HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-6, Page 22
THE SIGNAL : GODRR1CH. ONT. TH1 1:s1►.‘ Y AUG. 1, 18911.
There's the 'traders bey r HLred's plea.
Q s u, 1. v% J.qw I
I W te lamb stabs we hie fleas.
0. basks so ekdrt sad shaky.
W. mil bet " Mee" beseass. yea Seo.
He's sisetter lila a Mlles ;
I vow el be said kolas m..
I'd brats Ithe with • pillow,
Desi look like a maid ds the Wage
What oro bop dei ss bandy ;
Ho goes to tls.d*y sakesl ad imp
t Ssfs eoegp-aka city bandy.
Wire Reis' to pester hM ss& make
Sots for Meat kis mother ;
Hall )sse be este for me and Jake
la one w/ sae mother'
Seam boys is bad domino' obaps ;
My kegs feel awful shaky.
Ad atoms my bead got 1 elf the raps
That vtllau. •used et J•okte.
But lake's frost teeth u .well.r.d toe.
His so.. had no n+. jacket,
•sd both hie test were Week and blue
when he got through the racket.
And w l way that bray from them
Ain't lir t.• have o•, fun trite :
I"11 out him dead and lure ham deera-
Tbat port of boys len dose with
-1 alg
e llsme-trtmigied w...g •f fare. wem the
S WIM ed bows get with them
" t. was she who dimmers/ .nab had
. eeeesed." • gemmed Mary. " a&o never
bead • etre se ; sieve • NUN Mel. yea
knew, ee the beet of tient."
Abad year br•eher T
••Ota li wmnld
be useless be internments
h im. He weld see slbierelsed les, Mar
At that .semen►, as if K bear Iowan e�
to tee truth .1 her wards, Hems. Or etwell
appeared ia the doorway. I had sever sees
him lock se vest. As Imbeelle nee,
when quickly gave pias to • feeble smile
grins be maw Ott. peeved that it 'meld be
fettle te look to gime say i.lorm•tes from
W.U, the police were celled in, bat they
meld make .ethane out of the . air, so, the
Proverbial aim days' wonder over, other
teaks mopped ap fes dmeseim, sod to
burglary at Myrtle Concept ceased to be
much thought neat
" "' ES, it's very sail for u'i said
Mia Matilda. " He was such • bright,
bappv.s•tured fellow, was he out, Mary !
" indeed he wee," replied the other ea-
ter. " He aged to bs tate joy sad light of
oar home. It oak -but so, dear, I oaonot
bear to talk of bit." And tears welled up
into Mery t;reetwell'' faded eye
" Poor deer 'treaters. I thought pity
Lately, as 1 trudged homeward through the
mud. " It really is very dietressiov that
their rely brother should have lost hu
reason. What • binning, though, that ne
u harmless ' 1 hey would otherwise have to
plsoe bit an •o asylum."
The Misses t;reetwell had laud among to
about • twelvemonth, having prevtouely re
sided in Leedom. We -that is everyone m
the village --tuns to them immediately.
They were so gentle and unassuming. 110
kind and thoughtful, that it would have
•• H. bas es MM." replied Mks Wry
promptly •
•• Miss Meiwd•'' lame wee ..mere." 1
Selo se myesit. wbwa my Magid ~tepee.
•• Medi, wash all the usable she's ed. k'e
5.s .erpr eine "
Abseil bail as hear later Lspeet•r 1M-
Vo1g► galled to see sea
Tee will a geed be bar. Maes BUSM.'
be beam, 'bot as bed Ashes beds. "ahs
we have easeesdd is meari dee the berg -
las, Sed the rime yes gave me is solely r•
spoeeible ter oar suo..es."
"• I m eo gid," I eras& " Will the Oeees-
wale get bask e0y .f Mask property. . 1 de
hope they will."
The Ia.pseter gave • psaa'.tsr, ab.eku5p
leer h.
" 1's shard set," be said, " By she -by,
Mee you as eartwty te lean wee the role
Mrs are v
What ! Do 1 k.o. Weer' I es-
'• Yes. very well.' he rsj.ised deliberate-
ly ; " they are to Oreetwells."
