The Signal, 1896-7-23, Page 44
Shut 0 i nal,
s rvasanov
ST D. AsnalaacgNT
Vas •r Pu bgeaWra e d 10. Nona week
YederUrrl Ontario.
Teems ef Mh•ertpeton 1
seostli, b advance
/ 11
One year.
Leek se Wawa imbed.
TOW I0MI le a ateadlas mob* of the dais
waM Tee (res mid •p see that n Is 0.1
te fall tate smear.
• of widrem Is desired. both
the old the sew addies+ should Mel con.
Advrtl.Itte Sas..
IV Othersmut advertlrmeltls, the
.....11= for grad /a.nrtlun, and 1 oeeu per oat
Or each m•bseoaeet tseertloa. M•-asure.l by
a=earth; of sl: MAO. ••41 usher. 01 per
Mveetimenesm of Loin. Found, 9t -eyed
Tacsat, elfnn./,,.s W.nted sad
Chutes, Wanted. am •viceedlss e
p•retl, Ill per month.
usgale sad Penns no nab. sad to
sassed I lin. A. 11 for grit mania en•, p r suh-
esAshsssl moms. Lanier .-t • •.• la protn.rtloa.
Lanier spacial notice, the &Sem of which 1. •o
�mot� the pechawkniary hawk et say '-+•' -
vldesl lir company, to he a,neldered se ,^-
vitRfteemesl sad cheated ao -- • n.,.y,
Last mottoes is nonpareil type olio omit tar
word. so soliem less thee >So,
Local soder. In ordinary read, no type two
ousts per word. No norlos for less than fop.
Notice for churches and other religious Sad
bsuvolest inetittWoas hall roto,
8ubecrIber who fail to recues Tee a'.WAL
resal.rty by mall, will c .neer • favor by ao-
gs.zVie. as ng of the tam at sit early so date m
J. C. to Tomei. of Oodooch. bre bey a.
ted Local Travelling Agent for the tows -
of Ooderich, Colborne, Ashaeld sad Wa
Leos/ postmasters over the district are nim
s�DDe.wend to receive subsorlptlose to TOO
Alt oommenloatloas mud be to
Tephew Call ]0, Tof3odgt Oat
IT will be in the intereeta of orchanl-
ists to hold for better prices than are
being offered by buyers of apples at
the present time.
Prices are bound to go up for Ca-
nadian apples, as there is a short crop
in Great Britain and on the Continent,
except in the valley of the Rhine.
Only one variety comes from that
quarter, and from it there is little to
fear, as the quality is not high
The largest crops on this continent
are in Canada, New York State and
Pennsylvania and the New England
States. Of these the Canadian apple
stands highest in quality, are the beet
keepers, and ought to bring the best
Winter stock should not be sold at
present prices, as it is above the aver
age in size, fine in color and of highest
quality. Good winter apples _ will
bring big money later on.
'p11.AT Canada has now a practical
business Administration is being dem-
onstrated daily, and the change from
the previous government by incompet-
ents is becoming mere noticeable as
time goes on.
It is well known that for some
years past the harbor at Goderich has
been sadly in need of repair, and al-
though on several occasions the Gov-
ernment engineer reported in favor of
immediate action being taken, no at-
tention wan paid to the reports and
the work was allowed to stand ne-
glected until now it will take probably
$100.000 to put the harbor in proper
condition, when if earlier action had
been taken some $6,000 would have
satisfied all expense in connection
with needed repairs,
Mr. CAISttoN has always contended
that (loderich harbor, being a harbor
of refuge, the Government is in duty
bound to keep it in ani efficient state
of repair, and in his place in Parlia-
ment has spoken strongly to that ef-
fect, but previous to June 23rd his
voice availed little, because of the pol-
icy which had been cdopted by the
Tory Administration that j ustice should
not be done in the shape of public
appropriations to any constituency
which did not mend a supporter of the
Government to Parliament. This was
the policy of the TUPPxaq the Haa-
g/AT' and the Foi rasa, and it is
greatly rejoiced at that such a system
no longer prevails.
