HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-13, Page 1TO Burr IS Til UNRAPiBT -As&- THE SIGNAL WT. THE T- A DING NEWSPAPER OF HURON OOVNTY_ ONE DOLLAR WILL I'AT YOU THE SIGNAL Toe. Osi Yeas. FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2582 4ODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY AUG..13, 1896. D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS - AUG• 13 PoeFriday Moran'. --Joist Rebelling' 4 Western Fair -Thee. A. Browse Farm se K«t-Mrs.. Ida Fever D,Mers Gave Her Up -Fulford & Ce Geed, Ria►, Freak, MUk-8 Bhomee Hair Ik dap -Mrs. lasso Fisher. Fumy Goods 8ale- R. B. Smith Deeded Tttaake-Mesesw Sharkey Property ter 5.1s --Trudges. Estate Plaineng--U•atle Bros There* Comsat --Devisee t Ce. Mtbamsser Ber tate hole - W. Ashman t 8.. • • Reedy MadeCletbme-Jas. A. Reid. . Go to Yat.. -Jas Yaw Binder Twin. --A. Mai). Allan Lost -Pmt Olive - Boy 16 eat•d-Wlliiases' Herter Mise 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 5 4 6 6 TOWN COUNCIL lstadte• e1 the Moat Begetar )aeNbg settees Medi. Present, His Worship the Mayor, preeid tnn,d.puty-neve and oos.cillor. Tboeipeot, (moue, Colwell, W'Mos, Saunders, Nun, Campton, Nieheies, Dealop, C..ielue Craws. Minutes of last regular and special meet - tags read, approved and muted. Tro•ssr r'e report foe July was read_ het z* r Ta. Halmos from Jam B. P. R..ewal Itemised Cewtory 22 00 Piddle Schools 420 00 Elea Light Rotas.. 106 78 Tabes 317 10 l:'1jMbwrp t (Attlee.. 26 00 Imams 586 33 Pubes Weeks 7 00 Water Rates 386 01 810000001 11870 22 114172 52 inneraSMtere. 1'.mp.g St•tee .... 978 30 Fare D.pesamot... 250 I'ubhc N'mks 252 13 M•itl•ad Cemetery 58 73 Debenture Lter,.1 125 00 Beek Interest..... . 13' 65 Bills Pa able 10000 00 Water R'tidos ...... .. 106 07 and Of Zip .... 38 95 separate Schoou.... 100 00 Relief . 31 00 Elecueo (a0000.1 . 46 44 1'rtnung. Advertis*mg 14 15 Speeaai Groat.. 109 66 Suavity •.seas.. 5 77 Salary •ooea.t... 222 88 Public Salmis 417 64 Ramis ea Head. . 1533 66 12638 88 000.tmiaetiee w read free' K. Fred. Kerby, eekneg permission to point the f.see of the old Agn.ale ural "moods wee read, and on rodeos' referred to public works oommat es to ooueider and report. A oommasm.Noo from' T. H. Rothwell, r.gardese the q.aauty of water that would be squired mod other as•tters oeoeerniag oold .forage were read, se were ashen of J motion by Cosamubrs C.mptoa end Seue- den es to the quantity to be wrested free w• to the said empathy. Tbe whale q..etios will be decided at next .eetme. Several a000u,ts were read sad referred to Name oomtwittee, sed me from Mrs. Dsrrrck for e6 45 ordered ze M peed. Rapers et Name ...mitt.s rm.sm..ad• hag payawst of the followiss .oeeot. was d :sd. gt...Al., 840 71 : Star, 70 69; A Kirkbride, 17 70 Report of apse*! oommittee. 1 our oommattei n the atter of the oommuatcattou of E N. lows re the sight w•tchiog of the Bedford block invited Mr. Laws to attend • meeting of this o.m- mattee and be bailor failed to attend such morn, we remmmeod that .o settee be taken u the matter. Oa mote= of Chair- men Wilma , oeoe.ded by A 3...4 n, the report was adopted. Report .1 esoet.ry oommi• tea. leer aamesittee have ezo.ied the m- oose' .f Thee. Hood, sad reoomm ed Cymen%, w tat •'aettmoei•1 remains, I. Heed's Mae service to the eerpor•tioe Prepared sad to m by the neat. e.0. mattes el D.tOlabla , ..s..ded by lee. Crsrgia, the report wee seaweed. The fire oewadttee reported that the aortae had boae put is workbag ardor ed teat a soeeassfel neat hod been made. The report was laid en rase able till mit mete NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. !rem our own Oonwpoodonto rhea r imemete. M Ttint masses be renal enemies Use tress se the essay,poMamy Mipevw Mir The ,lest. LEEBURN. TOnDAY, August 4 Dr. W. H. Clomp, of KJg•r, is vtruoe here. Ta .ommesios service on Sunday .w • fair attender.