Rigid as • states, I maid only Sit mod
stare at hint.
" Yes," be oeatinsed, lambing, With
Nary and Mies M.liwda, as you call tem,
sod their crazy brother -wee is. in reality,
the sou ot an of tbem, wed as eine se Mei
or 1 -.re notorious thieve They herr all.
at cos time or soother, suffered lose term
of imprisonment. My se•ptoioss were
aroused s• soon as I heard your story of the
rang. which. though plausible ..oath, wee
by no means the rely possible expla5•tt0w
of the matter. sad-"
" Bet the Gemmel. were robbed them -
Mesa" 1 typed.
" My dear Indy, ' he replied, "that rol -
bery was simply s obeet. • blind- don't you
uoderatad ! "
Yes. I understood at kat ; end I smile
did of fright and shame when tete tweak
for went re to tell me that I should have ti
give trainees against my former freesia.
How I pot through the ordeal I don't Mew.
bet I do 1sow this, that when I heard M.-
Itods and Mary each oondemnd to i..•
years' penal servitude. 1 feinted sway. Iu-
specter McVeigh'. stalwart arms bore one
from the wart ; and since that day he bas
often oslld at my eottage for belt an boor's
ober mod • Sup of tea. laded, ear vicar
will Shortly have to me Ms
tion whether they knew of any r.•wea wlt7
I should not change my mute.
It was now the middle of Jana-tbe
warmest. Guanine June we had had for
years. 1 was sititng ow moralise in my
back garde* shelling peas for diener, and
enjoying the slight, soft brseze that was
blowing from see south, wham Mies Melinda
n.Iied to me over the wall that divided
their property from mine.
We've had a letter from our solicitor
this mornioc. SI'.. Horst." she said. '• ase
Mary nae 10 go up 'own immediately to see
hist about home hueue r, and I'm afraid she
won't M side to rat bark mdse ; so 1 wont
to know whether you will mind spending
the eveoiag with me and staying all night
'.nos the house was broken into I'm ter-
tihly nervous, sod afraid of sleeping along
l would have .len. to be with me, bat site
wield never bear •oytbiag. Do you mind
coming in. Slim Hurst, and doing s poor
nil women • kindness'!"
I redly •reaiesoed, for I knew that my
girl did not mind sleeping slate in the
hears---• thing she slimy* had to do whoa i
was •way for my .Douai change --and •b...t
seven o'clock I Wool' myself to Myrtle Cot
tate, where Mies Melinda passed as agree
stile evening playing obese. At halt pant
tee the supine tray was brought in, sad
w000 after Moves we retired to rest.
bees impossible not to like them.
Before they bed beam three month. in the
Hoes they were beloved by ',aryene. Our
oiergymen extolled tbeir virwes loudly -
their goodness, their benevolent», their
.arlty, wan W oosataat baso. And Me
°Naha was endorsed by everyone wbo
Mew tem
Ten may well believe, teen, that whim
tear brother. their junior by severs! years.
a .tea young fellow who had 000e paid
tem • einnt, though 1 had never Gose him,
havi.( bees away from home in the time,
lest het ream. we were •11 previously sorry
ter to two old maids. Farness was the con
idata•l *hark of some Louden merchant, is
whose ssrvtos he had been over fifteen
,ears. Yet when he (the inerobent) was
o.e day robbed of s large immune of maim,
he had nothing better to do than to spouse
yeses li,seetwill of having stolen it. Clary
(irestwelo, mob taste in her eyes, told me
the particulars of the matter.
I slept esuedly, never waking till • fear-
ful battering on the bed.rooui door told me
that sometbiap eras amiss. It was )Sat
seven o'cloak sod the sun wee shining
brightly. 1 'prang out of bed and op eed THE STORY OF A WELL-KNOWN
the door. A Mill fear contracted may heart
when my eyes 1e11 of my own little serval.
" Ob ' m•'snt." babe exclaimed, " to
moors ! They've fen to oar home !"
