The Signal, 1896-7-16, Page 141114
Foe Ors Tsai
CELEBRATING THE 12TH. 1 £ O 47 Baal.
Ortltat Oathertas at Oodwrloh.
rpbeMbms fibs Sleebsa, nese and Om-
stestt•b 1Nmary sr alts Winans N
a sof- .w Use Say was hate
bmsesd -A large tesresree.
ON Monday morning the town w
▪ ve. ,bass of ear ottixsns who Mantled
I 8ttsetaerbdBawl.
l Fite and Drone Ba.
L. 0 L 928,►nll.
" 346, bedew
" 313, Barmiest
" 317, Wwssesk.
The has formed by the proms/mos ex
tended maarly are mita, •.d the 'sadism
lodge was sometime Is the Park before the
laid one had left the starting point. The
amuse followed was &Iosg Noises .sd Haw
Ulm els, the south .ido et the Naar. sad
Wee, street Alms/ the route thousands
as ot people were .tetteBo
.ed std the ase from
start to faith was most ppileotluarrales ine,the vr-
to loos uniforms of the Orsyomes and the
bright summer dresses of their lady 1rsesd.
forming • peculiarly chaining minima
Shortly after the last lodge had entered
the ground., the chairman, county master
of Moth Huron, Bro. John Neil, of Cos -
trolls, called the meeting to order, and said
that • program had bees placed in his
hands, the Bret tum of which was an ad-
dress by the obairman, and as presiding of.
Boer be could not but feel pleased at tb.
S very large withering He mewtiooed that
ha only • few day. previously a friend had said
ho to him - " Nal, don't you think Oa -stream
le dead ` " and added that he oely wished
that that (Mod was present, as he would
point to Use vast assemblage before him for
has Lamer He then mentioned his tows -
ship, Biddulpb, as the abode of many teas
Or.sgemen, and while admitting that there
was sometm., come little trouble in the
maoimp.hty, declared that Orangemen were
al sot the mum. After stating that he bad
filled nearly every r.fftoe in the gift of his
brethren and had been • member of the
Society for over twenty years. he oonoluded
• smid cheers.
' Rev Bro. s•out, of Holmesville, Chap-
lain' of the county, was the first speaker h.
troduced, and he made a very vigorous ad -
oast fee the exported visitorsWag ag early
astir. sad the people from tadjoialag
towering, ermseeaotng to arrive before 7
o'clock, helped the bustle. By 8:30 Habil
ton-et, and in taut every *teemwhere •
stable was in view, wee tilled
ee with oosvey-
saothat bad breath Orangemen and their
trtento 'awns
Tho Jay opened with • heavy -looking ek
sad towards 8 u'clook ram fell lightly, los
Old SA sem shone forth and dispelled t
mists that had been hovering over t
town. an from thence until the departure
of our rumen the day was • perfect ease
Mir oils
As regards deoorato.., a walk round the
oorporauon showed that three arches had
been erected, daa being the material.
There wee o.. near Sloan's warehouse, o..
•t the Seu•re end of (Fest-st and use
the west end of ,stpredapredate,-st. No ptwas
mode to decorate beyond tacking streamers
scraps than, the uon beset -n having
'• God Save t11. **IODIC; that on 11'est•st
'• 1'anada Forever,' and that on Hamilton
st, " Welcome. No Surrender "
Shortly before ten the local Iodizes we
•round town, and aided by the town Irian
kept up a musical interlude until they
marched to the G. T. R. depot to weloom
the brethren by the first trip. As s000 se
the tint en were unloaded, the lodges
formed up and led by the mounted members
of the committee end the town band
mar, had to the $,fuare. This procedure
was followed Mob wine the four following
trains arrived at the et.11011.
Regarding the number of viaatore present
various estimates have been formed, one
gentlemen placing the number at tweet)
tbou,•od. W• think the number was is
the neighborhood of nine thousand, as
three thousand eight hundred come in by
rail, and a careful oomput•taon enables us to
place the number arriving by cameras at
five thousand two bemired.
Wh.o .11 had been 000dueted to the
hotels or places where they were to dine,
things were moderately lout, but as soon
•s the toner mar was satisfied, most of the
lodges formed around the standard, and
drums, fifes and bands played with the
utmost vigor. Shortly before 2 lodges
beg... the march to the old cricket ground
where the start for the grand parade wet to
be made, but on account of the law arrival
of the Stratford train, at was fully an hour
before the lodges were all present. At last
the start was effected and the column en
rate for the Harbor park was formed of
the foilowinr,
God.,ob Bram Bud.
