HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-6, Page 3THE SIGNAL : (()DERICH. ONT. THURSDAY AUG. 6, 1896 DeaSkitUrv. 711711-01IOLOON. L D.8. mammal •vraw. Soldriat.. NlSO the Peel Moe. » Walt • Oma.lr. s Yearn 11110aA@•1a M. MAl�D.D.S. L.D.B.r-DIN __ =AL_ Ilwrw txs�trd F. ..ed , g seesialty. . me- a try OMMd�e ttMew me - g ig weds St. the Nide_. aa. J1 VA/MULL. D.D.R. LAB. - . D._Pet srueses 1 0.1i= is teeth t s•.M/ ei amid or same - hum wee•. 150.11.1 .twang• selves t. the 11 she magma teak. Mee 1s •e .ew bleak- MOM t PotaaieraL HUNTEII. PHYSICIAN, BUR ,gees. its. OMs. -Brume street. the reel Moot Ni▪ trlately a Iniehle �, t slM\t+s,11t 9. It. Mw ata s I•%Sstlasa W LANK. MURK Our MARRIAGE • l.ie@.w.9edNbli, Oat. Steal LdiewaL Li U. CAMEB,ON, BARRISTER. SOLI - 1E1. strove Muiveyeactor. to OM1. -our. limeaues ••d et. Andrew -0a. e0., U31 - A kber•o valet ty EKNKST HEATON - BARRISTER, ssltdter. Newry Public . Ao\mae@ s I11ook. West aOmnL Imply LP CAMPION,Q.C., BARRIilT SOL • loiter. Rotary. Ile. trace erre it a. MVsve. Oedenob. -1 O JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. SO - 1. 11cuer. eemmseMe.er. titre Mona w Oa I. pl c+• : core Hamilton cad M. Andrew's streets, Nodsrtch.1*1. OOt LOPTUS L. DANCEY, BAERI$TER, gehssamr.Ommomoor, to., ego. Mstep mo b.s at lowest rates. Herta., t 0► Gibers* Gibers*+. Ilosei. God.rlob. Oat. •tt E N. LEWIB, BARRISTER, PROD - .rt Msrtuoe (loots et Bided. ,o. Seat\ O.lhet'w Dela. tali [� 0. RAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - 1 ts. OK, dc. Moe North -i. emit door aIOLAL Mee. Prorate Panda M lead st awes rates of Internet. 1190• ( ARROW s PROUDTOOT, BAR- MMses. Asherseys, Bellmore to, ooeig doh. 1 T. O•rrow. Q.C., W. Prowl/eel CAMERON, HOLT A HOLIES, B.crfsaro, &Welters In Chancery, se. seasick. M. m0. Cameron. Q.0.; P. Holt ; Dudley G. WARD, OONVEYANUEIt, J. aa. sad.@emleeisser 4r pest .na re- s..[ tewyplsneees at b•11. afiiavfu os. d-.esllis.s se .sloe. ded•rs- meaet uss 0e Oleos (a or smirks. salt or mo- st at Jambe.w Mattee l AustJ& toe teas or batty .a Makin-wet..a ti is i 1.ti.10/stee and edirsHimmitami Oat. 09-tf wawa IMO fiDaMrsDOs. MONEY TO LOAN. - 160,000.00 Private Tends to tssMat N per Deet. •a- •e.11T• M. O. CAaKKON. Hoetoe's block. opposite Whom Motel. 0odsef.b. MTV L)RIVATS FUNDS - PARTIES DE i ohms gtobt•teleg mesa ea ant -dee. Iron .easelasi de so at Se per meas. hy se- a. ug w A. e McDONAON Resat IM e as Si Tweet*. wee** t SEAGER, CONVEYANCING AND te .Mea sppsslm.11[arttr'•Hotol 111 OICEY TO LL D ON MORTGAGE D at 1 �p@@rr geed. Now dlseeaaMtl. 0. BOER, 6= opposite Martin's Motel. Qea► FFJ. T. NAPTEL, TIRE, LITE A141) J . aecidemt Iaso aa.. • se lowest Walt.bathe*. ▪ Mee --Ore. bathe*. sad aged" hod. W71- tt00,0u0 TO LOAN. APPLY TO ale O MERON HOLT t MS 01.111 . Soda. ego MONEY TO LAND. -A L A R (i P A- wombat of Private nada for Iavasetest at lowest moo on fres lase Ilorog•g.S. Apple • DA*LHOW It PKOUDFOOT RAD6LITTE, GENERAL • �we�sa.. Only t Mamhsad r .does a mp•ai n rswv.anmM. Messy to Lead e. Mt.iS►t Mame. a the lowest rate of Interest S@iag• lo In/ wile M ease Ma o.....- r. Ofi.- Sew tem dem from Nw ••re. Woes a- Oohs. 1M.Mllaa/M' Inatitafa. GODEILIOR11010HANIOS'WITINSTI- AND ItIADIOMS tKAM Inc at l mDttY 90.01 •.d $gaire l.p Oro tram 1 te a,nisi„ sad from i le Ie P.m. ABOUT 1000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading Deily, War* mod Illemir•ted t0eiP T109TW.