The Signal, 1896-7-9, Page 4THS SIGNAL • GODERICH• ONT.. THURSDAY. JUNE !, INC fir $inzl, IS IIIIVRRY THURSDAY MORNING •T S. miseitaaiennne threee et l+awaewa- 1 and 11. Wenn .rets. Oedeelek. Oaterte. Terme ar ei..ertretes t ppesee nestb, In •dveaee nest ha us• e year. 1 11 K 1N Loeb et vow Label. Tear label le • standing ruuelpt et the dere $. 'shier. von s.w psl.l up. f4.. tAwr 11 •• .at • !awed lo tall two sneer. When • Massa. of address . hath ti. cid sad the sew whines should be..hes. Adeenl.tes Sant Lewal sad other e•suelsilver .e.•t..es•s. lee per Rae for Ant I, •.•rtwr, end 1 neer. per Ilse W W each seinen. •1 Insertion. lt..iann•d by • Dente»• -a Ituelao.s rear •..,1 sI. I,Des and ..4.e $ • par fear, te or Lon. fru 1.0. Nt.syed MIssrtees ♦woe. / q I. p• tU.ated sad Hominess (7h-.,... W' •..A pts eivordleg 1 11..0 no.p•reil. el woe u,o the Hone.e e.,-^• e. 611.an to •tJerd11. •el ra•1 L p..ra:b eeoere1Inorah. 1. T.-• - Is ptuport.os. Any sonnet owl..., the obiret et orb 'Oh I. to promote n.s pe ..aur) bo•eat of say 401. voloel or Mtn,. •. ,o "...twittered an vl- vertl omelet earl c r.. r,ied w- - .144 ,y. Lo al sotbes in n...p idl,vow see char nrr word. so amino 1.w thee tee. Local potion le *Hiner, reeding type two caws per woad. No onto' for lees thea i4 None= far ohsrobee sod other religious sad besevrent institutions half rate, !luteerlber who fail to r.eNve TIED 81sp•L retrabrly by tall, w1U o •star s favor by ec• Vicer1 alar us of the tees et so early so date se Pebllaber'a settle. J. C. Le Towel, et (iodertoh. bee been ay pointed Local Travelling Agent ter the tows - Ships of Oedertoh. Colborn.. Ashland sad Ws .sea sb. Local postmen/vs over the 4.4st:tot are also empowered to reostve subscriptions to Tor Siert•L AL oommunle.tlona must be addressed to L MoOILLIOVDDY, Tun Resu•L. T.lepM.e Call fa. Godertch. Out eODERICU. THURSDAY. JULY A Me. HE 1S A STRONG MAN. THE strong man in Ontario today, so far as Dominion politics are concern- ed, is Sir RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. He it was who led the fight in the Pro- vince in 1891, and if our friends will take the trouble to examine the result in that contest and compare it with that of the recent election they will find that the liberal position after that election was, so far as Ontario is concerned, about as strong as it is to- day. When we take into consideration the difficulties that confronted Sir RICHARD and his fne.ds in 1891, and present them side by side with the conditions favorable to the Liberals which existed in 1896, the splendid fight put up in the former year be- comes more and more apparent, and the su.•ceseful leadership of the gallant Kingston knight stands out in bold relief. In 1891, the ('onservatite party, under the leadership of Sir Jou. MACtioNALD, was strongly entrenched and -veil fortified against the assaults of its opponents. It had the great prestige of it, greatest leader as an incentive to the loyalty of the rank and file ; " The Old Man, the Old policy, and the Old Flag," was the shibboleth in the fray, and the hearts of Conservatives from Halifax to Vancouver were inspired with the cry ; the franchise act had been per- fected so as to give best results in favor of the party in power ; the con- tractors and monopolists had conti dance that the leadership of Sir JOHN was a winning one, and gave readily of the sinews of war for the proem u tion of the campaign : there were no dissentious in the Cabinet, for