HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-6, Page 5TIM SIGNAL: OODERIOH' ONT.. THURSDAY. AUG. 6, 1816: 6 W_ .A.C7ECEIGOINT dz. CON IJULY CLEARING SALE We commence a Feat clearance of our entire atock of Bummer (foods. MUSLIMS OREPONB ORGANDYS GINGHAM of Wiry kind PLISSE N!'i110P8 FRBNOE I1VANTIIN1118. Ail former prices reduced. The choice is still very large, and all is exclusive stuff. PARASOLS • Several dozen of this season's and new styles clearing at exactly half price. W. ACHESON & SON. B ORN' CLTT-In e•derieb se Aug- bib. Ibe wits of R. H. Cott. esreheat. of • daugktr. D IED. sago ST -1a Wdrioh. on Wednesday ♦seg. kqeke mhos of the rte Arthur Sbae years. The humeral will mks pima Gem her late eesddwea. Brook -e.„ ea friday. at 9 oblige ..'t..1. et. Peter'. Ckurcb. and than•. to RC. cai.arry. /reeds ale moustoteaoes will Moms pospt this latimatlo.. ME TALK OF THE TOWN. ?POEN the Reporter+. NoNboolc- U esu ve a R.Is la' a' We Owes. I reds t• ter tt t a AMP' Amami To Tata' Ise•., nn' Saab OYU reams et. --else.•. Foe BAYrISSA.-Quite • .ober ef tier iowea people .tended the sena* i. the Town Hall, Boyish!,. ea Moody •venial, Ti. EIMIDosON Fawner. -The Mora@ Ferry is .Baia 1a roaster order, A. 8. llysel limier Bushed patties is the sow Miler. Jim •N Tor. --Jia. Robin.e has tbm top of she dvertio mg horde recently pet .p by A. E. Fes, sad thee Ino the people k.. the he is 1. beidene sad has goods to est IN Uta Arum -The Greed Trak .1. vont has hese rate* for the ree.peten of • cargo of what from Port Arthur . Let as bops tb•4 this ie but • Mginwig of good times .t the old mead. A Perry Tesler. -Perhaps the peson wbo took the drains* sup from the ba - tam in the Park de..N consider htanrlf (or heed[) • thief, has be is. sad • migh* mese sus is the bargain. A Loo C..o ,,-If the barrel bead brads need se for this summer by the North Am.lgem Chemise! Cee were p•eted mad te ed they *OA mak. • eked dyer- ss•eent el See and dairy wit ever tees miles long. Ova Vistrous.-D.ees the past 1..r days • very large unman el vides arrived Is few. to spend a ewtb. AlNasgb many pare of (Made and the Slates .gatribetd to the bee*, the majsefty et our geese sage from Dee e& Tae Wni.cL-The risk that wee the pair .t bowls loge week played off ler the ownership ea Monday. I. the Int sea. W. lose ad F. Jades were teff. wiesea, and is the Sed Oke mere was 14 to 10, le favor ef the Int named. Wu* rigs 8caoore WILL Rs -Ores. - T he ratio shed M the rural diarists will .copes Monday, Aug. 17th ; e torus sed leeeri.aed villas., Sept Lel : Medi eeb•els, Ms*. 1st : O,l0. j -o- IaaUtu/a and High Sthadt. Avg. net. WRAY Casiow a Dom -Jai before leaving Meg.etuag Perk art week. is .embus .t Ss. Goerpe'a Mao pee .bans so theee who w keyed make the day es pleasant, and es the thaw wee. i.e. sae of the teems ram sway. Bolero the • lewd had Rot into ramie* gait Charley Shen, was attar she.. and, making bots, time tha the barge. ought Stem bolero env *rage was done. A Shute; NWT. -lost week Mia %', agues had her anneal sailing party on tee lake, same thirty Y•e.g petrels slag pe....t. The night was a glorious ono for • sail sad as there was jest breeze enough to make fair epee a edamenjoyabledamwas spout •• Tata/ Nx\T TEMID*Y.