Maple Grove Fife and Drum Baled.
L 0 L 1044, Maple Lead.
" 219, Greenway.
Nile Fife and Drum Bead.
L 0 L. 1062, Nile.
Auburn Bram Rand.
L 0 L. 932, Auburn.
963, Blyth.
924, F:rets.
" 324, Dungannon.
Gederioa Towa.hip Fife and Dram Band.
L, O. L. 145, l,oderich Tow -reship.
Bluevle Bead.
L. O. L. 766, Bluevale.
" 928, Summorhlll.
" 1210, Moray.
Goderlab Township Fife and Dram Band.
L. O. L 189, 7th Cos. Ooderieb Town-
156, Rirr.
" 1450, 8e•fartle.
Credito. Fife and Drum Band.
L O. L 1343, Crditoa
7, Leaders O. V. B
" 24, Hayfield.
" 306, (.derieh Township Tree
" 243, Blasvale, O. V. B.
" 153, Colleges*.
Belfast Fife sad Drum Bead.
L 0 L. 499, Belfast.
W istmn Bram Band.
Fera Lodge, lady Tree Blues,l W imgbam.
L O. L 794, Wiseman.
466, Blanchard.
493, Hild
Woodiness' Fife •sd alpt.= Bard.
L. 0 L. 492, Weodbaase.
591, Kirktes
" 707, 8t. Mary's.
• 710, Clinks.
Lem Fife and Drum Band.
L. 0.L.A9 0p8.
14 794
" 806. lefties.
Centralia Fib and Drum Band.
1 O. L 610, Oestrslisz.
11, Lesion City.
230, Lends* gash
Mask Chapter, 298, Levies.
•• 146, Landes.
Fido sed
L O. L. 303, LesiTownship.
792, Hermann
" 384, B1.ftsbasl
•' 308, Hills Often
Stratford Fife •si Drams Bard.
L O. L 759, 8trstdad.
, Mothers.
Walks F sad Dram
L. O. L 1066, Fees..
" 262, A altos.
Iwftdsft: owasNr
Fite mei Demo Bas.
L O. Witte/ham
Mord. Fife sad Dram Bead.
L O. L 471, Morris
AIt• O.Y.B.
L 0. L 73, rot Deas BmfttL
Tru. Bases.
IgM re.. O. Toth lief= L14Ws.
&+fr lie sal Dram 't
dregs of an hour's duration It was wit
piersare that he met hie fellow Orangeme
thon such an occasion, and he felt sure tba
em who were sot members • f the Order
• in sympathy with Its vrand principles.
If a.m had any function to perform. •
it was to uphold those principles of rho Re.
formative which have made nation' pro-
sperous slave their inception. Christ,anit
even in Route Itself was onoe pure, and
could call itself the primitive church, but i
most he ooctanded that the supremacy -
universal supremacy—wse never reposed in
it either by seraptiftp nor by primitiv
Christianity. It was found that the
church, so called, whiob-.professed ('hrist
unity, the principles entrschted by the
Lord Jesus Christ, when it heloses corrupt-
ed through the leaven of Plegasha, it tuts
ed out not to be the church of the Meek and
Lowly, but the persecutor. It became the
first example of persecutiog the principles
of Christ, and it was today, the speaker re-
gretted to say, the only commautty profess.
hg the Christian man, . h .. Inculcates the
principles of perseout-ng for re"."rets opin-
ions. It was said sl.. tow 1' c.tant re-
ligions also psrsecu•• d That y .:ranted,
but from whom ems it 1 -erru It sae
loomed from the de: .v 1'e r•..• of Rome,
which had learned i•e mistake •t ,1 was now
the only reliance.- t.emmunry that for
hundreds of year.. 1 ••i sit f.•r• n the engine
of methane against all that disarmed watb
her. The speaker then referred to many
historioal events of ancient times in which
the battles for Protestantism had figured,
and observed that whose%er a oountry re-
lieved itself of the shacks's of Romanian
literature and arts flourished. The forma-
tion on the Society of Jesus in 1540 by
Ignatius Leola wee also spoken of, but the
reverend gentleman claimed it was impro-
perly named, as the society of Satan would
have been a more appropriate title for it.
