The Signal, 1896-7-23, Page 66 • THE SIGNAL : OODERIOH, ONT. THURSDAY JULY 23, 1898. AYER'S HOD VIGOR >•aMaeas Weennal mew be lila bier. sad ala pmwvemea as tatting ow. Ike. _. W. lmmwtei, oil Dishy, M.... nays: " A little more than two years my hair began to turn gra and fall ouL Af- tte`re the one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor mii hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition." -]ire. S F. Fsvrwu:t. Digby. N. 8. Growth of Hair. "Eight yeade ago, I had the vario. bid, and lost my hair, which previ. owdy was quite abundant. I tried a variety of preparations, but with- out beneficial result, till I began to fear 1 should be permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer's Ran Vigor, and I began at once to use it. In a short time, new hair began to appear and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth of hair as before my illness." - YrA.s. > 1t, I'olyn►nia sc., N re AYER'S HAIR VIGOR rZEPAKat, BY NA C. ATER It CO., LOVELL. MASS., U .S. A. .per'. Pill. entre Bich Headache.' NE\ uI' 1'IIE I►iSTItICT. From our own Correspondents lber• 1. Ini.rmall.a Here Ibat t abbot be ....ret fry •• erre tet.,-%.w..f the I..r et, a,rrrl.11, aer.rted 1r lb. mid eel. KIPPtN. ll,,I.At,.July 20. .1. S'aesv le tail week bombing the p•nt- ieg of for porch... •erau• SA mod conserva- tory of R 01..0.Iord..'. h.ontuul residence, Ann. Peeuor fires s. It stands amid the lwen.ost of the m.ay beautiful resident's W the county of Huron, not unly for .le 50110. Io design end finish, but fur coeveei- sect mail mind., o iu.pr..vrmwta Great credit is due the contractor, S 't Cooper. f. -.intim, of ecouuot of the archttec- tural abils't and taste dup;eted by ham in the remodeling of the ougtn.l design and the entire eat 'election given Ly his work in every particular, mod to the various trades men employed by him : T Wether. stow mason, Chornr, ; Hndem. & Bone, roofers, Toronto ; Mclt..noell Bros , furnace and eave-troughing. Hen..11: (' i'owell, plast- erer. ( Luton ; Harper k I. -.r, plumbing, 4:oilertch ; .1. ?..tac t•. painter. Hensall. The mater..l .cwt ID the con.Iru. tion was all of first quality, the (rick being supplied by Foster of Zurich. 'tuba door and window . ills by I)Avi. of Exeter, plate glees, oath - (Aral and dormer lights and hardware, Hol bs Hardware Co., L nylon. Mr Mc Mardi* has had granitic walks laid through his sew laws and in other ways im- proved his •Iready fine .urronodi.gs. DUNGANNON. Nance. --The local agency 1. Dungannon for I ria Ntot.AL r at the adieu of J. O. Ward. J.P., oeat.yeaor, to.. who will reoelv... dere for su).orlpdo.s. Mverttsiag bbd job work. and 1. .q'hnrlwl to give recent* for •m0entl paid for the 11.me TaL'u..ty, July 14. FAtt. WHEAT (-R.., -The Fall wheat or. p in this wy(hborbood, in ooae«lneaos of favorable weather hes been rapidly .•Yured, quality of .rain merle/it, but light sloop oa an average. VI.I.ToK`• -Mimeses Annie lloMatb, end Ermine L Harrls.of Pontiac, Mioh., arrived Isere r.osotly es • vines. tour to relatives ad friends and are enjoying themselves e nder tie paresis! roof. RnTrkseu Hort.