- J.a Green, of Seaford' was before the oovty judge on Monday ea a shame of stealing fifty dollars from enc, Timothy Higgins. Green entered • pies of sot guilty, elected to be tried by Hie Hepar. sed will be treed . Tuesday. the 11th eat Civic HOWDAY,--la addition to Water• lee, Mitchell. Elmira, Gait ..d Lnakaw will siva holiday en the 14th, so as to be able to aka in oar big day. The four Mat n amed tow= were added do the list mainly through the ,Herts et A. MDA Alba W W. W. Mesyi.r. Coax i.. Gassal'1*.-Ys.s.day the three masted .twee Maxwell and Due .Meed is port ire. Chicago, Darn laden. sed eb.rtly .leer antral ens ef them eon mooed unlisdi.R at she G. T. R. elevator. /nether beat with • largo s.rgo of the same grain is expand he pert today. Itowte -Bowls are new ane sO the most popular poem ever played in i;ederioh. Mambas are being arra1•d, the prize te be • pair o0 bowls. The fine et the maim took pleas last week. Ws. Lase sad R. W. Lagan Ming the skips. The Lame risk "'lesion by two shoe, .tsar • .0..117 on - tweed gems. TOOT Doer 8rus Now. -A lady ad • �m•dem* were riding past ens' other when the termer hewed, ad the Wer d a.esasiiy sok off his hes, as lest tried te, for the bowleg sed the has lifting es.aad two falls. It is said that the .Swan "serer speak sew as they ride by." math one Hosing the ether t., the header ea West Street. AaupmN?.-News-Rased : While asit- tag L rem ovieg th engine from the seoper seep. W. 11. Hawkins got • nail res into his dee whish wag very *stub However. through the kfwinem d the teras, Freak EIYea. M.B.R. se the *ado towk there was sat mash Ism et times through the 0. eldest. as Flash Is . geed vet le __net.d et this kid. FOR MAIN 8 s io5.-A semi* et nes citizens will visit to Mak flee.a seat week. .1.14.ag frees G•derM► et S.s.rdy. L _,.king te • .emkee of w party year, day .sent the dadag be said base were Inc IO sad gad .pert, but the red name for his jinni the party was le opt . bowl .f the leases por4d . ea ado by a *U- baldo mailer .t the e mpaey. Barna Teter Sm .a ser. - Herbert Wilma. the years inns who was ar aged lege week by Meed.. Caddy. le Teresa, en gmpis'- d sealing • *eyed, wee ass. ebbed M the Teresa Polies Own a Maw day .n.i.a et the Abase esd aotmed te three mare la the Contra Pekes BINDER TWINE is going to jump ap in price mad I ad- v*ie the farmers to give their orders at 000e. In order to meet every want I have severed the two beet brands man- ufactured, and caa therefore fill orders with OUAFAINTSED Twine FARMERS' FENCING WIRE Barb wire fe not ink mew. Oe -a sag see P�emcieR. Handsome, sad HARVEST IMPLEMENTS In awry v rlsy at c.t•down price to .mit the thee. BUILDERS'�HARDWARE sod GLASS Neese Iaperestiee. oft Asst quality sad pdsee away dews. PAINT Year bedlidigBl .may with am artiehl that wal glee rtY.oli a at -bird .411 ee.I.Br1. I haw It A. McD. ALLAN. herd Mher. U will be ewenthee d Nee he wire trying be deep... d • very need ...leis• ler 111.0 ...seed-al•ed ease when ahem 1*e ..5dy. A• owns, wee lead it th • passe d ♦:•o. Them@.. •t Gsi.0eh. wee W glee the W