there a Oue Man power was supreme ; the Liberal party was branded as dis- loyal, and the branding was accentu- ated by the publication of the RARNIM pamphlet, which, although n -t written in the interest of the Reformers, warn male to do strong service against them throughout the contest; the C. P.R. influence w. also openly in favor of the Government, and contributed not only a solid vote but, by free passes front end to end of the country, was a determining facto, in fully a score of oonatituencies in Ontario , Laymen, the great Liberal leader, had not had time to impress his grand personality upon the country, and wee looked upon as being young and untried in the art of political leader- ship. These and many other element, were against the Reform party on that eocasion,and yet the fight in On- tario which was pot up and led by Sir flonAiD CAarwatonT had magnifi- cent results, sod after the tight the record is favor d liberalism was practically as strong as it is today. At the recent election there were stone of the odds to fight in Ontario whish we have es nti..sd above, save and except the fr.schise set •ad its machinery, which was favorable to the Government The OW Chief had palmed away and be left la .eemear. Disaster aper dimmable W Mowed hie damlppeaeenee ; the Waded ex- powres of 1$91, the diagram a LmNwO, the driving from NAO. meet of men of the R ve ear sad Mo- OaasvT breed, the jailing of CONNOLLT and McGassvY, and the r.m.sJ.ties perpetrated in the con- struction of the Curran Bridge, the Tay Caaal and other political steals had time before the people ; the tra- gic death of Sir JONI THOMPsoa, the honest man amongst the active Cabi- net that Sir JOHN MACDONAI.D had I. ft, took away the last hope and anchor from the party, and it rapidly drifted on the rucks , the Administration be- came a place of cabals and conspira- cies, each member seeking to exalt !muesli and lower his fellow; the Mani- toba school question, which had been allowed to assume national propor- tions, rained • war of creed all over the land, which the Government en- deavored to work to their own ad vantage ; the head of the Cabinet was looked upon as an " imbecile" and be regarded sworn members of his Coen cif as " • nest of traitors :" distrust and disintegration was the portion of the once great Conservative party. And yet they -uanagel to pull through in Ontario as well as they had done in 1$91. All of which goes to prove that in Dominion politics the people of On- tario look upon Sir RICHARD CART- wRIaeT as its greet leader. He was second in the Cabinet to ALIXANDIR )MAeitrens, and today next to LAC - he is the strong personality in Dominion politics. His ability is un- questioned, his integrity cannot be impugned,snd, especially of late years by has shown that he possesses the best elements of statesmanship. Asa politician, on the American plan,there are ethers who surpass him, but as it statesman he stands alone in Ontario. In the past eighteen years Sir RICH- ARD has borne the brunt of Tory ridi- cule and vituperation,but his political integrity has been so perfect that he has turned every shaft that has been hurled at him by calumny and hate. He has been a grand fighter political- ly, and now, with added experience and his party is power,will be a tower of strength to Liberalism in Ontario. The monopolists in the cities with axes to grind may not take kindly to him, but the people in the country be- lieve that es Finance Minister in the