, sad that the oroaee of St. Andrew and Si. George he ~joined In such air.., es Her k1a jasty .h.11 think tit, .ad need ia all flags, banners, standards sod .aaigg.., both ou Gua and land. Torn is no plover proof seeded to prove the injustice of t*lk.ag "Eugli.h ' glory,ds cover., enterprise end victory. %Ve heare lush as amok reason to prepare statemwu to prove that th. people of 03- tv*o are better than the inhabitable of the other provinces. W. have better land and imperil), methods sed ways of rreoeporta. rioe here cher. the people o* the Menden* :'roving a, and b.ve geem abseil more r.pid- iy. The same state of 'dans prevail is the south of Brita.a. They have Deal sod ire. .long .ids each other there, and the land 1ees hilly sad rochy than to the aortic The 1:rglieb. Scot. sod Irish have an prov- ed the,' valor, teen' bourne.. *nobilities sod their noveraing abtlrt*e.. What melte is seeded " Let no thou ream. to talk .n moot shoot E,el.od, end wive the other porttous their merot.d .0 .to of the glory under tee Wile of (:rear Britain. Football t'aempte.salp ILP the.. Th. knee i0g ones are ■perulstieg se the football po.sitniitiee of the ..loo. Ottawa M not likely to retain the honor of the championship, a. Queen's will put to a team sun to ,mash all records. it s often the came that very dight canoes will lows • vic- tory Ir is stated that a painful corn trade useless nae of the beet Amerto•s player. It tallow. that •o team can hope to win abs yew that awlrota to *apply its members w to Puteate's Paiole.. Gore Rrtrsctcr, the .oly sato, sere •.d pais/deer remedy for cortts. IMO WE MAKE, Sewer and Culvert Pipes A11 Woes Weis f u. ee At /1. Abe CS.*etnY..s. M/RITI row PRIOR'S. THE O.Oil NTARIO AOOLASOS SEN►ER.T. PIPE LtCO. WI5. w+r AT smuton TORONTQ The Bicycle Season of 1896. Are Pett le 0 t it you are ant, you M be, ter Ole NONc bootee WM way et Ile prude - aiding AOademy W: ilei .l esereks thearrihlog In the Bephir Lime =6=4.a.. 'm steres J. YULE, Iso lu bus• nese, Elamlrmel For quick and eery work For cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Stiptiss Is lett • w`: MORE GOODS pAlm0•T"ate rpmTtNr n t$Ilitair Baca Tut V11 • t sou ofagglIk ti,s► arse te.isal51 welt sores.. heed sad I. t triad ^Psirlhr ncie to • very t*us emossit sad ta0 and tite wee WMllae get potted/ well htlatmla dab Ma big Oahe. PLANING MILL. ESTIKISNES ILIO. • LEGHO R NS, WHITE SAILORS, VERY NICE} FLOWERS. All of the Latest Designs. Seeour Large Stock of UNDER WEAR. MISSES YATES. Bllchallaiis & Yr DrlmieR f rAnC,aoiCtlla. Wonderful Tonle SEloy BAand SS, DOOR lend BLIND VIOL,' Remedy lair Weak and impure Blood. Kidner and Liver TrouWrh Dealers la ./l kind. et LUMBLK, LATH, SHINGLES Anti bander. material of every dl.arip1M5 School Furniture a Specialty. PI t rAN /t1l3� ONSTIPATI ?N, ''`RiL14U"74IAtIt::SS, DYSIA,n SICK H =-' z:,/i+.c a•1 i�p„ R EG WI THE L!V ':: CN' '.Lt. i,FTER LATINO INSUPI1 fir`ran 5t irSTIO' . �RJCE25 GiS.'Fh= dl�.•• '>;1Ma j IF YOU WART A SPRING SUIT o▪ f First-class make. • Good Material and Latest Styles, -CALL UPON - HUGH DUNLOP. T8e West+t. C1et1Ms Next et meek et Ite.treel WONDRRIUL DISCOVERY. Excelsior Egg ..u. Itttp Gee. tweet, rod 12 nieetTw.. IT IS NO PiCKLE. Yon simply treat the Eggs rite PReseRVER. and lay theseraway a a basket or box.......«...... Ar DOWN A SUPPLY WNCN TNCT ARC CHEAP. 11 form book riving 4011 I.teratios, bee 10* SAL& SY Ai.L DRUGGIS14l. Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Tim Gain eat m1 r r tier Competition. WAX a • n pp_•+rer w h et •ver, sow *se R. Yom. Mei 111111 1111, tr stile .•resewuan• w el. IS. Mas1.110 1. tl Meteses. eery. Summer Millinery . . 62-3m The undersigned having received a large importa- tion of Spring and Early Summer Millinery, is prepared to supply the sweetest of Bonnets, Hats and Trimmings. The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and are in Color, Design and Textufe unexcelled. MISS CAMERON, HAMILTON STREET PAINTS 01148 • BRTTSHES STOCK ! I think I have the beet value in these lute -s. i will give you low quo- taticns on all HARDWARE this season. Pri, -a in iu.ny linea have gone up recently, but having bought before the advanoe, I cam do tae very best for you. Having anticipated extensive building opersti•.ns this year, I have de- termined to make big sales on small profits. R. W. McKENZIE 1896.. . AT MUNRO'S For SPRING and SUMMER ... 1896 A Large Assortment of Parasols Ombre1lus correct shapes and .like* lemedles. Gloves Fine Hosiery SF weal, 2 tprcidty. 6 per tent ori Out We Corset proaosesd the Wakes market at the price. O•.uble warp black Luetrse, herd- black .ad ensured borer.. A fell rays. .4 Sate.h pr.p.•1m, limlit", whew end colored C..n,poe(Swiss sad Nottingham makes.) V0Mwot.nnee Leese sad Myrna Swiss tied leftmost Rmtb.niderese wr0 .5114.• M Mt.t Lathes' •5d f► do4i'. Simmer Us4w' el.lbiq leaser sad sleeper etas sv.r. for Cash, or 30 days. A. MIINRO, Draper. Subscribe for TB.1$lUll1L. $1.00 a Iear in "Anne. 7:3=2.17-40l 1THE OLD COIELIABLE AL always on hand. The 1 eat sod only Scranton Opal in dm market delivered at 101.28 per tam, with boob. per tori oil for Oath, making it E6.76. •11 Coal weighed os the market aoaialt, so that you ars sue of good sasses. W er ai..hm Quip. Til 8TWFF OF LIFBI Adenoma's sad a tied time dusts have el ier ewh�i se ere",_"1 BMl. that wevtrosessstto�.g� e� �b�rlegwkra„ ier /wM tiigMneve chi ttlige ser W tmestriess bit I liiiAD.ees Md~ la•+ Gr. Is Mem wards. crabs etitee bWHee sag Mhlt T yp reweeil.M Mg �i e ' /i. h wMwllwstllpw IN MY BAKERY Tee Nipple. es. said •• mesh tied .w,ma4vs the slam. tweet hews MT MUD 111 WADI PROM THS p11118 MALT All MOP TWIT AIiD 110. 1 HAN/TOPA NITWIT MAIM Mh■h�-r,FEsila em+� s