to the per stew es a -/W--- of re.i.leg $30 ler it. JAN bsarlig Mr. Tbeee.e'..vide. the Magi. Weis imp..d the peavey .wrised above. .d hot it see bees lee the gentle neer po- i 1 wow the .waw.e weed/ have be.. ninth heavier Osartu.t owe' I xou los. -The .g ardea to N4.gea rails tone .p by the Oddest. trews et this diarist ism Feldsp wee W as leegele -Mended a imposed. It re ew0- iee had b.. prepay 'Avoided a the Mad pp...th. •Meta..e frim this point woad ha.e bee trebled. es the enly seeilleasies of the trio waw by H. Arastrs g. ease a4wt, the day praises. Fps IN 11vu,utca-Another eyidea. .t the tow.'s prose•e is elbows in the splendid new bill beads whish keys baa .tested en the ►.t .it. in Iowa Our ma- *ats base takes advent•* et tb..ppr- ttWty afforded tbam, •.d ...y •ttre.tive advertisements appear .lens the tap mad .t the ends of ems bards. the centre *rag b.es reserved for pesters. V s=t W itoo,I a. -Go.. Pries. left as Tse 8ta' m. Mee, en Tuesday. seam ewgaill- oent peados, both t..., appease..ad song yeaiitige. A few of diem mu.e.red ti aches mend era way and nine the other. The fruit was rrow. by Wm. Baha, Goderieh Township, who bee asp- plied sppiled • I.ra gmoM$y squally geed to the kind provides .f ear desert oe Tuesday. A Tran. --O. Tsesd•y joss before woe there was • real Sri call. the some beteg the redd@ao• of Mia Banes -t, ea New. gate street The Sr. occurred through some mishap to a gasoline stet e. though the ewe el the mishap b sot knows. Frem the nature of the start the kitchen was sec. shame but the arrival et a few willies *ado end • free w of grrdea hoes moan pet it ase Hs ELLLT*D.-G.. Nichol, of Seaford', who i. °barged with etedleg • mush mad rotor tram S. Hachley, • boarder .t tb. Royal Hotel le Net tows, was before Jude* Maros on Friday. Tho primmer did ate day takleg the watch, but pleaded not guilty to stealing the razor. and b..iag el - eased le be treed by the noisy judge. his gees will esus rep . Tuesday, tis 11th hast QUL.?tnf.T BOASO Mi.rlxo.-The ogee - arty Beard of North -et. Meting* death abet last Ta.dey ovoids. The gnaw of the *arch were bend to bole geed andti- lea The passer's estery ter the erre* year was pissed at 41.060, with =10 for e- aidenals and 510 expenses. and two weeks' recedes. R. W. doKanris was appointed tM Heard's representative to the AJ district m•5eiag te tee baa in R•aoabery- et. Methodist sharak, Clint*. Aoo.cer hasvecs IN KNox.-Roe. Jas A. Midw.om, B. A.. W Base ter • ..stay holiday. Dards bis thee.. Site tolI.wt.g maimed w11 bo head is hie pulpit : Rev. J. A. Tvnb.11, LLB., et Teresa ; Rev. Jas. Hamill*, B.A.. Galled* ; Rev. Andrew 11.54,.., D.D., of 8t Paul ; Rev. J. S. Framer. M.A. ef Amen ; Rev. Wales M.h, et Br s.I.1d. Nene 8.nday, Rot J. A Tenab.will presidein is the merging. ..d Ree. Joe. Hamilt•a, in the eve**. Tag Arris Ormolu. folkway ex- Maea from • loner reedy* by A. Mol). Men trees • *dad here ens le the Old Lewd, will be of Waren te all who will Iv apples to market : •• It ie saw mw r lea powible te lodge el the cep of apples in oar esu.try. mod lo Is mem* the gams will be prodigally nil le mess para of the Uadad Ki.rdem, ads ezosu4bgly .snail see d a few fevered plane. The proper* ler M. gale el- Cheadle. trait he tber.fsee a need one ter the samimg .ossa. wad .,•idly our marbet." Tag 8re.s.