The Signal, 1896-7-16, Page 88 TUE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT. THIIBSDAY JULY 16, 1896. •4 It's safe to bull our 11110 CIS and safe to use them. They wont break your puree, and they won't break your neck. Safe from point of quality, safe from point Di style. Made of :aa.nill& or hemp cordtug. PRICES begin st 51w and run up to any price you wish to I,&y. We don't pretend to be r store for min.,., ,...lac gentlemen and ladies only, but for haul working eve ry day people who wish to enjoy every costa fort this Summer Best Hardwood CROQUET SETS 1 It,ll,* $ ; a 1.00. 1.20 E PFM F S S WAGONS, 25 p- o. OFF We sell . rictly,for Cash, which accounts for such low prices. GEO. PORTER, BOOKSELLER. Store close. during Bummer mnmtba at 6 o'clo.•k felephnoe ezohaor. oyes till 8 O'c1.,. k •b. re the eaen.trg newspapers wall be distributed. COLONIES. and or ra t ler a hatch of lltlandw, In the CONVICT COLO` 1 ES. Youths rn Pacific Ocean, about four day■ HELLS AND PARADISES 1N PENAt. SETTLEMENTS. Lasky Port tog nese COettlwals Haar r Free assobt.ay ',hue 1s. Abler liar - rave e 4 l:rwtil.ft slberl . 1.. ' 1tlert, 114 snout! • 1.., - r.•tatr 1..1.. f •1 ;'••• Medi r a. 1 a of 1rtrr:.l..1!i.. 't criminal Poisul;ttlt.n to places btyonei the 1..u...larles, of rlvlllsatl.•n. l:n(t- Mr,d, it t.r tru •, oily aboliehe•t the torae- tles al...ut forty years ago. but Yzsncs, Italy.. s:paln, Portugal, Holland, Tur- ks, ERYpt and Ilrnail still adhere to the 01.1 fdshiuned method. wtth re- pairs That :..n rearcely ba d••s•t1b.•d 31 sirue•Lit'l r). For, while the descene- auts ..f the cid English convicts lo Austl.,sia. and earn in Oda country, ]rive 14,4..m, Iso-.tblding .dttsena, re- markt+l•1' f••. their principles, ter their energy and for all those !tatty •*cellel.t qu lm e whi• h have contributed to much the development as.d prosperity of tv • to -1 • ..t;t menta; It may I Coulr• 1 wh,th••r the conte ct establish- ment: .,t .oth Yr 1 11..4,4 has.- ec• r acbtived any rt:sult ..th.-r than brine; lug at.eat the nearest a1.1.a.'. h tier- on yeron eattht.. what hell is tsq.ularly sup is sc..! to be. This is mainly attrebut able to th•-•fact that throe penal Petat.- lashm,•:ets are au far distant fr.nn the eerntaat seat of the home government that e1..- are completely le•yon1 the til-•te1".•-n and control of th.- latter, and. inasniuch u tt la Impossible to find tit ..1 eines administrator: and offi- ciate t , undertake the repuI'lae duties Of jotters, the unfortunate convicts are Lect•r•-arily left to the mercies of men whoa r utiments of humanity are eith- er nt.x. to ..r blunted, and whir are•free to ;soak olsrn their defencless eiCtirnl ever) itnlginat.l• Indignity and cruelty that 1t is peoislil•le to conceive. „Spain. fur inatatlne, ss. -,',a both 144 ....nal and political ounvtets to the frighttul 1„rum's prison of Ceuta, on nurtlwrnm..st spot of tjte Afrleaft Coast. just oly.osite t.. Gibraltar, (.'euta la, Indeed, th.• second of the so-called idlers of lit -roues that mark the en- trance of the Atlantic Ocean Into the Mediterranean Sea, and, while the p11 - lar on the '4panlsh shore has been transformed by the English Into an al - Meet Impregnable stronghold by arms - Went. the Spaniards have made their Rock Into one huge omelet priwnn, tiers Spon tiers of dungeons and cells sue- eeeding one another, down and down and d.iw n. until they attain a depth of mot- than 200 feet below the level of the era. The convict prisoners 01 Portugal are Dent. for the m.•sl part, 10 ll•.zamblque stud Ib.