LAI'atta Administration he will bean eminently safe and proper head of that most important department. WHY NOT CAMERON 7 A great deal is being said at the pre- sent time about the formation of Mr. LAcatzR's Cabinet, and many names are mentioned, good, bad and indiffer- ent. THIS SIGNAL is not making Cabinet, at this juncture, but we have as much right to bespeak a portfolio for a gcod man as any newspaper in the land has, and 1 ey are nearly all in full voice on the occasion. THE Slos♦L's candidate is M. C. CAtaRR. N, the hero of West. Huron. He is the oldest Liberal representative in the Commons today, having been first elected in 1867. He has always hal • close constituency, and has made greater sacrifice for the party and been more thoroughly beset by his opponent, than any other member of the party, if we except Sir RICHARD ('ARTWRIGHT. His political foresight and ability is of the highest order,and his years and activity are in hie favor. -For these reasons we claim that West Heron's representative has claims upon • portfolio in the new Cabinet which are inferior to few, and we hope to see the tiding which be has succeeded in making safe to Liberalism represented by a head of a department when the new Govern- ment is formed. SNAP SHOTS --Cabinet making has become a great industry no the 23rd et Jung West Huron is now the Grit hive is the Hares trees. South Hera takes mooned place, TI'PPRR and bis crowd are going to hold ea to the loaves and Sebes up to the feet mists, U potable. Nome of our Conservative oou- hore. ars +md.rble wry the signs of Im- provement are sot already visible Terror is rill is oleo. He has hoes ,sneaky t@Id le gut ma. bet be Is waiting to be kart out. -It is reported by The World that Leri Amami destines te s•n.M.0 the post meta apai.ttmels made by the Terra A L LLMM@s. The people will him Hie ii.asp.y r that le has desalts. -As we go to prom we learn that Hem w. I) sasiow,k Ilw.k . b Ms Vlblasme. Is llkaly es be prey ed be a pate In the Gibber. es Lha tetanias et /r Duvet her the Leena Admiierakm Mr. Rawer* b an eld a reale of Ms Rem. sad has bad beg aspartame. l Ltgaletive wart. 16 Ms made • Leer asespeshle Speaker. and there he way sew me le Masa that be w0 • wish as l& _hem, ..d basalt es the Pemba the headship of Me Dsprt...s waiob mow he sawed 1e Moe whe he b Mbar W the Gibbose. -No Otsssrvadvie aims holder who Me est hoes an ., eltsrw pentane " used fear dienimal w the hands el the ea Oeirerusees. bat Meas who have thews the eleven toot what the Terre were b poise, may es well head b their reties E. HURON OFFICIAL RETURNO. Ilayfi-Dopey ILO Yo4ill•s Hays No 1 22 67 Majorityfee Hays lis Rejecteballets. 1 : epithet! ballots. L Hay - No. 2-O. Sestets 56 40 No. 3-41. F. Arnold 103 90 No. 4-F. Soignee 77 69 No. 5 -Meese Gage. 28 7 N.. 6-J. C. RalblIelesh 74 16 N. 7-Jesepb Sall 47 36 3M 95fi Melonty for MoMillae196 Spoiled ballots, 23 ; rejoined, 45. Hullott- No. 8 -Wm. Rine .... 52 49 No. 9 - R M.Dole 87 39 No. 10-J. Morriss 40 40 No. 11 -Deo Riddell 62 28 No. 12 -Wm. MoCeel .. 25 32 N. 13-Ie.eo Baer .... 38 26 No. 14 -Wm. Patentee_ 49 23 353 237 Majority for Moldiness 116 Spoiled ballot, 8. McKillop - No. 15- Wm. Evac .... 42 41 No. 16-J. J. levies 13 64 No. 17-W. J. Shama . 31 56 No. 18-W. G, BmiM23 32 No. 19-R. Bailie 48 41 No. 20-J. C. Homan 27 50 No. 21-R. McElroy 4t 43 No. 22 -Joke Sara 38 46 263 361 Msjnrity for Hays 98 Spoiled ballot, 2 ; rejoined, 4. Settortb- No. 23 -John Reid . ..... 