HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-6, Page 4BargaIns'
ennniog. K fine motor power b tie
longer is tont•.s of trans" *sloe, and
for the test time since Uonfederetten
• rvmaOan we find the Cleaearvetiver at a staed-
STI IIT THURSDAY MORNING .h11, anti .ppmrmotly hopelam of [r►
D7 ha
MoMMIMIIISme deeming • emodrt envy in a bye-elec-
Me. et Pwbp ,plan g sad te. MertheuM Laos..
pea �tbTeems K auhasrMMM
. •.-» ... $
fi. « tai
UM Fear.01..0 .
Magi M Vow Lobel.
Tom label 1s • steadies receipt et the date
te w►IN yea .re pad 5p. Sea Mat It b •ot
allowed to taS late
W8.. • Ames el=en is de ared. beta
tee old .ad the stew aYreas should be give&
ad.eenema limes
i,e�m� sad other oaaoal advertlownoste, leo
per Iii tot Ina tawrtMq and 3 owns lW
[at Meb mbeeeuMet heerttoe. M. 1F
a .eao.r'eel owls.
Auelaree Dards of ens Hare mod ander It1 per
or Lova. Rno.d. ,strayed
Mts+ttom Vaoe.1. 11H u.rMs. scanted and
s.jsem Chances Ws. •cd. not •zc..4tam r
Rase sosoaretl. ill per moth.
Romans en lisle and Farms nip gale, ant to
mimed 4hoe. et kr firm meows. pee, p." soot
.a�..st month. L, sat• .. i. pfepnrtlnn
♦ay owe.ep..,.1 ,,,lova etre obeet of whleb to to
promisee toe pei onimry bosons of any er '
vides! or company, to ler considered sa m1
vertissaiest sad charred soon, envy.
Lecal .etkes in nommen typo 081 oast Per
weed, tie seem ler t�.s flSa
Local settee. ID ordinary reading type two
ciente par word. No notice for len Owe NM.
Na1aao tor churches sad other religiose and
b.ssvelast iseatltnttoa halt rate.
Subscribes. who tall to reoslve Tus 8,03511.
romaimiy by mall, w.Il a .for a favor by se-
Quamtlag el d the tact at .. early an date as
ooad Nle.
r'.balaber's Nelle*.
J. C. Ls Toueet. of 0ederleb, Ms boos ap
plated Local Travelling ANNA AIR she bees i -
ships of Ood.rloh. Odbormo, AMAMI and W. -
Local postmasters over the district are sins
empowered to receive subsoriptio.s to Tits
AR oe.oaniestlw must be addressed M
r.Mehese Cali 1111. aderbh.
-Goderich is booming for the frit
Moo daoe 1878-
-The country bas not gone to the
hew -wows up te the Mane of meg to prem.
-Now is • good time for JOHN A.
McGILuv iv, .e North Gonna to ream
frees panics.
-The addre'a of that talented mi-
sestimate WALTsa Ht' S PHIIISs 111e3eT►4!013
is Manville, Oat. He has gives op sesvol-
3a is pain oars.
-The sunny top -knot of the emi
moat Groat., Mott, of 8t. Marys, has of
been oo.splceous sleds the eve.iog of Joao
23rd. Where w be at!
_-Elio►KU ( Or 11K.\Ns, m e in be r-
*leot for K. Northamberlod, ha* as elec-
tion protest on his b.ada. 1. the *ves1 of
being uteeat.eu l !IRAN I will of b in a
position to pate arosmd the hat to the
bridge -tenders of hie oometitssaoy.
TH1 Hon. J. Isamu. TART* seen is to
be a statesman of the right type. He
is not only a worker himself, but he
is desirous that every employee in his
department should earn the salary
that is paid him, and with that ob-
ject in view Inas caused the heads of
Ids department to furnish a list of
those who are on the pay sheet and
the nature of the work, if any, per-
formed by them.
The result of his investigation has
been that the pay sheet was found to
be congested, in that some 160 names
of men were found to be on who did
practically no work in the public in-
terest, and Mr. TAwri immediately
issued orders that the 1G0 names be
struck from the pay roll. In this
way a considerable saving will be ef-
fected in the cost of running the Public
Works Department.