`ttK a Aleage Madan Irma nam et tt\emy and aeadias ♦patfeafleee fee eosebeeship .eseM1 W Uhowlea, la mom I. IL OOLBOR$9. • H. L1 YOIt, ooeseh M u& 99 111011, AsiotIonoortwit. THOMAS GUNDRY, A•UOTI�,O�NEER • •.l eelasursts@ hit• 111.1aa t7e., w halm Mfu tttd Mast Ina Oa Wes as - tamed t• stip earn/ the amass war JOHN ENOE, GENERAL AM - * wow sad Least abet*... Soddertalt silma.e4tste.dt hegenelien malsa.elM.all SmM "smeseas 'WWII with le Met. ODW� MX ���♦N eMstdmtsetdmt Protonaleauil. c. wrists tstMI= AawItaliolr 007. WD sosys7o•a Am. Oil. @110 c. a DL►Don7mtAw. a or. HanJM•aadN er,mMw4B tea IgM se trete • inseam Don't else in the ehk me V ye. e•• .amid 1s. IL hemmer. fres have te M e., Ind tea esa•f.I, wit M baser* sit pieti- sm mods yam. W • piles .f map be On it'd..Ysa Nei the either and tositprint s 'stir A el where be matt mach N Wahl Intl Oboe Mesh.• yam. 1b11' dr M smear,. ea i• Mom. the "I" wsahamet, ..d If the paras eats Pm night meterio. • Osas ala-- he . p'e'r ttlttl sic • • paid • ?.r..t�a as1 --hhtt en wit m o isialt. Itried Maui all. hWSii La: mut is' spShwed ~1 1 i M>FMini ateh ell ▪ /aadileiaal by � % Divlsisa Nark Des ~' It-gaati blower la sash flea. ben. FARMEhiti IMOITITUTSS. gamma• 1• Amll.ese. With the laser.. tweet Aoseetatae•. tet March of this year was urgrnlsed `Ito lop rulas;onal Association of Fro - mere' 1n►utule Workers." Three oflM- owe were chosen as cxecutive, and . n their call will be held In Ch.cago this tell the neat meeting of the •mocia- ilun, at which papers will be presented by wee of the beet known and the strongest workers to •be .ill United States and , Canada. .t. the Murch meeting the organisation \ gras ma• a as s.:n- O 0 . • pie es possible. Pra.ldeet I.* I.W.•t..:.ce the elee- tlon o: only the -e throe ofilc,•re: U. t', Gregg. pres:de.at li-ternatI anal Assoc-14t.on of In•tl•ute Workeia, Lynd, II• ones., u, etc•-pirai dent, (Norge McKerrow, superinten_ d.•nt Wisconsin Institutes, Madison. W is., and secretary -treasurer, F. W. Taylor, superintendent Nebraska !ma't- tutea, Lincoln, Nrb. In commenting on the meeting in.. a recent tour, the American Agriculturist says: There can Le no doubt that farmers' insti- tutes are a fixture and that practka Its every state will very soon, If not now, have the problem to settle of how best to conduct them. Those Just bo- ginning the work can gain an Immense amount y( advantage by avall.cig thernsepiA of the .xperten_e of those who fleet undertook Institute wont, The Agriculturist then /eves artide/ written by tbm superintendents of //or secretaries of the Institutes of W$con- r!n, Minnesota, Ohio, Michigan Penn- sylt-ania, Kansas, Nehreska Indiana, and In Ontario and Manit Of the institute work in Canal Mr. R. A. F. Leach, secretary of the Manitoba Farmers' Institute. writes: 1.etstete Week le *..Mohs. An act of tis( Legislative Aoeembly plumed during the seeston of IMO mad ln.titute work in the province pow h1.- it provides for the organizetjo •.f an, institute upon the approval . the Minister of Agriculture when pe t oned by 25 persons who have paid memberithip tee of Vic, the organise thr:t not being restricted to terrltorla limitations. After a number of these organizations wen perfected It wan felt that the work might be made more permanent and •. feetual with the aid of a central or pi...