HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-8-6, Page 1TIM MOT
• , .. DI Till MT.
Foe Oen Tare.
Bees Nearly Deable-Felfe d t O.... fi
B.str Sham Geld -J. W. WesternIds.. 3
Amman' Wanted -The Farr b
Tessier. Wand -t. H. TM 6
Mills Solt f x Bal. -The Yak 6
Pnpwn ter bile -D. K. 8lresbee 6
Breen L.us -T . Pendia. 6
(;mai-w.. Lee 6
livedo$ -.i. H. Women t Co 4
Mfdfaeew Bsrsair-Jas. Retain.... 4
IS Tskee-T . Fair 4
T. Udder Makers- D. K. Stoneham
1.d -.trial Fair -H. J, Hill 4
Anise Sale --Cama,. Holt & Helene• b
Place. Pl.ar-Bsrrowa. the Senna8
Ts the P.bil.-(i. N. Dark 4
Beaman Oen i. holidaying ` Winging.
Will 8mttk reformed be Qiege a Baler -
Jos. (;ow, of W indoor, was in town the
past week.
Yes, J. W. C.s•ttr is vt.luor in Sara a
sad Delved&
Adolphus Nat'l is rusticities/ is Halifax
Nov Scotia..
William Doig, of Gerrie, was to Godertck
the pet week.
G. H. Hood, .1 CMeego, lett for Itis hone
the pest weed.
Harry Clams returned to his hem., Loa -
dos, this week.
Mrs. end Mies Sybil Tomas were at Pact
Dover MS week.
Harry Parsons left oe Friday o• his s -
ten to Stratford.
Mn. Fitzlinen Turner and family arrived
as tows yesterday.
Herb. Reid roamed to the City of the
Strait. ea Sseday.
Mr . & Dewar' has returned from •
visit to Lss.igtee.
Dr. H. G Makid, of Calgary, wag in
Goderion this week.
Roby. Amnesiac,
,peof Stratford, at
Suedry a Godrieh.
Rev, Alba Seeger, of Torosto, is visiting
is tow. sad vicinity.
I'. M of Detroit, arrived in (:ode -
rich last WedlLesday.
Dr. Sad Mrs. JoS.stoo and toady, of
forooto, mire in town.
Mies Etats Reid k. returned !rem • visit
to rolstives to Detroit.
H. R. J.okees, of Seaforth, visited the
oou.ty town this week.
Miss Belle Mame. of Stratford, is visit-
ing Mw Brook Mitchell.
Huth Masson, of ()etaws, was a gamy .t
the !deme the pat week.
F. J. Pridh.m rotarsed yesterday free a
trip to the Geergb. B.y.
Mrs Edward arrived in boom free Look
port, N. T., the pan week.
R. J. Crawford, of Daega•.o., wee is
the sooty Iowa ea Friday,
Howard Cox wee in tows this week, .-
route to Caws. Maaite•a.
Mies Jessie Molfo.alj lett town en
Saturday, for Sprmgl old, IIL
J. R. McIntosh nursed to Detroit deer
• visit /d Os parents is town.
The family of Rev. Mr. Goodwin have
moved to town, free Wsl.orn &
Mie Vienne McIntosh is speeding her
holidays i. ("Antral.. and Leedom.
H•mlimk's Fruit Er•paration Eetablle5-
ant is again le fall runlet seder.
Harry Bleak, of Montreal. ie none at
Me family rside.o., St. Patrick At.
(..o. Aokeses left o• Friday for New
York State, ea • .hart monies trip.
A. Cara., lnspeeter ot laLnd Rene..
Stratford, was in Godriok last week.
Mies Allis Sharma. Oft on Saturday es
her return to Prase Albert, N. W. T.
Warden Sienehaa. cf Grey. was in town
this week os his meatbly efBoW vise.
Mrs. T. Walker. of Amhara, N. Y., is
visiting Mn. J. Dead•e, St David -e&
Mies Ske1w is .kiting the f•varits re
sorts oe the St. Clair ..d I)eeteis riven.
Judge'.4 Mn. Carpenter mind ahflde,s,
of Detroit, arrived in town ea S•esrday.
Miss Smith et De4eit, k •lhbtibet al He
rs.ide... of Mr. mad Mrs. Jasmines Reid.