In addition to this action he has
discovered several cases in which the
tete Government had endeavored to
loot the treasury in the interest of
contractors of the CRARLIMOI8, CON-
NOLLY and McOessvY stamp, and has
taken ground to remedy the ill work
of his predecessor in office, by which
large sums will be saved to the coun-
It is not to be wondered at that the
Conservative press to snaking a dead
set upon the Liberal Minister of Pub-
lic Works, but so long as he continues
to work for the good of the country,
as he has been doing since his aooept-
anoe of office, the efforts of his oppon-
ents will not avail, for the country is
at his back and at the back of every
Minister who hogestly and fearlessly
performs his duty.
Tats SIGNAL offers the glad hand to
Hon. J iIIRw0L TARTS for the good
work which he bas done, and hopes he
will continue to walk in the middle of
the road.
bind that kinds M M the Anise whorl of
ibermeas the smear a.-
dime M Riot (ithe hotter will Ube
hr their wheel .s.4 thein spinate.s for
The prope.tten
.wmemits oesseaMithm aTi
ate M• territory to the f+...8
el ss * eat • novel vans b w dtsymed
by she Almighty W.W11. Had He
ei that this mannas sheath he ipobli,
divided He sewer would have rias a Yue
which womb* Nave Oeasd. a ..naw ribbon
1000 vasa in kook mod severed een---
s ally frees Ms .sMpenem1 parts by triple
,.ares .f ....taw and b hamihb 4
.,les of barren reeks. This. however. M
ear I..oatabie perisiso es a remelt el the
anoQses of George the Thimlorta. _rhea
sw•,eesmmtf-g lt, dose lost to Lased the
North A.oeiosa wauseet. The tress with
ear sesein at dose met .gm the msrime se
of oar matiomelity, may, bums, we have
set sad *.ver oma have a Raliemaliy n lag
as we ream. n Su' wbjmeW. esm ed-
Iy. teethes we emu' hem a emeism lily.
eves though we ponsomil it. by entlies
with our ewe eenth est, fay mere than we
lose it when she d/dsmeot pseviaeos now
a,apeeng the De.Imion jeie.d with ems
mother. (.aline are nun .f • superior
type but the trouble is they do mot roses
aim the feat. If this LAW maim was wigs
that the greater euien would be wiser. 14
we weld as the remelt el agrees war sables
mid math W Caned Stine to m we would
gladly do es. and establish Ottawa es the
seat d Oevereaea{ of the .sited oemNneu
Why .Yield we mot bees denims of muting
the two oeu.trius by pe.orf.l metas ss by
the turmoil mod theme *laughter of a great
waris the .vest of m peenfsl salon the
Capital, doubtless. womb* be .t Westieg-
tea. tnet5.d of at Ottawa. so tea, as I have
always maintained. the whole yeentise of
political axon twelves itself isle she prob-
lem whether or of our reprm.estMtvec 1
the Legislative Helie of the country sal
travel north to Ottawa re south to Wash-
ington. Three bm•dred years aro the mew
moo mad middle clams of the Kerepe.s
oestiatet were writhing in agonise n o.m-
*Nunn of imperial and &Aesopian° ("-
preemies. They looked around fee refuge,
and saw looming op through the alta of
the west the groat a.orioso sect vet
which beckoned than to eek reface ie i.
bosom. They responded to that clad. mad
nobly km this remise= justified their faith
is it. I have .lwmys amula►sed that the
argument in laver of political ides w
*coaxer oa oessiaeatal grounds eves thea
ea grounds of assriel mtereot. By ibis
asks Casada w.sId.merge from its modi-
stes of as =muse missy into that .f a
great otlsmality. She would no more lo.*
Mr *dopadest's that the State of New
York lost hers whoa she oat her denthites
V with she great fair= erected by the in -
mortal W adtageom. 1151(••4'• tutee., br
tine aatm would also be dvmmoed, se it
would introduce tate A.eriaa volition am
element trieadlf to the British Empire,
which would ultimately result in the maim
of the great Aarle-Sa=es rax. This solea.
whit* U the hope of all Roel.h speaking
politioi.us, wan only be -.oseptished step
by sap This Weald he the fine step
towards its oeme.nnmMos- We are. how-
ever, di,00.raged la ear endeavor by the in-
ompUoable bigotry of Mea ponessing n.