I. lees time then It takes to write it, I
was drewed and hurrying hems with all
.ped. What:a sight met my eyes! Al'
most every room in the hones wee in a este
of to utmost disorder -drawers sad cup-
boards broken open, looks wreaehud away,
tables sad *baits overturned : while as the
Boer property et every description was
street is the direst Sedan.•. With the
want°. molasses... which characterises so
many of the pre.e.diare of burglars, tin
housebreakers had peat out of their way 1
spoil sod damage everytbiag that fell late
their hands. The only comfort was that
they had toned nothing sufficiently valuable
to be werth stealing. They most have left
my hoose grievoasly diesppolnwd.
Hastily desp•tobiag my nerviest to the
police, I eat down *mid the rain of my
house. I surveyed It ruefully. Tears
g athered to my eye I felt that Provile.as
had teemed me bindle. Leekbs( road. I
. pied or the Beer • familiar object-famil-
isr, I say, gra Set see for When* preemies
is my hones I •old not •cosset. It was •
mail paid rlsg set with come buss brilliant.
I r.ssrded it with amassment, for it was
the property of Ernest OresewelL " How
bee it Dome tato my hoses I asked argil.
la 110 next a tient I remembered the rob-
obbery amt deer. sad that retry =phased
the mystery The ems thieves mast have
bees engaged is sask limber steles the
ring from my neighbors' Musa, me el Mu
h ad preo.eded to weer it, •ad Mille he was
helping in the destruction ..f way ..npertp.
1' moot have •lipped, o,pes'eivrt. frees his
g -Saar an' rolled on to the Seer. I was as
the point of rousing in es mew MMM to tell
taro of rev di.eov'ry. when a mike is-
. p.e•ee arrived se the mese with me d W
e.te111tw The i..p.Mnr Mud far •
private i.terview with s ; end Mee I lead
answered all bis quokka& I add Me .Meet
the rug. Hs Waned •tesetively.
" Yes," he said. as .erg s. 1 had finish-
ed my story. " 1 hawse dew. madam,
that you are quite right -the surae Mimes
have evide.uy bm at melt le both *ansa.
He thee went ea to erseses irom se s
Mem premise Stat I wmeid tell ate see,
.et weft the Ovu tvelh .bust my Geeing
the Mg.
" i eve great hopes, Mie Hurd," be
said, " de r.sgbg the bereave be e•rN.sd
pier et/Meas. ea to whj.at may amide.
.My kelp ma.n
An Effort to Bring the traCtiOns
Asad Maim a sersee. Lased Mead, wtidem
m Tier egos MM or No Survival of
she ate. .f sou-bavw.wese ear 10.•
Wad - AU a...ml.Mbge beveled es
Tabs lest' w tee tiMberds-Tbe tftsre-
eeea et Lemeembee well be Besemee k
sad tar. Orates alar Si Salted Mae•
teaser reams.
New Tork, Aug. i. -The !!saes bus -
don cort•aspoodeut soyr. 1 bays been
authorised to make the prellminer7
•anuunceanent of th.'r purpose Is cun-
tatned Ili the follow ne stetemvSt.pre-
pared by Mr. John Inllun. 5%5T euu-
mitation with his aseree4tes. and
handed to me for pubecetiuu in the
Gutted Statex ata Canada.
'Tbe National cuiven.los whet Is
to meet at Dublin un Sept. 1, was
summoned with a view of agouties
an oppurtunity to all who desire to ..t:
unity restored among the Irtse \-•
Uonaltsts, to tome tog.t l -e ane lacy
down a pletturm in support ut t,.t`cn
Isiah Netki"ultats throughout t!.t Vivi Id
might act together. Wath that oble't
in view. the proposals for the t'Onten
tlun were made so wide as to emerete
all Irish Nationalists who dear, t.,
PVC & fair trial to the e..netiettioual
"It is now manliest that. w tar rs
Ireland and the Irishmen In i:tree lire.
talo are Otincern..3. the wa.•'nt. ,a
will be the meet repres'ntativ., wheel
has assembled since the spilt of IW.1.
and 11 will have. ea compared w.t'i
prevl•iur oonvent.ons. the .tut :u:..._
of the pre.ence,at Its deliberst.ons, of
many representative Iris'm T. Irvin
other parts of the world. its decisions
must, therefore. 4m.5e great wr.ght
with the Irish rate. and lasting lnhu
ence on the future of the Irish melee
el s-
" 1 cannot trove that you are tee thief,
Wu," the merchant -end • horrid old man
hal mast have beam, 1 nue.•-tbaadered,
" bat I have sot the slightest doubt of it "
Abad he gave him • month's .glary mod die
mood bis.
