The Signal, 1896-7-23, Page 8$ TSE SIGNAL : GOD 6RIOH. ONT. THURSDAY- JULY 28, 18 IIIIIOCIS and safe to use 'thhen& They won't break /elf psfas, sad they won't break your neck. Bab from point of r!stalky, safe frost point of style. blade of manilla or hemp cording* PRICW begin .1 M().;. and run up to any price you wish to ,civ. We don't pretend to be a .tore for millionaire gentlemen and Iodise only, but for hard-working every day people who wish to enjoy every coin - fort this Summer Yee. eery. Tennis is • game constantly growing in favor. Any One can play it. This suggests asking if you do, and want RACKETS, NETS, POLES, TAPE, MARKERS or ANYTHING in the game, come to us for the best and lowest priced goods Special Offerings This Week. We sell strictly for Cash, which accounts for aut.!' low prices. GEO. PORTER, BOOKSELLER. Stora closes during summer mesas at 6 o'clock Telephone esobaars open tall 8 o'odook caber* the evening asweoapen will be distributed. GOOD WOMAN BON, Ms. 1.Mgta ienaman. sasses Nee to the Malartr r Toronto. July 20. Mrs- Let it la Cre.ght'i Youmans` Hon. President of the W.I; T.U., and Canada's most prominent lady temper- ance worker. died on Ilaturday at her r*.idence, 19 Metcalfe -street Mrs. Youmans had almost reached the al- lotted span of lite, having been burn Jan 3. 1i12 . and being conaeyuenUy in her .orb year. Ti,, Ilttr- v.tlal:e of Baltimore. sortie fry. oohs b.., Ut 01 01,- 1.1 .n the suunty of Northumberland, has the d onor of being her birthplace. She was 0f raised per:rltage, brr father bring Irish and her mother an American of Preach estractb.n. Hrr father, Joan Creighton, w'at' one of the earl)- p.o- seers of this country. Letitia began ber school life, at the age of t, being went to an old log schoolhouse under the tuition of a Yankee schoolmaster. Mere she learned those temperance principles which she bad ever sines ad- eocaated and sign. d the pledge. At great personal sacrifice her father removed MT to a ladle"' school opened In Co- bourg by Prof. Van Norman. At the age of 20 she creditably graduated, and began teaching In her own school section. Herr, as at Piston Ladles Acad. my, where sbe afterwards taught, she etruve In every way w Inculcate those principles to which he devoted her long and useful life. floe tlaarried hi DWI Tom Youmans, an ardent sup- porter In her work. In 1t74 else first became interested In concerted fentl,rratice action, aelst- ing In the organisation of the W.C.T. J. In the t'nited States. Returning. she began her work in this country by petitioning the Picton Town Coun- cil against the issuing of shop licenses. She addressed the Council hoard, but the petition was thrown out. Undis- mayed, she continued the work. ad- dressing large audiences at Montreal. Cobourg, Port Hope and In Toronto. where she came to live. Here she spoke under the auspices of the Tem- perance Reformation Society, in churches. pulite halls. at the Central Prison and at the Haven. She clan addressed large meetings at Cincinnati and assisted to form Onions at Ham- ilton, Dun:las, Brantford, London and ether passes. Mrs. Youmans campaigned energeti- cally for the Dunkin Act In Port Hope, and Cobourg, and was also active in the Scott Act agitation a few yeah hater. in 11113 she went to the olid Country as a delegate from the Cana- dian W.C.T.U., touted the Pacific Boast In 1800, and la both places her reception was asst cordial and the Impressions .N left very favorable. In Intl she was stricken with in- flammatory rheumatism, and wee a uferer from Algal disease up till kme deatb. Ile Fatal Nee. Toronto. July 20. J. Edward Ryan, the 1) -year-old eon wf John J. Ryan, the Colborne -street commission m-rchant, was drowned In the Don near the railway bridge at Lie yesterday afternoon. Ryan was an athletic young man and was a member of the Don Rowing Club ile wag ambitious to be•_onte an oarsman, and when be visited the club house+ yesterday he donned a sowing suit and got into a single shell. 