The Signal, 1896-7-16, Page 41 A THE BIbNAL: (.ODE1t1OH• ONT.. TIIURSDAY* JUNE 18, 1896. Ike Aqui, N rw/a/mn IVKRY THURSDAY MORNING ay K. tie•O--NI Uses of !'ektla.uew-a sad le, wart -/weal. dederM*. Calsis. Teres or NbseAP4MS Owe smooth, 1a .4....s Thee taoatbe, els " Dee fear. V M ••••1 f1 L eak et fee. babel. istitr label is • wending menet of the does t. woo* you are paid sin. nee that It le net showed to fell into arrear. When a ehen'e of edd►ew 1' 4.••Ired, Mia t t• old and the new address eboold beeves. 41verelates Relive Legal and other trowel advert ammonite. deo w line for Beal lnerrtlon. sed s (lents per line fee sorb eut.ainent tnsertton. orf -neared b • onsp.r..l anal.. Bushmen. n.,rt• of els noes anti leader, lS per year, •• i or Lostro lied. Strayed aineaflns Vecert. Sonatinas Wanted and Bsdnem Chances 'Tante• not ...aeons( $ 11ses nonpnrell. Ili pet mouth. Moore nn sale anti e•,rme on Mte, net to e t ►s. d II - t t f..r ere month. Yta, pie sob woo til mons*. Lnrv. r ado •. la protiOrDals. Aay gent.! lied., theoblert of twit nth V to Promote tt t tau watery hand$ et any emus' or nnmpery, In be ennaldered •o *d- eartlttear i, and obanro4 an-.rllatdy. Local ate ire' V alinfareii type we Deet paw word. mo ant hoe Wmtman 'ie. Loos! .M ins le ordinary reams 'vpo two mete per word, No actio• for Trees than inc. Notices fur churches wad other religious and benevole.t'.atltutlon, halfwits. Subscriber who fstl to twelve Ten Stas tL rerelarly by mall. w1U e rotor • favor by ac- quainting se of the toot at •4 early an date s P ublisher's 1.4lte. J. C. Imo Towel. of Ooderleih, kat hews ap palated Local Travelling Afeent for Use town- ships of God•rlob. Oolboroe, Asb$eld and We- waiseh. Loral postm•stsr over the dlatrtot are also empowered to receive subeoriptlo.s to Tun Sfes•L Atl communications must beaddressed to U MCGILWOUDDY. Twit , Telephone Cattle, Qoderrlccia, pat. QODERICB, THUMIDAT. JULY M. IMI. IT SHOULD BE DONE. IN 1673, when the Liberals attained power under MacKenzie, a great mis- take was II ads when the rascals con- cerned in the Pacific Scandal were not criminally prosecuted. When the Liberals stepped short at doing so, they left the coast clear for their dis- honest opponents to return to power in 1678 sad loot the treasury. It is to be hoped that the mistake will not be repeated. A careful investigation ought to be bad of every department, and no guilty man, be his position in politics what it may, should be allowed to escape. Every thief must be dealt with by the law, be he •x•minister or ex member, and punishment must be made to fit the crime. With TAlrrs-the man who caused McGteevT and CONNOLLT to go to jail -at the head of the Public Works Department, there is no reason why evidence cannot be procured that will show up rascelities in that great speeding department in the pest eighteen years ; and with Sir Omen Mowee in the department of Justice, we know of no reason why the delin- quents should not get their deserts. MIsCIIR was criminally prosecuted in Quebec, and why should the Fed oral delinquents go unwhipt of jus- tice? THE TWELFTH IN GOOERICH. THE celebration of the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne, which was hell in Goderich oa Monday last was one of the greatest demonstrations •ver held in the Huron Tract, and the good order which was maintained throughout the day reflects the highest credit on the participants. It was clear:y demonstrated that no town in Canada equal. Ood•rioh in facilities for abeoroing a large, con- course of people without fear of con- gesting its public arteries, and many were the encomiums pawed on the taws and its various points of interest by those who visited Huroa'l county town on the occasion. It is a pity, however, that a better bill of fare is the shape of the oratory of the day was not prepared by the committee which had the program in hand. The 