Thee diegr osd sod well-niftb Rimed. for
be was unable to ret seethe+ .rata...
Ernest Oreetwell gave way to saelagSYiy.
Hie iniad, hitherto .istslsrfy bappy .d
free form say mist of the sort, booms ser•
bid -the prey ot • settled gismo. At last
be broke down altogether, .ad withis thew
twwihe of hi. diakonal was hopelessy is-
ms. His .inters, who loved tee very
Reea.d be walked os. fetched him to live
with teem at W yohford. whom a req.tved
to tenderest trostaat. He was • very
k•ad...0 fellow, with • stenos, well -keit
(arm, sad when I mod to me him mooning
•boot tb.ir r•rdea-bay lived next dew to
fee -wttk M. want eyes sed idiot» gria,
I old .st help &kinkty It • pity to al•
ditties bed gid fallen a • primer oma
There was me Ming about the Mines
Gramma that surprised me, .ed that was
the pMkteaphie .ts..Gm le whish they ear:
mewed their breaks. Most people, doe:
fag ea as eniy brother as they did, maid
Mee bow overwhelmed with grief, They
were set ; they bete that bards. with NI-
terable ferMtds. One My I .leprose my
•.t_ ishmet to them.
TOSTCI[D WISH Rtthe'lla ntlt I05 IRa*L.Y
•' But what, my dear," they oioWma.d is
chorea " would be the reed 1a gfvfett way
W. all ham ear trials in this life, et It r
oar duty nM le bead beneath them. Yeu
mope batt thlek, Ima... you Bad w Urfa
and resigned. the we den's seder." .
Ad the vicar, Me was prevent, quoted
several sppreprisis •d w5M0Uag wets.
sod west away ease Ispumd We ever
with the old Wise' gedatem
gime Osesewell had eel. .t bis sisters'
MOM maple .f meaty, whom eye seer.teg
Min Melinda, bur Saga-rtbbees dvieg in to
keens, us peaky up my garden path i.
• saw d greet trepidation. 1 ma le the
deer es Mesut her.
0b 1 Mies Hurd," she gasped, inking
into Sae d the ball chair, "wive bss
.ebbed r
•• Yes." oriel Mks Mary, who W fo1-
timui dm* is bar doer'% wok., "a d1
ea saway..
" Ani e/ ear diver tea -sept emd Amelia
.paw," wee* IS Messes--$w..f ear des,
mother's wedeln
De ye .tram= hes base brass
tato !' I need beside. les 1 asa lsseeder
b duel el b.meleah
" Tea." __..9 Wray. who was to
• Ise ernot el the toe, '• Mee WWII leek haw
yoowt & The wished wws.shn have wire.
• teas of gime use of the Mmes visage."
" Dd ser d lea wag foothlaor me i
seely erwled iw Issue the bsiru
W ....1 Is as waft Mix* eves
prn10. 'Ham yes nesse --ed isms f
,isms web tide omy semeale agate
'The convention was not summoned
1n the interests of any section or of
any individual, Y b plainly shoe n by
the rules which have been led down
for the admissiui. of delete •1. under
which every orgaa:t3ed body of Irish-
men who are sympathiser. :vlth the
Home Rule movt'ment have a regal to
be represented. Clergymen of all de -
DOM Inations and all representative
1.atkinallsts holding positions confer-
red by the votes of their fellow-.ltL
sons are entitled to attend. The Par
nelllte party have also been invited to
fake part in malting arrangements
for the donvention.
"For my own part, if. at the con-
vention. or sirbeepuently• as a result
of Its proceeding& any man ("rind be
agreed upon under whose chair-
hairmanship all the Irish Natlonstlat mere.
ben of Parliament would un'te, I
ahould,as 1 have always etated.be moot
willing t0 support him in tt.• office.