•I:ea0n Itay, on the ••art enact of Afr:rn True. the t tamale is unhealthy, but. tieti, tlu• lir.' u ••n•• of ease anti 104.1... •• The government of these pe- aal .. ttni•• me Is .4 the most happy -go` lurk) .1• -. rli 11on There Is no big peni- tential > •r roach t establishment; noth- ing but elle mere small town jail, anti the prisoners, no matter whether they are murderers. forgers or simple thieves, are allowed the freedom. not alone of the t..wn, but of the entire• colony, all that they are required to do being to report themselves once a week or once • month to the local oilief of pollee Rome of them keep strops. others liquor saloons, while oto of the chief cranks Y lllcisarnItque Is under the direction and evontr•,I .4 an ex Lisbon bank es*bI.•r who was sentenced to per.al srrvtludc fur life for embezzlement ar.d forgery. True, they have no (1v11 rlgh:.t, sod if the etovernor or any one of 1,6.4 leading officials of the colony happens to take a fancy to the wife of any one of them, the convict can enter two re" - test, minor, by virtue of tris Position as a condemned felon he Is rtvilly ileal, and as swede Incapable 01 contracting may matrimonial union that Is valid In Ow eyes of the law. Hut then, on the other hand. they are suhjrnt to no ..- dal ostracism. Military and naval cheers, as well as civil et/florne Judges arid magistrates me no harm In dining at the same hotel table as Meg -term esetvirta, and even the Governor-Gen- eral has been known to serd his aide► ille-neap hunting all aver the town or lresamislque for a Man cendarnaed for pvfanattinet of graves, out who was cuomwnwd as tie best billiard player la are settlement and as molt was the giartser of Bas Iroeelleney et his dally /set-proadial taste. Franey divides her eonvk.t. Into toe astagnrres Goethe bel►oed hepe of tis VlLuti.n or mortal repair, and ttwtao As are on.si4e e d 1s have sows slim N NNW teatime left ottani-triad the Sur lass of their meadow astar•l Th. tit, IMP aro serest to Mew Calsbsla as tot • distant from the Aust rattan cosi There, provided that they behave them - ashes, the) bea.roe, after a time, eat: . lied to all sorts of ImmunMew and prlai lett'''. As at Mozambique, one tln.Ts I msMerers, forgers and bank robe rs, v bo hare completed the first seven years of prison rules, settled down in the country around Noumea as prosper- ous farmers, and in the town Ibsen as shopkeepers, market gardeners, artl- aeon and even as schoolmasters. The Principal drultrtfat's establishment in the colony is under the direction M that Paris apothecary Fenayrnu, whose sho k ng murder of his wife's Icn•er, at Chatou treated so great a eruption in the French metropolis about twelve year" ago, while the at- tractive Gabriel, his wife, who helps t to finish her alt -fated admirer by beat- ing out his braille with a hammer with the object of proving to her husband leer regrets for having betrayed hes honor, Is now one of the belles of the colony, and of an afternoon when the military b.tnd plays upon the public square. Is the e' ntre of a crowd of t.•aux. many of them omc'et's of the army and oMeials of the settlement. \',•ry different Is the lot 'of those whose sad fate oonitigos them to the frightful-c.d••ny of Cayenne, where the rlintat• is as vile as that of \,.v rai - donla Is mai nlfie,•nt. and where the nr 41.).•(t of the jailer appears to be ' . kill by brutality and pe•rsecutl.'n .. - • who. have been spared by The to st11. r.tial miasma, wbich is the curse 1 .f t1.•et t:.1ul plague spot of South l .