-Oar female citizens who have bees ompiag sed having • hod Wee at Port Albrt, returned home, quite healthy and vigor..s lookia'. befog ms- d id•rably teamed from the weather .ed lake brews, ea Teedy emote,. They report baying .s awtieip ted reed sad pleasant .sting sad are hookias forward to soother 04 tie same nestS.mmer. They are highly pleased with the Pen Albert people. them- selves and everybody. Vi.rtoas--Mrs. J. A. Girvia. of Wia- aipee, mad three dew/hun, Mimes Ada, Hattie sed May .rriv.d hero measly ea a id ✓ eos/ sear mi Mrs. Ar Tremble, bis mode r i. -law, sad aemes.asother relatives std friends la D.agena.a .d vicinity. Th. young Mimes Hate. and May are ea- jsyts. ' .er.04 .. im.ammse4y, and .re bev- ies • bag s.•hi time with their weds MI. Ids Why.vd. Tbe venerable lady (Mee. Trimble) 1e hlgsly elated trim she vitt el her daagbtr• law and ehildrea, wbe have came snob • bag j xray to unit her. New BARRI.-lses..tly Mermen. A. Haek.tt sad James Mammary. bath ef Asa - field, had a spewed beta raised ea .sok et their premises ea the former • barn we- eMeoted and pissed ee me .eeallent maw ltia.dat ee, 1n it therm) • a largo white .5.w d s fall i. length ..d ebony mama upwards et 4.., led, Irbil& gime r appearanee et solidity end beauty to the f.UIdleeen white le pre.e.a•ed to be r smallest p4..e of w.rkebse.bip. Om the lamer • armee has. 40E34, frame wart bevies under it se. es - lent .Mas %..QMise-9 feet wolL The walk dew ee beth bees rdset great rode to Ike mea messes Kama J. 8. Weida* w ill .1. Memory, alas en aha baser. Jibe Carrel, Meatus Hmek.st.nd bloomy have great asoma M be & plea "Atli Mein hems M. e .lees bs Wo~there M i tee, .iu Wave ea .&cedant rep ee in their hems Afe lbs stns el went well .W b•k piss. re w baa Reba e • sed. Kenney emit J. ll We. .J ' wII$ leak aaesmum are pleased la Imes lbeh Me .f -m----s Mind and nee amen• MUNICIPAL O*UN04LS. Cowed mem lass VIb, mfmbms .n pro, soot. Misuse e( peovisos mamba. reed and .depeed. The [dlew mei desks were kemnd : Jea. liryee. ptatla.. $25 ; M. T.rrls& (ravel, Ste 16 t Jehs Raid, gavel, $&60; A. Ruda', palmlike* sad .1....i dtet;h Cas 12 amid 8 R. b sad 4, 129-16 ; R. MaKaass, e5►elU.g gav'L 5150; Jam Lietle, gray.11iag &R. 3 sad 4, $16 ; Jaoeb Miller, gravelling es R R 9 and 10. mad ore. 14, 539 23 ; Jobe Willey, saloon and ere/reined e. L R . $9.46 ; Miami De/too, advert and t.wieg mamma labor teams, 518; J $spivs., r�p.vlag HUI at hike. $6 ; Jas Foley. ler plaak. it 50 ; Ri.hmrd Twmiml.y. 'ravel. 59 84; R Irwin. revelries 'sed. ('•..i 8 $1 50 ; A. JokmMes. MOWN, f...* at gravel pat, 8.1t 3 said 4, 51 75. F Mo- Cuaadl, repairing .ravel pit, ti R . 3 .ad 4. =1 116 ; G. Hall. cleanses Dill, 8. R 9 fad 10 $3; Jne Jokn.toa, towrtag bridge and listag appewd $6 86 ; B. B.aktagham. Shovelling gravel, 51 50 ; A- Boyd, .ravel, $10 40 ; D Molvor, graven, 720. A. liaise. amis. ova. 4. 52 ; D. Stems, lamp. $2 ; Jas, (Lardner, Insp. sad sbevalimr gravel. $3 76; Joke Merriman, beep. 51 ; A. H.okem, lisp $2 A. McDewid El.. plank. 