It seems to me taut if anv section of
Irish Nationalists decline to take pert
In this convention. the duty will be
thrown upon them of stating to their
countrymen how, in their jndg'meut,
can be effected tha reunion :n the
National ranks which Is ,f the gnat
Importance to the progress et the Na-
tional cause.
I shall not undertake to pr'opbee7
what the result of these overtures
from the moot numerous section of the
Irish Nationalists In Parliament will
be. I wish to emphasize the fact that
this peace movement is genpine and
sincere. and that any faction which re.
Mets It will assume a grave response
bltlty before the Irish race. I1 may,
Perhaps. resolve Itself into a Question
oe personal leadership, and it must be
admitted that the d1Rleulties will ;n
great, !because there exists no com-
manding figure. 1n or out of Parlia-
ment to whom all h ctlons can turn.
There 1s some talk of inducing Mr.
fie=ton to return to politics as • com-
promise leader of the 000aolldated
forces, but the so called Dios party,
who are In the van et the present
peace movement. have no candidate
to propose."
Prom Th. lle1M Reporter.
There are very few troubles mare wide-
spread and neat more dithoalt to eradicate
from the system gum rheumatism. TM gut
fever is racked wick poise that seem asbe•r-
ab1e, and frequently tools that even death
itself maid be . relief. Amer these wbo
bees fogad mash .f tbdr lives meds mien'
eels by the dread tremble is Mr. Mrebsrl
Sobott, of Delhi. and haring bead • memos
of retinae from Mo armies be was •51100t
that otbee sugars Shedd benefit by his ex
Mgr. r. Seamis l she employ of
Mess.. Qa•mee Brew.. and has • repmwse»
for sterling lete,raty meat .11 who tame
him. Mee oae el to staff of The Raper
sr interviewed blsa, Mr. Seines etre the
facts of W ills sod recovery as fellows
He had bead • emfbr.e from rheostat.....
.lase •best eighteen years el .g.. As time
he was eedsed to bed has iktaieed so reel
day it side trees the aaemdatial -pens he
,vassedergeser. Ameba be wee MN to re
•heat ad e' his .mplyswt, bat teen
tngaentty walked about is • aoaf.led
up eteelttan. Tbse Wail. Si would have
mother relapse, •d week, he tamed to
take to hie Md. Duthie .ft thee. years he
was aimo.t wl.tisaauy deeper , bat
Waked a ore *hes temporary re-
lief for the same be expa ed is this
way. Revise sw °Maio self at bone
he went to limes for mamma but may -
ad se permanent bmohs and sees after teem
WI bone was es bad es ever. Is will 1
readily sedienesed that he was variously
dy.wryei. mei W Dene to look epee ht•
ems as ImAtekes. limey the was mad to that One Of thein was boom te
try Dr. WIffileseie Peek Pais. rod atter hod- Irettaetts and epitomised by him wan -
toms 5t ..y mots insesy. h what out any ststemwat of the source feces
bale.,. which he had derived 1t. The denten-
he mew wr7 of this manuscript anthem w for
• vein
B .i lava . he kmroi w the tteswl • M• the first time to tent the accounts
By the Ma. o hurl mei •self da.ea to_ of the Gnostic system as given by the
.here was me leaser my dobe is We Siad
church fathers in the light of the ore -
shoe be was naaddy inpr.vi.g. ad ti• is.l manuscript. It contains three in -
1. -r' wt was fes gladIT es.Maaee dependent treatises usUtIed - Th.
Ahem e W taken olesm boxes he famed Goppei according to Mary or tlbe
Whole Iwo
teem pdmfreeasd uI Wises' el joists,
mad ale mew W. te de se lewd ye
week as say am is the Allege
for se
lone a peeled.het he feels hihie *Id s . is per-
weamess, emits sesases0Nly se eathaiesate
aadwr et De. Ranss
YMwan_Mal Pink
Pins, mud ergs. all tree are.iwelarly eager -
leg tie give then • trial, Wang ssasdset
that they will prove Take effiessieue se
they did is hie see..