°, of members, and ea impres- sive •ldrees w•e d•liv red by the paste-. Rev. J. A. Terabit'', of Toronto, at w eine peter in oowaeetios with this appoint - meat, made several calls m former parka- IMMO here Friday of last weak. a. Me wheel. DUNLOP TOssoaY, Aar. 11. Miss Nie *artist', of Dorset, is visimeg rsletivee and friend. kern aid u (iod.rtub to "reship. Mies Hyedmam returned to Exeter on Woodsy of last went after • .iz weeks' visit to reletavr here. Heavy rata storms with the numerous thunder clap..md I*gbwing flambe•, marked manias of the drat week *o August, checking moos harvesting. At the slow of the wte& grata cutting with the bender was very dif- 6oult, the groes b...r flatuned by tilt ram. 1 our *tribe ealoyd • pleasant vim to otter • Hul this week *wing several old meads. 1wt.•d of the moon and the metals *taro sad the light. of the farmers' bones to sot w • Nide, the 8ashes of the Iigbto*ag daring the ran .roto oo Satur- day and S.adey evs.*.g fulfilled the our - pow. But we baps future vetta won't be bampred by the elements. Meanwhile, • little bird whispers, '• flask BLUEVALE. WtnrttaDet, Aug. 12. Walter Ruther(prd r ea the sack list. Mrs. Se.dersou, of Termto, u yidder in the village. Ida Berkley, of Michigan, is vieitiag at W. Mover's. Miss Dioaos, wt Gtderieb. varies( M*.. Lillie Mo... Mfr Bird M01 r.cken ham returoe.l from her vest to Luck.ow A ember from Blueval. emended the rams la H' eaghem Ieet week. Mass Mabel Rem, of W ioghem, spent • few days last week vimmo4 Mrs. Conte. Bob Winters sad Hugh Johannn"' teat on the Orae,. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit Miss MAN 11 me b+. r. "reed from visit- ing her deter, Mrs. ziecdt....1d, of Chesley Meme Mini. •od K .t . re Rose end Mies Bedie load, of W'torb.w. *past Mosley in to viUAge. Our foot ball team went to Brussel. that Friday evea*ov and •.ie defeated 3 to 1. eh Better lbek next tine b. ye. - M DUNGANNON. sepses. -The pooh! m,.00y la 1)ua,eoson ter Tee 0.t(At sat the .ileo of J. e. Ward din for veutron .. we. will receive tr. . 1>d.m.. adven.a*tg and Joe and is authorised to Ore r'ortpts rot t mo•.ts ped tor the Noma R Tuj.DAY, Aur. 11. W**.:heti 1**ot1Ti.--Quite • s.WWr of to our equip* sports took n the mom at W tugboat last week. and enjoyed tb.ta.d. vee. Rt-opay.-The roam! people are looking forward to nest Meed•y.--as ou that day the public ..boot. r• opera -very gloomily, 4 sobs steno. of the holiday term being Comma AND Gone. -Miss Marta Peat - lead, of Timmer W. C. Garvie .cod wife. of Harytet.s •ad formerly of Duman - nos, are visiting relatives as this village mod noway. Vtern su,-Mime Id. Sallow., ofilbtowet, Co. Perth, lied formerly of Colborne town- ship is as • veer'•g tow so relatives, and former asym•i.t•ae.. We hope the will ave o lied time. Mew- -Oa Thurd•y of Wt week • ;Mem amid emuomefal poem seder the amnion .1 de ladies of this Methodist shag& was held m the b.e.iital lam. et Jobe Molasses, West Wow/meek. tyles or MONftaPAL CoCI*C1t -The .ensespel laths.e of tae township. of •.b- d.Fd and Waw Wawtwm► W*U woof in talc ..-ie ive Mwssimp ails ami 8•s.rd•y, the 151+. MS All esaoerood will govern demi- Mum a..ordrly. Ltrr Hama- Ch Twd•y moraine. Charles Nevem lett hers Or Priem Albert. he the North Weis. He has sneered • good pwsrm le she Collegiate Isesi stn there. Hie mesy himmid& e..gr.ttd*a Idea hoping be will mmmese& • Cann DenrrSD-D.ri.g het week • lady's aid • bo.by'..ape dropped off • bog - try Mimes de gravel read sad 1'ler.ap,en am 9 •mid 3, West Ww•.ea8. My per- use Hadi g tien will please have tem •s the raidenee el J. 0. Ward, J.P.. Deana - ass. Colima AND GOING. -Was. M.ri