Canadian storms hat who keep their eyes
8:d 0., sod their loade pitifully est -
stretched to the B•ropma oostia.at for
flimsy titles sad envoy UMMoe.. Them mos
are the emSMtm of the ooaetry .sad Meteors
to Colima immerse* They. metwitb-
usaadimg, pees as the slaty pario., amid et -
feet to dwopise them who are loyal be shat
OODti.eat which is "Ord'. greatest and
Wit gift be maaknd." By teruiec
oar backs es oar owe emanry we have mat-
tered, and will if this pokey be persisted is,
nominee to gaffer weld ealaniti8. "Fight
an maws the Lord Gd of year lathers
for ye shall ant prosper " w she r -nm and
issued to the themes people. This stride e
good is politleal as well an * moral afiere,
and by 4 81&58 mews H1. Insv eaMe gea-
'mpdaml duress. woe ss Oam5t1M•m fail to
nap the boortn of she elviliaM.s of the
.ne*entb notary. We have bees sed are
out el the preemies of melees. As little
okib*w we stead at the window mid me
sts• show ge by. However. thee le me
remiss to despair. Therm are nes n Can -
ad. d ..fiei..s kmatty sad d•nnsfos detr-
lasaMea to seseemOia the .evMsble goo-
ttay of {hair oaeatry, r..Iy. her ponsie.i
ogees with bee ewe o.aibest, Donor Gold -
win 88.18. netwith.srdis[ ►f. MSgnifi.ms
tales'., owing to his deemed age 5th him
pndelb0oms for t8. .tndy monad d the
field of asthma. ae abe the Mss fee the
task et leaders 1p m the mammal for
pati, soy ddddc000emm..b*be seek be be. Great
ruisos, however. always sail forth the MSc.
8o far as I ate oemeersed I •M wiling to
perform my thimble part in the math* b-
arna .smifid dimities to one's •easy
mad oomeseptible oma... My greed.
tether we a blasbeci4th whose
in the
i• the
minims forest be lisped weiddi raw
jeyoss mobs d • bee Animism. My father
was • Cartes farmr, the- sowed el whom
axis, whites hale' the doss* fermis tries,
mingled with the sem et she salvo buds
that warbled teeth the cry fora Remi mind
Megrims that wield is the mile (8.,'...
el Jwha Bright ba " a refuge ter the dslime".p-
Cr� el every rase •OtARY ..e"
1 Suts}eaa bison like Mr. Jemmies
Fabsenkridg..esas hest em dstruotios she
nitlablel. deny d this estuary. A
jades who hos by W ortmieib d goner
sad psmns good bemoans= o.deaed 8imn-
seH to theprofession sed whose abilities
destine lie ler . seem prominent ghee in
wadlsh rry� ef the ••e•sry them he sew ea
im wwM. M seer te me, be baster om-
pleyed thee le miss Ms great fdeoam te
mem eat the emigrations ef his
for m real Comedies
rMAmSltty. flo far as I •el .••vaned 1
have mealier loor egease n.1Rlm*ed ay
thesis* The' deems of m Rema salted'
Asterism Os tisee shall be . ciestalshed
by whatever maims w awnsry. 8e far
es pdNie= uneaten ere esemmmsd *8..
'asses will be TM epnel it see
passte she only imam to
w �hoy Molars shag 1* will he
p blc-rded. lt moeneary, and
e *promMoser. • n leriSy et the peep= d
dmm.da d.ilms he No f..... W. have 8..a
breseh8 tap l the ivied the the win of the
imitate_ Asa din n g. esumi y I host
the opponents d W..*u .1 d.olm.
thea M dna prevail 5•b Y M omens with
.e Mie who mask le k..p On-
mi Ns p iement ....Hien* .It.41M.m
Among this lsat5r dlssa, Justin Falsest -
Wire I rearm te may, le apparentlyte be
1runL Hsmoke.5 nke. n h
ie les. te the Pre -
Aisne et the Tommie el Ms
loyal= to 1M Ora of . b d1
seriosrmen I wash. nit hit r she .is. d
the Omen mew b is
that d t
nmjorisy of Mie el Oman would he
atlp urea ea erh.ph el the Imperial
win. 11 e.. he will fled himself shoed
with the seppmters el the M matt Msnmehy
and an llmheh..e ef the MomarmiMes of
the .seem... 8 _nary. Roston.
p.eias sash m..etms se M••5t, Dem -
tea amid SeboMlmA host. r I read M.