•11 a .:.. There Is no way of escape. Me seashore being patrolled h)' row- boats while on the land wide the penal, sem ment le surrounded by huge t,t•• • llese•s Infested by snakes and giant :crabs, w•hob are in the habit of nowt- ! My upon fugitives who, exhausted by !their exerti..ns, have remained stick- In the swamp unable to proceed further, 1There is no alleviation of the lot of the Cayenne convict, Slid unceasing f {*bur 'Under r!"• most antoierat.ly ha: -t. conditions is their hot, until death m••te. dfuliy relieves tihem M their sufferings. Ile M there that Capt. Dreyfus, the wealthy officer of the headquarters 'staff, who was convicted by a eo* r m311101 of selling the French plans of m.d.ilizatk.n to Germany, is eondem't.'ct 1r, .pend the rema4nder of tits days, and there, too, 11e the bones of those many thousands of political suspe'ts who were deported during the first five years of the reign of Napoleon 111. aItteout trial. and who have never been heard of since. • 1 tin the same continent, near the sources of the mighty river Amason. and some two thourian d miles or more from the monster stream, is the Siberia 1 01 the Republic of Brasil, a desolate, fiver stricken region, from whence few convicts have ever returned to telt the tale of the horrors of the place. One of the rare exceptions, however, Is that of the English banker at Rio known as Count Leopoldlna, who was W ad- vised enough to act as the financial agent of Thorn Pedro after his depose Gott. and who was In consequence set-. tented to transportation for life. Ming only liberated on the accession to °Mee of the present Chief Magistrate d the Republic. Italy has but lately commenced de- porting the worst .of her convicts to Msssowah. ilut Inasmuch a. It nowt appears doubtful whether, after the de- feats which she has sustained at the hands of the Emperor of A.hYs5M., she will be able to retain possession of her 'settlements on the Red Sea coast of Africa, it 1s difficult to predict as yet what will be the ultimate otitedme of the experiment. Turk. -y ships off her o.onvlel. to Tripoli, one of the emir spots .4 the Ottoman Empire where the Sultanlc rule remains In foroe In all its mediaeval barbarity and emelt?. The penal settlements are .Ituated on the borders of the great !tabors Deem, far beyond the ken of sissy European t'I*rsut and heaven only knows what .Ilabolleal crtirptees are wreaked then on the heads of the unfortunate cion. eltts. Indeed. when at Coststantlaopae. Smyrna or Reboots It la known that a man he• been shipped off to Trlpofl by orders of the Sultan his relative. =mum aim a. dead, @Ince he never Is fated to return Until two months ago Inset Omaha was the ennui powerful digni- tary of the Turkish Renpere, lia oaiy meane through which th. Sultan outdid - be apt•rernited. Seeddenly, without a moment's warning, he fell tole gram. Iran shipped off to Trfpolt, sad three days after landing there disappeared from ream as completely as thougk be bad lima eswallowM op by a try doer. Of all these terrestrial elmee/s rite worst of W probably is that of Res - Oa le the Island of Ilashallisk Iwws eb Iia Petembe s as 'The Staab itsaa<` 1E'3I'ECIA1..d SATURDAY NIGHT SALB. THREE DOUBLE 3 BARGAINS THREE. Herr they are, and ev.ryoae a record breaker Keaet the list carefully Ilene it i.. BARGAIN NO. 1. Table Linen 34c. Towels 7c. BARGAIN NO. 2. LADIES' Blouse Waists 750. This tabling is all pure Innen 60. inches wide, and cheap at 50c. SATURDAY NIGHT PRICE,, 34c 5 Dos. all Linn Towels, worth regularly, 10c. each. SATURDAY NIGHT PRICK 7c. Parasols $I. Three Dos. handsome blouses, all sizes and colors, regular pries $1.25. SATURDAY NIGHT PRICE 75c. This lot of Parasols range from $1.35 to $2 15. SATURDAY NIGHT PRICE $1. BARGAIN NO. 3. LADIES' Cotton Hose 100. 