HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-13, Page 51 • TH8 SIGNAL: GODERIOH• ONT.•. THURSDAY. AUG. 13, 1896. 5 W. ACHE8ON d 80N. . • Great .. . MIDSUMMER BARGAIN SALE DOZENS OF LINES et Drew hoes& M Mair retch HEAVILY fringed Chenille Cur- tains, full length, now 8.9.25 per pair, worth $3. Ladies' Vests, lace trimmed and finely finished at 15e., reduced front 95c. Men's French Balbriggan iJnder- wear, best quality and double thread, at 95 cents a suit. cheap at 11.50. Bines 34 to 42. 20 dozer[ Indies' Blank Cotton Hose, Lisle finish, double sole sad spliced heels, Herw.dorfs dye, at 15c, worth 25c., in sizes 8i, 9, 9I. 50 pieces Torchon Lace, from inch to 2 inches wide, all at lc. a yard ; price was from 4c. to 7c. W. ACHESON & SON. DIED. MaOREOOR-Is Oaderioh. oa the Rh inst.. 12ed.rlek Edison mourmeer, smarm of Mr.. Wag. MoSwaln, aged Y smooths. AIKENHEAD- la ooderie%oa TwMet,•ug. Htb, IM. Barbaro C. Yule, wife of Jamas M Alkosad. aged 70 years pad s mmashis. The toast& will take p1•os frays the teed - mos et ham Mamboed. Bysaid Read, ea Thor . day. Aug. Mb. at 2 o'*look r. ia , w Manta./ Cemetery. Friends and somaitlstasess w re• sass&ttdb'.gessted te &stead. fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. Frons the Repartees Notebook. M ins.,. a •MM 1.' a' Ter Cees. 1 rode 1. teat M t a €IOM's Areas T. Tato' Nems• aft• IMO 11W11 "not 1st" -star... It you aro is need Impala sad want to se. w tied 1011 nave ons of PRiDHSM'9 ran suits, le MN hobo w►o the cold mb\Y cense Out deer �bsi M g is u an. Few p'sseas it. I8A .[.O N 8 is sae of Use few. Have JJeer dwdtt.ga, tams and torsi build - logo MMGRra.\sd whim lassoo byes, Ws Au Imo. -The Headmen Bicycle Co. is platting a sew iron roof as the repair 411010- PPLLcyuso.-Roaster we aro Named os Hamiltea-.t, sad oma do your work so ae to plans yes ia workmanship as well as prom. CATTLE Bae. THE G T. R -The Grad Trunk is ship- ping 16 oars of owe daily to poiatm in the Eastern Estes, ad somdiag 13 oars of deals to the Old Cototry THE WATssuw BASH. -Do aot format that the Waterloo Band is Ase .f the very best in the Ihminion.•nd is admired every- where ter Ma melodies. Ouzas Excr.uo,.-A tags somber lett tows oe Matsuda y on the Orme. soeareios 10 &alias wag\ nst warty am Many as the °sanitise .t srtameme.ta .zpeor•d. KNoz Cass., -..-Rev. J. A. TurabelL, L L.8., of Toresae, preached in the a awn - sod Saturday. Bleck sod seam charm. 124e., beautiful Dresden ribbon, 20o. per yd. Another lot of veiling*. 50. yet yd. R. B. Shore, C. W. Andrew,, Mir. Press's. -The mason work of the New 8t. Peter's will be finished to about tour weeks, sad as all moor dep•rtmeele ars keeping .p with the leading one, theee is every probability that the church will be opus for service .t the time agreed spas./ PLcas GAloas -During the pest week as Mammas qunatity of pintos have been elbips.d fres G•d.riob, Barrows, the seed. - ma, being the lensing shipper. The blues have been the prioripni trait asst away. Tbs prion per 101\.1 has boo very small, owing to the heavy orop is this asigkbotr- hsed. A Ntrs AuomoN.-The briok work of Ma sew auk of Co..sso being nearly eampleted, era sail putty fairly judge what it will look like whom handed W Deer by the oostr•000r.. It will be H pleasing architecturally and • Mad - mom addition M the bdlamgs as the p Square. M Woas Tau. CHRISTMAS. -The Kdttina M Company • band us%cleot to M keep .11 the moon employes@ in (ail work A until Christmas. The large orders on head M have boas wos by the quality of th. ends M turned out, as the verdict of to trade is M that our local !watery manufactures the beat Bis geode n Canada. and Fent THass MurTHa.