HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-13, Page 33ignal .•l •metre. M Us 1.s. whish are tan silks tar aha �s�slsl-t lea d all iisss el M if this •saes e assasesiag yen mag la om^.a.'a ems we a amisiset ••• { w1Y tease with r patraas lee iskepi its the an patios flame as lea./ e ►a. mesially seed, they t place in oommer oia iome. See what we ve se above heads. we have a very e writing papers mit wry class of business in this locality, oom d and wove, linens, ad other papers, ruled as may be required. ;yea -you -go " plan was the day the demand t paper would not be nit there are some men o many dunnen that er if the stock will ever We don't intend it to, sent our stock is coat is line with four rises. er and neat ruling. de and double dollars i columns. They Dome ban bill heads, and are ✓ thing to send aper a t once • month. They to fetch him 'round -- L11 would be envelopes, and to get theist with the demand for keep a large stock an We have now about a thousand in stock, and s will range from 76c. t0 w ]l, We handle nom tad legal sizes exclusively. ady been partially swum e some of tire beads above. however, a vast amain : under this head that to its would more than take entire space occupied by et, bet we do it all at Ts, .ons 'At Home" or a wedding considerable taste in melee metimes, but we make It y matter by keeping is the very latest and bed ■ to be had. Oauand es e rtainmente and meeting Uy turned out, from the Int neat to the most t ord and pencil a ►r s m to ezoel in all the diner o dd of work we tarn oat, specially in this. and keep ck plain and fancy papers As for .11 requirements. aha rt..ekt1.1 heed hovers a large rap d frees a bread or milk 4ekt mat calling card. from as or- s mitnisean ticket t0 a filmy em card or . handsomely ed membership ticket. facilities for turning eat this of work are "widowed by th. that thegreat bans eb 1 r by as This Hee also k+ es Le 1 th our three bast-relu►ing jOb sed are able to tarn eat in rldngly short time. 8kkk1 rig to the posterdstiertosat d , and we make a species lty n-prOWptoeles being gar sirs his respect A Rods* el sae appear in Tam Suit& fres d rga whets bills for same e1e lie • os *INC lIM be • aims i• ea aerates* sof 1011019 mew. ?IMAMS *M ve 10111/4 4.Vtti VIA►SOlLaNN• ehisd tear OWN ii/ - 1 .ihie i a eeslihteaM ed al %%IL Int1� r+lZ» 1 D..ptllew.- --e® IUQaOLSON, L U.& s5 !;e geld 's� Week a ttgaslalh. • Yita. iaprlssM M. SWUM D.D. t , t..D.8.,- UYS► AL xed tienatrat • sposlalty ever MOM de_ ends . ae Mass at.Sises His J M. TURNBULL. D.D.S.. 4Da�aSl�..s► . it =•feargilgid . tamaws trims y, the g�e/eerr.�awe the amoral teak. se Mei�ee a a•w Meek. t Msdlatl. UR HUNTER, PHYSICIAN, SUR al rarYe•T•mss • wise Marriage LNaiei. WLAN*. ISSUER OF MARRIAOK • Llmsmesss, oMeremh,1mt. >bll:ly • 14011111.i. O. CAMiDIOli. BARRISTER, SOLI- . cam ju u.vq aster, to Ofea-ear. Heatduos ase St Asdr.wess.. elite ..r. E RNEST HEA'ION - BARRISTER, Li4s ielez rr$u ry Pub to A�M oiS0 ly V CSeamy. &a BARRISTER, SOL- teltee. eamy. tie. (lmoe oyer MMt ' Kali. aquaria Oedema 1V11U. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, W- illa hvJsor, o.mmar.es.r, bac. Mow t. leas. lanes, : our. Hamilton sad met Andrew e areas Ued rtch, flet. iia t ONTUB Z. DAhiCZY, BAKR.itsTZK, L ■ewslesr, tlssve/eseer. to...to. Money toes at lowest rases. Monos's Week,U- pesos Weans Reid. Sed.risb. Oat. MAU ' N. LZWI$, BARRISTER, PRO0- 1J. for la Marnts. (?hart. et Oat•r10 e•ee-Sealb CsIbsr.s hetet. Illi 1) 0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SULKS"' the OR. he. Oft Norik.t.. seal door gNMAL Utao.. Private reads to led et Mwest rats of Interim. ietie !,ARROW t PItOUDFOOT, BAR - .A rise. Aug menJ% rouwtots. iae..,. Soda. roe. J T. ~row. Q.C.. W. Prosdleet. y`1AMEK3N, HOLT & HOLMES, • 9errtsr.rs. MLLolton la Obaae.rf fs. Yudtetua. A. 0. Queers . t1.0. ; P. Reit Dudley Helloes. G. WARD, CONYZYANIAR, U • ma.. end eamelliesser far take* and re- . o1 ball. .idev,s a - seism&s&fsdessas- es** orr say C.0 t u Is Come e1 Jewloe. the 0.°rtot M er i my (toss) le Divides Micronesian's. e•rtituu e aadrem- Oat mat LO/Wf SIBS JaUwM1• IONEY TO WAN. - 0111.10OS.00 1 Priests Fends to lead at ii dyU!glg�. ■a - i.•. M. uCi . .NKI UN. lair.eal flea.. thaw* Colb.rse Heti. eisiauleb. did YK1VATE FUNDS - PARTIES DE streusel *seise* massy ea ■MtLes f.rm smarm Sas do M ta to per hest. so - ply ug s J. A. Meta/NAOS Reese 1K old Bulldog.. Toronto. wrici t bEAGZR, (:0N VZYA3CU G 1141.) hour acalwur see eyes, lageenuIMarur.'e B.ss ON ET TO LEND ON MORTGAGE et Mate met. Notes discounted. C. HUGER, times elpe••ets Martis'. Motel. feeds rtes. FJ. T. NAYTZL, FIRE, LIFE AND • •.Debs{ moon .es agent,' at Whom rata Ole --Oar. Nott ea. and *mare. WA seek. fie 1100,01110 TO LOAN. APPLY Tu wt:AihUP t.*wane- Lr a mrm AUVt rte UONZY TO LEND. -A L. A R O le !crab tar la mamas el Meats vessaest tt ►west **elm Ma reseav Ape mese an . • 0L000W a PROUDP OOT GENERAL :iI and Mean R thay ...l>. reeresentelm‘Mearay to Lead ea mato' Mum lowest tatersa Is at the rats of s.lsg. say wt. alt Mt sorrows. scare. West .err. ted•- ere deer from ■Sh tt fl[eaeaosieue tasawte. INBTI- LIODERIOH KEOHANIOS' TOTs LERHARY AND M=ADI)IY- ww , sm. of are swam and Saws (sp dem from t • treat f ts 1e M t.n,, sad r.L. ABOUT *100 VOLS IN LIBRARY. LesdiogDsily,Wsddy wed Istrafed vranAPWr. TT MONLY 4155.ua. nneli iess ter atosebersede resolved y Libreria. In mesa 111.H. HA Llasris. ode .te►Cg h illb ilia e THOMAS GUIDRY, AUCCTsIONEZR all4 bin= Aged. them Lades _Leseseldre aheid•5 e• i say j et o[ w Muted a 00. esu JOHN UOZ, ' t 1IRAL AU0- ►at. dame �i5a la et 1.. X .n aim at ear alit oeioc* Trew OMT. LA,D svavrt ea. I. N. 013. e0. C. L OMOa5R'i*1. '�-ear. Heseheamedilemer et.64-tat At HINTS FON HOUSIKEEPER1. l Pel-Pwevt-iib hetes • gem", of t S leave, ate wN is the w5, ears a Mesa1111=141:111d _ e etas .11 ttit pwrinal, a n••oect OW. an erg MI6* �b tasM eh.r ay. Miser abut Me elemst • b. � ytdrm.wsr the same +�a /ae•.tt♦ sereablest a - a 4 rope se us fareres 0411 lts. eade . e a idi mameb I •S et amak e Is web = ts Sohn T> WitieA 110011 islat :its t a �lie+a iii■ 511 well _tsrl'M.r RIM .1 1 r44"6.1IWS:i:ri:Bb: • he yaw L .ass `ti ■ weer► y • THE SIGN AL: AODEKICH. ONT. THURSDAY AUG 18, 1896 SADLY MIXED RELATIONS. �o.�...u�... SADLY MIXED RELATIONS, feta-cA s a tri a I . How..1. I. Tarte will visit Maaltobs A Duma..e and latesleseesg Ts•s1• b New Walk /tats Ifeadnee. A eioleos ease of involved relation - WHO lo reported from the town ul &} dos, says the New York Journal. In tJts family of (Jeronimo Irenaruolo, who recently removed to that locality tram one tot 'l* western states. Pena- rvulo le an ItaJaan wbu arrived in this (triunity some eighteen or twenty years ago. Some time after his arrival a married a Mr.. Amelia Cibber, a widow wbu bad one daughter, Martha be' Mate and thou a young girl. The 1tru. Of this alliance