It was formed with the object of oounter-
soling the work of the Reformation, 100
yrsre alts which England again stood an
the dark shadow of Romanian. Next the
speaker referred to ooastitutiotal tights,
and to pasnag on he asked why hod tits
Orson Order existed. It would seem hast
the Doors. some (Mangano pureed 1ha1 ft
was formed for the assistasoe of Massimo.
He took the side of the Supreme Grand
Master, N. Clarke Wallace. Think of the
grand majority that was rolled up for him
in the loose election. ALA Orangeoan
would be ashamed to stand by him ! Time
was when the speaker did sot agree with
Wallace, but whoa be (Wallas) mad u•
wording to the principles of Orangeade and
.eeotdimg to ooasoicsee be (the epmker)
mold agree with him, wad the grand stand
he took reosntly.
" What about Leerier!" asked asste-
body in the orowd.
' We are gobs to sec what Laurier will
do," replied Ube meaty (aerials. "If we
carry out the 1rs principles of the Order
we Is Leerier to take ear God -elves vis-
a** from os. Give s the spirit ft the
sacs who fought N Derry, the sees who
Willi Allred to live spas vermin and few
hide ; sive s the spirit of mesh mem and we
will defy Laurier sad say Grit se Tory
Govt amest which stay test. Is." Ccs -
finals', the speaker pestered the sail of
W UUam on a Protectant wind tc Ire -
• wiled (give. Is answer to the pray-
ers of all Borland. There, is the mvmgs
wilds of that IiIN. bland, es the bogies;
banks el the Beyer, se July1201, 1690,wes
leant • battle of mere stpertans teas
Waterloo, • battle is smstsstoratiami of
whisk the Onegeness aU ever the world
were oeldestiy today. Re-•dsse ever
bad a witness. mod • great deal bad bean
Mate .f It INdy. h surged tory form of
rollicks that W tee agree with le. Men
than that, she mays tied es seem es she *b-
and liberty wesM be at an end.
Next Jambe caste Ile far • seven
roaring, the speaker maybe that if the
Roman C1Mit•lle. were leo psb-msd by the
sad 11. Jeruib0.Noy meld shako
•.ds wM1 Oho Freeness,. Is se endeavor
le elevate the .ail irides of our beloved
bad. The seethe el rho Nwreby se .b-
lah sivwl demist= tea the Peps. hew -
over d.trevery y filed fear whisk
wesjd etlberwbe edge behreele Preasehme
salad Moles. " L maim m paled. " nttld
N. reverend resNssos is s•m•hdltl& " lea
gas my M le se part of the .Mlrai ee of Or-
ai i le he wedded w hong es self
Ii1ien1 party Moister. No keelp•
tic T booty of is Is the ebb-
bbep-s ee the Orange order, and V Or so.
stn . by free el soy sts}rMy ei MiIV•lel
e re es be sweet t bee mese of their
prithiples. Mims I soy lases theal petioles
ed is the bylaws et . order 1 alter the Mae a.d Stripes so is.,. them he
p Gla could serve two toasters oos•'' ouNoUy.
y pr Wpbs " God Save the guess 000loded Inc
par proceedings.
Use Sonia
, and
ies be
r y -
se at
1t at
not be
, r (kayo
did t t•ka the stamp, rho l ese•m
olio hierarch did, fee told the u
et the Orange lodge higher tam env
1 k soder the esu Fivese
Fiver reemb.r
r1erose day of William .ad the Boys,
above, and beyond that the glri
apses san
se of oar Refereed Cbrti
Stead by theprt.otples • let jest
dose." ao
Rev. Mr. Carrie, a superasated oleo
Inas, resides. is Gsderlob, was lite
speaker. H. said he could sot feel
there wereasons why espeoaa.
nasul plea
should be takes it the •iesry el
Battle of the Boyles this year. 11
to hint that there was wmmi time arosg,
reminded him of the Irishman, who in
hurry to save his little property fr
burning bowl. rot part of his cloth/mg
inside out. On noticing Me mistake,
Irisbmao remarked that be hod got a li
bit of . twat. Such was the fooling of
.peaks. C:oetrary to •II •dvtoe, he
liev.d the society 11.d beer used a • k
of pulauoal machin., and he c••.tsidered
that the best thing every member oould
was to bee* • hale tem Groom, a little
Tort um, and • little more l'rotestaat
He was intuited in a Manitoba boor w
that province was uoder Fr.ach Gov
meat. When the lodge was beglnui.s
grow to .treorth it was moved to • lar
place, but soon the Government got alt.
and endeavored to wipe It out. It
there the speak.. learned hie Orange,
and although be was under French Gov
meat a seoond time, he thought he could
out of it .gain. They would have to
carefully Io the future, becau.s ma
Roman I:aholacs and .iso many weak ko
Protestants were becoming Impre.eed w
the ides that the sols object of the or
was the persecution ot the Church of Ro
On the contrary, tab. Orangemen were no
p.rseouttng.oc:sty, but • society advenci
Protestant prtoctples, willing to let Cat
Iles live in far trot• pesoe than the Catholics
n allowed the I'rotutant• in early tames.