w, est ,.pilar greeter. is es . btaimi.ss try a Wide Weal My. W. crib hial ods reams Mro Hoary 8•.kle and &Oben. .f OM4- denim. Mem-, sem visaing hese Mia Psi b r .cod to e m it es% of Wk &Nd, Om.. OS atiWMt rmlNlbes. Os Thursday mein .f net week Henry P. Term. arrived es the meads of Jake Mdasea with • party .f boys frees Sleds Mb to enjoy • de mid en ghee .16.1.4. They were Righty dewed Wiallwarythleg. s.peshlly the fair seg. w w merfj I.s8 keg hrwsrd M wefts iwiL S■lwee Ammer -We rseM to Imam le mom thea ea het Rat.iy, winiasymb- aM wMob d Walser 8wmidwifes* by le t et, of Leelineer net ddrerny mead with fry w itheMd mill. thereby nghe mimes will,* Mem Ma from ma pert of the third elm Tun W.tltgi► Doehig the eighile et Tuesday mei Wej iselay .f bee week • Neely 100. d Ihenher mad hsbtdeS puma oyer neielty. • The iI g.eelas de see a- - df • Sk. Mea Sleet *ea the hie W braes mM nebre thadmg lased p Nie, with tbaader •ad ligament were e mir. up to the present. Doisu Wttt.t.-W.. oases with the may mesas of Frisk Smithies are plowed to Nees that he 1e sss.ssltog well t• Lisi.wel Where be merles es ss extrusive bass.a.s in epao4'ens, had mdertak*.g, dee tat be molar is in Roar noeltb. Mn. Ballow. h ad her sea Fro •k were residence d Col - bores for • es see e1 years .ad have • Fargo circle of native. mid friends is *hie h oot'.n es mon .y. DAIRY NOTES. The Itxso.tive oommtttes of the Asaoeas. mos at is the secretary's oltioe, Leedos,o. Auleet let. Tb.tst were preemie A. F. Mc- Lires. M.P., of S:retlord, presides' of the •mooiattot., John Y. Pewee, Londone sod R. M. B.11wtyee, Stratford. es/ Further err.spem=u were made in refer. oboe te souring speakers far the next .8- n u.l oouventien to be held in the city d Brantford ou J•auary 19, 20 ..d 21 next. Ex -Gov. W D. Hoard, of Wi.00aus, sad J H. Mowed, of Niue'., wilt in .11 prob- ability tie preseut on that ouo•..ton. Ex - Gov. Ward .. well and i.vwebly known to Cau•duo dorymem and his vest to Hreat• ford will be Lathed forward to with • great deal of ple.ure. J H. Moored. though* cwt wi well kouwo to dairymen Sere, is • valuable mon at. sur term-rs' gathering. Hie practice* knowledge of dairyt..4 maker his addrv..ea of value to d•ir_yme. and e thers who are privileged to bear nim. J. B. Muir, tu.truotor over the !yn.Losa fleet with • venous accident • few were. ado wbiob hem prevented him aktag the regular syudio.a work for some tune. Mr. Moir, with • few exospuooe, has event two days with moil maker in tbe group and wonlo have .beet oompleted hes titled tour bad not otrocmetaoose prevented- S. far the results have bees gntify'ng and indicate that the A.•noiattoe has .t last Adopted • w eenie wbiob, if taken op by the factorise, will produce • bettor and more uniform ar- ticle et chew. The secretary of the As- smietien ham visited warty .If the erode. oath tactoriee during Mr. Mair's itiaees,who is expected to be able to take hie work is • few days Owing to i11 health, T. B. Miller, the Ai- sooutioa's travelling ee.psotor ..d *..true• tor, ban been formed to leave off work for • few weeks. In the ne.nume. tastes.. de- siring •mosaooe is at.ktsg, oto., will 8. looked •iter by the secretary or some other 000peteot person. Though there hare been numerose owe pluute about the quality of chem.. tan NM - eon, fwt:•ries have net taken *detente,' of to Ieetrustor s earner as much as sober years. The make is many factorise No bats w smell that f•ctorymee are loth to pay the nominal tee for such wrvioo. It is better, however, to incur this little expense Mae to be loaded up with inferior dame. AddrrM and rre.e.aites. A large number of the membe.s of Chris. ties FAWN orer. of A.btie Id I'reebyt.cri.0 oborob mot .t the Marge no Tithed'', even- ing, Aug. bth. to take the opportuoi'y of owing Mete esteem for thatr p.etor, Ire•-. ✓ Rose, who has severed ht. cosoeat ,. iib that cungreratden. 