was a sun. John, r.., . seven years old. The marriage did uu prove a happy uus, and a decre a of divorce In a western state dlssu,ved the relationship. Several yeass later Fenaruolo married the daughter. Martha, who had attained nratut ay, A sun. Charles, two years of age', ;t the fruit of this union. A few months after her daughter's marriage, with Fenaruolo Mrs. Clbo.r, who had vehemently oppueed the al- liance. became reconciled to her for- mer husband, and with her sun J• n now makes ser home with him and r daughter. The latter then aasurn.-d to herself the duties of step-m.,ther to addition to the former sisterly carr of her (halt, brother. Though he ,, act her own sun are heart, brothers to each uther,tbey also stand In the relationship of uncle and nephew. John. It will be observed, 1a not only the uncle of his brother, but 1s aim the brother -In-law of his own Lather, his mother being hie retiree' mother In-law. The son Is also a brother -In-law to his own fath- er beeause his father married We (halt) messier The present wife, who u her husband's stepdaughter, was Si sla- ter to her mother's .on. of whom she 1a now m•.ther, and alae an aunt. he being the son of her brother in law-. Ile virtue of the same relationship she Is also the aunt of her own .on. tire. Cibber Is mother-in-law of her own da r. 8he in the mother of herr husband's s' 11 Charles, who is also hey step -son. Charles 1s a nephew of •his own mother, a brother to her brother and. therefore, as stated, a brother -In-law of his own father. Mrs. Fenaruolo marrying John'. father, is a step -mother to her brother, though her brother Is her husband's son. 1 h- husband Is. therefore, the father of his wife's brother. after the melodeon of Parliament. Election prul.sia have toga are to eleven of the fourteen cowetleuinas. or New Bruaswtck. Al etegtnidse Hall Ira Saturday tea election petitions were riled, the. pro- tested orate being all held by Coaaer- vaUvea The h:xecuUv. Committee of the North tires Literal Asrielatluu name offered the nomination fur the rattail e tc flue. K'IUlarn Yatereun. North Oxford ltefurmeru will meet 1n eouvrnt►un on August 111 to nominate a successor to hIr Oliver Mowat W sop- ' resent them in the Ontario Legislative Assembly. be via. Daus•t e." Linen collars and cuffs will prove a refresbing part of the summer girl's toilet There Is something very dainty about them, and they are a neat con- trast with the Mils and collarettes of Lace and chiffon that are as l,lentlful as daisies In the field. Apropos, ob- aervee the Toledo Bee, it was the linen cuff and the quick thought of the woman who wore it that gave us one of the prettiest of the tuneful Strauss waltzes. Johann Strauss and his wife were one dal' enjoying a stroll ►n the park at Sehonau, when suddenly the composer exclaimed. "My dear, I have a waltz In my head; Wales, give me a scrap of paper or an old envelope. I must write It down before I torg(t it" Alas, after much rummaging of pockets, It was found that neither of them had a letter about them -not ever. a tredeem* n's bill. Johann Strauss' music's eonsit:er,d Ilght, but it weighed as heavy as lead on his Drain until he could transfer it to I paper. At last a happy thought struck Frau Strauss Sh. held out a snowy Stuff. The romp•+'• r clutched 1t eagerly and in tw., minutes that cuff was mart_ uscrlpt. Its mat• followed; still the r Inspiration was incomplete. r Straus, was frantic, and was