The Signal, 1896-7-30, Page 7„thinner il'he diseases of thinness dare scrofula in children. consumption in people, poverty of blood wn pein .either. They thrive on leanness. Fat is the best means of overcoming them. gverybody knows cod-liver pil makes the healthiest fat. r In Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil tike tae a is bidden, the oil is digested, It is ready to make fat. Wb.. rim ask ter Sewers fimetea m and = ds eeVre sires yw a satasua is a ass d the ass W ea te-yes must that mem 1 Se eases rad 111.0 ager a litre. Omits. aclevihr. Out WHEN THE CARPETS UP. Tacks. tacks. tacks, Os tits sold, grey bedroom floor, And 1 weald that my Magus dare atter The thoughts that b. me rest. Ob, well, for the b•abNr free, As be ,pias '.oath the gaslight dim. That he manta leek ahead .ad sue The narks that are waling for Mia Bat my stately wife sleeps o• la her haves seder the oath, With sever • t►oyhe is her i.—,j bed Of Mbe tacks she ear.i•mly .Dalt Remember-o.ly sash medioiaw were ad- mitted for exhibition at the world'. Fair es are .coapted fey use by peyatei•a , in the practice of s.dieaas, Ayer'. Sarmp•rtt.. Ay.r's Cherry Pesters', ••d Ayer'. NIL being taoladd is the list Thee are stan- dard medisi.aa g•avr rhe mreha We have all met people whose pride le their own pemoeseue in so crest stet they ran rue so shames is these of *there. TEl SI(INAL : OODIIRIOH. °Yr., THURSDAY. JULY 30. 1866 A yang bailee ... ahewiall • part, .t hills sod e-rm,ss theena a a esuesrvs- WY. sad sraealnjsg to skim Wee properties .t mem d the oheriesse phase. Arita g 1M =deers was • wesd-he+yewr mkillieerell e .. y who. at wiry de sal �14o etatiessime those Me plants pmt Sewers Ma had es hews were quite aped o myth */ sakibet d here, er. imbed...Nwhere. Jam ss they war. paae- fe : m aims amts she was beard es m- an W.U, this is seeleing isms • ewes* at hams that is � . I I Skated sad reared It myself Reared It ycandl,'rthe prelssser gen- Orly elomm d. , new remarkable ! This specimen b sissy -these years sad, and n years is still larder—” The lady did set stay to hear any mere, but assented • st sesotio nevwmsmt se alts rear. SIR MACKENKIE SOWELL. prem. Pruni,'• any se Premiere et Camila 81r M•chemsle BoweU wire reeoatly re- signed the poet .t Premier of the Uembaio.• may es desarib.d as ass of the Grad Old Mau s,1 Ganda„ for he entered k's eighth deade game three years ago, nod he was mar esventy-twe whoa M asderteek dire, Usaike bis samesser, Sir Chrism Tapper. who was bra i. Nova Staab, Sir Mackie - :is Bowen is as EaglIshmes by birth. The slasesot little anlage .1 Riokiagkall Super- ior. in the soothers part of the 000uty of Suffolk, was hie native plata His origin was h..W., sad h. had bat very slight ad- vantages is the way of education Wien the boy was ten years old, his tether, deepairiag of the life is England, emigrated to Canada, allured by the delu- sive preapaat of • golden future in the New World. This vision was ortei.ly sot radioed during the father's lifetime. There was jab as much need of hard week Sad as few aoYAL adieus TO w-xALTH' Aa • youth be bad takes to politica es a hot Ce.ssrvatha As an editor ke wee ast- ar.11y nut .tths (. sssrvativ. leaden of the essaty. At the early ase of eighteen he es - tared as Oea.g. lodge. By 1870 he was severed with Orme* dneesptious. ec that his mai es Greed days resembled that of Solent. i..11 has glory, and ba that year be wee sleeted Giusti stomas of all the Orange ledges of ale Demists. YOUR PORTRAIT THE SIGNAL Yaks a Yost Liberal Offer to Subscribers. 