Mrs. •sad Mie Oaryb, 8ha.ns, el Me -
Erre. Tema, are speeding the Swum h
Renee W. Cos, of Lsaeiags... On., is
grain at the parental t, residenMinn
ReaDiann, Benet& is the
taint of r� Mimes MeGrniseddy. BMWs
Miss Mead Shames retained this week
Mem rimiest Meting 1. tie City el Me
Mie Filth Vannes Maned Mend•
tebeer e energies to )ikt0.. . Fall, all
Mn. W. D. On sad eiiWon Mare ''(hitian
'be pans* lady's pas* Mr. • id Hr.. E.
Mn. mad Mks Wiesen. .t Delve*. and
ferry et 0.dos1.5, w eking Is We
led riskily.
Mien Mahn sed Owns BMen,. et
nine,Om Payee
et`� ekingM lewdSMen's
olved le nre en
BMarday'Nem� Chew where they
wire in Snip kr • week.
W . Kelly left iii week be bene. De-
bib. atter • gegen WM M tends and
toiler.le Oniof.b and Myth.
hems laWe Geeermevvis �Met•Penns renewWeirday ed n Mr
three weebd nisi, il kinds In dole-
YrL end Mfg Reg Kreghe-- in end
~ Sa.i•y le Week hems le Dhesell. She
iihan.e Net weeks' vbIl le thenee Is
A. .1. Men bk�Ing�bttwgeek kenie he MI he 'ibhhmMt
endleg no Me-
et 4vvtkMr kr wee sir
Bee. JYMrb �• On IL Ae-
p Me& New
Ml OAK wet Mill %Helloes sed
Rilible-vb Mk I.eMj MOW ewe
What le Ofgelf ion kith* Capital
renal** ons msscalislse as Perpetrated
be Um Lae ttevera.w-de.. •t the
5.5..es e5ntsh Nava been newt
S. Lombe H Sea, Mr. Tarte.
OTTAWA. Aug. 3. -There is not •
mere Waviness man in she sew edema -
Inks then sk. His. J. I.eo,1 Tarte, mu,
Mee et TI Mw Weeks. The Rn•tr part of
kr ties .fiee he has Seamed morel of
Wit leperta.t deponent, however, 5..
been Wend te investigating the methods
.1 ki. predeseoeora. When he, with others
who have hes dgbttsg the battles of ti •
L45.,sl party foe years past, told you tb•I
11 yin gave them • ohaw to get hold e1
ts, evidence that was to be found at ()t-
haw they would dieolot a ooh • oo.dition
a/ affairs . would sterile the nuns yes
disar.dit.d what they said They pro•
.limed to prove to you that all the obargee
of Medlin Sad corrupt go,eromeot wet•
rot without lousdatioa Fightteg .roinst
the enemy with oesos.tsd wo.a.ow they
bed exposed the Correa Bndrs and •Score
of other tike eo•sdals, but if you woull
place them is possession of the evi•6-nue
they know 5o exist at Ottawa they woad
prove to you that they had not attempted
te mislead you with false charges
Op Me 23rd of Jane by your vote yea
rave them the power they eked of you, but
It wee .it haul the 8th of July that the
Sonny vacated the slrostko d they had oo.
copied fee eighteen years : but bit wee• the
Med el Jus. aid the 8th J•aly 'her bad
time to de mash aslebiol of wbioh you will
hese es.e 1.4.. N. I. the mean time we
.0! leak %neo Mate exposures which have
already bin laid opts.
YL TAaT, ON Teti JArtrATN.
Mr. Tarty an hr Sotlaoin. had ..Sly base
in wenn of the departments 24 hints
whoa the ibvestigatioo oommeoosd and 1
went you to let the editor of this paper
know at then is • Tory .z- dionter from
Tupper den, who brie attempted to deny
what Mr. Tarte states. 1 wall rive the
story is Mr. T•rto's von languor+.
" I bud h my department • great man r
things whieb I will not trouble you wan
anw, bat for the hearth of the p.•'pte ..f
Canada I may mention cite or
two th. 1 have found there. Mr. Cherie -
bon bad• ot.strncte.l, from 188.5 whet te
Galled in Ottawa the Lvg,vis Klock, oie
of the piblio bsildty. then He was paid
waned the riga e1 the Crowe in the elms
'.4 Marra
ilB0.do5.& aev.le.4, et Twee. fee
These ernts..teee, te here a
right a be paid for their .eek, were heed
to have a wtbtien order from the net e.-
that by . Wend yea Wine when I �
by erne- l She (3everameis
waived the right of the Omen la facer ed
toes. eeatr.seoee ! '1'bey referred the .1.1.
