The Signal, 1896-7-30, Page 4(this week.
Re Signal,
so a
ST b...agdow.g
am et rullt= sada MetMea/eee
SWIM of dmh.errdfaa t
measly} MvamLa
us▪ e y▪ ear.
Leet# M Veer saki.
Taw label is • shadiest remise of the eats
to whisk yea are paid P. lies that Itis set
sneered te tall late arrear.
Wkw a Mame of address is charred, boos
Oa old sad W sow address .bold bs elver.
•dvert..1ns Siam
1.a�s1 5.4 ether casual adv.rttsamos'a les
pre lies ter drat 1s.erttoa, sad i ass pee 1155
far sash.0 asset Iese ttw. Measured b
• Isnsiw
etude of sir Maes and seder. $S per
alvvstlessseata of Lost, Feast, Stayed
Ilt�ei... Veesat, etteattoss Waited sad
Oaamaw Chanes wasted, net ueasdtaa 1
Uses 'empanel. 111 tar month.
Reseal es dale sae Parma es pale. sot le
•zoad Shwa 11 for and reoeth, Mager snM
esgweat mewls, Lamer ad. •-. la sameanie*.Aq mewls,
weed smka the oboe. or which Is te
.ruas55 the p'•nnbq bonsai of aqy tatl-
withal or Mmssay, to be oo-Mderd ae .4.
✓ 5Mos$ .54 .h.m.i .. •.rAlwely.
Least setkss in ansperell ties ass est see
went. meeting lem thaa lie,
(Mall esttiess la oMIs•ry readlas type two
~spier word. No .sties tar ism Nes Me.
Nauss ter oharohm sad ether religious sad
benevolent tastltatloss half rate.
sabeerl►er who tail to reoalve Tire/al.A1.
✓ asd.rty by mail, will o tatsr a favor by em so-
o stle the us of ttea at • e early a o date se
p.Nlsaer's Mateo.
.1. C. la Tomei. of Oodertob, 8.s bee. ata
ad Local Tvdling Agent for Me town
Mkfp of Ooderfob. Colborn., Aahgsld a.d W.
Local postmsatmri over the dt. 1ol are sloe
empowered to receive sub.ortptlosa to Tug
tam at
All ee.mmealeatlons meet be addressed M
D husimuIOUDDY.
YeMfsh O.t
Teisabe-t CW 1st.
-What has the Conservative pol-
lsy dams for Ooderiok in the pest *tabbies
-The energetic j. lamest. TARTS
appears to be (tall sad wormwood to the
average Tory jeer..4.e these days.
-The crops this year bid fair to
surpass Moue at the throe previous years.
Who will -ay now fist it is at a good
*Mg be have o Refers Oever.meat m
-Sir CflARLgt! TUrP6g is not in
favor of a Coeservativ, oo•vsotioa stprmm-
est The old mac is not desirous of bang
waeyln.d te oblivion by the vote of the
p.riy whisk he Ida dimmer on Jams 23rd.
-The abolition of the Dominion
Framing* sot ie now in order. We will
probably haven .amber of bye-eboniess he-
tes= the present tune and nest year, and
it will set be the thing te hove the 7oltsg
dose on lists thew years old.
- Our esteemed contemporary, the
Seaf rtb 8ea., bee gip-eoppd es far se the
iutuiip of SirCs.u.Terrss i. ooso.rned.
Oar esteemed owismpeeery is right is its
pent estimate of the Thera word, sad
ear only weeder is that it didn't tars the
ha.depriag lean ago.
-An effort ie being trade by Con-
servatives aWool Sir WIWAN MgagorTU
ben eater polities as leader of the Federal
Opposition. It would not surprise es to
leant that Sir WILLI** had had enema et
leadership of Opposition is his psrliamest-
ap e.reer, asd would oot take kindly a a
pnepentios to further extend hi. Lbws
that diesel e.
-Aoording to the estimate of Ro-
emer Unit, 86,000 woad have sabred a
put the breekw.t.r ..dsek .t
he an ef6eiest oeaditim-TJYrry, 1894.
T.dy it will require ever $100,-
000 to do se. If the eve a.m. be -
fere • wart is Ged rick we are of
opiates that .. waimoas verdict -of
••o.mtribab.ey tspliReae." mead be broaebt
te .galla the late Gammas by the jur-
ors, wittiest h.v45 a leve the be..