1 Beautiful Three -Fourths Life Size Picture of Yourself. THs SIGNAL, in making this offer, claims for it that it is the best it has ever made, and the public knows by this time that what Tse SIGNAL promises will be fulfilled. The offer is made to all new or present sub- scnberti who sena w CASH I1 ADVANCE for y Sub- erriptions to THs SIGNAL, as shown w THE SWNAT And YOUR PORTRAIT (8-4 LIFE SIZE.) Mailed or Expressed anywhere in the Country for $1.50 The Kind of Picture We Copy From. Portraits will be copied from photographs, cabinets or tintypes. DO NOT 8KND A DISI OR FADED PICTURE. All pisluma copied Bust (head and should..). Wbare pietas contains more than one head a charge of 50 cents extra will be seeds for each additional head tilt • full NW* portrait. ordered, or 50 cents extra But one portrait to each subscriber. HOW TO ORDER YOUR PORTRAIT. Enclose the picture you wish copied in an envelope and place your name .ad address on the beck of the picture, with � full instructions where to send it. Try to have as few changer* as powible, as • portrait oan be copied much better with fewer changes. Your small portrait will be returned in as good *sedition as it is re- ceived. NO FRAY IG OONDITIONB, WE DO NOT ¥AHE PORTRAITS REQUIRING YOU TO BUY A FRAME. The Portraits aril made for t:A by artist. of national reputation and ta protium, ody the highest grads of work, GIIARANTlE TO SUBSCRIBERS. The pests are the work of first-class artiste. They are fay 3-4 life she and are as natural and finely finished am Portraits gold for $5 to SIO. I>L�c1 not inferior work beelines it to fres It is truly a work el hrt portrait is finished by hand in Crayon and Tsdia Ink, and will Dotglarbade. D IN YOUR OBDER QIIIOELY. IT WILL TAKE SOME TIME TO MAKE THE PORTRAIT. in order to smear" firs6olasg work it will take from two to four "44 to deliver por{r,� d f thereore o not delay tion •.d order m *deg year etibsetgrip Nation dariklag Promo will be s.isbei El r•a hems teara direct hllas www for whato y, if handleHardwd by > If by es tee wilt�� dp, J.. to mbeelribers with y prima ><YVER BEFORE HAS ANY NEWSPAPER (LADE SUCH Alt oma TO ITS ITIBSCRIBERS. THE S1GI4At, Oat. .a is tha Mmebdr (euutry, I. bet. very MOVED BY THE WIND. seen Mase d k.pereasss Mae Newell eb.sM saes Me *as M, lee roue appresi.sed, tksr.t.re. is • pristine r Belleville. •t tie •a. •f tidiness. 11eellmeabiy /.r binessli. yeast ale had as ...t..1 .bat. .smear sad .-Niles He desired kaswiedre ppecler. He see es wok. tbss.ler s. 8,mew w*we e Ohm to Me bed r - - r. .arse mer.itl=skim d skim as ksswla�asa peiseat's .m.. Ohm .Mar bmsi..ae. Mese et the work ie meshaa'--Uy. it is arse ; but as bey er mea des .eedy wade rams .t 'Seery" withoutmanias It b .sly ib. desire to knew net while his was ead..verbg ue bm 04 bis .. .e, 1ss he did sot aegis's legitimate business ; Sad the resale was kb..mpleymsaNO ..ssived se= a of hie abilities thee. wises hie appellation was .sdsd, 8. was made Masltar Sad mass tie add .ds - are g••arui is my dem w -ars PNEUMATIC TUBES ARE NOW USED t ellimat through asmeehlar .lata preys his Mai minim tosonAN Or Tam views. From UM parities be roes he Mai .t editor of the B01•vbll• dally and wieldy "•l•tell.sosc.r." and in see beams eats proprietor of both papers. This post he se - espied sat l the imprtasee of ►b political respoe ibilitM . obliged him te devote the greater part of leie time to than la sew essetr'.s tie press has eves a greater We =stases than jt pommies is Sarep•, sad this is eeped•ITv t8e ems ia small Mega The editor of the load paper is, probably, the seam ret most edeoattoe in the plaoe, sad has • personal ideetnio•tioe with his paper ran organ sad leader of peblio minim which is wholly leaking is the Melee, ooantry. Mr. Bowel., moreover, was • seas of esterprbs .ad anergy. He was not esabd.d to be the editor of • loot' paper. He west se his work with so insole vigor sod brilna..s ass people =gas to t•Ik of the "Iste11i- isnmer' with as interest with .8ioh they had never bemired it before. Its oir.sla- Hes spread s its reputation facreased, sad shortly after Mr. Bowall's •sseaslea to fife editorial oh•tr hie pep= was resegaised as owe of the Seedier expeesnte al radio .pinion m Helpings musty. Whoa we remember 14. .sormoo. 