11e had only been in such boat once before and hr was advised not to go out without an escort. H, laughingly disregarded the wasting' and had not made more than about three strokes of the oars when the boat upset. He uttered a cry as he molt into the water, which at that root la 29 fest deep. Atter a search of three -Quarters ct an hour the body was recovered by ,p :Main Lone. Efforts at rMuvotta- Ude Were mune. but Ryan had evi- dently been past human gild fug some time. A Mureereas Tl,etpr. r.. Toronto. July 20. Joseph Hughes. who works for the Copland Brewing Co and his mother reside et i70 Front -street east. Salo, day night Mrs. Hughes was awaken e d by a noise in the house. She thought 1t was her son. called out to hlm.and received no ane A few moments hater she was to see a man standing over her. with • large iron hinge In hos band. H. demanded her money, and she screamed. He struck h er with the weapon. The Sots. awakened her son. who rushed Ott and tackled the would-be robberin the srumle Hughes was stabbed In the breast with the sharp end of the hinge. The wound 1 not serloue, but a doctor was seomeary to dress It Th. dor tartly Intruder escaped. 1 who Pease besets Pickering, Ont, July 19.-4'n Friday afternoon Mrs. Rpenoer of Cherrywnod, agoed 43 years, ended biler lite. Her hue - band, wise keeps i market garden, atart.d early In ten ssornlmg for To - Moto. On his return testae la the evea- file be waa ltoni4ed to tad hie wire hwaging dead is a shed. adjoining the The dloaassd had been M 111- km hely w•dsageters dthat diedrrather t1.Msmy, obis gemmed to seriously af- ield her ailed- Coroner Patemaa cans Hirst. bee did act deet. ea Memel Pweerl.ery. Itis snaps more la elms- lastahte eleesmelaaese. Mash rim yjelbF la telt ler ten bereaved husband. Z7 MBMORI A Y M=w. 1fOCMAMd. amp estve inners" servte la sieeaioartas stere' U,.ledIr Arid lost etgls. The funeral service of lura. Letitia Tournans, held in Bherbournwtreet Wino list Church last night, was most bnpremive, and was largely attended by ladles of the W. C. T. C. and the friends of the deceased. Rev. Mr.'the- ory of Parliament -street Methodist Church. of which' deceased was a assn: .er, conducted the service He was assisted by Rev. Dr. Dewart, Rev. Dr. Parker. Rev. R. T. Bowies. Rev. William Patterson, Rev. Dr. Berretta and Mrs. Rutherford, President of the Dominion W. C. T. C. The remains were encased in a cas- ket covered with black cloth and or- namented with ozydtsed silver trim- mings. The casket was covered' witn floral tributes. Among them were a pillow from the Dominion W. C. T. U.. with the inscription, "Our Pioneer;" a pillow from the District W. C. T. U.. inscribed "(sur Promoted Comrade;' a sheat of wheat from the Manitoba W. C. T. U.; anchor from W. C. T. U., Western Union, Toronto; wroth from Youmans W C. T. C. Toronto; also handsome floral desrgna from West Mount W. C. T. t'., Montreal, North- ern Union, Toronto: Parkdale Union. Central Y's and Bathurst Union. At the foot of the casket was a wreath of evergreen tied with a white ✓ ibbon. emblematic of the Union. in the two front rows of the church were the chief mourners, who were Mr. W. E. Youmans. Rt Thomas; J. Creighton. Miss Creighton, Mrs. Ta- batha Youmans, Mies M. E. Youmans. 1.1. E. Youmans, W. C. Youmans. Miss Rasburn. Miss Jane Creighton. Mrs. Ham, Miss McLean and J. S. Louden. Rev. Mr. Patterson, Rev. Dr. Parker. and Mn. eutherford paid glowing tri- butes to the deceased, reviewing ber lite of usefulness and her great work for the temperance cause. Mrs. Rutherford read telegrams of con- dolence from many places. Among them was a cablegram from Reigate. England. sent by Miss Frances F. Will•• ard. Lady Henry Somerset and Han- nah A. (Jordon. Mies Dewart sang a favorite hymn of Sint. Youmans' entitled "The Rome M My Soul-" At the conclusion of the service the audience took a last look at the face of their dead friend, while the organ petaled forth the solemn totes of the Dead March's In Saul. Mie. Miller of Parliament -stmt Methodist Church presided at the organ. TORONTO MAN KILLED. um ever by as Saprese Train hese Ailment Beyond R.eesgasUew. Poughkeepsie, July 221 --Edward Lum- ley of Toronto. Canada, was run over sod killed by the Chicago limited es - prase train just below RhlnecliU about I o'clock this afternoon. His remains were brought to thls city and are in *barge of Coroner Frost, who will make an investigation: The body was mangled almost beyond reoognttlos. Papers found In his possession 'bow that be was a member of the Inter- national Bricklayers' Association; that be has a wife In Toronto and a son In Buffalo. Sowtething over [tib was found In his podlet.. shied as UUevera-4, e. Cleveland. 