8. Hvk-.tt, on Lobel( of the S•o4ty,ree.i •ddro.., M se Anne presenting Mr '.e .iib • puree ne mo•..y e• a token of b- •aprem•tton of the members. Mr to a few ..root* worts, exprered h.. gratitude to now presen% eroututng m ver freest them or sew to have as interest In them wherever bis lot may be oast, and concluded by offering • word .f prayer for their future welters. The ddr.s rune as fellows : Due AND Rev. Cts, -As the time is DOW seer when your on•aesttoe with w w II be severed. • ciraurn.anm whose we deeply regret., tee. the members of the Y P s C f;, desire to ooevey to you our appreciation and gratitude for the keen Interest yon have bias in us we for the sernest tied untiring efforts you have put forth te •damns the welfare of the young people of the emirs ✓ eties. It was with this object in view von organised unmet, se • moiety of C R, Siem its .res.inesieo your vel for fie Progress mid dvamoests.t never relaxed. In the pws of your labors you always found time to be present at its comb., and vim veers aver ready to ep.•k a word is due see- m ▪ so the young people .me.mbled. It was lbrosgb your preverful earnest ',import that the swni met with wok .hoot's end wee web • power foe rood among the young p•rple, • fest which bee bete frequently testified to by many of the members of the ▪ ged by all. A.ay, and whish brs •e- . alt the 8ss, smhas dem towards briegngw IN young maple to Cbrktt and maw them w eked wet from de world. it will be • seer.. .l deepen regret to es It, deer yes ge frees asassg 1 se •a& your support is lest to erg doth.. sbenld Noncom by ing enness Maim frees widensverse te mob • moldy Dada" year .,jeers mown es as motor daily M. bas hose • &e .zsesple for aseb et es. what yen aye ands in word yen ciw maimed he •Mien. Yen have dem year defy Is every way .sd salty tbe seed whish yes Nee sews hese brims forth ender. (1s4's htseem,. • beentM•1 b.rv.* Kay to Meshes .f Gd he wid yea mad years sena my is prewper y.. ie 186 sow fish la w►Mb you are Mid to INsr, and 1• sekaewledg- bee year mum ash faithful work a.oagni e a Sere we woad s& yeti to mem el die small tribune se a timing* seem lar yea 4. .4 o(r puJ 1iam .f our year label* se. 81,.4 4. behalf mewl of re. .misty. M. L. MoKnewn. Ra, R. B Annemeno, V14. Pres. isg. The water .ed light committee reported that advershmende ad hem inserted ie "Want gapers for aerie( the Make pipe. for the ergotism el • Mead pipe, and potting In o.*•d= ...t systole,bt sy., andalso tenders for enhrgas4 the w•Merw.rks baibli.g fee the repepden of the sieve ..cb- leery, and that the whole of the above week to pro eded wish M sees, .Ise Mt the committee 8...powered to send • pi.n of wrieed se wbiob to sttuet o Meed pipe. (hi motion .1 dopey ram, ee.aded by D. ( melee. the report woo ad.p u4. *loved by • laseders, .mead.& by Jae. ( ralM that the rawer, Fa" toll y mi rem M b. • e.e.• .racier with • ..- from to Herti.altstd .ad Aimed - tuna sesi.Mise as be the bean .pisses et res• vel, -i 4 their Randles i. the G.yssor General end Lod Aberdeen. CerrMl. Moved by J. Lady i.e. by a Deelq. 18.t the $nada .M4 Sam Sall delis ay. titt ee eite Mw�NM• fd. The ylawe relating to Ms Mir w.&. wed she ism- �e'ot thin Nee weesewer d the third IN* and wd ally mead. Omani Mae aly.stad. FttON'e Pea*Day.-TU.ssuwwe Fraser. '111 b. • big day lee O.d.iak as WNW No �etMY•lee elm ham fledaad 1M day s elle hetieay era .0d hem l-'- e.. 01 ow, shim; le }ass wide es he ow game harsh M Mie was►. 