-The other day TMs 8i iitL re -
'aired an dvertbemest hams him wits
sad they only (bared be advertise la purely
loyal Che die& papers -papers that mead
bY for bogus Iasi baba the world. The
advertiser be questa know • good, loyal
Canadian paper weft they nes it. sad Hat
Is why they seat Meir .4verNatneet t+
Tag Smw.t_ The pease wash le trdy
loyal le (.ads will always aroma ea
winse white will teal le the gleatnrM sad
preepertty of this s.e.try.
- It will be gnat Lien to me that
emrea remedial I.gWlhe Orsgosma,
Ju B. ]Issoweaw, Ii. D:. L K. ! Q C. P. ,
I.. 24G. P. t S.. 0.. he.. eta, Oradea, et
Mae' h Qumes's Oslt... et P8yr.l.ft,
Dare. framed ; Lim**, et the Omersl
Madded Cease& Great Beata 1 Yawner d
rho Caw of PnimW... sad S.rgeees. 0..
tail, ; formerly reddest et the Ramada
Ho5NW (Lyieg-le sol Oym.wesl.rb.q.
Debbi t .pda1 Walks te &mane d
weans ami &Aires t eU.s uad mamma.
raMsihary-dl, mat deer te °atsela.St
eeseesaae. Olielma. weeklies Me red Nan
pew 1a twee of the seastit.tb.sysy d Sep. -
✓ t easel@ la °aerie Owe ismer area.
T• eft the esg.egle.elowe eft she side .[ the
.ale Masa psedmsr of seeress jaw-
smdth?,ohm he is Imelda fell tbse,w ii re-
•mhl ser el Ike ameitip et • Iep.oldd pe.
Vise 1a s barmy as ea a wlaty deg whoa
the wheel 8m sees ea 48.4.4.-
- ll .Mersa. the Meclan. desk eat woad -
hams b trwYd wile Moho.
AWAY AT Swam -Matra Witham
WI tows Sealy hole be Ina the mea el
MeeaBeak et 0......,
away leleadij old sad eomm. flsgseth. IW
ng, will hem tee
reB�L•m.d7alleg bile seta
`.d das lo, ble hrfie'm
_ .Ye Mesl+Mewrt,gd
Lost In a Cyolon• In the dtwt•
of P•nn•ylvanla.
!sates swmdeap Were smMd4 /•m•Wed M
ferM•rt - Mas ass was Mad by •
/slag a�.aax
gene. Seeevered
hem Me tsebe n a Seed Tetley -Came
ore Wowed Its • Tsea-da 5,55. Ytrt
heves.. • -Mem-Alves Me Semen
of the Mises
Pttt■burg, July !f.-Wblle there have
been storms and floods in this vicinity
In past years. that have ca;:a.d great
fatalities. It is doubtful if the cyclone
which struck Western Pennsylvania
last evening was nut the greatest in
its history and in Its widespread de-
struction of property.
The lower portion ut McDonald. Pa..
was for a time inundated. No lives
were lost. but the damage to property
will be heavy. Several coal mines in
the vicinity of McDonald were Bood•
. Near Cecil. three miles southeast.
six bodies have been recovered from
the mass of debris In Cecil Valley. OU
wells and shanties occupied by oil pro-
duoers and workmen are thickly lo-
cated along the banks of Cecil Creek.
The teerrenta swept through them. glt�
Ing no time for escape. Samuel McKln
Dey's house Was swept away, carrying
with 1t his wife and two children. •
Two dl men. sleeping in their shanty,
were drowned, aa was also s girl
mimed Mcl•:lbaney. who 11% ed In the
% Wage of Cc 11.
The .:I•.udburet which swept the
Cecil Valley carried awey a miner
boarding [rouse near lsrtdgevUle, rr-
sWUag in the death of le ut the ta'
males by drowning. The valley at
testa point was covered by 18 fret ut
water. The bridge est the Bridgeville
ant HcLonald branch of the Pan-
handle liallsua4, over Chartlers Creek,
as washed away and the tracks fur
bait a mile near Bridgeville. are euv-
ereyd with water.
John Fergus and George ]filler, with
several companions. Were In tamps
on the banks of the Allegheny River,
near Aspinwall. Their tents were
sheltered by a large sycamore tree.