10,000 visitor, deserved to have had the privilege of listening to some men of importance in the Or- der, from whom a proper presentati-n of the principles which governed the body could be had, rather than be forced, as they were to hear the vain babbling& and platitudinous verbiage Of a pelt d village peeaoheru sad a kelt-baked country doctor whose sur- roundings and teachings had been necessarily restricted,and whose views of the great questions of the day were of the narrowest kind. No one in this day can deny that the Orange Order has beoome a great ia•titatioa in Canada. sad a great in- stitution should undoubtedly be the parent of great seen. Yet the plat - Ism exhibition at Herber Perk gave no dadieation of that wisdom or ability whish should have beau to the fore tits the eeension. The mem who vett Illasd epos to addr•m the greet SOW Wow of people deshtiene did fly best, but that beet was of the most mediocre kind, and was not of such • &afore .s to bring respect upon the Order, or add to its membership. The gathering deserved to have been re- galed by addresses from oratorical giaate, and were foroed to put up with inanities from pigmies. It is in the interest of the tinier that oa future occeaious the committee of management will put forth effort& to provide big men for the platform, where large end intelligent audiences are congregated -as that which was held in (loderich Monday last un- doubtedly was -and that superannu- ated parsons and small beer medicos of large political aspirations will he kept at the rear, where they always should be. The Orange Order is an institution too greet to have tenth - rate men for spellbinders on the day cf its •nniver+ary, and hereafter, it is to be hoped that nen of national re- putation and broad dis.'ernent will take the place of local Liliputians in the platform exercises. Let there be big men or none. SN4P SNITS -Now for the b• e-electioaL -How will the fifty cent dollar af- feet the Sommer n ardor hoses reit year! -From the ptlttce car to the ice - wagon was a great drop for Teresa mrd his o•owd. -Moneiay was • great day for the Osage Order in the Heron Tract, and they eajoyei it, too. -The Protestant Horse was in creat shape Monday het, and lo,ked as tf the ort o-ou was goal and the 000dltioa powders of esoslleet quality. -Toe people r f the Huron Tract will Iona remember the oelebretios of the glorious, pion• and inrmsrtal memory et King William to (+stlerioh in 1R9r,. -Th. meeting of 1 he House at Otta- wa will not be heli until Aliquot 19, w se to salols the members of the new Govern - meat to g before thou oo0etttossts - When we hear of the rascalities resorted too io the retreat filiation* by the frauds of the party thea in power, we i.e. g•o to wonder how the rowels were beaten at the ballot -box. -rhe Rev lirother STOUT would maks • fine mtwionsry to wad to the Canal - b•1 1.1 r. 1e. when the natives wanted "raw meat %Vh.o he is what he is, with the grew of (Sod, what would he be without it'. - The Toronto World now claims that H,o Wiisiiio Lecatrs u olowly following the Conservative policy. Ole would thtok that nob • cours* on the part of Mr. Laratze wool 1 bring happiness to The Worii, bet we regret to find that oor esteemed 000tempor•ry to not happy. FROTHY FRRRRORY app'ars to he troubled with • flax of languars, • .Lase h of ids'., and • heek'.ries for reoogoitioo u • sdver•tooed maitre i ler. Mon lay last h• talked himself as dry •t • limekiln, and shoaled for "Water r The only rammer he est, however, was from • keen -witted mon of Il n `gel, who had voted for KILTv e a the 2 I ot Jame, and who Mid. "Lister to the* dt: d •v a windmill from Clostoft wsatio' to be drives by wether." -This *looming country will never be right until every ballot -box staffer is h jell. mad the moo who got the pose weak fools to endanger their liberty are !r the penitentiary. We, to West Huron. re- member how the preoloas scamps held high carotv.1 in the bye Amount of 1892, when MOYTAUrr woo .