5 Dos Lathe: fast Black Cotton Hose, regular price 15c. SATURDAY NIGHT PRICE 10c. 1 hw is a lot of old 'bis and prices worth double the money. Children's Cotton Hose 10c. SATURDAY NIGHT ,PRICE 10c. i.argaw is g.viuute. Don t Mimi then!. Next Saturday Night. J. T. ACHESON. tree from supervision the authorities practice the most appalling cruelties upon such of the prisoners as possess neither mental, physical neer pecuniary attraction. Flogging of bath male and ta.•ale convicts Is lamentably frequent, the victim being often lashed to death. Thls is not astonishing when the fact is borne in mind that all the officials and Government tsopl•,yes on the island have either been stationed there in quasi disgrace, as a kind of punish- ment, or else are creatures of such low social, moral and intellectual order that it is thtposstble to employ them In Europe or even on the mainland of Siberia. -Philadelphia Press. Was Adams the meet Maar About the middle of the seventeenth century an audacious att. rnpt was made to rob Adam of the honor of having been the tint Goan. Isaac de la Peyrere, in an odd little volume. ewtltled "The Pre-Adamltea. attempt- ed to prove that there wen• two crea- tions of men -the first on the sixth bar of the work of creation, when "God created man male and female." The robbing Interpret the above passage of Holy writ as meaning that the first race of human beings were creattuer in which both sexes were united to the same individual. According to ie. la Peyrere Adam was the result of alar second creation -the "male and festal'!' . being having been the progenitor of the Gentiles, Adam the father of the Jews. A great many people fell 1n wide the views of De la Peyrere and he was the lion of the hour. His followers were called "Pre-Adamites" and they In- creased in numbers rapidly, until 0tt. ally the movement became so strong that the founder of the sect was com- pelled to go to Rome, and abjure his doctrine at the feet of Pope Alexander VIL-St. Louis Republic. • `Can/erbwry Cathodes,. The sum of £20;000 is needed for the clearance and r.' totstlon of the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral. SStgland- the repair of the cloisters. the repair, suite nation and restoration of the chap- ter house, and the restorati„,n of tine ancient chapel of At. 'Andrew, which is neer unsightly from neglect and diorite -1 urement. Dean Farrar appeals t.. th. English speaking Christians through out, the wurld for contributions for a res- toration fudd, as the cathedral author. Ides have no funds available for the purpose. 1•sr.t.y Gad 1►.atb. Parsley. among the Greeks, was sym- bolic of death. It is said that an Ath- enian army marching out of the city during this Peloponessfan war, was panic stricken by meeting two mule. laden with parsley going Into tae city, this fact being considered as a token that the army would soon be vanquish- ed with great slaughter. "To be to need of parsley" was a favorite Greet eupiiendrm for death. raed.tooe•s Idea nr Naar. Mr. (aadstone has been forbidden to make any more public apeec es this )ear. The distinguished patient will probably rest by writing twelve hours • day and chopping trees at Intervals by way of exercise. COLUMBIA ON TIIE ROCK& The neer skip M the rads* Mall M. Use Is. Msgerse slaps -- May Omsk Le. Haan P1•anctaon, CU., July 14. -The steamer Columbia of the Pacific Mall Steamship Company, Capt. Clark, went ashore about N o'clock ibis morning during a thick hog at Pigeon Point, a rocky proj.ctlon about halt way be- tween San Yranckioo and Santa Cruz. The big steamer was on her way from Panama to San Francisco, The latest advice§ from the seen. of the accident state that the Columbia