4414 37 ; W. blamer, pl.a .,4343; N. Comieghem, loop. Ce.. 2, fad for umber, 56 68 ; Jas Leitk.ad, gravelling U L , 516.09 ; Y. Oar. re1l, gradlag and grovelling, Coe. 2, $16 48; John Webster, Insp. $2 50; Edward Jobs - moo, .bovelling gravel, $3; Wa Jokssses, gravel, $4.80 ; John C. Baldwin, gravel. $3 44 ; F. MoCoonell, Gravel, 521 20 ; D. Alamo, gravel, 51 60; Jas Alt.., gravid, $5.40; Micheal Alum, gracing and gravel - Ung Goa 10 514 55 ; Jam- Hackett, culvert Cors, 10, 54 90 ; Colin Nicholson, gravel, $21.68 ; D. Hall... ebovolhag gravel, 51 50; Jet. lwit►ead, rnvelliag S. R. 6 and 7, 5113 45 ; R. F. Lase, covering tare culverts stoning and rnv.ilt.g, $5.50 ; Peter G.ok, gravelling S R 6 and 7, E D., 510.93: Jas Gilmore, gravelling 8.R. 3 and 4, 514 10 ; .1•e. Irvine, Cedar plank and oov.rioe two culvert., $5.26 ; Jas Q1Mr. "nye', if3.60 ; John Little, grading 9 R. 3 wed 4, $3.50 ; 1! Beaton. hasp 42 ; A. McDonald, shovel- ling -gravel, 75o.; D SioKeezie, shovelling .revel, 14 50 ; A. MoDermid, Rep. S R. 9 sad 10, 51 ; 1). Mt:Leman, refund of statute labor paid County Treasurer. 53 75 : John Johastoo, gnv.lhag oe L R. (part par, 116 ; .John McIntyre, repairing cul. vert, S.R 9 and 10, 75o ; D. Mol)osald, repairing hill S. R. 12 sod 13, $6 75 : L. ()'Fay, Im.p. $8 50 ; Rob*. Wsterar, In.p. $3 ; 1' et. Rutherford, burying • sheep, 75e. Wm. SlcGror•, • I.sp. $1 50 . Pat Morals, gravelling Coe. 7, $4.15 ; IC Irwin, gravel. $680; Jan Kilptri.k, gravelling eon. 7, 567 ; R. MeV;hinaey, lam. 55 50. By -lave 7 ted 8 were read and duly peered, ooaa- 'il thou adjoureed to meet again on the 15th of August. W. ST1rrnrgr, Township Clerk. NLsT 0Att ANo'.II. THURSDAY, July 2 Council *net a000rding to adjournment, members all present. Reeve an the ohstr. Minutes of lest meeting were adopted. Trwurer's statement showed • balance o0 hand of $438 14. Filed. Th. assessor was appointed to most the •esemor of E. %Vawe. nosh to equalize S.S. No, 6 and 16. Ry -taw No. 5, empowering the reeve and treasurer to borrow four hundred dollars for four menthe was passed. By law No. b, grant- ing right of way to Ll.otrlc Railway was passed. The following checks were issued W. H. Wil..., plank, gravel and damage, $8.60; Ham. Smith, tursptktng Con. 4 and 5, 1('1 40 ; B. Royle, culvert and ditching Con. 4 sod 5, $4 50 ; Leslie Agar, minding trap, 25c.; Jae Haile, 126 yds. nivel at 24)..a. pec yd., 130 87; Ed. Fowler, shovel- ling 2 'days sod minding rap, 12 ; Harry Fowler, booking crossway Con. 6, $6.45: I. McRoberts, brushing opposite Lot 16, Cos. 9. $2.80 ; H. Thompson, shovelling gravel, 7fw. Geo. Tisdale. gravel and damage, 6 18 ; Geo. NayJor, gravel, shovel. ling and demo. $1.50: Jae. Altos- 'ravel 37 yd. at 100., 53.70 ; D. Gillis, ., 43 yds. gravel at 7 .sots per yd, 53.0:; B. O'Cs.