01e thee will he 'wan le the We all dap. lbws who de w ears M baae bas end Msyrl same man jam~ "•• II* se Whoa 14 en ash� Lew ase el tieM Masao es Mho • PN.e shmems ♦d. Men se • Me masa mit I. earned Ma fat seyie. Mill no m•. le mem le • mot well hamiglas sent tat keep he deg* most This ems tnthe Mem a NM et FittiN Chemdede t.mie8ee troy and N *8 1SssNallasatera's MOW. b dilly maims lis b.Mhl Iwo* wblrb .web ~trtrti'�asntw• a b rasessseinsi /milk bob NNW= :nisad bs idll soil lop Ile vests - tg ON sort sell MA lb Illos Is iii:Vrili ereellift Mar psfs.s./ 4WD. fag own stthat M M le mow ad*NW DOMINO AND GOING Mu. Mary MoDeseld is vimti.g as Here.. Mies Mary Sharma is holidaying at Mee sa. Harry Sheik reversed to Mo.Mwl es Friday. Noses W. Cos has r.s.rsed to Lea. i.Rtoe. Harry Brown was netting the del het week. Mw Word.s returned no her home .t Toronto. W. R Miller, of Tombs, arrived b sews Saturday. Mw Blair was visiting in Brawls the poet week. L. H Dtokso., of Exeter, was n town o. Thursday. R. W. Kelly, of Blyth, was in town on Murder !OVER THE HURON TRACT Peet I TicowCh hero. Parise (nice Jo/metes) is as fetes • 1_1 Ww again Grey : Thee. Forge me, Bon of Jame Par- Iwo, er- 4 u , 91:11 MM., Y here es • veil after ani deem .f 6 yews. H• M mimed to New twsehheg Is Menem had 044*. to (Atonias with 16 aero, beteg 9 days ea the wa. r. Femme will testate here for 3 or 4 meta before returner to hie home is the West. nipsal an the West. sem in Californias ani • ss.. ie BMWs Colembes. He ewe he M OMIet from the Loo111 MU • Weedily Mee$ .1 0M.ty New. Served .e m Mia Sveyhedy - Pith .M Petit tapped .ad ms.de.sed Wrens livery mie*Ns. hemLOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. M..'. skirts 25d. for 150. Saturday even - Big at Robinson's. Every person feet with the pant week ad- mitted it w.. warm. Regular meeting el Huron Lodge, ho. 62, I.0.0 F. chi. evening. Robi..oe received the Bron shipment of Fall manes this week. The Chosen Friends will meet in regular session tonight, *Thursday). 8. P Hal1's new dwelling will be complet- ed by the sod of next moetb. Reinter meeting of Hero* Chapter, No. 30, R. A. M., next Tuesday evening. The Harbor Park was crowded <. Sunday enema. with onuses trying to get 000l. J. Job. Tighe swot Sunday and Moed•y is Detroit. R. H. ('ell's., of ExMe,, was in tows o. Saturday. Cas. A. and Char. Humber were is De iron this week. Mies Rusk returned on Monday from • 1441 to Detroit. Mr.. J. W. V.natter returned on Sitar• day from Sarni*. The fop whistle was persuading us early Tuesday morning. Mrs. (t'apesin) '.* m. MoLe•a, of Detroit, is vatting ea town. Mu. Minor Campbell te speoding • few week. •t Cbt•nyo.. John Abell, of Se•forth, was visiting in Godoriob last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. i_ Scott, of Stretford, were in town Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Hutchison, of Montreal, were in town !amt west. Rea Brophy has refused from • visit to relatives to the country, Key. Aliso Seeger, K A., pre•obd in .it. hoof!.'. Saaday evening. Jae Clark returned from • visit to the Georgia& Kay ea Saturday. Robert Tait, of Owen Sound is .t the old home on • two week's vein. Mies Ayston Doherty, of Detroit, 4 the guest of the Misses Campbell. 8. Jas. mad C. Clarke AUS&, of Toroeto, arrived in tows os Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Delis, of Windsor, arrived t& tows ea Saturday. Mrs. Adam Kev, of Stratford, was vidt- t&g at tbe old bows this week. Mn. N. W. Note, accompanied by her another, is visiting at Alma, Ont. Miss Emily Curran is away on • month's visit to Harn.00...d fort Elgin. Mir Mo(hrthy, of Detroit, is winning at the resid..o. of Postmaster Campbell (;.o. M. Cox. of Tilsoeburr, i. v4ttisg M the p•rentol tostde.oe, St. Patrick et. Mrs. Hard, of Detroit, is vi.itier ber parrot., Mfr. and Mrs. Jamieson Reid. Mr. L.