On the 15th of July Mr. Cartoon,
in the intermits of his constituents
and marina's at large, drew the atten-
tion of Hon. J. IsrAat TARTS, the
now Minister of Public Works, to
the neglect which Ooderlch had suf-
fered at the hands of the Conservative
Administatlon, and received the fol.
hewing straightforward and b minam-
like reply
Bane as or Pena° Wosas,
pam OBrsr,AWA. PJ.
ullyea177ith, 1184.
1LN D..`"mita. Caul ..-Yana Mese
el I 1114 wm read.. my Immediate so
sleasaiisa, I have insreessd the etan
Wel e1 ens depmussut te make •
aspen as
OuOiimlimallsn ibe lfjWeek heel .
Zililliw haws ep0rq.;.l.� trasbM r
mad alit tail yen that I will always be also
s es. yea la Owe With kind rewards,
►area Indy genes,
P.S.-Os. el ear ligases will preeeed
be Uedwfoh is s few days. J. 1. T.
This action of Mr. CArrroa and
the evident intention of tall Govern
meat to prosecute the work at an early
day will be hailed with satisfaction by
the people of (3oderich, irrespective of
party, wan indication that the pros
lint incumbent of the Public Works
Department and Liberals at Largs lock
upon public office as a public trust,
and not merely as an appendage to a
party interest. In osntra.t to this
prompt action on the part of the Min-
ister of Public Works, we submit the
following reports favorable to the
prosecution of necessary improve-
ments, which were made by Enginser
Gray at various times in the past
three year:, and to which no reply
was vouchsafed by the chief of the de-
Rn*iutaT i:st:INts5's Orrice,
Tom oro, 4th Jas, 1894,
151 Sbelbeeraa$t,
Silk -Referring to my ham et the 19sb
nit, re. damage dnoe to break water at Gods.
nub from the effect of a heavy freshet i.
the Mutlsod Rivet. The water havtmg
sow subsided 1 am able to give a detailed
must of the oondiuoa ut the struotur..
The portico damaged is shown oe plea
herewith and is situated about 450 feet
seat from the mouth of the river or western
sad of iha break water; the bomb .steads
aloof; the structure 221 feet is length and
pompon that portion of the old bed of the
river, whish eluted at the point, before the
river was diverted.
You will observe that the action of the
water donor the freshet has undermined
the foundation -which I am imlormed urea
only silt sod sand-ithe old bed of river)
and the oribe hate mink bodily some 5
feet and the structure roes out an • north-
erly direction from 8 to 12 feet towards the
We had trouble at this point for some
years pact and have frequenty, filled is
breeches with brush and stows.
1 would remmmeed that early mixt Stun
mer, when the water is low an the river, the
ballast be taken out of the Dribs sad that
they be replaced in position, refilled ewe
and a line of piles, at least 40 feet in length,
driven oe the river aide with proper wal-
iMRa, well fastened into tad work, and a
talus of stow amid brush placed as shown on
X seoteoa-
Tbe work must be doe to nave the rest
of the breakwater, and 1 think, the method
1 propos is the best sad cheapest way of
doing it.
1 estimate the cost of replacing the orbs
aid superstructure in position, the pro-
posed pito protection work 300 feet in
length with atone and brush talus to front,
at $b,000.
Of warm, further damage may take plain
to the structure dairies* the Doming Spring
Yours obdisatly, (Signed)
HENRY GRAY. Eagiaese in Charge.
Chief Engineer. Department of Public
Works, Ottawa.
It will be observed that the eetimettd
cost for repairs was placed at $6,000,
but later on, as will be seen the neg-
lect caused the estimate to be largely
raised :
DtPARTMxNT Or Ptylili.' WORK,,
RnHDCMT BNotegtti s Orrteg,
Towne), Marek 17th, 1894.
SIR, -During my resist visit to Goderecb
I examined the wreaked portion of the
breakwater, pintas sm my report to you
dated 4th Jal,.•ry last, and ea all the Ice
and snow has urappeared, 1 was enabled to
make a thorough inspection.