- vim-1a! n>_vincla! orisnix.- ton. with whlea all the local insti- tutes might be At filiated. To suppl this want th Manitoba Centra Farnwrs' Institut Association w• orranix,d. Tb olds a three days' n. • ring annually which repro. • ntativ r from all th oral some atl••ne arc present. The dicers of th. e.•rtrat ,twociatlon sup ridge the• in.t tote work of the ent.re rovince. as r.ling cut lecturers. usually pairs, to all the local institutes twice ach year, and oftener if the funds to his purpose permit. They a1.o .uanl e agrloulturat interests of the pro- lix.* in every particular. The tn. mbersb+p fee 1n Focal 1nst1- tee Is .A per moue. The Govern [nett mike@ a g:'a:tt of 50c per annum mer bee for a membership of not ass the.; 25 or more than 1(0 and t. e central aasodatlon of 51500. Local stltute •esocia;ions hold regular meetings throughout the winter, mo- lly every two weeks. at which pa- pers are pr'e'sented on .varloisa farm pie and subjects of Interest to a lo- Ity. A permanent organisation In locality L very often found to be a real convenience. It a creamery or Peso factory, or farmers' elevator• is be organised, the matter can be ken up in the Institut* meeting ai;d !its (Hammed. and all the prellmtn- es arranged with very little effort pared to what 1t would be If there re no suc\ organisation. In our reel', settled ptuvinoe 1t le !bot easy keep local institutes flourishing. Yet • work bas yielded many fold Its t. The annual three days. Meeting b onto( to be much prised by the more progreastve fanners, and the recon*. dation of this reprw••t•tive body Moak weight. itis association entitled to the credit of securing the owing: The teaching of apiculture the meld% Dchoola hone dairy in- eties ley mea•s of an snipped Mar aUng dairy. tile appoint:neat of a superinerndent for the province, eat•busainont of • dairy school chews. and Mutter saber with a course for the home dairyman, reduction of 1night rates, mooc- h' roes h' on what, whloh le the chief ar- e of expert, the l.11slatlon of taunt- hall une \all Inwrancea, • suhetantl.l ra- tion am tion In law costs In cases of Mira- . the thegatives lieu amt, Govern - t .id to creameries and cheese fate- , ag , etc. the S.taris ammo,. . 7 W. Hodson. superintendent Om, rile Tamen in.litute, writes an folios.: 100Wrte• Imre 4r1N organised b7 Vi -drat 100?s d the Ontario Agrkd- I Ormge. in Ilia. i• 1Mt, !is. meet - were held. In '*. M. During 11115 emtinge more held. The .i.waget ettestddp� hu iia was Wel; the total TI.w: •.may5 .l et tie melt Oka. Tet. was vary enitlffr e 11 ls rw•nsruret th.t tarts \•e • popi•IWea deny 1111 Wel at 77,700 was agent 101 limit - wear* is 111110 IMie I•elleeei UN Orreellsrent mot sot ties e•- er pow .o.neteiesas. Tho'sego- ertwt0ta1wt resolved a smart' et Stall bbr L 11 .it 0M 1 .w.r. Wer. 9.11 • Oho :axed their as*rrll.ssl t. ,EM more as 'lee Ahiislag I-- loiaroet is tea ths sas.•atr o•i�tN .4t•odeiea telt. Poke ttl0 tllsaslld 1. n a 1 a- A. a LeACn. Secretary Maa. P.I. h at 1 0 e t• In e tis v to per i th In us. Ontario 1as1.latts. and .re under the dbwtlo• of the .apersntoaso.t who has Imeaeslnte charge O.