• roused retarued from a yi.it to ber daughter et Cle svulIe on Seturdev. *ors F. H. Hubbard end daughter, of D.ttroit, ere spending • mason in Goderich. W. end E. Klmes, of Princeton. are visit ng cheer uocle. Wm. Burrows, and family 6lseeger Henderen., of tn. hinyci. tem easy, is ..n •'Baronies trap to Indiansp.I*s Wes Skelton, after • ple.saot visit to frteude in Serum, returned bonne on 8.1., d•v. Dr and Mrs Sheppard, of Beyfi.ld, Were vu(ttee Irieada to Goderiub oar Fri. 4.y. • • Mrs. Fraser sod three ohildrm, of De. trent, tire visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. Macfar- lane. J. M. Roberts, of I)enm•naoa. wee is Iowa M railway matters several times last week. Mss sad Wee gram Cb•mbers, of Port Herm. w virtisg the Mune Craig. Krog.. tenet. Mn. Whitehead and d•ugbter, of Toron- to, were in Iowa this week venni, rela- tives. Rev. Jobs •ud Mrs. MoOIllivny and okild arrived la town oe • holiday tour on Friday. Mies Maggie Pringle, of Ayr is &pendint a oomph of weeks in town, the reset of Ms. Liras Robertson. F. Bi...tt, of Carswell, who h.e be.n viable at the home et be mother. Mamt-.t , during Mee week, relented to Cor.w.11 u 1 Mee Kate Weems has returned from • two weeks' vest to Mr, wed Mrs. J. Strait- e n M St. George. Min Id• R.bieso., et Gait. Missed homewards on Tuesday after • .s.th'. viii M relatives i. town. Mrs Wm. Warns, who was the gee.• .f Mrs M.Wrl.me fer • few days, bee reign- ed te ber home M T.rwts. Rev. F..). Oman. et Hayfield, yreashed la North -me Mira •t the 'maim sed minis. amine est Swed•y. M. J. Prendie.• is .t Sarah •tteadl.g to Oddfol*... Greed Lodge mediae es • reprebeeative et Hans N.. 69. Mise. Mi. Sled. end Mems Rumen Mar - Ss, of nitr.lti are Minh" their grand -par - Ma, Mr. and We. D. Fer,..s.. Mime H. ed ON Wilkinson' 8..e lett for Gait be Hitt • Imre party for the mod eases ....t as the Thomism! i.I.d.. Yes ad Mlee Meade seed Heater Jae. Markey. se Walloons.. A. •8. gaerie d Mr. wad Mrs. J. Rs&aeas, C M. Me. and Mrs. Rest *aend ehltdrem, the 1s ~peesmiaassy 10, .Mil 0.. el TermWeft se vadisass ef gest • WMlrnsc.--h We 8.ee letf.abed thae a ream nes has boas Is se. WM et hMM- lUi near the L.ilblsg 8.sm ad *MEW humin army a ..comes 4111104, mg the fyyhw of the tress. amid fat W Idss.atlsn we mete he pram bsaslmi1 IS Mt ems : " N. w- as 0ta0 los gra* m/ asp vise se Wass - awry r soy Mglwap. bat{ softy. eMwgvs- wee les se spin spasm. se sibs, psbN, glass se plasm et FAN* .f pubis reset se es will* es polio boo lift el rea,puej 0 wNfln lb, BIt1813ELS : "Maple Leaf" took 3rd Moe u the 2:90 p.m is wtagban cm W ed- . eed•y. Bromele : The county rate for Brawl• is 0480. biome 1113 tees ten 1•.t year. W. W•weaa.b John Stortford lost • 'val- seble horse from sun etrok• • .bort Hun. taacs Stopfr• : Th. m.o.. • U•bor.. Agn oeltwal Society's fell fair will be held o. Sept. 21st a.d 22.d. Tuckers- mite : Jame. Broadfoot. M*ll road, Tuokerea.ttb, bad • mar. •ud foal killed by hghtsng. Ethel : Joe. Ard.11 lost • mw during the storm oe 1 made"' night of last west. It wee struck by 6ghtatiig. (,r•nbrook : Kev. D. B. Mel.., of Cres - brook and Ethel, has jest oompl.td the 20th year of h4 pestor•te there. Ethel : Rev. Mr. F•&.ber, on meant of ill -health, gave up ha work here end left for Toronto os Tue.dy of this week. Brawls : Reeve Kerr is into the racing besitte.e, having bought • pacer by Oliver Wilke. from Reeve Strach.., of Grey, W. W •w..o.b : Cham, Durnin, • former pedagogue of No. 2, palmed with honors hie eza.rs•tio1. at the 'afloat of Pedagogy. Sealorth : Miss Ann4 K*llotan ham se - oared • "dimities' in • school in Brockville, and will assume charge after the holiday.. Holmesville : The trustees of the Holmes - ville school have eog•ged C. L. Fisher for '97. at .n advance of 150 ou former salary L.kelet : MIM M. Horton, was untied in marriage