99 52 No. 24 -Adam Hays .... 60 81 No 25-T. Staph... 65 83 294 216 Maj why forMoMilla% 8 Rejected [allot,, 20. Star ley - No. 26-T. Lenard 1C2 51 No. 27-S. Moffat 48 89 No. 28-R. Pollock 15 68 Na. 29-A. Armrtrona .. 64 33 229 241 Majority ter Hays 12 Tucker.mitb - No. 30-G. A. Jaake's59 43 No 31 -Geo. Layton 83 19 No. 32 --Robb. Newall . 119 41 No 33-J. MoCley ... . 96 Si 366 156 Mrjority for McMillan 200 Spoiled ballots, 34. as0•PITf LATION. Hayfield H 384 258 Hallett . 363 237 MoKillop 263 361 Seaferth 224 216 Stanley 229 241 Tucker.mitb 366 156 ,1831 1526 Hay'. vote 1526 McllJl.'s majority. 306 Total vote cent 3367 Fanny Ting. gees Te Pre.. Perhaps the idea of .easing wooden nooks might seem ridiculous, but it's just whet some people in Germany are dont, and very nice *oohs they are too. The wood is re- duced to • loag milky fibre .d male into • yarn out of whioh the seeks we knit making • warmer mer. durable .d jest as soft pa- t -sotto. as woollen ores. la a simili•r way the per. 'preen fibre is made into the inter- lining called Fibre Chamois. which provide' for clotbing ea absolute pretestion against raw air and held wilds braes it ls • oom- pier nes eeadester of hast and sold, keep - bag out every breath et Bold. This tabrio bas also been made w•Mepr.of se that the rail' aver p'l's4ates it, and is so light in weight nisi inexpensive time • layer of it provides the easel earthen for •11 outdoor olotbi.g. DUNGANNON. Norton -TM real sgency b sen ter Tun asa.AL Is ei the edam odJ. Ward. J.P.. esevqusesr, ta, whip will receive or- ders ter advertising sad Job wort mal ts te give reoatpte tor stsoeate said tar same TUISDAT, July 7. Mies McPherson, of Ho sell, is viol ag here. Jobs Miley, of Dederick, gave us a pen- iae all on Moeday. Quite • saber et our citizens misbrand the Fins •t Gdsrleh, Lasksew and Port Albert. W. Morrow hes returned from Dederick, where he Ma been reaps/rating his health. oe Sunday. rsu wheat harrowing bus bsis Ugh The arra .re g [ ad s%nvenly matertsg. The trissds ei T. 8aueby will be pleased to hoar list he ausll recovering. en - seder bre ease of Dr. Meld &. An s-aM.r weesaiSrle, o.mpo.ed of two boars .ad • netmbor of arendaepaired ts pa through here no Oa* sg te the KZAML--Oa 8aesrd•y last the eds%s.s .d puha easel arta exambatbus were brought es a sleet We this the re.Ns will be made paktle aside of two weeks, and theee erM be may aerial hen pla.abg sit Tia Saw. Upwards .t six- ty writes at Duymusm. Doo.•aa -Mr. Lindsay, a radial of Latham Ise any yam did . Sunday at W residers@ In lwaksaw. Re wee • brethoran-low es CM. 4ilr.b, .., el Went Wwanesk. The dsant.d seesemhed ts the Asa e1 • e aesor le the fres. SL re - melee were Mimed is Me Dsm ons's am - ram es Tneedav, the NI. Imams est Porou*sew.-8bnt the • ol Oirermmsst W t@km pima. the @p%i@taou a4 Deramsae, b m the imam Or Reale& ter ig kW. Mus V,B.. Joke MAY, w punt.esd walk a W berrairag bey, ad es Mealy armies ear mew peeptilsior m the rabbi Mime. Me W m Maras te hb ktaily by the err al of . lee Mt.ig bey. 1`0 t °e ss S. Rutlaeesa, of tkb was etieseediel et the rasa mew w TAM, Usfve a ty. Ile shed amt la Me has. of rands. el the lard yraier RHEUMATISM'S VICTIMS ATTICS SPASMODIC 0FFORTI FOR A CIRI USUALLY OIVI UP. Twee If 051 MADICI$S THAT eAl cilia» reamP. •Rea 0Tnf$ ■rwensmm NAD r•11.D-• tales.» sorraaaa *DIA RIs eraaiu eV Dua••Tiei o1 Tile wee taa1VL IAA MDT. hap the Tresten Omar. Whir as immune sounding trame has eb.easM.ta..ad yet hew tarnute