50p. •sea, both political and social, whleb taobdt to this Order, and which was mere likely te increase than dimbaiab Ines surly partially developed poli3y, it may be safely said that this wee • very bi r rim for • oris- tar'. led. Ner did h. wean* himself to ML mare peaceful sada of • slums'. duty. He was far =any years an •etive promoter of eke Val- .ateer-MiUtb• Faroe. He lest the Wismar of example te the mevemest by onliHiag himself. Tb. times, stammer. were sat particularly peaceful, sad the need of malt • for.'. was amply demonstrated by .vests. The United Butes wee In sathlag .f the seme isomer se It wes lase wises', sad the result was THx rgtt7AN MAIDS. This prectieslly Ias•at that several hatches .t lawless r.ffiem paved awes the Candles fiestas. la diarist pastas. Tb.y thought they would overrun the whole ems try with saes. Th. Militia promptly tura. ed est mud uad.o.ived them. Capt•is Man keseis Bowel and kis o•mp•sy west right through the war -it it tea be se styled -- sad fee fear menthe the Captsbs entirely aba.deo.d W b.sinese is erase to eve bis reentry. IN PAOZJAnssT. I. 1863 Mr. Sewell bad eased for the North riding et Heseinge musty ;but wag asesem.tal. 1t wee sad that he was set thorearbeoi•g enough es the Gurasevanve platforms. la 1967 his merits were more tally rs..gdsed, and be was elected hr the name ooseseta.soy. It was 1. Parliament that Mr. Bewail kis ss.us He very uses made h perusal pew. ee. Hs has ea admirals/to psrliessastry -•reser,• sssper well ander esasel, a geed - ease of bead which mama be disturbed tviolence el my spassese, d a keel et ai Iden of edeial and Parliamentary dahlia l whish in favl.able M a MWe1ar. Thies qualities showed thesuesiess very early is hb o.rltassc Sary weer. They Meseta mere estimable seed valuabie whom he fb.t attds.d ellen is 1878 es Mis*Ssr of (Loo., ..der the We Sir Jabs Ma.d.s- 51d. H. had sever bees • fr.q..ss speaker but be pmesmts the power of s.sspelling atteeeket wises be dem .peek. Yes .su't hued* Boswell," is what .se at ►b .ppsueste mid et Ma : sed also fiat be was sat w of thee gam who bay a millstream' of Wk Midas them which they can tees ea whatever they wish, ler be on- ly =eke when be really had aemeehleg to e s tarian Mesa years et sista We Mr. Beaten worked ids la Me 'wires df Nem Weis peel Naber artkr te doves hims.if stare ell to y be sed T e IsoMeess r is It bad brought his wealth. sad he had gide M Pews, ; and, while he mush regretted the ri▪ ght see far parting. Os the eaddes &alb of Sir Jeb. Tlempeen the 1st. °toadies premier. Sir Jobe Tbe.pes, Mr. Bewail eseesd .•bunny narked est ter W sa e- dssser. Hs is A rifling? ommumese d1 the Orad SL Mhhad and St. (Merge withh Wades se massy •slsral and this smalls. was flee .f last yaw Bir Maakmsale is •sf his yew eems. el emaidssable vigor. la sad Webs se was het Hb s,7• h heal halr sad bead sse y yeas Sts h.e lest ii. h WWI% ..d the lass.. mad hie gala b tame t ~•�tashsh. walk `les , H. bas always weak•/ bast, s., ka . Mg whin It wee to be thereighl'y task,w sad bib bb gas.e•1 ml phissitail pewees ham always hem kept is eh= melee re whish .ravens dagmmemllas until the 1a•1 bre•k- pTewatds the prase Or Y.d reads W al - Imes been • em.deoN hived, ;ILS • t %tae the deepest l ter afi V the 1ss1.w el The l atel8gaar. Amis Sad oink he hes mbeslwd es pewee bssmv.syps v erase es Ake, heath@ te same ealenumee pep- mra. Ht it•a sensed msppeslses ammo the Oseadless " A RIitrh is Thea." -A demi m1 Aye is Pills hie saved maw it hef.