-On Ts.sd.y . B young ow named Nawhol, of eafortb, was 30, before the amity Judge on a shags of Ca .tsali.t a watch sad razor from a fellow Ro boards, ; and os beasts called Ga to plead end ackaowleidgud bis guilt. His Hour thin Arms asaMme d the prisoner M thus moathe bard shoos labor in the oemmo• jar. was 1z THs Mco.-Oa her trip up last Fri• tee day • light as the Ghon above Senna was bis. mistaken for • nags light, .ad as a malt w the bust was run .ober., This was about end 11 r. a., and she remised Moro mall sear. •ad ly 11 A. N. a Satardsy. No isoomvonianoa by minora The Grows hn reek m.tl.d poises In Me endows spins& Me and M b N. Mass to the Cavort. His mamma op M amass iestth. Gad tap Me endows was am ed snob a M pee the gado of She defsmdaat. was thea disahasgeL LAW AT Rare. -Qt e.eerdoy see ta.«al of the lata Mom eharhey leek irem w busily realises, Brooke, POWs •lank, ad as the se.dastow sryie, Me remains mos istrrsd is C same rev, Osik.tpl. N.. is the of away relatives pad 1r se& Th. shard lady had hos ailing nor am death al Mr tile's partner, sed whoa ly &tasked is severs term by dyes• .atsobtsd body mos snesnmbd M Me wase. B.ryct.s Romer, -Early es the of Wod.ssd•y sod Thersddny, last °Menai was blessed with heavy oaks, hot albs fall oil the last named day was hoariest for years. Notwithsesadng azos•diagly large downpour our reads always passable for oyoliate and la assay of the fair guests at the Perk wheeled around the beak beton break chop of the maned days, • feat that sot be 000fertably performed u my tows is the Dominion immediately amok thunder storms. Vo -room -,r. Cuomo S. 8 Ptctrp•. 8.8. teachers and Attires and their .f the V&.toria-et abarok held their an pioalo Tuesday last Tesoro was • large Madams and • moot enjoyable time West oo t at Ifesetmeg Park. Bat swinging and various other sports were dodged in by the obtidr.o and at 6 o'el • ane spread was prepared by the ladstt •asdaao*. Atter tea • basket full ofmo dies was distributed aog,t the lith. by G. M. Elliott. and proved • fitting az to the day's satire. Idu Woo- sr, PARK NOTt't.-Rev. Fairbairn, of Dragoons, with big wife family, aro enjoying the lake breezes at Park . Yin Haasitnk, who bad bees guest of Mr. and ora Hamliok, at I view Cottage for ,.neral weeks, retaesed Monday to her boom is Rochester, N The camping piny from Gad oo who oupied the large teat at the Park o M • week, loft for homeesd•y. boys say they had • splsdid time. Victoria -et Methodist Sunday ,oh..) its pioato at the Park on Tuesday, TIERa.- LATS AsalvA1w AT Ts Pone? TAsJ. . Baum.., (Mas. A. Manna. MMm Kama emiaamer . Hamilton ; A. Fra, Miss Sate Fressr, Miss Florence Fraser, Master Bros near, r, John Mases[ Cas, blr, re Mew aer Roy Moore, Miss Louie MooMas array, Min Maose, Mae Mary ad.. i.. Helen Made. Miss Jean Maeda, Miss da emerville, A. Mdaary. Miss L M. d Clary, Master M.CI•ry, Mims L Brsh.ore, Mss J. MoLoudon : L. M. Walsh, R Dr. Lewis, Muster Walter Lewis, Miss Mister ke Lewis, Meter Harry Lewis, baby re sus, Or•ageville, lryelLE Roan RCN. -Oa Thursday, July a Isrg. party of the H. B. C. soder ptaie Maovicar, had a road run to Poplar w, •ad were hospitably roostved by Mr. Mrs. Harry Morris, as,iet.d by Mn. trona. Atter partaking of • sump - repast, the glee pleb of the H. B. C. in evident* an.: R. W. Logan added to esteresiams Masks by • .umber ot special - The of the club were tendered hest and hostess i•y President M wrGilli- dy and ably poeded to by 11r. Morris, the proceedings wen brought to • clow the slab yell and Moen for the eater - deem girbarear iilamer bidedSeAskreas Ora rode Mk• phase M 8t. al the the K. pwsaee d.