'• The parities of the structure b not
much ohaaged, probably it W gunk abide,
and *mem meetly the river faos has gore out
more towards the stream. I found that the
umbers of the old work-ariae and super-
structure all rotten, too rotten for any
further use. The only portion we can use
agate is the goose West filling. It Xill b.
aeomwry to provide 300 feet m leiafek of
entirely new oribwork end superstructure,
as wati as the long, clans sbeet-piling for
protection of the river face, 1 estimate the
coat .1 118,000.
That work cart be sste.ded to with as
little delay as possible, and the new work
placed is postilion whet the water is low
this coeneng enamor, for should the broken
part collapse ale. sett r -sad it is likely to
do es at any time --a breach world 5. form-
ed through the braes water, from the river
este the inner barbor,aad extensive dames,
would follow, as well as. Is all probability,
the closing of the harbor for all pawpaws of
shipment or 'envtgetlos for a mason or
mon. Penn obediently,
HENRY A. ORA Y, Ragiaor in Charge.
(Adel Eai, Public Weeks Depart-
ment, Ottawa.
And still Governmental incapacity
ruled, and n0 action was taken ; and
in September, 1894, the following re-
port of the engineer was tient to the
DsrAITrIRT or Prauc WORKS,
Remnant RNotssga's Orrick,
Tomoero, 21Ith Reit., 1894.
Refiring to my letter dated 1714
Merck last re. wreaked melees of the
breakwater .t O.dsrh►. 1 y. mhed tide
armature last week .ad lied that the whole
.0 the ypentr.oemre, "'we low waam, i.
eattrely rotten : the f..e ymbere both w
the river sad barber trent w baniag .way
from tad wess-Hss Sad the gravel filling
rimtg out es both .Me.
The*hateable le wady hill • mile to
I•sg.h. mad the wb.M el tad sepmeireep,e
mil d•w te be reamed ..d keg cheat piles
drives se the river tress te pretmt the
8h.sId the kebab perms• wily...le-
gebse--.d item likely thee tale ma h.p-
ps as say alms -a breast wield k. Iwmt d
Mrwk the breakwater, hem the river la-
te the barber, whisk would seems eatesai.e
demede. end probably, the sissies beifise liar memo 0, Tits sift end wpm a ,f lbs
tem 1s blind with peva sad le ewer dry
. red the rash is MM Iv mess -Ms beide sae
a0 reales. •Sewing M. wel .l M. ~el
�le aims. the fa.e 1i*4na ea Nair
I Ile ray
s OMNI 1454 of�aryy het.
le plass tee pfir oaf t4. leen Me me Iemi, sen
the whsle el the sepeeetraet lie will [+peen
to he renewed also. Yeas sk.dts.Yy,
(84Ped) satire A (niesor 'YT,
shares.Leen theta lq., C.11 ,
A1s1 seshesse. psbib works dept..
-The Toronto Wog Id has dieoov-
ered that *be OM Party wants • Neer Mas
aad • New Pulley. and shoats Instill ter •
greed Csnservstive eenveatie..
-$ir OLlvaa MowAT, the nett Min
Mew .r Janste, tae doeidd to carry (loon
wen's SosMaeo. Camel extras ease t. • limb-
er mem. GuoDwla Nosy ss well quit at
saes, shad save mosey by dotes so.
--The solicitude exhibited toward
Hen. DAYIer Mtt.0 et this perttoslar pias-
ters by ib. Liberal Conservative press is at
renegue with their intim o toward that
R.stl mea for sede twenty odd viers preen
sus to the 23rd 01 Jame. Aod the er000dile
will oomt155e to weep
-Last week The Hamilton Spet.
tats oelebested its fiftieth amnivorsary,
Tb. Spec. has grown cosy in dee Tory
service, and ie g.11iag a little bald in its
politest statements, hot, outside of these
two blemishes, is as bale and hearty as
ever, sod as spry se • two-year old. Mors
years to 11.