abo'it to make a wild daub for home. with the third part of his waltz ringing un- certainly In his head-hts own linen i was limp colored calico -when mudden- ly his frau bethought herself of her collar. and In an Instant the remain - Ing bars of 'The Blue Danube" des- 1 opted Its surface. The fullowing Mltttsterr were elected by acclamation on Friday: Mr. W. Laurier, Quebec East; Dr. Bordeu. King's county, N.8.; Sir Henri July d.,l LotiMalere, Yort Neuf, Que., Mr. Myd- ne. Flatter. Brume. Que.. Mr. Charles Fitzpstrtck, Quebec county; Mr. W. Mulock, North York; Sir IUch&rd Cart- wright. South Oxford; and Mr. Davies. Queen's West, P.S.I. *1:•s. CI". R. age :s have received a circu- lar Instruct them not to aoarpt damaged c ..is la future. American sneer is a nulaanoe In Montreal, and as the bank. retu. W accept It from the Btieet Railway Com- pany the company Is compelled to re- fuse It in future. In the United States there 1. no im- provement in the general trade a1Wa. Una The crops of wheat. oorn and cotton appear likely to be quite average crops. despite rumors to the ountrary. and the predicted low estimate is not regarded as of say aceount. The Clevo- land strike appears to have been set- Ued, but It has .heady done incalcul- able harm. A anion labor struggle ..tong the garment -workers of New York is still Ip progress. The boot and shoe trade. which has been so tar exceptionally favored for some tuns with buslnema, shows signs of slack- ening Wt. leather 1s reported as scarce In sorne grades with prices generally steady, and buying is only for Im- mediate use; hides are in large supply. and much weaker. There is ogle a light demand for Iron at low fig%rea Comrer.la.l failures In the United States for the week ended Friday are given as Zai. against M1 for the ,Fore responding week last year. .'e. Nati Pr.lt..a, %.tl.. Bir Donald Smith has left Montreal for New York on bin return to Lon- don 1t is stated that M. Rlbot, ex -Prime Minister of France, col;; visit Canada In September. Hon. Mr. Harty has returned to Kingston. and will take an ocean trip for his health. Lord Russell of Killowen, Lord Chief Justice of k.'ngland, who la to vlstt Amerlea. wIU said for New York on the steamer Umbria on August S. In the garde -Buller divorce case in London, in which Mrs. garde -Buller sued her husband fur judicial sepera- tion on the ground of adultery, a vers dict was given for the complainant, and the cuts suit was dismissed. The rumor that the Queen will abdi- cate in favor of the Prince of Wales wee revived In London. It probably arises from the statement that the Primo and Princes. will hereafter oc- cupy ltuckiagham and Windsor Pal- aces, Her Majesty. whose health fs poor. retiring to Baimoral. It in now stated In London that the Queen wen not abdicate la favor of the Prince of Wales, who, without being formally appointed Regent, will perform the duties of that o8to•. CA5VVALTI ata. Mr. Morrison Hewitt. a yardama. was killed is the Stuart -ate. -et yar Hantlkun Mr. Seth Young, the well.