- so eke resod bxy.wr rne d .ego week thn e the WKS Jae[ He hot, could other after -The needs awl at was hist• sn- ook esu oats oases olim- Mr. and she the eke - 00 . Y. snob, for The held Log •ad Rev. Jobs M.OUlivey, of Cote St ft Aatoino. Montreal, is she ..wing last Soh w. bath. THE Aeerieo MArost-Dsriag the b- the ens of the maysr, reeve, ad dspuy•res.% tiss father et the ma•istpal4g, tweesaler Robt. Themeless. of 8t. David's ward, will be sating mane. THs Riotous FAcro*T.-The Homdersou Aieyol. faasry is still bttmating, work air- A Mg boom pretty pleatif l onus it re -opined two weeks slam after its now War had os been plamd in useitiaa. Tun Har Srla.z.-The bus days lest weak eared a Woe Wax ef visitors, most or from 1)5M.tt. A tow with whom we have wmua evd, sion5om the arms plea heat es the mein amissel their journey to GodetM . d Tits GREAT /ARM Goss east: -A tr.- ilas meadow samiss. Row sad webby waft in UN be added as s ole gem ga. • par- ishes.@peal par- ish.1 glens. hosiery, hawk sad eslrod sa silk .ad satin ribbons. Mask sadarum Wad WSew oma lee Thursday. Friday !tad oUowsd,.z.sp M. delay to the passengers, he steamer sot Ming damaged in my 1. M -- Anoxic DEaoio rOArION.On Thursday 20th of[br Aaiun, e will be • grand Massimo demonstration fa the city of Stier - hied, it whileHeights Tampion, Royal m Aroh Mamas ad Manor Masses will Mho pert. Free premiss &ready made, the committee is managed that es the 20M of moat Stratford will ban the lamest oath - arise of the Malone fr•teraity ever ossa is t. tar. A L. Tanis -Oa Tuesday Jsee . Gress was up before the musty Jidg sa pi etsaln, fifty delan fastn mss iTrto-- sad s hong elle fier ►ewew.r saller.d 0 of ms& gang. The tel wee firs No- media ►oeed.d with ••d Mond semm time, fantasy Mama beteg examined es bath sobs., lass ..• hoist the d.hadast. At the et tam widen J. M. Best who far Oro.., made a are./ appeal behalf of his Blest, pedema mat that thee was sec the hast rest that the Gam boom stoles .d aislmngg is •against Binder Twine Barb Wire At old prices for balance on hand. A fresh lot of beat sort. Apple Parers Bolts Scythes Paints Just the thing for the frugal housewife. I have the three best sorts in the market. Pare, cat and dry all 'your surplus apples and prepare for nett years scarcity. of every size at priers that sell theta every time. Manes of stock on hand Will to told at dont to elver them out Only a fans' hitt that corer the earth in quality twee lima any other Naiad in the market. Alex. MoD. Allen. T Ont. tag Mr. Ar. the Mae owed .4 hems 10.11 sat look wen .weed mese Ori as b To larym dir:os hibi day ter hansom. ideal sacs minus Oevee..t largo t earMak ..song mai• is Weld is the ineshinery sad So aftar.een and distIllery Dunaj \asdred Cicadas mei m{.plaeflt, IM+M basm sae seat .ease a Mks Weir e ash• e+i.A IPSO POWs •conal Sided Hs AIRILY AwAT.-9t, Cstbarin A.g.6.