-Our esteemed contemporary The
Clinton News Record, 1. •vidstslly le s
state of mind as to THE SIG IAL Der
coerciosst ([range oestmaporary seed set
worry .tout the loyalty of that greet tensity
journal to the Government of t'aseda Tut
SI.::lAL u as "treoly lot' ' to the Unties'
Admintstration as wad Tb. News -Record to
tho coerciookat r.rime of Sir CHAiuhe Ter.
reit. ted this )mirmsl was as dialoyi to the
Tory AdmisstraUen as the Newt -Record is
to the Reform Government Things are
ohaagvd since Turrsa sot his coove.
-The Orange Sentinel says it
would have takes the most powerful kind
of • magodyiog glace to detect a coercion's'.
Orangeman in the 12th of July prooemte.
this %ear. That may have been the case .0
Torouto, but if Th. Sentinel had beau is
Goder'ch at the Orenge walk, he would have
seen a ooercloout waiting and heard • eon -
monist talking to the ponos of Dr. FiurrtlY
)RN, cf Clinton, whose toee strike
oat at •o angle of forty-five degrees', and
whose jaws work at • 16to 1 olip in favor of
Separate schools in Manitoba The Sea-
beel cannot say " Thank God, then are no
*ammoniate snioapt ua;-tad Orangemen,"
s loos as Feverous truths sod struts upon
Chu mimic stage.
To• killed by Our gait.
Columbia, 8.C., July Is -Was Addie
Tillman, eldest child ..f Senator Till-
man, and her escort, the Rev. Robert
A. Lee, pastor of the Episcopal Church
at Yorkville, were killed by the same
bolt of lightning at Brevard. N.C., yes-
terday afternoon. They were caught
rn a rain storm and sought bheiter un-
der some bushes near which was a
large oak' tree. MIs. TWman was 20
years cid
She New Magaalme rue,
Two thona.nd stand of the new
magazine rifle have been received at
the militia stores from England. It
Is probable that an extra series match
with the new weapon win be Included
In the D.RA. program In order that
Its oapabUltes may be thor.,ugbly
tested by trained shots of the country.
Jsba 5esey's w t11.
Ottawa. July 15.-(Special.)-Appllca-
tion was made to -day for probate of
the will of the late John Heney of this
city, the value or the estate being
$464,000. The snot of 124.00 only is be-
queathed to charities. practically the
entire estate going in the heirs.
Gem lie fanasta.
New Tort, Jul 1t -'rbc snm of 150.-
000 gold was withdrawn from the sub -
Treasury tor shipment to Canada
-AND A -
b the Psrehatant Use of
Ayer's SarsapariNa
• "I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort. I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak-
ing a number of bottles, the sora
this week.
Price 50 cents, now 39c.
Don't fail to see the Embroidery at 3e a yd.
began to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en-
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood -purifier. and. in-
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." -Mrs. $. A.
FYZLD8, Bloomfield, Ia.
rwOily WW1 F,rs.saprilli.
Ayer's Ms Regulate the Liver.
Price 25c to $1.00, tor 15c.
Price =1.00 to X1.26, now 75c.
The Danger is Averted by Snag
AYER'S "limn
"Nearly forty years ago, after
some weeks of sickness„ my hair
turned gray and began falling out
so rapidly that I was threatened
with immediate baldness. H
Ayer's Bair Vigor highly spoken o
I commenced using this prepatg,.
tion, and was so well satisf ed elle
the result that I have never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stop-
ped the Bair from Lalling oast, stimu-
lated a new growth of hair, aid Zs$
the scalp free Mem Minima OoIy
she ooeasiosal application 1s now
needed to keep my hale of
natural ooior. I never boolb tb
reeossend any of Ayes sollob es
to my lriseda"-]firs. H. M. amou r%
Avow. Sob.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Pak Dv
EL t Alfa N., u1111LLIAMI, I ILL
Mti i Jl+mssse Peemma.