Times and Onlyie's Menu of the Frans\
11.- ' 3an 5i+t, thee are no were blame
this than the saes wee lewd t t+. M Is
.ens " antes ores' 1 have for m less
Mims nicked ren .jMttng she SNOW of
Rdlomei hewn Mud ef atysmsl l.d.pdOm
-It is rumored, that QURRR
TOaI A will abdicate prew.tly-. TW ought
to be a good time for the UsaservaMve
papers to Dominate ,tut royal old Made, Sir
Cit AKL.L' Trrrss,se • fit Dud peeper *.00m -
Dor. It would be e geed D joke as mean
YID/ him for Governor Gemini et Cease's.
eater le the evading elssieno, sh.kna.
that the el Osa.da maid he pee sCC
noshed with ask parish poitl* is ppyrtp
mesh at1sslbm be sail d mei paMM
welfare. Jeans iaha.MURe'e b1tet,M-
..et, has prea/1We/ the dbr.asise se • I
prepo.MMm that be sad bb Pills. Owe
epwpsNimr is Tenon nay rant awned
welt vet ,rata a.ekal1onr4 Their sense
will w dome he unertty se - who were
ready testreas.0 doors ter Camino
inane* sad CLaadlaa asWaality. whiles
Mist el lir. Goldoni Smith will endure es a
beams light l all epprwd people and will
help be Ride then to the goat of the sal-
vereal breeb ,heed of ..uki•d. lir. J seise
Felembridge sad W .mtolltw will peen
remember that while they ss. oppeam
Comedies senseless true Onsedises mem
working for their owe *.sadpatha, sad
that int as alkali se it r te sera bask the
ma as tie steer M will be immovable te one
the o.rre.t of (:.eedisaismi Vim will wait
i• its id5theati*u with ii owe native*
te whish it has b.Wofore through the
.whlwtime of and ma a then hens
anything bat OTLL
Tease Web.
Kioto Mesas.
Oran/esti*. Jess 14th 1886.
Sr. Midis la Smith and the tstverslts e!
To the iCdlter of Tits duo eas_
1 have, with other English apeakiag C.n
.dim.., read with feelings of shame and deep
degradation the oorreepoad5oe is the pub -
no press of Toronto relating to Ma propel -
Use to wafer the battery derma of LL I)
es Deter Ooldwio Smith by the Udvsrsity
of Toronto. 1 oan well understand the =a-
lai of lofty Boors with which the Doctor re-
jected hoer. from • body in which then
were eves a few abject natures, leaf to all
erns* of English 'sambaed •sd
honor, who objected to the omfordng of she
degree on him on .000eot of Wm political
*Mims. The ooaternate of the degree es
Dr. Goldwis Smith, who osmsem• • wort!.
wide reputatwa, would of have shed •
particle of Maar oe him hat would simply
have added additional I. te the Univers-
ity of which Cowl• -ll w se premed. That
•e ov.rwbsioioo majority of the members
of the University Seas*, re•sgaisiat that
Mu distint mss was esly an .08.ewledg-
tseat of educational merit •ad an the saw
ties of any political opiaiaes the dootor
might entertain. was wittier to minter the
degree, is . ciroumet•aos that «I11 gado., it
to the Cenadian people forever. It would
be impossible to tu5'ise R.glm*a.s ob-
jecting to the mane et Dosser Goldwiu
Smith is advocating the *dreamiest of the
oosatry of his .dopUea, oven Ibosth it
might diminish the «,..dear of hie mother
ooaatry Med hese will they object to it
WINO they ersNd.t th.t. i• the view et Mr.
Smith. es well as n the view of all right
thlakn' Canada,,, the political mice of
C•tt•d• with the meanest to which It W-
imps would not Daly sot & 1.1.8 the
strength of Reglad, !amt Weald mot.ally add
to her grestttss sad power. We oan.there-
fon, stead in •msa..eet at the prejudice
and bleary displayed by • hew (5ntio.N..
Womeng to the 8.male 4 the t1•iversity.