%.rwick, and ruled the roost in 16' red pular in the Albion Hotel Hs then h,..te 1 that he had • oorobistiea for marrying elsotims. is the North Ot- terio scheme hie! -if the Orange Lodge is not a Tory institution, why are bl•therekitee I k. Fwrr,iy FKgzl.oas, of Clinton, allowed to NSTOPit O?AW 1 fir Important Events In Pow Woi de For Busy R•ad•h tttls flaw weww Maggemtrl easeshdar elsnasMN and ems Ings Ihridy sad £.h. Sys Pea stns aew.ttttw et Mar roper -A MIM Memr's [nM/msms r mares .o*M M51.msMsw KAI_LIIOAI, KV re OILING& The Town Comedl of Birmingham baa before U an offer from Mr Wil- liam Mackenale. president of the To- ronto street railway. and Mr. James Items, president of the Montreal street railway, to purchase the whole street roUway Velem within the town. InsEITICa-CANAULtIn. The Winnipeg Free Pres urges the Manitoba Government to settle the school question and take 1t out of 110 Federal arena. Mr. hurler was sworn In at noon on Saturday as president of the Privy Council. He had held previously s conference with Jenne of his colleague and 1t was agreed that the opening of Parliament should be postponed for a month THE Ylltt•: KE( OMn. The business portion of Bartlett, le 11. was entirely destroyed by fire. Leas $JUO,000. The town of C. ,bran. In the Province of Grudnv. Rusara, has been burned. Three hundred houses were destroyed, ■sad two thousand people are homael.ss. By the ezpin')ton of an oil lamp in Buffalo least night, a dwelling -house was destroyed. three people were kill- ed and • fourth was probably fatally injured. el 1(1Hl:w. Martha Eby a French woman. who was confined In the jail at ltame. Ont.. attempted 1,, c.»nimlt sulcld. by sawing bct throat with a lath until, she hid punctured the windpipe. It is believ- ed she will die. Joseph L. Berard,wholesale hard - wale merchant. 8t. Paul -street, Ment- rcal, attempted to commit suicide by swallowing a dose of carbolic acid. He f• In Notre Dame Hospital, and there 1s no hope of recovery. The reason i,-i•igned is his failure to secure the Mutant rights In connection with a n. w method to manufacture stove- pipes. rtitertcs-Ia1rgKLAe. The deceased wife's sister bill passed Re third reading In the House of Lords by a vote of 214 to 142. Governor Murray, the British end French Commodores and the New- toundland Ministry held a conference on the fishery trouble.. and there Is bore of the matter being settled. The Irish land bill has been fixed to go Into the committee stage on July Id. Gerald Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, continues to negotiate with the landlords and Natlonalia:s for a compromise on the measure. Tab; DEAD. Encke, the German sculptor, is dead ‘'Mr. T. K. Grigg, a well known hotel man. formerly of London. died In Regina. Mr. P. E. W. Moyer, editor of the Berlin Dally News. who was well known throughout the country, to dead: Right Hon. Sir Augustus Berkeley Paget died at Hatfield aged 73 years. He was British Minister to Sazuny In lk 3-59; Minister to Denmark from 135.9 to 18M; Minister to Italy from 1*75 to 1883 and Ambassador to Austria hum 1414 to 1833. '1'.. .. Be.Lle.lol-m WOKLU. The twentieth annual Bible confer- ence was held at Niagara. The accounts between the Synods of Ontario and Ottawa have been settled. The corner -,tome of the new Em- erald street eMthodlst Church was laid at HamUton by Mr. F. W. Watkins. At the convention of the Christian Endeavourer, held In iVaehington It was decided to meet next year In San Francisco. Rev. Alex. Grant, speaking at the Northwest Baptist Convention at Win- nipeg On the school question, declar- ed that to put religion. whether In the form of exerCUses or Instruction, into the state schools was to do the child- ren lnealculable dentate. Tutt MEM 00 WAR. It is reported