Either the lightning or the wind tore
a huge limb from the tree and it
dropped directly upon the tent in
which the members of the club had
*ought shelter. Fergus' skull was
crushed. Miller was pinioned to the
earth and hie back broken. Five
other members of the Party were held
to the ground under the heavy Ilmb
and all were severely injured.
John Autholder met his death while
striving to reach & PISA* of shelter
from the hurricane on Second -avenue.
Just as he reached It a heavy sign was
torn trent its fastenings and crushed
him down Into his wagon Death
was instantaneous. Throughout Pitts-
burg and Allegheny city many Luild-
trigs were unroofed. hundreds of trees
uprooted. electric wires prostrated,
windows shattered. outbuildings and
some dwelling:, upset.
At Cecil the bodies of Ms. McKin-
ney. J. McKinney,Jennle Holmes, W.
Higgins and an unknown old man have
been recovered_ The Chanters Creek
Is higher than ever before known. The
bursting of Sotetem's Dams added to
the volume of the fluted, which swept
through the valley. Of the 16 miners
swept away. five bodies have been re-
covered. One man was rescued. yet
alive, from the branches of a tree. in
which he had Iudjed. He hh4 nut yet
regained consciousness when last
heard tram. All of the men 'were 4ur
eigners, mostly Italians, employed in
tete mines of the W. P. Rend Company
and the Ridgeway Bishop Coal Com-
pany. Estimates of the total damage
run any where from 1100.000 to 11.5.N.-
000 In Allegheny County.
The damage to the Fifth United
Presbyterian Church, Webster -avenue,
and Walsall .on -street. is 13000. The
John Weal.. A.M.E. Church. Arthur -
street. was damaged $6000. 711. A
Co.'s maChlne shop was damaged
16000. The steeple of Centenary M. E.
Church. Kirkpatrick -street. was blown
off and the bell carried Into an alley
some distance away. Th. falling
steeple crashed tjtrough the root 0[
the dwrlling of John Tonner,. wreck-
ing It The falling timbers also dam-
aged the residence of William Zither,
sad George Sutherland. The damage
to the church will reach 16000 or more.
In Lawrenceville, the damage 1s
greater than on July 16, when the
storm wrecked the stone wall sur-
urrounding Allegheny Cemetery The
broken wall offered no resistance to
the fiocad last evening. and a raging
torrent not only devastated a large
portion of the beautiful Allegheny
Cemetery. but flooded Butler -street and
streets below to a depth cat nearly five
feet. The cellars of hundreds of
houses were flooded end the first Boors
of several score ware covered with
water, Every street In that part of
the city was blocked with broken trees.
stones. rubblah and mud.
Al lover Pittsburg and Alleghany
traffic was suspended. In the mill
districts along the Alleghany River 26
large smokestacks were toppled over
by the force of the wind, In a number
of Instances wrecking buildings on
which they fell Scarcely had the
thorougbtaret been made Passable and
delayed cars began to move when the
night deluge came on. This a point
of downpour was even worse than the
evening flood. The high wind was
absent, however, but the heavens were
almost continuously lit wltb terrific
flashes of lightning, and the roar tri
thunder was oonUnuous. The storm
continued with slowly diminishing en-
ergy until midnight. At noon to -day
the body of an sin/mown man, evident -
17' a victim d that night's storm, wait
found In the Ohio River just below the
city. Reports from the districts sur-
rounding the titles detail the destruc-
tion of Buildings, death of farm stock
and much damage to sops and fruits.
All the railroads entering the city tee-
tered oon.iderable damage and decay;
the Peitlmore & Ohb Railway h ap-
parently the worst sufferer. Trains
from above Eureka on the main lines
were unable to get themes from that
evening up to noon to -day. The delay
was caused by a landslide sear Zu-
rek* A large culvert at Port Royal
was alio washed oat, and had to be
%riaged over before trains meld pro,
eeed. At Clokevlll., Gil the . a O..
Wheeling 41, idea. a small Midge wag
swept away, and a covered covd the
hwehe at Pj.$ vihw.
The rivers took an leeward tura early
this meriting and at 2 dolesk this al.-
ternees 17 foot wore reaseted. it b
net tboaght that the rho w01 sensed
If fest. im the debris which rumba
peat today w.r meet tonne
eatfaildiaga,ether fun u d �thewttatem& greet l�grhaw ash
5551 at pante •hese.