to Mr. Elliott, of Maryboro, Wel Itagtou oounty,00 Wednesday of that week Grey : 'rhos. Streatham owns the 100 acres opposite hie farm, hevine puroh•eed it from Jam. H sbfp. b1r. Strachan now has 250 acne. Blyth : John Miller and !lies Lamont, who were seriously hurt in • runaway son dent last week, are both progrwing favor- ably. Browns : Will J. Rozell has gone to Winph.m to oomplete hes apprenttoeahip n the tin and hardware store of Mr. Suther- land. Morris : Mise Mary Holiday bee been sue. easeful in her exeminetion, seminar • seo- o&d-olaes oertitiiwa et Toronto Normal School. Morris : Robt Youill, 4th line, bee pur- oased •windmill and has placed it on his bars to be used for pumping water, tatting led, eco. Hellen 1 be other morning on Aw•kem- iog Mrs John Cartwn4n• ... ■hooked to find that her baby, only 13 days old, was dead by ber side. Grey • Wednwd.y of this week Eupb• ewe M the little daughter of Conrad Eogle, 13th oon„ Cited ul bronchitis. Sr.. was 8 munch. old. Exeter : Marrie4 in Stockholm. Swedes, on the 16th July, Christian Hegua&der, E.q. formerly of the Melees Bank, hen. to Mis. Lias Robert, of Stockholm. Brasses : By the aid of Rev. D. Forrest, Presoyteriee min*.ter, Robert Iteabow and Mw Kate McDonald, both of Brussels, were declared hoebaed and wife. ('lutes : Di. Horsy, who hee returned from China, called on h4 Clinton friends o. Teesd•y ; Mrs. Honey 4 visiting her lather, 1)e. McDonald, M. P. Wiogh•m. Hnll.1* : J. H. Lowery has been re -es - gaged to S S. No. 5 for 1897. Mr. Lowery *e an exoellent Mather mad the poop; of the section fully appreciate his worth. Exeter : A meek•loage weighing 101 po.ade and measuring in lenrth 36i Inches was aright in the river at (freed Bond by Master John Speokni•n, last week. W. Wawa/mai : P.•g= Bros, suffered the lose of . v•enabl mw, which fell down • steep batik oo be river rue and became =tangled n woe log., bsdr deed when farad. • • F. Lel : A horse, three oows and seem! sheep was the lo.. susatned recently by Jas Maker, of i8. 61.11 oo formerly living to this locality. All the .01.01. deed very soddenly Rioter : The vessel in which Robert Lea - Moore was elinping W cattle to the Old Cowst►7, sarmeh •a tee berg •..r St. John*, ma Ma meet a tow laid nip et that harbor for repairs. Seeley : Peter Campbell W been sa- nded to tern' to 8eh•el at Taylor's Cor- ner, Godwish toves8fp, foe the Nimes . f the year, with • mmidltssmid eapga..mis le, n ext year. Birth : Mrs. J.G. Seen, wife of Bink, et the Pid&e i..ks..111.M....w en Westednener. B. C., le at pressnoting old aegvaiates see is to pe ee@ ref Mr. mer Mrs. Mspmi -Mem tlenm._MB : The Jame make .f dye Sea. merkill . Me wash eMit,r. DB beim. wee sold delivered es l.o.deehere, qty. Semi. Churchill was .Isem•a. Bedard : Joseph H..esill,, 1 Killarney, 1.---t_, amid nes .1 Mrs H•.•dll, of fledsn.b•et. wast, had . oman e1 Neese killed ter IFlhtet.g. doe We sable badly damaged during • need mem. S. Mammon T Rem .old seventeen Mese M Dirndl t Co., of Wiegb.., M • 8*th ever tires ewes per N ; Jas. Um. .«ytb�ler _ , Mimerln semi t IIBya : • gent weildieut Melt yes- terday dss. tera ee modem irMmer. sod Yea J. G. Hmy8, when their eldest daegh- air. Yes Lena. was mind las A. '8. leadi ifs, WNW of Tie waamidy� M L 011assa Oellsoisse toeless*. do gni limy be NOM al so* 1r•s lMUM t Dr. Miser wilt et • elm may es bw �mi99000a worts net mer Min 1111110. Les&ssbere t Lwasd Da . s r.rs.d kis mm MI bilge pielbssrfee e w be seer 11 yaws W h Iowa The candidates who wrote on the Primary paper. will learn their fete in • few dove. When you bay the famous BEAVER Chewing Tobe000, be sure the word Beaver 4 on mob plug. If you want to enjoy the comfort. of Dome buy • 10c. package of genuine TONKA Sa.oklog Mixture, And our