Dr. Williams' Plek Pals 'hike se to
root el the Wu. drivl it frees the
system and reeseleg the psiimt be Mahe
.d Me••11eb. is am of paselpwis..pieal
troubles. leeemeter .wait, Medea, rheum.
seism .ryelpelWw, eewei10sus ir'eelees, Me ,
Wes pas ere ••peater to all ether tr.•t-
mesa They are alas • .peeW foe the
trouble* whisk make to byes of se say
weem a buries. Wad speedily restore to
risk glow d Mel& to pais .d sallow
shooks. Mom brekss du by ee.rweek,
or werems, will Ind l Fisk PUle •
. aie field by .I1 Meleee bar sees y
✓ at west .t Bila • bee. we as Imes
der m0, .dd
drswg lobo Dr. Watkins'
Matt Dreskvlh, Oma, or
Sabot.mwdy. Belem d imh.isl.o
W aif smhdlll.ten alleged 5.10 ')us pied."
the >1 -Mw le Averted tI Hit
AYER'E °"4a.
"Nearly forty years ego. Mkt
IMMO weeks of sickness, my>vd bait
d ben =al
gip • y that I was
with Heerin
Area Hair Vigor highly y spoken or.
I mmmwoed using Ude p'epent.
15 was see Nets while before I gid my
hem few proper erase ipiin. nor M I
tbhk I mould ever Mee seseasekellial it.
had it est been for she Modems sad �.sist
See et my fetes/•. Mks Melted• gee Miss
Mary were ape -'-my geed to me. bard mere
We ems I upbraided erred for MAaw
gives yet premiss to Imposter Mevei8e.
It seemed se usgwaSd aid to til them
that I bol head their bsethar'G ria.
O.. My Mew they W ems is es have.
pup .f tea with me, Who Mary said to ear
eller :
" 1 ma's tetek, LAM tete. what has be-
am* of keni5'S rias ; we meet had it my-
" i sew it e w Greer est week." Linda
replied. " Perhaps hen ss. 16 h ee Ow-
Of massae, I bass ells was maids' a tib-
iae., and I Sed be seerds mash Sal -see -
semi est a ten bag r He errM.'* yea
Mow, peeelMy bees were to nems NM M
Mus shim hili to soak• tube sere thus
they mewed w to al.. rid 5.. bene r.
W Ott inter beast I embed t
" D. pea mu ru gill aid with de
seas WNW h ra seeks f •
tion, and was so well satisfied with
the result that 1 have never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stop-
ped the Bair from falling out, stimu-
lated a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." -Mrs. 11. Y 1 uesr.
Avoca, Neb.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
rifrsami mT
ILL C.AME/ie&mu. /last.,gAI.
Alli'► esppere iNs Jiwwree J"dmlhs.
The Signal
erass eases eels *1 w iw
Jabpainedwrhia► w satyr•
agaps� 'rasa Msse Mt the "
• d
palMhea • penal ef lids smesaase
sans may see/se aeresthiig yea my
e is alma of. alai te web ems we wL
do rear paireser, des mare waw w�StewM
the appnn.l of ear pateme
KOtt illtea&s
poutW saw is kept in the all
range of qyua'ities same as letter
heads. Whigs
taw . %%tt1►d,s
are not e0 ribenaly mead, they
an important placea
oor,e"l••^o.•o. 3ewhet we,
got under the above heads.
taettlf 8 IA etas
In this line we have a very large
stem of fine writing papers Wit
able for every clans of business
represented in this locality, ooin
prising laid and wove, linens,
qadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, as may be required.
Best. k‘etad►s
1f the " pay -a. -you -go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great ; but them are some men
who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is nom
pieta in this line with four aims.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
th. proper thing to send after •
delinquent once a month. They
are FD re to fetch him 'round-
SOtnet ane.
PAR<sd miss -1m ai m RATsISEIT.
