HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-6, Page 6rll� slitI A1. reOT)FR1CB ON, TQTTRRSDAY. AUG. $. 189S. OVERWORK nervous Prostration fislg ere Baseveey by the Um el Ayer's SarsapariNa Bono yeses ago, as a result of los sloes &nestles 10 bantams. my health !ailed. I became wreak, u rvoe., was unable to look after my Mimesis. sad emaitested all the symptoms of a .let- s:iue. 1 wok three bottles of Ayers RspapsrUla, began to Improve at meow r 1 •-'9 :. /.. Mid gradually increased my weight fres eine hundred and twenty-five to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when seeded, and we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil- dren would have been fatherless today had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too mach." -IT. O. Hresote, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. 'Ayer's itztx Sarsaparilla RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S Mk AYER'S Plea Saw Doctor's Bills. M1S& LLLA.NE�►I' UP -SERVICE. Lent. beer sty liptied set es. beset I- t'ate.pt.d h p. that purely plead A11 lease 1. the b tier pert 0 beer the word. a.rt • eft the teed: As *lads will .hake ewe, at.• Ik coed. Perehari a to spire, pr wv My ease -nog heart 'twist stud sad wIR b sh.tken .1111. Thee let oyal„y►I llp be heard Above sly iPils re's rebellious cry, If ■nrtblus • we bath erred, It 1- m 11) , heart. r sad, pledges by I air ..1 tips Skill steadfast vie. I lyse .rubl..rn ••traded subdue. Aud wake thee true. t.uai.e• netts Y.d•ards iu Ilarp:r'.. Map seise ►pare.• ttewtrtrr.• p44010011 Pei:•ce..11ealric , lays • wriest In linen/ Wuai•.i. wee MI own ter vu:te a Dumber Ot bee earlier veer, e. "Keay ; is 'sot, she wu twep'V veer. o •I n.lwe She 11.1• • dropped 1-te nee of '.•1. pet o.n.o. '1 Prince Context fee .tntly •eferree •' her ss •• the ntaet +n n• a • ' .' y we h.ve had.'• She h. t .he ',v" tit •o-+Y••'e et n- reed m the tbord per.ne. Wee. .h• .e•• learnioe Pt wall she erred at (D.•h ea•e••le •• eke deka bke it' e•he don't eke a •' .ad .e.os- tta•r• ob. • n'.• . •••fir ... D. r w•'^nsa with bar eves fed et ewe. to •.$i •tr. •• K.bv h.. iwo .n naughty'. Poor hub%• • •..nuts. !t sieved su..wed .• se dee bnetdered • K.ov osetbdr Denson. tshr deli.einea• .see Stied bee with grief. SNATCHED Fitt/JI DEAT11 DR. 1(:NEW'4 CURE Fos TIiI HEART SAVE:; THE LIFT OF A LADY ItE:IIIE'T OF TUE NOR rHvl•EST. CANNED SALMON. rim !.tory as Mew the eleb .torr CaagM eel fur yrerw us Ute truntler, whir's he had abundant opportunity to study tali mid .•ret''"re't' ludlan, has written • butt about 'beet. The nab ares ,mming near the IUI. iu It he tens of U►. nendfeh cturlty us face nuw and 1f they look •'Y '~t'Y WWI s party of Com•ncei.s who captured see upon every pole which rises trete • Mexican during a raid. They started the wall of mesh either a hawk, as with him their camp acr•use what pre eagle or a great gull rrsdy to pounce sailed the "Stake PI•In.. ups them. They der and try t. At a water -mono on thin tableland." swim under the weed. They cannot. continues Colonel Dodge, •the party The water is shallow and the weed halted for several days. Telling the rises from the bottom. Meanwhile prisoner they wanted It for some ram hawks and eagles are busy. a pan • Ilgious ceremony, they net bum 10 gig. ensues. a few lien Tart through Ito ging a hole in the ground. Warking, earruw way. It Is more open be)und, r With a knife ens Mods, he In a day and. after a11. It leads In the right di- or i compltedsa pit bout three feet rectum. Th. neutral impulse is troy ge feet rIn e er forward; n6 one want. to 111Th DICK. • deep. /Carly the next tttlordIng • rope sod, Ilse sheep, they follow their feud- lilies tied a out the ankles of the cap- Uve and wound spirally round bis legs and body to Ute neck, binding his xrm• row. OF LITTLt THINGS - The puncher went el tittle this.