$rtow horseman. was struck by a train London and kilted. The rmialns of Joseph Loftus. arntlton boy, was found beside alley track In liulalu. The deaths from the railway ace! dant near Atlantic City number 44. eoros.er's Inquest begins to day. Four thousand people were drown'- n the northern provinoe of Kiang iu China. by a tidal wave rive mile• lui.g John Entwistle. who was one Blrchall's guards at the Woodst ja . was killed on a railway In Mich! n, d. n at a a d t rick A Candid Ark wow l.dem.nt. • Two Brockville men had a scuffle on board a steamer near Prescott They en overboard. and one, Mr. A. Master) on. was drowned An Imperial tlovernment transport barge turned bottom side up in Bali - aa harbor and deposited her cargo at he bottom of the sea The German .gunboat Itlis went down in a typhoon off the Shang Tung promontory. Only ten were raved out of a crew at as omM er. and men. Arthur Oregon, a Bell telephone Ilea. man, wbilo working on one of the company's poles ria M0Gl11-street,llont- r'••l, tame In (thereof with a 1!ve wire and fell forty feet to the ground. When Dkeked up hewas dead. Am.Ib,e Reek'. imddea aralbo I- t the NI5allw wen mot a melees mese slight my is the rttr of .wide deaths Preen heart Lilac; that emir week M • reoord bleaker, ever thea wk.ek has preesdmd ►t Then. sever ens a tis,m when greater need mowed foe howl rag the two (L.g of damper. sad appeals.' to nes sad woods1m all ms- dadens of We le keep within solvesiest reaeb a heel* of Dr. Aa•.vr's (lee. ter tbo newt. Wise the •ttgbte.s systems, et beset sresbt* relief le erred witbl.. hell as hear el seise this at.d,sda.. The eamm of 1. W. I s., N Terms. Jemm s, who heed h.e es.sabsehe spells fee eiguw .as* . Wag 1.a•as.'ly wed by this cat s ideals, i stays ea. of tbwsamd..1 bsetsaese Mat weld M wed. He le the young man who writes th• newspaper advert.sements for a large mercantile firm. He writes them well. too, and enjoy -s lite as Is the pried -We t of a man who has successfully &willed himself to his business. Among a num- ber of friends with whom he was talk- ing was one whose long acquaintance makes it possible for Ilim to say thing. which would be resented by other Pre- pie, ear pie, says the Detroit Free Press, "It seems to me," reked the friend. "that you an a they lucky man.-- -Well.- was the reply, "that lo what the envious always say of a man who makes a success of literature. 1 have no doubt that remark has been made of nearly every man who has worked hard and finally prospered." "Taw seen to take a rather serious view of your calling." "I have to. It means shoots and neck - Iles and house rent and three toads a dal and lots of otber )Ittle things that make lite pleasant." "StOU, I don't think ft Is very much to be proud of.' '.Perhaps not. I struggle with m1 self-esteem every now aid then." 'Weil, this period of civilisation has oertaloly produced strange demands.' 'That's u. There's the keynote of the whole situation. When I reflect tkst I am making a good living In an Sea when Shsbe.peer5 or Lord Syron would probably walk the streets la vale looking for a Joh. I tell Tem. j cafr't help getting a MW. bit p and I might lust as well own up to Itr bah 1'p'ew C.veews. ne"and under the silty or ilia r full d eay.res of anknows A man was 00501iggtes a well a.Pa Tie Net strobe be gave with Ore bet ted est ata he d telt ebeorw togb, s(tbody tamers pads Qs ihti. Mm rlw a.velle f seen . plays se the 4b. i petite, the mime eialtassei geatlemeell. and matured a AWL awe MOW* illeidempeeee by sea but is.r .yUirrlIre to taws bar a Steal eli tiesd+. llama. That have li aa- --1 Mk. what tree a heels. law's. Pm, coy =IV rteahRioa, mis v, inneber - axle Cat sand tartlet A iamb pest nip : Wtlies • par- rs ` • urge amp vrivmd lo • bagap •t tbm 0rmajjerwr M ea kis w the unit �e . eta diedUThsrei.. be as ed 5.4 two mdrtaf seers eie M w Pew mors* INld areas. W Whoa the Steed bad t db.al.. • large, Meek one appeared w the sass., sad eras the bha.tieht4 aemieatisely .p to the sips sad k�3s 4 0m. Iris ams. wPPs4 Nwhet ► rises M ase J tis .tt.