a reality to the 1 em's& trim 5.1.e with ts. Den- tate agree that rheneemism realm from pleas of and deposits i. the Deed. bet as to jest hew they me be rewired and wadi. - . ted, it wield seem that their knowledge Lila The n. •cel trenta-i M • lass series el medial. welsh wrier may give romp r my relief, but d. at sere, and Nen the patient ueasUv give up, Mashie( thee there IP Do ...bothe that will ere him. This i. • n 05k.. Rheumatism r not a nessasary evil, .red because one i. growing hid it r set 3Mperattve that sae should maps ram - sane as • natural amessery to acacias years. There i. • remedyfor rheumatism 4 . the general beat that .14at it cannot be cured- • remedy that has oared thou.&sds of the [Deet severe oases. A noted t&stettoe of the truth of this ae.attwo whtob b.e just owns to the knowledge of the editor of the Courier, is the case of Robert Feasaia, Keg., former- ly of Treason, now retired trent bean. u Rat Ost., and still reedtag rasa. He lies • victim of rainwater far over three years. Last winter be visited his triaods in Treatss and was then oos- templatleg a visit to the eo.tb is search of rebid from kit meows los. He bad to as • staff in waking and west at • slew paha 'lbw Christmas he was here 'Asia on • visit to his (needs. smart sad erect and without the sack or the sorrowful look of • year ago. His friend, and •.gaaintasoes all aeowt atm as • new men and 0ougratulate ria on his healthy, fresh and active •ppsar•soe in contrast with • year ago. He bee cheer- fully and rrstefally given the following statement of lou effort after • ours. 'My home is at Rat Portage, OoL, where for years I was se aged in bushman and where I still reside. For three years 1 have hese • wrest sufferer from rheumatism. I tried Several highly recommended remedies to 00 purpose, ea I continued to grow worse till it was difficult for me to walk. I was for thirteen weeks oosSned to my bed at hems and in the Winnipeg hospital. I was then induced to try the Mount Clement Springs. I took sir oour.es of baths of twenty-one barbs eaoh without any seeminaly b.oSotl result. i read of several oars in the Courier rom Dr. Williams' risk Pills for Pale People, a.1 friends who used than with benefit to therrelvse erred me to try them. I did eo sad after a share time I telt as im- pr.vement fte ay oenditio.. I have [.ten twelve boxes in all and my improvement as been continuous and a•gaf story, se that I seed the muse no longer end 1 have increased my weiabt from 140 peende to 175 by the use of Piok Pi11.. Ism met en- tirely tree from rheumatism but I w • new man, ose throned per oast better than I was • Year ago and I attribute my health te Dr. Willem' Pink Pills" Dr. Williams' Pink Pia strike at the root of the disease. driving it trout the system and restoring the patient so health and strength. In oases of paralysis, rbaumstiam erysipelas, ecrofalous troubles, etc., taw pills are superior to all other te.stsaent. Tay are also • specific for the trembles which make the lives of so MOOT woman • harden. and speedily restore the AM glow of health to pale and sallow .bake Men broke down by overwork, worry er ewes., will gat in Pink Pills • o.rMb ogre. Sold by •11 dealers or sent by mail postpaid, at 500. • bet, or six boles ter {2.50, by address- ing the Dr. Qt Mims' Medicine Oompaay, Brookville. Oat.. or Sohentady, N. Y. Beware of 1mitetio.a sad .ub.titut . alleged to be "just ea rood." New s.nda.o ter t%e Weave raw. The Western Fair is