The Signal, 1896-7-23, Page 2THS SIGNAL: GODRRICH ONT.. THURSDAY. JUNE 23. 1$1' .
W . with • bas Rai ' She plaint le
she plural et ea ubeald he saga nae
them ss kiwi is • geese. bat tae are sailed
Yak the plural of .ease should .syr he
Yon may Sed • Ione nsNs sea whale sed
of mist
Ila she pineal e( brass le beams, ort hire,
If the plural d ems is always •.il.d mew,
Why shouldn't the eland et pea to oohed
pea t
flh. ase r the plural may be sews or kine,
And the plural of vow is vers, sewer vim
L 1 •peal d • foot ass int .hew ese year
Aad I give you a boot would • pair be c.1I-
If me is a tooth sad • whole set are teeth.
Why ahuld*'t the plural .,f Loth tm Idled
booth !
X the alar's this and the plural ie
,,Obseild the plural of aver b• nick
paned keels •
Vim ase may be that end thew would be
Yet hat is the plural ...It'd never be hose,
Aad the plural u( wt a cel. uu• one..
We spook of • brother. •.d .leo e( bonfires
Bat though we eat mother ws Dever say
Them the masculine promos.• are h., bis and
Bat 1031416111111 the feminine she slits and shim,
tic the English. I chid'. you all will ages,
Is tate queerest Iaagnswe vat ever did see,
-T►. O,mnteewe•Isb.
yams lath Ilk., wheels .Mirk•..n
hen saver been h diessed the rains.
man el bar .said .an•endinss..sold .Uy
hermit with "-be woe •boa te ay ".
,•Aeh•ad." bat be .,osteal \maidi and
added-" • sebe.t•e like mar
" ribs Rosy sot mare the seams sentimme
far ma tint yea hay dr yoga dostds we
phew," odd Jules. " Wali, it saes eek
midair mash sow, at say ran for the pree-
e► Ws shall see if 1 nano watt
.diad er .esu it Meanwhile de ars
thee yes kw all the orsa d Herten
halm .s
Inert "
Tien be strode out •l dr euros. lea
hb made with smother adder .oamsh-
mmba, whisk any meld dgwa len
piens •sal dhasutset
What semen did HetMao. oseflde
Jul.. whit& as did not tell her lever
Thus she has enabled tan gess to bead
an tasiosasy white she ought net to ha
aoosrded to him.
He would have gaestieged Herteas•
the alibied that very Ilse, but she sad
other bad ger to F.aglasel en a visit to
Mein* wits had mode that eosasry
e ms He did sot care to write to her
g ame as iadedatte statement as that mg
• netted by Jules, who, atter all. might
sal, bromine sad lyiag. Tim
applied hinted( to the details d
ensu more. and tried to target his previous
n. diode
The next morals, Jules.h
imeat•, entered hie aoaeia'u oft
amis. He was flushed end noised and
evideatiy been pledging his triads of
studio in bidding, thangood-bye.
••I have brought that Leer from Hee
tense, ' be said, as he flung • paper
Louis's table.
For tie moment Louis was about to
tarn it to Jule. unread, hat kis jealousy
checked his good impairs sod he
sod read the note his omen on bbreath
As Louie grasped the medullar of the
Ise turned pale, but controlling hie f
as be headed the paper book to big omen,
be merelyos
merely said-
" Such • ,afidce, 1 think, should hard es
ly have begs placed In a moo who u
readily violate it."
turnedThea he tuned his back .pea Jules,
strutted out with • tipsy defiance, and
pared himself for his departure to join h
s0rpe by • few more farewell glasses wi
his friends,
Theo this was mord ored of Hortense
which he had that day karat Her kv
was Jul.., bat her owhad Dent
pilled lin to •cpt the rib cogen sad
repabe the poor we. Shashi be write
Hansoms •ad upbraid her for per imitator
mold ! How old he do so whim ho hardl
respected himself in reading • letter mad
dreamed to him 7rth
Raab moment at he thought of the
iithlensof Hortense augmented hieagger, sad aroused • desperate raring for
sodas. The next ahg be informed
(.�eaessat and Company that he mutt retire
from his office, as it was hit i*teatiog to
join the ranks of the ?reach array as • pair
• soldier. mh
" My dear Lees." said Henri Coo
teat, " this is amply Qahotio. The war
not one of self -defiant, but manly am
Louis was resolute, however, is his pian
f oaths.