�helm=� .,I bet at wha Mel mats le he est hied` Ash% are lis me- tesma. end the ramie. Aye es se ;FIhasmess aware 1s, _ s d web. ergpMfilth lila Oa.dlw is /s saw • rasa with Ossebe , S 1111 hOhs wY s e .''s 'h'epi'smYtw la el.sape e Dr Aga.db ' will este ail e..1. of White ---i lii_Yee mod aid _Mym p.Orem b 6 Gid It ts ewes 11416 Mama. lisseme. w lash, R m..'i r' dna. /A M. SIM IN TRANSPORTING GRAIN. The New tots Eloesser Takes the Term at easel rapes. T.s$a. and She A4- 'aas•tgtee Are se Many That Me 57e - tem Is Now M •peead- Steel storage tanks for grads rapidly taking :he place thruugkto the c,ustry of the old wooden elry tors, and pneumatic tubes •re u to convey tie grain from the place the •curage to the mIU- whereas 1 tserly It was wheeled In barrows ov bridges between the buildings through underground tunnels. The proper storage of grain for Ini ins purposes has for many yea -s be a question of the nest Importance millers and mill owners, Fire was t one destroying element mart dread and the erection of wooden elevate for storage purposes, near the mil greatly Increased the fire rums. an In consequence the Item of inauranc was by no mayors a small one The erection of air tight steel •to age tanks or bins fur gran, In plat of the old wooden structure; not onl does away with all Sanger from fir but n is claimed ,that rt .;n -serves 11 grain for an Indefinite period of tint and also makes impo.11,1.- the pre sure weevil. or other vermin so de structive to grain In atorag••. There being no lneammable matcr:al used m the construction of then: steel tanks tber is no need fur insurance, and mill men claim that within BLit IT seven ears the raving on Insurance alone will more tbaa pay for the first cost of construction. Tar., of there steel storage tanks are now In opera- tion et Toledo. 0., where they have proved even a greater success than was anticipated. With the air tight steel task taking the place of the old-fashioned elevator, comes the new method of handling the grain. The steel bins are connected with the mill Dy Immense steel tubes and air pressure move', the grain, as It Is needed, from the storage tank to the mill. The system could not be put in operation with the old style elevator, but the tubes are now In practical operation at Connersville, Ind. The machinery used In this pneuma- tic system Is extremely simple in con- struction and requires very little power to operate it. By a system of air currents, the grain Is taken from the storage tanks on a current of air exactly as a chip of wood is carried by a stream of water. The alt current is changed by manipulating two valves, one causing a blast, the other a suc- tion. A valve In the tank le opened allowing the grain to enter the pipe or tube. When the valve Is closed an- other at the end of the tube within the mill is opened and the grain falls into a receiver. Exactly the reverse operation is gone through in putting the grain Into the air tight storage tanks. It is first taken Into the mill then put In the receiving bins and by pneumatic press- ure forced through the tubes Into the tanks. The introduction 65 air tight storage tanks and the pneumatic sys- tem of transferring the grain practlo- ally revolutionises the manner of stor- age and mikes. and ere long wU1 probably be introduced Into the big grain depots throughout the country. are ut •- tied of or - et or 11 - en to be .d re Is d r- e y e, W s- Fgirs 1s, Chia.. The Chinese esteem shrimps above all other things. At a well -served table they are brought on swimming about In a glass bowl of water flavar- ed with o11 and vinegar. which rend- ers the