• Inatltute may lis mapals.d In *ace electoral 4► tried. exdttdve of cities. and mutt hi- Matuto *0 ksowe by a distinctive gams The legislature last session voted as annual epproprlatioa of ta.001 fur the support et the work. A grant a $La is given to each district institute on cos- dltlon that an mum sum be granted by the County Council or the munlat- patitles In which the Institute lo er4an- Ised. Mach association must have at least i0 members, who pay an annual for of Sic per member. At least five meetings must be held hi7 each association In different places devise the year. The dates are deed by the superintendent. Teem meet- ings must be 1 advertised by posters put 97 in eon 4euous placee and by the insertion of notices :n local papers. No partisan or sectarian discussions are allowed. At least half the program of each meeting must be presented by local talent Two delegates are Bent to each meet*, -i proteasor a the agricultural • .!lege and a leading farmer. doh- .an or fruit grower. The Uovernmen' pays the expenses of the regular delegates. Should speakers le required at other than the regular meetings, the department pays for such services, but the traveling and other expenses are paid by the local laatltute. THE MAKING OF TERRACES. A row iw.,d.: os. the $.b4.. -t That Aro l al.abi. to til. Asat.er Gardener Whatever may be one's personal opinion a. to the beauty of terra•.es, It 1s certain that men and women will Continue to like them and to construct re0. L them. It ha important, therefore, to know how to construct them In the Lest manner. But before explaining a wrinkle or two that are of value In terrace building, 1 want to protest vig- orously against the making of double terraces. They are an abomination In the sight of good landscape garden- ing; and as for three terraces ono above another -well, words fall me fit- ly to characterise such atrocious mu- tilation of the "bid sod.•' In making a single terrace, It 1s a somewhat difficult matter to make a Iooso bank of earth remain In piece unt11 the sod is applied, and even after the sod 1s to place any pressure on - the top of the terrace Is likely to cause y the whole upper edge to slip off, To e prevent this trouble, drive two or three 1 was elwW' e' . e v ••••••,..7i ; • • • •,.'.. • • ,' 1t• • • e• • • • ;.fit• .• -i' to cal a 0 ch to to fu art coag WC ape• to th cos CO MOO MITT Is toll f■ art. dairy the tete sheet tate 1•I tied el pal due tine men Wise Illr et tree lag A tate Many ..mew ass pad ed the asthL MAW !}T 1Mt_Aw r1p m•trwlsall Bp ue • <.' •• ti -a nn T. rowp of stakes along the extent of the proposed terrace, and to the upper part no* rough boards, as shown In ihe crop section in fig. 1. This will hold the heaped-up earth In place till the sod lo applied, and thereafter will give great firmness to the terrace until c.a- ture Do compacts all the materials as to mak. slipping Impossible, as shoals In fig. L Tbere Is shown In this cross mention an excellent point In applying turf to terraces. The end of the roll Is begun on the level top of the terrace, and M carried out over the edge and down the slope, thus 41.lrag no open crack at the upper edge, where an opegming Is specially detrimental to the well being of a terrace. As sharp and distinct an edge can be'made In this way as where the opening comes at tate edge, while the r sults of the former practice are far si.per!or.