Our hams would fail as in the attempt to
ooseoive of R.glnisea glorying is the
tot of being a colony of Frame, Kee= er
Germany. Yet this idea. as disgraceful as
i{ appears to • ands. is an aueempbehed
fast is release to our ewe eiuntry, whit*
apparently glories n Waring es Its brow the
breed of eoleahl ellrvitede to • Einp-
w ansa gs.s'g11 fought to the
death is t� Napoleon= wars is order te
avoid that thrum of •01.113. that sale
guided C.a•di•a. like Mr. Jolene Faiths -
bridge glory in m•iata*ng. Is. the tame
spirit, they, oostmrie@ bolero. meditated the
di.gr.os of the Nemeth Conquest. Defter
(=Mw* Smith's feelings ea Min =West are
met abb.r.at. They refine the optimism
of the Moire' B.glM*mes. ineledng Mr.
Joseph Chamberlain, the British Colossal
Seeresery, who is, o doubt, with Ms Keg -
bob love tor valor sad independence. ear-
do.to•Ily grins/*( at the prepreals from the
firmly epee cabmen se 8 mere es their
mocks the (Maas of mbervies0y which at
the tame tame oenrin•tes se the glory d
his Europese o.a.ry. just se • great body
el slaves, horses, moth. deep end or 5ta-
ribsted te ti• imp.rt8AS el the Jewish
patriarchs. Health mature meld me be
mucosa to rebel seams awe d math semi -
pie= mbmisioe. I sea serar e•der.tamd,
therefore. the amassment of Rngl*hmee es
the enthusiasm Misplayed by C.mmdlest is
favor et them presses sed/Mee et mb•r-
viewy •d also their ei_i pt for '• 5aly •
" Would its baths there were
mere nudthe Wee efNis nOeo-
.d., .hese cannery. le -day. ens eni-
gmas the oenrMmtse M'OMrda sonde fifty
the Coated Stew. •ma l.r ewe d.11er .8.
'..mets Is. Gan•d• havens fifty in the Unted
8taN., .ad fewer Canadians d the .amp
ler. Jemmies F•lw8rldg.. RWN1Mb.ea
would slog the bread ef alenWMm from
their brews se they would M adder. The
d w trees O•a•da, Aus-
tralia, •.d South Myna voluntarily ha-
es5ohimg Keriend to rivet the thaw of
.•M.WMm were firmly ea their nooks by
smiths thea l5 the -W.neretal .mise. sad
thee ex/Jading themselves from the future
hope .f rMounney •d a rmegdtiou by the
weed le meanly an ehjce Mose ler eared
aged for (ids The talk indulged le by
vapid erten, el the " C.a filum .•Meson
le only the drivel of w wheat mire ere
warped y ddeeive degati...d
vewheleson• Clmsads le se
mere • mike le Ods. British, Tremeb
it Dateb Guises cud one le .5gsri.4 le the
mere light se those _Ma1.. w by All the
amtless d the wawa. Rhe le n the porkies
Mat nes el all lerlepusfest oeseeris haw
We their Wm Is *se mammos le
het th. ordnury Rew*tt, Genoa.
•meridiem or T..dnem where the
ClwmedM- emits M elnM and he meal
rub Me eyes sad warder whether he it
W tatm_mmater M rrOte& H.1Ir
mad we may Mer kite endo1~ te pet
ensue..a Is w ewe I.ean•wme tat. ab
Nmmi.e of a ••elea1 elealleoth. sup AA
sap urn the ..an.1 eateeterg . d boss
Isl cr Ifeney w see es e welt*, it ab nnc
citrrile a llcwq.w a rise/. A
Awe le • Aho bew -.e bilis Me chair
war be. A saf.ay M egy a soMq •s the
ern d orwkhr Maw. imams may le the
Mari - -o- str m
Bee oar Ad. The Fair.
It was a geed rug es Saturday
Some very Gee plums were is the market
We week.
Kid curlers, waving piss, bar builders,
pads do. The Fair.
Rogow me.luc of the tows doused ea
Friday evoauag.
Our barrel oaken ere bevies • May time
making apple barrels.
Then was Holy Communiee at 8t.
Georges es Sunda%.
One who should know says that the rain
el Saturday swum • rood root crop.
Several of oar mamas parties omeht ths
shelter of dwelling ea Set.rday evosi.g.