- rbei eels •al. alts ss` eawb MiS Mr. sselses as it ihp t15 ▪ ▪ _ mesa •eS*tela akar hat yerdie2 OW 006 he yearly W swell* lWh Laa =Pi" 4111101i 110.41 .11114% dairrelDrI illeediate law w 4,k „ Team ask 11hAat► p Softs. 1 IMAM A TRIPLE ALLIANCE. TWAT MAO seg t1 1Y0Y tgil►IICT-Tali TOWN ua$AT SOOT. A.liaL41 Mi 1111n rivals FAIL IX Tal OMB Or UMW YA11111, a1D1 ST D.t5AaS AMD TUB weaaf Mani YF 15 ueuMiNM . ' The Hees peat 8aate Mane* RgsedMe bare bees caked lace wife wseh nosy a dogeeale soca,. bot the ear Is yet to be menial when they Mw sea ease est the view. If we take Swath Amoral* Rites. ke se bW- ae away thieves'ea dives' plasm wh the bops el driv- 1.e the dime* tram She sy.ta 0*. Mads wet • draws est ei Asps had ah• Bmgees .1- y� be Ike Amerie. M y Y gs °ailed sato eeuos, unlike palls rod pow- ders ami mediums of that kind, it testae - deathly disw►vs the brio meld sad hardened ao nub.tmee that ouestltatm that Mmes., bed the system nd of Limos i•east- ed.. • esnoes est - ed. Mr. D. J. Loose, .1he Sherbrooke, Que- bec, says be spent over 5100 is treatment ler • oomplieated hems of kidney dises.., bet vs revived so falai. After take./ a few doe of South American Kidaoy Curr ho felt an wonderfully helped, d, to ousts his own words, " I have now taken tear bottles mad °s rider my sett oom pletel y oared." Tworms w a en tomo of Isdi■estwo were hired by tar m0f South Americas Nor - vise. It non the serve moiresmoireslocated baseat the bof the brain, from wbe°h some ail nervous troubles and diaorden of the stomach. Mia H Ntapeltoo, %t'inghata, Out , Saye : "I had bow trout -►ed fee • n umber of years with nervous debility, la- the....s um sad dyspepsia, sad had *s treated by • number of the best physicians in mid d England. I was advised to take South American Nervine, and must my w if J had not desol would not have hiss . live today. 1 will sever he without Sold by J. E. flavin. ass* Cameo. the stark .t the peters* w bey. bees eared by it lest* like %iyry Mr. D. Deaea.td., .t Pet.rh.re', .a>ti e.dt.la terribly Ir.a rhesemi*...het he wes t.rd by dodoes tea different Sea*.a aroma desseet..d. Hie Ids leg to weaned is • planer .1 Paris east for sees our w..k after mist Smith Ks,. heats Care Ws purest wes like a man, mad N • atom sero was eo.pke1.1 oared. K hes Beth American Kids ey 1,ve Pretty simanser S.dr.eae there, A very pretty and artistic way in which to treat the floors of bedrooms', especially those in Sennet boors, u to enamel them in the ool.rs seed on metal bedsteads. These sow .beds harmonize beautifully with the sew wall papers and the matting moi denim need for wainscotting. Moo. - green ,Maes stain and the dell hopper Dolor used on roofs are very effective with white woodwork, and Dimon blue Gomm.' is Just the Clung ler the tlooe of • room where the feehnoa.ble Delft oolormg r desired. No matter whet oolor u chosen, the effect e ill a better 0 tee floor Matchers the tone of the walla The enamelled floor should be varnished .sd b.swaxed to eon the best resolute In atoms, or in pointing doors the mistake is often made of burrying the work. lo be well done the work must be vert• slowly done, allowing pleats of tints for every oast of mint to dry thoroughly beton another is applied. 