1 . The conwitutios and bt -:ass wen founded
'es the Bible, but they simmered down to
the belief of Willem of Orange, who said,
'The laws of Eugland sad the I'roteet.ut
religion we will maintain.' The order oom-
pelted no mao to vote Grit or Tery. It.
7 stembers were not priest -redden ; they were
not tar sale, and that was why they had
1 their freedom, and It also partly amounted
- for the divided vote gives not long ago.
They were not hindered from doing their
iG duty in any retract, although attempts
I might be made to interiors with them. The
- Ispeaker, continuing, raid the Order could
pot have such principles as it had without
1 the outward emblems, which wouid never
- i be given up. He hoped he would to dead
Ibetore a simile emhem was hidden under -
seat b a macs coot ta,l. Further, he
thought It was bettor to drown with Ow
prioctples than to swim without them. A.
1 to sear
pate schools he did not care if they
were oon.titution•1 10,000 times over ; be
l knew they were cot for the benefit of the
The True Blue fudgee ail looked excised -
hotly seat.
All the factorial to town were abut down
for the day.
The 1% au411.m head looked •xesedinitly
seat. and played as well .s they looked.
The paper in Highland oatumse that led
elm of the lodges was a very great •ttruo-
For harmony in dress, uniferseit
.tat ore sod general appearance the Weed
ham lodge took the Dake.
1 araageu.en deserve credit for one thing
anti that is that whets they oelebraw
vicarious 12th they always .aka their wives,
their sweethearts and theobiidreo wile
them.TheseThe were two or three bioyole upsets,
and and it r • woods that there wore not
now more, for LW mw
any Itances riders who had
do served very short apprentioeships were
lees often seen 1n dangerous positions.oes
so'• tof the most exciting awns@ of the
bee d.) was that at the *tattoo duribg the du
•rm- rotors of the traiue, the rush to vet .Mts
tD being eometbtng oet er toter* seen in I:ode
ger rich. Shortly alter nix then most have
r at, been fully four thousand people at the de
Is u
pot, and as all crowds] on or mar the plat •
61". Corm to n • compact mathe vow of peeked
a. A. res • eeuaarkable rsossdesy 1.
entry •rsfisres.
Les -
nu other an la the realms tab
loom:lee ha■ 1t been given to strike
out so many new lines Nul only was
hu. geulus pr..Ufic 1n tterlf• but It bad
the lo.wvr an a high desire of reeder-
eis others prolific. 1t 1s worth while
to set out to order some maniples of
the new forms originated by 1'oe. To
begin with, he was the Inventor ot
the "detective novel," which In theO
hands of Wilkie CWhoa, Gaturls., De
h 1Wlagubey, and Later, Dr. Conan Doyle,
• bar enchanted so many minds, and. as
Mr. Andrew 1ag sings, has srs
ea1 so many a weary mile of railway
tis travel. "The Murders In the Rue
Morgue.- and 'Th iseetery of Marie
Reset," and 'The Purlotned Letter. '
•re perfect examples of the detective
•Wry. There Is In them all that llter-
ary chem -playing which so delights us
In Wilkie Collins, and 1n them eau we
find the Prototype. or rather arche-
type, of the famous Sh-.rlork Holtz/lee.
Poe's claim to hate originated th.•
novel of scientific imagination, is
equally good. Jul.. Verne', happy
knack or mixing up the most daring
fights of imagination with large doses
of popular silence was ffret worked
out by Poe, and with wonderful suc-
cess, in -The Adventure or One Hans
Piaall." Here the method of narra-
tive 1s exactly that atdcwted thirty
years later In 'The Journey to the
Centre of the Barth, or the Voyage of
the Nautilus,"
Another form of modern romance,
which may be said to have been or-
iginated by Poe 1s the type of story
which Is half a tale of travel, and
adventure in savage lands. and half
a tale of the marvelous. Mr. Rider
Haggard In bootie like "'She" and
"Allan Quatermaln." is the- most con-
spicuous user of this form, out there
have. nr course, been hundreds o:
others alto. though less successfully.
bare written of strange and magical
people in unknown land,.. In the "Nar-
rative of A. Gordon Pym," we get just
this mixture. The end of this romance.