% Their sestet. sad ewer. .p And hoot the tittle pitted eek Made •11 lea app•. wear. He told hew great trig stardyeak*eon►'rota little $.*eonow. Ahd boa the flay tittle Inoue Theburly slant New. But the cyclist sat there mre l.yo.•ad its. Ili the speaker's are. Vow be west outside and tented A pia had pined kis the. ACME OF CRUELTY. TM Nts errlbTortoni Invented b7 tenuseebe t edtase. Colonel R. 1. Dodgy, wbo was static 1iN wo7DtaFel..'ATAI.wNAL Fringe Main a nova miasma R, f ID.AT o TAta.AL n1t A1!:.... era through thr gates of dealb. � a Nat Viet fused bre4wilydle lair. Issas bh.Mis tried wel'Ai1�mMMrshJpR dlttllty Pi ',tette"is R►wO TAR ' • iris splaadid krres . • gtiltmdilPlalgfi�d'r�r•cy� ,1 ;., 0 irktit u aid to DMdr.f 12 l r b fled 3tw RK � "'t:'y �, •�• 23 t toil a L*$t 1n1/tR I 11.11-1170MILL. after i s It Is all over with the sat- tightly to his sides• Will and Ins- mon •tore long the wide pool ear_ bbl h was then p beyond th. manti befule long they are upr!anted rows againAgain a straight way IaYs pr e. the map ight, like a port in the i.oir, tjlei dirt Oiled hs and tightly rammed down FL d jostling each other In a crowding and around him. When all was completed 1STADlI1NE0 I8clli. p,.un'i Oft) tort t.;j thirty fent, where nothing but his head was visible. Then tory stay. hopelessly confuse.1.*Idl and they scalped his head, out off his h Ilya Bl1cI1llans �lh�asM Jash.ng wildly frm side to std•, untl end rallds, taunted and def[ him u steamer r• u.' a along with a scow in On their arrival In camp the party t Ito Un the .row is a crane. Chains ' described In detail their punishment tn.m the crane are hitched un •tetof the Mexican. and In all the tribe autsor•orvaws net. whkkb .4s below the pound. and it was regarded as an exquisite p.ece - me thousands of strung. free nick. Thu had an hour ago the whsea t•. swim In, are drawn up to the sue- t tee and ladled out In scoop nets, knocked on the head. thrown on the .cow and carried off le the canneries e herr they go through • •ausag.: rna- .•hine and become "canned salmon." These canneries are taking 10.000 Vick -ryes per diem. Hut some escape. Either they swim wide of the bay or b> luck escape the "leads" which guide them to the "pound'• and find them - 'wive. at last near their goal. All around them is blue water, clear and cold. In front of them is a well -- marked band of yellow water, thick, .tale and warm, through which they blonder tike Londoners the ugl. • tn4. Above them are tan or three thou- sand white -sailed fi►hing boats; to the dim water float i00 miles or rrore of frit nets: on the river's banks are thirty two great canneries. with ma- chinery In each for turning from !elle to 2,000 nes per diem Pito "ctnne1 goodie." T. Mara a Large Town. European engineers are much Interest- ed In the proposed removal of an en- tire town In northern Russia to a point forty-three miles distant, the houses to be transported ov,r.r the frozen surface of the river in sledges. says the New York World. The city of Kola, on the peninsula of the spine name. 1s now situated at the confluence of the two rivers, the Luttojekl And the Notosero. forming the Kola River. about arty miles from the Arct;e Ocean. !While the rivers and the hay below are navigable for even large vessels. Kola is situated so far Inland that It 1 ,but '•ff from the sea by ice much Linger than other