" Wal," sighed Henri Constant, " if you
we deeded, there's aseeatWe most give
you neeakaolin• year's Imre, though goodkaolin
we •oeaduct the benzene without
Loan smiled bitterly. He knew that he
wag hoping to ha
.t ki1.4.
Ia thlost , Meer of the empire. ash the
final days of the preview eau, haste sad
pre.pitatioa took the plata el tare sad
lion : the soldiers weratted through
Unix drills with se little .trestles as WOO
palled to their kite, the sae object in view
ng that of baring • large •rosy to take
• field as os as war should have bees
seined ; the prowe.oss indigoes/able for
• campaign were considered as duly 'op-
ted. as the straight of those official re-
rns abatis were •.seated as unimpeach-
able, the wpp&M• d os
the smani*os itself
beim •lmotaken as • wader of
All this was too os realised Were the
5.Amusel month of Ause 5.d but lite mire
thee hes s
half rits soar, each day bringi.g
outaambered nearer to their
does in the disesteem year of 1870.
The ddeat. of Oravda oawad ResenvUlecompretread d the
compelled the retread form sato
eta, liana' =say ed She wooded to the
proonimoso,s negation el the rioters.
Wyatt asserti.g that they were were*
oared fee t5.n ware those weaaded ea the
osageerhg side, it r swan that tie
IT ranee eddies' who were ids ea e fled
• t very bad time et le- Pe e b.wd.d
Ism whishwore we itpr vied as bospdds
were t
dangers that we art m lewd terrible
from gangrene lord pyre*. sad the
mpsewt athan t tse fatal developments
tinkly doomed then sufferers t the h-
o • whisk rein have hogs written
drswaning. " Abandon hope .11 ye
t eae.
ter her"
Amman theg nevi of the doomed t
of the last el empire wad e pride d
power, were two Prima saddled' heeded h
i t n not Clew hhadsh
.shoed ampul-
e* beth him kap, W
k p, the Wiest *ea
viers el • breed sasses.,
m the fragmaor d ms i mplyi ngg Well.
wee h peril from the shook ready than
tgravity of lbw edlsesn d the waned
whisk mold est be .eadis i arias.
Is soy t. 5. y easbad begs bNeusha Mall
wse to d
ped-ahastily god lsplrepery. for
e gins.... *as was a. dim .1 ns.... sur 'bed•
p<bens te b h1. sy.pbrta
the brow read Mt Ws keen shb te
.sea the Brew weal ever the earth
doe shed when he y, balm arm ha step.a
term et hr siebbea
r.Heavens- Hea.e r be euelsi i. 'tin 1 mad
Lear Lem•i•a. Ire yen art be he. hew de
God yea • .alt el ebb assured 14R
-._gent _gent the usher wag ebsek AirAir�R
hf• .Rlarap
'Vera` he seep* ' res seep* $. w, meet MI6* gash • mead el shaft? What ye
revealed te
revealed ser orb Ne nehmsly
ea earl
dap eters pWs ase I i,htmeselbbee
e l
pre -
" WHY don't you tell Louis of his's persistent atolionst te you!..
Madame Dupuis of her daughter they Hortea.e, as stood opposite each ether
Ware their easels, oopyis, two of the old
p•intiags is the Louvre Gallery.
Why should 1 annoy Louis, who
quite jealous enough without any provoca-
tion r said Horten
" Jules i. • limy, iomunworthy
fellow," ramrod the mother, '• and will
eerie all Ida life. as mach as Louis ak
a • year."
• year.