creatures hysterically allve,,1 says the New York Mercury. With an unerring thumb and forefinger the Chinese diner out plucka forth the struggling fish, nips off the tail a.; one bite and casts the useless herd behind him. Shocking as it may seem to an American housekeeper the older the egg In China the more perfect from an epicurean standpoint does U become, for no Chinaman who has a right re- gard for his palate eats a fresh boil- ed egg - Taken fresh, eggs are sent to soak after having been washed in a tub of aromatic water. After a time they are removed, and the water 1s used In mix- ing a paste of lime and salt, In whloh the eggs are packed In Jars. These are hermetically sealed and set aslie to stand for • month when tbey aro supposed to be fit for eating. Those left packed in salt and lime for twelve mouths or more, when opened. are found to have changed color, solidified partly and are odorless. The chief care of the Chinese i■ to eat nothing cold. Warm or hot food they absorb In abundance, but rightly they maintain that cold food lowers the temperature of the stomach, be- yond the point where digestlbn can continue, and so the whole health of the body is endangered. Salt taeeet.ra ea wage.., Th. Improvements which hays be. come common on Wrote* are not to be confined to them alone. Carriages are fitted with pneumatic tlrea, and now ball beatings are to be pet to practical use In all manner of '.Melee A firm in (onnectlout 1s devoting all Its time In manufacturing Dan bear - Ings for wagons of all deocrfptloss. Whey guarantee that . wagon so erulp- ped will run =soother and be better b every way and that the bearings will last for twenty Yeats. or $1116 they fit • carriage with ball bearings while placing the wane Improvements on a heavy wages costa 811 more. Smiles are fitted with the bearing for 111. The arm already has more orders &bead than It oaa conveniently attend to. Waal Caaedt.n firm will be tint is the amid of the home market 1' Rtt Ides. A roues WSW= up the Md. sat Is Om irta4 aort c. Se the ether sarbt dlpTtng al lout and eentetsplated the 'Dewe with a wise leak os, Ala ram. Thea lee turn- ed to W mother sad said : "Masten, the iia sb —1Mar YYostshl'tsh.raeaieatea os, *ws maedi er itembe , sad sank epodes thus w 'Iper tiers s great .a.etwral differ - imam la the eseeesatam er the bed. Ia hlgyely poembso.e gash•s the lower Meofterne mese er tam M'w- e .. *Mho t,. ttm- Isle* iseetheesd. • THE KO NSM$ -Darr iskis ki#ftew mid bladder Messes, see nMsv.4•ls ode Isis by 8...th Athesi.a. Ltda., Ohre. This re- ..md1 Int• preps =trim and detirbs ea or re - : di pt Its exesedt a prompes�e is w lbws*'Pais 1e Use bladder, but. i, , bath. sad every pars of the =Mary pumps In made' sr tamale. P. re/ ,.e retesting 4s1 •water_asd pain 1a plumb.` it aloe= Im.le- dtstefy. Is will oars Br1/4/81'. disease diabetes alts all pile gad powders*'. latei tis It, beteg • liquid .ad Best, diesslve fibs ttaad-bke particles eihieliali way. mope= la the blood of port ail hies with thea d*psrd.re. A dry powa•t er pill ora pee peesibly de this, as .milker L • ashram. Use Smith Americas Kida.y Oars if sou would live and .obey 8,5118. RHEUMATISM --"For the last year," writes Wtlltam Marshall. of Verdes, Oat,, a resident of that district for forty years. "I wee ooefia..l almost ..tirtic to my bed with rheua:•'bm. Militias gave me re- lief. and 1 had dn.11y given sp hope, whose South American Rheas/sato rare was re- oomm.seied to m. Tb., flirt dose lay. me Mom' relief, .ad 1 was out of my bed t s,e following day. I have seed three bottles. •.d 1 met my I am completely oared, es I suffer no pain whatever wow " THE STOMACH AND NERVES. -Mr.. Capt FL alley, of O... Sound, was roe os, whom 1. grippe had left it. mark.. 8h. seemed never to have completely reoover ed from the streak, lead nervous preatration took hold of the system. All the doctoring Bad only • temporary effect. 