- nor, gravelling, 324 rods 30o., 49 75 ; Jas. Bryan, printing, $20 • Fd. McDoillea. gravel and damage, $3.09 ; W. 8. MoCrestte Pin salary, 840 ; W. 8. MoCrostre, deliver - in. road lima, $2; Chas. Rtatoml, culvert, 47.56 ; 1). McKenzie, opening gravel pit, $2 : Tho. (.eddy, gravel, 81.02; . J. Jeffress, repairing scraper, $2.75 ; A. Roes repairing 3 .or.pere, $1.25 ; Fed. Crate, brushing opposite Lots 24 and 25, Cee. 9. $5; Jno. Kiip.triok, pert payment smell - ling account, 5100 ; Jas. Nevins, removing culvert opposite Lot 16, Cos. 3, $2: Jan. McLean, gravel, 62 yds. at 100., 56 20 : }.1. McLean, 54 rode gravel, at 100. per rod $5.40 ; Jaoob Miller, building bridge gravel- ling, .lo. (south), 565 20 : .laeob Miller, grading, gravelling. etc., W North, $46 15; Joe. WVahh, impacting gravelling -seta.. swamp, $5 ; .le.. Clark, .hovelhag gravel, 75o. Council adjourned to moot Ay. 15th, at 10 o'clock. Wis. S. Mr Catiwna, Township Clerk. Te Set Ili& et avassM.pvvs Mr. J. Hoye" Pana of the Ontario Agricultural Collow makes the fellowtag surgeetioas in • letter to the Guelph Memory. touching the graseh.pper pals : - The time to fight this pert is wem they are either in the egg or yetaeg Image. Shallow ploughing and harrowing during the fall fields wawa the ergs .re dep•eited, exerts • great iefleou•e ie espesymag them to enemies and the member. 1. regard to destroying tee yreng fermi, a v.ral pleas an resorted to. 1 .Scatter std bay er strew ever sod •rsu.d Um fields b heap end widr.ws tate team the weeelmoppen eon be driven sad bereed. 2. limy is. be edrey d by rubs • roller pato .ger tee gs.aad, epee whit they 14.54 i, great amble% •.ef 7 tis the surface r wodk aft hard. TS. beat time to do them le le the erafye and evenings 3. A pee is mole eat el ordinary fief fro.• elgkl feat hag, sash fest was M Me bettem, mad tamed ap sae Mee la treat mad • het *Mad (mew fes fog the batik a Mem el aro,... A rower se mei and. asaemia. seem dlsnwe Mehl (seam de w4M..I etemamea,) aged • small rope stadiag to awl feat meaner, to be seed In preEly 44. Tbe Wide of the pear mewed *dab Ise. er awe meal oil may be put me the ba*Ma It r palled ever the greeted, .ad as ft moms Mimi gram member d M. •• beepers" jump late it and are killed, Ie same •s..e salt eight be veep 0As4Mve alae the die et Bebe and aleag the .eadeide 4 . Thew of mimeo le %Mewed is semi web , empasl•ay whoa the OW a senift .1 M UMW .rens. A missy , reemmerma ed One pert by weight el tresis, sae d sepals, .ad ft,. et lir, be weigh le silted weer .afaitns l Mrwrhiv *.l misters. 'I'&s •Meanie and 11ma are fiat mixed tegelber, thea the dempleed way sod added. Th re.mind epos Aaselhee pewees. 11 .mmaasassait- Ures 100 rook Purr gazes Sara= emblems naming mot; apeda mem it weeeasy ee wee aka men desk tere4her. Graeahepp.e Mae le be W et Ilk Alfa amid a smog ♦e and wsnndUl- � wle hiog Mete plummet �[ deesiAM 000. QUAINT ANO OI. 1US' - - Ab.M 10.000 A.erierm '444 Iliegltmi5 yah. The .rtwesey el BMWs Wades 14.000 weens The is.. he white Nepalese L diad r mew • mab5 TM *weft Wee b Me world l M. Lembert awl alae is Belgian• -3.490 Liss deep. The Carleton (aa►. Lead's, Sao. he. • boat 4.000 mem nes, sad le time rifest* e t5. world. Arabs %alma kafialteiy mfr. d the ptM- ereeg of their berme thea of aleft ed their .we families More thea 60,000 pea1f%� tM.pe base awd .very year Woes is 18. peter•♦re.* .f the Galled L4.4... Tbe *"Uses lard kamme *. Me waken& wet r We Walt Ladle. ►-tag W.A. It weighs but twenty graiaa The easel dissents feemi the mealier le N in.