-About 230 o'olook this morn Are was discovered at the residence Hoary James. u Haynes -mean dmartmswt r.spo-d.d with alaoiy, be Imam had made geed headway by th they arrived. Th. blaze quickly Gavel Me home. sad thou b the hr. appear 15 have started in the rear part of th U spread quickly to the front. The y of Mr. Jamas are away at the prey. tam is Godwish, and the hems was .d up. Orly a few artistes of tarlatan takes out al the paler, The home was ....a14.'. Rop.ra of Homer. It was .1 -- i 17 �oysd,ad the autos a Sill ism. No explanation a gives Ohs ow etlheM. s Nowa Wanuna.-Thre was attsne.ee at the wasting hey by th of the Groat North Wailers Ex tees n the musty dark's Miss w Tess. &serosa. The app•ntaimt .1 judges She manna .how was the Imam / item el A Gummata. ee■.i.Msa .f pros Dr. Clark, A. M.D. Alae ad were appointed to meat the elm .t the maned and ...malt es M the Gssssui'. re.eplM.. Samples of posters ware pissed before the most e .deet trop Tb. ?appointment of ere ..d oensmb{� was left 15 the eemmitt.s. Arra.t.seaes were for as additise M the hesery .d the tredwsliss of wire M seeps. It was that w sashimi should be Mews open NM oms mil that the old hell should be fwd m a baetil renal fee that wpm. se ow Snotfrxu,- 0a Waders'/ay of as weak. the 8e.a o B.ot- amsm\id sa Ms Saes sear the old . d had a rent sajnyble tante. the lough% of the fee se ams& one .ad Airy ease of Seethed ..d id the Order were pr's. ad as pure a the /reuse had sone for *man was snpresa , As a wall be dela without a gains of ball. two .Inas were mbeted, and the eoehttlL .ert.nly Homed song.& prw oft. Mob =Wass paby. Qantas oasmo pa Tug mak ad mows nonlife& allsmb.w had arm god wyid r - plumat whomms `s by en arm witse of w tm11as1. olid is iim.d,.se a p4ama1 teas onieyd. i• M mil 11tH 1s& pfgde was top es short .etbe; 1 M was all sea - ass dawantst df }wise Ma the on - WWI Ae the adtm.Amti-.uan.1 /r► tatMar Ma 5.. of The t • • to a • READY MADE CLOTHING DEPT. The clothing we tell is ready -wade only so far as it is ready to put on and wear. It h.se all the excellence of good tail- oring, and so far as Fit is concerned, putty malty • custom cut- ter in the shade. We still have a few Rave you seen our new line of INN'S WORKING PANTS at $1.00 per pair, worth $2. • We expect our Fall Stock of Clothing to be here by Sept 14 and must clear out all our Summer Goods by that date, so look out for great Bargains. OUR DRY COODS DEPARTMENT In this department we are showinga special line of JAPANESE FIBRE CEPES t7 inches wide, warranted fast color', for 5c. per yani. Also the new RUSTLE DRESS LINING in all colors at greatly reduced price. Jordan's Block, Ooderich, 22nd July, lS96. JAMES A. REID. I If we all lees bow bras/els! te the stomach and nerve, bow delightfully roller, sad rrtreshiig as well sa grate(.l t0 is taste LIME JUICE is, all would use It. It is the ideal Summer drink. Cheaper this year. 23c. 1-w. and M. per bottle under to. per ghee. TOCRisTM WILL FIND speotal attsnt.on paid to the antisepttiic tootcan h wash. Itictseekeret Article.. �. and PoOdon sears Fees Powdene, Iloyt's Itubifoam. ('nlogne, eta. Stratford'. Tooth Paste. and many u here. W. C. G00DE, ALare\ •Leri. C11nsa+T. Note -Try our Blackberry C..peaad r'answer complaints Goussieu s. Fors -The citizens o Godericb and vicinity will have .n oppor tunny on friday, August 14th, of stomachs' ooe of the most deligbtful afternoons