-W . D., In Country Gen- t:eman. The Arnie aerie. The army worm lo doling lots of da->_ age Just at present. an.l :s mak,ng H- eel( particularly obnoxious In Illinois, lows, Kentucky, Indiana and Mlsso•„r1 and Western Ontario. Th e Is an Insect native to North America; no- where else in the world is It part.cu tarty destructive It M a .ked striped caterpillar, about an 1- . and • quar- ter long and dark 'n (-for In May and June these eatery4len meati.• . - make their appearance in immense• number. devouring whelt • •- .miler gran and gr•anea They climb TH REE OONQUBRING HEROEfa LIMB DIBSASE, KHIUMATIBM AND STOMACH TROUBLH an. - QUO= BY TIM THREE URL? SOUTH All SRI - CAN REMEDIES. reoarr aQ1I1r 11011 WEST K Axa Sassy is the asthma from Wang disarm to is dries, the pssIea beam tit eye - um. Pella a•d powders. whilst they give *poorest t.WO and shim dessive the est, do sot aradim.M the disease. The Mal mathko persists@ that'th.r tam Me Mood tem be dissolved if the ,system is .M be wowed of t1:a paean, and is M aaiy • ren - dr like S..ab American Eldney Can that • ill do this. M. Mhb.el 10.10.31,. mil- kmen •eldest .f (.1ael.y, 0•s.. was a vie - see of loch..] dame, @o severe that at times lie meld set he dews, oe remota fn may sae poi1 .. for • Lugs\ et uww Miss other modisi.as emeassabrd nothing, be unmet tmmdt.te rebel tree booth Amami- von m ri- von )(Wane Cure. The neves_ .ad scori- ..e... .her swag the medicine, mon left hem. and to -day there is sot . •sgn .t use trouble a. ►r wets= The.. ie 00 e.ssii.•u of rite aresieal uhsr- wter of Swath American Rheumatic Cure. This moody will dm* the worst forma of rMenieute free the system. Mr Robert E Otbmos, of Pembroke, Ont., .sfered on - told misery. Doctors blistered Mai, and applied every known ready, bet did nu .tuod. '• The But dose of South Amersoan Rbeu.iatio Clue," sets• Mr. Gibes, .• gave me Meant relief. and half • beetle eared." The nervosa prostration that comes M gutty woeo. can be quickly ovens.s by the roe of youth American Norris& This medicine attacks the wove centres, which .re the fountain. of all health, and ties die- -.se banished from slieee the system c•e -.os its bunt up. Mr,. M. Williams, of Fordwioh, Oat., wile of the woll•known ma.afw.uror cf that town, sedated i•se..e- 1y from nerves@ prwtrailoo for years, and ..timed beyond relief of the beet medical - kilt- " I wee under medical treatment," ..ys phi. lady, " for two or three years, but my modules only got worse. I react of the - • o.ler• performed by booth Amsrio.n Nr.rviw, and tried • bottle. l)♦w bottle e me .nifi.aeoi relief 10 eseourye me mo oon•moo the medicine, with this result that it woe not lose before I was completely oared - Sold by J. E. Davis. A aeele\ Ammer it Iagenll..s Exe..e, Some time ago, whet Lord 1-- wadi trying • .ass by jury, • armor, who hod b • o summoned as • jsry nton, came rem- ains tato court, @eyioe : "Excuse me, my bird, but I am in an awful predicament. In tams, I don't know wkatt er my wife or d•orht.r will die fires'wee •t set. •coned. A few days later • friend, who had been in ooart. Inquired of him about his wifea end daughter's health- "Oh ! they .re .11 right," replied the groom ; "bet wise.. yco • soot inch tae get off! I'm e tre omit -tidy does ken whether my wife or daughter will di. first ; in fact, I dew ken myself N eta. f.ew 