Se Judge Berbrt•tge to be leveetis7s'ed
What did I d - 1 wenn that holy
order i. -.e... ' and I Mak I saved the
'vast 1150,0 J.
Whit m..ro hero 1 bend fa may short
expire oboes la o.trol of the P.MM Weeks
lapueo•eat! S'eah'ep for tb. Camaolly
itrethero. Th. G.veram.s' 5.. years oto
pat ear of Meal '• ja Ito keep Thee Mo.
Gooey .„.relay, and seed them for 1600.•
0:0 Aft. r three years' delay the Govern.
most two yeses ego said they would take
140,000 The Coen-illve have sot eves pats
Mat, but what do w. dad !
" 1a she north of May I tied the mita
of the Crew. were waived an their favor,
and they were ion the right to elate $70.-
000. Jean llsrt•ridpe est at Me pro Sed
inn dory the 16th, 17 It end 18th of Jane
while the .Motions were going oe, and More
was a'a trmw% giros against the Crown fur
145,000 is fever of the Co..olly Bros "
What do yea think of this little bit a1
bastory ! 1t 1. ugly the beg/tante. of what
t eo.i. Not oat, in Mr. Torte's depart-
ment bit ll. nearly every esker d.part..eut
the same evidential of rottenness and ti'r
mottos .1..t It te unite 00selhle, in foo'.
1 may tiny '5.r at u more then proh.tite,
mar the he -rah may M streaked and '5..
on..dsot '•t n numher of the judge. invent
Rated. Bear this statement in mind and
eve tf I mm not nett to sty predlotics•
renmee'. Peelle.
A little over • nee* hien the Fall
Fairs .a1 the esetinesehte...d first and
foremost will be the Indetn.I .t Termite,
which iir to be hel4 this year from the 31st
of Au"u.t to the 12:.b of September.
Beery C.oadtw is very properly tnereet-
el in and justly prowl of the rumors a Mk
treat exhihltiw, bunnies at brings proeia-
I.Aly before thetas, as well a the outside
orld. the urethan.vast resserose and ps .f
oonetry, ant tht proprew wnioh is helot
made trom year to year in its Agricultural
and Ie4estrial par.ntte. oonr.rinently the
•pproaobtss Industrie! Fair is tieing looked
forward to with increased intermit aid
plea.ureeble anticipation, awl many are •I -
ready making arranteemeate to viait 11. Ry
thousands it t• made the occasion of their
.enrol betide, outing. mad it a nasally •
very en1..y.51. one. Then i• every indica-
tion that it .ill this year folly . dual, if net
avert. its predeo..eors. T. n.eet the de-
err-. of 'how who usually look for thyr kind
of thing. • large number of stream! •ttrso-
ttona .re being provided, ..f ii new and
inter«ting character. Th. Love Sock and
all other exhibits, except cut 6...ers and
R•organlzation of AMootaUon
an 8....r. .g Mater from • M.ber Sew
is the NN Sed -N ee.'t born
/Isere Lest bet Se r tiiNU.a 15.
*moat Wall 5Ss reds.
TIME waits for no man, is an old
saying. but the man who waits ler time
reeer.,ly tet. there even U he has to b..iie
around to mage time, w jus ass ale lays tet
your S : cent W ester. silver dollar that
on aid the tides .re always cm the meter.
Se with our noble necktie'', ISN Sager
when the sandy member et our caaoe.a,
assisted by sea of the 8altfrd brigade
were r.tetae Coi., p.rticalarly corm (is the
sane) with ears es, .•d wrecking the been -
tdal eeft*tage gardens of the .la.bertmg
Goderiobites who lay in their hanks seedy
ssoozaor the happy midsummer eights
away, and the bovines roaming through too
tows making night bade -Sas risk their
hungry bowl waiting for rbeir wealthy
o wners to gat bleu bran mash ready tor
breakfast cad, thea o be driven out on the
streets to os•tioe weir work of dretrao-
nee. Kut what • c5aa.re the band of
time mud Bee. Evans' oow pound
have wrought. Wonders will never cease,
S ad now She high esteem .ad regard with
which the Goderlob Bovine Association is
held in the hearts of the people is only
echoed by the solos' of our wipeout! creamy
town Cowooal, whose cow bylaw has now
placed the .aooen of our Assootatiou on the
top rung of the ladder of fain., a the
only ooucrra that can run . town
During the part year m.oy clanger h.ve
taken place In our membership, many old
hide bound warriors L ave paired through
the reunion, machine 11ur1 the 1.0,.5.' hoods,
but we shall always 5...0 . full membership
u long as gram grows tot water ran., tra-
der the new regime. When curfew rang.
each eight we are ssnfut'y housed and fed
Sad protected from the dewily night .4 and
e et dew, and in retina we gave the good
hossewtfe plenty of milk .td half .n inch
more of rich ore's..