" PeJul.. ! Hs cannot .ell his pio-
turas," said Hort.s..
' Loan has no such ambitions," ex-
claimed Madame Dupuis. " His mother
plated plahim in an office when he was fifteen.d b
sow he is only twentyaft • he the
confidential manger of Henri Coss5.nt and
so WombsCompany, with oome of twenty thoa.-
.ad frame, Um e of saki., as numb
more with his owe esmeres sad the pros-
pect of becoming • partner. Oa the other
lewd, his rascal of • owes weer thinks of
beginning a picture whilst be has • upd-
atelett eas
from the gals of his pttoao e."
Hort.sse merely said," Poor Jules r sad
west ea with bee painting.
Madame Dupuis was a widow wW a
moderate .mount of • restos ', which We
sad Hortense augmented by mistily' espies
of the old masters is the Louvre, for
liah .sal American Women wbo were mere
resumed to bay mob under the Empireth•s
Frame they seem to be sew that F. has • e
. -
pibha form of government, although why
oas•! titutioachanges should aot open the
hdepeadeat rule of art is difficult to say.
A few swathe from that morning woes
Hortense •ad her mother weretalkisg over
their work, the world was to we the beefs.
stag ef that great orisis from which Proses
hos est vat recovered. The terrors of ow•
sariptasue . only truly realised wises the
hazard of the drawing is really a game of
Uand d death, when the sagmsuta des of •
oouatry'o soldiers is rendered a•edisl byhe
timminent* of war. Sas5. saga
Sash woe t
is Franca em the the evilt*-0
of the Fessormss
straggle. All the reserveswere maid out.
and the Empire prepared for e mighty
struggle with ire doubtable .sgoaist
Wog [.
J .mm
os walked into the office of
• made ade Loi e. His visite had been ere
•sgh at the berme of hie prosperous
relative, whose .Door embittered the feel-
ings of his needy sad brutelike cousin, but
Louie hod never quits broken off oe•oof.ttes
with the punter. r
" Good moraine, Monsieur Lou," said
Jana somewhat flippantly, " I bey dared
to o intrude apyour valuable momenta to
bid you good -by."
'• Good-bye *' .shoed Iwai. inquiringly.
•' Have em m
you seessinie. abroad !"
I 5.ymt
. esmreles le die e beide of
G a.y blew
ed -red." wered Jules beset -
fully ; " at least," be added. " I have se-
o ',ari
, brig •se .f the rack sad an.
bat t5.5 is the work I •m going to w-
oad "
" Ob. yea." said Lewis. " you ware
drawser yens .go.
Aad " Aear carps is sew salted sat sad I
joie tomorrow, ' explained s. " I disk
you paid for • em
• bellast• r
" Yes." answered tdeer. " It was
sot gook engs
soeive r.ssredag thus as it
would be raw ; I s oarsurprised5. .d that yes did
ase seedy yea .suvesibe tsame
" 1 bad se Niamey te spare," sold Juke.
" besides. what did it saner a me wheth-
er I was *edits, a brae\ se wishing •
rine. • poor beganwithin t
let suthi
live r may cowls himself that 5. has •
country le die for."
•• • e•entry Malas by • odds n's lite, Nest
W Me demarlssmer. Jules. A m.a who marls
t5. em.s d hr fellowsu ••eetry.tate
Isr. amarker is mew el • patriot thea he
rhe wrier hisesneacme h Weed d ape
ea the sneer's
" •s airy rate. his Nis Is mare sushert
• the mod rraarNNWa •• ve." said JanAs
er ,
sorien Madame Desi hoe made Nle
valsdkso ler ma" as
Loetr's eves flashed ler e .sesad. thea
his lido teli. sad be nimbi
" 1 d• w w Medamg yam
\e aigsted Tear Itis fe
" De yebb no k as Loeb lased.- r
(ow h\. ether. " la the sees way the
` thp lova'd ter .btyMd
.y Nim
" Plasm r / hit maee." mold
OM Lee& "D. yea pest be. ate W.lewd In lie fardewy mme fie♦ ys Madre
Dipoleet omit De yea thh>A than • tea
15. ..ries is w*ieh 1 had already supplied
a subtrtaa. I rated se dM
The having demi el Jens. ahs was past
MI pbydgni sir1s, brayed • weer!