Ms Omen GM.
P. Jay st-who taws
wee ewedated by the mallow from
vaarttara Orel* amid mach ta=
dom. bridges mull areas being
.d out. fit Inildale, on 16s want
Peansytvaniathe stuns ear-
thed • large tree eat taactt haat at
• dangerous curve. pias Seale Dap.
la saw the danger to tram this
sive selalag hoe father's az
cleared away the obanto-
M5455. set as • ap•elal titan ooevaist
urals Menlo party to Alleghany
swept by at high speed.
-amass livemweeee.
Wankel gtoo. Pa.. July A. -Tia dam-
age la the oil fields will be enormous
A great &umber or bridges were swat
away sad roads are Impassable.
Canosshurg. Pa., July 211.-8everal
femlltm were rescued from partly sub-
merged dwellings. Lass on crops sad
fruit will be heavy.
Connellsvllk. Pa.. July 211. --seven
bridges on the Connsllsvllle and Fair-
mount branch of the Baltimore and
Ohltl washed away. Damage to crops
Went Newton Pa., July �l.-Bulld-
ings of Cement and Lime Company,
Including kilns, were destroyed by the
storm, which loosened masses of rocks
and debris from the overhanging cliffs.
'lb* buildings were crushed The toss
aggregated several thousand dollars.
Brownsville. Pa., July _8. --Several
buildings were unroofed and the town
was flooded. No trains arrived to-
They are Remand rermsda. Se Tithe rate
In tae rree.dtap et tun Mesh.
War Trades tbmgrees.
London, July 23. -The International
Socialist Trades Coagress me again In
81 Martin's Town Hall to -day. In
view of the disorder which character-
ised yesterday's meeting, there was a
large Erowd of outsiders present who
apparently were anxious to Lee a re-
petition of the troubles. As the dele-
gates presented themselves for admts-
elon close scrutiny was made of their
credentials, It being feared that some
of th,; Anarchists would endeavor to
get on the floor and make trouble.
dome of those who bore credentials
which were not in the right shape were
refused permission to enter the hall.
Herr Singer, the well-known Social-
ist , leader of the Uennan Reichstag.
who speaks Engltah fluently, acted as
chairman at to -day's session. Hs re-
ferred to yester'day's disturbance, and
announced that order would have to
be maintained.
After the usual preliminaries the
Congress took up the question of the
admission of Anarchists, against which
a large majority vote was cast yester-
day. Speeches for and against their
recognition as delegates were made 87
Jean Jaures, a Radical Socialist mem-
ber of the French Chamber of Depu-
ties; Tom Mean, formerly member of
the House of Commons, and several
other property accred ted delegates.
The speakers were very much sxdted.
and those In favor of 'he admission ct
the Anarchists hotly contended that if
they were not admitted the Congress
would not be Internationally repreeen-
Uve In its scope and that Its decisions
and conclusions would not carry
the weight which they would other-
wise have. The opponents of the pro-
1.oaitic,n declared with equal spirit
that the admission of the Anarchists
would have the effect of leading the
general public to believe that the so-
crallata favored the Anarchists' pro-
paganda, which the speakers contend-
ed was not the cans.
Eventually another vote was taken
and it was decided 203 to 104 to refuse
to recognize them.
The Anarchist would-be delegates
I were outside the hall waiting for a de -
Ielision, and when it was announced to
'thesn they beoaan. highly Indignant.
It was finally decided to force an en -
j trance into the hall and the declaim
I was no sooner arrived at than 1t was
carried out A rush was made for
the doorkeepers who were speedily up-
set. and the crowd of Anarchist. made
their way to the gallery. Thee Orme
a perfect babel. The delegates shout-
ed In their native tongues --Russian.
e Polish French, German, Italian, Span -
lab and English --that the intruders
should be pelt out. Finally, when the
voice of a speaker could be heard
above the din, Tom Mann and James
Kier -Hardie addressed the chair in
advocacy ort the admission of the A a -
e archlsta
Other speakers opposed the proposL
tion and the excitement waxed unW
It appeared that there was a decidedly
j favorable chance of yesterday's df♦
grau1 scene being repeated Herr
inier:1 finally succeeded In obtaining
• little order. and tt was then agreed
that properly accredited Anarchists
should be admitted. but should be al-
lowed to take no part In the debate
Inter another vote As taken, and It
was decided to uphold the Zurich re-
solution, which In effect provides that
Anarchists .hall not be admitted.