London, meat See_ [ember ie sure to take a leap forward in the n umber et exhibitors •md visitors, should Use weather prove as favorable for them se in the pent twenty -sem years. Tbe New Beildings, whittle have been emoted by the ottisems of Landes, are the beet me the oon- tineet for exbi*taos purposes, and will be a grad eight in themselves and worth a vis- it to the Fairs SOL. The seerebary, lithe is responsible for this ante., h.s had the pleasure of Seeing most of the primeipal Uwe ss-,ok .zbibitioa buildings of America, in - eluding the mat World's Fair at ,Caamag., sed he stat.. portively that .one of them will mai the new WSsUrm Fair baiid- 11ey are oo..treated ea the very host impread plane after areal apnoea. They ars without oarsman to the view, .0 hawks Smiler beam, plenty t, et .mel seasetally well arrested for and every .eensary sa.mmed&Msm sad semeaf..ee tor the annals al the axhib- itera Der renders will be .ale es arm some . light e.esepl ten of them buildings from the abbreviated desoriptloa rive below, The butlebeee b the tint pbes Corm the tone. . the weet, south ad east sides to the Qeme'. Park ee ExMblM.. Grounds - TM smile. sheep ted swim bnildiag b 736 Mm beg and 62 isae wade, with eve tewere, ad will knish apt, aeeem ooda- Men for say 1,600 a.k.a., the entire ess- ht beet viei►1e from the metre .t thio The inasidaery ad egrleelteral ball is 400 feet kap •.f 60 feet wide. farad wish Ham el Mafths te drive the m.eki.ery. It b built the same b.tth. p.mslinl be .d ad- joining the O.T.R. pl.lfesm, theragns me we.W withhwyy a.eki-- MMapTb. ~rimekilt le very i.e. 180 feet sad 60 Mt aim ed}eiaim the railway. sad rashest . elegies te.5-- emu* the view, -piesdid light` The beim rate le simpty imus ee, 1.100 bet bar, with tare. Int'. tewesa ti W tsar Sails. me side cad simple Midi. dews the othm Every nen W hem takes is the II4N, vestabtias sad osmforte of the eahhesw ra tab ambling. t5. pedlar b0Wiyl le the hem el the Mod, sad t-' -4 thr.a/h.us with light. aft wire amps, .11 siar, le snit the te- isdrdWoe dMams brads a poultry pora _ The deshimdrated ~ beg Med will imam beg -leas wen The Musa ttm W IY went with es pseuds, 40 s.lmals and 60 brae, will be thea1 Wase i tab ale ss Ham., a. ♦iat1, ehmak TM maim * imine at YRam Sash& em sale ... woe posoi t ra The nem of am itealbliles Iraillloso ere beteg ramdelled simaged OD am te beep Amara Ibe end morribleg thapiq 4 a w -- 0ui Dhr. A arty CODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE. on. the ATTRACTIONS orvi,k, ON 7VS.1"" 13TH win be The Bargains in Dry Goods AT ROBINSON'S CASH STORE Which will be radiant with good valves and sparkling with low prices. On the 13th For every $5 worth Purchased From us we will return The Price of Your Dinner, Robinson's will not be undersold by any store in the County. JAS. ROBINSON. Oorner Square and West St. Clash Store. quite • number of exhibitors have made ap- plication fur space. A t try fair out of the Grimed, and build wigs apposes is Ms prise list which hes jam arrived MAYFIELD, MONDAY, July 5. On Friday a party from Goderlob wheeled tato our berg to speed the day. It o. - mated of two ladies and two eeatlemeo, •ad tho.yh ooasg from .,er oeithboriag tow%. emus sae registered front • dtffereet point. Measly, Miss Rall, Goderwh : Ma Cook, Sway : Percy Sheppard, Toronto ; Harry 141:, Bretidos CARLOW. TrasD•y, JUDO 30. Colborse oonaml met m the township hall all the membees beim present. Minutes r Ws meeting read and signed The follow- ing chigoes were issued : Peter McEr.. lumber, $1 54 ; Robert Glen, repaint., oil. vert, $1 ; Jas. Gaan, work on beud•ry lanes, $3 : Emanuel Mito.all, repairing old - ver. 50o; Hamilta4 Mammies, b%ildin, oel- vert, $16,50 ; Carswell A Ca , Ontario G• - sets. S6 40 : Albert Smith. impieties, $2 50 ; *m. Carney, burying .beep, 50•, Ti.. eased then edjemrsed to meat Auilust 77th at 2 o'clock r. e. F. W. MCDoWAOR, oak. DUNLOP Mort.