"Loeb," be " tkg v. me ; I
shall sees have te plead Mr prudes eine-
whose. I sum owner d all year geed ter-
ser I ids 15.t bat ke yes Harker
might base her .i.. Whoa 1 saw yea se
sale Ind prespe es aid 5.epv, the devil
SM perosiss d my Mort. 1 weas save
sad wren the Idler whisk 1 shred yes.
le was ass writes h Hsrrase-1 used sae
ef her err te me te espy her writhe. Is
re • l.rttery
As u eddealy •I••riid. Ler ams
tem the ersw with the Impales et vee.
gores h id mal. But se he locked M the
peer dyb.g wroath, who was •t the ase
bleed as Ib. ssmpad.o uuegsesed seer.
• sal steeping dews ho krosd Nos mod wine -
pored, "1 forgive."
It was rely h sties. The exmnssas W
exhaustion the little .re•gt\ at the seed -
rad seldom. who mak dews h W wiveab•
ed bed, noels/ his hie with porter, aid
eosfe5os. Like • deeming ones. Loi
lett this WIh•tkl et misery, where ifs
berms oared their .harm ler Valorised
and Ise Pattie to dying weans and shriskm
of agony. No ase took msob seoeo.t el
those hopeless neo. sad thus Louie esaerged
from the place ..noticed, and misted with
others who wee primer, like kno eU,
wounded sod bore de esesbat, ••waiting the
outcome of events which they oosld se
(eager hfl.osca If all hod cook heavy
gni •e heart am b. had, Heaves help them!
Mee t5.. • year bad passed when
Madan. Dupuis sad her daughter returned
to Paris bo fled their hese wrecked daring
she rule of the cemmsi•, and .t last so put
themselves 1. esYe.fesMem with their
owe oomtrvms•. They had heard from
Heart Coostwt, in reply to their inquiry.
that Louie had joined the army, bat.'thedr-
ordere of the vest had pretested say far-
ther oommunleatloa with him.
I regret, ladies," said Henri Caseaet,
" that we have'no news of L.on.iie. He
was mussing .fuer OrevMotte, sad I bear
that he must have base lett open the and
of battle."
As Hortense beard the words that deem-
ed her life, the Dolor left her cheek and she
wield bine roomed su the floor had sh asst
beset ought in the arose of Louis, who
catered that moment.
" Ab, Louie," eke said, " when have you
been pad why i• it that you have kept
.lost so nag a Mme'"
" Dsr el," 5. whimpered, " it is a agars*
of the dead. Yesdenr 0,," he went
oa, " I haus beim a doable prisms:, hid by
Ukases .54 the I hey exceeded my
leave, I •m afraid, but I won't .ek for m-
other until I s married."
Isle e1 General .Nobs..
Wham is 15 to be ! This qaciudea r dis-
turbing the mob of politicises. Is view et
the motorist .Moralise in the mmmerenl
policy of the country which would be In -
in • obsa . of reveosae.t it is •
matter wktok missend the vomer.! public.
Mssuwbfls the •sten, serum of the mai-
ms cry out few a remedy sod the govern -
Wan gives me heed nth demand- Look
hers ! doe's soar this awns& to defay the
em of means open to all sad wbSsS remorse
the mast painful •aid °bslfaste .sees is two
days. Pathless, •arm-.utlyg sera sae.
Puts.'. Proles. Cora Eutesseer.
• merles. Anita.
Clara -Oh. mother. we had mob ter •t
the potty. Y.sag Smith or000sed that he
and 1 should go throurt • mock marriage
ossmeny-jest for fun, you know : but it
wee loo tuna) for saythin g. Afterward
seem of the odder people who board of it
said w were really monied ; but were not,
aro we !