It w is proposed to have donne games re
•he Square in o.on.ctpa .tib the Ifarco
R cycle Ono and the K•. -hell boys moot
on the 14th, bat our atlt. io meml..as are
so fat thio nano that It would he impure-
'bi- to get them in trim for the retest. Any-
way, we .5.11 be in good shape .hra lbw
Geyer nor -(;niers! opens the G N. W, Fair
t. (+epten.Ssr, and our ea•rvsilo C,•izroa
Committee will ase we are not forgot tea.
Oar amiable ..orotary, Maw Jersey, still
dew .i.M Mdtlssd River fee ..me Irssk
/rams bMsst,..w•N. we .p.d rase Hs
Ctt.tea, .04t►. lie till we
Tonto where we r abselinems..
we were /yi.ver rails, Menwl was
remand .ad ..s bright wan' I final
...0 Wong yid • Madrid er two assn
bovine, all ern and .shin, Mood wan ow
the big steamers bead for Liverpool.
Dews the neer we sailed past said (l.M...
the indorsing e/ Omeads, .s ihrearb big
4.11 ea the frig aa. Atlantis), where we
reeled and toned ler dry. easel .t bet Ike
m.n who ire. inures en the top •v the
Goat stick .ve the steamboat yelled oat
"Lead • be : ' Se.m we were able to get •
view H h the haze ave " the dear little
I.1•, the Om .v the say." 8... we .top-
ped at Movtlle which is at the 8..toh end
of Ok ..d to tut Of the moils orad people
who were Woo t. B.lf..s ; coward waged.
Liverpool was Sew reveled, where, after
eettieg a good o1 Mao meek 4em mar Cook
soy attendant's, we were pine a few days
net to tet the rowl •v the 5..s oat
.v boor ears, .e the Cense; said.
The admit thing I knew I was she property
av • doe onld Irish reatlem.a front limr-
iok. was ay the rale out,' .teak, who was
dead meek .id me shape. •.d Mariam Chet
I was free Godrich, Canada. white, he
.•id,he had • large number ed hi. dear Liss
stick triads. I wee pleased to hear I had
fain into snob rood made, se new I •m
Metalled seer Limerick, where t•e sham -
roots grow and blossom, and the home ay
me •nowiere. Did yes ever hear av such
lack „ Jugs to .hew yon the kind-b.arted
master 1 have, .baro be .eat all the way to
Cork to Teddy Casey, the wig -maker to
make me • new tail, as you know I was
Sick -named Short -tail after was •v t5im
big brutes celled dogs yin have in Godenoh
signed a piece •e me fly Wiener win sight
whin I was out oa • foraging tout. Give
me kind love to the Bovinite., also remem-
ber me to the Kerry club, not torgetti.g
the Baron and all the Maas, &.o.. Hopis'
pe may .11 do well and get your mash re-
gular. 1-rz'II see 1 am 'stun' the .mist.
It grows oil rhe gees here, From vour
ould Beau, SHoiiTTA t L.
THE NEW MAkaaaat ACT or 1896. -The
sew act come auto force on Saturday, and
from t5... day all marriages mat be solemn -
11. -4 in .00urd•soe with ire peeve:kme.
Copier of the act may be obtained from
Clerk's of the I'aace oa payment of lOoh.