There the question remains at present -
mewl Wawa %.T. •.ed Ssmds.
New York. July 2l-Cotnptroller
Fitch of New York city to -day opened
bids for 53.056.5112 New Tork elty gold
bond,. bearing 3 1-2 per cent.: and re-
ceived 1. nders of 31.1110,50o at from 100
to 10;..' The lack of demand led to a
gond deal of dlacueslon In flnanclat
circles. and In some quarters there
WWII a dlspotiltbn to ascribe It to the
silver agitation.
Meer Week mime s►eaeee'ssse
New York. July 21. -The Democratic
State Committee met at the Hoffman
Meuse at 1 o'clock this afternoon and
decided to hold the State convent.un
at Buffalo on Sept. 11. The meeting
lasted only 10 minutes, and no aco;on
was taken concerning the Chicago no-
minations; nor were soy resolutions
Introduced. except the one which axed
Use date and place of the conven-
isms Seed at feeder.
1(adoe; Oat., July 211. -Mr. Tho -nae
Croft, owner of the old Loomis raj m•
opposite the R. C. Cemweery, has d.•
covered a rich vein of gold -bear rug
quartz on his property and sev.ral
practical masers are now at work fry-
ing to show up and develop -what :a
really on bis place.
The army Wars, a a,ddbeei.
London, Ont., July hi -The army
wort. Mata Its first appearance la
Madame County a day or two ago.and
b creating great havoc In the fields
a some d the farmers 1n the sur-
rounding townships. The pert Came
Into Middlemen from Elgin County, and
was first alNdeed In Cara45e Town•hlp,
wears merarsl gelds were visited ley
K SWAM S ser
51 . ]11ty ]L -P 51 rd the
Limier. i=a1gssee. Mand the /il
usdaats: me, bad thither. manned W
sap eta page a tinter and fell le-
e. tits Ma d the vessel at ?alien
Dem yes y. Me t.•matoa4 t.
1.1 etwaa erkMl. he dived • 455 ham
A herft.w ra rmame.s an Au Os
rvertiono stun 5.• .W ettommeas.
eve she Petry eiswmd.
Lwm4Mm. July *.-The Juanita Com-
mittee of the Prtvy Colima Itas haat-
ed down its decklm la the emss a
rialang ageing llamawas
heard ma July 2110).1555, sad which wee
a& appeal tram Nova Scotia raising
the legality et the arrest and commit-
tal to jail of the respondent by order
of the limas of Assembly of Nova
Scotia for contempt. The respondent
was a moocher of the House. The
Privy Council allows the appeal, re-
verses the decision yf the Nova Sco-
tian averts and orders the respondent
to Pay the ousts.
When the case was argued on ap-
peal counsel 40e the appellants con-
tended that the colonial Legislature
wan empowered by the Imperial sta-
tute W make laws respecting its own
powers and ou.stltutiou, and that time
provisions of the Nova Scotia statute.
under which the Assembly acted in
this matter, were not ultra vireo of the
Legislature. The House, he declared.
had the right to peas laws enabling It
to oummlt and punish for contempt.
and to provide for the Indemnity of Its
mempti5 against civil actions, and
other proceedings for ads dune .n the
House. The Provincial Legislature, he
contended. had all the privileges. Im•
munlitre and powers of the Britian
House of Commons and the Dominion
Counsel for the respondent argue]
that his client had nut committed any
breach of privilege In regard to the
petition. H. had not been guilty of
contempt In declining to present film -
self fur a formal reprimand. The
House did not have the power to order
his arrest or committal In such a case.
It was equally Incapable of enacting
a provision to indemnify Its members
of they punished anybody illegally.
The Privy Connell has affirmed the
decision of the eapreme Court of
British Columbia in the case of the
Esqutmalt & Nanalmo Railway against
Bainbridge, which was argued July $.
1396, raising the question of the ri* ht
to mines In land granted tor the con-
struction of a railway. The Council
ordered Oa. appellant to pay the costs
of the ap.
• Tidal Wave es Lair emblem Mkfeh Is
reeling ffarfsere ma/ staeatM.