Irdeed. to put the cart before the
borne. reads exactly- like a Piece ole:
'Jr one of Mr. Haggard's books. Vett'
fwehibly Mr. Haggard to ver read the
book: but' even if he baa not it Sias
affected him through the atmosphere
of modern fiction. In the rnarst,• way-.
consciously or uncomiclousty, the late
Mr. Louis Stevenson Walt Indebted to
Poe for many M his most striking
Idea,. He did not, of course. plagiarise
Ate any more than Mr haggard. but
cut many a graft from tin- fruitful
stem of the American Journailart.
"The Cntid Rug." with Its, memories
of Kidd and his treasures. its Btahop'.
Minitel, and Its map and cryptic direc-
tions- un Iueetlonably suggested part of
the machin•-ry u.' "Tr tweire !eland." ,
though of course Mr. Stevenson
finitely improved what he borrowed
Pau wean originated what. for want
of a better nam.-• we must call the !
p,ychiral story. "William Wilson" is
nothing like as good a story, or as
striking s piens of literature. se eke
tale of Hyde and Jekyll, but les
author's claim to have Invented the
method used by Mr. Stevenson :vi
clear, may. again. claim to have
Nen before M. Zola or Flaubert In de-
ve!oping the realistic method. In
nothing was he more skillful than in a
minute and elaborate parade of de-
tail, supported by a technical termino-
logy, exactly- appropriate to the mat-
ter of ha nal. which gave an lat.Or
phare of reality and of closeness to
the object.
Ona lght easily elle up other ex-
amples of the originating character of
Poe's genius. He invented the roman-
tic short story In which though the
hero and the other charaoters are
modern men, they move In & dim
world of crumbling cantles and de-
moniac ladleaand hear. thr.tigh magic
easements, opening on minty lakes, the
thunders of the storm. and the cries
of the dying; while even above the
rear of She tempest 1s beard the mut-
ter of monsoonal voices bewailing the
ruin of their line. Such tater, to
Prance and Fingfand, have been tried
by many imitators; but in these
strange. fantastic, and somewhat
sstagey hotvors. Pae hap always re-
mained supreme, and Mose who have
borrowed the tight have never suo-
oeeded In making It burs the brlgbter,
or rather with a more IIH1 Intensity
of green and blue.
Lastly. in the matter of tales of pure
horror, Poe was a pioneer. lie ors
used, with anything 11th eo.s0ioua-
nesse or esoo.•s, the mos erethic• but
now soerow•hat titrea0bare aniline of
ammonia. a shame. • horror. a Qr'i riss.
te.0 terrible, too sterna for wends. ft
meet be oo.dew.d that Pee was en -
tamely wcc'erdd in bis soirgemtto .
et' Me nsnveTeia honor. Dy taking
ewe to be very spomro h ick narra-
Mon an retards e►orgthlag genie In his
desorietlen of tem room er MSS theme,
sarep( the Wier b. Sees set describe,
he eoeblanos to waste as atme.pbere
.f meaty offish greatly blehtes• the
street. Tia baasiw makes all vague
and sooty. Pee narrows his vague -
new downs to the one point where he
assist he vague. Of course, the name-
less, ledencrtbable horror g, only a
literary oonjuriag trick. 41U1. Foe
dors the trio* with over shWty.—
Londos Spectator.
°r humanity was extremely rntereaunr.