The following are a few of th..leediar pro-
sisiooe : •' This .ct declares who, only, may
elemetze marriage is Ontario, namely :
Clergy, etc , who are resident in the Domin-
ion, and penalties are imposed by the
Statutes of Canada on those who officiate
without lawful authority Banns an to he
poMtehed on one Sunday one week before a
marriage, in the pariah or municipality in
wbioh sorb party lives, and when they live
is dafferea: parishes w oertihoate of pathos-
Lion:u to he gives to tbe minister who
Will take part b the DenesstrNiss at °eate n en the en riga of Me Baal-Bsefball-Bbyeie Meeniy, Aug 14 h, 1856.
with the =espies el ens the iced and
we add Wen that wand ever. He
W ped 1• .brie... all geld Try are-
traeeeaa is, .sad his Ad= W hie d.ui.d
WI the 101h .f May. 11196. a that dry
those was only $1886 reunion dee Charle-
beds. On the 1055 et May Mr. D.jarding,
.be we M er e1 Puede Werke, that,
osem. Yenned te the Genesee Gonda Co 141 be She dose Has there wee. een-
Inn Wren Mr. Ch•rkb k and the
Lew. WS Mae
n swan " did net
work well." ..d 1etwend he well to wave
Illtes el the Brew. The 1l. h
In o
barb • way Hat IIr. Feller. the
arMMeet et my timpartimen. oath a
meet l the e/5.1 that he (tie •rehite,t)
wee se leagille 0111*1101111* te e hs
maMSR 8. whoa dM they de ?lased of
thee elle d 011116. they .domed aid Mr
C1eb,bch. bad • right le owit • die el
.coo, and they wed ea nder-io-ies.-
all ernierhe than elan. nee M the Oo►re-
v.ent11 ewe m..., bee te Mr. Ha., the
Teey .rgir e1 McMeal, and Mr. La-
mest. with Mr. Mashy as Mena
"As semi . 1 Mensb et 1M L -L,
I1leeel' .. I meld in my obi/ ralb5ai1.
Hs Tan I said be bila, • An yea ern -
peen kr the Inks
et WiseRe
mai& '' Tee, i.' 1 .Y. Well. .
bare le one • vegan M the O.sS..er Goo-
sed te IbM Mina 1e etsd• a ropers se the
Gee__ Ohfhea . 1 sin .tri • newt
•edletweadeeeyee do WOW • quarter Oa
.arms dean ti/aadh11ti5 deal
"Os Ike Bib din
dernni it TW d r - Jistp I /mete..•ami
frart, will be se the greens from Sept.3r1
se that the chest week el the Fair will be
.9alty as rood es the seen All eaten
here to be made bean M. 8.k ed Attract.
The Tress' &Abian a hae new banen
ego et the bre* sad nes peo•yt edlw-
nie.al and'Mrtai.eeat wlsrpri.es w tkb
esatiewt. and those whe have never visited
ie would be surprised as Nc AMM ••4
attractiveness, hos , •Insect 1 to • mall
Wer1•Ve Yak. Prb. Lice, and Baby Fern
.as he premed by anyway 4eafriag them
by /reppdee a pees end t. H J. MC Mea
se•v, Tecahn.
(Nen : As %ase e.aiag met teak pleas
•t Elora se Wonsan,. la whin • .maple
el tarter (:Lassie•e were the tem
it ling the marriage el Jew
beaker, as Mite AN. Solder. The brld.
le • d•mgbir of the O. T. 11, west et that
Oen .h... N amu we win neat is
Ohne ea the Ir H. A &
Clines t A ens et • Matiberken eon
trio Swig nN a dein a year ter •
.naastly ,est 60 tin-, .teatps
te • asst Yaeka le kw haw is seep
a hens bee. Malt He Ret be w
gip. anal Mil nee nose fl. "te from •
Iroise from debherme. tomb s te spk"
Gderb Tp.. H. 0. OW. el the Sewn
rod, .rho newsy tele Ms Wm M Mr.
MOM Meter. Mine ,vier ems if 100
....s b Wank 4 Wee hi. I.MM.w.
fin. J. O..Ms,. II...rdb.a The e.aelder-
sdse Mho fl,110K We...dean,/ b bar
it .aM4. se the .sews Ines. he lam
reMrr, ltbstOsek.
lane atter ear *.fere.:•, sad although we
►ad to part s nth one of oar '..o-' enlire
ne.h.re *Oil the bllswt.,t. r.uaay.d by,
Mie Jersey. .peak, far .twit. .ad, although
Meaeesde '.1 ..!...pert sew, IS will .her
the kind .ed .arm friendship that exists
Mew the element Moor J. nod ear elder-
ly trend, M.. Sent Ts 1. whir departed
ken our midi* • fear ninth ye
Cowslip Alloy, sem O.p.resutisb.
Cosa" Unborisk, Irds.d.
Mkrs�. e. ., Nobe Am,. 50u.