and *venom it has yet been their privilsp• t enjoy. The united efforte of eke Baseball and Bicycle Chiba Deus been directed to• wird. providing an exo.11ent program. In the afternoon theee will be run a series .1 biuyola nose, three of which are profs/mica. al erects and three amateur. Numerous softies have been already remind from Mitchell, SeatQrth, Clinton, Lurioh, and our two town. Then •r. •uiboi.at eventa u the program to rive • good afternooe'e no int, in :which speedy riders will take part. Th. Horne County oampiooalup rocs will be run off and will be of .special interest as it will decide whether Ooderich will have the honor of possessing the county champion. The latest scientific discovery, forming a part of the complete equipage of • race meet, in tiss shape of the megaphone, will for the tint time be intr.desed is Odderteb, by means of whish the remelts of the races will be asoun'sd its the sadi...., The baseball inatob, which will take plow at 3.30 r. r., is ease to be the inset exhibi- tion of bass ball over gives in town. Our tows club is pitted maims Dns of the •[rouges club. of the East, and to the Wat- erloo R. B. Club (leaders of the Waterloo Canty league) have format to bat- tle with wort by of their steel. Our boys are is Ase trim and are gout, to pat up • muse calculated to moats the fair same ot Godericb in use baseball arena. Is the *noise at 7.30 to Skating Riak wUl be open, wherein will be beard . • and mo- oed only to Sousa of world wide fame. '1kis treat has been specially arranged so Mat she citizens of Geder{ek for the small aim of 15o, per bead, will have an opportunity of listening to the soh sed elevating strums that Cow forth from the instr.mest•, mob controlled by • master hand. The people of God.riob are under deep obligation to the young mat. and should in return give their fla•alel .id and support mad load sir presence at the eo•o.n to aid ie the mosses of the day. f TO ADVERTISERS. - Notice of changes must be loft at this a Office not later than Saturdily noon. The Copy for changes • most be left not later than Mit,n day noon. (usual Advertisements accepted up to noon 'Wednesday of e•cb week THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT ran Wast lead/ ese�o0m Aug p flu floor. wetly. pr cwt...........• 1 . t. 1 M Flour. teat. per cwt 1 M �M 1111., patent. .r11 all MMM M O i•tet.. Shona. • tan II IS lia/1 SI _'.--. 1! MD M .................... •1•b•M Rr . - 0 0 talito 00 • 12 to 13 miss.letterMAR �eob immeshed. E des• 0 to 00 to 00 10 t. 00 LMmPeldakias e M to 10 01115 111 mw 1 M m 7e 61115 s0 • 1teN111 • 5015.16 lt to 0 11 •IOto010 terselby iL ...... Plum, per bash situation. variant W AgN�T- EDA8 AN APPRENTIC5 A EArtRi ORGifu rt bey- Ayptyst WILLIAM.' •-It Lost Loon' -ON TH URRts8DA Y�A.FrTrEERNOON. lemmas the_plwlwh�llhO Iz10. t b oiete . *i +c .AvW eh• The Mader bo sombre shaped wv .fitsome M the Pest Moo Wit Cala K Thfllika ►i Ra FAMILY OF THE LATE MR8. .11, kor Mike �15�� �nsj ihmiht;. me thastwyManse t►. lie..04 death of Weir - 1 soh. Aug. Ilth, t11l au ROUND. D. BRING YOUR DRY LUMBER TO the N-- i'wragg11re o. as>r t ria .hast.. Agro HIM. TrawelleS f3utae. - ehAnL TMtt: NK !twit. W Mired �� I M• land Krpra.. Ulde a.m. Mixed 1.t, v.si. Ma .1 and Erpresi 7• t' v as. 01.11 JCT. Lae pis. Mail sod Express suit siva Mat/ and Rime's ............. • • 2 2a p. m. M,zed 2.35 p m. Mixed.. 