-err et as 1'sbeaval
Chicago. July N. -There was a tidal
w ave along the western shore of the
lake yesterday that caused the water
to Il1se over three feet above the nor-
mal water mark.
The first and highest wave was et
6.30 o'clock yesterday morning, and
from that time until 10 o'clock there
was a succession of ebbs and flows
that were about an hour apart. W. F.
Tomlinson of the Evanston life♦aving
stalk -a was on watch yesterday morn-
ing at 5.30 o'clock, when the water
rose swiftly and steadily until it came
within six inches of the top of the end
of the breakwater at the station, and
the water approached nearer the Sta-
tion than Tomlinson had ever seen it
before. It remained at this high stage
for tea or fifteen minutes, and then
slowly ebbed. So much of the water
disappeared that the sands where the
water is shallow were uncovered for
a long distance cut. This continued
at Irregular intervals until 10 o'clock,
when another tidal wave nearly as
high as the first one appeared.
This phenomenon has not been un-
known heretofore. Two Years ago 3
tidal w.tve at Evanston [rose until it
reached the embankment of the Sheri-
dan -road. Professor Hough of the
Northwestern University said he would
not attempt to explain It, unless It
were some upheaval at the bottom of
the lake.
MMlesa amen a SIM.
Zurich• July N. -There has been
trouble brewing for some time be-
o-tween the Swiss and Rabin worttng-
men In this city. and last night It
culminated In a riot. The police were
totally Incapable of handling the en-
raged mob and military assistance waa
asked for. A detachment of soldiers
with ball cartridges were ordered to
the scene• and their presence over-
awed the rioters. who finally dispersed.
4eventy arrests were made.
Floor -Trade L Inactive, and prices
are unchanged Stralgbt rollers are quoted
at 13.13 to $3.21. Toronto freights.
Bess -Demand limited, wink nn vsotd
at 111.30 to le west, and aborts 05.25 to
le 6u
Wisest -The Iona market today was
steady. New red twister sold •1 Sue west
and old at dile Old white le Quoted at tine
to 6414c outside. No. 1 Manitoba bard sold
at Mc. Toronto freight, sad at 65c, Mont-
real freight
Barely -Trade dell, with prices purely
Oats -The market is quiet with offer -
Ings limited. White is generally laid at
lye west with 18%c bit Mixed mold at
UM_ Cars os track are quoted at 211e.
P... -fl. market is quiet and prices are
anclangead with sales at 46e north
t ad west
Oetsssai-Bwtness quiet, with prices moat-
Isal at 12.50 to trark-
Bockwheat-Tim market is quiet and
prtcee .*sisal at We to 32e outside.
cors-Tbe market is deli and prime es-
cheated_ Yellow quotid outside at 27%c to
21lt. and mixed at 27..
TM receipts at the Western yards were
large thea ,real to -da/ and trade was
wbat brisk. ere were a number et
Moatre•I buyers bore, sed the marten for
shipping canoe ma better. sake were
made at Pee M � p., M. boa tie latter
was •u escepd cal price. Mille sold et
38e to 31ke per Ib.,aerorWig to quality. Bet-
eokk.1.• cattle steady, with a tale demand
ter radarqualities.* Tbe best sold at lie
to Vers per Ia by the load, medium at 38s
to Thr and Interior at 1%e to !a Oalwes
Ida at 51.30 to 04 per hese. aeeonhag a
quality, awl mite' cows at 211 a OD.e�
r, steady. Samba s fair ea .a4 .e pea
Spam Iambsas sola fires a as �
bad. meromtlss to gtcatssssa I.
He la e�edaraM y 1*.e1011_
heed. TM best sea at 4d tad w�fM
ears. Tiskk yah are gastd at WIT
n stores KM M te 511.76. sire at
Liverpool. Poly M. -Wheat. plea
lsteasd•yesaster.es3%dtet :
tptm..s,► GA.. 1 is psis Ms ed • Nand. a 1
Fawaiw, /4h MI :¢Mout, Money, Le.. mese 1
w)54. {i. ; 4~•.. eaten* ave i
[.etr>{•s-a SrTlamuItg-wheat of meet aa.tly.
sesessem ale Ise& saga Illegthe
o cean/ .tree.• area Melse of ease
gml•f w Stili- mSneer
� Me 1wtrMo4-•amt waittSgem .t�htwraa gt1M
as aa��/l tg1�tun tat fa •i Whop.;
6e3��- ter O
prat -Meet. 115 1 . Hi hop. t Mer.