Damn LADY. -7.1. It .early brake a
bsart .ass 1 paned ee.ps.y .id yin at the
I toil ind ay last winter, wan seen my the
saudarii.. frac 0.4..-teb Temehip ween
Ino 'may twisty dation a tea for nor matt
n v kilo hay mod Ma M. b'.ked nein
sal tiny Sere av ear held eeseletn pan
hs the fes. (byway, hew.s ealealvee sod
the ors past, en hots• e.ral.r .Sea ear
1iWM Linda the sparrows were heppie'
w eed bruises the wars We, was av the
She Mel kings[ .f Harem net sing wig a
wad •v and 5.11. mask le his ps.kee, .d
M was 16 te 1 hsear. Sire best bee .d m•
own hoes U 1 WW1 os. S•. ee anew •y
hard OW sad me feint. I bed s e. old
S ae bthe eet ben rie earns Mie te e.5. • leaf WI wort
d..l. seen
end .as lane y1.' Mel .he Met
w Orison W I shade Met
nein me tM beads and
eres ...o
Truth en .mead bin the end del L
A. the Wm newel ..weed lbs erne se
Owe I we a went sigh . i weal as
the her e•l Sleben end the tirowght r
the men time we W wale* awl the
ensistaas the manias. Linen are le be
issued as .1 t.vin le be made by ot
ps-ti, rid 'h.. aeons dOkay
bar marriage .re N be gene& es the
.fBdavite mod to be nabbed to
Base Me
.red nge. to laps. U �
marrfeee be set eelemsuad tubi Wee
tmwebe. Marriages may uN be ..ismined
Mews 10 o'alook . e...d 6 e'sbsk A,rs •
morn main
cial Orenetenvea. Two
Minh whammies� ,
aid memo elingmm in Ida Is miner
beak.. Tbe pis essien of 5....IB be me -
e s --wry when . Wean le ebtaie.d K ye.
Vara.: Mr. Seepbene.m, d
lis.. Tuesday
W • new agape .. m-
en Mat. The yeses leek blame as seem
ohne sad Sas away. newly bin eat of
the bony. He weai.d a severe shakier
Semen : Own Kendall ham *ma the
erehntrs of the Melhedl.t Sabbath noel
aid wIll play the tn.bema V.rp bin
Web haw as end man gad as is
be be lased la the More ..mM..ei nest.
Hreehb : Yndy ionise R. inner..
R A. lett tewa far hos awn yaeeW..
1e will he Poised
Tenets by Rin. W. O.
ilisses.4IIw.le N" r b.Seher they WI
go to Springs. N.Y.. lir • bin
• new► and ee lakearty M the
erns Iles eft Me Sae jeegin •('emen
sdiaaahhh, bvf.M .e•., pewee l.1 N that
Mew WI held ISM
heft Teseley pawls* carr
The Grist from the Lana MW.
A went, Men of Penny nen. Weed
sip se Net fireryb•4 - Posh Sed
rens aligned and Condensed
,,s.t ..ere *settee.
SEAPORTS : George Smith, who
bas sated as ledger keeper la the Bask a1
Comers, here tor .ea ten, lin been
transferred to t5 Guelph be•..h. Hie
pkwe will be filled by lir. Minor, of
Cliata.: Os Tuesday eight seem anted
501.4 hanging 12 *Woken beging t, Mrs. J.
Clinton : A little daughter of H. Morrish,
'tub playing es Tuesday, had W Meter -
mat to fall sod Ease her ann.
Loederbor.: lie Bark welt hoe ,.ted kis
farm adjoining the village, .t present own -
pied by S. % oedm o, to Wm. Riley.
Zuriob : W. G. Hem has returned bon
again frees his trip to Indiana on his bi-
cycle. He was well pleased with his tip.
Clinto.: At Seaford' bioyole noes on
Wednesday eyeing, ('lay Manville won the
oar mile open race and also the five mils
Brunk : Rev. Dr. McCrae, of Colling-
wood, visited his timber, Jae Mo0r.e, of
Mr place lee week. The n• reed gwmtlo-
man wag main hie Summer • Wise.
Seaforth : Gorr. Chesney in now got
comfortably located in his new residents oa
t;odrioh-at. 1t is • nest and comfortable
edilloe, and an ornament to that port of the
Exeter : Thoma Dearing, of &his plea',
lost • valuable horse at Luton on Tuesday
last, whilst driving home from London.