Ms. eager 1leteer'- "r AivivAt" t k • aired
OK. mese that 1t,ea,wn'e `tiemMr5. Cites"
Mr od Aral, w w1•isb ik ansa i owe .M4 d M•• boly
utb* aerl•• a. 1'.., ...' ,-- .. •t, -r. ea- godonage
of boor ever reswe ase raw are bar as tuba 81.1118
dwrted her, bet roary dee b w.Ibt.r .rued lessee
ear Meade her k .wan. • w .•.styes thmo" save
bar kb one k• livens 1.., JoF 111.
Ware J. W. sof.:.our torte[ y •,• r Balk.
MINIM ITAT1.'r15N% • 1 sellar gr•
itse Still ?re arm DI.cursaaD.
Sed Gn.M$e wheel.... ml.thre.* emsaw.
Suva t5 Tasae. 1 warmed se tam
London. Aug. L -Several most lm -
portant discoveries have Just been
made in Calm bearing epos the his-
tory of the Christian Church in the
first two centuries of the era Among
these is a manuscript tram the fifth
txntur7. which to a Coptic translation
ed three ortgtnai Gnostic writings of
the second century. 1(5 estop con-
sists not only in the fact that 1t hands
down old (Gnostic writings that have
hitherto been unknown eve by name.
but. above all, in the circumstance
L.si were. •i• t ; errs M. was
n orma since We leek, hes •.. • . feu
bar meaer.1 •yt•m boils M i . co. ►m
Oso' The *bene Yrs ne pram i•
west mad• by her rush.. un oe
en.r...1.. Hamlb.n, 0. .. d.•.
breve. J. r. Ilse Rotary • Air,..
A Mikis. Is New Jwasy smmoltea te t e
des6b of /R pimple sad may wooded.
• deed gasp.
• story is ailsa to recede e6 the spines
el Sas Nth. ehmell mews mom .f Ni pies.
We Shan ns. makes W areas, but yea
k..w hie. (X ream debut sad mks he iuwor • worm
bas el ems bees thewtr dem d motel comm. Is.. Aim L -,A wreak ast-
eM.a MINN" a tau brava, brat .few served
da G etesa Ys WON Msec is her •bees. '.Statham m 1s. meth curve
C!1 to
head hems.LMpselen a reser. da,e theogla ea tie Q. branch et the I1ltmm�
10 mind wee e_b -j-- earl wen. 5.w - Osstral • d a
allreaTb. rab asst
Masa Deplasseimen fame& sem/ M woe, man and }muwms.r Snae
d that M .as lee Idea N eimm5a au weave hgfay W 5g►ea'Mlw1r r
Weeded Be gd/i cam to wtam w mink/mems d elms
Werke st... .
ems. A Ml writ W said Nel.mm'. �r
vitt MMms5.g mune Mot ekes ; 41111.
S �[. 4- �M
boxy, Vida tfds , me a ease swig. IIs. err
irMwe s c iawes-. esti m
A.pocrypbon of John:" second. "Tee
Wisdom et Jame Christ:" third. "!he
Practice oe Peter." Tbe "Gospel til
likr7" le the document used by Iran-
ftsyg, sed consists mainly tf the Rees -
Miss of John. "rhe Wisdom oil
Jam Christ- oosdsts ce qualities'
=to Iiia he His disciples and
era. "'11e Practice of Peter"
is a narrative ot one of Peter's mir-
acles of healing.
...deed web
1. -ie...1 and
re v., Mat•
.ev b ales,
• t MOIL*TI•! Pe. CYSttJ - *Weibel
STAT¢''!rt111 'lash.
abides • II.wm..a 1: 14. • soft* r'-. Tweets
Ow., had a eomplasW.n N %Nei moll '. Ream.
belles, Devoe li,'tnrs en..+•'e ore .rntlpsama
Mss trewes.til dints'...; oo a.c..t. Nr'. M. Appetit*
ands s wry eek rasa. He. 5..t.,. are new r •
kto spp.1bts r••'i deet mem
basked ld e..Mtpstbw em. -1 ; All .u• sae doss by
aparm..0 - gos..s7 CO..' its mikes e.ems
a te the abse tans hawsJ w s fe»ser
Odd. Jdr 10. lob.
wdOIISag - *Mt
Wee Pete lerewwed!
Southampton,. Out, Aug. i -On Fri-
day evening about t o'clock Mr. F. N.