1e.aa/p.1N■ and Liver 111. Dr. Acnew'. Liver Pills are the most per. foot mane, and cure lake magic, Sack Head - . oke, Cns.t,n.ti.ro, 7111ionesees, Indigo.tioa anti Leer ills 10 oentdi a vial -40 doses. Sold by J. E. Davis. An 1••1i.n warship woe struck l -y 1i71t'. sing and went down in the M.di'.r•amia WSZ NEXT YOU ARE BUY/110, ABE YOUR DIALER FOR "LUDELLA" CEYLON TEA and you will then have an opportunity of enjoying somethingreally delicious. You may snit your pocet, as it is packed in four qualities, 25c., 40c., 50c. and 60c. Is. Lail Packets Oily. Fro 4ROIER1 ail CENERIL $TORWEPIRI• 10.1; In Buying a BICYCLE, it pays to BUY THE BEST. And ,1 doubly so when the best costs no more than one not so good. T1 Common Sense is one of the best wheels manufactured in Canada, The Ladies' Wheel 62-3m being constructed on principle@ to give the greatest possible comfort in riding. A number of second band wheels, in good repair at low prices. FOR SALE BY GEO. W. THOMSON, POTMAHOFF TEA. This new blend of tea for fancily use is now on sale at our store.. We have also the finest in FRUITS and VEGETABLES and keep on hand full lines of beat Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce. Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables, STURDY BROS. The Grocers, tea the Square• BATT mj THAN t3.OL73 IS A BUSINESS OR SHORTHAND COURSE iX 7411 earm.o04ddmeg ageed amiwors them It gam liglurallattirrieend M shiest inpadble to wet Too will remember Om t obdeed a kat e0 psalms hem you ca OW tam et a Visittack >W sus powders ud Woe lads, fomes p od..s I� s@. vloSilsg m�eend with wesee..ia a•d Ie:)3. ngl eltd00 llg.q. Allen,. • in ALL D•Y001aTS, on ' IMMO 1![ P0•110 CO.. T/MNT1r MT. al(t=esseiLse legal .: =its Sold in Oederieb by .1. E. DAVIS. CISH for BUTTI8 ad INS ham still a Mw DRYQOODS STRAW HATS which I am selling at • reduotim la prisma as the Cash G coo 8 roc. sseare..•es ams sessesp. PAlfOAYZ BREAKFAST TTS ARMY WOSg. op tis. me. Madge sad eat et the Maga. With a fa.e1011Ss Isaeemastau of aril atMae booms se •esl•o gas as se asoa.ldte1• silpipitiess letan M autos Seth der .O math Sinop �at teed. !Sao tirop s. gltms[ aVIL Ms .,w► lumst h► s Wins an& Ie the 1714. ter RW /Mawr of th• year. If roe have meas ,..lined this befosa yN will whoa yam Imes crud sea ed ter PAN- Cem .t ea • tcis sated mina PURE 4APLE SYRUP W FALFEE We mei the Dna ••es. graeraiis. O.A. NAiRN. • aisle Format City Bntmmam College We have leased the isle et the tied Mer et the maw 11.11.C. A. buildlog and are havtag It Saeid se esposially ter oar west. !90.0 saphig • superior mum of Iteggothn. we have demitasse pea emsd Mer ether Diesel M western 0•tsrlo, OoHag. Rs -opens Sept. Writs br J. W. 1.017-$.STH:1,V $`LT Principe, Easy to Tight --Hard to blow out --dives a clear steady flame. to bewth . actual tests most perfect Wax nab* Lassie. Atsb he a..@ lade M The 13. B. EDDY Co., Ltd. mum - Canada. CASH PORO�L. TAEE YOUR WOOL TO TER Goderich Woolen Mill obey* yea sum gmk IgM vales ler year mesad bola la maim. fat ter pupal.. WOOLa-MIST Q�� We bags apses/ a starer DWwllti.sI moot • Elllpbem 1pegok,whgw 1t oils p is glee you 7'- you e --1 prise lib !vines ea oss Woad. Ws ate pow die CUSTOM WORK .M w sop bm•Sim les. as the serf lows' pal. sad Y'm`Ir''.e'"r Tweakarm* gl boosiar tb�Ml�,- a1L�111ti 0 t BMW G. M. OOL.L.IN&