is in a danger - ow position, severely pounding the rocks; and If she is not soon lightened wilt go to pieces. The Columbia is • new ship and one of the latest addi- tions to the Pacific fleet of the mail onmpany. She was built In Chester, Pa., 1n 13*2, and Is of Nit tons burden. A brief despatch received from P1 - .adeno •t 1.2e to -night state. that the' Columbia's passengers, si In number, and her crew of lel bad all been wifely landed. The veee&wifely is pounding heavi- ly .n the rocks, and dRl to ail proba- bility be a totai wreck. She has as beard a mixed cargo, the value el k� ikee Gland anti* flea DID BB HUICIDB Or t• rrlYmlr.I M likelbio em4 l>'1mting • P..aslsal .lois em ass resift latah Illy 14-WIUlaa C. Laois• gtmab.L • mishit Mort Is abs easier of the American express Company, disappeared last Friday night and his family fear he has committed suicide. Me was seen at Niagara Falls on Saturday. It is reported that he wrote a note to his wife Informing her that he was about to do away with himself. It concluded something like this: -May God have more mercy on you, my chil- dren, than 1 have had. Good-bye. Your Unfortunate Father." The police do not believe Ruckdeschel has committed suicide. He is said to De giving to practical joking, and on many occasions Is reported to have jocularly threatened to kill himself. He is a large man, 56 years old. He has three children, two girls and a boy, the youngest being about 12 years old. His wife dial about six months ago, and last March he married a widow, a Mrs. Trihder, about 45 years old, who came from Canada. Irtra.r Weal Is needs. London. July 14. -Intense heat pre- vails to -day throughout the a.uthern part of Great Britain and in Francs and Germany. In London there is sot a breath of air stirring and the mer- cury ercury marks Net degrees In the shade and 135 degrees in the sun. In Parts the heat 1r s•, great that It has been found necessary to close many of the workshop" Subscribe for Trig S1csAt.. $1 epee WE'RE IN IT That is to my CATTLE BROS. have bought oat the business of JOHN RALPH, en HAMILTON STREET, and o•rry • toll lime of Stoves, Tin and Granite wear, and ue prepared to give tenders for Plumbing, Fitting, gave -Troughing, and Tinning, and fuaren1e•e to give you satisfac- tion to mob and every line. Our retriteestere are the beet in the market. Cell and ase them. fir Leave your orders at John Ralph'. Old Stood, Hs-iltos-St, CATTLE BROS., Plumbers anti Tinners. SIGNS OF SPRING. The elegant a•sertsmest Of NMW HATS We ses olhriam 10 the Public - dm Seola taristay with mature as r.self • arM%rite e a T ttire.Gad bey rs •1se raw stook of ail the later 1. Ohre. Shirts, Collars, Cans, N.ekwear. Hostere, etc.. at O• R. SHANE & 00 'S IMPERIAL RESTAURANT' inwyone M awarethe rad lint tipelsg with ell 1s esus. M 4aw.iss apes et., hal ,versos* does% know who a p..00ds�es Come too the IMrt AL RIIYTAURANT PA MARS and try AI.I T'8 Pllrkebon lee (frena, Water Isms, Ise Crean �taiin I Rerouting and issay Saver el Rmet -ot 1. __ -'!v53y it _ hile.� fttsrsnenY (fie, la s••/sram ami ernes r..s e1. ads.. troll ars le The a kay. eesry103*g .1s.