•y, July 6. Miss Bessie Gibeoo, of Dederioh, sejey.d our refreshing lake brass during lent wvek. The ether dosed oe Tussd•y of lass week, the teacher gag to tier home sear Seatorth. Miss Mtmw Stokes, of (noderlsr, wheel- ed our here tar • flying viat a Tuesday el 1•.t week. Mies Nellie Tobe ie eejoying her wheel holidays in visiting triads in Ooderich township. Miss Nellie Oka hes rearmed from • three weeks' visit to friend@ and relatives in .ed sear B.miar. LEESURN MONDAY, July 6. Mrs Jas. Cbisblm visited relatives at Stratford lass week. Mrs. Bares, of Toroato,wbo has bees tis g..et of Mr. ad Mrs. Foley. at Rosewood Farm, Ms returned home after a pleases; visit of several weeks, enjoying the lake breezes. Quite • number of the 8.8, workers and Mare in the German obureb sear Bssmill.r had a pleasant piesis at the lake sear bene. The yea folks enjoyed themselves with various sports, while the elders enjoyed a shat .rssug themselves about the FsMorbed. The Iran by Rev. Dr. Hamilton b aid et the 8.8 funds was sot largely attended, but them present enjoyed • treat. as be spoke of the may pl.oes of ems in Bible history that be had seen in hie travels le Pabstras, the feeling of awe that esemed te Gems over hiss se Mad his fellow-Ms/1M ao they were ..lent, seeing searing Jeru- salem, holy oily of Je- ple ground ad ie Its ✓ ube e.voria a spate 36 .ores. We raps to bear Ida a Me a the mine.bjzm. SANDUSKY, WINDSOR, Detroit and Sault Line. I.�savt.g (1!•edastyev.ry Y..w t(.a ear. Debet Osearrtwryr�i �arltla, s w . iy..dNtktet 8aalt. For rates and W ttera•ttsa salves. C. P. R or O. T. R Baran meats, or WM. LIB, Godorich. G. W. BROWN, Windsor, General Manager. atm VISITORS Should not fail to call on us and see our lines of III IIIDLIII0ll, IIJC1 GOODS, &c. &c. We will be pleased to see you and show our goods. THE FAIR. Wall ]Pill at Oat »!fiats. 0%"*Ci°*>1#3 -0% .40 t. METAL CEILINGS EAVETHROUGEHINGl All kind. of TIN, ARAN I 1 AND COPPERWARE REPAIRED. CANADIAN and AMERICAN COAL OIL Fell to &sure, heated up. sad ranaien over. W hSELL'S NEW FURNACE is fust tis this. for email be..o . Cell had Wee it at WORSELL & a Careful ani WUI Select hie goods oarsiu ly, have his Mira. mad. right, and pay the ragkt bbd of • pries for thaw. You may rem .eared whoa yes Sam year order with es year b- teroets will be earefelly pretested. No one shows as ea extensive a Ilse as we Ile, beautiful toeds,amd sold .t • figure that will sable you to save may. PRIDHABI TIE TAILOR. NOW OPEN The Balmoral Cafe The prettiest tied hes furnished Ibfr wed of Toronto At The H.Imss.I may be ebW.sd I0E8 et permit male tad Aims, by the dl.h m huosor, .ad the Mara, Miami, is Mess ceeerma w iii Me perm of beve neem The �o COlrMsa TIONS siva sotto ter Ma Purity. Flavor Mai ITRA. corpus sod LUNCHES sieved M al Hera pr - IA wwIlla enY,.n�. Lamb" .s.. Farah reran "4pno/ Ileaaosaima FRUITY of Na 1 manly Mayo 1. rink. WE8. J. J. WALBH. JAB. YATBB =rises `es sat► aablesea ► Wall Papers and Window Blinds r--si )•Dogs i /11yPPi L l'AXAS TA I$