1t is • very de- sirable thing, d po•uble, to have Lb. floor tmtouobd for at least twelve boon attar the rubbing ria of the final application of oil or wee. The floors must be allowed to Set sad hairdos without disturbing jars it you are dsirom of haviame them pretest . thoroughly swiataotory appearance.- Hales Jay to Iodise' Home Jeered. She- Every time ser of us girls gots mar- ried father plans • tree ea his estate. - Ho ---A much bettor plan would be to Oast a boo« there. nat pain knocked ut 1111. lee. Ycgss, Druggie1 Peterbao : Dasa Ifs - I hoe been troubled with Neuralgia MOM Or Ism for n yam. For the pan lGMyst%eritare have �'a saki tot winter. Mew you �„ .4.10.1 an to ery a bos PINE geweere Aber Wig three w mar .s43 . ea pile aft i serinued tie&, amenrser, uemeY Yeee berme were a taboo. d bn kd as meaner e i el Me ■.i he •loot dee or is mamas, 0. J. J401 , arklIssemo., oat lire Powders arra P..Mfvy Cure her Wbormaseima. ■oasis esMWIsfLalkl♦pe Bolds ('od.rich by J. S DAVIS. CASH for BUM ad EGGS have min •tem DRYGOODS STRAW HATS whist I am minim at • r.du.tion i prices at the Cash Grotl>�ry H. J. H es►. lil=a;"aid Cesare. PANOAKE BREAKFAST 1. the wee let ahem imam d tn. yet, it seaVv weer seslMM tbft bshna res w01 bare WW1 mems et ear OAK 211111M -IL bspeititaend wle MUM ptirta MApLE SYRUP .teal Reed w Oise •Silt llws.sakta O.A. NAIRN. WHEN NEXT YOU AU BUYING, ABE YOUR DIALER FOR "LUDELLA" CEYLON TEA and you will then have an opportun it of enjoying something really delicious. You may suit your pocket, as it is packed in four qualities, 25c., 40c., 50c. and 60c. 11 Lal Packets Oily. Press BROIERS i4/ BENERIL STOREKEEPBRI. 7►1, In Buying a BICYCLE, it pays to BUY THE BEST. And doubly so when the best costs no more than one not so flood - Common Sense is one of the best wheels manufactured in Canada, The Ladies' Wheel 62-3m being constructed on principles to give_the greatest possible comfort in riding. A number of second hand wheels, in good repair at low prices.' FOR SALE BY GEO. W. THOMSON, POTMAHOFF TEA. This new blend of tea for fancily use is now on sale a: our --store. . We have also the finest in FRUITS and VEGETABLES and keep on hand full lines of best Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables, STURDY BROS. The Grocers, on the Square. E 7TTJDZL T13.41.211' CSOLD IS A BUSINESS. OR SHORTHAND COURSE IN THE Forest City meta, College We have leaned the whole of the third floor of the sew t',M t'.A. bundlag and are taring It fitted up e.pecially for our work. Besides a superior course of instruction, ws have advantages pos...hed by no other school V Wireseene Ontario, College Rs -open!. Sept Write for Partloulars. J. W. W MST M.t-i,V $' LT Principiat. x)riomm4nonopliAromm4nonk.togyg 3 No Wonder 3 es-nyt suweiyureps spe4 Ialfcl/s ley Em �a tlyQel fa (fallr " 3 R PI 9sfuraifiy 104 111,41D Lit; E41 ely'a mea flea Ide>ttyliearel mf lac- lelo 41: Lib ea getting B. g. &duly'. Miffebes. AgrAcarrit**,~14;AMAIGATAlkinkX • CASH FOR WOOL ammemegannenspoommo e TAN R YOUR WOOL TO THE Goderich Woolen Mill where yes re tp>s fall volas Oa jaw armed ({otos be '..brag. lir ear peps*/ WOC/1.4.i.sEaST Cs.00Df3 Wehire a owe ure e e Is P. eea = ass" terse we will he :Miler M Ile %~ re, MONO wise Is e"e ., re' Ie ere. We re pa. .CUSTOM WORK its .R w homed•, tree a eel Order, •.d watll.h OaS jid11f1i, lb We eco release e. M"'Lemesielg Tweak Trf...air„ ~ Ike •b pPin% aim Wool. quoilly el 0 SIGEL G. M. OOLLINB.