In Constantinople that Mzt> thousand Kurds in the Diarbektr dlrtrict have revolted and are pillaging the tillages Imdlscriminately. The British naval manoeuvres this week wUl be on a larger scale than heretofore attempted. One hundred and five ships and twenty-two thou- sand men will take part In the ex- ercises. The Ancient sad Honorable Artillery Compan> of Boston visited Windsor. •rd wan Inspected by the Queen, who txpre..ed her pleasure at seeing them. They were afterwards entertained at luncheon In the cantle. Dumber the platform sad make porde s • p•*wbee. FKxuwax is so Oreneem. and b a (everything else for revenue purpose* only, o He was • remdialut in the January rho - (inn ; thea as nee of the "C.atelq . Tedd b e nd Freehnrwcomb nattoa, Ire •rie.i to nen out to the anti-reenedtelt.te, end on Moods, he wee • Topperita. if his medical abili- ties are so more reliable them hie polities sad his pills and powders of err greater viol- as than his polltio•I mere.., thee Heaves help ht. patients, for their owe is hard, in• deed. IIANNO.N TAres PITS And *tie tleemtss Qom' TbaS whew tb ..a. g1IMe daenoe Dm11s s eignen rail, Ile wan Insane. Midsummer arry end' Ont.. July 1& --Tile Assizes opened hen to- day, Justice Ferguson presiding. The emmrt to -day was occupied with civil eases only criminal cam on Use docket to Dat of the Swede. Christina iianeon, charted with being the mum dente oe James 1LsBrn. 'I is /mime was committed on the Rh of last mootb at Seguin Fall& Kr. L. P. Heyd will nes with Crown Attorney Johnson for the prosecution, and the Prisoner Hansom will he defended by W. L Haight, bar - tinter of thin tows_ It le said that Haft - son I. subject to epil.ptle fits and teat he has been attained by 'pease d thle nature more than once emcee MO Inch tl y� bora This Wag the daftweak* sad h ht the de&ee wBI argument for his amnia- taHbd whilst � e . ttae mime was ap the prisoner wail (♦. ase os.Ible. At rho •oaclwnhn et eo- dsy'• pr'ocwaltngs. the grand parr barn Mt Malshed. They mewl at Lem beMwfww moraine and IS a true NIB returese. thui triai will take oleos Sertawitk Hassall A. [M d Settiesea mob has Men Mask isaemsaY. sad hie fseN MewWay ,♦ tltaod M W mein twee le At the reception given In Montreal Y the Major to Vloe-Admiral Erskine 0d the officers of Mer Majesty's mea- t -war IntreVtd and Tartar. Mr. e urier, In rept" to the toast of his ealth, took the opportunity of de- laring, 1n the presence of the British encore. his unswerving losalty lo the Bdtlab throne: CNGLA&&IrIgD. Detroit on Balterday celebrated tot evacuation of old Port Dernoult by the British one hundred year. ago. A scheme V on foot to erect a gigan- tic model of the `lobe In London, on a scale of one -five -hundredth of nature. The Hamilton police prevented the • burial of a child that had died atter A undergoing Christian Science treat- be meat A special from 81. John's, Nild., may. an abundant codfahery Is reported south and weal. It Is pronounced the best fishery for forty taenia A German sub -marine cable company has been formed in Berlin, to ly a gibes by L.G.L. 4ee, se with* stirring addresses were delivered by Mem*. John Russ Robertson. L. F. Clarke end others. rte&tta.r rgMe4nNAL. Baron Hirsch'& widow has d.inated tour million pentads to prom AO the ensigratioe of Russian Jews to Argen- tina The Infanta Eula/le of 8pa'n la 111 London, whore she Is entertained ela- borately during the height of the pee - Gent season. The marriage of Princess Maud of Wales and r'rtnce Charles of Des - mark w111 be celebrated In London on Wednesday. The Queen will be pre- sent. Assistant Engineer E (i. Barrow has been recommended fur the ap- pointment of City Engineer ot Hamll ton In sutxsslon to the late Mr. Has- kins It 1s reported in Parts that the Duc d'Orleans is betrothed to :he Arch- u:uehe•s Dorothy Amelia, daughter of Archduke Joseph. commander of the