-The nom . Tuesday mmmims ad aendi.oble deism" a frit Woe ..d sere, in mew leasee larne limbo of the heavily leden fro.e hag brines s4 and /ids et mesa blow. down. Eve ewbns where lee wad roadbed the .ease& vied, the I s..d .adsagath the Nems bldg Mr* severed with apples ..d pane, At the river the wader nue end the wird lad till play. the ae..quen.s be- ing the0 the hem a6 the month .1 N. dyer gave way letting • leap anther sit kip w- eeps Ian the bib., time hares the main river d••ge dear e1 the rata. A Ptoses -Last Weigel* eft Gsar/e's shed. to the weed* et R, drove M Men.- s.tung Pik .sd had a piwsan atomism After a ley amble ideas the row and .mese_es as the Perk. the eheir.N dews a a delis.ne sapper astdolly gru..gd by the Indy me.bea Several mane wail glees were erg as the Park ed a the red hems, end sway were the deers Mat were op.sud to them .e the igsa O. et the pleasant fat.,.. of the .Mos..e was the gallantry d the tee yang g-fleesea whe rowed up le the Peek, atoll nth all webs with* M a ay es Les Hares. A Semmes Tatar. -Oa Tuesday eve. - leg the gegen yes* Tees* et Defied es - lived la pet for the sight The beat is oplegdily Gelded .n nor od le Med .p ter • leaps number dn.04e. 1s0....4 teevdis. s.aki.g 14 mils s hear regular. y sod e.. be ,.shed a 15, T1s Tema' left Deer* tem days delm sad reamed .long the A..el.aa tare to Ms.id.na, themes te the dee NA our the Os.er.0 Sly Wasik The eaglet aft EIEn.e, a Tar day serf, eerie*/ hem the saes dgdt They lea petal*, M h... The party Winded s very hap swabs" of Whim Mott MEM AMMO As. NTS01140* £r' *ss. -T10 Messiness d lbs Wean are Ads. Wes. are re reeler age of sass le Mid... iedsp. ed led tic tiger sire hays her spreedat d by the pesos a *waft sad edger*/ Illatim Them r- oom he he ek* three WE la vire be tem. The sew um mesa Senatem tMy dela he he tis heal a the Beetle -t Ir mtribleber pry -*peeled e.�brrag heft Asa plata .fp- et >awi.a 'SeeWI s .�ew�gp�• the ridden gee ...rt r the Mehta Steele Hers" ewer. an agg gent go the slake*the .res: EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS In Dry Goods and Ready - to -Wear Clothing. • .ill Lines of Summer Goods .away Down Price. Here s two or three &smples.- 500 yds. Print, 32 inches wide, 5 omits per yard. 300 yards Drew bloods, worth 20 and 25 Dents, for 10 cats per yard. 500 yards Colored Silesia, for lining, 36 inches wide, 5 cents per yard. 200 yards .11 wool Tweeds, worth from 50 to 90 cents, for 25 Dents per yard. 10 men. Ready -to -Wear Suits, worth 510.00 for $5.50. Other lines at equally bow prices. Jordan's Block, Ooderich, 22nd July, 1896. in A pleasure to show goods. JAMES A. REID. If we all knew how bese.rd•I to tis stams.b sod nerves. how dellghttul17 anti* sod refreshing. as weU M pats'.) to Oho tea. LIME JUICE •• hi. all would use It. 1t Is the ideal bummer drink. Cheaper this yam. 1.s. 113x. a.d Gee. par bouts--uMer 1s. per wises. ti1OU[wire WILL rum 'egoist .ttasgen X01j4� 1 to America. Toilet Article,. I.cludiso Orel. the utieeptic tooth wash. Rick.srker'.sad Pss- osi. rhos Powders, Hoyt'. Rubdown. fades.