Doti, .d5.r--Of source not Besides
Tome Width °anidei support . wife if he
Oh, it wasn't that Smith. Is was the
other Smith from Gold City, the me who
swam • beaus Woe. yes knew.
Eh ! Thee Smith 1 My dear, a marriage
like that bolero witmames is binding.
Proem Tree To Newspaper.
A Irit1.k eentempswry meioses as h-
Mering width was tried by a
progressive newspaper, Y •int bang n
sow ie hew short a tlmeh,•r'i[s.prssun
of parr making sod prlathr a b r
srha Simi
wog takes ss a 1 , 11'. chop,1 *hip
wad lead in • bennem
s the mry quostity of
woad took three begs ; mmgi 0rbeg
the pulp o•oupied twelve hews t
t5. Delp ken paper *oh eve kms , Mar
Porti, She .safsetsred peeper te the
sswep•per elks eighty mi.aM ; vhi1, te
dark up with. ea the paper thee produced
at t5. .seed speed one thesmad mrd of
Me journal wee* printed in ten ghats,,
m•ktag 1a an far tba whin proems. trees
1Meep io. aemplalion, Jost fwemts-fates
bears - Paper Dorm
A DrlNfkhn- Cadge.
Lost winter, la the time el .dam thaw
sad wide extremes ed tesparsSurs. tic•
.stlberiW. d Wed Prat bated a dilly ar-
dor debiting the limits on elmm river ea whit*
the aadete were allowed to skate.
• modes see .aero..a homed himself for
emit& the emir sad he feat Memos aware
et Wm tremaresi.e when he sow as sesta
beiswo erg; him. Arises r sea -
Wirer amd l HtMMty, sad te sere Merit paw
d ated hair the uwr � be ..sass awl
• Aimee WNW lit shoulder showed the
.goer srgk5g mit after him b real messes
Never did awls date hider. be the sdleer
drew d.dily sneer. Rawly, se tic
.rise thought, sa ..s.aresrs4 pielead was OM ahead.
atria* the Irby there dmhed the
risk the IIMIeligindosees. mid ree
4 titer* the weak wish his skates dill
a W MM- 5mthac
{ma he readied id
he D. risk
glare around aid ham
Tee be teen .t hr baa end 5.dgad
te the beereebs.
ttha• weal/ nobtego tv5. endeend tomer w
psepgam Msstag tris dram liewi eB sal wee edws swell k end M
Cisebsting end derleltens-
time ams en whew wee sed eassml-
mor �tb_ sir Ala aellal s • s
eadeVe se see very to erg ped pewee,, lie . A. It
I mold bra, evershea you. I wemld bawl
and yea 1\M the *Mee were e,rasd.i
the urea might eves bother�g.phar yeaiteUMW Azatreata.
ald. gall lima. I leeway
aa..ew e, sae rasa woe are
Loans, he w M..eass.ea er=.
Hear Wilfrid L•art•r'e pal/sisal is,.., is
well karma to Canadian& la the Mo.kem-
a. Mistier, M old • protein sad he.
Bias. Sem h the seal shade et g mines.
Her mow ado 55 Tsars rid.
.o MINIM Jst.r. EOM
Sir Hoary July, the sew Midseer d la -
had Rowena. ;wag M w Yam Premier et
Quobeewles Hon shoat 67 Saw old, sail is •
Piro• t Rdgsar d LstbI.inea. He was
edo..ted in Pana
nog. J. MAUL TAera.: e•'•t�
J. Israel Tarn,Mlalster et Pebble Werke.
1t wet the hoes p.litesd .resmhms is she
Dsinis. H. owes Ise Oaith•nar, and e
eesddermd as able writer. Mr. Tarte be-
rme premolars le public 1ilk by expeig
the L•apvs-M.Orer.y eard.1. H. wee
berm ie the Corey ea Bertbk►, 47 years
MON. 1ID1(MT Visnas.