0., July fl. -Tee borrlbly mutilated remains of a man sappo Sed to live near Iain, Ont- were found sear Westminster station, on the Chi- cago Sad Erie Line, last night. Prom loner* found in the man's doth* signed by Toronto business firms. li 1s supposed trial the man's mama 1111 Rector McLean. PLAIJDG WIT* MAMMAL Sew. 1. Ti teMtr's Bey assets, lemma ides veal.,-, home ea -LeiN'. Mitchell. July 2L -About 0 »'cloak this morning fire brake oat In Trtn4 y Church reele17 ow-notedtar r the Rev. J. T. Kerwin. The firemen rttsoendet promptly. ani anon lead els Harass sada COS ssaaning thee re the of the huwsa whore It caisson& watag futree rniture srokTheerewarn mai- ed b Ur. Ultr4ih'e iltUe boy ~hid with matehas The ltsaranoe ea the bsmNlsg 1e asst, ea the contests MN; loss, aheat PN- LEESUAN• Mosso,. July 6 Mrs. Carr, el KittMil, hoe bass vingtiag Mr .ed Mea Hsgb Chamblee fee obs pm week et ss (Minim Noses -Tbe Acv. ass. Me -Y - i a. writ tents, st, (Tkssed.v). pm es ao sweat of tis moss .osisn of the De -hiss dlli.see, bald la Terms* .t whisk ho as. leaded se a delegate treat hew Ossetia( 1. ole hapl.s to peels' see et dela, es Iodise love ten bike heater set. Sad Imo of Josh. *4 JAL ride ads by ei*u, and N .ee let«rwi. •, seek ether Melee Kaki& dM - 1.e• 'a eise ihw tis reams bylaw ped by *4. Asleep* »seas TEREB BIG BARGAINS BARGAIN 110. 1. 1000 Yards White Cotton PRIDE 80. This is a cased Mill Resistants, 6rs 310 10 yards, worth frost 10c M 13.. This weak 8 c, a yard BARGAIN NO. 2. Bleached Table Linen PRIOE 52o. 2 This special line of pure Linen Damask Table linen is 66 inches wide and is worth 75e. This week our price is 52c. BARGAIN N0. 3. 25 Remnants of Tweeds At Half Prioe This is a case of Rewnantr. of All - Wool Tweeds, [tool 11 yards up. Bowe are worth 11.00 and some 11.25. We place then on sale this week at half pnce. J. T. ACHESON. will allow M the WoyeM.t. Perb.ps the Colborne tewsabip meant may pe' • bl- law to cheek the .peedtgg .is. the herr hoes. 110 1' N D ro 114 s Mu11a.-0a. of the lead residents tames ler sew oat with a litter of sixteen pip . his .eohard to eat up the apples that tell from Um three. What was his muerte, to see the mother lying seder the lowest boughs et a tree and rhes two layers of six little pigs ea top of her, while fear Doers as top of thong helped them- selves to the o with* ream. Tltls is a foot sass ,wine may see this. W • ars int se' hew they divide spoils AUCTION $ALES - All parties getting their salerbills printed at tale ethos wtU asses free notice rneerrea la this list ap is ale time of sales. There will be sold by public auction at Gundry'. amnion mems, Hanulton-et,Gode- nee, on Saturday, Jaly 25, a first-class farm, being east i of lot 11, 1..R. VV., Col- borne township. Ilrsngehi : holm M5Arrbnr hat gene os trip to Scotland. Some people say "He will set oome bank slows "-whatever Met sows. WE'RE IN IT That is to say CATTLE BROS. have boat out the busman of JOHN RALPH, es HAMILTON STREET, shit+ and carry • full line of Stoves, Tin *sod Granite wear, and are prepared se give leaders for Plumbing, Pitting, gave -Troughing, and Tinning, and guarantee to give you s•tiaao• tion in each and every has. Our refrieeratorefare the beet in the market C.11 sad an thea or Leave your orders at John Ralph's Old Stand, Hastilten-St Subscribe for TIM SIGNAL. 