people are airier' • .atloipatiar pleesast bathing when lak .Ater peewee through the town pipes. The cemetery is nice end g. see Med if the gram was out on all the lou its •ppe•r•.oe would be much improved. A citizen who went holidaying in North- ern Michigan, says he chanted from an 84 thermometer to one of 96. (,.o. Porter ham been oos6ned to the hones the past two weeks with • severe at- tack of the old oompl•iot. The square and the harbor park could not look batter than they will on Friday, when Waterloo takes us by storm. By actual count. o& the S.lsare for thirty minutes on Saturday evening, lady riders exceeded the eterner sex by nine. A well known cyclist, when about to start from • store on the Square, on Satur- day, was fired off his wheel by • tire ex- plosion. The any friends of Mise A la Morris, of Morrid.le, who since 1 . return from Louisville, Ky., has beer 'newly ill with typhoid fever, will ber • .Sed to )ears that She is now ooavlesoent. Friday Morning -Between 9 and 10 o'clock, golf blouse. 81.75 for 96c • between 10 and 11 o clock. print wrappers 81 25 tor 75c. ; between 11 and 12 o'olock, sofa pil- lows 11.00 and 75e. for 45e. at Robinson's. THE HARBOR. Boating is again • pastime on the river. The Harbor Sao Mill is getting through the togs pretty feet. it is said that pike are plentiful ander the loge to river and hat bor. Ties three Dorn .oboone* sailed out of the harbor almost a0 noon a. uolo..dod. The 'teenier C.mhn. w•• at Lee's nook on her Southern voyage, on Sunday inter- oorn. There wee eon. der.hle electricity around the Wether Works engine house, oo Wdnse• day night. The son otter Serail was lots obed on S.t- aad•y, and ou Monday took on • cargo of salt for Wiarton. The corn stored .t the 0. T. K. elevator bee °.used • .tor •t the dook, and °peeled the G.T.R a old office. The schooner Yowl! arrived in port from Thanatos on Sunday afternoon with • oargo of lumber for N. i)ymeet. Th. steamer Germane was in port en S•turd•y os her upward trip. Tae Car• mon& had • full passenger list. The Schooner Mary 8. Gordon arrived ie port this week with • °ergo of lumber and aero.!.. for Ruobaoaoe & Rhyne. The sohoo.er Kone,e melted tb4 port with • °ergo of sbtngles end limber from Johnston'. Harbor for Wet Ruta°&. C. E. L U• Tbe following are the topios for the dif • toren/ rives people's moieties whbh mot daring mit week Kaon Cheek Y.P.B.C. E., Tuesday even- ksg at 8 o'olook. Toped for Asgast 18, enSesf.p God is N•mere," by Miss L North -et Methodist ebur& ILL et C.R., Friday arming at 8 r: sleek. Tepee fer Amis. 14, " Heron of Mtsdo.s," by MN 81st... Viote letleborelt E.L. Fridayevening at 8 o'olook. Teri* * hr Ant 14. "ga.... of Little Thiess," by Mise [row All are serdielly invited t. •treed these ..eti.ps whtob are held fie the b......ts, .5.--- nig doe'ne the ..maser menta at 8 Minn Visiting members d ether mi- ddies especially wide.... MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. (*0b•RICH TOW M11411% Aug. 3rd, 1896. C.mni.0 met May. Miamte et led meet Mg were read sad pared. Moved by J... a...11y, mended by Thee Cbure4B, Moat the rates ea all property sad taxable Mem be as babe ::Fee meaty porpoise 1.7mdb ler Smash* 9 : for mab••i, 1 `1;mule •hdspoe m •!se s amendrtt embed by the ss►.ra1 mason for their sev- eral wheel asselnee be levied es same pep. eerily. .•. seed Mai • bylaw be pend .enZh es - *8. e•Moved y Jas. O eselnly.s•.. M by J•.. Jehoese. that the 1 !warms rete este be paid : Mar. printing. 11 60;: s;e16/ 1 eestt, $2 50 I Mn. M.0...., Ten ± �..411tr.441..,,.14 M Nix., 8,e..,, Asst. • Me thea. -Oa Monday. W last*,.& brought ee tote .Oven • resale weltiwM ems flee.& fess!,. .enema the Impel sob .asses se ibw. T8s wows, waves be W the party whe b.e grows 1W till pea •