88e tried South Amerima Nervine, and soyir the first bottle ..v. her hope, and, oontinuind its us., in . ahnrt time she oemplerely regained her strength. Use South American Ner- ves* if you seem to M wearies out It will rebuild the life forum with earprisiog rapidity. Sold ty J. E. Davis. Thr Noatre.l r,eh. (;lene•frn wen rhe trophy .n the 'nrern..ieaal race for h.11 raters o. New 1-». h, i.feating .he American yacht throe etr•iehta unlight SOAP HOMH Is VHRY DHAR • HOM 5 And it 1s th.Mai of a good wife.to keep It riser and at- tractive. Nothing will help more thea the an of Swilled Sup tike a ray of sunlight it brightens and rimers, en- courages and comforts. It makes homes bright and hearts light *BOOKS FOR WRAPPERS LamaB'ery es,ridT a wrrrrnapdpi�=.sagppst.ss�s�t�bggod book wig be gess, cc • be= mappws SANDUSKY, WINDSOR, Detroit and Sault Line. Laving &Nadu-ky every Monday and Thursday night at Itt310 r.at.. calling at Wind- om, Detroit, Coon aright, Hernia. thrierieb. Rinoardise, Port Itil.. Houtbampton,throogh w 8aalt.rylaa Bey and North Channel to 'be Fur rates sod an information Address C. P. H. or re. T. R. Uoket agents. or WM. LEE, Goderich. G. W. BROWN, Windsor, General Manager. n -aa WE'RE IN IT That is to ray CATTLE BROS. have bought out the !laminate .t JOHN RALPH,.. HAMILTON STREET. Sad tarry a fall Use of Stour, Ti. NW Octane wear, and aro prepared to ate Mader. fey Plumbing, Fitting, Eave-Troughing, and Tinning, bind ousrealN te glvs you aatir(•o- ties is seek sad .very Una o.r relriosraterelare the beet is the sak.t 0.11 sad nes them. WI assay. your aiders .t Jobs Ralph's Old eland, I!•mnits.-St. CATTLE BROS., Plumbers and Tuner.. *Ma TEN imams summon Wino sols Guar Warraners. an Aux, NIL Mai Ampthe Miv o res 1r� aowe GElrffeeTi te m r dl � IOW_ 7 Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that be keeps on hand all grades of oF-r I COA AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF W000 REDUCED. 8p.olal stiestio• gives to CUT SPLIT WOOD Call and get prices and see samples of wood. Office and yard, NELSON -ST., sear amiss Sege. Hotel. D. C. STRACHAN Pruprlet or DAVI80 ez 00 (' -p-lo-date Hardware - Binder Twine Bad Dap Bloc Ribbon., Pore Manilla. ParisGreen —P483, and la any Quantity. Harvest Tools Yorks, Balls, !scythes and Snataes. Harvest Mitts A Pull Line in this deDartattant- Machinery Oil The Best on the Market Hayfork Pulleys and Ropes. PRICES VERY LOW. DAVISON & Co. Fifty Years moan Tax PCSUC AAD SAis STILI, INCYEABID:O, Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum For COUGHS, COLDS and all LU AFFECTIONS. nets. a bottle. Sold everywhere. KERRY WATSON db Co.. ancien rear cat 1401N'TtaEJL PATENTS! CA/EATE. TUBE MEI SASS CIPYIIMITI Palmas Mos Maclewed atatateppbtetsatitand all M the DARA TM PPUtah in Mjs�glsst, Mine has ttbosCla aad � mama two PAIWINOIVIC Seed AiODIL OR DRAWING. We pd• vise as te Std are slake sociability ita$a ilei aa. rani PA x�pWr Lin, s the Peatmth •a. , e lam Q. tl. >l�hamtar4., Div.. ted Ie at No aeries Immo sad rata•• o !or less ma (Nate or Oeaaty write to Q • ow orisons Passim d1 FOR TWENIY-SIX YEARS DUNWs BAKIN POWDER THECOOICS BEST FRIEND LAMEST *ALS Is, CANADA. DOD1RIQH STEAM BOILZR WORD A. S. CH RYSTAL, Itteeneeeraaa. ag a blade of Obrooded iemr.a,11 BOILERS,' Smoke Masks, Balt Pans, Sheet Ices Werke, oto., eta. And Donir Ie- Nagloo, Naebbery (1disge, ala, theebases s �Weand !Pater 0 •mel iVelma, Merit Taira. I A�amad Velma, lel:. til Immo m `as aresmar w•rmstlr wear tie WIa. '. aim~ Seifiselskosa arm► -repine SOL s.NilwNes, w_