Auatra.0 l.andrrehr. It 1s announced 1n London that after the naval manoeuvres the Duke and Duchess of York will so to Australia en beard the Blenheim, the fastest cruiser In the British navy. It has been arranged to erect a me- morial to the late Christina Rossetti in Christ Church, Woburn square, London which she attended for neer Iy twenty years. NIr Edward 'Blanc - Jima, bas consented to design a series of paintings for the reredos. It is related of the late Jules Simon that when he was directed to make an 1111c.a1 report on the Parts Ezpoaltun of 1ta89 the amount named for the work was 88000. He. however. of own accord. reduced It to 42400, to the amazement of all olllce-bolder&. intLITIee_ rt/It e:U:N. The Socialist Labor party has nomi- nated C. H. Matchett of Brooklyn for President of the United States. More that SO Nihilists were arrested at 8t. Petersburg during the part week, and a number of secret printing presses were seized. The Italian Cabinet resigned on Sat- urday, and the Margate df Rudlnl, the Pumice was charged by the King to fora: a new Ministry. The silver men had complete control of the Democratic cuntsntion In, Chica- go, and adapted the platform declaring fur fr• e and unlimited silver coinage and taxation for revenue. The C3overnur of Havana has sus- pended the City Council of °menahe- coa, consisting of 25 aid, rmen. The majority of them were autonomists. The secretary, accountant, and several clerks were turned out of their offi- ces. A despatch from Athens says that Russia 1. prompting France to occu- py Crete and hold It against Great Bri- tain's tenure of Cyprus and Egypt. The British fleet has be. n so strength- ened in Cretan waters as to almost blockade the island. As a result of the Brussels elections to replace half of the members of the Chamber of Representatives whose terms t spire, the Catholics gained six seats frons the Liberals, thus dimin- ishing still further the minority of the latter In the Chamber. The new Shah 0t Penta has an- nounced that henceforth public pests, dignities, and military titles will be bestowed solely on the merits of the candidates, and that no money consid- eration will be allowed weight in the matter of appointments. t.'Ael: A LTI Et. Three thousand houses have been de- stroyed by floods on the west coast of Japan. A young man named Albert Fisher was drowned at Brantford while bath- ing. A man named Michael Doyle of the Ashdod settlement of Begot, South Renfrew. was found dead in the bush. Mr. Thomas Doris, a farm mei-vast. fell under his wagon while driving from Peterboro, and was fuatantly killed. The roof of the Presbyterian Church to course a erection at Palmerston fell, kllling a workman named John Whitely. Thirty-one persons were killed and many injured In a collision on an re- cursion train on the Chicago & North- western Railroad near Logan_ Iowa. By the explosion of a Chicago d Northwestern iocomoUve boiler, at TromWy. Mich., on man was killed, and three- others terribly Injured. Archie Remillard of Ottawa was drowned In the South Nation River be- low the city. He was tipped out of a buggy while crossing the river with some companions. Sailing on Sunday Dost three young men their lives John Deckop, 19 years old . John Geppart, 20 years old, and John Ebert., M years old, were drown- ed at the foot of Austin -street. Buffalo, about 4 o'clock. Mrs. Anna Hodgins, wife of Mr. Frank E. Hodgins, a Toronto lawyer, while riding a bicycle in London, Eng., on Wednesday, tainted, and fell from the wheel, and died to a few minutes. A coroner's jury rendered a verdict that she died from spopbezY, induced by sunstroke. CHINK AND CKIIrINAI.M. Burglars took 1600 In oath and 4500 In stamps out of the Clayton poetofiloe on Tuesday nicht. The grand Pio, at the Assizes In Barrie yesterday r turned a true bill against t. m. Hantoiund, for the mur- der of his wife, Katie Tough_ Thieves broke Into the vestry of St. George's Cath Kingston, and after drinking all the wine in sight, ransacked the box containing the Arch- bishop's vestment& James T. McGee of Detroit was called from his bed early in the morning and hot dead by an unknown man. Frank shley was arrested on uusplclon of Ing the murderer. H. G. Hunt, music dealer and man - agar of the Opera Rouse In Bt. Thom- a& Ont., was arrested In that place on the charge of having used postage stamps a wooed time. Harry L. B. Noted, formerly assistant y -master on the Canadian Pacific allway, wan arrested on Friday In ew York, suspected of having ap- propriated 1500p which he stated was ,t from his pay -car in May; At the Assize Court in Rncebrldg, on Tkursday night, the jury In the case of John McKenzie, charged with the murder of John Scott at Severn Bridge last October, failed to agree, and the case was put over to th. neat Aslses. O'Donovan Roma recently called to Ind an old-time friend who had been 0t to the penitentiary, and at once 1 down snj wrote a letter to Gover- Morton, asking for his pardon_ He as somewhat ■tartled to receive a ply stating that his friend had bean ad for three yearn. Arthur le Montagne; • Fran* -Can - an laborer at (swell mills. neer Med*Mown, Ma„ ed two shay at W f.. bock taking effect In her herd. left the hotsand meeting Prod langer, Section boas of the adlan Pao11*c siesta. d.ng..0mlyy wweerim b,m nateray. Bret re head_ Anal. wilt pre r*ty eo,.r. inoon* nay wan the •/- Montagne theta shot alfaae t ea` tight oar. llyteu Ineteatly. cable from Germany to Spain, and H thence to the United Stlltes. N Manitoba crop reports continue_to be of a gratifying nature With favor- 10 able weather wheat has made great progress, and a good harvest h me - one ♦ o osse tet the largest life 'neuron°, cor- porations In New York I. dlscharglag a number of Its clerks owing to unusual dulness 1n Iia beak•& at the present time. m Os Wednesday evening two boys se named P°wle>, aged twelve, and Mo- ea Cullough. aged seven. were playing, nor when the former told the latter to w climb • tree and be would show hint n bow to &boot a tramp McCullough de climbed the tree, and Pnwley procured • shotgun which h. fled at his play- adt mat.. Tie shame entered the l$d's Low left bang. HL recovery Is doubtful vel The two bundtvd and sixth aanjvee- H. tory d the battle of the Boyo. was Bon rhbrnt.d by (tiaadlan Orange's's a many doatnrtettutloe. In Teresa & mons&.* parade was b1�1 s. Natmedag followed by • plonk and games ad 11iklbills° Parti. A hsaeh.em veer Imo the CODERICII BARGAIN CENTRE. Jthis week.l CORSETS Price 50 cf nts, now 39c. EME3ROIDERY Don't fail to see the Embroidery at 3c a yd. SLILOR HATS Price 25c to $1.00, tor 15c. SHIRT WAISTS JAMES ROBINSON. tae !Mt Jt•taara. Toronto. July 15. Floar-Tnde V quiet, with pricer steady. Straight rt. lent are quoted at $3 to *31.10. Turuutu frelgbta Bran --The market is dull, with cars pts changed a 25 tolt $8.50 to *4.75 west, mid starts Wheat -The market L quiet. with demand somewhat restricted. Red wheat is quoted at 01,, U ale west, and white at Vee to Me. Nu. 1 Manitoba hard sold at 51Io *dust Fort William and at OOc roruuto freigkte west. Barley -Trade dull. there being uo de- mand. No.extra 1, quoted at 3Ur to Slc and METAL T CEILINGS No. 3 carts at 'Lk•. Jtri lA1a to-Tbe market remains uWhite sold at lbc outside. and mixed at EAVETKROUGHING 17he west. Peas -The market Is quiet and prices ars unchanged, with sale. at 44c uorth sad west. Buckwbesptu-'rhe market 1s quiet, with us AU Mods of businessae,-Stinnes& cute quotations Ki°emnous. TIN,QMII 1 ANO COPPERWARE lnal at $..tet on tract. REPAIRED. Corn -The market Is dull end prices as changed. ' Yellow quoted outside at Zlc, and mixed at 211*. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. The receipts sat Uve stock to -day were age as heavy as mew, and prints souse psently ruled steady. Shipping cattle sold at 111%. to 8%g per Ib., tae IaUer for euuke lots arty. Bulls brought lac to 8v for the Mat Tbe damned for listeners' cattle was Wow and prices are unchanged. 'rbe Dwmt were 3c per ib. by tie load. medium at 2% to 2%e. and interior at 1%. to 2c. Mile% ewers wild at It;'A to I3tt men. the latter toe choice. Calves sold a1 42 to N mer head, according to quality. Sheap and lash In limited supply and prices are steady. Sheep add at .74c to 3e per Ib. Spring lambs sold from 32 to a per head, according to totality. Hogs In limited supply, &herr beteg 500 head. Tls beet sold at 4e to 4".c. weighed off cart Thick tats are quoted at ✓ 550 stores at 13.50 to 11.74 sows at *2.75 to 11. and stag at 12. CHEESE. Belleville July 14.- At hue hCheese Board to -day 33 factories boarded 24747 white and 505 colored cheese. stales : 270 white at tear, 215 colored ■t tlwr, 5u colored at C 13-16c, 50 white at 6 11 15c. lltgersell, July 14. --carnage, 4147 boxes. balance June make. Males . 51V at he snore balding for name prl e. Markel quiet. Cautpbellfurd. July 14_ -At the Cheese Board here to -night. 745 boxes white lad 1110 colored were boarded ; 2110 white were sold at *$%c ; balance unsold. BRITISH MARKETS. Liverpool, July 1t-Wbest, spring, 45 ltayd to Ih 04; red winter, M 1d to rte 3344: No. 1. Col.. *s 34 W 5a 344d ern, 24 10110." pee M 71)!d ; pork, 45e sad ; lard, 30s sit ; tal.ew, ITs Od ; bacon, heavy, 1e., 33s 04 ; do., Sgbt, l.c., 21s ; do., heavy, 23s Id ; cheese. new and colored. 34s ed. London-Openlog-Wheat off coast quiet and steady, oa steadier. English country markets sten y. Mals• off coca( quiet, on passage rather Omer. i•iverpoo.l t wheatsteady tut ufee qut`ste1orul��sag.. Sept hOidfoNovMahe01l Ys sad for July, 2s 11464 for Aug., 2. 11%4 for Sept. and 3. 031.4 for Oct Flour, 15. 9d., I'arle-Msrte ts closed. London -Close -Wheat off carat steady. or passage nominally unchanged. Malas on passage fleas Lr hod for Clow -meat future') steady at H 104,d for NJotoe. Mvieptqu sad Os Oct. sad 441 tor July. 2s 11'rd ter Aug'e`2s `11%dOtooi Sept. and 3s fur Oct Flour, 15s 94. At earn dens os Mondry afternoon over • thousand of oar visite,, were ea the &meth pier •t the same time. SANDUSKY, WINDSOR, Detroit and Sault Line. Leaving Swadwtt every Mooday and Thursday eight et /� r.n., calling at WWI - Mr. Detroit, Oourtwrtsbt. Sarnia OodrleL KIncerdlse, Dort algia. fouthamptoe,thrmo�� Saul ay aad North ChentW to the For rams and all lafarmetlsa Address C. P. R. or O. T. R What west.. or WM. LEE, Goderich. G. W. BROWN, Windsor, General Manager. 77 tm VISITORS Should not fail to call on us and nee our lines of FINE NNIDLEWONgt FANCY GOODS, &c. Inc. We will be plead to see you and show our good& THE FAIR. Wan Pio a as Oat AIM/ CANADIAN and AMERICAN V OKSEL'S NEW FURNACES is jout the thing for small Muses. °all and emit at WORSELL s co., A Careful Buyer Will 'sleet his goods oartdly, have W Moths. made right, sad pay the right tied of • prise for 'them. Yee may rest asserted when yea ply your order with s year i& - tarsals will be carefully premixed. N. me .haws as ea extensive s line se we de, beautiful soods.ead .dd as a egmre saes will @sable you to save tsleeey, PRIDR &M ma ?mai*: NOW OPPN The Balmoral Oatfe The prettiest and hest -Furnished Cafe Welt of Toronto - • - • - At This Balmoral may M &staled ICES of prtnot make .ad Bever, by the dlab or erwor. and the mistime fomottal. Is slimy, ehmr(M wM► the levet of bver.ps. oo�r�Ns aFEcrm rimes are .eta for eau Purity. raver sad Presbassa T=AB OOFFEE .rod LUIIiC7 serval at all lourm fPial as/ Family Parties with laws, Mqs Lemehee, eta supplied SImoisonablo FRUITY orf No. 1 quality always is st•@t. KES. J. J. WALSH. JAB. YATICS 4 =trial* Jas. 11tel1,seaea Wall Papers and Window Blinds Selreol ROOKS • SIIPPLJEI "Mlea'sle rias s J•YEI TATES