•. see.. strained s Tooth Paste. sad sur o' ben. W. C. GOODE, ALAMO 1111.0411n. AsstaT. Note Try our Blackberry Compound r man sow complaiate. differing)* eternise It rums or .ot atter you sem get theme. This .zpesdltoro .f nosey will .o doubt be • 54g drawing oard, end W- arsaw both tae exhibits mad patters skim year. Notwithese.di.g this .roes o.ele the PrList bot bees increased some with Pr* Ne'..dee.te.dieg that next year will Sed eonsid•ea►1e •4...am ie tide dh..U.a Pawnee Bill's Wild West sed Maxi.. Hip- podrome has been engaged sad will make e Bret -dam spiel Immure, beteg one of. if not the very best, fair .orectic. 1. Amari.. at present. 8le He... Ben Ali'. Moorish Acrobats are also going te be tame, end others are Wer arranged tr. 'Nether they will maks a rowing day's @pork a d fill the sew doblyd.k•d peed stead te ite et** ..pasity. Thos is .o pima ono mea ges as masa edr fee his wear ea at the fair ; eat them be • lerp delegating hew this n/dghb.Aud. N aransc Baum. Toomey, Nowt* Vila. Colborne, the reddens' of Mr. ad Mn. Young. sr. was the sem. of a= .uptles l oere.ny. when Mies Annie iar,edoptd dasher et the bet and Melees. and Pear G.w.as.ts.ther,of Thome Bred, *sr EuNsr,wee joie* in wodlooke be.da Kim Belle Widen, se Goderieh. sedsted the bride, Med Neeu. Leekkdir, was weld d h..r. sad M. .Sudan... d Mea* Forest. the bet me. The bride were ge.tsm..1 1 le e blue miebla., with white ME gad Mbleemaid end mud et hares w e cher steely deem ed. The ceremony was perbrwed by Roy. K Headers* ad at its esnehnien the wedding party partook d tt odd m1L.0.a Shortly deer the breakfast ties wedding party drove to Gdrioh Irons sada pent the happy 000plo started en thew honey. soon. THE WEEKLY' MARKET REPORT S.ot•.m.. Ala 5. M0 Fell Wheat (old). 0 OD as IMar. gar owl. 1M 0 now. pat. powl 1 10 toes 1 enter M Baa• • am.. t. _.. 11 00 1.12 01 ..reams ee•ret ten.. ... _ 1 13 M Meet M 01tteen Odes 01 ire00e1400 14Mton N Ne• w Hay. et ma Old Half . 5 to ... Nb.ei....... .-.. _... 4 100 a N 0 Beam1..13 Ss.a blah ado aksd. dem-- s 6 M to f M Rid.. -....._..... 1N a iSe 0 II tie 4 10 le DeewsdHae �. taaetaef7Mt eve... �..... p 1 e te .1115 r Ib.......... tame m e .1c1.0u Haw Chows. mer lb. Situations Yawing - WANTED. -AN APPRENTICE FOR foo welt .t ane.. THE PAIR Tenders Wanted. TENDERS WANTLD - TENDERS will be rreees0ved ease AMMO MN 6r the Ibab.M141 Tia4 suu .10 *0 rwst.ed .p feel isle s ter 51 lets pefyR B. the be Ssey. fes. s enlatt si B TILT. QODERICH WATER WORK& 55.al ..00hed " Taud.a for Water W well teo5sd ►y the Chases st w Wier sod Slestrio Wit oamasltes of oed.rbk. uaW 11 Wei,* r.tr. es the Ugh day N.gest. 10.1. fee the /.epee.. layleg a babe pipe late Lebo acres god w.metras ties eta desk• crib according 1. Mane .ad Th tot Wolk .t pips trees Pu.plag Iia t4as M flea Woo almost 10111 fest of which about 110 test will be In the Lake. PLobowsa ss4.osrresolved ft17 fA.al s.. ofeq=e Pth" 100 fee a haft mese., '11 .. erms rMs se M that a .t trite Tt.... Clerk. app�gg �pe� a� 7�ne� Cm4ayy�,be n firm. a IOuWL Tow. seTpgles 0.es r sap Moder net asoes.r11y es asdsrMb tea HOLT ike=r8: ars 7►.... at t. MUNYON'S REMEDIES • W. hew them at. E=1w.tet WILD STRAWBSBRY WILeows IRON pILLB - she /� East Tice 0. �aeinm are TOILET O�� ArIVAI rOIig sayVIM 1:21WMITILig aeon. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be lett .t this Ofatoe not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not later than Mon day noon. leasual AkIvertieemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of oath wee. Tramming Outs ORAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ARRrvu. 11Ted 10.M s. m. Weil sad Wald armee1.25 p.m. Man sad ammo Rao p.m. Manama Ixp . plaRr• 0Jt a. Matt sad Breen 2 30 p.m. Mixed 2.15 p em. Mama 440 p.m. Mathis. rillo CIDER MAKERS -D. K. Straeb•n makes the beat. a,rusge,t and OWN elder press oc the marks,. Call outhfe flet Mimes 11-11 BRING YOUR DRY LUMBER TO lb* Kssda5aa Furniture Co 1L41.i. sed take seine of their up 104111411 Furalt.r• la six- shamte. Elm. B..wood. Maple. Ash. 71If For Sale AMISFIT SUIT OF CLOTHING FOR sale Wimp. Wore bet c.os sad w par hot, new. P.etloahrsu THS FAIR. For meet or To Rent. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE i-esbhoaled la the oast bale's@ esti. is dO i=1. sous w,Il-sq vyped. ,pas etorasprisgs ers, ea 1►t bfw5machine 'kso railway a thee... madatiea Clear tittle mss be gtvaa A did shame ter the right mem. Apply tort. IITRACHAN ea the premises. 0t 11 VOR 8ALE 2 LOTS CQR. VICTORIA 11 mood Trafalgar armee 'epodes P5...,.. wages .hap, Thee I.. 11e premises rise dimities: 1.... part brick sod part Mt tr e; al. steno Saogdat1n ad ostler 10x54 feet with ddltleer ran fest. torm.eey..ed ter • grist .n1 bend's'. which wag bursal. Thee is.do ea the sad ter s_le.o. Whore* and 50-►.re.-pow.r honor 1. good .sad ties. For further pwrtiom. lam arty to W. HSNNINO M Case.,. 71-1. L I2fl DWELLING HOUSE MK SALE. �i Th. la�efs•M oo emedd4.yw�,s, brisk m.- , write Bras .t Imk• trent. end at parr oneepiod by the owner. h sentaine oven ream with Yews receptive hail. sad bath ream ONO with hot sad cold water. preen*The t . ow oichle 1.s with liam taj tress. and the ether is laid sot d a geed pwith aeneel-ticoodssOrli gtrie. the .,.raraF1!SPNCS0.rt .,491 P.p�tf VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE -The brick r.wae the riversad lake termed, ssr.54.4 1. tats A. I llaollarmett geo,. Master le Chomory. 0...oif the most .sl desirable.drabte sew peele3. team 'r.o ttwe-eterey hams 4 uI1* g how s E:ahmngs noel, at leerh ....pied hI Yr. Andrew WaddatI 3. The dwellies beam sod MiNmdgtpaony sour the O. T. R maw tarmerty •msoOtM lei eba 4.s. Jodlw toms. pisses and arms w .y y w to �� ARROW i L Lal Sales. AUCTIOPI SALE OT VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY -Cedar ..d by vat* et Dobe* en of ted oaten* • bar M• k •ee W deny of tq.•safb. mat •al sales 4 le w vender. end .ku lj eremite ade le.. e • sew . o deo ` qty 01 do Jai, at 11 •'e1.sk uses Jake Rees. A no• SATURDDA�Y THE> LSAT OF AVOUV% et atuat115 dmf' Th leer irliNews left mg til ho WIlk=OS MAO of M fleegairsup"W« mw szLwell reitszeolty mad to Wig gas e lyd it+ fow.dw yr 1a Mesa �dee.m w as it r pea .•0n1M . 