/sued 4:NU, of Murder by a Parry Amend
Parry sound, Ont., July 16. -The trial
of Christian Hanson, for Swede charg-
ed with the murder of Jamas Mullen,
was resumed this morning. The Crown
clearly established th, identity of the
murdered man, as also bis companion-
ship with Hanson at the place and ap
to the time of the murder.
The argument of the prisoner's coun-
sel. Mr. Haight, was to impress un-
certainty as to the prisoner's mental
responsibility on the minds of the jury,
and the great improbability of one of
sane mind committing a dt.d of such a
nature altbout apparently greater mo-
Mr. Heyd, for the Crown, clearly re-
viewed the evidence and presented a
strong argument for conviction.
Justice Ferguson began hts address
to the jhry at 6.44 and exhaustively
treated the subject. His address occu-
pied one hour's time. It could nut be
understood otherwise than as being
strongly against the prisoner and
strongly against the Inssnity theory.
After being out an hour and a' quar-
ter, the jury brought In a verdict of
Tepehsr Mani b 505th.
Toronto. July 17.
Arthur and Herbert Moody,twln sons
of Mr. George B. Moody. a city letter
carrier, living at 316 SumadraIreet,
fell down the bank of the Don, near
the Winchester -street bridge, yester-
day afternoon, and were both drowtr
The little fellows, who were a few
months over 10 years of age, left
home shortly atter 1 o'clock, bast -
footed. and without their, coats, to
deb off the banns of the river at a
place nearly opposite the brickyard.
A boy of about his own age, living
next door, accompanied them and the
lines were soon cast and the three
Ashen sat watching their corks. The
banks here are steep and crumbling.
Arthur. the smaller of the twins, ven-
turing too dose to the bank slid down
the side and into the water. The cur-
rent Is strong at this point, and the
boy was •t once at his depth. His bro-
there.seetng his distress.ran down the
bank, and. witbout thlnaing of him-
self. plunged Into the stream. He
reached the sinking boy and trlel to
push him towards the shore, but tbs
efforts of the brave lad were unavall-
ing, and the brothers now thoroughly
exhausted, went down looked to tib
other's arms.
The seat tags/are.
Port Rowan, Ont., July 1e.-'rhia
morning Warner Freure, electrician
and proprietor of the electric works
here, took his family. consisting of
wife, two small children and his sister,
who Is visiting from New Tort, out
for a short sail on the bay, By moms
accident the boat was capsized and all
the occupants thrown out. Mr. Frew"
succeeded In placing all safely on
the bottom of the boat, but on getting
on himself, his added weight being toe
muoh, they were all washed Into the
water again. He once more managed
to place them safely on the boat, him-
self 1n the water, holding on to a
rope. One of tine children, aged 11
moons., was again washed off and
drowned. After being throe boon 1n
the water they were discovered from
the shore and another boat went to
their rescue- Tate boder of the child was
•fterwarda teased.
The Inca ttanmomea.
Hamilton, July lit 1t -1p3.) --M •
meeting of local Irishmen in the it.
Lewience Han to-elght. Rev. Dr,
Borns presidia,. r'ssotmtiona of mins-•
p•thy and oo4peratien te soaaesttor
with the Irish N•tlosal Oonventies to
war. mutest, ea 1
meagre ed iatha0
O'BaWy and Mr. J.i... O'Blisa, and
both revs nesse stead Jellison
hope that Ireland would soon m•
imam mmerement The lerlowIng were
sawed ew delegates to the eneve.ttsa,
sad 1a ease nose of luta ga. •Masa
the resolutions will be taswreedr.
mammy. James Shea.
Norma ('Br1.., Dr. Bair. sad Jeb.
T+wemgr Mee me cased,
�esr su rrrod 41,. meetvenni
Widest pail. • 8M-iett.ssd 1 y
M►t. Medei with blew ,.N N •.d M
WAY nes ween the .04 rfrer
en Omer. Jostiigeoeeireene sasad t be-
tween 1$ ..4 >M drowsed. The bort
woo roes mesh vivre ewdi . Mona
maim nave Dena taken
water tea to 10 p.m.
from Um 1
By 11 o'clock is -night 14 bodies have
been recovered aid taken to the vane
sus Morgues,
The Assay Wesco thea.