Rev. Joseph Kdge is presohtsg . eerie@ of
sermons os the Lord's Prayer on Sunday
Huron Enmmpeient No. 28. 1. O 0 F.
will bold its regular meeting os Monday
THE and has been knocked out of
to Ontario Oottaervativ.s, so far
as protesting elections is con-
cerned, or 1t may be that no
longer having the contractors and
monopolists to levy on, the sinews of
war are net available. From what-
ever cause, they are not doing any
election protesting in this province,
and the term in which petitions should
be lodged against successful candi-
dates ham clotted without a solitary
protest having been lodged against a
Liberal candidate in Ontario.
It was not always thus. The time
was when the talented Roeser Bir
«8161148. weak' visit a 000.tituency,
or send his .. preventative, and notify
the loom' Conservatives to at once
enter a petition again., a successful
liberal candidate. The Albany Club
or some other inetitetien woekd an-
deehit. to famish the money re-
spired, and a ooetly election trial
weakd remit, if the member elect
did not .t ones throw lip the sponge.
In Mho crest of a vaoaacy being meat.
ed a horde of paid Maori .ad touters
would swarm in the wditi mnoy, sad
il.eked by Government prsdies and
boodle, would endeavor to tura the
siding upside Arra
But Blmnfasamee bawd W lent int
75o, wets. 01.25
?be, won.. .$1.00 to 1.25
25o, were
34e, was
10c, were
40c, were .48
19c, worn .!b
were ....Sato 1.25
Mesa's Summer
75c, tent wen........
All glummer goods mold hem sold to
make room for fall goods which we ere
A job lot of
at a Bargain. A lot of
at a Bargein.
Afew WHITE PARASOLS at Halt' price
e+. juy west is o1ered to ell who Deese be
Goihsrich o.. Frd.), Aug. 14. 1..r earthm-
an Dee programa.
When yes bay the famous BEAVER
Chewing Tob000, be sure the word Beaver
is os each plug.
Miss Baawoat de•tres to heartily cheek
lbw who w kindly atmeted her at the lire
es Tuesday.
If you want to enjoy the comforts of
home buy . 1009.08.15.4 gessio.T''JNKA
Smoking Mii tare.
The foundation is is for the dwelling W-
ise built by 8 P. Balls as the Dorset et
North and N.leon-es.
The tiro engine w takes eat ea Monday
evening, two atre5au beimg peeved fess. it.
Both streams west elm. over the Tows
The Roost salt sed pepper individuals es
Rimm treys. 0.ly • few- b55cb1 vary cheap
said we wilt DM than at 26e. as long se
they Int The Fan.
As will be .55e by report of *shoal beard
premeditate, the Gdmiob Ore• Co.'s wa-
der tor supply's' .sate ter the plater forms
of the several ward wheels was aomoted.
At the resider meet*" el the Nsethet
Epworth Lathes lest Friday Mrs May
Gives gave aa iatreeti•g •ddrhn en
-• Joseph.' A largo smother of the m sabere
wean��50t a•d showed great nter.st
the sbrot.
SCHOOL Iiv4*11. -The regular nevaing Of
Y.btw race( board was he1e1 es Monday
eveaiatt. the oheuo.. Js.. tietthanse pro -
dee. Present, ,ewes. 1.8..., Ban.
Colleens, Cbey.tal ..d Kew. ilium* of
ppnwed 8.setir4 rn.d,spproved and sawed.
The Pri.Sipal'. report I..r June. abowf•g .s
go aNead..ee .f 296 boys and 481
As s remelt el she Jamieson raid the
Travers!' Vellums.' has removed meet the
'Awesome of the Miamian by allowing
children lat fereienses te be bieght their
meths, teepee in the sehesie.
The abr. Sarah a ea the harbee
for repairs.
Captaia Barter's beats are is demand as
Sao evenness.
The eche. Sarah arrived lest weak with
slabs ter W. Rains.
The sehr. Meths leek ea • came of ap-
ples before rang earth.
The motemeer Sophie leaded limber al
Warns tie pan week.
The steamer Comma eigua be ea her up-
ward trip es Illetarday.
The solieemw Mary 8. Gado& tweaght he
a asap* slobs Ian week.