The animal died from being overcame by
the hat.
Seafortb • 0 L Schmidt, who W noted
as otsestosl master i. the Collegiate Iassi-
tot' here during the past year, has resigned
and ha notated • pontos as fins assist-
ant to Photon high eohool.
Morris : Thursday of last week Robt.
Currle, 4th line, threshed his fall wheat.
He had over 200 bushels, an average of
. boat 20 bushels to the Son. It is of the
Clawson variety and an excellent hard qual-
Brussels least Saturday D. Frain, oar -
nage trimmer and barmen maker, ot Broo-
ms, and Ceot. Mary Sayers, who r.„atly
removed from the osptataoy of the Salvation
Ann orp, here, were united in mann.
at Blyth.
Morris : &always Peal met with an ac -
dent but week. lie was dragging cedar out
of the swamp and his foot slipped off •
oed•r leg, ••-slog him to fall 'n a broken
limb, wkioh ram tato his thigh. The limb
was .bout ooe inch thick.
Kippw : It was • happy assembly that
net w the aftersoon of Tu.sday, July 28th,
at the maidens of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mon-
teith, Loudon P.oad,to witness The marriage
of their laughter Mies Lane. to R.jamia
A. Smill-e, of Decorah, lows.
Tuak.ramith : One day last week a man
named McRobrte called at the rendesoo of
John Land.1orougb in luckeremith. lir.
Landsboreugb ascertained that the mag had
escaped from Loudon asylum and bad him
returned to that institution again.
Wroxeter : The funeral of A. Gibson, sem
of George Gibson, was well attended os
Saturday last. The deoe•esd was a univers-
al favorite, because of his bright and jovial
manner. Mr. Ultimo hen the sympathy of
his many friends in the loom of hie ooly
sea in the prime of youth.
Blyth : Joseph Lamont died on Wednes-
day morning about 8 o clack. Mr. Lamont
bad been a great sufferer. 1n the Sprang be
went to the Toronto hospital, for the par-
pOe• of having • growth removed from kis
meek. It proved ansooaesdal, however.
aid be has bean gradually sinking ever
• Monday aThomp-
son,, Vanry Thomp-
son, thelittle 6 -year-old .on ot Joh. Hera -
matte. d Tetoet', who was vidting
with his ;nether;netherat Ja.McNair's, 16thoea..
en with a widest by • kick from a
horse fa the ,•able- The little fellow had a
bad braise es the front of W head. and was
also 5.55,d en the body.
Myth : Gorge, w .f Wm. Campbell.
met with whet right have proved • wises
ttosileny Met week. With gen, ether
yeasg lads he was pleyieig with a gape, end
se wed the gee west eft, ledgier a bull is
fleeree's leg. He hes bees Wind d to the
hems, bee a few days. hat 1s maw able to go
mend whb the Std et a nrhe&
Wkwhen Admen : Wiapn. toed, .
geed Meesed, Out et 29 ..dil.ess, pre -
pard by Hie Reemess, ler tetra..., 26
. aees,ded in press g. r over 86 per nat.
01 the 14 a ndid.S. fee Paldb Bathed Lean.
by Mr. M..W.v... all *5.1.11 100 per .ss�l We beeern
alla te be proud .i the emeney of ear
Isms : Atter baryes Rleberd Bewley.
el Mlle ei.44., and Jing Melbas* et
Cyt inend leW
Rhe te " New anile."
where .hey seek ep 204 end 3M ares el
Med vsspaHvely lest Jin, Thi territory
Is leaned 80 inn suet d In P. I .
wbsr the eright el Vas Hsea ..1
by theOs
Oa -
What They M r et.r...ay.
Dante penmen are proverbially
and Om
I s they are t �h 1s ern
n ew
eh.k esebe& Yr
years they have wens saline M
fewest es newt .t their henna end
town t god now they have inekkgp
end. d . y.e whin k opsn ear of pan
tread fibre I and Hak 'sen ed nets eve
bsagYsed with Fn. Chamois. wbdmb Is sr
new ager les. the. • widen a1nk,
made se IS is Ther .em.s.Ydhe� . .hoe Fibre.
peeweethe menweadoeUe4 raea�t��.sc�te
wed •.d thesamens et the Isenem-
enti waren It prervIdia. Mew
bee • wetin
world vide reg e. Vitro
• wenn
bit es r that ke
gl7res en Mann
We the Wirt bb.1e da keg seenq