•r the aerie er south pole r 6,000 man wham measured alma the mhos History tells us that U.4Mfsi fall tele flop was am 'ld pleas d had water pips with •re•ttole baste glued is alar end. ALOOrtOUO UQUOR. Stupefies and beetles -Boma ek. That beverage, the meths of .ea- 8tmetiy. The evil ie in the drink. -David Lomb, J.P. TM devil is solatis..--84r Wilfrid Law - Liquid fin .ad distilled damasties ito ben Halt I e-m.idar .0 MpUlt@ had spirits -81r Astley Cooper. The dye.rstte ot modern dvilicatfoa- Hoa Jobe D. Long. He has paid dear, very dear. for his whr- Ile.-Beej.da Presidia. Every .rime hoe In wigia see. et lees 1s drinking.-Jodge Gurney. Grail juke bas killed more than !Pape .hot. -C. H. Spurgeon. D.D. While you have the drink you bare the drunkard. -George W. Baia. Drink is the mother .f want and the novae of crime. -Lord Bre.ghem. Drink u the greabeet.hoMele in the dif- fusion of dae.tiaa-tela Bright. Think, th. may terrible seamy wheat England has to fear..-Prhoe Leopold. Niue -teatime of the games to be tried are caused by drink, -Chid Jamaica Bovine. N inety - nice owes eat of every hundred are caused by drinking. -Judge Erskine. Choose rather to punish your appetite' than to be punished by Mem. Epiotetus To driok well is a property meet for a sponge. -Demosthenes Every inordinate oup is unblessed, and the isgrdieat is • devil. -Shakespeare. NOW is the Time to make your purcbreeof Farm Implements I am sow prepared to take orders for farm implemeata of the choicest kind in the market at the present time sad at the very lowest rates oombrlaing the Noxo. Brae. M'I g Co. t ull line of Binders Mowers Hayrakes Plowsloekahint Plow Company b plows of a,l deecrlytious. Cultivators Gorn fad hoot CWtivaton -the b,' le .15. gra. het Wagons Adams k 8on'e Part Wagon 8 Wurks. A full li.e of wagon,. allo.rd to be the leading weapon I. the Pr fore. BuMcLaughlin Carriage Compeer 88les Oshaw.. Yell Ilse of We choir est buggies in the Provinoe4 ,, ...r, A II goods guaranteed. Parties whatng any thing in the above lines will a:wave find it Lothelr advantage to cell at my situp, as 1 guarantee sstlefactita with goods in the above lino.. so that you canna rusks say mistake by caging os 7041 J. KNOX, Agent for the stow e WE MAK,._ Sewer and Culvert Pipes All Uwe Amer 4 M. se Is r. Aka O.maeremes. WAITS FOR PRfoaa. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE Ca *01 ADaLAID* .T. a.. s ...... av smsroo. TORONTO The Bicycle Season of 1896. - Are fan Ot 1 les milli�7 M •1r�w 1}attal�� ZJ` e.a0.es Sthaa say •r pea Wui► Riding Academy •4l nee+ *leers. Hemet - d Illftittas gma �SLAMtOtas Tat wow a1M Ne *mmelia s• PLANING MILL. n h/�nUT50J1aE1I5R aacc llllthirias & yoas YARCIAOTC0 SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la an load. et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES *ad boUd are. materiel of every deaoriptea School Furniture a Specialty. IF YOU WANT A SPRING SUI a• of First-class male. • Good Material and Latest Styles, -!'ALL UPON -- HUGH DUNLOP. The treat•.s. Clotai.. Next 1. Weak of M.alrvel MORE GOODS . . LEGHOR N8, WHITE SAILS, VERY NICE FLOWERS. All of the Latest Designs. See our Large Stock of UNDERWEAR. MISSES YATES. EOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS TME 11.000. Insulates the Action o1 the a.Insr and Mem, and mall be bund IadIspeasabIs la eases e1 Fermi Isreodadless .ad •5aasiy Glasses. M hey bog ve or taw r Mar LEW. LAMQAINPRIII. ugWame- 0111 • Summer Millinery. . 