� mot of tidy, sad M ass left 1s hospslms.r in TRT 011d PQVIc o CNA1L (Mae sad mss w- a pose Ins heel that.klll..n rsssmsba. •`:jMM. ems be.. A. R. ALLEM some BARGAINS 5 pieces Oreponne Dress Stuffs, 20c. for 15e. 5 pisses SCOTCH GIM 20e for 15e. 11 pieces TWUD I greet from the mill. 45 to 50 cents a yard 20 per brat. below regular prices. Ifs best 3 -.est UNION CARPETS over assn is Qodarisi. Colborne Bros. The Great Carpet Warehouse of the County. SHOES attract attention. If they are correct in shape they will be more attractive than a hat. Soet your shoes right, have them fit, have them well made, and up- to-date. Our Shoes combine these qualities, and you cannot find bet- ter wearers or more comfortable ones than ours. H. B. PO LOCK, The Low Price Shoe House. WE INVITE you TO (-'ALI. ANI) EXAMINE rat' R GASOLINE AND COAL -OIL STOVES Also let us send one home for you to try for a week and if you are not satisfied, to feel under no ob ligation by re- turning. e-turning. HARPER & LEE. PAINTS UII.S BRUSHES SEE MY STOCX ! I think i have the beast value in thews linen I will give you low qty tations on all HARDWARE this season. Prices in many lines hey* PI. up recently, but having bought before the advance, I man do t11e very belt IM yon. Having anticipated extensive building operations this year, I have terminad to make big sales on small profits. R. W. McKENZIE. Wee= Weasbev I kale gsemeey amid that the heat • Mb* sm. re w.* weather or tbo ay, tie wee* ter re cloudy day. af- filiated sae rent Sten If i west staled, so std mole as bswt se if. Amus week Ansaid eq! eels 1lesg de W bora se fee est ewe kis so Um as le 10'1.1 abase mrrroaodlyt et 15- metplasta The Way girt Is lag5br airs 1•o l dsisat Ore for Om mom IMO bar Mad Is trbas ow w11b mow .1.1111.11111111.a►.e r.r--.-.••••....... ... slag worth waste.-Osrpers IWO Tails. • Itiewiat4d . ls.--ilw WWI°. remitsds me et s 4slinsee phos et Chios. f lauds sew OM .H L_I W' MOO se wee salmi are pr ✓ Melita fel T� SW TIM lar. FORTY-] mw ADVERT Ladelb Callao T TI s Pharus.y- 4 O.d.rieh ek.. 80 Shoe. MINA AM Berme Naryafs•-C Vinton -The Fab limy's'. Reau.41 Up•so-d.t. Hard. ().doter. B•elals ess Yee sake -N. Has Lost Forty Pana 11 W. All USW - Three Big Barges J Gly (.fearing Sale Fell to Overflewiy Eztraerdisary Bar Itstlloval-Bask el float for Salt -T11 Hare you Childers For Sal., Nargt.a-- It's Sal. to Buy -G (Jarpsls-Colbsr.s Friday Metaiog- J COMING JosephKidd lett Mae Jimmie Ly wal.t. Ws. Sevm.sr I 8aterday. lira S. B. Htsk, Lures is tows. Ras Mary BMW vwtteg to tows. Wm. J.okmaa, town off Saturday, k Hsriltom, d 3 town eta Saturday. c H. Hood, d Cl Recessions Park. M. Jamieson, of 1 Ike past Satard.v. Rev. K. rairbalro, (Wench os Sigurd. Mw Lula Webb Roast of Mir Kate A Rev. Fi, de Castel for • tap os the Can Mn John Melita mem (:odonasci Herbert 8toddsflok e*Cation to (aaslpk Wm. Smit►, .f CYf family residesos, 8.s There was • mean oomouttoe ea M..dal Chat. Raskin, of week visiting friends Mir Aokoren,of lit Waimea w town the Mire Kelly, of Mn. Lem daring the Mir May MoMori beat to omit friend. it Mires Bertha sod week a • visit to the A large pay of ti Hoorn vatted Hayfield Mir Kate Graham two meataS visit to ft Mrs. W. A. Martin, bis parent., Mr. asd 1 1. I). Grant, of th rwtmr relatives at bis Mw V. Elaine 5 nouns her friend Mir Mus Miaw Meldo tN last from a visit is km Kat. Reed, .f 1 low week. in tows os r Aaiun Cbrb.lm left Ism to take a podtiee sir. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Weir inlaid ma, visited wok. Mir Andrews, .t Il Moa On Saturday .. Neu Mr. sad Mrs. Kerrie ss. a visit to Mosses 1It, Mir Ali.. Daagbmrl we wanes v Osis "skH.rb Star off, of AI � u {M rmWwe. of Mia ids 8.13..., of 'irtir f Yr. .mei flea heists. Vi11a Mks Ida Mobiles.. M Jhesa°f heir eelY Mfr R Sion , vel bit At Jells Hysl.�j. ter Ir.r.lsr.sd boats, .4113*. tinMwd, soon this w wii.rs., W..tal 1 s. retro..., elf hwH. Yr .sd y Mia W11..•d mbiW b. title. J. W. galk.ld, 1. Mr. mag Mea Ti.h.. ose 'tel J.a*M.ih.. atlett.NN �loMetr.k J. J. 1►, bammeimMed mos Mil riots V Mea Nt.rw,ss lrsiit el tourW/ a rMh.r, Ise. i4 yea Qui IntikM� *+� e1 dIVM