The maw Mk bar et Agrtealfsre, 844..y
Arthur Tooker, et R, le • emesseef,1
farmer sed . resolute prohibitionist He Is
46 ear. of .ire. mod ie • graduate Cam-
bri�g. d eaiv.nisy.
Th. new Rolleiter.Garret, Charles Nue-
P•taiok, Q. C , is may 43 years et are, bat
he has bre ley premiers h peevish!
polities in Qsb•o. He w...• at the e•aa-
gel who d.te.da, Louie Rid. Has wile le •
Motor of Sir Adolph. Caron -i
4Ia °Lives M )WIT. 41111
1be career of Air Oliver Molest. wbo
mites the portfolio 0t Jostles, is too w.11
koowa is Ontario to require any oswmest,
For nearly • quarter of • watery he has
b... Premier of this peviao•. H. was
first regulated to 'tie Lariel•ttve Assembly
of Ontario by •eol•metiou in 1872 and there
bosuns Premier. Sir Oliver was 76
years of age ea July 22.
Sir Riobard Cartwright, Minister et Trod.
and ('ommero•, is 61 vain old. He first
entered public life to 1868, sad bas boon •
prominent figure u Cae•.1t•o polities ever
.lace. He was Finales Minister daring the
Mackenzie regime.
In 1882, when Air Riobard Cartwright
was defeated, William Peterson. the sew
Minister of Customs, was the *.•metal
critic for the Oppositiaa. He r'epr'esented
South Beat Irani 1872 to this year. Mr.
Pauses is 56 years of age. Hen • blinds
m•ouf•oturr sad in of Scotch descent.
is too well kora te seed say extended M.
Um H. is vim-Cbaasellor of Tomato
University, and was Inst ^kesed to Parlia-
ment in 1882.
HON L H.' Davies.
The new Minster of Marius ad raw -
los had • long and ea-osseld o•rser is his
own provisos. Prim Edward Idad. He
represented Canada epee the let reatisnal
Fisheries Ceemeiree at H•Ulex i• 1877.
He was loader el the Opparden in the P.
E. I. Asssbty earl 1976, whoa he berme
Premier -Gerral. Mr. Davies
was5,$ , rater e4te d 1882
He is 51 years of age.
aoN. W. S. minims.
The Minster of Flames le • journalist
and • .ams.fal politic... H. woe o.a-
s•otd maty Tsar, with the Halifax Chron-
icle. I. 1882 he relined the Mier et the
Nov Scotia Premiership on the detest of
the Thompson Gevenimsue. 1. 1884 he
woe tailed 4.. a tore an adadaissrados
sad ham eines bras Premolar mid Provf.grl
Secretary el Nora 8.. .
The Minister el R•llway. sed Casale woe
bon in I redertst•n is 1844. Ho was salt-
ed be tic bar in 1866, sad was dm rehir-
ed to the
is 1BB
e Leriature la 1878. He reseed-
edd brims seas w
Adaidetrenea was kora as • oasHYoe
maroon et liberals sad C;oeaervatmes.
aY. W. r. 5O5Dsg.
The sew Marter of MUhw., Wm. Fed-
erisk Bards., M. D., 5.s bras 17 year. is
the DomhMe Poefbwsut. He it • astir
of K1. '. meaty, New Beem.wkk, white
he her always r.prese.ted he the Cemener
Dr. B.edge is the youngest member et the
new arises, being jest 40 rears d age.
Hen • Harvard Mao.