1.64 DwrizlivarirriTt IM THE PHARMACY. now HAIR BKC'5HM BEET TOOTH 11111'11HIr BMT SIONti BMT PSRFUMlte 1155? SACHET 4OWDt0RB BM PRS9cRIPr1UN WORE BELT 1410131C124111 Ey Pry thing the best at (! D WILLIAMS, PionD �itd Y:.d.1rt. unease.- CL 1 G c `PC4. Sr ON GLASSICA' It your sight shows Highs of failing. Surely yqu would not become blind. A ling timely attention may save your eyes. It is wise to let us examine them. No charge for the examination and best lenses supplied at reasonable pnces. J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Druggist and Optician. BPMOIAL S.&LJU OY PARLOR FURNITURE 1 ti•&rrloth Suite. fl., polished waIout trauma worth $1'i : sale prima 110. 1 eittgat plush rile spite. sprieg edge, worth Bale price 130. 1 One Brackett suite. aprimg edge. worth 505, sue pries 1I5ti. I throe -piece eui•e. host .911 tapestry. polished sato. spring edge. worth 130. .me 1 three -Moos suite. solid m.hoaany. beautiful- ly oared and polished. Yreneb silk apes - ter, 543. •ole price 110. 1 five -plow sons. English tapeitry.hosv• wool trYgsd all atoned EUS, s T1s polo. 127, 1 g.rWos suite. silk osebmer, .us Nash Moils, heavy triage all round, worth 166, ttp.rfal INS. 1 flvrpboe suit. extra Sao Preach silk rugs terleaedits. heavy silk sad wool fringe .11 round. worth $015. sale price. 156 1 four -piece mite. sue brocteted polished wal- nut. worth t10. sale price 121.50. 1 sash- 4ece suite. dNored plueb. polished oral out, worth l'C. safe pries 134. We manufacture Parlor Suites, Easy Chairs Couches, Lounges, etc ad to Deer to kap our ban r- ing the quiet seesoo, we will tor . Rees retail at wholesale price.. A large One of Bedroom 8i fes. Doting Suites and general ft.renure u factory pride. SMITH'S FURNITURE AND I'NI)KRTAK- Victorfa Beek. 1114 SMIORIL'M. New Maohino Shops. N -- NW MA/JHJNE SHOPS -ALL EINDS Of 155.4, Werk Mao at Prier Fantasi1�nmers"��.� new sad sasedl. d emeate bead, Smml.. sod Beth* ter .Is. Atn4- amlimd eyes shsp cams l'ictrla.M Trnf.lw, a ., lleoJ. BAkTSR RUNC3MAN. Sit F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL 8A88, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 1 take this egg le deem the rI.*le the Wo ,.saws s .. prem a sole~tf1.t. fvs..t work to «.aZOeyg • lorry my L_ Whit t !saidrest. 0. �estee tarnished e OWL TY*lath.ZsR ���5.,� .ale r ��m� F. SMEETH. osseus► July Oh WM. Hot he. '111E COLBORNE RCTEL BEING o �k, ratted emir 4, retied**. era .f- �forgds t aeo.mm.datsa 1. the travai- 1 �bafasd the farming aemmWtr. At ovevythleg will be Mol the peuYlfr to a Ira.o4. *05 ASO. RUZTON. Beem Loan an, Salinas Yopatty. ITr IB NOT WHAT YOU EARN BUD WHAT YOU sum MAIM YOU 8855,, THE NOON AND 1*001 LOAI4 I11177aST01u7 WMPAXY Halt sat Hof.r wryer goi wmg+less per rut Ileirn .rear s i Lit OANS- IN 57 e�w.-,..edeans.wNgbewl delay a tb. n 4, '_ ypeoced eisYe y�l�nee mM.Muta ANelloatl.es vs se� me1.4 -o50oda ttr..w AL /FORAGE J. life COLBORIrII. Proldont. UM ANNA L MAW. TILACkat Eta' r >RIMn a iffm .lof ��.aA YBai.• Susantor Retort. ruml'011it'r FARM- Ltao11 sOgF�n1406 wgQ Swmm. mew 1. emit: Tame .�dadsd pys emsne GM this he le ann.at teas end . M sopw deo. n J. J W Last k05T-iN not:Ir jc OR a /TOIIfb