Washington, July t$. -Reports to the
Agricultural Department indicate green
ravages by the army worm In all statM
from Mate. to Wisconsin. The pests
ave been particularly destructive lit
New York, Maasaehueetta and Penn-
enasylvania. There is no doubt that the
loiases will foot up Into the millions.
A report from Dover. N.H., says mil-
lions of the worms struck a farm to
Dover Nook yesterday, and In a few
hours deotroy.d several seen of grain
and Dorn.
taw Pssseil Glees es beam&
Bordentown, N.J., July 111. -]lira. D.
T. 8. Parnell will sail for Ireland on
the Nib Met. Bali will go on the Am-
erican liner Waealandd, which leave.
Pblladripata. Men. Parnetro phyd-
clans consider their patient su dent•
ly strong to bear the voyage erica
the ocean. Ohs has disposed of the
famous Ironeds mansion and
comprising 214 acres. for lands.
K hie
eluding a mortgage for *7000.
Grey Foamier Senders was Memo Isle
week attending the (:neral of bee bather.
He is a brakeman en the Grand Trask at
Morris Neil MODesald lett on Saturday
for Mstrsal with 60 bead of expert mole.
He seeempwied the let rang te Gvorp..L
Colza MoArtber went slag with Mr. Mo-
Doseld. Th.y will visit among the heather
hills el $eotlsad for • moat& or es.
Detroit and Sault Line.
Lase los gaud n-ky every Menem and
Thursday sight at tp]0 t'.r.. cantonal Whit
e.w. Detroit. Ceurtwrigkt. Steele. Ydsrtsk,
Kines:dim, Pout Klee. ewtbampees.
tb• tieoeries gay .ad North Cloned to ty
sir rates and all Informitieo
Addr.m C, P. R or O. T. R. Wake* swam es
WM. LEE, Ooderich.
G. W. BROWN, Windsor,
General Manager.
^ ha
Full to Overflowing
All kinds of
Rall m nears. heaped up. and rumba/ eve.
Is jestd the [binhousesfor small houses
( U Oasee Mgt
areful Buyer
WW e.leot his geode os litany. Ism fes
Meehan wade right, mad pay the alga[ kind
of s prim ler Nem- Yen may rent .meted
why yen Ones year ceder with e• ywr hi -
bereft will be carefully protested.
No osis ahem as as extern.. • line en wo
de, bewails! soeds..d sold et • dim that
will mrtbin yen to save money.
T8/ T1I4.0E.
Of Geode that are meek sultan
OM foe Ibis week at (but Prtere :-(ffd
noes Carta O.rd.. Tae
d Palos, b
Ram Ba. J
enam[ emsevell
a fen let et me
eer So.
ami �Maai.m4A/aaaseb. Dole! twee M0.. mall
reeffe, 81101 W.fs 8etm b rack. ,R
end silver, teem lee. es -ealr . few MR
Save You
.4ny Children ?
Thee bring them to J.
McNaaghtoa'e New
Shoe Stora We aro
soiling at Cosa all Gen-
tlemea'., Laded, Boy's
Okla', Mc.,
Tan Boots and Shoes
and the rest of cur
stock ell O.ladarlr's
and Lass.' etc..
at a very small pram
Now is your tine to
matt, aped , jo oloollp .
+'nelMgf� 1
The Balmoral Cafe
The prettied and hu!-fitrnided
We West of Toronto - - - - - -v
At The Balm est may be mantel
restore make sad gayer. le tad disk or
• owl the seeable ino
cherrameiralta the es lsbever
ares .04 ter their Parity.
Laws,served at eh hems.
lees, Penne. mass. eta
remams 'm1'Usd
sl We. I mann always is sleek.
l[B8. J. J. WALEH-
=rum Jma Retemenee.
Wall Papers and
Window Blinds
Nebo** DOORS as iauppLtso
• e`�AXIS TAli/