Errm,TV AL -Earles J. Beot\,OBvov,od,
Cal.. save : " I 5.y read Ayer's Pills in
my family for several yeses, sad have st-
oreys found them moot •Bssted fm the re-
tie/ d albumen •sing ars • dkrder.d
beat + dg.„•
torpid liver sad ossetipated
At the •aebbeaep's tease.
he Arebbrhp of York baa Deem talisg
• good dery at his ewe expense. He was
resent* ia a rah, and near him est two
drake mew Proem* ase el the w
reworked to the other that Rome.o had
robbed W el • ft mos. sad beeeee...�
Se fled h 1t be bad te swab t\c -
"As It Mepeeset,* Bald the Arabblehea,
"I load a 13 trete mod that was tai, ummdd�rll
was Mese I. the earner with them. I telt
• little Mt esseoslarrble. Thee N sewer.
red se mete person te he anwp. Hese
mmeasb. is • Waste more I was aeteeted
with : '1 my. odg1ber r but I made ..
answer. Then the mag grabbed s arm
•ad shook ate. brt tone am I didn't
IMP as
Wilke up. He kept on ,or
.ad always • link more
lad hr fried sterpo.ed with : 'say, $w,
1.4 hi. •lee., will you ; We drunker's yea
The bad Ladles.
This l a perleay true siery. .d has
sever hdois hewn pries ; bat. se shewieg
the tree Waders et t5. Queen. we ire sew
meq el ear readers will appraisals it
Her Majoty Is very lead et marten art -
the kaapr • warm a,am
is bat beer ler
the trey " r-- age le. Windsor lis
silty. tr
.e' sge ds � the
er Mw.a aha%
.d that she rivet amu. but her . « Moat
e d t5. .id lady. who toss 911 the saber day.
sad. es the weld Iter e. meshed ea is -
oar ranee from the seer d she 1,e us.m
Theatre. a eat.L.54 ., ebq'
ud bee oaw.eir.
I[stryresoase. Men
. es his s� enee sheald
bra e.s*mid te the greemd, bee oven ee
sad Sepal
peeve leap me sic 5.e
lwwr neoldb dr me.
.Isms. ham* abee leek a the w lbw elle veneered te
weeds t '�,� Tear
"Liam a a I, Ws. Lake sus ke um titer
zza - ra lea aa. sad Ohm aha ser
these en/ ail sM d..e rash ,arse odd
Obi gem istaambremar
54 a hatch , __•-,,��ia
.Amer S M -
Passes Belief
Tar. Jas. M. Iftoe\aboa, Pltaeae. rune,
0. 11 etrugMlat for Ltev.a Long
Tura with
Mr. Piebolsoo gay,: •' 1 eootalted des -
Sorg who
purpose; the ~maser brigs& to kat to
Eat Into the Flesh,
spread to my rho, sad I asgbred te
boy tar se reernapalrf. ting
i weeks r tori � M MI
swegtatwol a
Decided Improvement.
v�mal 15• math eOW rbio the more
order my this bras to =Ida In three
Lizsit ler inseebe.
menthe aly bp mo mod, atter
teaser mases 1
Ayer'sOn I
Admitted .t th World's Pair. _
.41W4 PLLL/ Jtepu .as 1*. issmalia
About We years ego I test heo•me afflicted
with Rhecmal and Gout. sod du -fog the
Met ten yc" 1 I br..•e been tooted by several
ph) . Sloane. and tLe) all ad vise,: me that it was
impossible to cure ase bore, and ',hat the ouly
tamed y aur mo was to go to • weru+.r cM.n* o.
1 tram confined to ter house vert Dsos.ber
owing to thi. di..•sa, and was usable to de
say work whole. or.
I commenced fog the Kootenay sire which
' Mr. 8. 8. Ryckmas. M. P , gave me about the
maidte of April 'sat. and afteraboutoae weak',
using this medicine 1 was
eaeelently cured to be
abie to .'tart driving •
bread wagon, which work
required me constantly getting as and off Nay
The pains which I always had la my side,
an now ocmpietely sena • d 1 am nOw able to
work without any pain whatever.
In the: past I bore suffered almost Iale.orib-
able agony from this Memos. My general
health bait wonderfully improved clum taking
this medicine. Sworn to by Mit•HA1LL a.
DWY> R, 3L Leming Street. IlumUton.
Send for pamphlet to 8. 8. P.rrssr.x Map.
oars Co.. Hamilton, Ont
(-' u'.LI E:�
fliii:t i.uis i
Pump & Fauniag till Wok's
rrur ear•RT..alT:
A large stook of very choice Pumps, owes -
featured tram selected It astoka quartmwd
Phis with base', oat set.