seaports situated t-.. n furth•. r north, like Vardue. in Norwegian Lapland. The gov•vnor o: the province of An hatuteisk, damn Engelhardt, to whose jun.dictlon the district of Kola be1Mgs. has proposed to transfer the citrto a better port nearer the mouth of the Kola River. Imperial and ministerial consent bav-- ing been given, active preparations are now being made to transport Kola to the new location. The project Is not. however, a new one. The thing has been done on an extensive scale right here in the Unit- ed States. When the Mormons left Nauvoo. Ill., they left behind them nearly 700 well- built frame houses. clustered around their unfinished temple. German graft -grower* came M and settled up :he place. They wanted the h,lMhl..s for their vines. Th houses were mid to speculators. w ho nue -el them all. 1n the course of three• winters, over the frtsen basin of the river to a point twelve miles shove on the Iowa shore, and founded what Is now one of the moat prosper- ous of western town. -Fort Madison The houses were set on rude sledges and drawn by oxen. When heart failure overt.i.ew • person, unlra. Lhe Mt dol• ..t La.• fNrt o•a I 111r.' D..dt•reIV oe.,el.r..rI. t,,e v -,v' 'uncut re. suite any falba. This is whore wa hear of .n amity unties tit .rJJ1.. teeth from beers d&•...s Tu. eiemu•.in that oxistitute Dr. Auww • Curs Iuir Lbu Hears are each as • to ate. r.Lef is this particular immediate ly, without pr.xise.aa a. y bartfnl effect.. 1'nea, eeet.1Dued with • Rifle p.tleooe the Meese* becomes h•.teh••1 from the •,•tem Mrs. J. L Hillier, fit W•Itlew•wd,N.W.T , says very plainly that this remedy saved bee Id•• Site had twin mneh Owned with pout fa lure, 654ieg it •lesta impassih'e to aletlp or Il. does Mr tsar of e•idne•tiee TM beet looters .k it in them Northwest Territories erased an avail. She says • ••A loyal druggist recommended D bottle of Dr Agnew's Core fur tn. Heart. 1 tried it sed with the result that 1 Imm.Aut.ly sa. 0111r*A ease. end after calcine further dalesot the rawitn:s• the tremble left Tao. Tit. tent kanwlae new ssr.e.55 •s. ate medium, taw remedy saved .v Itis." Is would be • ..let•k• to su0Deae that Dr Asset's CetarrMI Powder will oelr oars the gilder forme of oatenh. It will .er feisty An this. sad with wnuderlul .apedi tree_ Rut, es Joke ` t Teals, of wl Dare the weal ease et esterrb. This g.n. tlateaa sagered from istalrrW deals.... but after anim ego bottle of tide rrwmsdy he wmahie le hear se good as over. Pai.las sad d�ktlal N easy it relieves a tea bis• utas. t. s'iteM Ilan n.ren•naatly Dares eatarek e1 ail kinds -Sold by .1. E. Divi.. of pleasantry. The man would lave they said. eight days, revived at night by the cold of the blgh plains. to be driven mad the next day b, ;he bot sun beating on his scalped head and defenceless eyeballs." SASH, DOOR and BLIND Daly a Drop of liner. One of the Chinese modes of punish- ment, especially when a confession 1s wanted from a criminal is to place him where a drop of water will fall upon one certain, spot In his shaven crown for hours, W days, it necessary. The torture this Inflicts Is proved by an experience that Sandow, the slmrg man. had. When he was In Vienna • few years ago a school teacher bet him that he� 01 would nut be able to let a nal( litre water drop upon his hand until the measure was exhausted. A half litre Is only a little mere than a pint. San- dow laughed at the very ilea of h:$ not being able to do this SJ a half litre measure was procured and. a hole drilled In the bottom just suAlcient to let the water escape drop by drop. Then the experiment Logan. Sind•ovr laughed and chatted gayly at first. The schoolmaster kept aunt upon the num- ber of drops. At about the two hair dredth Sandow grew a little more seri- ous. Soon an expression of pain cr.ser ed his face, With the entrance into the third hundredth his hand began 10 swell and grow red. Then the skin burst. The pain grew mor- and more excruciating. Finally at the four hun- dred and twentieth drop, Sandow tad to give up and acknowledge himself vanquished.