1.63, as, For Male or To Rent. L'OR SALE. -20 ACR1y. 2i MILES J from Ooduriek. 10 acres orchard. Apples pears ums. peach . balance meadow. beau- tifullaw:. uo..! ou.eand barn. Posit of water. Everything to good repair. For par- ticulars aldres 81-11 8eta.e W. TRUDOEON. OoderI h. L ARM TO RENT -AN r.XCELLENT farm on the Rayfield Road, 7 nine from Ooderfob and 5 Prom hayfield. I It acres. 113 of which ars chards en thcleared. arm. There eb of water and the sell is a first -clam clay 'cans. A fairly good dwellies is oe the promise., also barn and .tabic.. Poeseesion given In the Spring. but ploughing awl sowing stay be proceeded with In, the ram For term., etc., apply to MIt8. IDA FiSHER or JAB. COLWILL. 3oderich P O. 1m-81 VALUABLE PROPERTIFOR MALE -situated In the Dear busine.s c etre to Goderlch. The proven, coal Weed two dwellings one well-e.luipped gasser, store. to -date up toate machine and blacksmith shop. Reasons for .e111dg, lack of railway accom- modation. Clear title can be gives. A splen- did chance for the right num. Apply to D. K. SITRACHAN oil the premises 81.11 VOR SALE 2 LOTS COR. VICTORIA 1r and Trafalgar Wrests opposite Passsore** wagon shop. There Y t the premises orae -d w.11ieg Sonepart brick and part frame ; also Meae toundatioe and cellar 70.10 feet, with additional cellar 30.18 feet. formerly used for a whit mill boi!dlna. which was burned. There is alas a the wemiees. and for eale,.se 10 -bar•• -power engine and SO-ber.p•wer boiler is stood coedit los. For further particu- 1•,spray to W. HENNING to E•et-w. 7ftilta FINE DWELLING HOUSE FOtt SALE oared housesitu • d on 1Iggldlea• near Wel- Meter, within easy reach of Lake front. and at present occupied by the owner. 1t eoutaina eeyw r0o01, wit51 Woe reception hall, end bath room fitted with hot and cold water. The promises comprise two quarter more lots, else ef which bis Iowa with Ase ornamental trees. and the ether is laid out in a good garden with ezeon.st ooleotioo email frults- 7'.,mms• mossembb, Per particulars •mpg to ember eer r. H. SPENCI. Ooderich. Poi ,per VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY ITR SALE -The brick reode.oe ovoi tot the river ad lap hrtta,,Iy .0011 the tate A. MseDer.ett an, Masge lap . 0.. emoot valuable anddedrabl• oeparti- ws- 2. The two-storey .tome dwelling house on Soot\ street ha adjelatngthe i,1* MrRxelbango . w.y�H!!rl� •1 presses occupied by pear the u , g hem and ad loarmadatog armada .t TJas �tsw formerly •eeu,d olass Wr le sad t RROW t PPRROIIDPPOOT •p 8oltettrs. OodMoh. Anew Males. AUCTIOI• BALE OF VALUABLE .heft. ofRM Umt powers .M.PRETT -Osier and b. �eam�tta�s daweesls nMvla ear- t7th sr of is rfilflk the 1s& e2v •f Owi 18111. sad .e.osisholt Mk 1sgaal the ism day 'Of DNimbrr. vireos a mm -des the vender. and ales by aam4 ma pewee of sate e�11ath 4* a • ear t�alte. nype. ih..a.d.rwthare will pj ulbi posse asps, Ms Oalberse Hegel. le the .5 11 • ws ls* seem 57 jet 55.., ma of Ha. poet Auctioneer. DAT or AUODUT. n.u01tm.h:The gnitii,i s�reat 31 ., 141, Qe•e.raom, N 5 0�� yesillarU 01 e1 the coni» �1f uKtp/hes, 14way Isar d%s oeera gr Moo [Mtn fouw�aey ead 1« 15 e\s Lk. amu Y abby• gMN mod e e� 1Men�mame�� mad w v I.. �f IM Yt0 L 1w` OdwM::I1.er laft Owed Y !ilea gest 11.114,. ef Ilaind le of w wNhln e.�ef tise& dog Per onsMaisii et tali eolt Iaiegj.,esIdle ef leZ Mt t mart est. of CCH. wFRESH MILK --8. 