Poole, photographer. of Tara, hired a
rowboat from the Park boat house.
He was Seen by the Chantey Island
light -peeper about t o'ek.ca ab•wt a
Mlle south of for pli rot. tug towards
Port Elgin. Th.- ',pi,. to at was plekoJ
up yesterday ab ut .1* n Mei out In
the lake by the net.00rser ('ur .n,; amu
brought to this port. tar. Pelee cap
and mat and ie., oar ser 1.i the
boat. The I,.at had no w at.r It It
Mr. Poole N ell Mooed to have (allot
overboard and been drowned.
Mere lees be ped.
Ottawa Aug. 2. -(Special.) --A abock-
lag accident occurred on eke oohstruo-
flea work of the Ottawa. Arnprlw
and Parry Sound Itallwar ora Friday
evening. A dymaaslte ehaesio preat.-
lwsdy exploded. kissl.a Fousaa Jahn
McLeod of Cornwall. John ltyen.Otw.
Sound; sad Joie.St Pieria latel7
Crowe Frame. w breaker et M. Pian»
we probably tufty takorki. The
weft. of tea three vbtlrms wase how -
rimy ed-
?amp & Fanni ag 1111 Wolin
e t or waraat.nl.Te •
A large stook of very choles Pumss. mast
fees Neel from selected Muskoka quartered
pine with hearts out oat.
'itis.. Pumps are mn..orectered Is • member
e t styles to Seat evsrbody sad every place.
erre .'..y wuKlyr pampa for deep wells.
..t closed tee pumps for school -
7. • n.. ,.osn pmap.. aid.
MONA ora • t' ewersertag g•r•••r• examlas trees.
-midair beetles.
,el»b1 lien. eta
allipeble WSW te demise water
rem wee a Masses from emu Irse sad
irae .seeelela-haN er
Vass .
et.0 lag awl 0•►0:
bar d mea.
etc.. ere,
AYe•b K►T,
&Bern sod NOM
reg ileac.
aCRIR%1 ..d Mayr
-e11 knee
An werrested. to.
•d a•sutellr MUMMUM• orders psWmNI7
Cure Biliousness, Sick Head-
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver
and all Stomach Troubles.
Are Purely Vegetable, •
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
Now, it would be hard to get
slung without enveio and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock m
hand. We have now about s
hundred thousand in stock, sad
the prices will range from 75s. to
$2.00 per M. We handle corn
meroial and legal dams e:clu*ively.
C ommtrt'O‘ 4 vkli vng
has already been partially en=
mated in some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast .moan
of work under this head that rA
enumerate would more than take
ap the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tag
r♦bt ttttk0Us
to en "At Home" or s wedding
require oossiderable taste in seleo
rico sometimes, but we make H
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and beet
samples to be had. Call and es
4 TOgreams
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out. from the
plain but neat to the mostsnt
with oord and pencil a
,We aim to ezoel in all the differ
eat kinds of work we tarn oat,
bat especially in this, and keep
in .tock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
C ver ks end► T .‘tktts
This herd covers a large rear et
work, from • bread or milk tiatM
to a newt calling card, frogs an s1`
Binary acunk iaa tisk* tie a Well
bananas card at a heti
printed utamlipsilllip dint
• otters
Our facilities for taming stat t14
clam of work are evidessd by is
bet that the great balk of 1t Is
dem by sae This line also in
which our three fast -running ooh
preside are able to tarn out is
garpeisiagly short tile.
%alt Buts
belemg to the poster deme
.1 being and we make spesWty
oar air
in this respect A sodas et leis
will appear b Tan f1umm. few of
sharp when bills for rue me /M
#tt T5 .61s of W 0Tk
fa the typegeophisil pciating Hat
can be la tick i
in an ezpsdltions and mew&
mom aid
OUT le v'i tt% 11.1a.‘ sit SOWN.
04*% T e1hOM1ODU' •
eafmmd oar tba.ke tar last by
er5, and ambit • eenthisissadi 1M
1 gently but promptly and
.no sugh1 r. "The safest family
ne icine. All Druggists keep
't �% ��C�1la s_11_(_ '