-Pittabarg Despatch. pea mo rel.ns. Matgleri sad Mane have retrad, aide arm •zpsrimoste sate the mate el the pease esgesdered by fatleM will& Ws re - ate with taeide•ea Thew ay.stigaNeea,te- gal ar with tV,sllaaeky ad .then, Gad Ma if tk. Mend .t a ..tweed rimed he b. Oral has another animal that M trash .ad ta•,attrio.l, .It the pheaet•e.a of faMgs. fwd. A tlpAhe1 sI we that this A tthtasloal ttaalTaia pois- on M wailer so site vee..abb poises ..seers lass whtea .swim tribes of bedlam still dip Noir ..raw This poises when hjested te se the Mood ease* tai .ler!a to doe is ter. Able alwtare The p.ia.a produced tey (a- larm her away roam is o•es•t's with 11, sad is as Moly a SSW 550456. la are where Nis waled .a1Ry thaw it ess be neral a ley rhois se b- w ` .+. i 1. .•d pessik ti~sA il+ Ates game Is . 01111111nbts. Dr. OlatilMla .s�awllt1 ease of iM ellefiret. vrllbd ea/ �a��.tg Ftl.a r Aye cares :bYtw. Mk AMwm. rmmta•. R•Amt• lad. pad ell ...alma r Moal11► Sae. Gold G. B- NAL A 118~11 welly MOB 1.111 l• k an"' s 11 ele1i.� sad eaty ar lava tin Were Grursed!deer•Serra lavers. Johu tl.r• ,•, n.•.•.n, Atilts. flue: Out , bled Silt /thene s•• severe that ler seven yes •a fie ...ee ereneed =loves He int/.: i n en w uo.rrrr .1 a bolt • f Ch.►e'e 0 nttuent. It lc.lred me N.. tiler of S. t Hh.un, et..., Cha.e's (hat want e•.re• et en. irritant dteo a.e of the .Lin, a1 eta 'school( Iearantly, .t.1 u A •teruae timed) for isles. A%"el wet elione 60e. l,er b' x Desks la all kl.ds el LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES Lad builders arterial el every dssaryYsa WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes A11 Yeas area M. as fa l.. Alm WRITS FOR PRI0.E$. School Furniture a SDecialt,e THE O001 NTARIOAD*SEWERS PPE (fit l.A10B T Iim•• e *mento Tra.el mad 51I4145. Frets Rt. Louie to Chicago 1s a dis- tance intance of Yes miles. In twelve days' time the dlstanee be- tween New York and St. Peter -burs may be traversed_ in twenty seven days a traveler os a matt steamer leaving New York may arrive at Rt. Helens, 1•:Ighteen days are required to teaks sty journey between the Isle of Ten_ eriffe and New Tork. Twenty-seven days from the date of posting a letter in New Turk it *111 be delivered In Bombay. in eighteen days • letter from Rey - rout, Ryrla, will be delivered at Its destination In New York. Only twelve days are requtr*d for mag to pass between New York end Cartbagena, In Colombia. A joarney of 0.080 miles mast be takes by the traveler between Wash- ington and Canton. Chlaa. The Italian ' Iamigr•nte wke start from Genoa must travel 4,0011 (roots be- fore reaching the Narrows. The traveler frost 8t. Louis to Jack- sonelll.. Fla.. eavons mfg mile before reaching kis entrees• tied. Ry the nearest mall route trona IK. Louie to Moban. Ala.., a dl/tasee of etig miles mast be traverse. Twelve days are regalia/ ter mall from Now Test to he dePvwrwa via London. is B.rosiesa *psis. Trete Sydney. In AllatImsalat a Womb- sib's's*. the dldstaaeei by tf a wawa avWa►k route r SAS mem. The sbstesr between /fw Tort and lt....aloe 8' •Oath Tlawai, wave. 104 snots twists Ye Meek The Bicycle Season of 1896. GU R4. C o N ST F: " ^'' G'B1LiOU8NES8,I ICK OVA EG i THE_Li F.k.