618- ef&MEM 4 soheob • boom. .u. puna Hairdressing. Aitntea�■llM; th/M•�i,i�w Mbar bale et ret*'esds.r- Dattathts Ord THE PHARMACY. WNW HAIR BRUSNM SSW TOOTH rxt'.H1M 811? WONGR1t REIT PERM' M81 BP? $ACHIIT POWDERS [DDT PRZ OCRIPTION WORT 8887 MZDICININ Everything the best at • D 'W !►u,B (toed Yedallet. nteasa.i1J Q.rmM. GET ON G It your . sight failing. Surely `vcome blind. attention may it is wise to them. No charge for the examination and best lengee bupplied' at reasonable prices. LASSES. shows signs 0t you would not A little timely save your eyes. let u, examine J. E. DAV [S, Phm. B. Druggist and Optician. t3PECIeL m n T. m or PARLOR FURNITURE 1 tia+re loth Panne. floe poi/eked walnut framed. worth Pt • sale pries lit. 1 elegant p.m* rigmite, sprint edge, worth re. sale price Th. 1 One Rrockett Butte. spring edge. worth 113. sale price 13+i. 1 three piece suite, beet silk tapestry. polished walnut. spring edge. worth t2K sale pries /rL 1 lhrerpieos suite. solid mahogany. beautiful- ly carved and polished. breeds silk tapes- try, •1/. sale prise •10. 1 five -piece guile. English tape .trc,hevy weei fringed all atoued • 535.. •ie price 127, 1 five -piece suite. sits cashmere, site ideas band.. heavy fringe all round, worth 0/, sew dal 11.S. 1 five -piece sulk .:ire fine French silk rugs, spring edge, heavy mill and' wool fringe an round, wor h VBS. sale price. 958. 1 four -piece suite. sila brooaeted polished wal- nut. worth PD. 1.1, taloa 1122.50, 1 as- ince suit• *rare,' pluAh. pollshsd sal nu , worth 1'C. sale price 1?'. We manufacture Parlor Sates, Easy Chain Couches, Lounges, etc . and In order to keep our hands husy dur- ing the-1.1.et season• we will for is DAY, retail •t wholesale prides. A large line of Bedroom States, Dining Suites and general ft.ru,turo at factory pores, 8111TH FURNITURE ANI) UNDKRTAK. Victoria Block. iVO EMPORIUM. New Machine Shops. NEWMACHINE SHOPS -ALL KINDS of Repair Week dew at .MaPriers. Farming lesplemrste for sale. Mach- inery. new and .nomad \mai. bought and said. iMolosi and Holism for sale. 8taad-Bates' old wages tow corner Victoria and street.- J. ,BAXTER RUNCIMAN. F. SMEETI'B PLANIIgG MIUL SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 1 take this opports- (ty to informs � that i am Mill la the tlsrl as all rumen le to ,.,.,. ,, r� y do every class et w..515. asp Ohm m0ht.a m windowd o a,eetsm a with mansard root,1. )dtlm�tis oempotltim The turaishlna at bafie t mMorW, snob ea lath. Missies pad Itmmm, a ,penalty, F. SMEBTH. Ooderl 51, July 6th 1ff16. Hotels. TtlR COLBORNE HCTEL BEING thor.11ghlr reetbd tad reluralshed, at - ling pubH.` sad the farapa4 s.'..1t . At the Catharsis •v.rvthesa wM he towed that =1:44::s �c NL` ARO. BUXTON. len and MLht1Ha Mo.setdy. Ir I8 NOT WHAT YOU EARN BUT WHAT TOO SAVE. MA==t YOU RACK. THE HURON AND BRUCE LOAll INV EST MINT COM PA KT imam -roam -CamerosHolt •ad Holmes Daro.rya--lat.rest Compousox nd weir at four per cent, pson • own num s. from . dollar upwaMe. Departgsn win dad it 15 their advantage to sad sae atm Lower -May bo oee11g at any tines without deaPrrotpy. eoaty she� security .t yg vsd w !loved ifs MtsttGr aell=1"... Street Orajmartsallitaz 15 Krivoi smi stn Oaem HORACE Hofer. J. H. OOLDOR15R Prense s. BIti11s. MISS ANNA 1. /RAW, TEACH= MUNYON'S REMEDIES W have t\s 58. Extrnet et WILD STRA W BRIM W I L$ON'4 j Rex pILL9 - the Dina Tole the a.apmst. ILST Rap rl'O Aa ���oNe ataOmit ant them. JJ „s m..