62-3m The underz•igned having received a large importa- tion of Spring and Early Summer Mliliuery, 1, prepared to supply the sweetest of Bonnets, Hats and Trimmings. The goods are Fashionable, of Superior Make, and are in Color, Design and Texture unexcelled. MISS CJ4MERON, HAMILTON STREET The Knoll Double Adion WASHER 3JR w,,.nllr CO !V STI PAT: O N. "BILIOUSNESS, y CYSPEPSIA,�a ICK HEADACHE, E6ULATE THE U ONS PILL AFTER EATING IN:URE3 GOLD DIGEST;JN. t4CE2SCTS.Tit 10Das Ines' WONDERFUL DISCOYRRY. Excelsior Egg GILL REIF [GOO rRcSr ton 12 .OIrTN•. IT IS NO PICKLE. Yoa simply treat the Eggs with PRESERVER. and lay them away 1a a basket or bo.. .............. Ar DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN 1457 Ail• CHSAP. taal14 book giving tall Intern:.tloo, tree YOB SAL. BY ALL DRUGGIST* Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Competition. At Ok: At =NA MWAse wet r et mew smeeneWIG Nastatorw 40 II Lad leasee .fila .eft *how you how it works. It wilt- ..t 700 TAKES THE LEAD .ver; to other Washer.. It oseipsted with over800 washing machines of .11 kinds at Chicago in 1893..d ear - nod off tho First Premium sad Gold Medal. It to easy •ad guise. N. wam-board required. - GIVE IT A TRIAL Sled me your address and the eosins • Mon you five on, and I will ossa aft! Beakies. H. HAulich. tf Boz 130. AT MUNRO'S 1896 ... For SPRING and SUMMER ... 1896 A Large Assortment of Parasols bmbrellas correct shapes avid 'Wish Aondla. Gloves Fine Hosiery w usual. 2 specialty. 5 per cent. off Our 50o Corset pronounced tbo bast:b marker .t the pries. Dcnble warp Mask Lustros, hard -fieri bleak .sd colored Dams A f.11 ramie of Sateen Dr.peeke, Are 51.0411., white and sabred Coinepo• (Swim amid Nsetimeh . Valmeim es lees aid Swim fad Ja.eenee'lm 5Admi,s. with la- .rttaee te mmita. Ladies' end ch ulna's Summer Undies cloaking boner and cheaper alta ever. for Clash, or 30 days. Ae MUNRO, Draper. 8nbacribe for Till 8IU81Le $1.00 a Iear in idunc. HMO! Tie Old Reliable MIL M. TN RES AID OILY SCRANTON COAL rbc Clasper• Ord .ver sold ` Me we.tiek Ag Owl weighed as the seal d Sales, O Sea rimers awe yea ye rear wwMe. Orders Isle ri HAEY'*R a Ugh pteep4 y .Msadad he. W Lam; t.. TB STIFF OF LIFI. ZIMIllervielljueovramoseleSsisdeselts .baaead *pas =boo esoll moo tor rVa..tleask4y le 1*MIAD• •t anidei bnt g� oo i irise~i..a •set not re, is West t�fwdi lues. . yiw.W�' Ite. biPill""gerriiill IN MY BAKERY T.TpNwbS,satasmath �fOlam imp�Tyetrcet�p• sea mea i t>♦W i Lia �mi11a E -L4 MY TRIAD lis MADI TROY TSI MS MALT ARID HOP TRAIT AND NO. 1 MAl$ITRIIA PAMIR VIMIL oamee 117:1Kiliff D A i 1 4 1 h.. Pr( ter ocr TI exon for e name to mei oopic aeiyt,d NO T who P T life ria $10. art I wU1 a SVC 1r 'weeks bon 4 Pram, Iba- 1 Soli