Those Pump we .gaaect aired I s • sur b.r
of Kylsa 55.SWI everybody sad every place
y, Ky cu wtealdt[ sumps for de.D 54-
yrrds go... ,tea .ramps Mar seiool•
111▪ 1.'11111
. dart rem Mer write trees.
agehloa g eras era wanting gwrsese extfs-
.•�dte drawing wnter
hose well d�os1rno., Iron h54d
tress 4cil wo' tea passel.-h.d er
Wile ILY ;coed r omen
Mite. Bawl TWIN, e:bwTase a NTab.
LA I rt
mesal teerta5 w•Gt#5 ag&T.
�I4It1I N O Gu•n .w Mise
dept. sr•N*RNs al
.yam .areMo�� -alt t W�a "iv". d earendly •laid to.
..dere .Mowery
Cure Biliousness, Sidc Head-
eadache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver
and all Stomach Troubles.
Are purciy Vegetable, e
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
t gest y... t .promptly and
.o•'ugh T. "The *rifest friendly
nertieiae. All Drogglsts keep
The Signal
ene, mese pa hiN5. wy � b preps atr�s oa'a*
puwd � 4 s5.
�eneseyy • permit sat aide AO refer sieweeir if all _move
a wi sown
ia. yee ee seaf-
• yr
the ear t. •~~r
rhe •pprvrral of our patrons onset with
't * *t diad►.
Tole useful aims is kept In tae W
w ties
enm. $I 1015,
Nets .o.' Mads
are not so generally used, they
an important place in opting
Oorrespondeooa Bee what we've
got under the above beads.
Letter %dead►.
In this line we have a very large
Mom of fine writing papers suit
able for every clams of business
in this locality, cm,
and wove, linen',
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or nnruled, as may be required,
11 the " ps -es-you.go " plan was
the order o4 the day the demand
for account paper would not be
great so gat ; but= are some then
who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is soot
pieta in this line with four mise.,
Good paper and neat ruling.
iht ttmtentt
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round. -
VAt‘nekO`p is
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes,and to
keep up with the demand for
tbeml we keep a large stock oh
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 75c. to
$2.00 per M. We handle cern
taercial and legal dans exclusive!,.
Cotwitterotak Vrttttttltg
has already betapuctlally enuni
erated in some d the heads above.
There is, however, a vast .moan
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more then take
up the entire space occupied by
this .dv't, but we do it .11 at Ti.
Z ralDttatt°hs
50 an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in .edea
tion sometimes, bat we make N
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and bed
samples to be had. Call and es
V vow auks
of entsrtatnmeata and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the moat d t
with coed .mod pencil ata+abed.
We aim to excel in all the diger
ent kinds of work we tarn out,
but especially In thio, and keep
in suitable forck lain all rp
faacy mere
re tae
ard►. and T ttk.tts
This bead covers . large range of
work, from . bread or milk Boise
to a neat calling aura, front as or-
dinary adntiseiom ticket to •fifty
basins card or a handsomely
printed .mob Irnhip ticket.
V osters
Our facilities he torshag out this
class of work AIM evidenosd by the
fact that the great balk 4 it It
deem eludes tai. This lima Woo in
wbiob our three i s ranning job
presses are able to tarn out in
surprisingly short UMW
Oat lake.
belong to the posher dset.rim st
also, and we mates • epesi.lty et
ear aim
is we 1 being
will appear is Tim 8a11•I, fres d
ohmage when bili Ow are d1�
#k\ Rand►. of W ori
lm the typographical pdndag lhaa
arm be tire is this askabliehtlldsd
In as sapadidesa and sr**
ususer_ and
Ova V rets vrb. b alt f ovaki
eve% .
Ms anima sur teas& tat pah fb.
silk Med asttisit a uu; '11Os&M at air
'MIL sZO1[4:L1