� ON[ ^FTC' A. l6 ! INSURES S. OD s' .tSTION.t �.•CE2L r rs. TIt flaw tat .: MORE GOODS1 . LEGHORNS, WHITE SAILORS, VERY NICE FLOWERS, All of the Latest Designs. See our Large Stock of reteee IF YOU WANT A P'SPRING SUIT .e g. of First ciao; male. ■ Good Material and Latest Styles, -C 'ALL UPON - HUGH DUNLOP. The west -M. Cleans feast to Wk el Montreal �wA,rw yea Is It. If ye�aaa Ora ow*. yes Litt s g... Ow %Ms *..a.. far hearts (a aederloa teas say of Ma psedr .ssaasa A Riding Academy 'e. the trwl.tag 51sed wsaarttere .es bas Ma Mod le WM last! year amideaa� 0 we •ts saws ewltieukt le ieork. tam asst► bA MR alsa,Tae effi Ctt51.5s lfaageta. for Yon I •orrribbn la We leper Fixe burl ssaalgga/e�,builheist, gad ars* b!md basis J. YULE t Saab Legg Itmgmiswal V1ONDBRFUL DISCOVERY. Excelsior Egg UNDERWEAR MISSES YATES. Ask your Drrgilet ter A Wonderful Tonic and woo 1101°4 Remedy for Weak and Impure Blood. • Kidney and Liver Troubles. w W. M. Ma.LCOD. aaasa•aw. ONT. Summer Millinery. wltl 11517 teas rats► Ion 12 mONTN.. IT IS NO PICKLE. Yon 610 ly treat tea Eggs with PRESERVER. bad lay them away la a basket or box. eseeeeseeeneee Ai DOWN A *UR►LT WMCN TNCT ANC CHIRP. Oat far bosh Siv1•g fuli lafaraattoa, fres f Mama TOR MALE BY ALL DRUGGISTM. Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True 6t -3m The undersigned having received a large importa- tion of Spring and Early Summer Millinery, is prepared to supply the sweetest of Bor..itets, Hats and Trirminys. The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and are in Color, Design and Texture unexcelled. MISS CJ4MERON, • HAMILTON STREW Competition. The Kroll Double Adllon WASHER MIPAR INNIVRl R f. l amt Wormer Oa mita TAKES TH K LEAD ever all other Wi.ths. It ees.paaod with ev.r80O *sables a••.sYhltaa•••• of all kinds as Cha.. • is 1893 sod car- ried off the. First Premium sad Bold Modal. lk is easy and quick. Ill. . wa.h-boar' required. - GIVE IT A TRIAL - Seed tot y sr address and tea e•sem tins yea ilea o.. sad I will cows and show ,ea hew it work.. It will east yes settling. H. HAL , d Box 130. h. 1896 . . . AT MUNRO'S For SPRING and SUMMER ... 1896 d Lor'' Asorfrwnt uJ Parasols umbrellas correct shapes and 'Wish Aatd'.a Gloves Fine Hosiery as u.twI, i specialty. 5 per cunt. off Our 50u Corea pro/mimed tea haat Is aterket at the lean. i)nabte Lets black Lama. herd -lamb Mock .nA Meed .www. A fail isag. el *Kees IN '.m, Art I Studies, whits and eedeved C.n..pot (Swims .ad Nsswahtte make& Val s/issaea Lagoons. a Salm .ad Jeiaaea•t Ea eN► it tementee to mates. Leda..' sad ee I.1r.s'. Sommer Vatter- ! clothing oAer- !cbnhing better sae eheepsr Clam *err. tor Cash, or 30 days. A. tEU1$4y Drapate Subscribe for THE SIOEIL. $1.00 a Isar in 1dTanoo. THE OLD REUABLEI always on hand. The I est and only Scranton Coal in this market delivered st Se .26 per flea, with 60cta per tea oA for Cash, toai ia- it 56.76. All ugsl Insights; its the Makat waive, se that you art mare d egad measure. wittintak • Raba Q. ziam • Lira e..► TIM STIFF OF LIB. aAdulterating" sad eaa1 Missies Is ams/ Pla liavocryo thea eettre+.rm.i»f eeary>M•`!.. h... b•. ase Ways sset gall b We s.vwt ie 7e en M ehsatt )erg Bead sad own die Wee en UM 01 tasat laaerta•t amities lobe�MiAA TNlitrent be 1. ilree . or. la atter Bea 11► tea �a 1h� a iiiailtsiMo/ W Y ewe bI � lm N Mime la W IaIN MY BAKERY •• MS0 1 w~��1ie•• 1�5. 555i�•�t,tSrr asd onset gM act a•me swsM ■ MT BRZA) IS swam* TO PURI ilAi•T AHD WW TINE,/1D 110. 1 IMULET0BA PATES? FLOM Ig tial/esa It �ae•M5 .►e lg.elasr D 0.4111M01.