101 The trans arrived from different pointe
Dy as follows :
sed fit here Time of No. of Pew-
its from arrival coaches .ager,
der Wingham... 10:00•m, 9 671
me. fit Ingham sass 10:30 7 300
t a Stratford .. . 11:00 10 1075
ng London ... 11-36 10 875
ho. Stratford .... 10:00 11 974
ilr. Freeborn, of t baton, was the :.s
speaker. After expressing his unbound
pleasure at wito.e.tne such • large garb•
ing of Orangemskihe said the day's outlo
must be gratifyitrg to the South Huro
workers. What wu the reason ot such
large assemblage! It was that the pri
coda of the order were deer to the he.r
of the people. The queettoa had been of
asked why the 12th of July was celebrated
and in return be would ask why observe th
first of July, Raster iunday or any oth
holiday ! It was merely to ebow appreoia
Moo .f events which had brought abou
some advantages, and Orangemen were col
backing up the principles which had mad
their order a power in the land. He had
objectioo to 1t bemuse It was a seers
society, u many had. Then were
is every family, in every Governme',t, be
twee. the general and the officer under him
which it would never do to divulge to t
men in the ranks. He trusted the broth
would not forget themselves so tar as t
give the enemies a chane to point them ou
se being unworthy to belong to the 'society
There were men is the land who wool
enter the Orange Order for mooed, mer,en
are and political object.. Seek ales how
ever, could set be loyal to the constitution
..d .0.1d not be depended upon to mar
their ballot. properly. Some hst.nt•
had hese hoard over the ardlo. the Onions
mos had taken jest recently, and th
Orasemen bad just caw to feel son th.
the Freed were master. of U m situation
The speaker this let out at Mr. Laurier
asking what lee had said about the schen
sones. He (Laurier) had called It • half-
hearted measure ; the the Tupper Bill was
only the shadow of • sbstans. " Well,
you know, ethane events met their shadows
ere,' said Or. Freeborn, "sad what you
may therefore export from Mr. Laurier,
with shout 150 members bolded him who
have either voted ler or Modred themselves
M vete foe remedial Iegislattou. We may
expose thee he will gf ve his mim.risy friends
h Ma it ha their 8.paeste esho.b. Leek
hark at the time RMI was hems ; them v'arr
OWNS said the Tories had better w .s de It.
basses they wore afraid of the Fr.ssh
people is Qsubo.. Aad whom Ala Jobe
Theatre's •esesoed r. the Hesse of Com
seems the& the law woad Mks Ib theme le
the ems. they bused method and booth M
bowl, tic it wee deem .only le appals
les h1.4-Sbisety Or•.gostas. Same of ms
will am** serer el ear ways before She
most 126h el July. This party bas always
raised the rase mod greed gsfiiian. b Cam -
ads. sed what w yea =pest of sash a
pity as Nott Wise am veep sense* .f
the rep mmsesei em M Hos !
A veise—NN stash.
Dr. Freeborn — De you Shish they will
re bask ea Mr. Libros, le -i yt NN mud
—d—N t W-=bl. tzip weld the even fire your
Smithy itherpeaseles Moth would enable yes a hill el
marry es lib benreass r yew Girder.
e Osier s.dtienes is path.
bt.•y. will de lee yen is the Neste. ( HOW. 1
desosN lm L, 48. deathamid
p pt7t_Mml_ loss, ho he add is
Ike old p.Ns,, df Nay Bked w se
ems kr Nmldwim Srmilh, Mahe Of
eve. Dom . and that .ssemea
Nes dela e bmf gffkor) U
mem of the Maw rag badges than a•
M Jai. he wadi M sod the soder t eller
Ile man swill severe Mould Seg soli bmtar.r
Miss McLaren is vetting m Toronto.
)Iles A. King. ot Detroit, te to t:odericb.
Mr.., of Toronto, is valting Mn. R.
Rack' dt..
L. D. ,Vines t, of Fleeter, eau in •'..n
the pest week.
Moe Lewis left town on Mond., oe •
visit to Europe.
Harty Hill left ye.:rrday on lou retursto
Brandon, Mao.
Mass (:rant returned to_her home, Chat-
ham, this week.
V. Sloan. of Chicago, was among ear
guests last week.
Bert Smith, of Toronto, Is visiting at the
faintly residence
AI( Bennett, late of this othce, is rusticat-
ing at Port Albert.
Mies M. Parsons left yesterday on a visit
to the tJueen City.
Dr. and Mrs. Holmes left the past week
for the Motherland.
Mr. and Mn. tY 1'roudloot left ::so on
Monday for Eogl•et.
Limnos Inspector Paisley, of Clinton, was
In town on Tuesday.
Mess M. Rower, of Detroit, Is visaing
(:odericb and vtcIoii' .
Jas. 1). N •,Ire, of Culumbua, Onto, was is
(.oderioh the past week.
D. McDonald left yesterday on a two
weeks. visit to Muskoka.
Jno. Ament, of Brussels, was in the
oospty town baa Thureduy.
Mho Armstrong, of Saginaw, u •podia(
• couple of weeks m Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. F, E. Hutchins, of Toledo,
Ohio, were an town this week.