The body of • sia.a, reppoimed to have
OSSA We off the ear. !leery Baird. was
forme is Bay.
Navigation' is epee es the rtver the legs
having ben Maned to the Women having
a free pessage fee bathe
WILlian's tog Deny bee bees othrhaaled,
sod • munher of young nen are talking
• trip to the North es bor.
The seesaw Cumbria was at Loe's do=
on bar way South ea Ithaday aftermonmed
again es leer upward brie yesterday.
The lake enter is warn. bat the ead
=seems sees see sib= to reader =thin
agreeable every •1141111M There was fine
North side es atteresest sod as ad -
Bele were IM=Tin she barber from the
disks to brialsbet the kw by et deists many
el them mid imahleg Isegesse pas*
passing by.
Seams diminutive hearldua1 tege of ewe
the seats so bludervesti'm steps. sal • pert
el the rell es the tsp. The bet smetieeed
piens el madam! mq0s the *Mem' den -
tomes te brevellere dist deck.
AUC 31 to SEPLI2
Now navenuanctin.
LA rear INT= r 1111111*.
Goo, Wove.- At the reeves High Sebes'
40 amehdates. of whisk member 36 (90 per
sem.) perml. All the buys were wrier
• Ben COWL -TM Mod same SI tin
Bawds Marl deism obso simpaay he
sepreenale whoa wino for the sessignigee
bought from the gamey swill Woad she
largim teem ever ainsaland Is Hares.
The sesount wee over me hundred mad
inlay ninisani *ham
Bow WILL Goonatca fien.-Wo hoses
thee Them. F. Pyle. lan a residue of Sew
Yerk Ctn. sal while them sensed la do
sisoutiaser• id whams sml tom. Is sem la
Omni& eseltisa • mailable tootles where he
is the mute isliseery. We
etealisrispiessed sold Kr. Pyle led it is
hie isteross mon sinssu usi bat Naiad
that, hope he way he Ws be find other
to laden hi= be elope Ommodis 7
as residense
14. preasisas so In • bog day is
Oa tins ler • miamedi ezeratith bele
niedisse pawn ma be Gedisish whore.
smiler the empioss of the Glederish Issoball
orel. snare IrM be held. The oelebrolal
Waterloo Math& Sesiesee Dreg bee bath
eagegoal for the eiseteles, sell the Maio
bad teal Mee sellout the yeeseedthae with
Me oho bees seemed by the eseraltist of
lommilttholit. end es than see Imestoote.
Om ea oath* es Woe
ads seassot will bs gins la *slew OM -
Imo MA. *ones ;- Ares • isles oda,-
Om id made will bus ths Ws&
arise Radial ilsontes Ilsoi • dap If
The Phtplu' Great Zoliday
of the Tsar. Walt for It
our names fit•I MYR=
tor Prize. use, and Retry Pbroses, etc..
J. J. WiEla= Hitiart;L,Ibroogo.
To the Palk.
As I am on the last year of my
lease, it is my intention to dispote of
my stock of
etc., etc., and I think it will be to
your advantage if you are wanting
anything in nay line to give me a call.
I shall require • settlement of all
notes and accounts at aa early date.
'Thanking you for past favors, believe
me, yours respectfully,
Now is the time to get your
leaky gravel Roofs repaired.
We keep a stock of roofing
pitch and pure wool roofing
felt on hand, and guarantee
all work.
ileadquarten for all kinds of
A Careful Buyer
=Woo he! iiirreltettrowie rias
ere visporFue..
TeiS Gal& PV.8
'run VANS
Will Won his goon sasiskily, Woo Ms
snags mai, right, sod pay ths right kind
of • pries for them Yea stay rest snared
whom yea phew your ardor with es year au-
tomate will be serefelly pretesbed.
N. me thews se se massive • Ike es we
de, besatiful goodeond meld on a (gore thee
will enable yea to save seam.
The Balmoral Cafe
Th. prettiest nod best-firrotrhod
At The nalmseel mer be elesinell
ef parts* sake omit flovrii/itsysrummemt sr
hossinast Ms sissIbm he aware
cher= sink the men et
ars masa tar min Purity. MAW. end
oorrsz LUNGS=
survot at di barn
Illininonniple !MUM
at ten t gown always ta sleek.
Wall Papers and
Window Blinds
;Alai, IWO