Mit weM�ee la Asp.
I4. 111 tear lee
ek iI - 8 ..4IOW gSepter Js�1y_ at
oa6 Apr repr mid I 1Mid M
Learlest-diese-Via et meet es Wp
Males eeeewt
are goat get ti her e�.b sad lerAga Aw.
Price 50 menta, now 39c.
Don't fail to see the Embroidery at 3c a yd.
Price 25c to $1.00, tor lbc.
Price to $1.25, now 75c.
Talklag to Them.
Vere Is a flu rdealer In New York
who has a large number of rich con
Menu Once or twice a weak his
More can be found full of ladles was
are doing their own marketing. . The
dealer is all smiles to his amstomes
an such day; and very asitia to
keep their goodwill and trade. asc
acme Ume an Irishman had beers cos'
ling In the place, snd after going groat
stand to stand and peertag loot sad
ckasty at the fish he usually wound
up by paschaatng tame cheap speed -
men e# the finny tribe. and demartlttg.
This was ancoving to the dealer when
his place war full of customers, and so
one morning when the Irbst men enter
ed and began going from one stand 10
another as usual he called out :
'.Look here, my good man, what are
you always Smelling My See for ?"
The question was heard by every
toe. and they listened for the answer.
-Faith, ohm not smeJlln" thele; LCs
talkln' to this of am."
'Talking, did you say
"Yis; sure ant akin' them the news
from the see"
Well." said the dealer, tmPatsent7.
"what did they say
-Sure, they didn't know, yer honor;
they twit me they hadn't been theta
ter over a mnath.--Harpers Round
A. SISAL,. Beset
The car was just about full. That la
there were no vacant seats although
a very fat woman. who must have
weighed In the neighborhood of three
hundred pounds, might have squeeeed
her surplus avoirdupois together had
she been so Inclined. At Chestnut
street a man boarded the car and be
was very thin In fact. Ise might, at a
pinch, have see ured a position In a
museum, as it living skeleton. He look-
ed hard at the fat woman for • few
minutes'. and when the conductor
came in to collect his fare he Pointed-
ly remarked : "You evidently don't
charge for weight on this line." Before
the conductor had time to reply, the
tat woman. who had noticed the bard
looks cast In her direetlun : "No, they
don't charge fur weight. If they did
they would never fusee stopped for
you. --Philadelphia Retard.
Full to Overflowinj
Of tads that ere oath same.
lies fes tale week et Qset
em's O!rM� tiledem 'iasis S�m�
and P5Ye. i sea. JM[
aa. la a seem widsh awlge `icrep,� tP
las. efee ach. Deal �/le
ad OverSy Ma ue-iless IT a tear heli
Have You
.tiny Children ?
Than bring them to J.
McNaughton: Now
Shoe Storm. We ars
sallirg at Gut all Gan-
tleasas'a, Lame, Boy'.
Girls', eta,
Tan Boots* lad Shoes
sad the root of our
Moot .1 Q6atlausaa'.
Sad Ladies,' too.,
at a very mall prat
Now is your tine M
tlfo--y end promptly
J. MallIAUGHT031
All Mads of
/uU meusre, Masa op. sad nimbi over.
le a71 ]wMasde than for ema11 Mesa
Qthsal Mgt
J. I. WORSELL o co-
. Careful Buyer
WM wise. kb gads me telly. have big
abase made right. ad fey the right bled
ed a plies fee them. Yea may res sward
whoa yea plass year snider wtsb es year b•
areola will be ~deft ptu*ulst
Iie we Metre se an extensive a lies se w
de. bestlhd u-,4. anti meld at . agile HN
will amble you te save wawa.
The Balmoral Cafe
The prating aid ber4hwwsbed
Orb Wert of T.rowte .. - . .
At The lltrnml may les ales/
IOTI� se=base. the_
sad di.- 1s dimly
with the panel of
re= ter then Parity: flavor sad
orad at all aura
• Mire'be
id* Loa Prate.
ea i iimehereisaam....rrrd
of law 1 featly shows L sleek.
=S. J. J. WALBH.
Wall Papers and
Window Blinds