Mw Mary Sharman is spending the
holiday term at the family rstdeaoe. East
H. M. Posaeset, of Sarnia, of the Coes&
Life, was in town on an °thole! visit the
past week.
Mist Gertrude Pesten, of Brampton, is
airbag at the residers of Mr. and Mr= J.
W. Vanatter.
Mies sad Min Nellie MoCorm•c, of Wal-
bagfe.rd, Cosa., are visiting M I a laselly
wide.o., Cherokee,
Croquet sets at met. The Fair.
The hotels did • big business os the lilt
Orders takes for flee needle and busy
work. The Fair.
Tho early rein c Monday heaped very
stud to keep down the dot.
Thele was • .noisiest supply of drinking
water tor the theins and. in tows on Mer.
We sestinas to keep movulties sad ea.
show prosy ideas ie hooey work. The
Rev. Jos. Edge will presoak en Oso
itg Kingdom seri Sabbath strsi g,
The Ladies Aid e1 Nerds st Methodist
shush dined 700, and bad 360 for supper is
Curtis, and Skating risk os Monday.
The e•sdid•tes wri*ag for let and led
elan oestidsuss os Mandy most have bad
a bard lista as the sever-e.seimg male el
the drums sad the teethes( .f the pipes pee -
oersted every building la O.dsriy,
The Dispatch arrived frost Sarah Son -
The Ae•di• is orpseted is cis Sat.rday er
Dbp deb remised to Sarnia es Me.
The .W. Clemons was ie poet es Saber.
day, homed north.
The Umbria was as lee's leek es Sun-
day es her d.wowmd trip sad swim yes
te day.
The tens will likelyleave for the Isl
lm a w weeks and Leh ands
loanthere 0h. raft elf tin.
The bug Aar strived es Saturday hese
Teli,and her p-panMeer--.-. sps M.
ay le sews.
Jas. Or•lig .hipped • member of them es
e Desks;sht se ' as Beath Bay
The whether Yeomen ,-.nlyed b pert es
Seeduup fetor Oen 4.; .118 t tore el lum-
ber and soder hr N.The Dyst...
rived ` es r bor`thrwfft. el 8 7 •r.
anal rest fanelesd M ember wails.
S tom et
Tim Griot from the Leal KILL
A Weedy Wow ee Qans•e mewls S.rvsd
up ee esi. everybody - Pats aid
robot snipped and CCeadessed
Dram aver, n«H...
Mates : The sum of $1141 67 barn.Ire.dy
bees spent on the streets and sidewalks of
town this year.
Chases : Walt. Coats lost a valued
o.ear as Tumidity, by the bottom drooping
out ofthesage.
Grey : The latest addition to the Homo
of Refuge M R Wallace, of Grey, who ar-
rived on Friday
Clinton : Thos. K Grigg, a native of
Clinton. and nephew of W. Grigg, died at
Regina, suddenly, on Wednesday last.
Hearn : Jas. Hattie moved to Hensall
this week, where he hr rented the Com-
mercial Houle for a term of five years.
Cowrie" . The voters' heti for Ciboria
township hat been teamed. It oontaias 856
names, 415 of whom are entitled to serve as
Rru..eb : P. Hawke, of Baden, ha bees
appointed manager ot Bruseele 11.. mill as
.s000saor to Wm. Bright, who resigned b. -
cause of 111 health.
Zurich : Monday while raising a barn,
Chu Treffry fell off the build•ng into the
oallar, • distance of about 'iii feet, and wes
badly hurt about the arm, shoulder and
Exeter : Thos. Hatter, while putting
pars green on the potato vines Monday,
wee accidentally poisoned. He took • chew
of tobacco on which proved to be paris
green With the aid of emetics be soon re- `
Clinton : Drs. Elliott, of Detroit, Gum,
of ('liaton, and Armstrong, of Brumfield,
caned • very cntioal operation on Wm.
akin on Wednesday last. They removed
some broken bones.
Clinton : Dunne the put week nearly
55,000 of the original High School deben-
tures, issued twenty years •go, have bees
paid off, but as they were paid through the
rain ue of other debentures, the debt of the
town ,s .till the same.
Holmeeville : Mus C. Mulholland left on
Tuesday for Berlin, en route for Chaplain,
where she exports to arrive At
7 o'clock Thursday evening .he will be mu
tied to W. R Cole, formerly of the Clinton
foundry, who is at present titling • ver )• re-
sponsible position as bookkeeper for • large
firm of that plate.