11 a year SIGNS OF SPRING. The Magsat asaeruuent of NEW HA'rs We are offering to the publh. Bella tarmosy with satamas she dote ass Sprue attire, and bay yourself • »?nils: MAT. also new stock of ell the latest la Oloree. Shiite. Co1Mer, Cuffs, Neckwear. Roster' . etc„ O• R SHANE 00.13 IMPERIAL RESTAURANT Sr one le aware of the tact that Sprtag with all beautler is dawning upon as. bot everyone doom% know where to procure something refreshing on a bot da to the IMPERIAL-REBTAUItANT Cont.o i'ARLORS and try �AT"T•EN'8 __ Perfection Is. Cress Water Ices, Ice Cream Soda and Washing Fountain Drinks in any flavor desired. Everything used in the preparation of which Is guaraatsed puke. Pos/Uvely so substitutes. la preparing .ad ssrvlag Mess delleaeies. meat care La taken to have everything Giese. cost and tidy. sad Is sot lett te isezpsrlenoed lands. OP- --111 +` sesta TRY OI tt PERTECTO CIGAR. CATTLE BROS., Came and seema ear pent ser t� � • lhetakUican manufacture and Plumbers and Tanners. A. R. ALUM. - REMOVAL - The Canadian Bank of Commerce ON AND A)'TER MONDAY, JULY 27TH 1 • F the Canadian Bank of Commerce will have temporary offices in the new BEDFORD ARMS BLOCK which will be occupied until the ccmrletion of its new building on the corner of Colborne-st and the Square. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager, Goderich SHOE STORE There Is never any quertiOn u to which shoe effete seta the pace for Oederich The particular fact is that this beams» has never stopped growing in all the years you have known it, and this year THE STRIDE AEEAD I8 GREATER THAN EYE?t.'i It is scant ooertssy to your intelligence to tell yea that you will have to have new shoe. Nevertheless well tis it for pose sake The*illowing are a few o[ the bargains well oar ybe this month : Ladies' Buttoned BOOM, 24 to 7, worth 11.00 for 76c. s ' 3,24,4,5 4, worth 11.25 to 11.50 for 11. Bays' Black rapd Tao o.. " , eines 1 ,• 11.. for ale Tie., sittss 1 to 5, for 7bc. Faiths' " " " " 11 to 13 for 65c. Miss' " " 11 to 1 for 60c. ♦ lbw oho of Ladies' Shop Slippers for 60a • Bill jiue of Wanton's Asavy loos hoots for 75e., usually sold for rl Wo alio to Rive you vales for roar money in Basta sad Moss. Ws do not give any prim, but will give you goods at prima that will *.bis you to save wary by baying your anti ♦lona us. WM. SHARMAN dr. Bak agent far that Slater Mhos some BARGAINS 5 Pisces OrliSom Dem Stuffs, SO.. br 1st► 5 places OINGEASEll 200 for lge. - 11 picas .-...-_,.-sass.--sass... ......et... . TWUD Diet slum t►e .eau, 45 to 50 ants it yard- 10 p e stet Wawa molar pri°ss. The best 30 -Dent UNION CARPETS ever sun in 040disisi. Colborne Bros. 1St Medal Carpd WarItilusis of the Comedy. s OES attract attention. If they are correct in shape they will:be more attractive than a hat. Soet your shoes right, have them fit, have them well made, and up- to-date. Our Shoes combine these qualities, and you cannot find bet- ter wearers or more comfortable ones than ours. H. B. POI LOCK, The Low Price Shoe House. WEINVITE4= I4=i ()UR TO.CALL AND EXAMINE GASOLINE AND COAL -OIL STOVES Also let us send one home for you to try for a week and if you are not satisfied, to [eel under no ob- ligation by re- turning. RAWER PAINTS 01148 BRTJSIIES eIEIE MY STOOK 1 I think I have the best value in these linin I will give you lov quo- talons tlytatlons an all HARDWARE this sumo. Pries in many linos have goon up r.osatly, but havi* bought Wore the advance, I don do the very beet bow yes. Having as art.nve building operations this year, I have ds• tonnined to nukedse asall profits. R. W. MckENZI E. tibias asevaders Obsimited Mahe egweibe ma eassIlest Memel el Awa L til. Craig. Messbysmha), d Haas& PsSew ideates, wirers tie Glebe tense els le 4+n t.etfe 2 wk." Mr. Oat was bow car »hiss. sad the hes Ihsa Y get hie soli WilhearIel is.' -is/ b SW 111100111 lima ..y be /Prey al*te.re ole 411s ailsPn ulwh`.a Musa t IleisOir »[terns_ Me. Wu - di tut his bed in the Bur Bra die *mgr .ad tied *me the M was. " wni4 Men .'ink." ma tie semen*. sa Welk restall few 15 sats Y*vfibs, saes, ho west sit hiswise/. aA.il .rb.ahtt h. her In • e.11anb 'ha• e .1(sdss 4*.. Neb. OM M we ars MV teh st M .nleeI Ohm r' r