Morita : On Thursday of out week Jean
beloved wife of Robert Scott, died at the
. home of her daughter, Mrs.I W Il1iam Ames,
5th line, aged 76 years. Deceased was the
eldest daughter of James lambert, who for
35 .years was tanner and manager of the
estate of Mr. Pringle, .t 1'•ir, Selkarkehire,
Scotland, on the banks of the river Tweed.
Grey : Wm. A. Turnbull, who completed
his term at the Ottawa Normal hobool, has
gone to Manitou, Manitoba, on a visit to his
Mother Thome.. The latter has been in
the %%est for the put 5 years. For several
years his was ,o the employ of the great
Ogilvie Co., but is now ruoomg • planing
factory and lumber yard at Manitou. W.
A. Turnbull has • let cls certificate and
may teach the young idea in the Prairie
Provioee if a suitable opening offers.
Exeter : A. 1. %tepee, .on of W. Zinger
of the Meteotolitaa, has returned from St.
Jerome'. College, Berlin, to spend a few
weeks' vaoation with hu papists. During
his three years at St. Jerottse's, he has ear-
ned of creditable leurele,takingsix medal..
T1so year he captured two, one for Logics
and Ontology, riven by the very Rev. T..1.
Dowling, D. D., Bishop of Hamilton, and
the other tor Cosmology and Pysobology,
riven by Dr. N. Kiefer, ot Roobester, N. V.
W• understand be purpose. going to Europe
in the course of a few weeks when he will
take an advanced course in Mental Philo-
sophy. —
The Melons Sahibs.
Tho are eaehinly not the days of °bteal-
ry sad romans ; et long haired poets and
olinring females. 1 he tendency se toward
the prootised and eves the iovestiose sow. -
days are mostly objects of utility, .ome-
thing which eaves time and gives oestfort
sod se. We are quick to •ppr.ot.te a•d
use anything which Inc,.,... our comfort,
ssp.oially if it be in the way of olothiag.
Lot say body mos realize the magnificent
healthful warmth whbh Fibre Chamois
will add to hie clothing and be will o.rtain-
ly be provided with this Isexp.ndve equip-
ment against all freaks of the weather.
This interlfaing is made from pare setas
fibre and is • complete nes-eesdesthe of
both heat and oold so that the layer .l le
through oletbinet keeps out the Genoa
winds and preserve. the natural hest of the
Age serum 'setae their tabs MIM Belated at
Ms edits win lave • free asides i•serrN
h vis list us to the Wawa' males.
These well be .old by ppttWle mamma se
0smley's •settee rooms. lMilts-et,(Jede-
dsb. es 8aterday. July 2fi, • gest• ises
hem. beams ease ea W 11. LR. W., Ca1-
brs bewadip.
The (7armana was Is pert es Water-
house/ far N. Rover.
The Nes Q...n arrived es 8•tsrda, hem
the Desks and left es for niers en Men-
e emume.
The es -Quasi Ullsok•lesi made • roes•tie
maniere. " cosies U1 " was thea • Mask,
bee measly, prisms., mod 11., "future," as
advestsre,, last arrived set Hawaii. 1ha
primes., food of este, was abnormally
ambition. to bosom • slagae. The whiten
is Heoolsle were.mslmdve people. who did
set reaaeulm theft the meshy of the Wand.
Jobs 0.04.1., who same .1. "geed laseily,"
wash • way the leader of the est Be wag -
rested to • prosetwt lady elf N. Wand
that she •besld invite the $b..... le a
w ires, and this septemies eras dtimateiy
.d 8o " Lil same sad was reodvd
esu gle. One of the Bret utak.,
I hoe the prises= made wee se propene 1s
Woke Fagli.►—
I harr. flag F..giish msg. M. sing ler
yob r.
Demists. *earthly admiring( It, seem -
peeled bar. She meg ter bell ea beer, le a
savage. ▪ tea g Whoa .he w thinhethot 4 6. toys .ids
✓ esod and Gehl—
" Wei yes deb el my dlleg, .h 1"
whew There Lar.. terAsmlllhaoim. ss god.. L. 10
pad.. 1.4behalf ef D.a sane o the •
_ ogmal M ses•dor.
gemmed. go amid r
..rise/ the aOssies el the
ptiamw and aAorwards sereNd hoe.